New varieties of potatoes. Early potato varieties - general information

More than 260 varieties of potatoes are grown in Russia. They differ from each other in terms of ripeness, yield and disease resistance. Early potato varieties are especially popular among Russian gardeners due to their short ripening time.

These varieties begin to actively grow and develop as soon as the earth warms up to +10 °C. Harvesting the first harvest can begin after flowering. During this period, tubers with very thin skins ripen. The fruit quickly loses moisture, so it cannot be stored for a long time. Such potatoes are eaten or sold on the market in the summer. When the peel gets stronger (usually August - September), you can harvest the main crop for long-term storage in the winter.

The best varieties of early potatoes that are cultivated in Russia are:

  • RedScarlet;
  • Bellarosa;
  • Gala;
  • Adretta;
  • Karatop;
  • Zhukovsky early.

Experienced gardeners use several early varieties of potatoes for planting. Firstly, under different weather conditions, each variety behaves differently. And it is difficult to predict which one will give the best result. Secondly, it is also advisable to use different varieties for preparing dishes: for salad, the hard variety is better, and for mashed potatoes, it is better to take potatoes that boil well.

An early high-yielding table variety imported from Holland. The ripening period for Red Scarlet potatoes is 45–70 days. Main characteristics:

  • The root crops are large, elongated oval in shape, weighing 85–120 g. The peel is red, the surface is smooth, with shallow eyes.
  • The pulp is yellow and does not darken due to mechanical damage. The color does not change after heat treatment. During the cooking process, Red Scarlet potatoes do not tend to darken and do not become soft.
  • Starch content – ​​10–15%.
  • Good resistance to drought (viruses, golden potato nematode, late blight, leaf curl, potato cancer).
  • Productivity - 400 c/ha.
  • Stores well in winter.

To ensure high yields of Red Scarlet potatoes, the soil in the area where the tubers are located should be well loosened for the unhindered penetration of moisture and air. This has a beneficial effect on the formation of a good root system and powerful tops.

A high-yielding early variety bred by German breeders. The ripening period from planting to harvest is 45–60 days. Main characteristics of Bellarosa potatoes:

  • The tubers are large, oval in shape, weighing about 200 g. The peel is pink, the surface is rough, with a small number of small eyes.
  • The pulp is yellowish, does not darken when cooked, and has low susceptibility to mechanical damage. The Bellarosa potato variety cooks well and has a medium-sweet taste.
  • Starch content – ​​15.7%.
  • Very high resistance to diseases (viruses, nematodes, potato cancer, leaf curl) and drought.
  • The yield is 400 c/ha.
  • The keeping quality of the potatoes is good.

In more southern areas, you can harvest 2 harvests of the Bellarosa potato variety per season. To do this, after harvesting the first harvest in early July, you can replant the vacated areas. The second harvest should ripen in early September.

Potato variety Gala

Early ripening variety. It takes 70–80 days from planting to harvest ripening. Description of Gala potatoes:

  • The root crops are medium-sized, weighing 100-120 g, and have a round or oval shape. The peel is yellowish, the surface is smooth, with shallow eyes.
  • The color of the pulp varies from light yellow to dark yellow. Has good taste. During cooking it does not become soft and does not darken.
  • The starch content is low, 11–13%, so it is suitable for dietary nutrition.
  • One of the main characteristics of the Gala potato variety is good resistance to mechanical damage and scab.
    However, plants are prone to infection by the fungus Rhizoctonia, and therefore require mandatory dressing;
  • Productivity – 340–600 c/ha;
  • Keeps well in winter.

A mid-early, high-yielding table variety brought to Russia from Germany. Ripening occurs 60–80 days after planting. Main characteristics of the Adretta potato variety:

  • The tubers are oval in shape, weighing 120-140 g. The peel is yellow, with sparse small eyes.
  • The pulp is pale yellow, with excellent taste. It boils down well when cooking.
  • The starch content is average - about 16%.
  • The Adretta variety has increased resistance to many diseases, pests, rot and low temperatures. However, it is susceptible to the following diseases: scab, rhizoctonia, late blight and blackleg.
  • The yield is 450 c/ha.
  • Suitable for long-term storage.

Since the Adretta potato variety is mid-early, it is advisable not to overexpose it in the soil in order to avoid rotting of the tubers during heavy autumn rains.

Variety Karatop

An early-ripening, high-yielding table variety. It takes 50–70 days from planting to ripening. Main characteristics of the Karatop potato variety:

  • The tubers are small, oval-round in shape, weighing 90–100 g. The peel is yellow, the surface is smooth, with small eyes.
  • The pulp is pale yellow, with good taste. The Karatop potato variety retains a relatively firm structure after cooking and a pleasant yellow color.
  • Starch content 14.4%.
  • High resistance to viral and other diseases (nematode, potato cancer).
  • Productivity - 450 c/ha.
  • Has good keeping quality.

For good yield, it is advisable to plant the Karatop potato variety in an area where leguminous crops and herbs previously grew, and where lupine grew on sandy soils.

Potato variety Zhukovsky early

An early ripening table potato variety, bred by domestic breeders. The ripening period is 60 days. Main characteristics of Zhukovsky early potatoes:

  • The tubers are large, oval, weighing 100–150 g. The surface is smooth, light pink or beige, with a few pink eyes.
  • The pulp is white and does not darken when cut. Early Zhukovsky potatoes do not become soggy when cooked and are suitable for frying.
  • Starch content – ​​15%.
  • Particularly unpretentious and resistant to most diseases (nematode, scab, rhizoctonia). High resistance to drought and low temperatures.
  • The yield is 380 c/ha.
  • With moderate humidity and temperature it can persist until mid-spring.

Early Zhukovsky potatoes can be planted as early as April. However, to protect against frost and to increase the soil temperature, it is advisable to cover the planted potatoes with agrofibre. When the threat of frost has passed and the air temperature rises, the cover is removed.

Obviously, planting early potato varieties has a number of undeniable advantages.

  1. The likelihood of combining the biological properties of the variety with suitable weather conditions. Potatoes are not susceptible to the harmful effects of late summer drought.
  2. Young plants do not have time to be damaged by the Colorado potato beetle, and mature plants are not damaged by carriers of viral diseases (aphids, cicadas).
  3. A small number of chemical treatments. As a result, pollution of the environment and potatoes with pesticides is reduced, and the cost of the product is reduced.
  4. Limited number of labor intensive .

However, by planting only early-ripening varieties, you may lose because you don’t get the weather right. Therefore, it is recommended to allocate 50% of the plot for early potatoes, and the remaining part to be evenly planted with mid-season and mid-late varieties.

Planting early potatoes - video

Potatoes are considered a perennial crop, but in reality the tubers are planted and harvested every season as an annual plant.
To get a good harvest of this crop, you need to choose the right potato variety.
In this article we will look at the best and most popular potato varieties in alphabetical order.

Inexperienced amateurs believe that no special skills are needed to get a good harvest.
Of course, potatoes do not need greenhouses or expensive fertilizers, but several important points must be observed.
This plant does not tolerate drought and does not tolerate stagnant water.
It needs abundant moisture, but without stagnation, which can be difficult to achieve in average regions located north of the central ones.
Any novice gardener can find a lot of useful information about the rules of growing potatoes.
One of the nuances is choosing the optimal variety for the existing growing conditions.
When choosing potato seeds for planting, you need to consider the following characteristics:

  • productivity;
  • storage stability;
  • degeneracy of the variety.

Potatoes can be early-ripening or mid-ripening according to their ripening period.

First in the alphabet we have the Adretta variety, which has a medium-early ripening period and complex resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases.
The mass of the tuber is large, 150 grams, round in shape, with yellow skin and pulp.
With a starch content of 13-18 percent, this variety has very high taste.

