Rasputin does not choose his homeland as parents. Statement texts

How to write a concise summary

Motherland, like parents, is not chosen, it is given to us at birth and absorbed from childhood. (first sentence in full)

For each of us, this is the center of the Earth, regardless of whether it is a big city or a small village somewhere in the tundra. For each of us, this is the center of the Earth, whether it is a big city or a small village.

Over the years, becoming older and living out our destiny, we attach more and more new lands to this center, we can change our place of residence and move to the province; Paradoxically, in this case, even a large city can turn out to be a “province”, but the center is still there, in our “small” homeland. Over the years, we add more and more new regions to this center, we can change our place of residence. But the center is still there, in the niche of the "small" homeland.

She cannot be changed. (This is the last sentence of the paragraph, it contains an important conclusion. We write it down in full)

The "small" homeland gives us much more than we are able to realize. (In short sentences, some minor members can be excluded and complex words can be replaced) The "small" homeland gives us more than we can realize.

Our human qualities, taken from childhood and youth, must be divided in half: half from our parents and half from the earth that raised us. (Separate members can be excluded from the proposals) Human qualities must be divided in half: half from the parents and half from the earth that raised us.

She is able to correct the mistakes of parenting. (This sentence can be excluded from the summary)

The first and most solid ideas about good and evil, about beauty and ugliness, we take out of it and then correlate with these original images and concepts all our life. (This sentence can be simplified, leaving only the main idea) We take out the first ideas of good and evil from it and then compare it with these initial images all our life.

The nature of the native land is minted in our souls forever. (in this sentence, you can replace compound word) The nature of the native land remains in our souls forever.

For example, when I experience something like a prayer, I see myself on the shore of the old Angara, which is now gone, the island opposite and the sun setting over the other shore. (This sentence can be restructured, simplifying it and leaving the main idea) When I experience something like a prayer, I see myself on the banks of the old Angara.

I have seen a lot of beauties in my life, but I will also die with this picture, which is dearer and closer to me. (Let's shorten the sentence, leaving the main idea) I have seen a lot of beauties in my life, but there is nothing dearer and closer to this picture for me.

I believe that she also played an important role in my writing business: once I went to the Angara and was stunned - and I was stunned from the beauty that entered me, as well as from the conscious and material feeling of the homeland that emerged from it. (This is the last sentence of the paragraph. It should be restructured, leaving only the conclusion) For me, as a writer, this picture played an important role. It was here that I felt the feeling of home.

The "small" homeland is also human relationships, way of life, traditions. It is both language and faith. These are the "birthmarks" of every person.

They choose, it is given to us at birth and absorbed from childhood. (first sentence in full)

Land, regardless of whether it is a big city or a small village somewhere in the tundra. For each of us, this is the center of the Earth, whether it is a big city or a small village.

Living our destiny, we attach more and more new lands to this center, we can change our place of residence and move to the province; Paradoxically, in this case, even a large city can turn out to be a “province”, but the center is still there, in our “small” homeland. Over the years, we add more and more new regions to this center, we can change our place of residence. But the center is still there, in the niche of the "small" homeland.

(This is the last sentence of the paragraph, it contains an important conclusion. We write it down in full)

More than we can comprehend. (In short sentences, some minor members can be excluded and complex words can be replaced) The "small" homeland gives us more than we can realize.

Taken from childhood and youth, we must divide in half: half from our parents and half from the land that raised us. (Separate members can be excluded from the proposals) Human qualities must be divided in half: half from the parents and half from the earth that raised us.

parenting. (This sentence can be excluded from the summary)

We take ideas of good and evil, beauty and ugliness out of it and then correlate them all our lives with these original images and concepts. (This sentence can be simplified, leaving only the main idea) We take out the first ideas of good and evil from it and then compare it with these initial images all our life.

It is minted in our souls forever. (in this sentence, you can replace a compound word) The nature of the native land remains in our souls forever.

Something like a prayer, I see myself on the shore of the old Angara, which is now gone, the island opposite and the sun setting over the other shore. (This sentence can be restructured, simplifying it and leaving the main idea) When I experience something like a prayer, I see myself on the banks of the old Angara.

Beauty, but I will also die with this picture, which is dearer and closer to me. (Let's shorten the sentence, leaving the main idea) I have seen a lot of beauties in my life, but there is nothing dearer and closer to this picture for me.

She played an important role in writing: once I went to the Angara and was stunned - and I was stunned from the beauty that entered me, as well as from the conscious and material feeling of the homeland that emerged from it. (This is the last sentence of the paragraph. It should be restructured, leaving only the conclusion) For me, as a writer, this picture played an important role. It was here that I felt the feeling of home.

