Mortgage for military personnel in Sberbank. Military mortgage calculator Online military mortgage calculator year

Providing housing for military personnel is one of the main social tasks facing our state. Solving it will allow military personnel and their families to be more confident in the future, will help attract young people to serve in the armed forces, and will increase the prestige of the military profession. For this purpose, the government, together with the Ministry of Defense, has developed several social programs, including a special one, which provides specific conditions and benefits for military personnel serving under contract.

Its essence lies in the formation of a special list or register, which includes those military personnel who are participants. A separate account is opened for each participant, where special contributions are transferred every month. After some time, a sum is collected for them, and after three years, servicemen can take out a loan from a bank to buy a home.

Many banks take part in this program. The country's main bank, Sberbank, also offers military personnel its loan products on special conditions.

Issues of “military mortgage” are regulated by special Federal Law No. 117 “On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel”. It presents the main principles of the program, reveals the essence of its basic concepts, presents the requirements that are presented to participants, establishes standards governing its implementation and identifies the bodies supervising its implementation.

The system in its work is also based on the basic law of the military department “On the status of military personnel” No. 76 Federal Law.

In addition, a number of government decrees regulate the operation of the system: “On the procedure for the functioning of the NIS”, “Rules for the provision of housing loans” and others.

Banks providing loans rely on the law in their work “On mortgage (pledge of property)”, resolutions and orders of the Bank of Russia and other documents.


One of the most popular banks chosen by military personnel for concluding mortgage agreements is Sberbank.

And this is explained not only by tradition, but also by the conditions that the bank offers its clients.

In addition, in 2019, Sberbank increased the permissible loan amount up to 2.4 million rubles.

Benefits are as follows:

A mortgage can be provided at any bank branch or at the borrower’s place of residence or in the place where the property he is purchasing is located. Another advantage is the fast turnaround time for document review and decision-making – up to 6 days.

Conditions for providing borrowed funds

Sberbank was one of the first among credit institutions to participate in the program of providing housing for military personnel.

He provides them with mortgage loans for the next conditions:

If a borrower wants to purchase an apartment, the cost of which exceeds the permissible amount of borrowed funds, the bank is ready to issue him an additional loan at higher interest rates, if there is a guarantor. However, the serviceman will have to repay this loan from his own funds.

Requirements for the borrower and purchased housing

In order to receive a loan under the “military mortgage” program the borrower must meet these requirements jar:

  • The military personnel must be at least 21 years old.
  • The loan is available to employees under contract in the Armed Forces for at least three years and to officers who entered into a contract after 2005.
  • The serviceman must be a participant in the NIS program, have a participant certificate, an individual number and a savings account.

Under this program, the military can purchase any property: apartments in new buildings, in houses under construction or on the secondary market. It is also possible to purchase country real estate, but only if it is purchased specifically for housing: that is, you can buy it, or with a ready-made house on the site. However, purchasing just a plot of land is not possible under the terms of the program.

Since the main part of the debt to the bank is paid by the state, the purchased property remains in double collateral until the loan is fully repaid - by the bank and by the state.

Calculation rules

For every military man who wants to purchase his own home under the NIS program, it is important to understand how the loan and the amount of monthly payments are calculated.

For this purpose, there are special programs that allow you to accurately estimate all upcoming expenses. On the Sberbank website, in the “Mortgage Loans” section, there is a calculator that can be used to calculate the amount of monthly payments and the interest rate in advance.

To accurately calculate, you need to take into account a number of factors that directly affect the loan amount, payment schedule and their amount:

For a detailed calculation, it is advisable to know the exact numbers, in this case the result will be more accurate, with a slight deviation from the actual one of no more than 1 or 2%.

Required documents

Sberbank does not require a large number of documents from borrowers to provide borrowed funds for military mortgages.

The serviceman will not need to look for guarantors (except in cases where the loan amount exceeds the 2,200,000 rubles allowed by the program) and document his income, as is required of participants in other bank loan programs.