Gala is the most popular early ripening variety with good yield.
The tubers are round, smooth, almost without eyes.
Medium-sized tubers 100 - 120 grams.
The tubers are yellow in color with yellow flesh.
The variety is resistant to golden nematode.
The ripening period of the crop is 70 - 80 days from the moment the seeds are planted.

Jelly is a mid-season variety, the growing season is about 90 days.
The tubers have an oval shape and an average size of 100-140 grams.
The tubers are yellow in color with small eyes and the flesh is dark yellow.
Potatoes store well and are immune to cancer and golden nematode.

Potato variety Zhukovsky

Zhukovsky is an early ripening variety, starch content is approximately 15%.
The tubers of this potato variety are pink in color, large in size, and have a smooth, oval shape.
Tubers weighing 100-170 grams.

The ripening period is about 60 days from the moment of planting in the ground.
Moderately resistant to late blight, Alternaria and viral diseases.


  • long storage;
  • starch content no more than 15%;
  • variety is drought resistant;
  • high yield.

Disadvantages: increased sensitivity to late blight.

Potato variety Peter's Mystery

The riddle of St. Petersburg is a mid-season variety; root crops ripen 90-110 days after planting.
The shape of the tuber is elongated-oval.
Starch content 10-12 percent.

The peel is smooth, red. The pulp is creamy.
The weight of a marketable tuber is 92-124 grams.

Resistant to diseases such as the causative agent of potato cancer, susceptible to golden potato cyst nematode.

Potato variety Rosara

Potatoes are red, oblong, oval in shape. The pulp is yellow.


  • minimum starch;
  • variety resistance to viral diseases and late blight;


  • variety is not tolerant to heat and drought;
  • not too high yield.

Potato variety Red Scarlet

Red Scarlet potatoes are distinguished by their oval shape, red skin and yellowish flesh.
The weight of one tuber is about 100-120 g.

The main advantages of the variety:

  1. High yield (up to 19 kg per 1 sq. m).
  2. Resistance to diseases, in particular late blight, cancer, golden nematode.
  3. High ripening speed (from the moment of germination to the possibility of harvesting - 45-55 days).
  4. Excellent commercial qualities: the tubers have the same size and shape, are well preserved, are stored for a long time, and are rarely affected by rot.
  5. Excellent keeping quality and transportability.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Selectivity to climatic conditions: not suitable for growing in cold regions.
  2. When growing, you need to use whole tubers.
  3. Susceptibility to attacks by the Colorado potato beetle.
  4. Instability to scab.

The potato variety is considered the best compared to other Dutch selection options.
It is valued, first of all, for its ability to maintain commercial qualities during long-term storage, resistance to disease and high yield.

Potato variety Impala

Impala - in terms of ripening period, belongs to the ultra-early potato variety.
The bush of this plant reaches a height of about 70 cm.
The peel is thin, light, almost transparent.

The pulp is cream and light yellow.
The weight of this variety ranges from 90 to 150 grams.
Starch content 10 - 14.5 percent.
It is grown in the middle zone and southern regions, where in some cases two harvests can be harvested in one season.

Impala is extremely resistant to disease and cold.

Variety Queen Anna

“Queen Anna” is an early ripening variety. Shape - oblong, elongated - oval, see photo below.
Potatoes have a high percentage of marketability - more than 94%.

Weight - from 84 g to 140 g, dimensions - reaches more than 10 cm in length.
The starch content is from 13 to 15% - the border between low and high content.
Peel and pulp color: yellow.

The variety is resistant to scab, viruses, potato cancer, moderately resistant to late blight of tubers and tops.

Potato variety Cleopatra

Selected in Holland.
The tubers are red and large in size. They have a regular oval shape.


  • the variety does not degenerate for a long time;
  • big harvest.

No deficiencies were identified.

Lapis lazuli variety

Potato variety resistant to nematodes and many diseases, early ripening, table use.
The tuber is round, with medium-depth eyes.

The weight of the marketable tuber is 92-120 g.
Starch content 13.5-15.7%, 0.5-1.8% higher than Pushkinets, Udacha standards

Variety Lugovskoy

Selected in Ukraine.


  • good preservation;
  • the variety is resistant to late blight;
  • high yield percentage.

Disadvantages: small tuber size.
It is not recommended for planting only in the Middle Volga region.

Potato variety Maestro

Maestro is a table potato variety, easy to prepare, low starch content, about 12%.
Productivity up to 155 c/ha. Smooth, medium-sized tubers are light brown in color, the flesh is almost white.
The weight of the marketable tuber is 92-172 g.
Starch content 10.6-13.6%.
The taste is good. Marketability 85-98%. Keeping quality 92%.
Resistant to potato cancer pathogen and golden potato cyst nematode.

Potato variety Melody

The Melodiya potato variety is known for its excellent growing characteristics and good taste.
The originator of many varieties, including Melodiya, is the Dutch breeding campaign of S.B. Meyer, founded in 1920.
The variety has been included in the State Register since 2009 and is zoned in the Central region of Russia.
Widely distributed in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.

Variety Melody for table use, medium late. From planting to harvest it takes 100 to 120 days.
The bush of the plant is semi-erect. Stems grow from 2-3 pieces or more, depending on the number of awakened eyes.
The leaves are large, closed, oblong, slightly wavy at the edges. Inflorescences from red to purple.
The number of shoots increases with good hilling 2-3 times with damp soil, for example, after rain or watering.

The tubers are large, oblong with superficial eyes.
Weight ranges from 100 to 180g. The quantity in one bush is 7-10 pieces.
The peel is yellow, medium smooth. The potato flesh is yellow.
The seeding rate for potatoes depends on the region and soil fertility.
When planting according to the scheme 70x35 cm per 100 sq. m from 450 to 550 bushes or with a planting tuber weighing 60-90 grams you need from 25 to 35 kg.

The vegetable tastes great and cooks quickly.
Ideal for preparing main courses and purees due to its high starch content, not for frying.
The potatoes retain their pleasant yellow color during cooking.
Potatoes contain vitamins B, C, A, PP, K, E, H.
It also contains a lot:

  • iron minerals;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium.;

There is also protein. Starch content 11.0_17.0%, dry matter 20.5%.

Potatoes of this variety have a long dormant period (7-8 months), so they do not germinate for a long time during storage.

Agricultural planting technology

Planting begins in mid-May. Melody potatoes require attention in care: regular weeding, loosening and watering.
It is advisable to hill up 2 times per summer. Harvesting begins after the bushes wither and a thick skin forms on the tubers.
Variety Melody is resistant to:

  • potato nematode;
  • mosaic;
  • black leg;
  • scab.

It is weakly affected by late blight; for prevention, the seed should be treated with fungicides (Fitosporin).

The Melodiya variety is popular because of its taste, immunity to disease and large yield.

Variety Nevsky


  • potato variety is drought resistant;
  • good yield.

Flaws. The variety does not tolerate sprouts being broken off during planting.
Planted in all Russian regions.

The yield of the orbit variety is not particularly high - 480 c/ha, but the tubers contain a lot of starch - up to 19%.
It is best to make puree from this variety.
Orbit has high resistance to late blight and viruses, and average resistance to scab.
It is not worth growing on light soils.
Mechanical damage must not be allowed.

Potato variety Povin

Maturation period (vegetation): 70-75 days, the first digging is possible on the 45th day after emergence.
Starch content: 13.2-16.5%.
Weight of commercial tubers (grams): 82-151.
Number of tubers in a bush: 6-10 pieces. Productivity (c/ha): 138-249.
Consumer qualities: good and excellent taste, culinary type BC, suitable for preparing any dishes.
Keeping quality (storage ability): 88%.
Peel color: red. Pulp color: light yellow.

Potato variety Picasso

Selected in Holland. Mid-late potato variety, large tubers.


  • good preservation;
  • starch content about 10%;
  • resistance to viral diseases and late blight;
  • high yield.

Disadvantages: mandatory fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
The variety is widespread in the Central Black Earth Region.

