Weren't you an angel? Ivan Bunin "Mothers" presentation for a reading lesson (grade 2) on the topic

Having left the family nest at the age of 17, I.A. Bunin wanted to prove to his relatives that literature is not tomfoolery. Parents wanted the poet to become a scientist. He was offended by loved ones because of this. Nevertheless, he remembers his childhood years with tenderness and love.

The poem was edited for a long time, it was published five years after creation. The poet again wanted to return to childhood. Bunin is transported into the past, ordinary things “toys, a children's lamp” are dear to him. After leaving, he had to get used to an independent life, it was not easy for the poet.

In the poem, he is mentally transferred to his bed, at a time when it was unnecessary to think about anything, a time of serenity that accompanied him until the age of 17.

He loved his mother very much, recalls "you will cross, kiss ...". The poet's mother took care of him and protected him. He compares her to an angel, although his mother always told him that the guardian angel is behind him. Bunin no longer remembers all the images, he does not understand where the truth is and where the fantasy is. His memories are saturated with warmth, tenderness and sadness. In this poem, the author is sad about the past, perhaps because it is so difficult to live in the present. The poet is happy that his memories

Have not left. He writes so naively “and you will charm with faith in happiness ...” this faith does not leave Bunin throughout his life.

Happiness has always been associated with his mother, a warm bed and a fabulous immersion in sleep. Then he had support on his mother's shoulder, he could relax and live in the world of his restless fantasies. Only these childhood memories transferred him to the atmosphere of warmth and comfort of a real home.

The mother for the poet was a divine creation and the ideal of a woman. Maybe that's why he never dared to marry Varvara Pashchenko. Bunin did not have a relationship with her. He was never able to take on the responsibility that an independent adult life demanded from him.

The poet compared all women with his mother, but his childhood memories were hard to beat. Bunin always felt his guardian angel nearby "remind me that he is with me ...". Apparently, it was not easy for the poet, but in his memoirs he thinks about the rest "and a sweet dream, clouding his eyes ...". In our memory, childhood will forever remain as a carefree time of boundless happiness.

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The presentation was made by the primary school teacher of the GBOU Lyceum 1560 of the city of Moscow Kasherenkova Ekaterina Viktorovna Moscow 2017

I.A. Bunin "Mothers"

Guess the riddle In the world there are no relatives of her, Fairer and kinder. I'll tell you friends directly - Best of all in the world ...

What is the most sacred thing in our heart? It is hardly necessary to think and guess ... There is the simplest and most sublime word in the world - MOTHER! Ancient, like the music of the seas, and alive, like the light of spring, the Word "MAMA" - there is none kinder, more tender and more intimate. What is MOM for?

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in Voronezh in 1870. The poet's father was a generous and cheerful person. Mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna always said that Vanya was different from other children from birth. She knew he would be "special". No one has such a subtle soul as he does.

When the Bunins moved from the city to the village, Vanya was shocked by nature. He remembered how he dreamed of climbing a cloud and sailing on it at a terrible height. When his mother rocked him, Vanya asked to be allowed to play with the star he saw from his bed. Bunin carried this childhood episode through his whole life, reflecting it in the poem “Mothers”

I.A. Bunin "Mothers" open the textbook on page 116, read the poem

Icon lamp - a small vessel with a wick, filled with oil and lit in front of the icons.

A meek voice is submissive, humble. Guardian angel - in religious mythology, the messenger of God, patronizing man. A half-whisper is quiet speech. Foggy eyes - falling asleep Charm - make an irresistible impression. Twilight - twilight, incomplete darkness.

A gift for mom So that life does not burn you through the years, So that you do not cry from repentance, Forever: nowhere and never Do not make your mother cry.

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A) Acquaintance with the author of the poem I. Bunin. (Slide 6)

- Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in Voronezh in 1870. The poet's father was a generous and cheerful person. Mother Lyudmila Alexandrovna always said that Vanya was different from other children from birth. She knew he would be "special". No one has such a subtle soul as he does.
When the Bunins moved from the city to the village, Vanya was shocked by nature. He remembered how he dreamed of climbing a cloud and sailing on it at a terrible height. When his mother rocked him, Vanya asked to be allowed to play with the star he saw from his bed. Bunin carried this childhood episode through his whole life, reflecting it in the poem “Mothers”, which we will meet today.

