Cuba. Photo report

So, we went to Cuba in October. We did not travel as savages, but bought a tour. Lived in Varadero, one of the best resorts peace. I liked it very much, I recommend it to everyone.
Arrived in Havana around 7 am. We quickly went through all the formalities, got our luggage, loaded onto the bus and went to Varadero. The journey took approximately 3 hours. The guide gave general information about the country, culture and history. Along the way, I did not forget to comment on what was happening outside the bus window.
On the way to Varadero, we made one stop to stretch our legs, rest, look around, and, according to the guide, try the best piña colada in the country. The place where we stopped was a cafe with souvenir stalls, an observation deck and colorful local musicians.

Also, a wonderful view of the bridge with a 116-meter span opens from the observation deck.

Another wonderful view from the observation deck

Sign at the entrance to Varadero

Varadero has wonderful beaches with white sand and clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean...

It was evening. Before dinner we went to the beach.

There are a lot of cars in Cuba from the past, the so-called retro cars left over from the time of the US expansion. I think comments are unnecessary here.

In Varadero, you can easily rent a car or scooter near almost any hotel. It’s good to take a car if you are going to another city, and if you want to explore the surroundings of Varadero, then it’s better to take a scooter ($15 for three hours, or $18 for four + gasoline at your expense, a liter at a gas station costs $1. I write prices in dollars, since they are equivalent to the convertible pesos that tourists pay).

We take a scooter and go for a ride. Varadero is beautiful


The locals of Varadero

It turns out that Cuba has a wonderful, delicious beer. There are two types of Cuban beer - Cristal and Bucanero. Both varieties are great tasting and better than all the beers put together produced in Russia. As the saying goes: "Less is better."

We lived in the hotel Villa Tortuga. I rate it a solid "4" on a five-point scale.
view to a pool

Cuban dancers light up on this stage in the evenings

Passage to the beach

We went to Havana a couple of times. On your own, no tours. City of contrasts. Liked it a lot
View of the fortress of El Morro

Local graffiti anneal. Graffiti seen at the beginning of the Prado pedestrian street

Prado street views

Also on the streets of Cuba you can often find masterpieces of the domestic auto industry .. bus from Canada

Prado street rests on a beautiful view of one of the oldest hotels in the city

One of Hemingway's favorite bars, El Floridita

The famous Capitol, a copy of the American

It houses the national library (as far as I know)

At the foot of the Capitol, tourists are offered to feel the atmosphere of the past and take pictures with an ancient camera against the background of the steps.

And behind the Capitol is a museum of locomotives (scrap metal dump) and a cigar factory.

Typical balcony view of medieval Havana

Cultural Center ArteHabana

And there's Rasta in Cuba

"Forbidden to play Pelota" writing on the wall. Do not think anything vulgar, Pelota is such a game, a prototype of modern squash.

Children playing in the streets of Havana

Where without UAZ

Are you tired? So sit down, smoke a cigar, take a break

Large birds circle around the tall building of the city hospital

"Message to the Future" immured in the wall of the city hospital building

People waiting for the bus. With public transport in Cuba tension.

One of the streets of old Havana

Kids frolicking on the streets of Havana

The usual state of the Cuban. They are all lazy and slow.

In Havana, as in Russia, folk wall art is very common.

Monument to the revolutionary, poet, hero of Cuba Jose Marti. He died in the battle for the independence of the country.

Due to our topographical cretinism, we accidentally wandered into a sleeping area. Almost like ours

American cars in Cuba

Some, even in excellent condition (did not look under the hood)

O'Reilly Street

I looked into one of the courtyards of Havana. As it turned out later, he is "famous" - everyone takes pictures of him

You need to hold this uncle by the beard, by the finger and you will be happy!

Cuban Pioneer

Very colorful mailbox "Cola-Libre". In fact, there is also the usual Coca-Cola made in Mexico

Plaza de la Cienaga. Cathedral in the Baroque style. Rumor has it that the remains of Columbus lie here.

Plaza de La Ciénaga, fragment

View from the Cathedral to Plaza de La Ciénaga.

The same Granny. Sitting outside old man Ernesto's second favorite bar, La Bodeguita del Medio. He makes money by taking pictures with tourists. One photo - one dollar/CUC

In this heat, it's a sin not to drink a cool mojito

And again, the miracle of the domestic auto industry - Zil 130 (by the way, a good car)

Everywhere you can find the symbolism of the revolution and the permanent image of the great Che

We decided to ride along the Malecon embankment on a wonderful form of transport Coco Taxi. Inside view.

Have you ever seen naked Don Quixote?? I have seen!!

Another monument to another revolutionary hero-general

And again, cars, cars ..

Coffin carrier. Stands in the Necropolis in Havana.


Monument to the great freedom fighter Ernest Che Guevara on the mausoleum in the city of Santa Clara.

Colonial city of Trinidad in southern Cuba, Caribbean coast.