You will need to prepare and bring these to the bank documentation:

  • the borrower’s passport (if guarantors are required, then their passports too);
  • a form that can be downloaded from the bank’s website and filled out in advance;
  • certificate of the NIS participant’s right to receive funds.

The borrower can provide documents for the purchased property to the bank within three months after the decision to issue is made. In some cases, the bank may ask for additional documents.

Registration procedure

To receive a loan from Sberbank under the NIS program, a serviceman must be registered in a special register, have his own personal savings account and serve under a contract for at least three years. In addition, at the time of applying to the bank, he must be at least 21 years old and not older than 45.

The first step to your own home is contacting "Rosvoenipoteka" for a certificate of the right to receive a targeted housing loan.

When you receive it, you can choose a suitable apartment. Housing must meet the bank's requirements, that is, it can be an apartment or room in a new building or on the secondary market, or country real estate suitable for housing.

Having decided on the property and its value, you will need prepare all documents for a bank, and, as described above, very few of them will be required.

Having provided the bank with all the documents, you need to wait 6 days, during which Sberbank will check all the information, study the client and make a decision.

If the decision is positive, then within 2 months you need to accurately decide on the choice of housing to purchase and you can draw up a mortgage agreement, sign all documents and enter into an insurance agreement for the property, which will now be pledged to Rosvoenipoteka and Sberbank. If housing is purchased on the secondary market, the bank may require an appraisal examination.

After receiving the loan, you become the owner of your own real estate. The bank will need to provide an apartment purchase and sale agreement to confirm the intended use of the funds.

Loan payments will occur every month in the amount of 1/12 of the amount of the savings contribution, which will be established by the government in the current year.

Sberbank’s “Military Mortgage” is one of the most popular loan products, thanks to which military personnel can purchase housing after just a few years of service in the Armed Forces. The main benefits are enjoyed by those military personnel who enter into a loan agreement 3–4 years after registration in the Register and remain in service for 20 years. In this case, the majority of the loan payments are borne by the state. The lending conditions and requirements that the bank imposes on borrowers are quite flexible, since the main guarantees are assumed by the state in the person of Rosvoenipoteka and the Ministry of Defense.

For information on the specifics of obtaining a mortgage loan for military personnel, see the following video:

Providing housing to military personnel of the Russian Federation is one of the main problems of a national scale.

Since 2005, a state program for mortgage lending was launched for army personnel who do not have their own housing and have entered into an agreement on long-term service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Sberbank has been actively implementing this program and since this year has taken several steps to improve lending conditions.

The changes turned out to be significant and affected interest adjustments. Previously, the interest rate was set at 11.75% and was slightly less than that of other banks that joined this program.

In March, the bank reduced interest rates to 10.9%. In October there was a second reduction and now their size is 9.5%, which is significantly lower than its offers for standard mortgage loans.

The second change affected the maximum loan amount. From 2.05 million rubles. it was increased to 2.22 million rubles. , which allows borrowers to expand their choice among purchased housing properties.

The bank for employees of the Russian Army has improved the conditions for obtaining a housing loan

Conditions for granting a military mortgage

There were no changes in this part of lending. Sberbank's military mortgage assumes the following conditions:

  • the loan is provided to contract military personnel who have entered into a contract for a period of more than 3 years or to those who entered into it before 2005;
  • the borrower must be connected to NIS and have an individual savings account;
  • credit amount – in rubles;
  • the loan amount does not exceed 80% of the market or assessed value of the purchased residential property;
  • the term of the mortgage agreement is up to 20 years;
  • The purchased home serves as collateral for the loan, which must be insured;
  • Early repayment is allowed.

