Description and characteristics of the types of grapes of the Kesha (Talisman) variety, its planting and care. Grapes "Kesha": description of the variety, photos, reviews Grapes of Kesha description of the variety, planting and care

Kesha grapes are a fifth-generation hybrid bred by domestic breeders. The variety is popular among both experienced gardeners and amateurs. Kesha has advantages and disadvantages compared to other grape varieties, including hybrids bred on its basis (Kesha-1 and Kesha-2).

As usual, let's start with a description of the variety. Kesha is a table grape variety of early ripening (130 days). The shoots ripen early and abundantly (65-80% of the total mass). The cuttings root well. The bushes are strong, tall, and productive. The comb is large, the shape of the clusters is conical-cylindrical. The average weight of the bunches is 900 g.

The berries are large (11-15 g) and dense, oval in shape. When fully ripe, the color changes from white to amber green. The taste is sugary (fruit sugar content is 20-24%). There are few seeds in the berries, from one to three. The fruits do not burst and retain excellent presentation. The variety has high transportability.

Kesha is resistant to mildew, the most dangerous disease of European grape varieties. Frost-resistant (down to -23˚С), but does not tolerate winter well.

His successor Kesha-1 is more resistant to cold and disease than Kesha. But Kesha-1 has female flowers. And Kesha’s flowers are self-pollinating, which explains its high yield. In addition, Keshi's taste is higher than that of his followers (8 out of 10 according to the tasting rating).

This variety is used to make white wine. They decorate the festive table, and the berries are eaten, both from the bush and chilled.

Landing in the ground

Before purchasing, seedlings are inspected. Healthy seedlings are those that:

  • no damage to roots
  • with uniform color
  • and green flesh on the cut

After purchasing, they should not be left for a long time without water, otherwise they will dry out.

Seedlings are planted in spring or autumn. It depends on the climate zone. It is important that the air warms up to 15˚C. A day before planting, seedlings are soaked in a solution of a growth stimulator. The soil chosen is fertile and loose. Black soil is best suited. The grapes quickly wither in the shade. The place in the garden where it grows should be sunny.

Scheme for planting grapes in open ground with a trellis

The landing site is prepared in advance. To do this, holes are made in the soil, and rotted humus is placed at the bottom. The distance between the holes is 1.5 m. The seedlings are buried so that the root collar is 5 cm above the ground. After planting, the plants are tied to vertical supports and watered abundantly.

Rootstock grafted onto an old bush

Kesha is easy to graft onto the trunk of an old plant. Before grafting, the edge of the cuttings is cut off and dipped into a nutrient solution with fertilizer (for example, Humate).

The standard is prepared: thoroughly cleaned, and then split or cut with a knife. The cuttings are inserted into the split and tied with cloth. Several cuttings are grafted onto large trunks. After grafting, the plants are tied up and watered abundantly.

Rules of care

Grapes need abundant watering:

  • in early spring
  • when does it bloom
  • after flowering

In dry summers, plants are watered more often. It is important not to overwater the grapes, as this can lead to the development of fungal diseases and the death of the plantings. To avoid overflow, gardeners make a drainage system near the vineyard to drain water.

Kesha grape vine with ripening bunches

In addition, the plants are mulched. Rotted manure or peat are suitable for mulch. The layer of mulch for grapes is 3 cm. This is enough to protect the soil from freezing and retain the necessary moisture in it.

The variety is fertilized several times per season (the first time in the spring) with organic fertilizers or fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers containing nitrogen are not advisable for grapes. Their excess will reduce the quality of the crop, but will increase the amount of green mass.

In autumn, grape shoots are pruned. The bush should not grow, it should be kept compact. Excess, damaged and dried stems are destroyed, but before that they are inspected for the presence of diseases and pests.

To prevent the vine from becoming depleted, one ovary, the largest, is left on one shoot. This will protect the bush from stress, because Kesha bears fruit abundantly and will help the ovary to ripen and fill with juice. If the crown is too elongated, then it is pinched to help the berries ripen.

In the first year, care for Kesha comes down to:

  • watering
  • pruning
  • disease prevention
  • loosening and mulching the soil

The first harvest from Keshi is harvested after 5 years. If you graft seedlings onto an old standard, the waiting time will be reduced. With proper care, the variety can bear fruit every year.