Quiet time in kindergarten

A student in a school opposite the kindergarten decided to follow the example of his younger brothers.

Those Coco Taxi..

..their antipode competitor

Steps for every taste!

This grandpa, like Granny from Havana, is a famous shot. Just doesn't ask for money.

It's been a little rain


Residents of Trinidad

Trinidad, view from above

Cats all over the world are the same

And there are cars in Trinidad

The Cuban land is wide

Thanks to all!

Cubans are very fond of telling the story of how Christopher Columbus, when he first set foot on the land of Cuba, was struck by its beauty to such an extent that he said: "I have not seen anything more beautiful in my life."

I don't know how true this story is, but Cuba is really beautiful. A piercing blue sky, an azure Atlantic Ocean, tall palm trees, snow-white beaches, hospitable Cubans.

The architecture cannot leave indifferent. Everywhere there are traces of conquests by Spain, raids of corsairs and filibusters. It seems that the walls of fortresses and forts are still ready to repel the raids of brave pirates.

The pearl of Cuba is Havana. This city with a population of about 2.5 million was founded by the conquistador Diego Velasquez in the 16th century. The city consists of two parts - Old and New Havana, which differ strikingly.

Old Havana is beautiful monuments, beautiful squares, cathedrals and monasteries, houses and buildings of the colonial era. Walking along the narrow cobbled streets, among the houses, saturated with the colonial spirit, is a real pleasure.

The modern part of Havana leaves a rather depressing impression: devastation and poverty. The average salary in Cuba is about 20 dollars a month, Cubans say that this is only enough for food, therefore, there can be no talk of repairing houses.

The stores were amazed: half-empty shelves, a very meager assortment, rather high prices for products. You can’t call people on the streets particularly joyful either. Queues are everywhere, and people are let into stores in small batches to prevent theft. There is practically no private business, everything belongs to the state, the local population was allowed to leave Cuba only 2 years ago.

This is how I saw modern Cuba: the beauty of nature, the beautiful ocean and the almost miserable existence of people.

Friends, leaving for Cuba, I hoped that I could stay in touch, but, as it turned out, there is practically no Internet there, as a result, for two weeks I could not answer your questions. I will do this in the coming days.

P.S. I prepared a short video for you, which I shot in Havana during a trip around the city. Filmed from the car, the quality is not the best, but you can feel the atmosphere of the city. See.

What to do if you are in Cuba for a short time? Where to go, where to smoke the best cigar and eat a real mango, how to catch

feel the real spirit of Cuba libre? Club member answers questions Russian photo» Irina Baryshnikova, who visited

such a journey.

If you are in Cuba for a couple of days, then all you have time to do is visit Havana and the places nearby. It can be like herself

Havana, including old Havana, and its surroundings with waterfalls, valleys, tobacco factories and other "passing"

attractions. And, of course, in order to fully immerse yourself in the retro era of this country, the best way would be

go on such excursions on a retro car, which there are many in Cuba.

We were in Cuba for three days, and during this time we were able to visit a couple of excursions conducted by the Russian-speaking guide Jose. It is worth noting that in

In this case, taking into account the uniqueness of this country, such an acquaintance with it was the most optimal. The guide not only showed the main

places of interest, but also spoke about such details that an ordinary tourist would hardly know - starting with how a mango looks like,

ending with the fact that, for example, ordinary citizens of Cuba are forbidden to have their own websites on the Internet, and that he has the opportunity to engage in

such activity only thanks to the Russian wife.

One of the interesting events was a visit to a local tobacco factory that produces cigars. In just half an hour we were able to

to get acquainted with the main stages of their production visually. After the leaves are harvested, they are hung out to dry, a process that

often referred to as "curing". This step can take up to three months! After the leaves have dried, the cigar can be rolled. AND,

it turns out that the technique of rolling a cigar can affect its final taste. A good cigar has a smooth and shiny wrapper with

leaves neatly twisted in one direction. And while I was photographing all these amazing things, my husband and José enjoyed

the process of smoking cigars, and I "peeped" behind them.

We also managed to go to the Viñales Valley, a national park in the valley of the Sierra de los Organos mountain range. The territory of the reserve

which is taken under the protection of UNESCO, consists of flat karst formations, flat hills (the locals called them "backs

elephants"), underground rivers, caves and waterfalls. It turns out that in ancient times, Indian tribes lived in this territory. Cuban dance,

as well as a bar where they prepare an insanely delicious pina colada, where they offer to add the amount of rum they need on their own, were

one of the amazing experiences of this valley, apart from its inconceivable beauties, of course.

If we talk about Havana itself, then its colors are amazing. They are pure and positive, and the city itself seems to show its childish, inexperienced

modern civilization soul. And it’s impossible to take your eyes off vintage cars at all! If you want to take a break from the modern world,

reset and forget about civilization, you just need to visit Cuba.