Lenorman. Card meaning: Clouds

6 clouds


Clouds are depicted dark on one side, and light on the other, and this has its own symbolism, which must be taken into account when interpreting cards


Terms and time according to Clouds - delay, braking, forced unplanned stop. The exact date is unclear. Period from 12 to 21 May , Day of the week - Saturday. Rainy season - autumn or end of May.


Steamer. Humidifier. Vaper accessories. Hookah. Electronic Cigarette. Smoking pipe. Nebulizer. Steam inhaler. Perfume. Often, Lenormand cards show an object literally as a picture, for example, Cloud can indicate a pack of cotton wool or a skein of yarn. This is something lush, airy, maybe a feather pillow. An object of gray or dark color, cloudy glass.


Domineering bad man. Stepfather. Father-in-law. Reconciliation.


Damp, foggy places. Gassed area. Night club, hookah bar, vape bar, tobacco shop. A place that is associated with fumes, smoke, gas, poisonous volatile substances. For example, the Fork card speaks of fear of making an important decision, a person does not have enough information on the issue to draw conclusions; Heart - feelings about relationships; Child - feelings about the child; Tree - anxiety about your health; The ship is a strong spiritual longing, nostalgia, regret about what cannot be returned.


Force Majeure. Broken plans. Cloudiness. Confusion. Expectation. Waiting out


In the tradition of playing cards, this auspicious card, denoting success and support, and, conversely, was considered an indication of failure if this card did not come out in the layout. A negative value appeared only when a number of negative cards fell out, and then the King of Clubs could indicate negative news. In a relationship, the negative aspect of the card lies in the danger of betrayal, in conflicts in the family and in disappointment in your partner.

Since the King was placed on the card with such a negative symbol clouds, in fortune-telling, he usually talks about some kind of negative. This is not a fair patron and assistant, but one who can plot intrigues for you, He, like the King of Spades on the Lily map, claims not only power, but also a noble origin, but if King Spades is a man of honor, he fulfills his words, is guided high morals, he is a true leader. The King of Wands can also hold a leadership position, but he is a stupid manager in this place, Here he is, King of Clubs (clouds) Here is his lady of the heart: Queen of Clubs (Snake card ) Their son is Jack of Clubs

In Tarot, the analogue of the King of Clubs is the King of Wands, but favorable aspects are also not lost, this is a hot-tempered man with a club and in power:


Clouds - the first unambiguously negative card , because before that we considered cards either positive , how Clover, House and Tree, or neutral like Rider or Ship , because according to this map, it is not known where it will take us: to cannibals or to a treasure island, or the ship will sink altogether, but the map itself does not say this. Clouds covering the sky symbolize external forces and insurmountable obstacles, are an antagonist to the sun and a symbol of evil.

  1. Stopping, braking:

Clouds indicate that due to external circumstances, the solution to your issue is being postponed, you are forced to return or stop and wait.

  1. Hazard Warning:

First of all, the Clouds card is a warning of an impending threat. How things will go on this card may not say, it only indicates a high probability that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

  1. Obstacle and problems:

The clouds covering the sun from us symbolize irresistible forces, force majeure, external obstacles that cannot be influenced in any way, drive them away, which interfere with success and progress towards the goal - The clouds speak of something sudden and unexpected, most likely you are on At the moment, you are not ready for such a turn of events and do not even expect it.

  1. Uncertainty, instability:

Everything that passes under this card is unreliable, maybe yes, maybe not; dependence on circumstances, uncertainty about the future. In general, there is uncertainty, which is moving towards a negative outcome.

  1. Ailments and illness:

In addition to physical and material harm, Clouds can give poor health, headache, drowsiness, pressure surges, a pressing feeling in the chest, bruising, weakness, nervousness, a bad mood due to bad health, when every other word in the temples knocks with a hammer. Also on this map go all colds transmitted by airborne droplets and diseases caused by hypothermia.