For the winter, the ground under the grapes is covered with straw, and the shoots are bent to the ground and covered with film.

Diseases and pests

In the fall, it is important to inspect the plants. With cold weather, diseases slow down their development, and pests look for a place to winter. And in the spring, instead of flowering shoots, there is a risk of getting infected ones.

Powdery mildew

This is a fungus that attacks the green mass of plants. It spreads very quickly. Its sign is a yellowish tuberous coating on the leaves. Fight the fungus with a solution of iron sulfate (300 g per bucket of water). In addition to it, fungicides will help in the fight against fungus: Mikal and Strobi.

Treatment of plants is carried out on a windless day, wearing protective equipment for the respiratory tract and eyes. It is important to ensure that the drugs do not come into contact with the skin.

Gray rot

A fungus that spreads quickly in damp conditions. It grows in dark and poorly ventilated areas. Affects all parts of plants. Its distinctive feature is brown dots with a gray coating. Affected areas and fallen parts of plants are removed from the garden bed and destroyed. Active fungal spores remain in them.

To prevent the development of gray rot, plants are sprayed with a solution of Folpan, a contact fungicide. And for infected plants, Topsin M and Rorval Flo are suitable.

Gray rot affecting berries on the vine


They are easy to spot by looking at the inside of the leaf.

  • Brown spots, covered with fluff - this is a sign of a felt mite.
  • Light spots with a yellow coating leaves behind grape spider mites.
  • Yellow spots around holes in the leaves indicate the presence of leaf mites.

In case of mass infestation with mites, gardeners use insecticides: Aktara and Vermitek. It is important to take precautions when working with them, as they are also toxic to humans. A less aggressive pest control agent is Karbofos, as well as decoctions and infusions of wormwood, tobacco and potato tops.

Felt mite on a grape leaf Leaf mite infecting grape leaves Spider mite damage

In order for the grape bush to grow healthy, it is important to follow simple rules of agricultural technology:

  • Plant seedlings in an open and sunny area without shadows.
  • Thin out plants, getting rid of unnecessary greenery.
  • A bountiful harvest requires water, but too much will destroy the grapes.
  • Be careful with pest control treatments. Harmful substances, once inside the fruit, will change their taste and reduce their usefulness.
  • Apply fertilizers as needed; their excess stimulates the growth of green mass, not ovaries.

Kesha grapes do not require special attention. On the contrary, when caring for it, it is important to remember moderation and take measures in a timely manner. Only then will your expectations be repaid with tasty and healthy berries that will delight you and your loved ones.

The Kesha grape variety was obtained through selection. By crossing the Frumoas Albe and Delight varieties, breeders achieved maximum harmony of the variety regarding the growing season, yield and frost resistance.

Grape variety "Kesha"

Later, the varieties Kesha - 1 and Kesha - 2 were bred. You can learn about the similarity of characteristics and their differences from the table below.

Variety name Additional titles Ripening period Characteristics of the berry Characteristics of the Bunches Taste qualities
Kesha Kesha 120 - 130 days

mid-early variety

Oval shape, weighing up to 8-10 grams, large fleshy berries Oval, cylinder, cone shape, weighing up to 500 - 1000 grams Taste sweet
Kesha - 1 Talisman, Super Kesha 130 - 140 days

mid-season variety, ripens in September

Berries weighing up to 10-12 grams, 2-3 seeds Conical shape, weighing up to 1200 grams The taste is sweet, similar to Kesha
Kesha - 2 Tamerlan, Zlatogor 110 - 115 days

early variety

The weight of the berries is up to 13 grams, larger than Kesha’s Conical shape, weighing up to 1300 grams Sweet, with a hint of nutmeg

Distinctive features of the Kesha grape variety

During the growing season, the vine grows up to five to six meters. Can be used as a fence for gazebos. The variety is frost-resistant. Withstands temperatures down to minus 23 degrees Celsius. The type of flower is bisexual. Pollinates wonderfully.

Easily tolerates a large number of diseases. This variety is used for fresh consumption. Final ripening occurs after the first two autumn rains. Then the grapes are fully filled with taste. Sweet variety. Sugar content up to 23%, acid up to 5-6%.

