Installation of an irrigation system, how to install automatic watering. Automatic watering at the dacha with your own hands

A cozy garden with a gazebo, a green lawn with a swimming pool and a beach, flowering flower beds, a vegetable garden with a bountiful harvest - you can become the owner of all this if you buy a piece of land. However, natural properties require care and attention. If at first you enjoy running with a bucket and irrigating crops, then over time you will become bored with this task. This is fine. Sooner or later, the thought occurs to any landowner that an automatic irrigation system will cope with such a mission perfectly.

The plan is the beginning, because in order to ensure automatic watering of the site, a lot of work will have to be invested. However, you need a “base” from which you will “dance.” After all, you need, firstly, to purchase equipment (and before that, calculate what and how much to buy), and secondly, draw up a list of works in order to understand how much time and effort the process will take, and whether you can handle it yourself.

Where to begin? Take ordinary drawing paper (or, as it is often called, graph paper), draw on the sheet a house and other buildings on the territory (a gazebo, a veranda, a playground, a swimming pool, a well, and so on), paths, a grill area - you won’t be able to do all this anymore move to another place. You also need to put planting zones on the plan diagram, however, if you haven’t planted anything yet, you can place the plantings taking into account the future location of the irrigation system.

First, mark the location of the water intake and home pumping station. Ideally, if the water flow comes from the center of the site, then the sprinkler lines are of the same length, which means that the water pressure inside the system will be uniform, therefore, your vegetation will be watered uniformly. From the location of the water source, a highway and its branches are drawn along the perimeter, on which the locations of sprinklers are marked. The number of the latter depends on their range of action. If you plan to purchase sprinklers with a radius of, for example, 25 m, then on the diagram you need to use a compass to outline the coverage area of ​​each sprinkler. All groups of watering heads must be equipped with solenoid valves. You can see an example of a plan in the photo below.

As you understand, all buildings and areas where water ingress is undesirable should not fall within the range of sprinklers. Then the automatic watering scheme is transferred directly to the territory. To do this, you need to make markings using pegs and a cord. You can use convenient materials at hand (planks, welding electrodes, etc.) as pegs. It is better to buy a polypropylene cord, colored or white - such “beacons” are reliable and visible from afar. Place the markings at a certain distance from the intended location of the system and make sure that there are no rocky areas along the way, otherwise you will have to adjust the laying plan later. As you can see, a do-it-yourself automatic watering system is not a prohibitively complex project, as you might previously have thought, although it is a labor-intensive block of work that requires attention.

This is what a project developed by a professional looks like. You can also contact a specialized company for similar help.

Step 2 - purchasing materials

When you have planned an automatic irrigation device and marked out the territory, you need to carefully check everything with the diagram and calculate how much materials you should buy. To make automatic watering with your own hands, as a rule, the following components are required:

  • pumping station;
  • pipes;
  • connecting elements;
  • sprinklers;
  • pressure regulators;
  • filters;
  • solenoid valves;
  • tools for digging ditches and working;
  • controllers.

The performance of the pumping station directly depends on the area of ​​the irrigated area. You can correctly calculate the power using expert recommendations (online or in a store). “Why buy filters?” - you ask. As a rule, the source of water is a homemade well, which means that grains of sand and other particles can enter the system, which can damage sprinklers or even clog pipes. So it’s better to play it safe and install filters. Pressure regulators are needed for a system that involves installing sprinklers with different pressures or when you do automatic drip irrigation. Controllers and electromechanical valves take on the function of alternately irrigating zones of the site. The controllers are responsible for the closing and opening times of the solenoid valves, and the latter are responsible for the supply of water to the sprinklers. Experts advise buying pipes from low-density polyethylene. Their cross section depends on the location area. At the base - more, and closer to the sprinklers - less. Sprinklers, as you already understood, have different radii of influence; you should have thought about it in advance. As for the types of sprinklers, they are:

  • rotary (rotating);
  • statistical.

There are sprinklers that can be hidden in the ground, then nothing will disturb the harmony of the landscape of the site

Step 3 – preparation and installation of the system

The plan is ready, the markings have been made, the materials have been purchased, which means it’s time to install automatic watering for the garden. Get ready for the next stages of work.

  1. Installation of a pumping station.
  2. Digging ditches.
  3. Pipe laying.
  4. Connecting the components to the pump.
  5. Installation of sprinklers.
  6. Installation of controllers, motion regulators, filters and solenoid valves.
  7. Setting up and launching the system.

In general, the described procedure briefly but clearly describes how to make automatic watering, however, some stages of the process still require a more detailed description. How deep are the trenches needed? Professionals say that the ideal depth of the main line and its branches is 1 meter. Then the pipes will be below the freezing area of ​​the soil. Of course, such work is labor-intensive, so you can do like many amateur gardeners and dig ditches about 30 cm deep, roughly speaking, a little more than a spade bayonet. But such recesses must be made with a certain slope and the installation of drainage valves at points located lower than the rest. Why is this necessary? To drain all water from the pipes before storing the system for the winter. It is recommended to connect pipes, valves and other components of the pipeline on the surface, then the finished pipeline is laid in the ditch. Next, you need to make sure that the system is tight, then you can screw on the sprinklers and fill the trenches with soil. All that remains is to adjust the direction of irrigation of the sprinklers and turn on the water.