The yield of this variety (350-400 kg per hundred square meters) and the excellent taste of the fruit.
Able to quickly recover after being eaten by the Colorado potato beetle.
Adapted well to the harsh Siberian climate.
Oval red tubers, weighing 80-120 grams, with proper care they reach 200-250 grams.

Potato variety Sineglazka

Long-term storage in small volumes will be possible for fruits without any problems.
If you do not take this fact into account, then the external characteristics will be significantly underestimated.
Sineglazka" is a mid-season variety with an early onset of tuberization.

Ideal for private household plots, it is almost never grown in industrial quantities.

Description of potatoes:

  • large tubers, weighing from 150 to 200 g;
  • oval shape, slightly flattened;
  • the peel is pink-gray, with a bluish tint;
  • ocelli superficial, few, dark blue; the flesh is white when cut; starch content is average, up to 15.5%;
  • high content of protein, mineral salts, B vitamins.

Potato variety Skoroplodny

The shape is oval, smooth, weight is approximately 150 grams.


  • long shelf life;
  • not a large percentage of starch;
  • the variety is not susceptible to viral diseases and late blight;
  • planting in any type of soil.

Potato variety Skarb

Appearance of the variety and taste characteristics

This is a medium variety; potatoes ripen in about 100 days from the moment the sprouts hatch.
The tops are formed into small dense bushes with a thick light stem and small dark leaves.
Scarb blooms with medium-sized white flowers.
The color of the tuber is yellowish, the pulp is also creamy yellow.
The tubers are quite large, up to 200g, oval in shape.
The Skarb potato variety has high taste characteristics and does not crumble when cooked, because does not contain much starch.
The aroma is pleasant and strong.

High taste qualities allow this root vegetable to be used for all types of heat treatment.

Production characteristics and growing conditions

The average yield per bush is up to 15 tubers, which gives approximately 7 kg per 1 sq. meters.
This variety is stored perfectly, mechanical damage does not have a big negative impact, which means it can be transported to any distance.
Scarb is not susceptible to major potato diseases.
You can grow a wonderful harvest, but for this you need to follow some important points.
It is better to dig up the bed for growing Treasures in the fall and apply fertilizer.

In the spring, the area is loosened and a planting site is formed.

Tubers should be prepared before planting: germinate and warm up.
The optimal length of the sprouts should be no more than 3 cm, otherwise they will break.
The tubers are planted 35 cm between the bushes, to a depth of 10 cm.

The distance between the rows is 65 cm. Humus can be added to the holes under the potatoes.

The belongings rise unevenly and unharmoniously. Then the tops begin to actively grow, the bushes thicken and level out.
Hilling is carried out 2 times. The first time after all the bushes have sprouted, the second shortly before flowering.

It is better to remove weeds in a timely manner so that they do not interfere with the development of potatoes.

The thicker it is, the greater the number of tubers that will be formed.
Frequent watering is not necessary, but if there is a drought, then abundant watering can be done with the addition of mineral and organic fertilizers.
Before harvesting, it is better to mow the tops, then the plant’s energy will be spent on the formation and growth of tubers, and not on maintaining the vital activity of the tops.
So, the Scarb potato variety is good because it stores well.

Advantages: not susceptible to diseases such as:

  • scab;
  • late blight;
  • nematode and others.

The advantages of growing it also include excellent taste and easy care.

Disadvantages: the Scarb variety will give a good harvest in warmer areas.
In the northern regions, obtaining a harvest will be more problematic.

Table of the best potato varieties with descriptions

Group Deadlines
Names of potato varieties
Very early40-55 Charoite.Capri, Colomba, Red Sonya, Meteor, Nandina,
Early ripening55-75 Antonina, Arosa, Artemis, Baron, Bain, Bellaprima, Bellarosa, Vega, White Spring, Early Zhukovsky, Fun, Impala, Queen Anne, Strong, Labella, Lady Claire, League, Lyubava, Molly, Red Scarlett, Rosara, Bullfinch, Luck , Uladar, Felox, Yarla
Mid-early75-85 Cupid, Adretta, Arizona, Breeze, Bravo, Valentina, Cornflower, Gala, Elizabeth, Zekura, Ilyinsky, Beauty, Handsome, Courage, Lily, Romano, Rowanushka, Saga, Sorcerer, Shelford
Mid-season85-95 Alekseevsky, Albatross, Aramis, Breeze, Pennant, Giant, Dachny, Dubrava, Irbitsky, Vega, Kolobok, Lugovskoy, Nadezhda, Nevsky, Prestige, Red Anna, Slavyanka, Hostess
Mid-late95-110 Arsenal, Asterix, Belousovsky, Zhuravinka, Blue, Lorch, Nikulinsky, Margarita, Saturna, Symphony, Sifra, Turbo, Pheasant, Filatovsky, Violet, Amber
Late ripening110 or morePicasso.Atlant, Bolvinsky, Bryansk red, Mopedo,

Potato variety Tukan

Mid-early variety, suitable for the production of chips.
The leaf is medium sized, intermediate, green to dark green.
Marketable yield is 103-301 c/ha, at the level and 149 c/ha higher than the Nevsky standard.
The maximum yield is 394 c/ha, at the standard level (Tula region).

The tuber is oval-round with eyes of medium depth. The peel is yellow.
The pulp is light yellow. The weight of the marketable tuber is 94-118 g.
Starch content 15.0-16.5%.
The taste is good and excellent.
Marketability 89-97%. Keeping quality 95%.

Resistant to the causative agent of potato cancer, resistant to wrinkled mosaic golden potato cyst nematode.

Potato variety Udalets

And our next potato variety in alphabetical order is Udalets.
The yield of the UDALETS variety is 213-496 c/ha, 43-248 c/ha higher than the Nevsky and Dachny standards.
The maximum yield is 602 c/ha, 259 c/ha higher than the Svitanok Kiev standard (Omsk region).
The tuber is oval with very small eyes.
The peel is smooth, yellow. The pulp is white.
The weight of the marketable tuber is 177-392 g.

Resistant to the potato canker pathogen, weakly affected by the golden potato cyst nematode.

The tops and tubers are moderately susceptible to the causative agent of late blight.


  • high safety;
  • starch content about 13%;
  • variety resistance to late blight;
  • growing on any type of soil;
  • high yield.

Disadvantages: degenerates after a few years.
Recommended for a large number of regions:

  1. Volgo-Vyatsky
  2. Central
  3. Far East
  4. Central Black Earth Region
  5. North Caucasus.

Potato variety Fritella

Fritella potatoes are a mid-season variety.
The tubers are beige, elongated oval in shape.
The peel is smooth, the eyes are superficial.
The pulp of the tuber is white, the weight of the marketable tuber is 120-150 g.
Number of tubers in a bush: 6-10 pieces.
Potential yield 550-480 c/ha.

The variety is resistant to diseases:

  • potato cancer;
  • Alternaria blight;
  • rhizoctoniasis;
  • moderately resistant to common scab;
  • late blight of tops and tubers;
  • relatively resistant to ring rot.

Potato variety Folva

Selected in Denmark.


  • good resistance to degeneration;
  • high yield of this variety.

Disadvantages: Small and medium-sized potato tubers make up about 70% of the harvest.

Potato variety Khozyashka

The Hostess potato variety has become widespread among summer gardeners.
A mid-season variety with beautiful tubers.
The yield of this variety is 550-600 c/ha.

The peel color is pink. The color of the pulp is beige.
Starch content 17-22%.
Disease resistance:

  • leaf blight,
  • moderately susceptible to late blight of tubers,
  • rhizoctonia and scab.

The potato harvest can be harvested within 80-90 days after planting.

Potato variety Escort

Selected in Holland.


  • long storage;
  • the variety does not degenerate;
  • highly profitable variety.

Flaws: Use only for winter storage.

