MacBook won't boot (freezes on boot) - what to do. Why is my macbook screen flickering skyrim on mac os macbook screen flickering

Since the new MacBook Pro models went on sale last month, a significant number of early adopters have reported serious graphical issues with the new models. Most of the messages were about 15" models assembled in the configurator, but there were also standard 13" and 15" versions.

For example, a visitor to MacRumors reported that his new top-of-the-line 15-inch MacBook Pro equipped with an AMD Radeon Pro 460 graphics card began to exhibit various graphical artifacts when encoding video using Adobe Media Encoder. It got to the point that the laptop eventually freezes altogether.

The reader reported that when he took his laptop back to the Apple store, where he wanted to replace it, the store employee told him that, most likely, the hardware is the cause of all the problems. Later, the person said that engineers from Apple's headquarters in Cupertino called him and tried to understand the details of the problems in more detail.

“Apple called me from Cupertino. They assembled a group of engineers to get to the root of the problem. I recreated the conditions under which my laptop crashed while on the phone with company employees, and then sent the log files of the “downed system”. They also said that they would like to receive my MacBook Pro with all the files on it in order to better understand the issue.

The main "symptoms" reported by the owners are related to the color flickering of the screen, blurring of the picture, the appearance of the picture in the form of colored squares and other graphic artifacts. Some of the laptops affected by these problems end up completely freezing.

Example of full-screen graphics artifacts on a 15-inch MacBook Pro with AMD Radeon Pro 460 graphics

The most commonly reported issues are 15-inch touchbar MacBook Pro models with AMD Radeon Pro 460 graphics cards, but several people have reported similar issues with 15-inch models equipped with standard AMD Radeon Pro 450 or AMD Radeon Pro 455 chips.

Another MacRumors reader shared a video of a flickering MacBook Pro with AMD Radeon Pro 455 graphics installed and two external LG monitors connected.

Until the end, it remains unclear whether this problem is software or really hardware. Most often, problems arise when users launch video decoding applications like Adobe Media Encoder, or try to sync their large photo libraries with the Photos app, or use other Adobe applications like Photoshop and Lightroom.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the messages that indicated flickering and graphic artifacts when starting new MacBook Pro models. Most often, the owners noted them at the bottom of the screen. Later it turned out that the FileVault 2 function was to blame. Disabling this function in the settings solves the issue.

While all indications are that the 15-inch discrete graphics MacBook Pro models are experiencing the most problems, there have been a few reports of issues affecting the 13-inch models with Intel Iris 540 and Intel Iris 550 integrated graphics, including the new 13 -inch model with standard function key layout.

It should also be noted that not all owners of new Macs experience these problems. Some MacRumors readers are speculating and hoping that the operating system is at fault, and that a hot patch might fix it.

It should also be recalled that some 2011-2013 MacBook Pro models have experienced similar issues in the past. Then there was talk of video distortion, its complete absence and unexpected reboots of the system. Apple responded by offering a free laptop repair program as well as a full refund. However, this did not happen before a class-action lawsuit filed against her by the owners.

Most likely, Apple is already aware of the problems that have occurred, but so far has not officially commented on them. Users report that company representatives call owners of problem laptops. The matter is accelerated by direct appeals to the Genius Bar and Apple Support.

Fair, not too high or too low. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% percent of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and Liability

A warranty should be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and enough. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will be helped.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and a warehouse with proven spare parts for current models so that you do not have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good form for the service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device after it.

Service repair and delivery

A good service values ​​your time, so it offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: it can be done correctly and according to technology only at a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient in order to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service is known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
We are trusted and passed on complex cases to other service centers.

How many masters in the directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of immediately.
2. You give Macbook repair to an expert specifically in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
To give you an idea of ​​what you need.
Will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description, you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

I silently listened to Valya. After a couple of seconds, it became clear to me what she perceives. For a correspondent from Svinsk, from whom he asks to understand the delicate situation associated with subsidies. Valya shook invisible crumbs off the table top. I jumped out and shook my head. Maybe this is six a and I should go deeper. In a quarter of not very presentable block five-story buildings. I did not listen to their squabble, I went to Peugeot, but later a clever idea suddenly came to my mind. I had to go back to the shop and ask another question. So. And it turned out. A thin lady with a tired, unpainted face without any malice. Said.