Subtleties of organizing irrigation and operating the system

When all the work is done, the main thing is to ensure proper care of the system, then it will serve you long and faithfully. So, the basic rules for operating irrigation equipment:

  • inspect the filters twice a month and change them if necessary;
  • keep the system parts clean;
  • periodically check the sprinkler heads and, if dirty, clean the holes with a soft brush;
  • monitor the soil in the areas where the equipment is located, eliminating subsidence;
  • before the start of the season, change the batteries and be sure to remove them for the winter;
  • Before preserving the system, drain the water thoroughly;
  • at the end of the season, dismantle the solenoid valves or blow out the system with compressed air;
  • Move humidity and precipitation sensors to a warm room for storage in the winter.

And now a little about the intricacies of organizing irrigation:

  • It is recommended to water the plantings in the morning or evening (experts say that evening is the ideal time);
  • saturation of the earth with water can be considered sufficient if the soil is moistened by 30-50 centimeters;
  • an excess of moisture is no less dangerous than a lack, since it leads to rotting of the roots;
  • It is not recommended to water the plantings with an open stream;
  • the frequency of using the system undoubtedly depends on many circumstances (both the weather and the type of planting), but adhere to the established standards, for example, the lawn should be watered every few days and at least once every 7 days.

Treat irrigation equipment with care, keep it clean, then the system will serve you for many years

Now you know how to make automatic watering with your own hands, therefore, you can accurately decide whether to do a block of such work yourself or turn to professionals.

The time has come when knowledge of electrical engineering has become necessary for people of all specialties. New technologies based on the use of electronics and microprocessor developments have firmly entered our lives and everyday life.

Even ordinary plant care can now be automated, entrusted to robots and automatic systems, which, after setting user parameters, will maintain the microclimate, provide strictly dosed watering, and create optimal conditions for growth and development.

Composition and description of the hydraulic circuit

The main elements necessary for the operation of an automatic plant watering system are shown in the picture, which explains the principle of operation of the automation.

The main task of such a system is to provide plants with the exact amount of water they need, taking into account the actual precipitation.

To this end, numerous scientific studies have already been carried out, providing information on the amount of moisture for good plant development depending on the season. For example, the growth of lawn grass requires about 120÷150 ml of water during the summer month. When converted to the daily norm, the need will be 4÷5 ml. Shrubs require less.

Installed in a control place in the soil, it constantly analyzes the presence of moisture in the soil, provides information to the controller, which processes it, adjusting the duration and volume of supply.

Water for irrigation is taken from the water supply, which can be:

1. connected to a centralized water supply system;

2. used individually.

At the entrance to the automatic irrigation system, a water meter and an electric pump are installed, depending on the adopted hydraulic circuit. The pipelines buried in the ground are equipped with check valves, which eliminate the possibility of contaminated groundwater entering the system.

To remove water from the system before the onset of winter frosts, install a drain valve. The filter removes possible contaminants that enter the automatic irrigation system before distributing the water along the outgoing lines. It ensures normal operation of the solenoid valves.

In complex, branched systems, a main valve of a special design of the electromagnetic type is installed at the inlet, equipped with protection against water hammer with the ability to control it from the controller. It is practically not used for country and homestead irrigation.

Controlled solenoid valves are mounted in plastic housings inside the soil in the center of the highways. Their number depends on the branching of the structure and its application in a specific area.

Water pressure is always maintained inside the lines of the automatic irrigation system. Pipelines, adapters, fittings, and installation methods must reliably withstand it and prevent leaks. Therefore, special designs of polyethylene pipes are used that can withstand a pressure inside them of 10 bar.

The delivery of water to the irrigation zone is regulated by electromagnetic valves placed in special boxes with designs of various types of sprayers, including a drip irrigation system. They are united by work areas.

Each zone is created for the operation of similar groups of sprayers, most suitable for the development of certain types of plants, and is activated by the controller one by one. Simultaneous watering of the soil from all highways is not used.

A gearbox is installed inside the drip irrigation system. It maintains the optimal permissible water pressure in the system for droplet formation.

Automatic drain valves at the end of the lines eliminate the formation of increased soil moisture and help dry it out when the system is put into operation.

The location for the controller is selected taking into account ease of maintenance, access, and protection from environmental influences. You can also use a special sealed box designed for outdoor placement.

It is connected to the electrical power supply network and solenoid valves, rain sensors with special moisture-resistant cables and wires. To install the ends of wires in irrigation system boxes, universal silicone fillers are used to prevent moisture from penetrating metal parts.

The controller is usually powered from a household network 220 through a built-in power supply. For small systems it is acceptable to use batteries or accumulators.

The controller's control of the rain sensor allows you to stop watering during precipitation and prevent waterlogging.

Main parts of an automatic irrigation system

These include:

    Control block;

    rain sensors;

    controlled solenoid valves;


  • automatic drain valve;

    pipelines and fittings;

    drip pipes;

    hydraulic reducer for drip irrigation;


Source of water supply

If there is an individual source of water. then you can make a container or purchase a large tank. It should collect rain moisture during precipitation or pump water from a nearby reservoir or well. At the same time, its temperature will be heated by the surrounding air. This will have a positive effect on the growth of certain types of plants.

To fill the container, you will need a pump with an automatic control unit that controls the upper and lower water filling levels.

If you water plants from a centralized water supply, you should take into account the presence of bleach impurities in the water, which can have an adverse effect on the development of many types of flowers and heat-loving vegetables.

