Transplanting violets at home. Transplantation of violets at home Saintpaulia lunar calendar for august of the year

We have restrictions on inserting tables on our site. 1/3 of the site visitors use smartphones and tablets to visit the site, on which tables are simply not readable due to the small screen.

You can, of course, take a screenshot of the table, cut the table out of the screenshot, and paste it as a photo. Get something like this:

But the main information in the lunar calendar is best presented in the form of ordinary sentences and paragraphs, without tables.

Lunar calendar from Lyra

Do not be particularly guided by the option of filing the lunar calendar from Lyra. She is a PhD in Mathematics. And for them, for mathematicians, any forecasts need to be substantiated by applying source materials. Without justification, the lunar calendar is an empty phrase and it is not clear whether it is worth believing. Therefore, without any extra words, she takes the bull by the horns and paints suitable days for various agricultural works, and in support of them she attaches a table to them, on the basis of which she gave a forecast. It's just that mathematicians have such a style, they can't stand the "water" in the text.

But 99% of the lunar calendars I have seen on women's sites are given without any justification, but in very colorful terms. This is quite normal and I have never read that any of the women using such lunar calendars asked the compilers to provide justification for the calculations.

Therefore, you may well give your lunar calendar without any tabular justification. Usually the whole month is divided into periods from 1 to 3 days, within which the astrological situation does not change much (one zodiac sign with the moon phase unchanged). Under each such period, one or more paragraphs are assigned, which describe which operations are recommended in this period, which are not. Often, for each period, the signs of the Zodiac and the phase of the moon are indicated so that they do not think that the calendar is taken from the ceiling.

It turns out something like this:

24 (from 6:37 Moscow time), 25 , 26 (until 19:13 Moscow time) - the waning Moon in the sign of Cancer.

Any event with violets is possible: planting seeds, transplanting adult violets, starters, planting and separating children, rooting cuttings, forming a rosette, rejuvenating violets, pest control.

Violets growing in daylight, after the activities carried out, need additional lighting, a window sill and a temperature of at least 20 degrees.

26 (after 19:13 Moscow time) 27 , 28 , 29 (until 2:42 Moscow time) - the waning Moon in the sign of Leo.

Refrain from any violet care activities, including watering.

In emergency cases, pest control is possible.

29 (after 2:42 Moscow time), 30 , 31 (until 11:21 Moscow time) - the waning Moon in the sign of Virgo.

Experienced violet growers and those who these days will be very tuned in to events with violets can not deny themselves and violets this.

Choosing the Right Format

Which version of the lunar calendar is better - I confess, I do not know.

As a computer programmer, Lyra's style is closer to me. She has all the essential information very tightly packed and visible at a glance. At the same time, if you wish, you can easily check where she got her forecast from. It's not like I check Lira's spreadsheet every time. But regularly, one of the experts-compilers of the lunar calendar is not lazy and checks the table with Lyra's constructions in search of possible errors. There is no doubt that if there were something wrong in her calculations, it would have been publicly pointed out long ago. But since Lyra has been publishing a lunar calendar with substantiating tables for years already, and so far no one has pointed out errors in her calculations, this means that the violet community accepts her calendar and method of construction as correct. So I believe in the Lirin calendar.

But on women's sites, it is quite possible that people will be happy with the presentation of the lunar calendar in an unproven style, but with long and beautifully painted texts. According to my observations, for many violets, no evidence is needed at all, if only there were some numbers in the lunar calendar that you can rely on and a nice text that describes what you can and cannot do on the days indicated by the numbers. And for the belief in the "correctness" of care according to the lunar calendar, they will not get up.

So do as you see fit. As a violet lady, you know better which form of filing the lunar calendar will be more convenient for our community.

It is known that among the Signs of the Zodiac there are fertile and infertile. FISH is considered one of the most fertile signs, but, according to my observations, pelargonium cuttings and violet leaves planted at this time easily rot from the slightest overflow. If I plant at this time, I try to water very carefully or not water at all, but lightly spray and place in a greenhouse, water in a day or two, when the sign changes.

The most successful, in my opinion, landings are in TAURUS. I have been doing planned cuttings of royal pelargoniums only in TAURUS for a long time. Roots appear after about 10 days (provided, of course, that there are no gross errors in agricultural technology). Especially good results are obtained if TAURUS falls before the FULL MOON. Even the most difficult-to-root plants in this period take root in me most safely, I tried it on diplodia and bougainvillea.