Human relationships, way of life, traditions. It is both language and faith. These are the "birthmarks" of every person.

What if they choose?

And this is the first conscious choice child?

Or rather, not yet child, but the soul that is ready for reincarnation and chooses earthly conditions for this purpose: the Motherland and parents...
As I write these lines, I struggle with the temptation to draw a completely mundane picture: something like a maturity assessment for a family dreaming of a child. And also - for the soul, so far free from the shackles of physicality and earthly consciousness, and therefore very well aware of what it needs for its spiritual perfection. A sort of questionnaire with pluses and minuses, at the end of which are the conclusions of a strict commission:

For you, my dear, the Ivanovs are best suited. Look how compassionate they are, and you have spiritual problems with kindness. Go learn!

And you, dear, would do well to learn how to take a hit, and not turn sour at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. You go to a family of boxers, and we'll see what happens from you.

But you - calm down, however! The Petrov family is too good for you, you didn't deserve it. You will go to the Sidorovs. Why such a "punishment from heaven"? Do not be cunning - you know perfectly well what this "punishment" is for. And stop using this word, you know that there is no "punishment", there is only severe karmic justice. And if you grumble, you will generally go to the Sidorov family. What, shut up? That's the same.

Plot for a TV show? Yes, and it is also. But some share of truth, albeit not in form, but in content, is still there. Children really choose for themselves parents, but this choice is limited by their merits (or poorly learned lessons, not to say - crimes against spiritual laws) in past lives.

Past reincarnations of our children a lot is determined: their health, talents, pernicious, as we believe, inclinations, “nodal” life events. What then is the task parents? Oh, it's very simple. Let's go point by point.

Conception should be beautiful, and pregnancy should be conscious. Our children come into this world as more than half-formed Personalities. And the earthly path of a person, and with it - and responsibility parents for his destiny begins long before his birth.

Let's start with pregnancy. If you conduct a survey, the vast majority of mothers will say that pregnancy was a matter of chance. It so happened ... This means that the baby, having slipped from heaven, finds himself in a “housing” that is poorly prepared for him. And in his first earthly "home" - the body of his mother - anything can turn out: nicotine deposits, alcohol streams, tornadoes of negative emotions ... A "cheerful" meeting, right? This is the first step parents to your child.

What to do if parents did everything happen faster than expected? Bad, but not "horror-horror-horror". Karma parents and karma child written daily. Start your dialogue with your unborn child right now, at this moment, let him know that he is loved - this will give him wings.

Do not look for your continuation in the child. A lot of casters make this mistake. Failed-
champions, writers, models, artists, singers, car mechanics... How often adults who have not been able to realize their dream, pass it on to their children. And how often parental dreams hang like heavy weights on their feet children, depriving them of the opportunity to fly into the sky on the wings of their own dreams ... Dreaming of a child, the failed ballerina sleeps and sees huge bouquets of roses flying at her daughter's feet ... And the girl, inclined to fullness, obeying the iron will of her mother, forces herself forget about how she wants to treat animals. Bandaging stray dogs' paws, treating kittens for ticks, splinting broken stork wings...

I wonder what remains in our souls children in place of their most secret, often unspoken, desires and hopes? Ashes? Dry, lifeless
Your child your path in life. Do not confuse your life with the life of your child, to make him a hostage of his unfulfilled hopes and dreams. And even worse - their disappointments in love, career failures and simply shattered nerves and inability to control their emotions. child it is very easy to break him, to make him a hostage of his failures. Do not do that...

About "stations" and "switchmen". Remember that on life path child- many "nodal stations" that the child cannot bypass. But he can, being at a key stop, choose the path for his further movement: towards Good and Light or Darkness. A task parents- understand in time that the child needs a competent "switchman" on this day and at this very moment, who will help him choose the right direction.

Our mistakes children- these are also lessons, but how often they are senselessly painful just because there was no smart and kind hand nearby to rely on. Be there for your kids when they need you the most! How to guess this moment? The soul will tell you if love lives in it ...


Banal thought? Not true. Our children are sorely lacking in love. Someday, if only for fun, go to the schoolyard, turn off your mind and try with your heart to choose from hundreds of passing by children those who can be called "sunny child". Without any criteria, without clear signs, as the heart tells. God forbid that you manage to choose at least a few among all these kids ...

These are the children to whom parents read fairy tales at night, with whom they go to the skating rink and swim races in the pool, for whom in broad daylight in any working park they find a minute to call and say “I love you”. And they just touch them: they stroke their backs in the evening, kiss their hands, sit them on their knees when their butts no longer fit on our hands. Instead, we check the diaries, scold them for their untidy rooms, suspect that they are not as perfect as we would like them to be. Deprived of unconditional love, children grow up like plants without water: frail and unviable.