B) Preparation for reading. (Slide 7)

  • Icon lamp - a small vessel with a wick, filled with oil and lit in front of the icons.
  • A meek voice is submissive, humble.
  • Guardian angel - in religious mythology, the messenger of God, patronizing man.
  • A half-whisper is quiet speech.
  • Fog eyes - falling asleep
  • Captivate - make an irresistible impression.
  • Twilight - twilight, incomplete darkness.

c) Reading the poem by the teacher.

I remember the bedroom and the lamp
toys, warm bed
And your sweet, meek voice:
“Guardian angel over you!”
It used to be that the nanny undresses
And scolds in a whisper,
And a sweet dream, misty eyes,
Leaning me to her shoulder.
You cross, kiss,
Remind me that he is with me
And with faith in happiness you will enchant ...
I remember, I remember your voice!
I remember the night, the warmth of the bed,
Icon lamp in the dusk of a corner
And shadows from lamp chains...
Weren't you an angel?

I remember the bedroom and the lamp.
toys, warm bed
And your sweet, meek voice:
"Guardian angel over you!"

It used to be that the nanny undresses
And scolds in a whisper,
And a sweet dream, misty eyes,
Leaning me to her shoulder.

You cross, kiss,
Remind me that he is with me
And with faith in happiness you will enchant ...
I remember, I remember your voice!

I remember the night, the warmth of the bed,
Icon lamp in the dusk of a corner
And shadows from lamp chains...
Weren't you an angel?

Analysis of the poem "Mothers" by Bunin

Mom is the warmest and tender word, personified with the closest person on earth. It is not surprising that many poets and writers dedicate their lines to their mothers. Everyone has something to say to their mother, especially at the end of life or after a long separation. A huge number of works are dedicated to mothers. Today I would like to talk in more detail about the work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "Mothers".

First of all, this is a memory poem. Bunin tenderly, with trepidation, recalls his mother. One can see a special attitude towards her along with other people from the past, in particular, the poet recalls the nanny with slight indifference. From the description of the actions of the poet's mother, she can be described as kind, meek, pious. “You will cross, kiss ...” - the lines say how the mother completely loved her son. “Remind me that he is with me, and you will enchant me with faith in happiness” - lines that show boundless kindness and love not only for your son, but for God and the world.

In addition, this poem is a longing for a beloved mother with notes of regret that that time has passed. The time when he felt good, comfortable, warm next to the most dear person. The poet considers his mother the personification of purity and the brightest person on earth. This is evidenced by the lines “Were you an angel?”

This poem can also be called the cry of the soul. "I remember, I remember your voice!" writes Ivan Alekseevich. The feeling that he wanted to say something to his mother. Or as if he did not have time or could not say everything he wanted to. As Bunin's wife Vera Muromtseva notes, many considered the poet dry and cold. “But those who did not know him to the end could not even imagine what kind of tenderness his soul was capable of,” she recalls. Perhaps he could not tell his mother directly how much he loves and appreciates her. Some sadness is visible in the poem, and there is a feeling that he has not seen his mother for a very long time and is very worried about this.

Or maybe this work was created when he analyzed his life. The poet wanted to show how quickly childhood ended. After all, he left home early, he was not even 18 years old then. Bunin tried to find himself in literature and prove that this was his life's work. The family imposed a love for science, but he did not betray himself. And everything that he remembers about life in his native nest, he reflected in this poem.


Be that as it may, this light work will not leave anyone indifferent, from children of primary school age to mature people who have taken place. In children, this poem will respond with the fact that they still have it, they are still next to their mother. For older people, the poem will cause a smile or longing if mom is not around or not alive. In any case, for each person it will evoke some personal memories of his mother, the most intimate, the warmest.