Cologne Cathedral. Cologne Cathedral Germany: a legend

Where is the Catholic Cologne Cathedral dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Peter. Short story and photos.

I first saw the cathedral through the windows of the main station Köln Hauptbahnhof late in the evening when I arrived in Cologne. I knew that it was located near the station, but to see it in the night illumination after a long journey was something incredible. This huge building in the lights looked very mystical, and its size seemed immense, as it occupied the entire view.

During the day, with the rays of the sun, all the mystery of the cathedral disappears, but the view does not become less fascinating from this. Already coming closer, you understand how huge it is, it is extremely inconvenient to photograph it in full size, it is not for nothing that it is among the top three tallest buildings among all the churches in the world. And its facade is considered the largest among other cathedrals in Europe.

Cologne Cathedral. Story

Legends of Cologne Cathedral

It was built for six centuries and as a result received the tallest building in the top three of all churches in the world with the largest church facade in Europe. For such a long time of construction, the cathedral has acquired legends about its construction.

According to one of them, the first architect of the cathedral, entangled in the drawings, made a deal with the devil, who promised to hand over the finished drawings in exchange for a soul. Believing in the promise, the architect and the devil made an appointment for the early morning, when the first cock would be heard. The conversation was overheard by the architect's wife, and in order to save her husband, she crowed for a rooster, after which she took the promised drawings from the devil. And when a real crowing sounded and Satan heard it, he realized that he had been deceived, which made him very angry. Yes, to such an extent that he sent a curse on the cathedral, which was that when the construction work was completely completed, the end of the world would come. If you pay attention to the construction work that is still going on today, you might think that this is not accidental ...

Much more legends about the cathedral and Cologne can be told by a Russian-speaking guide on a thematic tour.

What was on the site of the cathedral

Churches were built on the site of the cathedral back in Roman times, the remains of which have been preserved, you can even look at them, they are located under the cathedral.

The first larger church on this site began to be built in VI. Having existed for several centuries, it burned down, so in IX a new cathedral was built. It was this cathedral that was the predecessor of the existing one; in history it is called the “old cathedral”. Some fragments have survived from it, namely the walls from the well that stood in the courtyard and the threshold of one of the entrances. They are available for inspection, located in underground rooms.

Laying the first stone

Since Cologne was a rich and powerful city, it needed its own cathedral, which began to be built in 1248. It was also built to store the relics of the three sorcerers brought to Cologne in 1164. For this valuable relic, a sarcophagus was made from precious metal and stones for ten years.

First of all, the eastern part of the cathedral was built, then the northern. From the 14th to the 15th, they worked on the southern part, building three floors in the tower and placing two bells in it. In the XVI, the northern part was covered with a roof. In this unfinished form, the cathedral was left for several centuries.

Completion of construction

The cathedral was in an unfinished state until 1842, when Friedrich Wilhelm IV not only ordered the completion of the cathedral, but also had a hand in it. Cologne received a fully completed cathedral when the last stone was laid in 1880.

Surprisingly, during the Second World War, the Cologne Cathedral did not feel significant damage, they say that for the pilots it was a landmark due to the high towers, so bombs were not dropped on it.

Cologne Cathedral today

It will not be enough to see the cathedral from the outside, you should definitely look inside, its interior will not make you disappointed. Behind the altar is the main value of the cathedral - a chest with the relics of the relics of the three Magi. Also in the cathedral are stored such relics as the Milan Madonna, Hero's Cross, the staff and monstrance of St. Peter, wands and swords.

There is a sculpture in front of the cathedral, which at first glance can not be understood. But if you come closer and look closely, you can see the text in Russian. This is a copy of the tip of the towers, which cannot be seen from the ground, as they seem quite small. In fact, the sculpture conveys the real size. It's called Kreuzblume.

If you walk around the cathedral, you can see the high relief depicting Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, the fountain of St. Peter on the south side of the cathedral and a fragment of the chapel that stood here in the 11th century.

- one of the oldest and most luxurious cities in Germany. A huge number of historical and cultural attractions are concentrated on its territory. Among them is the famous Cologne Cathedral. Roman Catholic building, made in the style of medieval Gothic. An unsurpassed masterpiece of architectural art. At the very top of the Cathedral Hill rises an elegant graceful structure woven from openwork stone lace and decorated with numerous turrets, pilasters, columns, arches. If you look closely, you will notice that the building is made in the form of a Latin cross. Valuable religious relics are kept within the walls of the Cathedral. Cologne Cathedral has been a World Heritage Site for decades.