When water is supplied from a drilled well, the technical characteristics of the pump should be correctly selected to suit the system’s performance needs. Filters should also be installed, taking into account their throughput and service capabilities.

Before designing an automatic irrigation system, it is important to analyze the power of the water supply source with the water consumption needs, compare them when creating different pressures in the mains, and provide the necessary reserve.

Control block

For automatic irrigation systems with a different number of control and monitoring functions. They allow you to preset the operating mode for a certain period of operation.

Controllers with a digital interface simplify the irrigation programming process, are small in size, and are designed to work with irrigation systems of various configurations.

Useful features of digital microcontrollers include:

    availability of various programs for launching irrigation systems;

    application of different work schedules taking into account the season;

    regulation and limitation of irrigation duration, ensuring delays between switching on different modes;

    the ability to enter and store parameters of the programmed manual operating mode in the controller’s memory;

    installation and saving of program settings when using additional battery power;

    ease of viewing the entered settings;

    a prescribed algorithm of actions in case of power failure;

    compliance with current standards for electronic devices;

    Possibility of connecting external sensors from popular manufacturers, including models for wireless control of frost and rain sensors;

    built-in diagnostics of electrical connections;

To power the solenoid valves, controllers most often supply a voltage of 24 volts.

Rain sensors

They are created to automatically exclude watering during precipitation. They allow:

    eliminate waterlogging of plants due to excessive watering in wet weather;

    save water consumption by at least 30% from the water supply source, equipment resource.

Rain sensors can be wired or operate via radio. For climatic conditions with the possibility of frost, they can be supplemented with frost sensors. Their bodies are mounted on building structures or special brackets.

Wired models are connected with a moisture- and sunlight-resistant electrical cable using brackets or couplings.

Wireless devices are equipped with:

    multifunctional receiving device;

    LCD display;

    signal indicators.

They provide:

    planned delays in the resumption of irrigation to ensure water saving regimes;

    using a system that allows you to turn off or turn on the sensor for automatic operation at any time;

    mode indication;

    sensitivity mode selection;

    ease of installation.

Solenoid valves

Various types of solenoid valve devices are designed to remotely control the spraying of water during irrigation by changing the hydraulic resistance of the flow by the position of the valve, controlled by a solenoid.

To connect to pipelines, a threaded connection or screw clamps are used. Preference should be given to designs that provide quick, reliable assembly and removal from the circuit for easy maintenance during operation.

High-quality valve bodies are made from high-strength polypropylene with the addition of fiberglass and stainless steel elements, which are highly resistant to corrosion and ultraviolet radiation.

Elite models are equipped with:

    a soft closing device that eliminates the occurrence of water hammer in the system;

    a jet that regulates flow performance taking into account the influence of thermal expansion of the medium;

    high-strength membrane and sealing system ensuring durability and tightness;

    manual control handle;

    flow measurement system and its control device.

Popular Specifications:

    working pressure in Bar;

    productivity in l/min;

    types of threads for external and internal connections;

    electrical supply to the solenoid coil in volts with holding and starting current in amperes.


When a stream of water is squeezed through the holes of the nozzle located at the end of the sprayer (sprinkler), a cloud of small drops or a stream is created that is sprayed over a certain distance.

The spray body can be monolithic or with a sliding moving part to increase the spray range of the jet, and the number of nozzles can be from one to ten or a little more.

Structurally, sprayers are created according to two types of water supply:

1. sectoral, when the flow is directed under simple pressure;

2. rotary, using twisting, turbulence of the jet according to the centrifugal principle.

In the first case, the cloud range reaches up to five meters, and the angle of spread of the jet through the nozzle depends on its design and can range from 40 to 360 angular degrees. There are designs with adjustable dispersion angle and even range, allowing you to effectively water rectangular areas.

Rotary atomizers are created with:

1. by extending the nozzle mechanism from the body - “pop up” modification;

2. without extension - “shrub”.

The retractable mechanism allows you to control the spray range and more effectively treat complex areas.

The multi-jet rotation of the spray flow allows moisture to better penetrate into the soil, even with solid compounds, thereby eliminating moisture runoff on slopes. To create a uniform cloud, nozzles are strictly selected and the flow is rotated by sector disks.


The internal cavities of hydraulic lines must be clean. Any mechanical particles that get inside can disrupt the operation of the solenoid valves or injectors. The use of high-quality filters allows you to remove contaminants, purify water, and ensure a long service life of equipment.

To clean the system from fine sand, special filter designs are used.

Drain valve

Used to remove moisture from the line when not in operation - to drain the system.

When pressure is created in the hydraulic circuit, the valve membrane closes the drain hole, completely blocking it, ensuring the tightness of the end of the line. When the pump stops working, the return spring will force the valve back, opening the drain to remove water from the system.

Simultaneous operation of several drain valves can create water hammer, which will affect the operation of the electromagnets. I avoid such cases at the system design stage by installing one valve for the active zone.

Pipelines and fittings

Automatic irrigation systems work best on polyethylene pipes designed to withstand pressure from 6 to 10 bar with outer diameters from 25 to 110 mm, which are selected according to the system’s performance.

Their connection is performed using compression fittings or welding. It is also possible to connect metal and plastic housings and fittings with sealing of threaded joints with Teflon tape.

Drip pipes

They are used to provide drip irrigation of vegetables, shrubs, and garden trees, placing drip systems at distances of 20÷50 cm in the form of a labyrinth of small pipes located on the surface of the soil without digging into the ground.