  1. Bad mood, gloomy thoughts:

Clouds, like the Moon, indicate the mood and emotional unstable background, gives excitement, gloom, sadness, fear, longing, tears, gloom, all the most stale grievances emerge and put pressure on the psyche. A broken emotional state, when it accumulated accumulated and broke through, tears, quarrels, scandals, a showdown of thunder and lightning

  1. Turbidity, obscurity, hidden:

Especially dangerous if the Snake, Rat or Fox cards are located nearby . Those. A cloud like a veil hides some kind of dirty tricks, rattling, dirty deeds and intrigues. Information that came from the Clouds map cannot be trusted. Clouds may indicate confusion, blurred consciousness due to the intake of medicinal or alcoholic substances.

  1. Conflict:

Cloud, along with Broom and Scythe, conflict and swearing map . Quarrels over the Cloud are when a lot of things have accumulated in the soul, a strong sediment and accumulated grievances have long been accumulated, and now it breaks out in the form of big words, tears, snot, tantrums, and then it can also suddenly end.

  1. Confusion, confusion, confusion:

Clouds give a suspended dependent state. The result is almost always negative, especially the longer you hang it like that. The meaning of the card is similar to the Hanged Man in Tarot.

10. The man is domineering and adult:

Like all cards in accordance with which there is a curly playing card, Clouds can be the significator of a man, may indicate that a certain person, who is described by the King of Clubs, plays an important role in the case.

11. Fog or smoke:

Clouds map may indicate smoky, gassed or foggy places with high humidity. Smokehouses, hookahs, vape bars. May indicate a smoker. Work at the chem. plant, waste incineration plant, with toxic gases. A poisonous substance that can disorient, mislead, or poison and distort perception.

12. Change of weather:

Sometimes Clouds can indicate a change in weather, cold snap, wind, dampness. Overcast, cloudy, poor visibility, drizzle.


The Clouds card indicates that the time has come to resolve long-standing issues, and this will allow you to defuse the accumulated tension and clarify the situation, because after the clouds the sun always appears in the sky. So after a conflict and a showdown, it may begin new stage without a load on your back. But the Clouds must be supported by strong favorable cards.

If there are good esoteric cards nearby, Clouds can indicate a desire for occult knowledge, mysticism.


Together with the cards Sun, Moon and Stars Clouds belong to the “Divine Heaven” group, the cards in this group are associated with the sky, the luminaries, natural phenomena that do not depend on the will of a person, but subordinate him to their will, for this reason, all these objects in different religions were ranked among the divine attributes of the Sun and the Moon as well were perceived as 2 sides of I: consciousness and subconsciousness, and Clouds and Stars as anger or mercy of the gods.

The peculiarity of the Cloud map is that that she has a factor of short duration , especially next to such cards as Horseman, Clover - These are temporary troubles, for 1-2 weeks. Cards House, Mountain, Tree will give long periods of time. For any questions, this card indicates temporality, as it ran up, and will soon run away, it does not depend on you personally.


Negative result, which can also tarnish your reputation. This state of affairs can be avoided if you are careful, follow the development of the situation.


The Clouds card has no similar counterparts in the deck, such as Horseman and Letter or Clover and Lilies. It can only be compared with other negative cards, but it is the easiest of all, because. even the most protracted downpour is replaced by the sun. The clouds carry the factor of temporality, as well as the chance that it will carry over, that the rain will pass by, the mood will change. If compared with the conflict cards - Broom and Scourge, Scythe, then the Clouds are the easiest and most temporary negative card that can even give purification and not damage further communication, unlike the Scourge and, moreover, from the Scythe. Rats and Clouds - both cards associated with damage and disease, but clouds are more psychological tension and fatigue, which can resolve itself, and Rats give physical problems.

Clouds and Coffin - disease cards . Through the Clouds, slight malaise, colds, colds, colds, runny nose; The coffin is a serious illness. Mountain and clouds - maps of obstacles, slowdowns, delays and external circumstances. A mountain is a stable and difficult to overcome obstacle; for many it can even become overwhelming. You can simply wait out the clouds, they are light and obey the wind, now here, in an hour, the far-distant mountain is stable and motionless.


