Military pensions are expected to increase this year. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

Why is everyone interested in pensions for military pensioners in 2017, all the latest news from the State Duma, indexation? After all, a lot changes in the country every year. Foreign policy, then domestic policy, big projects and construction begin and end. Russia is developing, why do people regularly update news about?

Indexation, 2017

The authorities announced that the cancellation of 2016 was temporary and the arrival of 2017 confirmed this.
On February 1, the first indexation for pensioners already took place, amounting to 5.4%, confirming the statements made back on January 3, 2017, made by I. Sinevsky.

However, many military pensioners soon became indignant, because instead of the 5.4% promised, they received only a 4% increase, which was an extremely unexpected surprise. Questions remain for the authorities responsible for this, because the reasons for this discrepancy between promises and reality are unknown. Whether it was a simple mistake or something else is still unclear. Pensioners also noted the lack of certain benefits prescribed by law.

Military personnel do not yet know whether pensions will be increased in the future or whether indexation will continue. The authorities are making optimistic statements: the budget for 2017 has already been approved and pensioners will receive all payments in full. Moreover, even working pensioners will receive an increase, although indexation for their payments was canceled earlier. This may not be the last good news about the promotion.

Discussion of pensions

A few years ago, a special law was adopted according to which pensions were automatically indexed annually. This made pensioners happy, because prices also rise every year, and the cost of tariffs for the same gas, electricity, and water increases. Food and clothing are becoming more expensive. Pensioners are a particularly vulnerable group of the population, because their main income is government payments. Of course, there are rich retirees who have built their own business and now, having transferred control to their sons or grandsons, live quietly on the interest on their income, being the owners of shares.

Others are happy under the care of a family - children and grandchildren are cared for and supported by their parents. This is right and good, because they raised and educated, having spent a lot of effort, now they can get a well-deserved rest. However, there are also thousands of lonely old people living in the country who are forced to provide for themselves. Others also support their families with their pensions and help their relatives. Some pensioners have chosen to live independently, deciding not to burden their grown children; let them build their relationships without interference. They live well on their own.

It doesn’t matter what the circumstances of retirees are, because they have worked tirelessly for many years, especially military retirees. They selflessly served for the good, defense and well-being of the Motherland. Their work is considered especially difficult and sometimes dangerous, so the circumstances of retirement for military personnel are different:

Length of service - if the years of service are 20 years or more, then you can resign, the person will be considered a full-fledged military pensioner with all the benefits that are due, even if his age is not yet old.

What changes in military pensions in 2017 and earlier forced people to pay closer attention to the news?

Last year, in 2016, the decree on annual mandatory indexation was violated and instead of increasing their pensions, people received a one-time payment (5,000 rubles). This was explained by the difficult situation in the country's economy; expenses were cut. Therefore, there were layoffs among civil servants, some had their salaries cut, and some projects were frozen. A year has passed and now there are new rumors that indexation will be completely abolished, as happened with the pensions of working pensioners.

Working pensioners are people who have already reached old age and retired from their main job. However, after this they found another job and, having officially settled down, receive a monthly salary. According to the government, this group of active pensioners is considered more prosperous when compared with ordinary pensioners who are on vacation and have no other source of permanent income.

Therefore, their pension size is smaller and indexation for it was cancelled. However, when such pensioners finish working and finally retire, they will move to another category, ordinary pensioners, and payments will increase accordingly, indexation will appear.

Another news soon became an increase in the recognized retirement age for both sexes (this applied to civilians, because they are considered pensioners only after reaching certain years). How can this apply to military pensioners if they have different conditions for receiving the same pension? Well, when a military man, already retired himself, reaches retirement age, he registers as a pensioner, receives his account and accumulates points like other pensioners. Then he will be considered both a military man and an ordinary pensioner.

