Aphorisms and quotes about the kindness and mercy of humanity. Quotes about charity Charity in art quotes

Blessed is the one who gives, not the one who receives.

A charitable soul will be satisfied, and whoever gives water to others will also be given water to drink. - Proverbs. Bible

Don’t forget to do charity, and God’s mercy will overshadow you. - Feofan the Recluse

Charity is the sterilized milk of human kindness. - Oliver Herford

Charity is not about investing money, but about helping those in need. – Grigory Leps

Charity is the movement of funds from those who have a conscience to those who have a need. - Victor Krotov

Charity creates more needs than it eliminates needs. - Vasily Klyuchevsky

Charity in most of its forms is narcissism. - Yana Churikova

Charity and patriotism are the main qualities of an American who needs to sell something. - Henry Mencken

Charity has never lifted the world out of poverty and will never be able to do so. - Ernst Holmes "The Power of the Mind"

Charity is only useful if it helps you gain independence. - John Rockefeller

Charity is like heaven, full of blessings, and almsgiving endures forever. - Sirach. Bible

He who does good to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for his good deed. - Proverbs. Bible

It is more blessed to give than to receive. - Acts. Bible

God and good people give.

There really are a lot of kind people in Russia, but the current system of charity is similar to handing out alms. - Mark Rozovsky

He who gives quickly and in a timely manner gives twice. - Publilius Syrus

Every giving is good.

Give to everyone who asks you, and do not demand back from the one who took what is yours. - Gospel of Luke. Bible

You know my view on charity. Another inevitable bribe to society. That's all. - Alexander Amfiteatrov

Giving willingly means more than giving a lot. - Aurelius Augustine

God forbid you give, God forbid you take .

The hand of the giver will not fail.

I am amazed that there are charitable institutions everywhere, but poverty does not decrease. – Alexander Suvorov

If charity cost nothing, everyone would be a philanthropist.

The true purpose of charity is not to do good, but to ensure that there is no one to do good. - Vasily Klyuchevsky

He who gives more owns more. - Lao Tzu

Those who give little give from the heart, those who give much give from wealth.

They donate to me and I donate. I often don’t even know who and where sent me this or that donation. That's why I donate to where there is a need and where this money can be useful. – John of Kronstadt

Maybe you don’t understand the benefit of donating. But that’s only until you saw the shining face of the person whose trouble you helped. - Thiru-Valluvar

Not everyone who has money can dare to call themselves a philanthropist. – Vasily Zhukovsky

Do not do it accept benefits from everyone. From whom should we accept? From those to whom we ourselves would like to provide them. – Seneca

Carelessly distributed money can do much more harm than good, disposing those who benefit only towards carelessness, laziness and self-indulgence.

On June 1, the whole world celebrates International Children's Day. It is on this date that many actions, pickets and rallies are dedicated in different countries, designed to draw attention to the problems of modern society and the need to support those who are smaller and weaker than us. It turns out that in order to explain to people how important this is, we even had to come up with a special day. That is why it is doubly joyful to know that in Russia there are those who protect and protect children every day, without weekends and holidays, and not just on June 1.

Today "Oh!" I have collected the most sincere, most important quotes from philanthropists about why you need to help. In simple words about the most important thing, so that you understand it yourself and can explain it to your children.

We live in a time when the concept of “love” is devalued. Every person feels a lack of love, tenderness, warmth. When charity appeared in my life, I began to receive a huge avalanche of warmth, kindness and love. In addition, I live with a sense of participation in changing reality in the truest sense of the word. And this is also a wonderful feeling that moves me forward productively, positively, constructively. I understand why I live on this earth. I have the app, I'm a happy person.

I am very glad that there are people who only have to mention a problem, and they already run to the hospital, come up with something, and involve their friends. They are very different, these people. Among them there are those who have serious capital. And there are very poor people, but also ready to help. They donate a hundred or a thousand rubles to the fund, donate blood for free or help as volunteers. But the main thing in helping is sincerity, selflessness, this is something eternal and unshakable.

Help the Gift of Life Foundation

June 1 - Children's Day - is an informal holiday. Filled with real deeds and meanings. From what or from whom should children be protected? From illness, poverty, drunkenness of parents, arbitrariness on the part of the police and in general from everyone who does not consider a child a human being until he reaches adulthood. Children are an absolute value. And if every adult and responsible person undertakes to solve these problems together with charitable foundations, then the next generation of Russians will be much happier than today. Everyone can help. Because help is not only money, but also knowledge and skills, and volunteer hands. The most important thing is to decide and do it! Together we can do more!