Advantages of a military mortgage at Sberbank

In 2019, after the innovations that took place, military mortgages became even more profitable for clients of this bank. Among the advantages It should be noted:

  • reduction of the rate to 9.5% per annum;
  • increasing the maximum loan amount to RUB 2.22 million;
  • no commission;
  • there is no mandatory requirement for personal insurance of the borrower;
  • a choice is provided for the purchase of personal housing in new buildings and among objects on the secondary market; in addition to purchasing an apartment, borrowers have the right to purchase private houses, cottages, town houses, and rooms;
  • lack of confirmation of the borrower's solvency, which is mandatory for all standard types of mortgage loans (the only exception may be a loan for the maximum amount);
  • it is allowed to open a savings deposit if there is one document;
  • you can use the savings deposit as a down payment;
  • offered to all military personnel who have entered into a contract;
  • the first payment is 20% (personal savings or government subsidy);
  • The minimum age for a loan borrower is 21 years.

How to get a loan

Purchasing an apartment with a military mortgage is allowed only for participants in the savings-mortgage system. First you need to issue a certificate for a targeted housing loan. A similar document is drawn up at Rosvoenipoteka. Then you need to act according to the following scheme:

  1. study the housing market and decide on the expected loan amount;
  2. contact a banking institution to apply for a loan (have your passport and loan certificate with you);
  3. obtain permission for a previously submitted application;
  4. within 60 days, choose a suitable option on the housing market;
  5. with a package of documents for the selected object, contact the bank again;
  6. after approval, sign the loan agreement;
  7. insure collateral property;
  8. purchase housing and provide the sales contract to the department;
  9. register the ownership of the purchased housing.
With updated conditions, housing for military personnel has become even more affordable


Sberbank began to reduce military mortgages, continuing its strategy of simplifying base interest rates. The previously developed state program for lending to military personnel of the Russian Federation allows many defenders of the Motherland to buy an apartment and solve their housing problem after just a few years of service. A huge advantage of this program is that it gives the client the opportunity to choose the location and quality of housing.

You have decided to buy a home, but do not have enough funds of your own - in this case, the solution to the problem will be mortgage lending. The first thing a serviceman who decides to buy an apartment faces is where to go. Indeed, today every bank strives to create favorable conditions for its clients, reduce the interest rate to the optimal amount and reduce requirements for candidates. One of the convenient and loyal banks is Sberbank.
On the main page of the site, a serviceman, using Sberbank’s military mortgage calculator, can determine in advance how much money will be needed and in what period of time it will be possible to repay the debt. The tool is convenient, but the conditions attract attention. Let’s take a closer look at what the bank requires from a potential borrower and why Sberbank’s conditions are so attractive.

Why choose Sberbank:

. Low interest on payments.
. The bank provides loans for the purchase of an apartment in a building under construction or on the secondary market, a house with a plot, a cottage and a town house.
. No commission.

Terms of Sberbank military mortgage: what awaits military personnel

Sberbank has developed a loyal mortgage loan program for military personnel: . mortgage rate of 9.5%;
. the maximum amount that can be received is 2.5 million rubles;
. . You can calculate a loan for an apartment using a Sberbank military mortgage on the official website. Under what circumstances does the bank refuse to issue a loan:
. Bad credit history. What does it mean? For example, you have previously taken out a loan, perhaps from another bank, and the payments were not timely, or you have other outstanding obligations, including alimony debts. How to fix the situation? Contact Military Relocation - we will tell you what to do.
. Lack of NIS certificate. To obtain a certificate for the right to conclude a CJZ, you need to submit a report to the commander.

Sequence of actions to obtain a loan:

First of all, obtain a NIS participant certificate. Collect documents: passport, SNILS and/or TIN, application form. Review of the application will take approximately 6 days. After receiving a positive result from the bank, the selection of real estate is carried out and the necessary documents are collected, and a purchase and sale agreement for the Sberbank military mortgage is drawn up. A mandatory step is registration in the register. Find out more about this procedure on our website.
After registering the transfer of ownership and mortgage, the serviceman becomes the full owner of the purchased property.
Our lawyers can help you with all issues from obtaining an NIS participant certificate to starting to transfer monthly mortgage payments. The Military Relocation project offers military personnel full support when obtaining a mortgage from a bank. You can also order remote support from us if you live in a region where we do not have a branch. Our specialist advises at every stage of purchasing real estate.