The drip pipe allows you to moisten the surface at a rate of about 1÷4 liters per hour at a system pressure of 1.5 bar.

There are drip pipe designs treated with special chemicals. They protect the mains from penetration of roots into the holes and can be placed inside the soil.

Hydraulic reducer for drip irrigation

Designed to reduce pressure from the operating value of the pump to 1.5 bar. For systems that use only drip irrigation without sprayers, the hydraulic reducer is not used.


Used in places with a limited area with a diameter of 0.5 to 5 m. They work effectively in flower beds, flower beds, shrubs, and hard soil.

The automatic watering system allows you to create favorable conditions for the development of plants, eliminating the long routine daily work of caring for your garden, lawn, vegetable garden, and dacha.

Its use allows:

    grow healthy, well-groomed plants in the country;

    create a beautiful lawn;

    ensure uniform watering without direct human intervention;

    save water consumption.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: How to create an automatic watering system on the site. We get to know the nuances based on practical experience.

The construction of complex automatic irrigation systems that allow irrigating large areas is the task of specialized, highly specialized companies. At the same time, an interested owner can build a system on his site that will automatically provide all plantings with life-giving moisture. And if everything is calculated correctly, then the plants planted on the site will receive water taking into account individual needs.

Types of irrigation installations and principles of arrangement of irrigation equipment.

1. Sprinkler systems - irrigation installations that simulate natural precipitation in the form of rain. Such installations are common due to their simplicity and ease of use. As a rule, they are used for watering lawns and flower beds. The basic principle of arranging nozzles in a sprinkler system is that the radius of watering adjacent nozzles should completely overlap. That is, after watering, there should be practically no dry areas left on the territory.

Ideally, sprinklers should be located at the tops of the triangles. In any case, each waterer should be watered by at least one more waterer.

2. Installations for root drip (spot) irrigation are irrigation systems that deliver water directly to the planting zone, targeting its root system. Such systems are mainly used for watering trees, shrubs, greenhouses and garden plants (for watering flora with a deep root system). The principle of arranging irrigation equipment in such systems is that water lines with watering drippers (drip tapes) are located along the planting rows at a short distance from the plant trunks.

3. Installations for underground (intrasoil) irrigation - irrigation systems, the functionality of which is similar to drip irrigation. Their main difference is that porous irrigation pipes are laid underground and deliver water directly to the root system of plants.

Humidifiers for subsurface irrigation (pipes with round or slot-shaped holes) are located at a depth of 20...30 cm. The distance between two adjacent lines is 40...90 cm (depending on the individual characteristics of the irrigated crop and the type of soil). The gap between the humidifier holes is 20...40 cm. The subsurface irrigation system is problematic in terms of operation, so few people decide to install it on their own site.

Regardless of which irrigation method you choose, the design of an automatic irrigation system will follow the same principles. The only significant differences will be the use of different elements for irrigation and the fact that different types of systems have different operating pressures.

Thus, gravity drip systems can function even at a pressure of 0.2 atm.

The first operate at very low pressure from 0.2 to 0.8 atm. Roughly speaking, those who do not have a water supply on their site can connect to a tank or barrel. True, the barrel must be raised by 1.5 - 2 meters.

In sprinkler systems this figure is much higher (several atmospheres). And it depends on the characteristics of the equipment used.

Schematic diagram of an irrigation installation

The main elements of a combined (having drip and rain irrigation circuits) automatic irrigation installation are shown in the diagram.

This scheme functions as follows: water from the source (using a pump or by gravity) is delivered to the irrigation zones through main pipelines with a diameter of 1 - 1 1/2 inches. Irrigation zones are equipped with small diameter pipes (3/4 inch).

In addition to the source, it is recommended to include a storage tank in the irrigation system. It can be a darkened container with a volume of 2 m³ or more (depending on water consumption during irrigation). The container is equipped with a float fill sensor. If you place it in direct sunlight, it will perform a double function: it will be able to accumulate and heat water in an amount sufficient for one irrigation. The tank is filled with water from a water supply, well or well. In order to prevent the growth of algae inside the storage container, it can be darkened with black film.

Natural reservoirs cannot be used as the main source of water for the automatic irrigation system. Microorganisms and algae contained in such water will quickly damage the irrigation system.

Rain watering zones are equipped with rotary (dynamic) or fan (static) sprayers. Drip tapes are laid in drip irrigation areas.

Sprayers of only one type and model should be installed on one irrigation line. Otherwise, no one guarantees their normal performance.

Electromagnetic valves installed in the water distribution unit turn on a certain irrigation circuit at a given point in time.

The opening and closing of the solenoid valves is carried out using a controller (also called a programmer or irrigation computer) in accordance with a given schedule. The programmer is usually installed next to the water distribution unit. The pump begins to pump water into the system automatically (at the moment the pressure in the line drops). And the pressure drops as soon as the solenoid valve opens.

To ensure that the system operates without failure, it is equipped with filters installed directly into the main water supply.

To prevent sprinkler filters from becoming clogged, it is necessary to install a disc filter at the inlet or, better yet, at the outlet of the tank.

The pumping station indicated in the diagram includes a storage tank, a fine filter, a check valve, a purge unit (to preserve the system for the winter), as well as a pump that supplies water to the irrigation main.