Help the Children's Hearts Foundation

Many of us have probably thought about why the world works the way it does. Why, for example, do innocent children end up in orphanages? I do not know the answer to this question. But I know that each of us has the power to change injustice and help those who need help.

The Change One Life Foundation helps orphans find families, since it is in a family, and not in an orphanage, that every child should live. Over the 5 years of the foundation’s work, the largest database of video profiles of orphans in Russia has been created, containing more than 30,000 video stories. Every third child from the base has found his new family. Now 11,000 boys and girls live at home with their parents.

These 5 years were very eventful; truly revolutionary changes took place in the field of family placement for orphans. I believe that we as a society can solve the problem of orphanhood. Slowly but surely we are moving towards realizing the simple truth that children are a privilege, and accepting a child into a family is not an act of self-sacrifice, but a natural way of having a child.

Together we can truly change children's lives for the better!

Help the “Change One Life” Foundation

One day, a nine-month-old girl was brought to the hospital and taken from her mother. She was put in a box alone. There are people walking behind the glass, she calls out to them, but no one is allowed to go there because of the quarantine. The girl cried for an hour, holding onto the crib with dead fingers. There was horror in her eyes. I'm sure this stays with the children forever. This fear and loneliness.

At first we thought that the main thing was to provide financial assistance to orphans in hospitals. Then they started hiring nannies in hospitals. Then - look for adoptive parents. And only then did the realization come that these children had blood families. Today our foundation works in four areas. We help the child stay in his family. We accompany foster families. We support those children who are still hostage to orphanages. We are trying to change public attitudes, retrain staff of government organizations, and help colleagues master technologies to help children.

Help the Volunteers to Help Orphans Foundation

Any charity is impossible without its components - you need a team ready to understand what is required to solve the problem, you need specialists, doctors, psychologists, lawyers ready to help foundations, but most importantly - you need the help of donors, without whom this whole colossus will not be able to move forward places. There are no countries in which funds do not operate, even if these countries have a much more advanced system of social support than the one that can be counted on in Russia, there is still no country that could cover the interests of all people.

In Russia, the charitable sector provides enormous support to people. Funds form a new reality, the one in which in the foreground one can see an ordinary person who has had trouble. It would probably be correct to say that the main task of any fund is to organize its work in such a way, to influence the system in such a way that the work of the fund is simply not necessary. Unfortunately, we are still far from this main task, and therefore we ask you to help us help. Help help the funds, you are the last hope of a person in trouble.

Help the Galchonok Foundation

The weakest and most vulnerable patients in today's medicine are terminally ill children. They are often called “invisible” patients because they are deprived of quality care. They may be in intensive care or at home, they cannot go outside, they cannot go to school. But if you help them, find the necessary medical equipment, the right wheelchair, or just build a ramp at the entrance - their childhood can be different - a little more joyful, full of impressions, next to their parents, brothers, sisters, friends.

Help the Vera Foundation

Helping people is not a profession. This is our common life. Kirill, Lilya and five hundred other children with whom the Children's Hospice works live nearby - on the same street, and sometimes in the same house. Any of us can have a child who will be terminally ill. If we are people, then it is our responsibility not to leave each other in trouble. Especially if time is short and every day counts. Especially when we are talking about the weakest and most defenseless in this world - terminally ill children. Children's hospice is a story about each of us.

Help the children's hospice "House with a Lighthouse"

We say thank you to everyone who cares about children.

The true purpose of charity is not to do good, but to ensure that there is no one to do good.

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

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All our public charity is nothing more than belated and still weak remorse in the robber.

Sri Aurobindo

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If a free society cannot help the many poor, it cannot protect the rich few.

John Kennedy

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Philanthropists, carried away by charity, lose all philanthropy.

Oscar Wilde

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Demagogues [leaders of the people] (...) should always speak in favor of the wealthy, and (...) oligarchs should take care of the interests of the people.


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Charity is the last refuge for those who like to bother their neighbors.

Oscar Wilde

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I believe that every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity implies a duty, every possession implies a duty.

American oil magnate and philanthropist

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Giving to someone in need while making a show of yourself is not very good, but delicately not giving anything is hardly much better.

Pierre Lac

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Charity is only charity when it is a sacrifice.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

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Take away narcissism and you castrate the benefactor.