Growing Kesha grape seedlings from cuttings

The cuttings are planted by the end of February - beginning of March. This is due to an increase in daylight hours. Until this time, they are stored in a special way. Two-eyed (some also plant three-eyed) cuttings are wrapped in a plastic bag and stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Comfortable temperature for their preservation is +5 degrees. Wrap in a bag to prevent moisture loss. Every four weeks, the cuttings need to be checked, ventilated, dried and put back into storage.

Preparatory period for planting

Having taken the cuttings out of the refrigerator at the end of winter or early spring, it is necessary to give them the opportunity to acclimatize to the ambient temperature and soak them in water for two to three days. The cuttings should be saturated with moisture. Soak by lowering two-thirds of the cuttings into a container of water. It is better to do this in a root former solution. Such preparations as “Potassium humate”, “Gitoroxin” or regular bee honey are suitable.

We dilute one tablespoon of honey in ten liters of water. We obtain the required consistency of the solution. The dose of honey can be reduced if you do not grow grape plantations and you do not need such a volume. But it should be reduced according to the proportions. What's good about this method? Honey improves root formation, as it contains the right amount of microelements and vitamins, and the cuttings receive all this. After soaking, rinse the cuttings, future seedlings, under running water.

The next stage is pruning

Before planting, it is necessary to cut the lower part of the cutting three to five millimeters below the last node. Cut off (blind) the bottom node and make three scratches along the handle with a sharp object. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a sharp knife or pruning shears. Scratches are applied from the cut part upward by three to five centimeters. This accelerates the formation of root primordia on the cuttings.

After planting the cuttings in the ground, the eye will begin to bloom first, and the roots will grow second. The time between these two processes is two to two and a half weeks. The downside to cuttings is that the eyes open much earlier. They take a lot of strength from the cutting, which is needed for root development. What to do? It is necessary to delay the growth of the shoot so that it does not slow down the growth of the root.

Ways to delay shoot development:

  1. It is recommended to dip the upper part of the cutting along with the second (and for some, the third) eye in paraffin. The melted wax will create a film around the shoot, limiting the supply of oxygen to it.
  2. Cover the top of the cutting after planting with a cut plastic bottle, creating a small greenhouse; the effect with oxygen will be the same.
  3. Dip the container (someone has a plastic glass) halfway down into wet sawdust and place it on a warm surface (create high temperature conditions, up to +25 +28 degrees), and leave the upper part of the container with the cutting at a temperature of + 10 +15 degrees Celsius . This can be achieved by opening the window slightly.

This artificial method is called kilching. The yield of seedlings after this method will be up to 90 - 95 percent. Bypassing it, the yield will be 30 percent. Choose for yourself.

Mistakes when growing seedlings

  • overwatering
  • incorrectly selected soil
  • lack of drainage holes for draining water in containers or plastic cups
  • insufficient lighting (little light in spring)
  • Abuse of additional fertilizing: mineral and organic fertilizers

By pouring large amounts of water, many gardeners turn the soil into mud. The soil should be moist, not wet. How to check the optimal soil moisture? Take the earth in your palm, squeeze it into a ball and from a height of 30 - 50 centimeters, opening your hand, lower the ball onto a flat horizontal surface. If it crumbled - the soil was wet, if it stuck - it was wet.

When the soil is wet, it becomes very compact and crusty. It prevents oxygen from reaching the roots of the seedlings. On the edges of the leaves you can notice darkening and blackening, the edges dry out. Tugor (the elasticity of the shoots) decreases, the cuttings become soft. The roots rot and the plant dies. How to save grapes if such a mistake is made? Remove from the container, shake off the soil, cut off the rotten roots and plant in another container with new soil. It helps in 20 percent of cases.

Rules for watering grape seedlings

The first watering is carried out when transplanting the cuttings into the ground. It should be plentiful. You need to pour water into the container until moisture appears from the drainage holes. After planting for about two weeks, you don’t have to approach the seedlings with watering.