Just love yours children! After all, it is an almost inexhaustible source of their vitality.


Motherland, like parents, is not chosen, it is given to us at birth and absorbed from childhood. For each of us, this is the center of the Earth, regardless of whether it is a big city or a small village somewhere in the tundra. Over the years, becoming older and living out our destiny, we attach more and more new lands to this center, we can change our place of residence and move to the province; Paradoxically, in this case, even a large city can turn out to be a “province”, but the center is still there, in our “small” homeland. She cannot be changed.

The small homeland gives us much more than we are able to realize. Our human qualities, taken from childhood and youth, must be divided in half: half from our parents and half from the earth that raised us. She is able to correct the mistakes of parenting. The first and most solid ideas about good and evil, about beauty and ugliness, we take out of it and then correlate with these original images and concepts all our life. The nature of the native land is minted in our souls forever.

The features of the "small" homeland and its spirit, even in the city, even in the countryside, are always noticeable in the writer's work. Because the "small" homeland is not only nature in the village and history in the city, but also human relationships, the way of life and traditions of the living. This is language, and faith, and certain inclinations taken out of the earth itself along with its salt. These are the “birthmarks” of every person, and in the writer they are visible in particular ...

(According to V. Rasputin)


Unfortunately, our copious conversations about morality are often too general. And morality consists of specific things - of certain feelings, properties, concepts. One of these feelings is the feeling of mercy. The term is somewhat outdated, unpopular today and even seems to be rejected by our life. Something peculiar only to former times. "Sister of mercy", "brother of mercy" - even the dictionary gives them as obsolete concepts.

To withdraw mercy means to deprive a person of one of the most important effective manifestations of morality. This ancient, necessary feeling is characteristic of the entire animal and bird community: mercy for the downtrodden and injured. How did it happen that this feeling overgrown with us, died out, turned out to be neglected? One can object to me by citing many examples of touching responsiveness, condolences, and true mercy. There are examples, and yet we feel, and for a long time already, the decline of mercy in our lives.

I am sure that a person is born with the ability to respond to someone else's pain. I think that this feeling is innate, given to us together with instincts, with the soul. But if this feeling is not used, not exercised, it weakens and atrophies.


Every person should have one dog in their life. The dog that saved him from danger, the dog that brightened up his loneliness. Or simply awakened to life hidden forces, tender and trembling, necessary as air, as vital as bread, the forces of love for all living things. Maybe in a person's life a dog is offended, beaten ...

In my life, a dog is a new, with its help, an open horizon of life. New sung string. New experiences, new sufferings and joys. The dog should render another service to the person - it should awaken a good feeling in the heart of the child. This is not my discovery. This is an ancient wondrous discovery of the people, many many peoples. this novelty, as it were, breathed new strength, rejuvenated.

Good awakening. This is a delicate process, requiring the great participation of all social forces. After all, the good may never awaken. Maybe, waking up, die. At first, this feeling is weak, fragile. But if you help it rise, let it grow stronger, it will become a great power.

He who loves dogs loves people more. There cannot be two cruelties in a person. There is only one cruelty. If a man is cruel to dogs, he is cruel to people. Good, like evil, is indivisible. It is one even in its most complex manifestations.

Academician Pavlov erected a monument to the dog for helping him make the greatest discovery. Perhaps, over time, we will have more monuments to other dogs. For example, a monument to dogs guarding the border, or to miner dogs, orderlies, liaison officers, and those who walked towards Nazi tanks with explosives on their backs. Or maybe one of the monuments will be erected to our four-legged friend for helping to awaken in young hearts a great sense of humanism, kindness, love for all living things ...


According to psychologists, mood mainly depends not on events as such, but on how we perceive them. After all, the mood shows how we evaluate what happened, and how we perceive our behavior at this time. If in some situation we acted to the detriment of ourselves, our personality, then unpleasant experiences arise, we begin to feel unhappy. Behavior that makes us stronger, contributes to our development, and then the mood improves, joy arises.

But unpleasant emotions, it turns out, are useful. Every unpleasant and even negative experience has very important positive functions. For example, fear is a defensive reaction, a signal to be careful. Sadness is a way to get used to losses, to come to terms with them.

However, often the positive aspects of negative emotions cannot manifest without our efforts. Imagine, for example, such a situation. You are looking for a birthday gift for a friend, but you never find anything suitable. When you come home after a long search, you remember that a friend recently became jealous that you managed to buy the just released album of your favorite band. You also like this album, and it's a pity to part with it, but at the same time, deep down you understand that it would be a really good gift. It is sad for you to give the disc, but, having overcome yourself and gave it to a friend, you will experience pleasure, because you made your friend happy, and also because both his and your own opinion of you has become higher. (215 words)


Motherland, like parents, is not chosen, it is given to us at birth and absorbed from childhood. For each of us, this is the center of the Earth, regardless of whether it is a big city or a small village somewhere in the tundra. Over the years, becoming older and living out our destiny, we attach more and more new lands to this center, we can change our place of residence and move to the province; Paradoxically, in this case, even a large city can turn out to be a “province”, but the center is still there, in our “small” homeland. She cannot be changed.