Ralph Emerson

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It is better for businessmen to conduct their business honestly than to give part of their excess profits to charity.

Theodore Roosevelt

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The sage's pocket will be accessible, but without holes, a lot will come out of it, but nothing will fall out.


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Money can only be carried from rich to poor with leaky buckets.

Arthur Okun

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Property comes with certain responsibilities, as well as rights.

Thomas Drummond

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Charity creates more needs than it eliminates needs.

Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

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Charity and pride have different goals, but they feed the poor equally.

Thomas Fuller

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Philanthropist: a person who openly gives away stolen goods. Modified.

Leonard Louis Levinson

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Charity is the sterilized milk of human kindness.

Oliver Herford

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The prosperity of the city as a whole will bring more benefit to individual citizens than the welfare of a few individuals in the midst of general decline.


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An excessively rich man who does not help the poor is like a hefty nurse suckling with appetite her own breast at the cradle of a starving child.

Kozma Prutkov

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The cause of humanity is much better served by those businessmen who enjoy their work than by those who work only to found a hospital.

Alfred Whitehead

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I would be happy to help the homeless, but they are never home.

Penny Clark

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Philanthropist: A wealthy (and usually smart) older gentleman who has learned to bare his teeth when his conscience gets to his wallet.

Ambrose Bierce.

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Socialists consider it a vice to make a profit, but I consider it a vice to make a loss.

British Prime Minister

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Social responsibility is closely linked to profit.

John Harper

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The first step of ingratitude is to examine the motives of the benefactor.

Pierre Buast

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The true purpose of charity is not to do good, but to ensure that there is no one to do good.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

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If all the rich people in the world divided their money among themselves, there would not be enough for everyone.

Jules Bertillon

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Palaces cannot be safe where huts are unhappy.

British Prime Minister

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Poverty cannot be eliminated by giving money.

Patrick O Rourke

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The employee must fulfill his duties, the employer must do more than fulfill his duties.

Austrian writer

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Charity itself can be so aggressive that it seems that the highest manifestation of goodwill towards others is not to have anything to do with them.

Alexander Kruglov

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Charity and patriotism are the main qualities of an American who needs to sell something.

Henry Louis Mencken

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To listen to others, one might think that a rich man cannot be happy until he makes several poor people unhappy by giving them all his money.

Lawrence Peter

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The essence of wealth lies more in use than in possession.

In front of you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about charity. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the conversational genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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Charity is the sterilized milk of human kindness.
Oliver Herford.

Charity and patriotism are the main qualities of an American who needs to sell something.
Henry Louis Mencken.

Blessed are the poor, for they can have selfless friends!
Marc Gilbert Sauvageon.

He who gives to the poor will not become poor.
King Solomon - Proverbs, 28, 27.

Doing good is easier than being kind.
Georges Wolfrom.

Money can only be carried from rich to poor with leaky buckets.
Arthur Okun.

Diogenes begged for alms from the statue; when asked why he does this, he said: To accustom himself to refusals.
Based on the story of Diogenes Laertius.

If the rich could hire beggars to die for them, the beggars would make good money.
Sholom Aleichem.

If all the rich people in the world divided their money among themselves, there would not be enough for everyone.
Jules Bertillon.

There are people who will never forgive a beggar for not giving him anything.
Karl Kraus.

The true purpose of charity is not to do good, but to ensure that there is no one to do good.
Vasily Klyuchevsky.

It is easier to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.
Attributed to Confucius (unfounded).

The best way not to do bad is to do good, because there is nothing more difficult in this world than trying to do nothing at all.
John Clare.

The best way to help the poor is not to become one of them.
Lang Hancock, Australian millionaire.

We remember good deeds well, especially our own.

Do not miss the opportunity to do good - unless it threatens you with great damage. Don't miss an opportunity to drink - under any circumstances.
Mark Twain.

No good deed goes unpunished.
Thomas Brooks.

Not a single day without a good deed!
Robert Baden-Powell (slogan of the scouting movement).

The rich man's lunch is an outrage against the beggar's hunger.
Pierre Buast.

Remember the poor - there is no cost involved.
Henry Wheeler Shaw.

To listen to others, one might think that a rich man cannot be happy until he makes several poor people unhappy by giving them all his money.
Lawrence Peter.

Before you give a beggar 35 pence for a sandwich, take a look at the sandwich.
Modified Giles Brandreth.

Professional begging is no less profitable than professional philanthropy.
Horace Safrin.