Blushing, I pulled one out, cleaned myself up, and went into the kitchen. Grandfather placed a mug of brown liquid in front of me; assessing the size of the container, a quarter liter, no less, I pushed the sugar bowl towards me and instantly got my hands on it. I was stunned, and the grandfather moved the sugar bowl to the windowsill and declared. I nodded, the handsome Aristarchus does not in vain produce a disgusting memory, it turns out that he is a shameless slut. There are ladies who come to ecstasy from home-grown Don Juan, but I'm not from. Numbers. I didn't have the right words. I choked on my coffee, and later, blushing with anger, laid out the story of our relationship to Gree. And the Lord looked at the fool and answered. I sent a board, a barrel and a dolphin for you, why didn’t I use the chance. Vanya was dumbfounded and exclaimed. I thought the Lord would personally stretch out his hand to me.

Pour cocoa into another and mix thoroughly. Top it with chocolate icing. The method of preparation of which is given in the recipe Roll. Here you need to follow certain rules. First, constantly mix the contents in only one direction. Secondly until the dough eats one egg, do not break the next one. When all the testicles are gone, you will get choux pastry. The oven should be in a hot oven door. Do not open unnecessarily so that the eclairs do not sit down. Ready-made cakes will acquire a golden hue. They need to be given to cool, carefully removed from the pan and cut. Top, fill with innards. It may. CREAM FROM CONDENSED WHITE AND BUTTER All products (excluding foam.

The Doctor was about to continue when the phone rang. She picked up the phone, got up, went to the closet, turning around. My back, and I quickly ran out of the office. Alexander Ivanovich met me at home with a question. I told about the plans that she is building for me, and asked my husband a question. The husband frowned and reached for the phone. His conversation with the doctor dragged on. Finally he explained. Now I hurried to the phone.

Here is his full expression. Believe me, Leonid Maksimovich did not utter a single printed word. Having shouted, he hung up, and I, grabbing the keys, rushed to the Sorokins. Something has obviously happened to my girlfriend. Ira Glebovna, my mother, opened the door for me. Leni. Her face was furrowed. Seeing me, she squeezed her lips into a thread, later angrily declared. Having said this, she wished.

Then the stepfather obeyed, the steel paws moved forward, swayed, went down, there was a melodic flash, and a plush dog fell out of the window located below Pink colour. The stepfather automatically took out the monster from the tray. I also obeyed, stood on the wide pedals and in a couple of seconds I was the owner of Cheburashka, covered with purple-blue wool. Nicoletta's lower lip began to bulge forward, her eyes filled with tears. With these words, the stepfather grabbed Nicoletta and dragged her to the jewelry store. I chuckled and followed the sweet couple. It looks like mom got lucky, finally she's on life path. Got a real man who realizes. any grief of a lady instantly becomes less if fastened. She has a ring with a pebble on her finger. And here Nicoletta surprised me to a stupefaction.

I managed to practically tear off my fingernail, clinging to the metal pin with the announcement. I sew hats from the customer's fur. Carrying a hand. I got to the typewriter, called the salon, where I constantly do manicures, and heard. With no small difficulty, I drove to the hairdresser's. Tanyusha stroked my shoulder, bandaged the injured finger and said. Tanyushin's speech turned into muttering. I began to feel sleepy, my eyelids closed, my body spread softly. Armchair. Only the stomach did not doze off, a real war began in it. With the use of cavalry and carpet bombing.

Shura began to speak. At first, Senya appeared in the store and asked Sveta. View. The men in the dirty white robe did not surprise the lady. Inspectors always come to the store, this one is probably from the sanitary and epidemiological station, because Sveta answered calmly. Semyon. Gone. Two more men followed and dragged a stretcher. Together with the orderlies, in complete fear.

Monitor problems


If there is a problem with your Apple monitor and it fails

troubleshoot using the information in this manual, contact
contact an Apple Authorized Service Provider or Apple for assistance.
If you try to repair the monitor yourself and damage
it, damage of this kind cannot be repaired under the limited
monitor warranty. For more information on all
For warranty service, please contact your authorized dealer.
Apple representative or service provider.

If there is no image on the screen

Make sure the computer is turned on; if the monitor has a power button,
make sure the monitor is on.

Make sure the cables are properly connected to the computer and monitor.

If your graphics card has an external power cable, make sure that
it is connected to the card and to the motherboard.

Make sure your computer is not in sleep mode. Press the power button
or any key to see if the computer wakes up from sleep.

Make sure your monitor's brightness and contrast are properly adjusted.
Use the brightness keys on your Apple keyboard. On some
On monitors, the brightness and contrast adjustment buttons are on the bottom or
on the side.