Clouds - one of the first magic cards , along with Snake, Moon, Book, Coffin and Cross . When asked about the magical effect, it indicates hypnosis, haze, magical effect, high susceptibility to suggestion. They want to get rid of a person, take him out of the game, and therefore they fool him. The Clouds card indicates a negative impact, someone intervened from outside, but who exactly - we look at other cards. Heavy gloomy thoughts are directed at you, which causes the evil eye, damage, it's like a negative message of thoughts. Near the tree map Clouds speak of damage to health; with coffin - so damage to death; with Bouquet - lining or gift ; with the scythe - for misfortune; with Owls - on melancholy and depression; with the Bear - to weaken the protection ; with the Tower - for insulation.


Map of Clouds when asked for Yes-No does not give a clear answer , the situation is too murky, events are changing too quickly, there is no base and guarantee, force majeure is involved in the case, which prevents progress towards the desired goal, it all depends on how the Querent himself behaves in this situation.


Since the clouds are constantly in motion, they float across the sky without any obstacles, often changing their shape and size, the relationship will have the same mobile unstable characteristic. The relationship is unstable, it loves it, it hates it, such dynamics will fray all the nerves and lead to a nervous breakdown from the constant expectation of a scandal and the next departure of a partner. The couple either converges or diverges. It’s better not to build relationships on the Clouds map, because. they will contain a particle of this storm, which will then affect rejection, at any moment it can shoot, entail peals of thunder and lightning strikes. Do not rush to enter into a relationship, and even more so, accept serious offers and immediately run to the registry office so that you do not have to run to the registry office again for a divorce in the very near future. Even if the other shows an active interest, it is better to wait out the Cloud period. Clouds are never warm, maybe even irritated. A relationship without commitment, nothing keeps people together. Only if Clouds don't cover stability cards ( Anchor, Tree, House), then this may be an indication of a quarrel, after which the couple will reunite again. But if a Scythe, a Ship, a Fork came out nearby , then this is an indication of the final break, and even on a bad note. If Fox, Rats, Snake, then behind this fog lies danger and betrayal. A man may not be free, the King of Clubs is married to the Queen of Clubs. Or a series of intrigues to which he does not attach much importance and is already entangled in them. In any case, this card indicates that your partner has someone, he hides someone in this fog.


Most people feel worse when the weather changes or before rain, feeling short of breath, pressure on the brain, weakness, coffee does not help to cheer up. Therefore, even if there is no illness, Clouds can indicate a “state of non-standing.” In terms of illness, these are colds caused by an infection, a virus, or hypothermia; sputum; unclear diagnoses. Also diseases like sclerosis, Alzheimer's, brain lesions that cause hallucinations. Nervous breakdowns, dizziness, depression. Cataracts, cataracts, myopia, vision problems, bipolar disorder. Organs - ear-nose-throat, lungs, respiratory system. Phlegm in the lungs. Bronchitis. Asthma. Cough. Labored breathing. Pneumonia. Meteorological dependence, well-being depends on changes in the weather. Clouds can show a state of intoxication and a hangover, when the whole body is wadded and fog in the head. Poisoning.


Difficulties in financial terms, fluctuations, instability, money goes nowhere, unstable situation, expenses can be more than income, wages literally slip through your fingers. Illegal money transactions, murky left, shady, dishonest or illegal financial transactions. If the Cloud card falls in the house of Pisces, the salary will be delayed, the money will arrive late or be spent quickly.


At work, bad conditions, complete confusion, chaos and chaos, unpleasant environment, disturbing situation, no one has any idea how to solve the problems that have surging, only bad forebodings and misunderstandings, because. the situation is really slippery, cloudy and unclear, but dangerous and can lead to dismissal. Clouds can hide a mystery shopper, a test purchase or confusion from colleagues in order to survive.