History of creation

The history of the Cologne Cathedral has its roots in the deep Middle Ages. According to historical reference books, a small Roman temple was located in its place in the 1st millennium. In the 4th century, Christian churches appeared nearby. Many of them were destroyed by fires over time. In the 13th century, the holy relics of the three Magi were handed over to the Archbishop of Cologne from Milan. This event was the impetus for the construction of a large beautiful temple. Construction began in 1248 and lasted 632 years. During this long time, 157 towers were erected, countless sculptures and stained-glass windows were created, huge bronze gates and 11 bells were cast. The solemn opening of the Cathedral took place only in 1880. An incredible, bewitching neo-Gothic building, impressive in its scale and splendor, appeared before the eyes of the townspeople and tourists. During World War II, the Cathedral was practically not damaged; only a few southern stained-glass windows were broken. After the war, the building was restored and updated. By 2007, all stained glass windows were restored, and the temple shone even brighter.

Panorama of Cologne Cathedral

Legend of Cologne Cathedral

For several centuries, the old legend about the birth of Cologne Cathedral has been passed from mouth to mouth. The construction of the temple was entrusted to the famous German architect Gerhard von Riehl. For a long time he worked on the drawing, nothing original came to mind. Each new drawing was sent to the urn. And then one day, the architect was visited by Satan himself. He offered his help in exchange for an immortal soul. Gerhard was forced to agree, the deal was set for the next morning. The signal for its beginning was to be the first cock crow. The architect's wife at that time stood outside the door and heard the whole conversation. Early in the morning she went out into the yard and crowed three times. The plan for the construction of the temple was received. And Satan, having learned about the deception, became furious and decided to take revenge by placing a curse on the Cathedral - "after the last stone is laid in the foundation of the temple, the world will collapse and the end of the world will begin." Of course, this is just a legend, but the construction of the Cathedral really lasted several centuries, and the work on its restoration has not been completed to this day.

The interior of the Cathedral

Passing through the huge bronze gates, visitors find themselves in a magical medieval country. The main cathedral hall houses several charming galleries and small chapels.

Lush carved columns rise in the middle of the hall. Sculptures of biblical saints are placed in the corners. The walls are adorned with gilded mosaics.

The center of the hall is crowned with a luxurious marble altar - a real work of medieval art. To the left of the altar is the main Cologne relic - the tomb of the Magi. Nearby you can see the "chest of the three Magi" - three wooden sarcophagi, lined with gold and adorned with precious stones. It amazes visitors with its incredibly complex decoration - gilded columns, bizarre patterns in the form of fabulous plants. On the sides on their chic thrones are the prophets and kings, above them are the apostles in snow-white robes. On the lower part of the chest, visitors can see the scene of the birth and crucifixion of Christ, as well as his miraculous resurrection.

Milan Madonna

Another unique relic of the Cologne Cathedral is the Milan Madonna. Like the chest, it was brought by the Archbishop of Cologne from Milan. Believers claim that this sculpture has a miraculous effect, so in the Middle Ages it was especially revered. In 1248, as a result of a great fire, it was destroyed. And 50 years later, the image of the Holy Virgin was restored. Of course, it was not as expensive and beautiful as the first, but it was no less valued. The sculpture was repeatedly updated and supplemented. Currently, the "Milan Madonna" is a real sculptural masterpiece. The sculpture rises on a high carved pedestal - gracefully and gracefully, full of spirituality, a woman holds a child of the Lord in her arms. The Madonna wears long silk robes dyed in different colors. She looks at her child with such tenderness that many have tears at the sight of such an all-encompassing maternal love.

Hero's Cross

The decoration of the Cathedral is a large wooden cross - a gift from Archbishop Gero. Holy crucifix depicting the death of Christ. In height, this man-made creation reaches two meters. It is known from reliable sources that the cross has survived to our times in its original form, and therefore it is even more unique. On a large oak crucifix, the lifeless body of Jesus is chained. The picture is so real - the head of the Savior is mournfully bowed, his eyes are covered. His arms, legs, muscles are very clearly visible. On the head of Christ is a crown of thorns. Around the cross is a beautiful carved altar.

Other sacred relics

Directly from the "chamber of shrines", where the main treasures of the temple are collected, several corridors and stairs depart. Going down one of these narrow stairs, visitors find themselves in the underground cathedral premises. An incredible amount of religious relics is collected here. Several ceremonial crosses can be seen on special illuminated showcases, as well as an integral symbol of archiepiscopal authority - the sacred rod and sword. Nearby are several rooms with old books, a collection of silver and gilded goblets. One of the halls is reserved for church clothes. An incredible sight - rich brocade cassocks embroidered with precious stones. In one of the underground rooms, tourists can admire the original sculptural compositions. Wandering through the winding corridors of cellars, visitors involuntarily find themselves in the distant Middle Ages. During the tour, organ music sounds in the Cathedral, bewitching and enveloping from all sides.