All potato varieties, both early and mid-ripening, have their pros and cons of selection,
therefore, which type to grow is up to each potato grower to decide individually.

Potato variety Yanka

And the last potato variety in the alphabet is Yanka.Yanka” refers to the mid-season table varieties.
The shoot is erect, the tops are spreading. The inflorescences are purple, bloom quickly and also quickly fall off.

The berries appear very rarely. The shape of the tuber is oval-round, the average weight is 90 - 100 g.
Up to 12 large tubers are formed on the rhizome. The peel is yellow, moderately thin.
The pulp is dense, juicy, creamy or light yellow.
The starch content is moderate, ranging from 14.8 to 15.4%


  • good yield;
  • collected tubers are stored for a long time;
  • Can be planted on any soil.

Flaws: Potatoes do not resist rhizoctonia blight well.

Description of potato varieties by ripening period

The best potato varieties - description

To be continued…

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To date, breeders have developed about 4,000 potato varieties and this work continues. To choose the right potatoes for planting, you need to know by what main characteristics the varieties differ from each other. First of all, three characteristics are taken into account: purpose (purpose of cultivation), color of peel and pulp, ripening period. We will look at each option.

All potato varieties are conventionally divided into two large groups:

  • domestic (this usually includes not only Russian, but also Belarusian and Ukrainian);
  • imported (most often Dutch, less often German varieties).

For example, in the southern and steppe regions, super-early, early and mid-early potatoes grow better, which have time to ripen before the weather gets too hot. From the varieties of foreign selection, it is advisable to choose only those that are included in the “State Register of Selection Achievements Approved for Use” in a particular region.

Types of potatoes by purpose

Depending on the purpose of cultivation, potato varieties are:

  • table foods - no more than 18% starch (sometimes up to 20%). Potatoes of these varieties are used for food. The tubers are very tasty, contain a lot of vitamin C, beta-carotene and other useful substances;
  • technical - intended for the production of starch and alcohol. Such potatoes contain more than 16% starch and little protein;
  • feed - with a high content of starch and protein, that is, substances that promote the rapid growth of domestic animals;
  • universal - the tubers are pleasant to taste, contain from 16 to 18% starch, many vitamins and microelements.
  • A – potatoes for salads and okroshkas. The tubers are not overcooked, the pulp is dense and watery, there is no mealiness;
  • B – potatoes intended for boiling (ideal for soups) and frying. Tubers with moderately dense and watery, slightly mealy pulp, boil very poorly;
  • C – well-cooked potatoes, which are usually served whole, mashed or fried. The consistency of the tubers is soft, the pulp is moderately mealy and slightly watery.
  • D – very overcooked potatoes. Used for baking and making purees, not suitable for frying. The consistency of the tubers is soft, the pulp is mealy and not watery.

Classification of potatoes by skin and pulp color

Depending on the variety, the potato flesh can be white or yellow, and the skin can be white, yellow, red or purple. The yellow color of the pulp indicates a high content of beta-carotene in the tubers. The red color of the peel is given by anthocyanins - bioflavonoids that have an antioxidant effect and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The darker the skin of the tubers, the more anthocyanins it contains. That is why it is recommended to use pink potato juice for medicinal purposes.

The ancient variety Morning Rose (American, beloved by many gardeners) has good dietary properties. On its basis, the mid-early varieties Crimean Rose and Red Rose were bred especially for arid and steppe regions.

Recently, breeders around the world have been working on developing potato varieties with red and purple flesh. This is not a whim: of course, such tubers look impressive, but the high content of anthocyanins makes such potatoes an indispensable dietary product, especially for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Varieties with red flesh are the healthiest

In addition, types of potatoes with colored flesh are extremely resistant to adverse weather conditions. Thus, early varieties with cranberry-red tuber pulp Cranberry Red and Huckleberry are zoned for Alaska. In the highlands of Peru, characterized by high humidity, a variety with dark purple flesh is grown, Purple Peruvian.

Classification of potatoes by ripening time

The ripening period of potatoes is the period of time from the appearance of the first shoots to the moment when the crop can be harvested.

Potato varieties are classified according to ripening time as follows:

  • very early, ripening period – 35-50 days. The main advantage is the possibility of obtaining two harvests per season;
  • early – 50-65 days;
  • mid-early – 65-80 days;
  • mid-season – 80-95 days;
  • medium-late – 95-110 days;
  • late – 110-120 or more days.

The most popular table potato varieties

Experienced gardeners recommend planting several varieties of potatoes with different ripening periods in one area. Due to the fact that the growing season of plants of different varieties does not coincide, bushes are less susceptible to late blight and other diseases.

Variety of shapes and types of potatoes

Extra-early (ultra-early) varieties:

  • Ariel is a Dutch potato with white skin and yellow flesh that does not darken after cooking. The tubers are large, well preserved until spring, starch content - 18.7%, yield - 280-450 kg per hundred square meters. The variety is resistant to nematodes, cancer and viral diseases;
  • Impala is a potato of Dutch selection with yellow skin and pulp, starch content - 14.6%. The variety is resistant to late blight and scab. The ripening period is 70 days, but tubers can be dug up already on the 45th day;
  • Veneta is a German variety. The ripening period is 60-70 days, but young tubers can be dug up already on the 45th day. Productivity – up to 300 kg per hundred square meters. The tubers are small (70-100 g), very tasty, suitable for frying, starch content - 13-15%. The variety is drought resistant;
  • Lapis lazuli is a Belarusian variety that is resistant to nematodes. Productivity – up to 259 kg per hundred square meters. Tubers with yellow skin and white pulp, starch content - 13-15.7%. The ripening period is 55 days, but tubers can be dug up already on the 45th day.

Early (early ripening) varieties:

  • Zhukovsky early - pink potatoes with white flesh. The weight of the tubers is up to 170 g. When cooked, the potatoes do not darken or become soft; they are well suited for frying and making chips. The starch content in tubers is up to 15%, the yield is 320-380 kg per hundred square meters. The variety is resistant to drought and low temperatures, the tubers are well preserved until spring;
  • The leader is a potato with yellow skin and white flesh. The average weight of a tuber is up to 120 g, starch content is 12%. The bushes are susceptible to nematodes, but resistant to cancer. Productivity – up to 339 kg per hundred square meters.

Mid-early varieties:

  • Red Scarlet is a Dutch variety. Tubers - with pink skin and creamy pulp. Weight – 80-120 g, starch content – ​​11-15%. Productivity – up to 450 kg per hundred square meters;
  • Rowanushka - pink potato with creamy flesh, starch content - 11.9-15%. The variety is not affected by nematodes, is resistant to cancer, but is susceptible to late blight. Productivity – up to 396 kg per hundred square meters.

Mid-season varieties:

  • Hannibal (the famous Sineglazka) is a domestic variety bred immediately after the Great Patriotic War specifically for homestead farms. The variety was obtained by crossing cultivated and wild potato species, and therefore is resistant to adverse weather conditions. The weight of the tubers is 150-200 g, the peel is gray, covered with small purple specks. The tubers contain a lot of vitamin B, the starch content is 15.5%. Potatoes boil well, ideal for mashing, but also suitable for frying. The variety is not included in the Register due to the fact that in large farms, unlike homesteads, these potatoes are poorly preserved;
  • Dubrava – yellow potatoes with creamy flesh. The tubers are very large, weighing from 100 to 200 g. The starch content is from 11 to 15%, the yield is up to 325 kg per hundred square meters.

Mid-late varieties:

  • Lasunok is a variety of Belarusian selection. The tubers are yellow with creamy pulp, very large (up to 200 g). Productivity – 500-600 kg per hundred square meters. But potatoes are preserved only at temperatures up to +4 °C; at the slightest warming, they begin to germinate;
  • Asterix is ​​a red potato with creamy flesh. Productivity up to 300 kg per hundred square meters. The variety is resistant to various diseases.
    Late varieties:
  • Zhuravinka is a red potato with yellow flesh. Tuber weight – up to 140 g, starch content – ​​14-19%, yield – up to 242 kg per hundred square meters;
  • Zdabytak is a variety of Belarusian selection. The tubers are pink with white flesh. The variety is resistant to viral infections. Productivity – up to 700 kg per hundred square meters.