The professional issue is in limbo, unresolved working moments. They may want to fire you, something is being done behind the veil, or they promised to hire you, but they don’t make a specific offer. They often show a veiled refusal, when at the interview they say: “OK, we will call you back ...” and they “hang” you for some time, what to expect is not clear, how long to wait is also not clear, and all the time there are doubts whether to wait , maybe it was sent so veiled. The danger that comes unexpectedly and for reasons beyond your control, if the Snake card is nearby , then the danger may come from a colleague who is doing something secret against you, intrigues, gossip, intrigues. Metla Map may indicate sudden checks, revisions; card ring - problems from companions; next to the map Tower to the unfavorable political situation in the country, which will affect your business.


Worker in the gas, chemical industry, work with poisonous gases. Meteorologist. Synoptic. Through air element Clouds are associated with flights, may indicate airline workers. Paratrooper. Skydiver. Pilot. Crane operator. Work at height.


In the most favorable version, the Cloud card indicates a wanderer, he is free like the wind in the field and nothing keeps him in place, neither material attachments, nor feelings of comfort, nor romantic relationships. But his character in any case is not easy. A person of mood, with constant swings. You can't rely on such a person, you can't get support in him. Dodgy, cunning, leads away from the topic. The person is touchy, muddy, slippery.

Outwardly unpleasant, puffy, edematous, smokes or drinks a lot, it may even smell not very pleasant from him. Next to the coffin - the patient is all over, whining forever, it hurts here and there; with Owl card - boring, squats on the brains, with the Mountain - overwhelming difficult person; with Lilies - claims to a noble origin, megalomania. In the description of appearance, the Cloud map indicated highlighted and gray hair.


The clouds show the atmosphere of any question if they lay down next to the map Dom , then troubles are approaching the family (most importantly - the weather in the house!); if next to the heart - problems in love affairs, confusion, sadness, pain in the heart; next to the tower - There are problems at work.

The clouds are hiding something, for example, if the Rat card is next , then the Clouds hide the Rats until they are visible, this is the danger. It is important to look at what card goes behind the Clouds and under them, then it hides. If good cards fall after the Clouds card , then the person is not so bad, he is moving towards the intended goal, but the progress may be slightly delayed, something will spoil the mood, the meeting will be canceled, rescheduled, receipts are delayed, the person is out of the game for a while, because out of shape. Plans are being implemented, but with delays.

If negative cards lie nearby , then the series of events is aggravated by the gloomy depressive state of Querent, he no longer believes in success, he is gloomy and negative.

It is also important to evaluate nearby cards in order to understand where and where the black clouds are moving from. For example, pair Horseman and Clouds - the messenger brings bad news, and if vice versa, then the news will dispel doubts and ignorance.


If the Cloud card lay on the bright side, then the problems have already passed and did not affect Querent's life. If the dark side, then in this case you will see how the problems that haunt you in the present began.


If the Cloud card is located on the bright side, then the problems are bypassed. The sun peeks out from behind the clouds, life is getting better. If the dark side, then in life now there is a crisis and problems. May indicate a binge period.


Clouds in the position of the future say that if you do what you have planned, you will provide yourself with trouble. Muddy situation. If the kata is on the bright side, then the problems will be solved. If the dark side, then problems and troubles await you. one of the most negative cards, because. enhances the bad value of nearby cards. The Cloud Map should always be given special attention.