The figure shows the simplest configuration of an irrigation installation. Depending on specific needs, the system may be equipped with additional elements, but some devices (for example, main pump, rain sensor, purge unit, solenoid valves, etc.), on the contrary, may be missing.

When creating an automatic watering system, we will have to complete several mandatory steps.

I would like to inform you about the steps we will take to achieve the goal:

  1. Draw a detailed site plan with all existing objects.
  2. Selection and placement of sprinklers on the drawing.
  3. Ungrouping sprinklers into zones (a zone is an area controlled by one valve).
  4. Hydraulics calculation and pump selection.
  5. Calculation of pipe cross-sections and determination of pressure losses in the system.
  6. Purchase of components.
  7. System installation.

Points 3-5 are carried out as if in parallel, since changing any parameter leads to the need to change the rest. For example, if there are more sprinklers in one zone, a more powerful pump is needed, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in the cross-section of the pipes.

Let's look at these steps in more detail.

Site plan

We will need a site plan to draw up a layout of irrigation equipment.

The plan is drawn to scale. It should indicate irrigation zones, the water source, as well as individual plants (for example, trees) that are planned to be irrigated.

Development of an automatic watering scheme

When the site plan is ready, the routes of the main pipelines can be drawn on it. If you plan to create a rain irrigation zone, then the diagram must indicate the installation locations of the sprinklers, as well as their radius of action.

If a drip irrigation zone is created on the site, then its lines should also be marked on the general diagram.

If the distance between the rows of drip-irrigated plants exceeds 40 cm, then a separate irrigation line must be installed for each row. If the specified distance is less, then watering can be organized between the rows (in order to save pipes and drippers).

System calculation

Having drawn a detailed irrigation diagram, you can determine the length of the pipelines and calculate the exact number of irrigation points (number of sprinklers and drippers).

As for calculating the cross-section of pipes, as well as determining the volume of the storage tank and the power of pumping equipment, in this regard everything is very ambiguous. To make correct calculations, you will need to know the watering rates for all plants planted on the site. In this case, the calculations should be based on theoretical knowledge of hydrodynamics, and this issue requires separate study. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, it is better to contact the services of appropriate specialists or representatives of a company that sells components for auto-irrigation systems. They will be able to select equipment and system elements that are suitable specifically for your site.

If you want to do everything yourself, then a simple solution to the problem regarding the calculation of the irrigation system is offered by the user of our portal.

Making sure everything is watered is quite simple. The water consumption is indicated for each sprinkler. By adding up the consumption of all sprinklers, you get the total consumption. Next, a pump is selected where this total flow rate is at a pressure of 3–4 atm. This turns out to be so-called. "working point".

The pump flow should cover the water needs of the irrigation system by at least 1.5 times.

In general, the train of thought is correct. Only when calculating should one take into account the height of the water rise and the resistance force of the liquid that occurs when water moves through pipes, as well as when it passes through branches (from a large diameter to a smaller one). If the irrigation system is combined (with a sprinkler and drip circuit), then errors in calculations can lead to unpleasant consequences.

From the “hard-won little things”: everything is always determined by the flow rate of the well (water source) and the pressure in the supply hose! There is no pressure - the sprinklers do not work, too much pressure - the drip hose tears.

However, this problem is easily solved by installing a reduction gear at the entrance to the drip line. The reducer allows you to reduce the operating pressure in the drip circuit to 1.5...2 Bar. At the same time, the sprinkler irrigation line will remain fully operational.

The drip irrigation line does not need to be connected to the common line coming from the pump if the storage tank is located at a height that can provide effective watering.

If we are talking about a small drip irrigation system, then calculating it is much easier. Moreover, such a system, as we have already said, can work without a pump.

I have had a simple drip system for 3 years now: a steel bathtub (200 l), and hoses with droppers are extended from it. Approximately 17 cucumber bushes in the greenhouse are watered around the clock. The water flows by gravity.

Pipeline installation

When starting the construction of a system, the first thing we do is determine the optimal method for laying pipes. There are only two such ways:

1. On the surface of the ground - suitable for seasonal watering (for example, in the country). This method of laying pipes allows you to completely dismantle the system at the end of the irrigation season and protect its elements from damage (or theft).
2. Underground - suitable for areas intended for permanent residence. In this case, the pipes are laid to a depth of at least 30 cm. This is done so that they cannot be damaged by a walk-behind tractor, cultivator or shovel.

For my site I want to make a main pipe along the central path, and from it hoses with sprinklers to the sides. So that they can be collected and stored for the winter, and then quietly plowed with a walk-behind tractor in the fall and spring.

We dig trenches according to a pre-developed scheme. If the main route runs along an already growing lawn, then along the future trench you should lay cellophane onto which the soil will be removed.

As for materials, auto-irrigation wiring is most often installed from polymer pipes. They are not subject to corrosion, have low internal resistance and are easy to install. Ideally, low-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes should be used. They are UV resistant and can be connected using threaded compression fittings. This is their advantageous difference from polypropylene pipes, which are connected by welding. Indeed, in the event of an accident, the functionality of a polypropylene-based system is difficult to restore.

By the way, if the system elements are not hidden underground, then the threaded connections on HDPE pipes at the end of the watering season can be quickly dismantled and all components can be removed for winter storage.

It is important to ensure that equipment installed underground can withstand frost without damage.