Next time you decide to water your plants, take a look at the condition of the soil. Bury your finger 2-3 centimeters into the soil if its surface (5-10 millimeters) is dry. If you feel the soil dry, water it; if it’s wet, wait another two days. You need to water in small portions. Otherwise, the water will not have time to be absorbed into the ground and will flow down the walls of the container into the drainage holes, without wetting the entire earthen lump.

Watering frequency

The frequency of soil moisture is influenced by 6 factors:

  • room temperature
  • illumination
  • number of mature leaves
  • temperature outside the window
  • location of the seedling: in the sun, in the shade, in partial shade
  • depending on the age of the seedling (the more leaves, the more often it requires water)

On the second day after watering, it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil. By destroying the crust that has formed on the surface, we will ensure the supply of oxygen to the roots.

Using the right soil for growing grapes

  • breathable
  • disinfected from pathogenic microorganisms and pests
  • does not compact when watering

In the soil brought from the site, you can also capture the “tenants”. They will quickly realize that there is something tasty here. Lack of drainage holes will damage the plant. The soil will silt, turn sour, and the roots will begin to rot.

Light and fertilizer for grapes

We plant cuttings in March. In spring, daylight hours increase. We place containers with seedlings on the windowsill. On the south side there will be enough light. In the north, you will have to illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp or a fluorescent lamp. You need to add light so that the plant receives rays up to 12 hours a day. Lack of light will provide you with pale green leaves and elongated thin shoots. This plant has little strength. The consequences are obvious.

When using soil from the store, fertilizing the plants before planting in the ground is not necessary. There are enough microelements and fertilizers in such soil. You can carry out foliar feeding of leaves by spraying with a solution of “Baikal M1″ or “Plantophone”.

Planting Kesha grape seedlings in the ground

We plant in the soil in May, after hardening off the plants. Keep the seedlings outdoors: 2-3 days first in the shade, then 2-3 days in the sun. They need to be adapted to the ambient temperature.

We are preparing a pit of 80*80*80 centimeters. This can be done in the fall. From the table below you can see which layers are used when preparing the grape planting site.

Layers Size/Distance Substrate/liquid - filling layers
1 5 - 10 cm Drainage. We use expanded clay or crushed stone
2 15 - 20 cm Chernozem (2 buckets) + Two- to three-year-old humus (1-2 buckets) + river sand (1 bucket) + Superphosphate (250 grams) + Potassium fertilizer (chlorine-free, 250 grams)
3 3-4 buckets of water (let it soak in)
4 10-15 cm Fertile soil (remove the first layer on the bayonet of a shovel)

It is recommended to insert an asbestos or galvanized pipe with a diameter of 15 centimeters into the corner of the pit. It is irrigated throughout the entire stage of grape growing. Water gets through the pipe to the roots and does not spread to the sides. Having compacted the earth, add 1-2 more shovels and make a mound in the middle of the hole.

The depth of the pit decreased by 40 centimeters. The depth is optimal for the location of the roots of the seedling. The depth does not depend on the length of the plant, it is constant. Don't be afraid that the shoots will remain in the hole. These are used to form a bush and sleeve stamp.

Condition: after planting, leave a hole 20-25 centimeters deep. This will allow the sun to better warm the root system. It is necessary to plant with the roots on the south side, distributing them in a fan and pressing them to the ground. After sprinkling with soil, pour warm (heated) water along the edge of the hole. Dilute the Radifarm preparation into two buckets according to the instructions. It enhances and improves root formation.

Try planting all three grape varieties in this way: “Kesha”, “Kesha - 1”, “Kesha - 2”. Leave your favorite one for next year. Have a bountiful harvest!

Kesha grapes are among the early or mid-early varieties. The berries ripen by the beginning of August, and the ripening period is approximately one hundred days (may vary depending on the climate in the place of cultivation).

History of origin

This subspecies was developed in Russia, and the parent species are Vostorg and Frumoasa Albe. In honor of the first of the parent varieties, Keshu is also sometimes called Improved Delight.

Varieties and description of the Kesha variety

The Kesha grape variety includes several names of different species, derived from this through selection. They were not obtained by crossing, in the way of improving Keshi, and therefore bear his name.