Troubles are fleeting. News that confuses
7 Snake A woman who causes problems, confuses the situation, can create a situation that tarnishes your reputation. Trouble awaits you
8 Coffin Illness causes bad mood. Dangerous disease of the pulmonary system. The person is undermined both mentally and physically. The fall of a personal card between the Coffin and the Clouds is an indication of a serious illness, perhaps even oncology.
9 Bouquet Truce. Unpleasant guest.
10 Scythe Obscurity, turbidity will lead to sharp and painful events. A slight malaise threatens to turn into a disease with serious consequences. Tragic denouement. Risk of accident due to negligence
11 Broom Scandals. Problems with power structures and law enforcement agencies (police). Checks at work. Some unpleasant facts will be brought to light.
12 Owls Uncertainties, doubts. Slander. Bad, tarnished reputation
13 Child The child gets sick. Cold, minor illness. Problems with children. Crybaby. Short term improvement. experiences
14 Fox False personality, muddy person. Dangerous, deceitful situation. False information. Scam, Distortion of the situation. Crime. Corruption.
15 Bear Attacks by inspection or law enforcement agencies (tax, OBEP).
16 Stars Hope.
17 Stork Relocation cancellation. Change for the better.
18 Dog Feelings about a friend. Instability in friendships.
19 Tower Problems in the state organs. Annoyance at the authority. Isolation due to illness or depression. Mental hospital.
20 Park Gossip. Intrigue. A tarnished reputation. World quarrel. Insult.
21 Mountain Heavy thoughts. Thoughts are blocked. Heavy obstacles. You see only the tip of the iceberg, a big obstacle on the way.
22 Fork Several ways to solve the problem. The cards on the sides of the Fork will indicate alternative possibilities and exits.
23 Rats Sorrow, illness undermines your strength. You can become a victim of thieves Slippery dangerous situation for you Hidden meanness, deceit,
24 Heart Tears. Love longing. Darkness, haziness. Ambiguity in relationships. A gloomy cloud of doubts and ambiguity creeps into the heart.
25 Ring Vicious circle. Bad union. Contract confusion.
26 Book Misunderstanding. There is no way to understand the causes of the problem. Troubles in the learning process, a quarrel with the teacher.
27 Letter Bad news. Forgery of documents.
28 Man
29 Woman Quarrels with people, showdown. Unreliable troublesome person.
30 Lilies Treason. Sexual problems.
31 Sun Quick resolution of problems. Energy to solve problems. It will clear up! The sun will peek out from behind the clouds. Worthless experiences.
32 Moon Strained relationship with parents. Hysteria, mental illness
33 Key Solution.
34 Pisces Financial losses. Economic crisis. Financial fraud.
35 Anchor Troubles will drag on for a long time. Job loss.
36 Cross tough tests. Prolonged problems. karmic problem. A punishment that was sent by the Higher Powers.

Lenormand Clouds is the sixth card of the deck, this is the cross king. Before proceeding with the interpretation of this map, you need to take a good look at it, it shows various clouds, some are light, and some are too dark, sometimes they completely thicken, but there are gaps.

In different decks, Lenormand Clouds is depicted in different ways, sometimes it can be the dark side on the left, and sometimes on the right. It happens that only small clouds are visible on it, through which the sun penetrates.

Looking at her, it is impossible to understand whether it will rain, thunderstorm or the clouds will disperse. The air smells like a storm. There is some ambiguity in it, trouble is in the air. Her features are vague and obscure.

It may indicate unrest, you need to wait and be prudent, it may be worth hiding.

If this card showed, do not run ahead of the engine, it is better to pause. She warns that no decision needs to be made now.

Often it falls out to people who are in illusions, a state of clouding of the brain. It is important to look at the surrounding maps, perhaps someone will intentionally mislead you.

  • A person erroneously thinks and perceives reality. This is a map of the air, it speaks of the air itself, smoke and fog.
  • It can show a closed suffocating space, neighbors may have a fire, and smoke will come towards you.
  • It falls to people working in a gassed production or in workshops with poisonous gases.
  • The cloud is a symbol of outside interference. She will show the atmosphere of any question, if House fell next to her in the layout, then there will be problems at home.
  • Near the Tower, she talks about problems at work, next to the Heart, she talks about relationship problems.
  • It symbolizes the punishment coming from above. If it is in the position of the future, there is a negative atmosphere in a person's life.
  • If it lies alone, it speaks of ordinary crises and difficulties in the present.