At the very top of the Cathedral is an observation deck. From here you have a wonderful view of the city panorama. In order to climb, tourists have to overcome hard way in 500 steps. Around the temple there is a picturesque natural park with manicured lawns and flower beds. There are benches around the perimeter where you can take a break from a long excursion. You can enjoy the play of street musicians and the performance of numerous mimes. And you can look into one of the cozy cafes, have a bite and enjoy excellent coffee or quench your thirst with soft drinks.

Cologne burials

Many archbishops were buried within the walls of Cologne Cathedral. For example, the relics of Archbishop Gero are kept in the chapel of St. Stephen. In the center of the tomb is a large white marble headstone, decorated with green and red porphyry. It was decided to create an artificial tomb within the walls of the Cross Chapel. In its center is a grave sculpture of Archbishop Engelbert, who was canonized as a saint. The sculpture is made of red marble. An angel leans over the coffin of the archbishop. The archbishop of Hochstaden was buried in the chapel of St. John. On the lid of the sarcophagus is depicted the figure of the archbishop, dressed in silk robes. In 1330, a sarcophagus was created for the Archbishop of Geinsberg, which is a real work of art. On top of the headstone, you can see the figure of the archbishop, molded from limestone. From above it is covered with a layer of lacquer paint. On the walls of the gravestone are depicted medieval cities with mighty fortress walls, iron gates and battlements. One of the richest tombstones is the sarcophagus of the Archbishop of Saarverden. It is kept in the Chapel of Our Lady.

High Cathedral Saints Peter and Mary is official name one of the famous sights of Germany. Cologne Cathedral is considered the third largest Gothic cathedral in the world, slightly inferior to its "brothers" in Italy - Milan and Seville. To be precise, it was built in the style of northern French Gothic, and the Amiens Cathedral became the prototype.

Once this handsome man was called the crown of Gothic art and, since 1996, he has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The greatness of the giant

This monumental cathedral is located next to the Cologne railway station, and its magnificent towers, two 157-meter peaks, are visible from almost everywhere. Those who are not afraid of heights climb the spiral staircases to the very top and enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of the city.

The construction of the Cologne Cathedral began in 1248 and became a medieval long-term construction, which continued until 1560, when financial sources dried up completely. Only three centuries later, on the initiative of King Frederick William IV, it was decided to complete the cathedral, but this time the construction dragged on for many decades. The Cologne Cathedral - the pride of all Germany - was relatively completed only in the last century thanks to the preserved original drawings and plans. But among the locals there is a belief that the city will flourish as long as the construction of the cathedral is underway, so restoration work is being carried out to this day.

A miracle of architectural thought

Incredibly stunning architecture of the cathedral includes majestic portals and towers, which, like black lace, are woven in an intricate pattern, and the outline of the cathedral is a Latin cross.

During the Second World War, most of the center of Cologne was destroyed, but the cathedral survived completely, and this is a real miracle, because its towers are hard to miss even with all the desire. Today, for tourists and visitors to the city, among a variety of souvenirs, photos of post-war ruins are sold, among which the untouched cathedral proudly stands.

Of particular delight are the magnificent stained-glass windows, in the manufacture of which the best medieval masters took part. No wonder in religion light is a symbol of creation and salvation. During the war, all the stained-glass windows were carefully hidden, thanks to which we can admire the pristine, fabulous landmark of Cologne.

Among other attractions, it is worth visiting the Church of St. Martin - a wonderful architectural structure that combines a variety of styles.

Long before you reach Cologne, you will see two mighty spiers, each 157 meters high, dominating the city. These are the columns of the Cologne Cathedral, which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List back in 1996. This is one of the most spectacular cathedrals in Europe and Germany, with the largest facade in the world

Built in honor of Saints Peter and Mary, Cologne Cathedral is the seat of the Catholic Archbishop of Cologne. Cologne Cathedral is the largest Gothic cathedral in Germany (more details in the article on German Gothic), the most famous landmark of Cologne. Once the cathedral was the tallest building in the world, but even now it remains the record holder, with the world's largest church facade

The main wealth of the cathedral is the golden tomb with the remains of the Magi (the Chest of the Three Magi), decorated with thousands precious stones and pearls. This most valuable relic is located in the very center of the cathedral and annually attracts a huge number of pilgrims and tourists.