Benefits for military retirees

The excitement is also caused by the interest of future retirees. After all, every person at some point thinks about the future, especially about old age. Mature people building a career monitor the increase or decrease in benefits and pensions, especially military ones. When and by how much will the military pension be indexed, will the benefits provided be reduced?

There has been a large amount of news related to pensions recently. This does not happen in a vacuum. The fact is that Russians are showing increased interest in what will happen to pensions in our country in the foreseeable future. In particular, they want to know how the authorities will support pensioners during the crisis.

In the current difficult economic realities, running too far ahead in terms of predicting the situation is an ignoble task. Even the authorities are now getting off with general formulations so as not to upset the population. Thus, a layer of misunderstanding is growing among citizens, which often results in angry opuses.

We will try to tell in detail in a fresh article about how the pension system will be modified in 2017. We will touch upon the most diverse categories of pensioners.

Increasing pensions in 2017 for workers and non-workers: news for today

At this point in time, we can confidently state that this year there will be several indexations of pensions for different segments of the population. A little more than 700 billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes. The corresponding data was provided by the head of government Dmitry Medvedev.

According to the head of government, the increase in insurance pensions from February 1, 2017 will be 5.4%, that is, indexation will be carried out to the level of actual inflation in 2016. “A number of social guarantees will also be indexed, also on February 1. These are benefits, payments, compensations that are provided for by federal laws. Including payments to veterans, disabled people, various payments and compensations to Chernobyl victims, family members of deceased military personnel and some other categories of citizens,” the Russian Prime Minister noted.

Let us recall that from January 1, 2015, pension indexation is carried out in accordance with the new procedure - through indexation of the value of the pension coefficient and fixed payment. The cost of the individual pension coefficient (pension point), taking into account which insurance pensions are assigned, will be 78.28 rubles (before February 1, 2017, its amount was 74.27 rubles).

Together with the insurance pension, the fixed payment (analogous to the basic part of the pension) will increase by 5.4% and will amount to 4,805 rubles 11 kopecks for recipients of an old-age insurance pension on a general basis and 9,610 rubles 22 kopecks will become a fixed payment in an increased amount for citizens who have reached 80 years of age, and disabled people of group 1.

At the same time, from February 1, the cost of a set of social services will increase and amount to 1,048 rubles 97 kopecks. The set of social services includes: provision of necessary drugs for medical use according to prescriptions for drugs, provision of vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment if there are medical indications, free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport to the place of treatment and back.

Military pensions: when and how much will they be indexed?

From January 1, 2017, military pensions were supposed to increase. The percentage is small, while since February 1, indexation took place on a general basis, as reported above. Previously, it was assumed that the increase in pensions for retirees would take place in two stages: January 1 and October 1, 2017. Pension payments to military pensioners were supposed to be commensurate with the salaries of active military personnel (officers), but due to the crisis they decided to save money. That is, there will be an increase, but to what extent is unclear.

At the same time, officials hope that if pensions are increased, as originally planned, the state will not put such a burden on the budget. “The treasury simply cannot stand it if we now agree to increase pensions for at least some categories of citizens. We need to understand this and adapt to the new realities of life,” said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

The head of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, previously emphasized the importance of maintaining all obligations to military pensioners, because “we are obliged to support our defenders of the Motherland in everything.” He clarified that the country will definitely index government payments, but did not provide details about the volume of these injections. At the same time, he warned his colleagues to avoid making too loud statements on this matter, so that pensioners would not be disappointed in the future.

“We must not allow populist slogans to cloud our reason. There are problems with investment and production growth in the country, and they are obvious to every sane person. It is unlikely that we will be able to compensate social payments in full, so we should not make unrealistic promises. Even if we manage to index state benefits for retirees at last year’s level, this will be a great success,” the head of state noted.

If we talk in general about the future of our country’s pension system, it is extremely vague. The authorities still do not know how pensions will be indexed after the April increase and by how much.

Military pensions will increase, but “will not be indexed.”

The indexation of military pay will be frozen again for a year.