» Potato varieties

Potatoes have long been considered the most popular crop grown in Russia. Let's consider in the article which varieties are best to choose in order to get a high-quality and large harvest.

There is approximately 280 subspecies potatoes that can be grown in different climate zones. Many varieties have found their popularity in industrial production, some are loved by summer residents to plant on their plots. Let's look at the most popular varieties and types in a small catalog in alphabetical order.


Its main advantage is the large, even fruit.

Main characteristics:

  • early ripening variety;
  • productive - 500 c/ha;
  • most popular for cooking in restaurants;
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • contains high levels of starch up to 17%.

Idaho is the most popular variety for restaurant cooking.

Planting is carried out in early spring, when the frosts have already passed and the temperature reaches 8 degrees.

- most popular in the CIS countries.

Main characteristics:

  • early ripening, in the south you can get several harvests per season;
  • with proper watering and fertilizing, high yield – 350 c/ha;
  • a large oval-shaped root vegetable (approximately 200-500g fruit).

You should know that it grows poorly in soil without fertilizing. It is recommended to grow it after legumes.

Red Scarlet

Its characteristics are not inferior even to Belarusian ones. It is characterized by medium-sized root vegetables with excellent taste characteristics.

Often used for preparing dishes in restaurants.

Main characteristics:

  • the bush is low-growing, blooms with lilac flowers;
  • the variety is susceptible to diseases: phytosphorosis and scab;
  • the fruit is shaped like an oblong oval;
  • the peel is red to pinkish-violet;
  • cream-colored pulp;
  • tolerates heat well;
  • the weight of one fruit can be from 70-200 grams;
  • on one bush up to 15 tubers.

Rosara is an early ripening, ripens within 70 days. Used in new and modern industry for the preparation of dry raw materials.

Main characteristics:

  • the pulp has a soft yellow tint;
  • on average, the fruit weighs about 70-130g;
  • fruit shape is oval, slightly elongated;
  • holds its shape well due to its low starch content;
  • productivity 500 c/ha.

Refers to late potato varieties. Fully matures later 110-130 days after germination.

Main characteristics:

  • high yield, 1 hectare can produce up to 20 tons potatoes;
  • the color of the tubers is pink-yellow;
  • the weight of one fetus varies from 100-150 gr;
  • pulp is white-yellow;
  • the taste is amazing;
  • susceptible to the disease - late blight;
  • has a high shelf life.

The plant is planted in the spring, when there is no longer frost, but the soil is still moist.

Well adapted to many climatic conditions, it is actively planted on farms.

Main characteristics:

  • the shape of the fruit is smooth, oval;
  • the pulp is light yellow;
  • fetal weight 100-300 gr.;
  • retains its shape well when cooked;
  • has a wonderful potato taste;
  • does not require constant feeding with fertilizers.

Planting begins only after the soil warms up to +10 degrees. Does not require watering. Minus - his cannot be stored for a long time, as it begins to wither.


The German early-ripening potato variety has excellent taste properties and is distinguished by the content of a large amount of starch in the fruit.

Main characteristics:

  • from 1 hundred square meters you can collect up to 400 kg potatoes;
  • root vegetables are round in shape, small in size with yellow skin;
  • the pulp is bright yellow;
  • average potato weight 60-130g;
  • prone to black parasite infection.

Considered one of the best hybrid varieties.

Ripens within 75 days, during which time potatoes can be harvested. Potatoes should be planted as soon as the air temperature reaches 10 degrees.


The most delicious Dutch, considered one of the most delicious potato root crops.

Main characteristics:

  • from 1 hundred square meters they collect up to 220 kg harvest;
  • tuber weight varies from 150 to 350 g;
  • About 20 fruits come from one bush.

Dauphiné is one of the most delicious potato varieties

The most suitable variety for those who want to grow potatoes for themselves.

Main characteristics:

  • has excellent taste;
  • gives a high yield up to 390 kg per hectare;
  • the weight of the tuber reaches 400 gr;
  • bushes of the variety are tall, strong, up to 80 cm;
  • softens well when cooked;
  • resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and fungi.

There are several varieties based on ripening time. It is considered elite and grows well in any conditions.

Main characteristics:

  • productivity up to 350 kg from one hundred square meters;
  • for planting, you need to choose unsprouted tubers; after germination, plant those with short sprouts;
  • tubers with long shoots are not allowed for sowing;
  • belongs to the middle-late;
  • ripening occurs in 75-90 days;
  • oval in shape, with light yellow skin and creamy flesh;
  • They love warmth, so it is recommended to plant them when the frosts have passed.

It is considered an early ripening table variety.

On the 45th day you can already get the first harvest, but in general the harvest time is 70-75 day.

Main characteristics:

  • from each bush you can collect 2 kg each fruits;
  • resistant to weather conditions, tolerates transportation well;
  • practically immune to diseases, there is a possibility of infection with late blight and viral diseases;
  • the flesh is pale yellow;
  • requires care, watering, adding organic matter;
  • keeps well during the winter.


Refers to the elite, which require special care. If you follow all the rules you can collect up to 950 c/ha.

Main characteristics:

  • tuber weight 170 gr;
  • refers to mid-season (on average 90 days);
  • from a bush you can collect up to 15 kg of root vegetables;
  • tolerates winter well and is well stored for a long time.

Brought out by breeders in Germany 25 years ago. It is still loved by gourmets due to its excellent taste.

Main characteristics:

  • the peel has a yellow tint, slightly rough to the touch;
  • the pulp may be light yellow or deep yellow;
  • the shape of the root crop is round-oval;
  • average fetal weight 140 gr.;
  • the variety can be planted in open ground at the end of April, propagated by tubers;
  • full ripening occurs in 65-80 days;
  • high-yielding, from 1 hectare you can get up to 45 tons.

It is an early ripening plant, tolerates heat and sudden temperature changes well.

This subspecies can be found in all regions of Russia.

Main characteristics:

  • root weight varies from 80 to 200 g;
  • the peel has a soft amber tint;
  • the pulp is light yellow;
  • before planting it is recommended to treat with copper sulfate;
  • collected from one hectare 250 quintals potatoes;
  • planting takes place in early May.

Early ripening potatoes have a pleasant taste.

Main characteristics:

  • fruit of elongated oval shape;
  • the peel is yellow, the flesh is light cream;
  • the tuber weighs about 80-200 gr;
  • contains a high level of starch up to 17%;
  • there is a possibility of infection with late blight;
  • productivity 300 c/ha.

The taste of potatoes improves if they contain a large amount of starch. You can influence the taste of the fruit with proper care: watering, fertilizer.

Potato subspecies

Different varieties of potatoes are suitable not for all regions of Russia. Although most are acclimatized to the temperate zone, there are varieties that are most suitable for central Russia and Siberia.

Potatoes also differ in the shade of their pulp, taste characteristics, and ripening time. Based on this, they can be classified as follows:

Classification of varieties by growth

Types by yield

Classification by ripening time

All of the above potato varieties have excellent characteristics and taste. Most are disease resistant and have high yields.

Many summer residents do not even suspect that tuberous nightshade grows on their property. This is exactly what everyone’s favorite potato is called in scientific language. For Italians it is “tartofel”, for Germans it is “kartoffel”, and for Russians it is potato or potato.

In its homeland, South America, a plant from the nightshade family grows wild. “Earth apples” were brought to Russia under Peter I, but only in the 19th century did the cultivation of the crop begin, and by the beginning of the 20th century, potatoes in Russia began to be called “second bread.” There are a huge number of varieties of this vegetable, and knowledge of the particular cultivation of the crop, as well as choosing the right variety, play a very important role in obtaining high yields.