It is better for businessmen to conduct their business honestly than to give part of their excess profits to charity.
Theodore Roosevelt.

For the sake of money, Mirabeau is ready to do anything - even a good deed.
Antoine de Rivarol.

Philanthropist: A person who spends most of his time persuading others to donate to charity.

On June 1, the whole world celebrates International Children's Day. It is on this date that many actions, pickets and rallies are dedicated in different countries, designed to draw attention to the problems of modern society and the need to support those who are smaller and weaker than us. It turns out that in order to explain to people how important this is, we even had to come up with a special day. That is why it is doubly joyful to know that in Russia there are those who protect and protect children every day, without weekends and holidays, and not just on June 1.

Today "Oh!" I have collected the most sincere, most important quotes from philanthropists about why you need to help. In simple words about the most important thing, so that you understand it yourself and can explain it to your children.

We live in a time when the concept of “love” is devalued. Every person feels a lack of love, tenderness, warmth. When charity appeared in my life, I began to receive a huge avalanche of warmth, kindness and love. In addition, I live with a sense of participation in changing reality in the truest sense of the word. And this is also a wonderful feeling that moves me forward productively, positively, constructively. I understand why I live on this earth. I have the app, I'm a happy person.

I am very glad that there are people who only have to mention a problem, and they already run to the hospital, come up with something, and involve their friends. They are very different, these people. Among them there are those who have serious capital. And there are very poor people, but also ready to help. They donate a hundred or a thousand rubles to the fund, donate blood for free or help as volunteers. But the main thing in helping is sincerity, selflessness, this is something eternal and unshakable.

June 1 - Children's Day - is an informal holiday. Filled with real deeds and meanings. From what or from whom should children be protected? From illness, poverty, drunkenness of parents, arbitrariness on the part of the police and in general from everyone who does not consider a child a human being until he reaches adulthood. Children are an absolute value. And if every adult and responsible person undertakes to solve these problems together with charitable foundations, then the next generation of Russians will be much happier than today. Everyone can help. Because help is not only money, but also knowledge and skills, and volunteer hands. The most important thing is to decide and do it! Together we can do more!

Many of us have probably thought about why the world works the way it does. Why, for example, do innocent children end up in orphanages? I do not know the answer to this question. But I know that each of us has the power to change injustice and help those who need help.

The Change One Life Foundation helps orphans find families, since it is in a family, and not in an orphanage, that every child should live. Over the 5 years of the foundation’s work, the largest database of video profiles of orphans in Russia has been created, containing more than 30,000 video stories. Every third child from the base has found his new family. Now 11,000 boys and girls live at home with their parents.

These 5 years were very eventful; truly revolutionary changes took place in the field of family placement for orphans. I believe that we as a society can solve the problem of orphanhood. Slowly but surely we are moving towards realizing the simple truth that children are a privilege, and accepting a child into a family is not an act of self-sacrifice, but a natural way of having a child.

Together we can truly change children's lives for the better!

One day, a nine-month-old girl was brought to the hospital and taken from her mother. She was put in a box alone. There are people walking behind the glass, she calls out to them, but no one is allowed to go there because of the quarantine. The girl cried for an hour, holding onto the crib with dead fingers. There was horror in her eyes. I'm sure this stays with the children forever. This fear and loneliness.
At first, we thought that the main thing was to provide financial assistance to orphans in hospitals. Then they started hiring nannies in hospitals. Then - look for adoptive parents. And only then did the realization come that these children had blood families. Today our foundation works in four areas. We help the child stay in his family. We accompany foster families. We support those children who are still hostage to orphanages. We are trying to change public attitudes, retrain staff of government organizations, and help colleagues master technologies to help children.

Any charity is impossible without its components - you need a team ready to understand what is required to solve the problem, you need specialists, doctors, psychologists, lawyers who are ready to help foundations, but most importantly - you need the help of donors, without whom this whole colossus will not be able to move forward places. There are no countries in which funds do not operate, even if these countries have a much more advanced system of social support than the one that can be counted on in Russia, there is still no country that could cover the interests of all people.

In Russia, the charitable sector provides enormous support to people. Funds form a new reality, the one in which in the foreground one can see an ordinary person who has had trouble. It would probably be correct to say that the main task of any fund is to organize its work in such a way, to influence the system in such a way that the work of the fund is simply not necessary. Unfortunately, we are still far from this main task, and therefore we ask you to help us help. Help help the funds, you are the last hope of a person in trouble.