Kesha (ordinary) is a table grape of medium early ripening

  1. The clusters of this plant have a conical or conical-cylindrical shape.
  2. This subspecies has a pleasant sweet taste with a slight nutmeg flavor. This subspecies of grapes (and all its followers) belong to the elite and are very fond of winegrowers for their taste and excellent characteristics.
  3. The weight of the berries is 10-15 grams on average, and in some cases up to 20 grams. Their color is pleasant, amber. This is a white grape variety.

Kesha First

Kesha - 1 (or in other words Talisman, Superkesha) is a table type, it is resistant to frost and has an early-medium ripening period (the ripening period is approximately 127-135 days), which differs from the usual one, the ripening period of which is slightly shorter .

  1. The berries of this grape are very large, round-oval in shape.
  2. The average weight of the berries is 12-16 grams, and some individual berries can reach 20-25 grams.
  3. The weight of the entire brush of a plant of this species can reach up to one and a half kilograms.
  4. Keshi-1 has a rich, sweet taste, with a nutmeg flavor when ripe.
  5. Berries usually contain from one to three seeds.
  6. The frost resistance of this plant is quite high, up to – 25 degrees.
  7. This brand is also resistant to mildew and gray rot.

Kesha the Second

  1. Kesha-2 (or in other words Zlatogor. Tamerlane, Kesha nutmeg) is also a table type, bred through selection of Kesha-1 and Kishmish Radiant.
  2. Unlike Keshi-1, the berries of this variety have a more pronounced nutmeg flavor.
  3. They are also resistant to frost and various fungal diseases (mildew and gray mold).
  4. The Keshi-2 berry is sweet and fleshy, round, slightly oval in shape, ripens quickly (ripening period is 110-115 days) and is not too demanding to care for.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Grape growers fell in love with the Kesha varieties. It is not for nothing that they are classified as elite grape varieties. The presented plant is a table variety, so in most cases it is used for consumption in its pure form. A table served with this delicacy looks very beautiful. Kesha is also used for the production of white wine, because, thanks to its muscat flavor, it is also excellent for these purposes.

Benefits of Kesha grapes:

  • the grapes of these varieties ripen quickly, because all of them belong to early or mid-early grape varieties;
  • the berries of this grape are highly transportable and unpretentious in storage;
  • grapes of this variety are distinguished by a large number of fruitful shoots;
  • these grapes are resistant to mildew and other fungal diseases;
  • Kesha begins to bear fruit early and is characterized by a great acceleration in the growth of cuttings;
  • Kesha variety berries have a harmonious and rich taste, which is why they are loved by ordinary people.

The disadvantage of this grape brand is the possible shrinkage of the berries when growing a large number of grape clusters.

Kesha grapes: planting and care features

Like all other grape varieties. Cash (and its types) has its own characteristics. Below are characteristics and descriptions of the proper care and planting of this species.

It is important to correctly carry out the process of planting certain grapes so that they take root well and begin to produce a rich harvest in the shortest possible time.

How to plant the Kesha grape variety correctly

  1. It is necessary to choose the right place for planting. Planting Kesha grapes is carried out according to strict guidelines.
  2. The place to plant such grapes must be well lit, so that the shadow does not fall on the bunches, and the sun can penetrate well into the planting site.
  3. It is worth choosing light and fertile soil. The soil inside is where the grape root is located. And the outside should be moderately damp.
  4. Be sure to get rid of all weeds around the place where you plan to plant Keshi (as well as the Talisman variety and other varieties).

The grapevine is planted using varietal cuttings, which are planted in May.

  1. The cuttings grow quickly and by September the first shoots appear on them, and a year later the winegrower can expect the first inflorescences.
  2. Planting of the material should be carried out in the spring, while the air temperature reaches no higher than 15 degrees.
  3. It is better to prepare a hole for planting in the fall.
  4. Fill the bottom of the planting hole one third with a mixture of soil and good humus (it should be black).
  5. It is important to properly maintain the distance between planting holes. It should be 1 - 1.5 meters.
  6. Planted plants need to be watered well. Prepare 25 liters of water for each seedling.
  7. If you plan to plant two varieties (for example, Keshi-1 and Keshi-2), it is worth planting them together, because the grapes of these varieties do not self-pollinate and require pollination by another variety.