Potatoes - description of the vegetable

The familiar garden vegetable is a perennial plant, but is cultivated for one season. Forms a herbaceous bush with erect stems and dark green leaves. The color of the leaves depends on the variety, growing conditions, and along with green there are purple or brown-green shades.

Potato inflorescences are mostly white, but may be lilac, purple, or blue in color. The resulting potato fruits - berries, contain a large amount of solanine, are unsuitable for food, and can cause poisoning.

Potatoes are grown for their tubers, which form underground on shoots called stolons. The plant has fibrous roots, which are generally not particularly deep. The depth also depends on the type of vegetable and, for example, in late-ripening varieties the roots go down almost 100-150 cm.

Tubers come in round, oval, and elongated shapes. Their color is just as varied: yellowish, cream, pink, purple, with streaks, the manifestation of more intensely colored areas. The flesh is usually white, and there are also varieties with yellow, blue-violet and pink flesh. Weight varies depending on the variety, growing conditions, and agricultural technology. Potatoes weighing about 1 kg are considered large.

Potato tubers contain a large amount of vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. An important indicator is the percentage of dry matter in potatoes, the basis of which is starch. This culture not only occupies an important place among staple foods, but is also actively used in folk medicine.

IMPORTANT! Potato stems, leaves and fruits contain large amounts of poisonous solanine.

In tubers, its content is minimal, but if the potatoes have been stored for a long time, they begin to germinate, and also if they have been in the light for a long time and have turned green, the concentration of solanine immediately increases. These potatoes should not be eaten.

Potato varieties are cultivated that differ not only in terms of ripening, but also in taste and chemical composition.

Varieties are divided into:

  • canteens;
  • used in production (technical);
  • feed

There are also varieties of potatoes that are considered universal, which are equally suitable for food purposes, for livestock feed, and also for processing.

Potato development phases

Like other plants, the life cycle of this vegetable is conventionally divided into phases (stages), characterized by certain changes in development and growth.

There are five main phases in potato development.

  1. The period before emergence. A tuber planted in the soil begins to “breathe” intensively, buds swell and sprout in the eyes.
  2. The phase of formation of a plant bush (stems, leaves, root system).
  3. The formation of buds on the bush, the growth of tops, the formation of stolons begins.
  4. Flowering of potatoes, completion of growth of tops, intensive growth of tubers.
  5. Withering and dying of potato tops, ripening of tubers.

The plant belongs to the vegetable crops of a temperate climate, but at very high temperatures (just like when it drops from +7ºC), all growth processes in potatoes can slow down. Thus, it needs moderate heat, then the vegetative mass will increase and tubers will form. It is usually practiced to plant potatoes with pre-planting preparation when the tubers are sprouted. This accelerates the emergence of seedlings and the growth of plant bushes. Tuberization also depends on the potato variety, and in early varieties it can begin in the third phase (budding period).

In total, the period of tuber growth usually lasts from 15 to 25 days, if favorable conditions are created and the weather is good.

What kind of soil do potatoes like?

It is difficult to obtain a good potato harvest on uncultivated soils. The quality of the soil affects not only the quantity, but also the quality of tubers.

And the best will be fertile sandy loam soils, loose, breathable. Light loam is also suitable, especially with a deep topsoil layer. Sandy and sandy loam soils are improved by adding organic matter (manure, compost, poultry droppings), but it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers in minimal doses. In the same way, organic matter is added to heavy soils, while simultaneously adding coarse sand.

Deep plowing of the site is of great importance when a loose arable layer is formed. It has good crumbling and breathability. Potato roots, stolons and the tubers themselves grow well in such soil.

ON A NOTE! Applying manure immediately before planting increases yield, but there is a high risk of potato tubers becoming scabbed.

This culture loves light and does not tolerate shade. In shady areas, plants bloom poorly, tubers form too small, and the foliage turns yellow.

In terms of acidity, the soils should be slightly acidic, since these are the ones that potatoes “like” the most. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that different types of soil are suitable for different varieties. For example, Nevsky gives excellent yields on small loam and sandy loam soils, but it is not suitable for heavy soils. The fairly unpretentious Adretta grows on all soils, but the Belarusian potato prefers peat.

Potatoes - benefits and harms

Many people mistakenly believe that potatoes are too simple a crop and there is no significant benefit to speak of. But this is not so, because the vegetable contains a large amount of various vitamins, amino acids, and regular consumption of potatoes contributes to the entry of these beneficial substances into the human body.

Potatoes are useful for strengthening bone structure, improving the functioning of the digestive system, and normalizing metabolism. The folic acid it contains prevents the formation of cancer cells, potassium and vitamins C and B6 support and normalize heart function.

Potatoes give a feeling of satiety and provide the human body with various substances. The vegetable contains components such as flavonoid and quercetin, which protect cells from damage by free radicals.

Everyone's favorite potato has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, improving its structure, promoting rejuvenation and the disappearance of wrinkles.

ON A NOTE! The Indians of Peru worshiped the potato as a deity. Some tribes counted time based on the duration of cooking potato tubers.

As for the harm, with potatoes, like any other product, you just need to observe moderation. It is not recommended to eat large amounts of fried potatoes, chips, and French fries, beloved by many. Such products, cooked at high temperatures, contain the substance acrylamide, which is harmful to the human body.

Those who take various beta blockers should limit their consumption of potato dishes; potatoes, due to their high potassium content, are also contraindicated for those with kidney disease.

Rules for storing potatoes

For many summer residents, harvesting potatoes in the fall is one of the most labor-intensive types of garden work. At the same time, the harvested potatoes must be prepared for storage, providing the vegetable with optimal conditions for wintering.

Typically, the places where potatoes are stored are:

  • cellars;
  • basement;
  • balcony or loggia.

The choice depends on the capabilities of summer residents, place of residence (city apartment, private house), climate of the area, as well as the volume of harvest. The best option is a dry and dark cellar, with a stable temperature regime.

ON A NOTE! Potatoes should be stored at a temperature of +2…+4 ºC.

At higher rates, the tubers will wither, lose moisture, and sprouts will appear. It will not be possible to eat it. As the temperature drops, the potatoes become sweetish and the skin acquires a slimy coating.

It is important to maintain an optimal humidity level - 70-85%, so that the tubers do not lose moisture and at the same time do not begin to rot. Potatoes cannot be stored in damp cellars and basements, otherwise the crop will be completely spoiled within a few weeks.

Potatoes are stored in special boxes, bins, mesh bags, and wire containers. If vegetables are poured in bulk into bins, then the layer should not exceed 1-1.5 meters. Good ventilation must be ensured. It is convenient to pour and store potatoes in wooden boxes, because if suddenly some tubers begin to spoil, you can very easily remove them without disturbing all the deposits.

Before storing the tubers, the room must be dried and treated with disinfectants (copper sulfate, potassium permanganate can be used). Disinfection is also carried out using sulfur bombs.

IMPORTANT! When drying the cellar, you must be very careful, observing safety precautions.

The bottom of the cellar or basement must be dry. It is advisable that it be sprinkled with some kind of moisture-absorbing material (pebbles, crushed stone or coarse sand).

The potatoes are sorted, sorted and dried for storage. You can place a layer of beets on top of the tubers, which will absorb excess moisture from the “breathing” potatoes. If cold weather is expected, then cover the lid of the cellar with warm blankets and old sweatshirts so that the potatoes do not freeze.

Potatoes for eating should be stored separately from tubers intended for planting. Typically, such tubers are sorted before storage and then kept in the sun for a while so that they turn green. They cannot be eaten, but they will overwinter well, and in the spring there will be high-quality seed material.

Which potato variety is best stored in winter?