If you need to sow seeds, RAK is best suited for this, tested on adeniums and own seeds of zonal pelargoniums. I consider the days of AQUARIUS and NEW MOON to be the most unfortunate for landings. I try not to plant anything at this time. For the most part, this turns out to be in vain, the cuttings, if they take root, then the children from them grow slowly and do not withstand accidental overflow, they easily rot. For the sake of experiment, I planted in AQUARIUS several selected leaves of my favorite variety of violet Blue Dragon. At first they all seemed to be rooted, but only one baby lived to bloom, and it turned out to be a "sport" with curly leaves and darker flowers with green fringe, not a bad option, but this is not Blue Dragon.

As for dressings, I try to follow a simple rule: on the waning moon, when energy moves to the roots, organic fertilizers in the form of root dressings are better absorbed; on the growing moon, when the stems and leaves are saturated with energy, the plant will benefit more from mineral supplements, especially in the form of spraying on the leaves.

In general, the lunar calendar, in relation to plants, is a useful thing, this knowledge should not be neglected, but it should also be applied reasonably, without fanaticism, based on common sense. If, for example, you inadvertently dried a plant, you need to save it immediately, without waiting for a sign that is especially favorable for watering. It is also very important when dealing with flowers own mood. If you are annoyed, angry or in a bad mood, you should not approach the plant "with a knife" to plant cuttings. It is better to just admire the flowering and restore peace of mind. And when there is harmony in the soul, then with pleasure for work.

Caring for flowers depending on the phase of the moon.

Moon phaseCareWaxing CrescentAll the juices of the plant flow more actively upward, from the roots to the leaves. Favorable mineral top dressing, planting, transplanting, grafting, sowing seedsFull moonPlanting and transplanting plants are unfavorable. 6 hours before and after the full moon do not carry out any work with plants.Waning moonPlant juices flow more actively from top to bottom, i.e. roots develop more actively. Therefore, they cannot be damaged. Watering, application of organic fertilizers, transplantation of plants with a weakened root system are favorable.New moonThe unfavorable period is 1-2 days before and after the new moon.

Caring for flowers depending on the signs of the zodiac.

Zodiac signCharacteristicactive part of the plantCareAriesdry infertileFruitPruning, watering, transplanting violets is not recommended. Plants can be treated for pests.Tauruswet fertileRootsFavorable rooting of leaf cuttings, seating of violet babies, transplantation of adult violets, top dressing, planting, rejuvenation and watering. You can process violets from pests.TwinsDry infertile (except for ampelous)flowersAll work with ampelous and variegated violets is favorable: planting, rooting cuttings. Treatment of pests of all plants. Watering is not recommended.Cancerstrong fertileLeavesRooting cuttings, planting violets, watering, fertilizing, sowing seeds, rejuvenating violets, planting and transplanting (only non-ampel violets).a liondry infertileFruitWatering, pruning, rooting, planting and transplanting are unfavorable. You can process violets from pests.VirgoWet semi-fertileRootsTransplantation of adult violets, rejuvenation of violets, watering, top dressing, pest control. We plant the children from the leaves. Planting seeds and leaves is not recommended.Scalesstrong fertileflowersRejuvenation, planting and transplanting. Rooting leaf cuttings. Planting violets babies from a leaf. Compilation of land and landless mixtures for violets. Formation of beautiful rosettes of violets. Watering is not recommended.Scorpionwet fertileLeavesWatering, organic fertilizers, planting and transplanting, pest control.Sagittariusdry infertileFruitWatering, planting and transplanting is undesirable. Can be treated for pests.CapricornDry semi-fertileRootsRejuvenation, fertilization. A favorable period for transplanting plants with a weakened root system.AquariusInfertileflowersPlantings are unsuccessful, so it is better to do selection (there is a chance to get plants of an interesting shape or color)Fishstrong fertileLeavesWatering and organic top dressing are recommended, but in limited quantities, because. during this period, it is easy to provoke the development of rot and fungal diseases. You can root leaves, plant children from a leaf, transplant and rejuvenate adult violets. The main thing is not to flood the plants.

Violet is considered one of the most unpretentious indoor plants: it is undemanding to care, it reproduces very easily, blooms beautifully and profusely. But, like any other flower growing at home in pots and flowerpots, the violet should be replanted periodically.