Grapes also have their own characteristics in care. This variety is unpretentious, but here are some characteristics of its care:

Pruning shoots

Several times from early spring to late autumn it is necessary to prune the shoots of Kesha grapes so that the crown is formed correctly and its shape does not interfere with the growth of the entire vine.

Abundant watering

The official description of the variety says that this type of grape requires abundant watering, but the peculiarity is that watering needs to be done only twice per season: after waking up from the winter season (or after planting) and after flowering. If the summer turns out to be hot, do not be afraid and feel free to water this variety several more times. The amount of water is 10-15 liters per hole.


  1. The Kesha grape variety must be fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Nitrogenous ones are not suitable.
  2. It is enough to fertilize this grape variety once a year.
  3. Cleaning the bush and removing part of the bunches.

It is necessary to replace non-fruitful ones with fruitful shoots. To do this, trim long tendrils that do not have buds; if the tendril without a bud grows again, trim again. This allows you to grow a juicy and productive bunch.

Diseases and pests

The Kesha grape variety exhibits high resistance to various deer and pests.

Its resistance to mildew and podium is rated at 2.5 points out of a possible 3.

In order to prevent the harmful effects of various insect pests, it is recommended to spray the bushes of this variety with special means.

Application and evaluation of the Kesha variety

Kesha grapes can be of several types (SuperKesha and Tamerlane). All these species have their own characteristics, but what they have in common is high winter hardiness and resistance to grape diseases: fungal infections and pests.

All of these varieties are table varieties and in most cases are used directly for consumption, but they also make good white wine. The variety of the second stage of selection (or Kesha Muscat, which says a lot) especially distinguished itself in winemaking. The muscat notes of this grape variety delight the taste buds of gourmets from all over the world. Tasters rated the taste characteristics of the presented grapes as eight points out of a maximum possible ten. This indicates that this variety is not without reason classified as elite.

Kesha grapes will give a large harvest if they have proper care.

It is known that grapes are a fastidious plant both in terms of weather conditions and the composition of the substrate in which it grows, as well as the quality of its care. Breeders today present to our attention an increasing number of grape varieties with improving characteristics. They are resistant to disease infection, climate change, are not susceptible to pests, and have excellent taste. And it is becoming increasingly easier to grow developed grape varieties in any corner of the country. This is the variety that can safely be called Kesha grapes. The creator of this species was the famous agrobiologist of the Soviet era - Ya.I. Potapenko.

Kesha grapes appeared as a result of crossing two varieties: Frumoas Albe and Vostorg. The table variety is a fifth generation hybrid. It is characterized by the following valuable qualities:

  • The variety is early ripening. The grapes ripen at 125-130 days.
  • The bush is strong and vigorous.
  • The vine is becoming mature.
  • There are bisexual flowers.
  • The bunches have high aesthetic characteristics and can weigh up to 1.3 kg. The shape is conical-cylindrical or conical. The more harvest is taken from one bush, the less weight each vine has (from 0.6 to 0.7 kg).
  • The berries are large, scattered on the clusters. The weight of each berry can reach from 11 to 15 g. The color of the grapes is white, oval in shape, the flesh is dense and translucent. Each grape contains several seeds.
  • The taste of the grapes is aromatic and harmonious. Connoisseurs rate the taste characteristics of the Kesha variety at 8 points.
  • The presentation of the bunches allows them to be used to decorate the holiday table.
  • The variety is self-pollinating.
  • The yield is high and stable from year to year.

The first harvest can be obtained 5 years after planting the grapes. Subject to optimal growth and care conditions for the Kesha variety, it will bear fruit every year without interruption. The variety is resistant to low temperatures. He will survive even if the winter frost is -23 degrees. Bunches of grapes are well transported. The Kesha variety is resistant to diseases and pests.

This type of grape is not free from disadvantages. So, if there are too many clusters on the bush, each brush will have a small weight and size. Despite the fact that grapes respond well to fertilization, it is important to remember that an excess of nitrogen in the soil invariably leads to the death of the variety.