If the personal card is on top, and the clouds are below it, then the person will overcome the crisis, but if it is above it, then the problems will put a lot of pressure on him.

This card has no temporal aspect, it symbolizes uncertainty. Therefore, when fortune-telling, it is very important to know exactly their combinations, the correct perception of the alignment depends on this.

Clouds are the 6th house, the house of obscurity, uncertainty and misunderstanding. It falls on sensitive people with a difficult character, they often spoil the mood of others and suffer from problems with alcohol.

If there are good and especially esoteric cards near it, then a person strives for mysticism and occult knowledge, such people have a deep inner conviction.

Lenormand Clouds in the layout for a person and relationships

In the layout of love, it symbolizes a crisis, various attacks by a partner, ambiguity in intentions, there is trouble and coldness in relationships.

This card falls out in couples if they have unresolved issues in love, someone in this pair stirs up water and tries to deceive a partner.

Perhaps these are betrayals, or verbal deceptions, the partner is probably turning some kind of scam, all this can be determined from other layout cards.

In general, if a couple is shown this card, there is serious confusion and problems in their relationship.

She speaks of uncertainty in feelings, people are together, but one of the partners doubts the continuation of the relationship and that they need to invest strength and feelings in them.

For friendship, it means a test of strength coming from fate, there are also difficulties and many unanswered questions, but for real friends there must be strength to go through all this.

Lenormand Clouds in the layout of finance

If the card fell out at, then you need to refrain from unnecessary purchases and expenses. Usually it falls on people who have difficulties with money, it shows various financial problems and fluctuations.

  • Money that is, then they are not there, then they come, then they leave, the financial situation is very unstable. This money is not only unstable, but also cloudy, perhaps a person conducts illegal financial transactions, especially the combinations of Clouds with the Fox, the Letter, the Snake indicate this.
  • She speaks of an error in the conduct of financial affairs, that is, a person does not fully understand financial matters, therefore, he often turns out to be delusional, especially, this is indicated by the combination with the Fox.

In matters of work, this card also indicates uncertainty, either the authorities are thinking of firing you, or you decide to get a job, your documents were taken away from you, but they are not called to the job itself, as a result of uncertainty, issues are often resolved negatively and the result is usually not very good, however, being fired can often be beneficial.

In the health spread, she talks about nervous breakdowns, dizziness, depression, colds due to drafts, phlegm, joint problems and the possibility of inaccurate diagnoses.

A person to whom it fell out may experience problems with the lungs, respiratory organs and overwork. The danger for him may be an incorrect assessment of the situation, submission to fear that binds actions.

Such people usually have an unstable character, they are merciless, success in the affairs of other people may depend on them.

Such people themselves in the inner circle can bring problems with law enforcement agencies, there may be losses caused by an older or adult person.

If she is surrounded by negative cards, she indicates serious difficulties and problems. If it was shown, then there is little good in such a relationship and they most likely will not be durable.

CLOUDS - King of Clubs

A crisis. Impending trouble.

Clouds darken the mood: they symbolize troubles, ailments, generally undesirable events. This card carries the feeling of a premonition of a thunderstorm, when the situation is heating up so much that the smallest reason (spark) is enough for a storm to break out.

However, we must remember that the rain washes away all the dirt, everything superfluous, alluvial and unnatural. This is the cathartic meaning of the card. It may very well be that the upcoming events will help you shed unnecessary ballast and start a new stage in your life.

Clouds can dissolve as quickly as they arise. This makes them a symbol of mental inconstancy.

This card has a light side and a dark side. She extends her unfavorable influence to the card or cards adjacent to her dark side. If the black clouds are turned towards the questioner's map, the prospects are gloomy and discord awaits you in some way. It will be difficult and will require patience. If the bright side of the clouds is turned towards the card of the questioner, this is a good omen. Misfortune will pass by, and life will go on as usual.

Neighboring cards will show where the trouble comes from.