Let us turn to the history of this grandiose structure. The Cologne Cathedral was erected on the site where many Christian churches and churches have long been located. For many centuries these churches were subjected to destruction, burned down, and so on. In their place, new ones appeared, which in turn also disappeared. All this lasted until 1248, when the main and longest chapter in the history of the cathedral began. Cologne at that time was the most powerful city in Germany, therefore it was decided to build a cathedral here following the example of France with its Notre Dame de Paris and Strasbourg Cathedral, but in terms of scale, the German cathedral was supposed to outshine all similar structures in the world

The first stone of Cologne Cathedral was laid on August 15, 1248 by Archbishop Konrad von Hochstaden. The foundation of the building was laid rather quickly, but then the work came to a standstill, and only by 1560 was the foundation of the cathedral completed.

Only a few centuries later, in 1824, the towers and other important parts of the cathedral were completed, which were built strictly according to medieval drawings and plans. The completion of Germany's largest cathedral was celebrated as a national holiday in 1880, 632 years after the laying of the first stone. The celebration was attended by Emperor Wilhelm I

The cathedral suffered 14 air strikes during the Second World War, while not receiving serious damage - its reconstruction was completed in 1956. A spiral staircase was also built, along which you can climb to the observation deck, located at a height of 98 meters above the ground

In 1996, the cathedral was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and in 2004 it was included in the "World Heritage in Danger" list, as the building needed serious renovation. In 2006, UNESCO nevertheless excluded the building from the list of "attractions in danger." The temporary restoration office still stands on the site near the building, so the chapter of history with the construction of the Cologne Cathedral is not yet closed

In addition to the tomb of the Magi, one of the most valuable relics of the cathedral is the famous Madonna of Milan - one of the most beautiful sculptural creations of the mature Gothic period. This image of the Mother of God, which has survived to this day, was created in 1290 and is considered one of the most beautiful sculptures in the world.

It is also worth paying attention to the Gero Cross - a two-meter oak cross, donated to the cathedral by Archbishop Gero. The cross stands out not only for its gigantic size, but also for the incredible realism of the image, with most of the cross preserved in its original form.

It is not surprising that there are many legends and rumors around the Cologne Cathedral. For example, they say that the devil himself was involved in the design of the cathedral, who provided the drawings for the architect Gerhard in exchange for his soul. In this regard, they say that the city of Cologne will stand as long as its cathedral is being built. During the war, the city of Cologne was destroyed to the ground, and the cathedral survived due to the unspoken collusion of pilots who used its spiers as a guide.

Nowadays, the cathedral attracts a huge number of tourists and, as you already understood, there is something to admire. I strongly recommend that you include this place in your list of attractions to visit if you are going to Germany

The Gothic silhouette of Cologne Cathedral has long been a symbol of the city. Towers reaching into the sky, a wide façade and reflections of the sun on dark stone, magnificent stained-glass windows will remain in your memory for a long time.

It is simply impossible not to pay attention to this architectural masterpiece, which is proved by 2 million tourists who visit the Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) every year. . Official name Cathedral of Saints Peter and Mary ( Hohe Domkirche St. Petrus und Maria). This is the most visited attraction in Germany, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture.

Two towers with a height of 157 m each made the Cologne Cathedral the tallest building in the world when completed. Nine years later, the cathedral gave way to the Eiffel Tower. In 1996, the Cologne Cathedral was recognized as a world heritage of mankind. It has always been and remains the religious and architectural center of the city.

You can admire the cathedral from almost anywhere in the city, but this darkened bulk makes the most striking impression from the main railway station. From this point, the spiers of the cathedral seem to be directed to heaven.

The temple is decorated with trachyte, a stone of a reddish hue. Outside the building there are many architectural supporting elements: pilasters, flying buttresses, galleries, through lattices.

Inside the giant towers, spiral staircases of 509 steps each are made, which end at a height of approximately 100 m with bell platforms, they also serve as viewing platforms. In good weather, a magnificent panorama of Cologne and the Rhine opens from the top of the tower. Although the staircase is in good condition, such a climb can only be recommended to the strong and fearless. It is stuffy and crowded on the stairs, as people go up and down it.

On your way up, stop halfway to see the bells. One of which is the largest free-hanging bell in the world. It is called "Peter" and it weighs 24 tons. The bell is cast from the cannons of the French army.

Try to choose a suitable beer from a height, where after returning you can reward yourself with a well-deserved glass of Cologne.

Cathedral open

November - April: 06:00-19:30;
May-October: 06:00-21:00
Sunday and holidays 13:00-16:30.

During the service, visiting the cathedral is prohibited. Free admission.


Organized excursions Mon-Thu 10.00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00.
Groups gather at the main entrance. Participation is paid.

Treasury of the Cologne Cathedral

Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10:00-18:00.
Entrance: 6 euros; preferential - 3 euros.

Climbing the tower

November - February: 09:00-16:00;
March, April, October: 09:00-17:00;
May - September: 09:00-18:00.
Entrance 3 euros.

How to get there

Take tram 5, 16, 18 to Kölner Hauptbahnhof station .

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