The State Duma adopted in the first reading a draft law changing the amount of pensions for military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, fire service, drug control, the penal system and the national guard.

The bill proposes that from February 1, 2017, the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions in accordance with Article 43 of Law No. 4468-I should be set within 72.23% of the amount of this monetary allowance (instead of the currently valid 69.45%).

The amount of monetary allowance provided for by the bill is 2.78 percentage points more than in 2016. This will increase military pensions by 4%.

Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Leonid Gornin, speaking before the deputies, noted that after the adoption of the norm, the average pension for the military will increase and amount to 24 thousand rubles, the press service of the State Duma reports.

However, in its conclusion on the bill, the State Duma Committee on Defense drew attention to the fact that the adopted law does not take into account the requirements of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 604 “On further improvement of military service in the Russian Federation.” We are talking about the order of the head of state to annually increase military pensions by at least 2% above the inflation rate.

The forecasted official inflation for 2016 will be 4%. This means that in 2017 it was necessary to establish an amount of monetary allowance that would increase military pensions by 6%, that is, within 73.62% of the amount of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating pensions.

Increasing pensions for military pensioners

To what extent does the increase in pensions for military pensioners not meet the requirements of the Decree of Vladimir Putin?

The Defense Committee recalls that, starting from 2014, the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 604 are not fully implemented and in its conclusion to the draft federal law “On the federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019” it provides the following data ( see table).


Increase in military pension, percentage


Must be in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation



















5,8 %








According to the Defense Committee, incomplete implementation of the Presidential Decree actually discredits the state-guaranteed level of pension provision for military personnel, under which military pensioners could count on recalculation of pension payments above inflation.


On the same day, November 18, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a bill extending the “freeze” of indexation of military pay until January 1, 2018. The state has refused to carry out such indexation for several years in a row. As a result, as “My Years” already reported,

Today's world is so unpredictable that many citizens of our country are seriously concerned about what the future may hold for them. And this is not without reason, because for many segments of the population, government assistance is vital in order to simply survive. For example, military pensioners who have experienced first-hand what an economic crisis is like in the country: prices rise along with payments for utilities, and pensions clearly do not keep up with inflation, which directly affects the standard of living of the most vulnerable segments of the population.

About pensions of military pensioners

In our country, a huge amount of money is spent annually on providing security forces, and, despite the fact that the pensions of military pensioners are slightly higher than the pensions of other public sector employees: doctors, teachers, educators, the level of these pensions is still insufficient. If the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 had been implemented, then Every year the level of payments to military pensioners would have to increase by the amount of inflation + 2%. Thus, it was hoped to reach the level of the usual salary of a military personnel. But in practice, fulfilling this promise turned out to be much more difficult than in words.

Will there be an increase in military pensions in 2017?

Based on official information, in particular on the statements of Deputy Minister of Finance L. Gornin regarding military pensions, we can answer the question in the affirmative regarding the increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2017. But at the same time, this increase should rather be called military pensions will be increased from February 1, 2017 by only 4%, which approximately corresponds to the inflation rate for the next 2017. Also, according to the Deputy Minister of Finance, after this “increase” the average level of pensions for military pensioners throughout the country will be almost 24.5 thousand rubles.

One-time payment 2017

As for the payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles, as you know, it was not initially planned to pay it to military pensioners, but after the President of the Russian Federation intervened in this issue, it was decided to assign this one-time payment to all categories of military pensioners. Thus, in January 2017, all military pensioners, without exception, will have to receive 5 thousand. rubles lump sum payment.

How do Russian military pensioners live?

The general standard of living of military pensioners in Russia certainly leaves room for improvement. And the fact that military pensioners will be able to receive only a 4% increase in pension in 2017 will make few people happy. However, it is worth remembering that military personnel in our country retire after 20 years of work, that is, many security forces become pensioners by the age of forty. And after retirement they continue their active work, at the same time