Chapter 4

There is a problem - there is a solution

Reset parametric RAM(PRAM) by rebooting the computer
and hold down the Command (x), Option, P, and R keys until you hear again
loading sound.

If the screen image is too dark or flickering

Adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor. Use the adjustment keys
brightness on the Apple keyboard. Adjustment buttons on some monitors
brightness and contrast are at the bottom or side. You can also customize
brightness and contrast using the "Monitors" panel in the "System

Calibrate your monitor by choosing Apple () > System Preferences.
Click Monitors, select Color, and click Calibrate. To find out
For more information about colors and monitor, see the Help Center.

Flickering can be caused by the influence of a nearby line
power supply, fluorescent lamp or electrical appliance such as
radio, microwave oven or other computer. Try rearranging
nearby electrical appliances or move the computer and monitor
to another place.

If colors are missing or distorted on the screen

Make sure the monitor is securely connected to the computer.

Calibrate the monitor as described in "If the image on the screen is
too dark or flickering” on page 103.

Chapter 4

There is a problem - there is a solution

If, after changing the screen resolution, the desktop icons
are moving
Changing the screen resolution affects the displayed information.
The operating system may move icons when changing the resolution

If the screen freezes

Force quit a hung program. Holding
Command(x) keys

and Option, press the Esc key. Then select

program from the list and click "Force Quit".

If this does not help, restart the computer forcibly while holding the button
power button (®) for 5-6 seconds until your Mac Pro turns off. Click the button
power button (®) again to turn on your Mac Pro.

If there is an indicator on the front of the monitor and it is blinking
On some Apple flat-panel monitors, a series of short indicator flashes
indicates that an error has been detected.

If you see a repeating sequence of three short
, the monitor is receiving an incorrectly formatted video signal.
Make sure the monitor is compatible with the graphics card and that it is installed
proper monitor software, if supplied
monitor included software for installation.

If you see a sequence of two short and one long flash,
this indicates a problem with the backlight of the monitor. Contact
Apple Authorized Reseller or Service Provider.

Chapter 4

There is a problem - there is a solution

Sometimes computers running macOS do not boot correctly. Instead of the usual logo in the form of a bitten apple and a loading indicator, the screen remains completely former. In this case, the computer cannot boot, despite the sound signal of the start of work. Most often, the appearance of the “white screen of death” is due to the installation of an operating system update. Considering the fact that yesterday, December 13, Apple is updating macOS Sierra, the instructions will come in handy if your Mac cannot turn on after the update.

There can be several reasons for problems with loading macOS, as well as their solutions.

One of the most simple solutions The problem could be restarting in safe mode. To do this, you need to restart the computer by holding down the key Shift until the Apple logo and loading indicator appear. After the computer has booted up, try restarting it normally again.

Reset Non-Volatile Memory (NVRAM)

NVRAM is a small sector of computer memory that stores some macOS settings. NVRAM stores information about the selection of the boot volume, and when booting operating system refers to this area of ​​memory. If there is an error in the operation of NVRAM, a "white screen of death" may also appear during boot.

To reset NVRAM, you need to restart the Mac while holding down the key combination Command+Option+P+R . You can release the keys only after you hear two beeps to turn on the computer. The non-volatile memory will then be reset and the computer will be able to boot normally.

Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)

Another way to deal with Mac boot problems is to reset the System Management Controller (SMC). This point should be resorted to only after all the previous ones have been tried, and they have not yielded results.

To reset the SMC, you need to turn off the Mac and connect the charging cable to it.

Turn on the computer by holding down the key combination Shift+Control+Option+Power a few seconds, then release all buttons at the same time. The computer should then boot normally.

Another way to fix a white screen of death on a Mac involves booting into recovery mode and using Disk Utility. This will require:

  • Restart Mac by holding down a key combination Command+R to start recovery mode.
  • Select Disk Utility from the list that appears on the screen.
  • In the new window, select the hard drive and go to the "First Aid" tab to start the recovery.

During the recovery process, the system may show errors that it cannot cope with. In this case, you may need to reinstall the operating system to restore your computer.

Recall that before you start reinstalling macOS, you should back up all the necessary data stored on your computer.

Sometimes a question mark appears on a white screen when loading. This means that the Mac cannot find the boot disk. Reboot with the key pressed can fix the situation Option . During the boot process, several options will appear on the screen, among which you need to select Macintosh HD. In the event that such a reboot does not solve the problem, most likely the hard drive is damaged and you should try to replace it as soon as possible.

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