In these plants, the root system grows over time, which becomes crowded in a flowerpot, the required level of acidity decreases in the soil. The soil begins to cake, and also loses almost all nutrients.

So that these beautiful flowers do not lose their attractiveness and continue to bloom actively, Saintpaulias should be regularly transplanted into larger pots, as well as replacing the soil mixture.

The first sign that the plant should be repotted is the appearance of a white coating on the surface of the soil in a pot. This plaque signals: oxygen has become poorly supplied to the soil, and too many macro and microelements have accumulated in the soil itself. Another sign of the need to transplant Saintpaulia is the complete weaving of the root system of an earthen coma.

But before transplanting this flower, you should prepare a new soil mixture and a larger pot.


For ordinary violets, you can not prepare a special substrate, they are undemanding to the composition of the soil. But the varietal varieties of Saintpaulia require a special mixture, which should be purchased at a specialized store. However, a similar substrate can be made independently. To do this, mix:

  • two parts of sod land;
  • one part of sand;
  • one part of humus;
  • ½ part of turf.

In addition, 30 g of phosphate fertilizer and a teaspoon of bone meal should be added to this mixture.

The resulting mixture should be sufficiently loose, and the pH should be slightly acidic.

Before transplanting, water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

The pot for transplanting this flower should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. In a pot that is too large, the violet will not bloom until the root system has covered almost the entire earthen ball.

If the container for transplanting a flower is new, then it should be washed first. Pots that have already been used before must be cleaned of salt deposits, and also rinsed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (for disinfection).

It is better to choose a plastic pot for violets - ceramic containers release moisture too quickly.

The flowerpot must necessarily have drainage holes, and any drainage material should be laid on the bottom (expanded clay is best). If young violets are planted in plastic containers (or cups), then the thickness of expanded clay (or other drainage) should be such as to compensate for its height.

It is the drainage that will more actively remove excess moisture from the pots, because the root system of violets does not tolerate excessive soil moisture and may begin to rot.

It is usually better to transplant these flowers in early spring, when the plant is just beginning to “wake up” after dormancy. Saintpaulia is moved from one container to another by transshipment, having previously introduced a sufficient amount of water into the soil. In this case, the root system of violets practically does not suffer. When transplanting, you can simultaneously rejuvenate the flower by cutting off old roots and too large foliage.

Is it possible in autumn

Experienced flower growers say that these indoor plants can be transplanted not only in spring, but also at other times of the year. Only in autumn or winter, you need to take care of additional lighting for these flowers - otherwise, after transplantation, they will hurt for too long.

  1. In the period from new moon to full moon (in the phase of the growing moon), you can transplant saintpaulias into new pots (but carefully monitor their further growth), as well as plant new violets. Moreover, all these indoor plants require enhanced watering these days.
  2. In the phase of the waning moon, these flowers actively develop violet roots. Also during this period, you can safely transplant and plant saintpaulias, because during the aging moon, these plants will definitely take root. But these flowering perennials should be watered less. But if in the 3rd and 4th phases of the moon you apply fertilizing for violets, then in the future these bushes will actively grow and bloom profusely.
  3. But (according to the lunar calendar) there are days when it is absolutely impossible to transplant these perennial bushes - on the New Moon and the Full Moon. Most often, perennials transplanted these days will grow frail or not take root at all.

When transplanting saintpaulias, they usually change not only the flowerpot, but the entire soil. Before transplanting, you should prepare:

  • a new container for planting a flower;
  • buy a nutrient mixture for flowering indoor perennials (or make it yourself);
  • prepare the violet for transplanting;
  • transplant a plant;
  • take care of him until the acclimatization process is over.

Step-by-step transplantation of Saintpaulia includes:

  1. The transplanted flower is watered so that the earthen ball is moist, but does not stain the foliage and hands when transplanted.
  2. Wicks are usually pulled through the drainage hole, and covered with moss on top so that the soil does not clog them.
  3. The first layer, which is laid out on the bottom of the container, is vermiculite. The thin roots of violets will calmly pass through it, filling the earthen lump. The next layer is clay shards or expanded clay, which will let water through.
  4. The next layer is a nutrient soil mixture, on which the plant is placed, gently spreading the root system over its surface. From above, a little earth is poured, lightly tamped with a pencil and shaken periodically.
  5. A layer of soil is poured over the root neck of the flower, leaving it on the surface. Then the flower is watered. At the same time, the earth sags slightly, compacting around the roots. If the roots are slightly bare, the soil should be topped up without falling asleep at the root neck.
  6. The pot should then be shaken slightly to make sure. That the violet does not fall on its side. From above, vermiculite is usually poured with a layer of a couple of centimeters as a mulching material.
  7. From above, the flower is covered with a plastic bag so that it takes root better and faster. The next watering should be carried out after the plant takes root.