Sberbank’s product “Military Mortgage” is a set of special conditions and offers developed for military personnel participating in the savings-mortgage system (NIS) for the purchase of finished real estate.

The right to housing is enshrined in Federal Law No. 117 Federal Law of August 20, 2004 “On the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel.” Sberbank actively promotes the implementation of this right by issuing loans at a reduced interest rate.

Why choose Sberbank

The number of bank clients in this lending segment is steadily increasing. This is directly related to its competitive advantages:

  1. No hidden or additional fees under the mortgage agreement. The client knows what he is paying for and how these amounts are calculated.
  2. Sberbank considers each application for a mortgage individually, depending on the client’s capabilities and desires.
  3. Availability of minimum interest rates on real estate loans.
  4. A military mortgage does not require mandatory health insurance for the client.
  5. Quick decision making. Since the debt is paid from NIS funds, there is no study of the client’s solvency.

Housing loan terms

Military mortgages are provided to military personnel for a maximum of 80% of the contractual/appraised value of the purchased property.

The maximum amount of a Sberbank military mortgage is 1.9 million rubles. The loan size is individual for each client. Calculated based on the borrower’s data. The agreement is drawn up accordingly - in rubles.

The maximum duration of the contract can be up to 15 years. In this case, the full repayment period of the loan is calculated until the borrower turns 45 years of age. Also, a military mortgage cannot exceed the period for which a targeted housing loan was issued in accordance with the NIS.

Loan terms include a fixed annual rate of 12.5%. To the interest should be added mandatory deductions for home insurance, the amount of which depends on the chosen insurance company.

Monthly payments are calculated according to the annuity scheme - in equal parts. The borrower pays every month 1/12 of the savings contribution calculated for the current year. In 2016 it is 245,880 rubles.

A military mortgage presupposes the presence of collateral - residential real estate, which is the subject of the agreement. The collateral is the borrower's purchased or own property.

Conditions for purchasing real estate:

  • Housing can be registered as private or common property.
  • Co-owners can be: the client’s family, co-borrowers and their family members.

Requirements for a potential borrower

To get a loan with a reduced interest rate, you need to be a military personnel registered with the NIS. Sberbank also sets age restrictions for the client - from 21 to 45 years by the end of the contract.

The terms of Sberbank's military mortgage do not require the mandatory participation of co-borrowers or guarantors.

A serviceman is not limited in choosing the type of real estate. This can be housing both on the primary market and on the secondary market, both an apartment and a private house with a plot of land.

To formalize the contract, you must provide the following documents:

  • Borrower questionnaire. Sberbank offers to familiarize yourself with its online version on the official website.
  • Passport.
  • Certificate of participation in NIS.
  • Documents on the subject of the contract (Technical passport, purchase and sale agreement, etc.). However, their presence at the time of submitting the loan application is not necessary. Originals and copies can be provided within 60 days of approval of the request.
  • The bank, guided by its own considerations, may require documents that are not listed in the list.

The procedure for obtaining a military loan

The first thing a potential client must do is draw up a document indicating the right to receive a loan such as a military mortgage. The second thing is to come to the bank. This must be a branch located at the place of registration of the borrower or at the location of the housing. For example, if a borrower lives in Moscow but wants to buy a house in Sochi, then he can contact the Moscow branch.

The credit specialist fills out an electronic application form and sends it to the analytical center. Sberbank regulates the period for reviewing an application and making a decision based on it - from 5 to 10 days.

If approved, the client is invited to the branch to sign the contract.

Bank employees not only advise the client, but also prepare documentation, in particular, fill out certificates and forms necessary for re-registration of property rights to housing.

Mortgage repayment terms

To avoid penalties, a military mortgage must be paid on time, according to the date specified in the contract. Otherwise, a daily penalty will be imposed in the amount of 0.5% of the assigned contribution. You must make a monthly payment, the amount of which is calculated by the bank and indicated in the payment schedule.