The small homeland gives us much more than we are able to realize. Our human qualities, taken from childhood and youth, must be divided in half: half from our parents and half from the earth that raised us. She is able to correct the mistakes of parenting. The first and most solid ideas about good and evil, about beauty and ugliness, we take out of it and then correlate with these original images and concepts all our life. The nature of the native land is minted in our souls forever.

The features of the "small" homeland and its spirit, even in the city, even in the countryside, are always noticeable in the writer's work. Because the "small" homeland is not only nature in the village and history in the city, but also human relationships, the way of life and traditions of the living. This is language, and faith, and certain inclinations taken out of the earth itself along with its salt. These are the “birthmarks” of every person, and in the writer they are especially visible ...

(According to V. Rasputin)

Statement Unfortunately, our copious conversations about morality are often too general. And morality consists of specific things - of certain feelings, properties, concepts. One of these feelings is the feeling of mercy. The term is somewhat outdated, unpopular today and even seems to be rejected by our life. Something peculiar only to former times. "Sister of mercy", "brother of mercy" - even the dictionary gives them as obsolete concepts.To withdraw mercy means to deprive a person of one of the most important effective manifestations of morality. This ancient, necessary feeling is characteristic of the entire animal and bird community: mercy for the downtrodden and injured. How did it happen that this feeling overgrown with us, died out, turned out to be neglected? One can object to me by citing many examples of touching responsiveness, condolences, and true mercy. There are examples, and yet we feel, and for a long time already, the decline of mercy in our lives.I am sure that a person is born with the ability to respond to someone else's pain. I think that this feeling is innate, given to us together with instincts, with the soul. But if this feeling is not used, not exercised, it weakens and atrophies.

StatementEvery person should have one dog in their life. The dog that saved him from danger, the dog that brightened up his loneliness. Or simply awakened to life the hidden forces, tender and quivering, necessary, like air, vital, like bread, - the forces of love for all living things. Maybe in a person's life a dog is offended, beaten ...

In my life, a dog is a new, with its help, an open horizon of life. New sung string. New experiences, new sufferings and joys. The dog should render another service to the person - it should awaken a good feeling in the heart of the child. This is not my discovery. This is an ancient wondrous discovery of the people, many many peoples. this novelty, as it were, breathed new strength, rejuvenated.

Good awakening. This is a delicate process, requiring the great participation of all social forces. After all, the good may never awaken. Maybe, waking up, die. At first, this feeling is weak, fragile. But if you help it rise, let it grow stronger, it will become a great power.

He who loves dogs loves people more. There cannot be two cruelties in a person. There is only one cruelty. If a man is cruel to dogs, he is cruel to people. Good, like evil, is indivisible. It is one even in its most complex manifestations.

Academician Pavlov erected a monument to the dog for helping him make the greatest discovery. Perhaps, over time, we will have more monuments to other dogs. For example, a monument to dogs guarding the border, or to miner dogs, orderlies, liaison officers, and those who walked towards Nazi tanks with explosives on their backs. Or maybe one of the monuments will be erected to our four-legged friend for helping to awaken in young hearts a great sense of humanism, kindness, love for all living things...

StatementAccording to psychologists, mood mainly depends not on events as such, but on how we perceive them. After all, the mood shows how we evaluate what happened, and how we perceive our behavior at this time. If in some situation we acted to the detriment of ourselves, our personality, then unpleasant experiences arise, we begin to feel unhappy. Behavior that makes us stronger, contributes to our development, and then the mood improves, joy arises.But unpleasant emotions, it turns out, are useful. Every unpleasant and even negative experience has very important positive functions. For example, fear is a defensive reaction, a signal to be careful. Sadness is a way to get used to losses, to come to terms with them.However, often the positive aspects of negative emotions cannot manifest without our efforts. Imagine, for example, such a situation. You are looking for a birthday gift for a friend, but you never find anything suitable. When you come home after a long search, you remember that a friend recently became jealous that you managed to buy the just released album of your favorite band. You also like this album, and it's a pity to part with it, but at the same time, deep down you understand that it would be a really good gift. It is sad for you to give the disc, but, having overcome yourself and gave it to a friend, you will experience pleasure, because you made your friend happy, and also because both his and your own opinion of you has become higher. (215 words)