When storing potatoes, you should remember that not all varieties of that crop tolerate wintering equally well. Even if all conditions are created, early potato varieties may begin to germinate. But in practice, very often gardeners do not divide potatoes into early and late varieties, storing them all in one mass.

Experimentally, determine for yourself the tasty varieties of potatoes (and here opinions may vary), as well as those that winter best until spring. Much depends on the conditions, since it is easier to store in well-equipped cellars than, for example, on a loggia or in basements.

Sorting by variety is still necessary, since early or mid-ripening groups winter worse, while late potatoes last well not only until spring, but also for part of the summer. Luck, Rosara, Zhavoronok - these are early varieties, so they should be eaten first. They cannot stand long-term storage and will begin to deteriorate. But the early Impala variety, which is loved by many gardeners, does not cause much trouble during wintering and is stored very well until late spring. The early Dutch variety Red Scarlet also preserves well.

Such varieties as Zhuravinka, Asterix, Atlant, Gatchinsky, Lasunok have high shelf life.

The mid-season Nevsky potato variety, which is successfully grown throughout the country, is famous for its excellent taste and good keeping quality. So everyone can always choose “their own” variety, which can be preserved without any problems during the winter.

Potato varieties

There are a huge number of different varieties of potatoes, classified according to various characteristics. It is traditional to divide crops into groups according to ripening periods:

  • early and mid-early (from 60 to 90 days);
  • mid-season varieties that require 90 to 110 days to grow;
  • late varieties (from 110 to 120 days).

There are particularly tasty varieties, the most shelf-stable, adapted to various conditions (drought-resistant, growing on clay soils, withstanding temperature changes and high humidity). Also in the descriptions of varieties, the characteristics of the resistance of a particular potato to diseases and pests are of particular importance. For example, Bellarosa and Zhivitsa are resistant to late blight; Picasso, Karatop and Fantasia are not infected with scab, and Sante or Arosa are least affected by the dangerous golden nematode.

In addition to varieties of domestic selection (both old and proven, as well as new ones), Russian gardeners try and successfully cultivate potato varieties from Germany and Holland. Belarusian potato varieties are widespread, especially since the climate of many Russian regions is similar to the conditions of the fraternal country.

Also, experts always advise gardeners to cultivate potatoes of different ripening periods on their plots, with different parameters of weather resistance. This makes it possible to always get a good harvest, even in an unfavorable summer season. And we must not forget about the systematic renewal of seed potatoes, since over the years the crop gradually degenerates. Tubers, once large and tasty, become smaller, plants get sick more often, and harvests are not encouraging. The reason is most often one - degeneration of varietal characteristics, accumulation of viruses.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly add new potatoes and try a little different varieties.

IMPORTANT! You need to purchase potatoes from reliable and trusted intermediaries or from seed farms.

Early potato varieties

This group includes potatoes whose ripening period does not exceed 90 days. Among them there are also their own record holders, the tubers of which ripen in 50-70 days - ultra-early varieties.

Please note that ripening rates may vary due to weather, climatic characteristics of the region, and agricultural technology. Early potatoes are valued for their ability to quickly harvest and consume fresh tubers in the second half of summer. Its “minus” is its unsuitability for long-term storage, so other varieties from the group of mid-season and late ripening must be planted for wintering.

Red Scarlet (Holland)

One of the most common varieties of Dutch selection in Russian regions. On average, the ripening period is 70-75 days. It is grown in the southern regions, zoned for the Moscow region, and these potatoes are successfully grown by gardeners in the Urals and the North-West.

The tubers are smooth, oblong, the skin is pink-lilac, the flesh is yellowish. The weight of the tubers is about 100 grams. Up to 10-13 tubers are formed on compact bushes. The taste of the pulp is good. This variety is recommended for making French fries and frying. When cooked, it softens poorly and is not suitable for mashed potatoes.

Red Scarlet is distinguished by drought resistance, high productivity, and unpretentiousness. It is quite resistant to nematodes, but in some years it can be affected by late blight.
You can order this variety in the Gardens of Russia online store

Udacha (Russia)

Udacha is a domestic potato variety. Why it is valued: it produces good yields, and is also suitable for long-term storage (a rarity for early varieties). It also shows resistance to various viruses and mechanical damage.

Medium-sized bushes, spreading, blooms white. It is successfully grown in the regions of the North-West, the middle zone, and the Volga region. Forms up to 18 tubers on a bush, each weighing on average up to 150-200 grams. The skin is yellow, the flesh inside is whitish. Luck tubers have weakly expressed eyes. A very tasty variety that is also suitable for storage.

The Udacha variety is productive even in unfavorable years, and therefore is popular among summer residents.
To order this variety, click on the button

Rosara (Germany)

Another variety of foreign selection is “guest” from Germany Rosara. The originator of the variety is the company Saka Pflanzenzucht GBR; since 1996, Rosara has been included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

Rosara's tubers are oval, beautiful, and have a red skin. The surface of the tubers may have a slight roughness. The pulp is yellowish. This variety (according to many summer residents) is one of the best in taste. Contains a small percentage of starch and does not boil down.

It is cultivated in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. With proper agricultural technology, you can get up to 400 kg of tubers from one hundred square meters.
This variety can also be ordered

Bellarosa (Germany)

Gardeners in the Urals, regions of the North-West and Central Russia successfully grow the Bellarosa potato variety.

These are early potatoes; the tubers can be dug up for food after 40-45 days. Forms beautiful bushes; up to 10 large tubers are formed on each plant. Each of them weighs on average up to 150-200 grams, there are also larger specimens – up to 800 grams.

Bellarosa's peel is pinkish, the flesh is yellow, and may have a creamy tint. The taste is excellent; potatoes can be used for preparing a wide variety of dishes (frying, boiling, baking).

ON A NOTE! When cooked, unlike many varieties, the flesh of Bellarosa does not darken

The productivity of Bellarosa is high; they harvest from 150 to 300 kg per hundred square meters of ridge. It is valued both for its yield and excellent taste, as well as for its unpretentiousness, resistance to disease, as well as keeping quality and drought resistance.

Bellarosa is less resistant to the Colorado potato beetle, so mandatory preventive measures are needed.

Impala (Netherlands)

Dutch potatoes are always in demand among Russian gardeners. The Impala variety is a striking example of this, since it is grown by both summer residents and various vegetable farms.

It is an early ripening potato (up to 65 days), although summer residents often begin to dig up tubers for food after 45-50 days. That is why in the southern regions of Russia this variety has time to ripen and is planted twice per season. Up to 15-18 tubers are collected from a bush. Each tuber weighs approximately 130-150 grams.

The skin of root vegetables is yellowish in color, even and smooth. The pulp is creamy. Impala potatoes have an excellent taste, and this variety, despite its early ripening, winters well and retains its appearance. The variety requires mandatory crop rotation and produces high yields when planted in ridges.

Medium potato varieties

This group in our review includes mid-early varieties (75-85 days), as well as potatoes with a ripening period of 90 to 110 days.

Gala (Germany)

An unpretentious variety of German selection - Gala, which is grown in many regions of Russia. Resistant to a number of potato diseases and nematodes.

The bushes are medium-sized, the flowers are white. Forms tubers weighing up to 120 grams, the peel is yellowish, the flesh is more intensely colored in bright yellow. One bush can have up to 20-25 potatoes. They do not boil over and remain very dense when cooked, so these potatoes are ideal for preparing various salads and soups.

The yield of the variety is good, up to 350-400 kg are harvested from one hundred square meters. Gala is distinguished by the fact that the tubers sprout evenly, the bushes are compact and leveled, so it is convenient to care for the plants.
Order Gala potatoes with delivery

Nevsky (Russia)

A real favorite of summer residents is a variety from a domestic breeding school called Nevsky. It is also grown on large farms and is valued for the excellent taste of the tubers, high yield (up to 500 kg per acre), and good shelf life.

Nevsky bushes are very lush, beautiful, white flowers. Each bush produces from 8 to 15 tubers, weighing on average 80-150 grams.