In order for the automatic watering system to overwinter “without shocks,” water is discharged at its lowest point. For these purposes, you can use water release valves, which are activated when the pressure in the system drops below a certain value. After the valve is activated, water is removed from the system by gravity. If the system has several irrigation circuits, then it is advisable to install valves on all supply lines. If there is no lower point on the site (if the site is flat), then it is created artificially.

I dig to the depth of freezing with a slight slope. The lowest point is in the pit itself. For the winter, almost all the water should drain there.

It is better to install the drain valve not just in a “pit well”, but in an equipped drainage well.

Preserving the system for the winter helps by blowing all its lines with compressed air (working pressure 6...8 Bar), which is carried out without removing the sprinklers and drippers. In addition, frost-resistant equipment (for example, sprinklers with drain valves) should be used in all irrigation systems that are not intended to be dismantled for the winter.

Every water outlet and sprinkler has an anti-freeze valve, so it's been 5 years since I've ever drained the water!

For the winter, the water is drained from the storage tank, the filters are cleaned, and the pumps are dismantled and stored in a warm room.

Installation of connections

All branches from main pipelines, as well as peripheral connections, taps and tees should be located in special hatches. After all, these elements of the system are the most problematic (as a rule, leaks occur at the joints). And if the location of problem areas is known and access to them is open, then maintaining the system becomes easier.

After all underground elements of the system have been assembled and put in place, the system should be flushed. This will help remove debris that will interfere with the normal functioning of the automatic watering system.

At the next stage, drip tapes and sprinklers can be connected to the system. As for sprinklers, these are standard products purchased in specialized stores. In this case, to create a drip circuit, you can use ready-made drip tapes, but there is also an alternative - ordinary irrigation hoses, into which droppers are mounted at a given interval.

The pumping station with all its elements, the water distribution unit and the programmer - all these devices are installed in a pre-planned location, to which electricity and water are supplied from the main source.

Optional elements of an automatic watering system

In some cases, it is advisable to equip the main line of the irrigation system with water outlets, allowing you to connect a hose for manual watering, for washing a car and for other needs. Rain and temperature sensors will allow you to turn off the system if watering is not practical. All these devices are installed solely at will.

Automatic watering systems are increasingly winning the favor of users. The use of automatic watering simplifies the care of house plants, lawn grass, flower beds, park, garden and greenhouse plants. Nowadays there are automatic watering systems on the market from different manufacturers. The world leaders in this segment are Hunter and Gardena.

Quite often, in summer cottages or in homesteads, you can find self-assembled automatic watering systems for plants.

1 Basic structure of any system

The automatic plant watering system consists of many components, which include the following main elements:

  • electronic control unit;
  • weather sensors;
  • solenoid valves;
  • storage tank for water;
  • pumping system;
  • sprinklers;
  • pipes and fittings.

The control unit is the brain center of any automatic irrigation system. This device provides the desired irrigation regime. All data received from weather sensors is processed and includes a watering timer. The controller opens and closes the solenoid valves at a certain moment.

Weather sensors record changes in weather conditions. When the temperature drops from + 4 degrees or rains, irrigation stops.

The pump provides the required water pressure in the system, which determines its normal operating mode. It is very important that the pump is correctly selected for power. It determines the number of sprinklers in each irrigation zone.

Solenoid valves are used to divide the irrigated area into separate zones.

Sprinklers directly spray water. Depending on the size of the area being irrigated and its topography, sprinklers are divided into three types.

  1. Fan (static) sprinklers are used when irrigating small or complex terrain areas with a diameter of up to 10 m. The spray radius of such sprinklers does not exceed 5 m.
  2. Rotary sprinklers are used to irrigate large, flat and open areas. The spray radius is 10-20 m.
  3. Multi-jet static sprinklers are used in small areas. Multi-jet nozzles, compared to fan nozzles, consume less water, but have a larger irrigation radius.

1.1 Hunter irrigation system

The American company Hunter has been producing professional equipment for watering plants for 35 years. The range of products produced is wide and allows you to set up automatic watering yourself, fully equipping the entire system with components manufactured by Hunter.

The Hunter irrigation system can be used not only in combination. It can be used to automate a previously established system of conventional pipes, connections, and manual taps, often used when watering a summer cottage. By replacing manual taps with electromagnetic valves and connecting irrigation controllers, it will be possible to achieve economical water consumption and time.

Considering the high quality of the components produced by Hunter, often when installing automatic watering, users choose them.

1.2 Automated irrigation Gardena

Founded in Germany in 1961, Gardena is today a true leader in the manufacture of garden tools, tools and automatic irrigation systems. Gardena's products are successful in 40 countries around the world.

Gardena automatic watering is represented by systems and sprinklers. Drip irrigation moistens the soil under the plants evenly. It is effectively used for watering plants planted in rows.

Gardena sprinklers are produced as conventional stationary ones, as well as complex ones - retractable, multi-circuit, oscillating. A real innovation in the field of automatic watering is the high-performance, multi-circuit Gardena sprinkler. Makes it possible to uniformly water an area of ​​up to 380 m2, regardless of shape. Programming a sprinkler for 40-50 points of irrigation trajectories is equivalent to using five simple sprinklers. They are ideal for automatically watering lawns.

Automatic irrigation systems produced under this brand are distinguished by reliability, performance, efficiency and ease of use.

2 How to make automatic watering at the dacha?

In order to prepare a workable system for watering cultivated plants in the country, it is not necessary to use expensive imported components. Considering that water is often supplied to summer cottages and garden plots in measured quantities and over time, water consumption should be economical and efficient. Installing a drip irrigation system Aquadusya semi-automatic, automatic or automatic watering system Volya Vodomerka completely solves this problem.