In matters of relationships. The test of feelings for strength begins. Circumstances are developing in an extremely unfavorable way. It is necessary to seek support within yourself, ask advice from your conscience.

In business matters. You risk losing a lot for reasons beyond your control. These can be both unfavorable political events in the country, and problems that partners will create for you.

In medical matters. The card may portend the onset of a protracted illness. Sometimes it symbolizes blood clots, blockages.

Value in pairing* with other cards

The value of the combination


Troubles will end quickly


There is a chance to avoid trouble


Trouble on the way

"clouds gathering over the house"

Feeling worse

Malice and envy

heavy loss


Tragic denouement, "better a terrible end than horror without end"

Long streak of bad luck



Feelings about a child



It's better to refuse help.


Continued Trouble

Imminent change for the better

18 DOG

Worry about a friend

Illness with severe complications

The problem is not solved, but comes to a standstill


Several ways to solve the problem

Serious loss, theft


Love experiences, tears


bad union

"black book"


Bad news (official)

28 MAN

hard times, tears


The night is dark before dawn

31 SUN

All problems will be solved soon


Logical problem solution

"fishing in troubled waters"

The streak of trouble drags on for a long time

hard trials


*Pairs are considered 2 cards that fell out side by side. The card that is drawn first is the main one. The combination looks just like her.


club king
Map designations: impending threat, anxiety, lack of stability, envy, crisis situation, disappointments. Due to gloomy thoughts, it is difficult to rationally consider the current situation. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the ray of the sun breaks through the thorns of the clouds and points to the righteous path.
This card is the eldest, it sows anxiety and the appearance of adverse situations, a negative card.
Description of the map: on a North American beach, a parrot and a monkey look at the sky and see that there is no gap in it, everything is covered with a thick veil of clouds, the threat of rain is approaching. In the center is a dragon that emits black smoke from its mouth. The monkey, together with the parrot, is trying to understand what the clouds will bring. Perhaps it will be rain, or perhaps a storm, or perhaps the clouds will dissipate and the sun will appear. People, just like these two, look at the sky to find out what today will bring them. The east-facing window is made in the corresponding oriental style, which once again reminds us that this action takes place in the Arab world. Above, in the right corner, the sign of the planet Neptune is depicted, in astrology this sign is associated with mysticism. A person is arranged in such a way that, regardless of whether he looked at information from meteorologists, if, leaving the house, he sees overhanging clouds, he will return home for an umbrella. This reflects the main function of the cloud map.
Meaning: the omens will be quite disturbing, the card speaks of an event that will bring chaos, circumstances that will change all your pre-planned plans. The card helps to prevent a situation that will fall on a person as quickly as a sudden, unexpected rain. The main concept is a surprise that cannot be foreseen, which throws a person in loneliness and fear, in suffering. The card contains conflict situations, collisions that give rise to sadness, tension and regret. But, nevertheless, this card has a short-term effect, its influence can last a maximum of a month.
Let's pay attention to the cards lying next to each other. If the card is adjacent to the bright side, then most likely the prediction will be positive. If the dark side, then you have to find out unfavorable information. If the card is located in close proximity to your own card, then count on some kind of blow and loss. However, this is not a permanent state, and after rain and clouds, the sun will surely appear. This card is associated with dreams and desires, symbolizing being on the right path that will bring improvements.
At the physical level, clouds are associated with the lungs, chest area and breathing.
Clouds make the mood gloomy, symbolize events that are not desired, it carries a sense of threat when the situation is such that a small spark is enough to fan a whole storm of trouble. On the other hand, rain erases everything superfluous, dirty and unnecessary, most likely the upcoming events will help you get rid of unnecessary oppression and help you start life anew.
From a psychic point of view, the clouds denote inner impermanence, since they can arise and disappear with the same swiftness.
The difficulties that fate throws at us are a kind of challenge, overcoming which a person becomes stronger, a solution can be found for any problem.
It is necessary to be extremely careful, consciousness will be clouded, mood swings will be felt.
A person always has two options for action: run away or take a hit on himself.
Character: unreliable, nervous, restless, indecisive, unpredictable, capricious.
Personalities: elderly man, former partner addicted, such as nicotine.
The execution time of divination is several weeks.