After this flowering perennial was brought home, you should carefully examine it, remove all drying and rotting foliage, all flowering buds and drying flower stalks. It is also better to remove all the buds so that the plant can easily endure the process of transplantation and further acclimatization.

In the first days after the plant was brought into the apartment, it is usually not watered - you need to wait for the soil in the pot to dry out sufficiently.

Saintpaulias grown in the Netherlands, Germany and a number of other European countries are sold in specialized stores. These plants are exported in pots filled with a peat mixture, which is watered with a nutrient solution, since such soil itself does not contain a large amount of minerals. Therefore, after the violets are brought from the store, these perennials need an urgent transplant, otherwise they will simply die without nutrients.

Saintpaulia grown in a greenhouse is best transplanted immediately after it was brought into the house. Usually, in the soil in which these perennials grew in greenhouse conditions, they were heavily fed with fertilizers so that they would begin to bloom sooner.

At home, it is better to prepare another nutrient mixture in which this lovely perennial will grow: you should mix high-moor peat and any baking powder such as vermiculite. Such soil will be quite loose, as well as moderately acidic - it is this type of soil that is suitable for growing saintpaulias.

After transplantation, the flower is covered with polyethylene for several days to create the effect of a greenhouse. After 1-1.5 weeks it is removed.

And if Saintpaulia was bought from friends or those who breed them, then immediate transplantation is not required. A young plant should also not be in a hurry to replant, let its roots practically braid the ground in a cup.

Usually, none of the indoor plants are transplanted during flowering, giving them the opportunity to bloom calmly. And if violets bloom, it means that they have enough nutrients, and the root system has not grown too much. And only after the last buds fall, you can move the Saintpaulia to a more spacious flowerpot. And if you transplant this flower at a time when buds begin to appear, then the plant stops flowering for the time it takes root in a new flowerpot.

But if the soil in the pot turns sour, or “harmful” bugs attacked the plant, then there is no time to think about whether it is possible to replant the violet during flowering - you should save the flower. But during the flowering period, violets should be transferred from flowerpot to flowerpot in order to damage the roots as little as possible. And before transplanting, you need to cut off all the flowers and buds so that the Saintpaulia has more strength to root in a new pot.

Transplanting houseplants is not too difficult and has to be done regularly as the perennials grow and their roots fill the pot and start to crawl out through the drainage holes (or up into the foliage). Moreover, how carefully this event is carried out depends on how long this flower will then take root in a new pot.

Autumn transplant of violets: video

Therefore, it is necessary to transplant indoor flowers in strictly defined terms and according to all the rules. In this case, the plant will quickly recover, grow well and will delight with its active abundant flowering.

If you want to be guided by the Lunar calendar in your work, growing flowers at home, then you should consider the following points:

New moon. Lasts about 3 days. During this period, all the forces of plants are concentrated in the roots and rhizomes. Therefore, planting of plants and crops, their transplantation and grafting are not recommended. But this time is favorable for the fight against weeds, pests and diseases. But these works can be carried out only on the first and third days of the new moon, and it is better not to touch the plants on the new moon itself.

Waxing Crescent. With the beginning of the growth of the moon, the juices of plants rush from the bottom up. All leaves, branches and shoots of plants are saturated with energy. This is a favorable time for planting, vaccinations. It is especially good to plant greens and vegetables that bear fruit.

Full moon. Last about 3 days. At this time, all the power of plants is concentrated in the ground part, and the viability of the root system is reduced. It is better not to plant and transplant 12 hours before the moment of the full moon and within 12 hours after it. Grafting, pinning and pruning are not recommended. You can weed, thin out, mulch, collect seeds, destroy pests.

Waning moon. All plant juices move towards the roots. At this time it is good to sow, plant and divide. Cuttings, fertilization and watering are recommended.

Rising Moon(not to be confused with growing) regardless of the phase, it happens in the signs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini. This period is favorable for the development of the aerial parts of plants. It is especially good to collect vegetables, berries and herbs.