All modifications of these systems work in open and closed ground. The device is connected to a water tank. An ordinary 100-200 liter barrel is quite suitable. It is necessary to monitor its filling. The systems themselves consist of the following elements:

  • micropumps (feed and reverse) in one block, for sucking water from a barrel;
  • timer and control unit on which the irrigation mode is set;
  • transparent hoses for monitoring the water level in the barrel;
  • watering black micro hoses;
  • droppers (30-60 pcs) pencil type with connections. The automatic watering in these systems runs on one set of batteries, which lasts for the entire season.

To prevent the system from being damaged by frost during the winter, the automatic watering system is preserved for the winter. Preservation is carried out before the first frost hits.

Preparing drip irrigation devices for winter is as follows:

  • empty the barrel of water and close it, preventing precipitation from entering;
  • remove the batteries from the control unit and store with the pump in a dry room;
  • and droppers need to be blown out with a compressor, twisted and stored in a container or room without access of rodents.

2.1 Arduino and do-it-yourself automatic watering

Arduino is an electronic designer and a universal hardware platform for assembling various electronic devices. With Arduino, you can set up an effective automatic watering system for your garden at your dacha with your own hands. Using Arduino, you can organize automatic watering for indoor plants.

To assemble an automatic waterer for indoor flowers, you will need about an hour of time and the following components:

  • Arduino of any modification;
  • mini pump (submersible for an aquarium or for a car window washer are suitable);
  • silicone tube;
  • power supply with a pair of batteries;
  • two variable resistors for adjustment;
  • two resistors (100 kOhm and 100 Ohm);
  • transistor;
  • diode;
  • water container (a plastic bottle will do);
  • bread board.

You can upgrade the automatic watering system for house plants by introducing a water level sensor in the container and a soil moisture sensor.

Smart devices assembled on the basis of Arduino are capable of providing the necessary watering regime for indoor plants and crops grown in greenhouses. They are also suitable for automatic watering of lawns.

Installation of Arduino automatic watering machines, despite its versatility, is relatively inexpensive. The installation is used for professional use. A self-assembled self-watering system will also satisfy the user with its quality characteristics and ease of assembly.

Arduino platforms make it possible to constantly modernize the irrigation device by introducing additional components. Lighting control (for greenhouses) and other functions are often added to the electronic auto-irrigation control unit.

Each automatic watering system, whether assembled by yourself or professionally, requires seasonal maintenance. Before storing for the winter, it is necessary to purge the nozzles, hoses and tubes to remove residual water and debris. This is done using a compressor. With proper care, your automatic watering system will function for many years.

2.2 Installation and installation of an automatic watering system (video)

Watering a plot by hand requires a lot of force. I want to perform such a routine procedure less and less each time. Automatic watering is an effective solution. Designing such a structure does not cause problems even for a beginner. You can cope with this work on your own.

Selection of water supply sources

You can successfully set up an automatic watering system with your own hands. Two systems available. These are the designs:

  • automatic;
  • non-automated.

The first are larger-scale and involve the use of a programmable controller. The second type is considered more modest. For it they take an ordinary barrel. Before proceeding with the formation of any of these automatic drip irrigation systems, a water source and specialized pumping equipment are selected. Where to get water from:

  • from a well;
  • from the main water supply.

In the first case, you have to install a surface or submersible pump, in accordance with the depth of the water. Central water supply is more convenient to use. If your home has its own water supply, you can simply cut off its main sprinkler pipe. Usually no pumps need to be installed.

There is another option that involves using a well. A mandatory component of this system is a submersible or surface pump. What other alternatives can be considered:

  • natural sources such as lakes and rivers;
  • barrels and other types of water containers.

The selection of the pump and its power is carried out in accordance with the specific situation. When using a special container for water, it is not necessary to install a pump.

Features of the Baby pump

The productivity of such a pump is 432 liters per minute. A cable with a length of 10 to 40 meters runs from it. The device can operate continuously for 12 hours. Its power is 165 W. Water intake is carried out using the lower type. The current consumption is 3 amperes. Submersible, vibration household pump. The power is turned off for 20 minutes every 2 hours of operation. It is connected to a flexible hose.

Arrangement of automatic watering

Automation of irrigation ensures the supply of moisture to all areas of the territory without human control. The first thing to do is draw a plan. It will display the characteristics of your garden plot. Accordingly, it is necessary to indicate the main objects located here, down to the smallest detail. This house, the driveway, the stove if it is located on the street, and so on.

Due to this, it will be possible to correctly calculate the area of ​​action of the sprinklers. On the automatic watering diagram it is necessary to mark the point of water intake. If there are several sources located in different parts of the territory, select a tap located approximately in the central part. This will ensure almost the same length of irrigation lines.

Selection of irrigation methods

Let's consider the option when it is necessary to install irrigation systems for a large lawn and small beds, as well as a limited area with bushes and trees. Flowerbeds and lawns can be watered using retractable units. As soon as they turn on, they rise above the surface.

As soon as watering is completed, they descend and are almost impossible to notice with the naked eye. This option is not suitable for the second part of the territory. The plantings are located too high, and the plot is too small in width. By the way, it is not recommended to use a sprinkler with a width of less than 2 m. These devices have a significant range of action, which is fraught with a whole list of inconveniences.