The Kesha variety served as the basis for the development of a new species - the red Talisman or Kesha-1 grapes. The new hybrid occupies one of the leading positions in terms of taste and yield. The red talisman has the following features:

  • The ripening period of berries varies from 125 to 135 days.
  • The bush is massive, strong, self-pollinating.
  • The density of the clusters is small, the structure is loose, the shape is oval-conical.
  • The weight of the bunches varies from 1.2 to 1.8 kg. With proper care, the bunches can weigh about 2 kg.
  • Large berries have a light red tint. They are big. Each berry can weigh from 12 to 17 g. The pulp is dense with a hint of apples.
  • High yield of shoots.
  • It is well transported, retains its presentation for a long time and has excellent taste.
  • The berries can remain on the vine for a long time without falling off.
  • The red talisman is not susceptible to pests and fungal diseases.
  • The variety is frost-resistant.

Both Kesha and the red Talisman require certain planting conditions that must be followed in order to achieve a full-fledged, healthy fruit-bearing bush.

The land for planting seedlings should be as fertile as possible. It is desirable that it be chernozem soil. It is important to maintain the degree of substrate moisture. If the soil is too wet, the root system, especially in young plants, will quickly rot. Both varieties are planted on the south side of the site so that the vine receives as much sunlight and heat as possible.

The varieties Kesha and Talisman red take root well both in autumn and spring planting. The seedling can be purchased, or you can obtain the variety by using a rootstock, which is grafted onto the trunk of an old bush. When planting in spring, the threat of frost should pass, and the air should warm up to 10 to 15 degrees.

Planting holes should be 1.5 m apart. The root system of a young plant is too fragile, so when planting grapes you need to be extremely careful. The neck of the root part of the plant, as well as the scion, should be above ground level and not covered. The top bulk layer of the substrate must be mixed with fertilizers. The first time after planting, the young plant needs abundant watering. So the rate of water consumption per seedling is from 20 to 25 liters. It is advisable to secure the seedlings immediately after planting on a reliable support.

Grafting Kesha onto an old standard

In order to get a new Kesha grape variety on your plot, you do not need to remove old plants. To do this, it will be enough to graft Kesha cuttings, which are covered with a woody layer, onto the vine of an old bush. Before grafting, the shoot must be cut diagonally and soaked in a humate solution.

On an old plant, the grafting site should be thoroughly cleaned. Only after cleaning the trunk is split with an ax or knife. Several new cuttings can be grafted onto one trunk at once. The shoot must be inserted into the split place and covered with a cloth.

The quality of the crop, as well as its quantity, directly depend on the regularity and abundance of watering. In spring, the plant awakens from winter, vegetative processes begin to actively start in it, therefore, starting from the spring months, grapes have an increased need for watering. It persists throughout the period when the bush has completely faded. This care rule applies to all types of grapes. It is important to place drainage systems near the vineyard that will ensure the drainage of excess moisture, which is detrimental to the root system.

The soil under the grapes must be mulched regularly. This procedure will protect it from freezing and help maintain the required level of moisture. Rotted manure is suitable for mulching. A three-centimeter mulch layer will be sufficient.

It is important to provide the plant with strong, reliable support, since as it grows, the growing green mass and the clusters that appear will make it quite heavy.

Kesha grapes need regular fertilizing. Throughout the season it is fertilized with organic and phosphorus-potassium substances.

Pruning grapes helps to properly distribute the load of grapes on the bush, and also forms a beautiful crown of the plant. If dried stems or damaged branches are found on the bush, then you need to get rid of them as soon as possible so that they do not interfere with the normal development of healthy parts. Grapes are pruned in the fall, when all vegetative processes in them are completed and they are preparing for the winter dormant period. Spring is also suitable for pruning, but only in the early months, when the buds on the plant have not yet begun to awaken. Following the principles of pruning will ensure a bountiful harvest and overall health of the plant. It would be correct to leave one vine on each branch. This is especially true during dry, hot summers.

In late autumn, young plants are protected from approaching frosts. Straw and hay, which are secured to the branches with a heavy weight, are suitable as covering materials.

The basic principles of caring for the Kesha grape variety listed above will help you achieve a rich harvest every year and keep the plant strong and healthy.

The Kesha grape is an early and table variety of white grapes in demand on the market. This hybrid is very popular and has several very high quality varieties.