  • RIDER - Troubles are fleeting. Termination of communication. Computer breakdown.
  • CLOVER - There will be a chance to get away with it. Although the trouble will affect you, you will be able to quickly solve the problem, and even receive a small prize for it. There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.
  • BY SHIP - Problems on the road, abroad, on a business trip. Late for plane. Transport breakdown.
  • HOME - A tense atmosphere in the house. Homesickness
  • WOOD - Health problems.
  • SNAKE - Anger, an emotionally intense situation, a premonition of meanness on the part of a trusted person. There is something wrong going on behind the person's back. Real threat.
  • COFFIN - Difficult situation, great loss. Long streak of bad luck. Serious illness, see a doctor. Your fears are not groundless.
  • BOUQUET - Truce.
  • OBLIQUE - Sudden and tragic denouement. But as the saying goes, "a terrible end is better than horror without end." Troubles will undermine plans. Prepare for the coming storm. WHIP with BROOM - Scandals. Problems with power structures and law enforcement agencies (police). Checks at work. Some unfavorable facts will be brought to light.
  • BIRDS - Quarrels, squabbles with neighbors. The negotiations will fail. An unpleasant or even destructive conversation. Gossip. Rumors damaging reputation. Painful thoughts that a person is unable to deal with.
  • OWLS - Gloomy thoughts. Heavy forebodings. Depression.
  • CHILD - Experiences about the child. Difficulties with raising children.
  • FOX - Deception will entail a series of troubles. Support from a partner.
  • MEDVEDEM - Attacks by inspection or law enforcement agencies (tax, OBEP). If the BEAR lies on the dark side of the CLOUD, then it is better to refuse help. If the BEAR lies next to the bright side of the CLOUDS, then help will come in time.
  • STARS - Hope.
  • AISTOM - Cancellation of the move. Change for the better.
  • DOG - Worries about a friend. Instability in friendships.
  • TOWER - The disease may take a protracted nature or hospitalization in the medical center will be required. institution.
  • GARDEN - Gossip. Intrigue. A tarnished reputation. World quarrel. Insult.
  • MOUNTAIN - Deadlock. Trouble has no end in sight. Serious problems that were caused by unforeseen circumstances.
  • FORK - Several ways to solve the problem. The cards on the sides of the FORK will indicate alternative possibilities and exits.
  • RATS - Theft. Damage. Be alert to strangers.
  • HEART - Bad forebodings torment the soul. Tears. Love experiences. Unresolved love issue. Relationship uncertainty. One of the partners has not yet decided whether he needs it or not. Mental confusion. A person is not ready for a new relationship, in his soul now is the bitterness of disappointment.
  • RING - a problematic partner. Bad deal.
  • BOOK - Misunderstanding. There is no way to understand the causes of the problem. Troubles in the learning process, a quarrel with the teacher.
  • LETTER - Bad news.
  • MAN or WOMAN - Quarrels with people, showdown. Unreliable troublesome person.
  • LILY - Sexual problems. If the LILYs lie next to the bright side of the CLOUDS, then your torment will pay off, a reward awaits you.
  • SUN - Quick resolution of problems. Energy to solve problems. It will clear up! The sun will peek out from behind the clouds. Worthless experiences.
  • MOON - Tensions with parents. Hysteria, a disease of the psyche or nervous system.
  • KEY - Problem Solving.
  • FISHES - Financial losses. Economic crisis. Financial fraud. Catch fish in troubled waters. Do not borrow money and do not take loans for the period indicated in divination, even if the conditions are very tempting.
  • ANCHOR - Troubles will drag on for a long time. Job loss.
  • CROSS - Severe trials. Prolonged problems. karmic problem. A punishment that was sent by the Higher Powers.