To water the rest of the site, a cable line is used. In fact, the structure is a pipe of a certain length, equipped with holes. They are located throughout the installation area. The pipe is buried in the ground or laid between rows.

Drawing up a drawing of automatic watering

The automatic drip irrigation scheme depends on the topography of the site and its size. It should be noted on the drawing the points where the sprinklers are located. It is also important to indicate the radii that they can serve. When drawing up a plan, you must follow the following algorithm:

The number of installations is determined in such a way that the coverage area of ​​the devices located near them intersects. This option for placing devices will be guaranteed to supply all plants with moisture. But this technique is more suitable for large areas with the correct shape.

In this case, the site is limited to a small area, and it has a narrow border near the residential building. It is for this reason that a slightly different option is required here. To begin with, mark out the installation sites for sprinklers with the maximum radius of operation. They will supply moisture to the main area of ​​the garden.

Along the narrow part of the site, areas for equipment with the smallest irrigation zone are outlined. Where irrigation systems cannot reach, a drip line is laid. You should double-check the drawing to be sure that the plants are provided with moisture.

Transmission Test

A plan prepared in this way is necessary for accurately selecting the number of rainwater installations. It is necessary and correct to assess whether the equipment’s performance will be sufficient. To do this, take a hose with a diameter of about 2 cm and a length of 1 m, connect it to a water source. Place the opposite end of the hose in a ten-liter container and measure the distance during which the container will be completely filled with water.

In order for the measurements to be as accurate as possible, it makes sense to carry them out repeatedly. Following this, the distance between the water intake area and the equipment located as far away as possible is assessed. In the future, for any 15 m of the detected distance, we add 1 second to the period spent filling with liquid. In this case, the source capacity will be equal to 60.

After this, it is necessary to determine whether the water intake will be capable of allowing all irrigation systems to run simultaneously. Sprinklers have the same needs, depending on the area they cover. In this case, two 180-degree installations are taken with a service area of ​​up to 200 square meters. Each such device needs water.

Here you can enter the number 12, in general the moisture requirement is 24. For a service area of ​​up to 200 square meters, we also install sprinklers at 270 degrees (2 pieces). Each of them has a need for water, designated as 14, but in total this number is 28.

You will need one device for a service area of ​​50 square meters at 270 degrees. Its moisture requirement is 9. The same applies to a 180 degree system with an irrigation area of ​​50 square meters. Its moisture requirement is 7. Finally, it will require 1 90-degree rainfall installation. It will cover 50 square meters. The moisture requirement for it is 6.

In general, the need for irrigation devices in water is 74. It will not be possible to connect all existing devices to a single line in order to use them simultaneously. To solve the problem, it is necessary to equip 2 branches of sprinklers. One will be used for small systems, and the other for large ones. The third branch is required for drip irrigation. It implies a need for individual control. The main branches must be connected daily for 30 minutes. Drip systems will need to be run for at least 1 hour, in accordance with the needs of the soil and its properties.

There is no need to connect the common branches of the sprinkler and the drip line. This will lead to excessive moisture supply to the area. Alternatively, drip irrigation simply will not receive liquid in the volume it needs.

Automation process

A custom controller is required for the normal functioning of the system. This component will help you select the moment to start and stop irrigation equipment. To protect the device from unfavorable factors, you need to place it inside the building, for example, in the basement. You need to install an inlet column near the tap that supplies water to the installation.

You can also connect the system here. Placement in an installation box is also allowed. Here you should install cut-off nodes according to the number of branches of the watering system. In our case there are three of them.

Each such device is connected by a cable with two cores to the controller. There is a discharge from the valve through the irrigation line. This installation option makes it possible to include each branch of the specified line.

In our case, we can arrange the lines like this. One branch is used to power large rainwater installations. For the line, pipes with a diameter of 19 mm are used directly. To carry out branches of such a system, pipes with a diameter of 16 mm must be used. The next line applies to miniature sprinklers with an area of ​​up to 50 square meters. m. The same pipes are used.

The third branch is allocated for drip irrigation. For this purpose, take a 19 mm pipe. A drip pipe made in the form of two closed loops is connected here. Its ends are connected to the supply pipe. To make watering as productive as possible, a rain sensor will be connected to the system. It prevents watering from starting during periods of precipitation. The device is connected to the controller as prescribed. The controllers themselves can be plugged into a simple outlet, which is quite convenient.

Connection and setup

First, the irrigation elements are installed on the site, after which they are connected to each other with a splitter and special connectors. No soil should get inside. At the second stage, the assembled systems are connected to the water supply. It is necessary to do a test run.

Sprinklers are pointed in the correct directions. If everything is done correctly, you can begin working with the soil. Along the pipeline, a ditch with a diameter of 250 mm is dug and crushed stone is poured onto the bottom. It will act as drainage. This is necessary to remove water residues. At the next stage, pipes and other structural elements are laid in the recess.

The hole is backfilled and the system is connected for a test run. Adjustment of rain systems. Puts a program into the controller to turn irrigation on and off at one time or another. It is important to ensure that the line operates alternately. Simultaneous activation is possible if the water intake capacity is quite large.

If the do-it-yourself automatic watering system was made in accordance with the above instructions, everything should work without failures. When all these stages have been completed, the installation of the irrigation system can be considered configured and complete. You can start using it regularly. In the future, it is necessary to periodically check the serviceability of the installation.