If the client wishes, full or partial early repayment of the debt is possible. If complete, the loan is closed. In case of partial payment, part of the accrued interest and the body (the cost of the property) is paid. Due to this, the size of payments is reduced, but the term remains the same. The main condition for recalculation is the availability of an application for this operation. The application indicates the date and amount to be written off.

Sberbank has created conditions for comfortable mortgage repayment. A military loan can be repaid without commissions at standard places for making payments - terminals, cash desks and through Internet banking. It is convenient to transfer the monthly payment directly from the company’s accounting department to a bank account or write off funds from the client’s payment card/deposit account. These methods save the borrower time on going to the bank, as they are carried out automatically.

In other options - post offices or cash desks of third-party banks, the conditions are not the most favorable due to the presence of an additional fee for transferring funds.

The military mortgage calculator inextricably consists of two parts:

  1. Calculator for calculating the amount of savings in a military serviceman’s personal account (only the amount of contributions, without indexation);
  2. A mortgage loan calculator that can give an idea of ​​the size of the loan from the bank and an indicative table of differentiated payments calculated by month.

Attention! All calculations on the calculator are made for informational purposes only!

The results obtained cannot serve as a basis for any specific payments or requirements!

How does the military mortgage calculator work?

The purpose of performing calculations on the military mortgage calculator is to familiarize yourself with the principle of calculating the required size of a targeted housing loan.

After completing the calculation operations, the military mortgage calculator offers you to familiarize yourself with a possible schedule of differentiated payments by month until the housing loan is fully repaid.
  • 01. The value is entered automatically from the savings amount calculator. That is, it is enough to select the year and month of entry into the savings-mortgage system at the top of the military mortgage calculator, after which this column will automatically display the result.
  • 02. Filled out manually, indicating the actual cost of the apartment or other residential property. The indicated amount should not include associated costs for appraisal, real estate services, insurance, etc., since these amounts are not taken into account when calculating the mortgage loan and are paid from the serviceman’s own funds. If you indicate an inflated value of real estate, the results of the calculation in the program will subsequently be distorted, in terms of the amount of the down payment and the required size of the housing loan.
  • 03. It is necessary to select the amount of the down payment percentage that is approved in the credit program of a specific lending bank. Typically, the minimum down payment on a mortgage for military personnel is 10%.
  • 04. The amount of the first payment is calculated automatically based on the fields filled in above - the value of the property and the amount of interest on the first payment on the loan.
  • 05. In the case when a minimum amount of contributions has been accumulated on the personal account of an NIS participant, and the cost of the acquired real estate and the amount of interest on the down payment are significant, then the serviceman’s own funds may be required.
  • 06. The maximum amount of a target loan for a military mortgage is indicated manually, according to the mortgage lending program of a specific bank. If an abstract calculation is made, then by default it is indicated - 2,300,000 rubles.
  • 07. If you plan to use maternity (family) capital to repay a military mortgage loan, then you need to select the year you received the Certificate, since the amount of maternity capital varies from year to year.
  • 08. This column is calculated automatically and shows the estimated size of the housing loan, based on the data that was selected and filled in in the previous columns.
  • 09. The column is filled in automatically in the case when the resulting required amount of loan funds exceeds the amount of the maximum amount of mortgage lending at the bank. The program will automatically calculate the amount of additional funds (borrowed or personal savings) required to repay a housing loan according to the specified parameters.
  • 10. Due to competition in the mortgage lending market, interest rates on loans may differ from bank to bank. Therefore, this column indicates the rate in relation to the conditions of the selected bank.
  • 11. When filling out this column, it is necessary to take into account the age of the serviceman. According to the terms of the savings-mortgage system, the targeted housing loan must be repaid before the military personnel reaches 45 years of age. Based on this, each military personnel will have their own mortgage term in months.
  • 12. You should select the month of the expected start of payments on the mortgage loan.

If necessary, the calculation on the calculator can be repeated by going back and specifying other data.