Descending Moon(not to be confused with waning) is in the signs: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. When the moon descends, the juices of plants rush down and contribute to the development of roots. A good time for planting and harvesting root crops on the waning moon.

Male signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius are considered barren. What is sown and planted at this time gives a poor harvest. But you can harvest.

Feminine fertile signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. What is sown and planted at this time grows better, takes root faster and gives a higher yield.

If the phase of the moon prescribes to do one thing, and the sign of the Zodiac - another, preference is given to recommendations for the sign, especially in the first 12 hours. The rest of the time they do as they please.

Use common sense more often. The moon is the moon, but first of all, do those works that meet the requirements of agricultural technology, the condition of plants and the weather. Do not forget that the moon moves like clockwork, and the weather is changeable.


Entry time Recommendations
1, 2 (until 04:25) July 2019 - waning moon in Gemini
2 (from 04:25) July 2019 - waning moon in Cancer

July 2 (22:17) 2019 - NEW MOON in Cancer, SOLAR ECLIPSE.
± 1day. An unfavorable day for any work. Nothing to sow or plant. Take care of watering and feeding plants.

3, 4 (until 06:20) July 2019 - the growing Moon in Cancer
Rooting cuttings, planting violets, watering, fertilizing, sowing seeds, rejuvenating violets, planting and transplanting (only non-ampel violets).
4 (from 06:20), 5, 6 (until 07:26) July 2019 - waxing Moon in Leo

July 6 (from 07:26), 7, 8 (until 09:08) July 2019 - the growing Moon in Virgo
Watering, pruning, rooting, planting and transplanting are unfavorable. You can process violets from pests.
July 8 (from 09:08), 9, 10 (until 12:30) July 2019 - waxing Moon in Libra
Rejuvenation, planting and transplanting. Rooting leaf cuttings. Planting violets babies from a leaf. Compilation of land and landless mixtures for violets. Formation of beautiful rosettes of violets. Watering is not recommended.
July 10 (from 12:30), 11, 12 (until 18:06) July 2019 - the growing Moon in Scorpio Watering, organic fertilizers, planting and transplanting, pest control.
July 12 (from 18:06), 13, 14, 15 (until 02:06) July 2019 - the growing Moon in Sagittarius
Watering, planting and transplanting is undesirable. Can be treated for pests.
15 (from 02:06), July 16, 2019 - the growing Moon in Capricorn
July 17 (00:39) 2019 - FULL MOON in Capricorn, LUNAR ECLIPSE
±6 hours, planting and replanting are not favorable. 6 hours before and after the full moon do not carry out any work with plants.
17 (until 12:20) July 2019 - waning moon in Capricorn
Rejuvenation, fertilization. A favorable period for transplanting plants with a weakened root system.
July 17 (from 12:20), 18, 19, 20 (until 00:20) July 2019 - waning Moon in Aquarius
Plantings are unsuccessful, so it is better to do selection (there is a chance to get plants of an interesting shape or color).
July 20 (from 00:20), 21, 22 (until 13:03) July 2019 - waning Moon in Pisces
Watering and organic top dressing are recommended, but in limited quantities, because. during this period, it is easy to provoke the development of rot and fungal diseases. You can root leaves, plant children from a leaf, transplant and rejuvenate adult violets. The main thing is not to flood the plants.

22 (from 13:03), 23, 24, 25 (until 00:43) July 2019 - waning Moon in Aries
Pruning, watering, transplanting and planting violets is not recommended. Plants can be treated for pests.
July 25 (from 00:43), 26, 27 (until 09:30) July 2019 - waning Moon in Taurus
Favorable rooting of leaf cuttings, seating of violet babies, transplantation of adult violets, top dressing, planting, rejuvenation and watering. You can process violets from pests.
July 27 (from 09:30), 28, 29 (until 14:32) July 2019 - waning moon in Gemini
All work with ampelous and variegated violets is favorable: planting, rooting cuttings. Treatment of pests of all plants. Watering is not recommended.
29 (from 14:32), 30, 31 (until 16:19) July 2019 - waning moon in Cancer
Rooting cuttings, planting violets, watering, fertilizing, sowing seeds, rejuvenating violets, planting and transplanting (only non-ampel violets).
31 (from 16:19) July 2019 - waning moon in Leo
Watering, pruning, rooting, planting and transplanting are unfavorable. You can process violets from pests.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that the moon affects plants and revealed the following patterns:

Moon phase Care
Waxing CrescentAll the juices of the plant flow more actively upward, from the roots to the leaves. Favorable mineral top dressing, planting, transplanting, grafting, sowing seeds
Full moonPlanting and transplanting plants are unfavorable. 6 hours before and after the full moon do not carry out any work with plants.
Waning moonPlant juices flow more actively from the bottom up, i.e. roots develop more actively. Therefore, they cannot be damaged. Watering, application of organic fertilizers, transplantation of plants with a weakened root system are favorable.
New moonThe unfavorable period is 1-2 days before and after the new moon.
Zodiac sign Characteristic active part of the plant Care
ARIESInfertileFruitPruning and watering not recommended
CALFsemi fertileRootsTransplanting, top dressing, planting, rejuvenation and watering
TWINSInfertileflowersPlanting ampelous
CANCERFertileLeavesWatering, fertilizing, sowing seeds, planting and transplanting (only non-ampel violets)
A LIONInfertileFruitWatering is unfavorable
VIRGOsemi fertileRootsPlanting, transplanting, watering, fertilizing
SCALESFertileflowersRejuvenation, planting and transplantation
SCORPIONFertileLeavesWatering, organic fertilizers, planting and transplanting
SAGITTARIUSsemi fertileFruitWatering is undesirable
CAPRICORNsemi fertileRootsRejuvenation, fertilization. A favorable period for transplanting plants with a weakened root system.
AQUARIUSInfertileflowersPlantings are unsuccessful, so it is better to do selection (there is a chance to get plants of an interesting shape or color)
FISHmost fertileLeavesWatering and organic top dressing are recommended, but in limited quantities, because. during this period, it is easy to provoke the development of rot and fungal diseases.
  • If the Moon is in a barren sign, and there is time for care, then you can loosen the soil and fight pests.
  • If the recommendations for the zodiac sign contradict the phase of the moon, then the sign is preferred. Urgent care measures are best done on the last day of the Moon's stay in the sign.

Caring for violets depending on the sign of the zodiac and the phase of the moon (from long-term observations of Irina Kashina)

It is known that among the signs of the zodiac there are fertile and infertile. Although FISH is considered the most fertile sign, according to my observations, pelargonium cuttings and violet leaves planted at this time easily rot from the slightest overflow. If I plant at this time, I try to water very carefully or not water at all, but lightly spray and place in a greenhouse, water in a day or two, when the sign changes. The most successful, in my opinion, landings are in TAURUS, although this sign is considered semi-fertile. I have been doing planned cuttings of royal pelargoniums only in TAURUS for a long time. Roots appear after about 10 days (provided, of course, that there are no gross errors in agricultural technology). Especially good results are obtained if TAURUS falls before the FULL MOON. Even the most difficult-to-root plants in this period take root in me most safely, I tried it on diplodia and bougainvillea. If you need to sow seeds, RAK is best suited for this, tested on adeniums and own seeds of zonal pelargoniums. I consider the days of AQUARIUS and NEW MOON to be the most unfortunate for landings. I try not to plant anything at this time. For the most part, this turns out to be in vain, the cuttings, if they take root, then the children from them grow slowly and do not withstand accidental overflow, they easily rot. For the sake of experiment, I planted in AQUARIUS several selected leaves of my favorite variety of violet Blue Dragon. At first they all seemed to be rooted, but the end result was that only one baby lived to bloom, and it turned out to be a sport with curly leaves and darker flowers with a green fringe, not a bad option, but this is not Blue Dragon.
Concerning top dressing I try to follow a simple rule: on the waning moon when the energy moves to the roots, are better absorbed organic fertilizers in the form of root dressings; on waxing moon when the stems and leaves are saturated with energy, the plant will get more benefit from mineral dressings, especially in the form of spraying on the leaves.
In general, the lunar calendar, in relation to plants, is a useful thing, this knowledge should not be neglected, but it should also be applied reasonably, without fanaticism, based on common sense. If, for example, you inadvertently dried a plant, you need to save it immediately, without waiting for a sign that is especially favorable for watering. It is also very important when communicating with flowers. own mood. If you are annoyed, angry or in a bad mood, you should not approach the plant "with a knife" to plant cuttings. It is better to just admire the flowering and restore peace of mind. And when there is harmony in the soul, then with pleasure for work.