History of selection

The Kesha grapes were obtained as a result of crossbreeding work. The varieties “Frumoasa Albe” and “Vostorg” were used as the parent pair. The authorship belongs to Russian breeders from VNIIViV named after. ME AND. Potapenko. The hybrid is also known under the names “FV-6-5” and “Delight Improved”.

Characteristics of the variety

The Kesha grape variety is characterized by early or early-medium ripening and allows you to get a harvest 120-130 days after the awakening of vegetative buds.

Biological description

The Kesha grape variety produces fairly vigorous bushes and is characterized by good yield. The flowers are bisexual, which guarantees high pollination rates.

The grape bunch is characterized by a cylindrical or pronounced conical shape. Quite often one observes the formation of shapeless grape clusters, moderately dense in structure, located on a long but neat comb. The average weight of one hand can vary from 0.6 to 0.9 kg.

Technical characteristics of berries

The hybrid form of the Kesha grape is distinguished by very large berries, the dimensions of which are about 3.2 x 2.5 cm. The average weight of an oval-shaped berry is from 10 to 12 g. The berries are covered with a fairly dense white skin. The pulp is characteristically dense, with a harmonious taste and high sugar accumulation rates. The total sugar content varies from 19% to 24%, acidity at the level of 5-8 g/l. The pulp contains medium-sized seeds in quantities of one to three.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The description of the variety allows us to draw clear conclusions about a significant number of advantages of the Kesha grapes:

  • high degree of transportability of the harvested crop;
  • early and very friendly, full ripening of shoots;
  • the number of fruitful shoots varies from 60% to 85%;
  • On average there are 1.2-1.6 grape clusters per shoot;
  • The frost resistance of the plant reaches - 23°C;
  • increased level of grape resistance to mildew;
  • high rates of rooting of cuttings;
  • early entry into fruiting.

A few disadvantages include chopping berries with a significant number of grape clusters formed.

Grapes "Kesha": characteristics of the variety (video)

Variety varieties

To date, winegrowers have managed to test the cultivation of several quite successful varieties of the hybrid form “Kesha”. Despite certain similarities between them, experienced gardeners have no difficulty distinguishing between the two popular types.

Variety "Kesh-1"

This hybrid variety is better known under the names “Super Kesha” and “Talisman”. The main harvest occurs in mid-September.

The bunch of grapes is quite massive and heavy. The average weight of a bunch varies from 0.8 to 1.1 kg. The berries are very large and even in shape and size. The average weight of the berry reaches 15 g.

The variety is resistant to major grape diseases. It is almost impossible for an inexperienced winegrower to distinguish “Super Kesha” from “Keshi”.

Variety "Kesh-2"

Known to winegrowers under the names “Tamerlane”, “Kesha Muscat” and “Zlatogor”. The hybrid form was obtained by crossing the varieties “Super Kesha” and “”. This variety has many admirers, due to its very early ripening period: The grape harvest can be obtained in 105-115 days.

Ripe grape bunches of this hybrid have a conical shape, and the average weight of each cluster is 1.2 kg. Very large, beautiful berries at the stage of full ripening acquire the color of amber. The taste of the very juicy and sweet pulp reveals a characteristic nutmeg.

Planting and care

Kesha grapes perform best when high-quality perennial wood from an old but healthy grape bush is used as a rootstock. The seedlings purchased from nurseries are healthy and have good quality characteristics. Planting is carried out according to the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to plant planting material in the spring when the air warms up to 15 ºС;
  • It is recommended to prepare the planting hole for spring planting in the fall;
  • the bottom of the pit must be filled one third with a mixture of fertile soil with the addition of rotted, high-quality humus;
  • the distance between planting holes can be 1-1.5 meters;
  • when planting, the grafting site or root collar of the seedling should be located 5 centimeters above the soil surface;
  • a support should be secured next to the seedling, to which the plant is tied for the correct positioning of the vine;
  • The planted plants should be watered abundantly at the rate of about 25 liters of water for each seedling.

It should be remembered that plants planted in autumn need protection from frost in winter. The Kesha grapes respond quite well to fertilization, but do not tolerate fertilizing with urea or other nitrogen-containing complexes.