The skin of the potatoes is white, the flesh is also white, the taste is very good. Nevsky is suitable for preparing various dishes and has average starch content. Gardeners value it for its resistance to one of the most dangerous potato diseases - late blight; it is also less susceptible to blackleg and scab.

ON A NOTE! The Nevsky variety requires special attention when planting. The sprouts of sprouted tubers should not be damaged.

You can order this variety

Nevsky has been zoned in all regions of the country.

Charodey (Russia)

The Magician variety from Russian breeders has “charmed” many, and above all, it is valued for its excellent tuber taste and marketability.

This potato variety is unpretentious to weather and soil, and also shows good resistance to various diseases.

In some years it may be affected by the golden nematode.

It produces higher yields when planted sparsely.

The leveled tubers of the Enchanter have a yellow-brown skin and white flesh. The taste is very pleasant, such mashed potatoes are especially good. The tubers do not darken when cooked.

From 170 to 400 kg are harvested from one hundred square meters; the yield depends on the region and the characteristics of agricultural technology.

Adretta (Germany)

One of the long-standing varieties that Russian gardeners enjoy growing is Adretta. This is a German variety that appeared on the plots almost a quarter of a century ago and, despite the abundance of new potato products, it is not losing its position.

Tasty, with a high starch content, Adretta potatoes are especially good when cooked. They have a yellowish skin, the flesh is also yellow, and when cooked, the color intensity increases.

The weight of individual potatoes is up to 140-160 grams. Adretta is a very unpretentious variety, grown both in summer cottages and on various farms. The “disadvantages” include the variety’s susceptibility to scab and late blight, especially when grown in the northern and northwestern regions.

Even when frozen, the tubers do not change their taste and do not become sweet.

Tuleevsky (Russia)

In 2006, the Tuleyevsky potato variety appeared in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

It was bred by breeders of the Kemerovo region, the name was given in honor of the governor of the region.

Its bushes are compact in size, which allows the variety to be grown in small areas.

The potatoes are smooth and have a yellowish skin. The surface is rough. The variety has a good taste; in addition, it is valued for the absence of small tubers on the bush. On average, up to 20 tubers are formed on one plant, weighing up to 250 grams.

This “governor” variety is grown in many regions of Russia, since, in addition to yield, it is also resistant to scab and rot.

Rocco (Holland)

Vegetable growers in many countries around the world grow potatoes of the Dutch Rocco selection. It appeared in our country in 2002, so this variety can no longer be considered a new product.

The ripening period largely depends on the characteristics of the region, since in the south tubers are dug up after 100 days, in more northern regions it takes longer (up to 120-150 days).

The unpretentious Rocco produces oval-shaped potatoes, each weighing up to 120 grams. The skin of the potatoes is red, the flesh has a pleasant creamy tint.

To store Rocco potatoes, you need to equip a good cellar, otherwise the root crops may not survive in the winter.

The taste is very high and can be used for preparing various dishes.

Feature of the variety: Rocco often lacks flowers during the growing season. This does not affect tuberization.

Aurora (Russia)

In the northern and central regions of Russia, many people prefer the mid-season Aurora variety. Its peculiarity: tasty, smooth potatoes, good yield, requires careful adherence to all agricultural techniques.

The variety forms powerful tall bushes, so repeated hilling is required so that the plants do not “fall apart”.

The beautiful Aurora tubers have a reddish-beige skin, inside there is soft cream-colored pulp. On average, a bush grows up to 20-23 potatoes, but in a number of regions, gardeners noted other figures - up to 30-35 copies.

Potato weight – up to 150 grams (average). Suitable for all types of processing. Keeping quality is high; if storage conditions are met, Aurora overwinters well until next summer.

Late potato varieties

This category includes varieties with tuber ripening periods from 110 to 130-140 days. These are the optimal potato varieties for the southern regions, since in those climatic conditions (long summer period) they manage to produce excellent harvests.

In the conditions of the middle zone, the Urals, Siberia, and the North-West, it is difficult to grow them, although some gardeners also cultivate late potatoes due to their good taste and excellent keeping quality.

Picasso (Holland)

The variety stands out for its large spreading bushes, high yield, and excellent taste of the tubers. But Picasso is demanding on the quality of the soil and agricultural technology, so it will be necessary to work hard to get good harvests. He loves freedom, and gives best results when planted sparsely.

Its tubers have a very unusual color - beige with pink spots. Most likely, it was precisely because of this original color that the potato variety received the name of the great painter.

Potatoes weigh about 90-140 grams and have low starch content.

Even among late varieties, Picasso is distinguished by its excellent keeping quality and maintaining an attractive appearance, for which it is especially valued by producers who grow it for sale.

From one hundred square meters of land you can harvest up to 300-320 kg of potatoes. “Minus” - affected by late blight.

Zhuravinka (Belarus)

Belarusian breeders have developed many excellent varieties of potatoes, the legendary vegetable of this country, which is almost a national symbol, and among them is Zhuravinka.

The late-ripening Belarusian variety is grown by gardeners in the central part of Russia and the Volga region; it is also successful in more northern regions (Leningrad, Pskov, Arkhangelsk regions). Ripening time is up to 110 days.

Since 2005, it has been registered in the State Register, the yield is very impressive - up to 600 kg per hundred square meters. It is important that this variety is unpretentious to growing conditions, so yield indicators are almost the same in different regions.

One potato bush produces up to 16-18 bright red or pink tubers. Interestingly, the flesh of this potato variety is yellow. The weight of potatoes is up to 100 grams (can be 200 or 300 grams), the tubers are most often leveled.

Feature of the Zhuravinka variety: high starch content in the pulp (up to 20%). These potatoes are used in the food industry (making chips), as well as for preparing any dishes.

The keeping quality of Zhuravinka is good, it overwinters well until spring, 96-98% of the tubers remain in good condition.

The best potato varieties

Real gardeners will never stop there; they will try, experiment, and select the best potato varieties for themselves. And even though these varieties or hybrids are often not included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, they are successfully cultivated in the vast expanses of Russia and get very good results.


The Dauphine variety, developed by the Dutch, is famous for its excellent taste and large tubers. On average, the weight of these potatoes reaches 300 grams.

The tubers are beige in color, and the potato pulp is the same color. Up to 18-20 tubers are usually formed on one bush. Unpretentious, resistant to many traditional potato diseases. Many gardeners unconditionally recognize this variety as the most delicious among Dutch-bred potatoes.


Large, yellowish-brown tubers of this variety grow up to 350-400 grams. Pai is a variety for those who value productivity and excellent taste, but at the same time are ready to follow all the rules of agricultural technology.

If you follow all the techniques, you can get up to 370-390 kg per hectare.

The variety is distinguished by tall spreading bushes, resistance to powdery mildew, and most fungal infections of potatoes.

Pai is one of the best varieties for making puree (it boils well).


Potatoes with lilac flesh? And why not, because it has an excellent taste, and the tubers can be eaten raw. This is precisely the variety of the Russian selection Gurman, which is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners.

Gurman is part of the group of mid-early potato varieties, ripening time is up to 80 days. The plant is small in size, semi-spreading, with up to 14 tubers of blue or purple color formed on each one.

Potatoes grow up to 80-100 grams, the pulp has not only an unusual color, but also a rather original and very pleasant taste. Used everywhere:

  • French fries;
  • puree;
  • soups;
  • salads;
  • for baking.

ON A NOTE! Gourmet is a variety that appeared as a result of painstaking breeding work. It does not belong to genetic engineering technologies, and its interesting color is due to the high content of anthocyanins in the pulp and peel.

Gourmand tubers are very healthy, as the various substances they contain help lower cholesterol and improve the functioning of the circulatory system and heart. It is recommended for diabetics, as well as children and the elderly. Salads and vinaigrettes with the addition of such potatoes take on a very unusual look.