What water meters can be installed. The best water meters according to customer reviews

A few years ago, a law came into force requiring the installation of metering devices in every apartment. Payment “according to standards” has become unprofitable, and with the inevitable increase in prices per cubic meter of water, it is becoming more and more unaffordable.

While paying for actual consumption helps save utility costs, especially if the meter is properly selected.

How to choose water meters, install them correctly and register them with the appropriate authorities? We'll figure out.

It would be a mistake to believe that there is only one type of water meter. In fact, you can find many variations of such metering devices, differing in operating principle, cost and other indicators.

Installing a water meter will pay for itself fairly quickly and will help you save significantly on utility bills.

Before purchasing a device, it is important to understand their diversity. First of all, you need to understand that meters are produced for hot and cold water. The operating principle of the devices is similar, the difference is in the materials used for their production.

Devices that work with hot liquid can withstand temperatures up to 150C, while devices for cold water can operate at temperatures no higher than 40C.

So-called universal meters are produced that can be installed on any pipe. Special housing markings help to distinguish devices: blue for cold water and red for hot water.

In addition, a distinction is made between volatile and non-volatile devices. The former require electricity to function, so they are connected to the network. The latter operate without additional power sources.

It is important to classify devices according to the principle of their operation. On this basis, all metering devices can be divided into four large groups:

Vortex counters

The frequency of vortices arising on a body placed in a water flow is recorded. Liquid flowing around an obstacle causes changes in pressure on its surface.

The frequency of such pressure drops directly depends on the flow rate and water consumption. Vortex counters record these indicators and convert them into an analog or digital signal. The advantages of such metering devices can be considered low contamination in water of any quality, ease of verification and high accuracy of measurements.

The disadvantages include a short service life, which is about 8-12 years, and rapid wear of the bluff body if abrasive particles are present in the water.

Vortex water meters are highly accurate, but their service life is relatively short: only 8-12 years, after which the equipment fails

Ultrasonic devices

The difference in time intervals that occurs when ultrasound passes along and against the measured flow is used. The measured medium can be not only clean water, but also wastewater, as well as dirty liquids with the presence of abrasive substances.

The main advantages of the devices are the ability to carry out accurate measurements in any environment with any physical and chemical properties, ease of verification, long service life, which is about 25 years, ultra-precise operation even without filters, autonomous power supply.

Disadvantages include the likelihood of the device stopping operation when a critical amount of precipitation falls.

Tachometer device

A simple mechanical device, which is a counting device that is connected to a specially shaped impeller or turbine placed in a stream of water. The water flow rotates the impeller, the number of revolutions of which determines the meter readings.

The advantages of such a meter include low cost, ease of maintenance, the ability to be installed in any room and energy independence.

A significant “disadvantage” of the device is the need to install a coarse filter in front of the device, a low measurement range, a short service life and measurement errors.

Ultrasonic water meters are energy-dependent devices of high complexity. They are almost never used for installation in houses and apartments.

The devices keep track of the electromagnetic field induced in the computing unit of the device in proportion to the speed of water flow.

The advantage of electromagnetic meters is the absence of protruding elements and mechanical parts that impede water flow, high measurement accuracy and long service life. In addition, the device is universal and can be installed on hot or cold water.

The disadvantages of an electromagnetic meter include volatility, since the device cannot function without an external power source, increased requirements for space and installation quality.

Another “minus” is the possibility of contamination of the flow part by impurities present in the water.

Features of the most common tachometer instruments

As practice shows, tachometer-type devices are most often chosen for use at home. They are compact, reliable, extremely easy to install and operate.

Their cost is low, so an old device can be replaced with a new one without much damage to the family budget. There are two types of tachometer devices: vane and turbine.

The difference lies in the shape of the base of the structure; it can be an impeller or a small turbine. Turbine devices are installed on pipes with a diameter of 50 and up to 200 mm, and vane devices – up to 40 mm.

For water pipelines in which serious pressure drops occur, special metering devices are produced that combine a turbine and a vane device. They are called combined. Vane meters come in two types:

  • Single jet. Counts the number of revolutions of the impeller rotating as a single stream of water. The counting mechanism is most often isolated from water, which contributes to the accuracy of measurements. The design of the device makes it possible to install antimagnetic protection and install a pulse output module, which allows you to take readings remotely.
  • Multi-jet. Unlike single-jet devices, the measured water flow in front of the impeller blades is divided into several jets. This reduces measurement error. The device is easy to dismantle and install, and for verification it is necessary to remove only the upper part of the meter. If necessary, you can install a pulse output module.

Tachometer water meters are simple and reliable devices that are widely used in homes to measure water consumption. The equipment body must be color coded

Tachometer type metering devices are divided into “dry” and “wet”. The difference between the devices is the location of the counting mechanism.

In the first case, it is located in a compartment protected from water behind a special non-magnetic partition. “Dry” meters work longer and give more accurate readings, since they are structurally protected from the negative effects of contaminants present in the water.

The counting mechanism of “wet” devices is located in the liquid, which significantly reduces its service life. At the same time, the cost of these types of meters is lower.

Buying a meter: what to look for?

Having decided which water meter to choose, you can go shopping. It is best to purchase metering devices in specialized stores that value their reputation and will not try to sell uncertified or low-quality goods.

Pay attention to the passport of the metering device. It must be available. The document must be printed and contain the manufacturer's stamp and the serial number of the product. In this case, the meter number on the case and in the passport must match.

If they try to sell you a photocopy instead of a passport, you should refuse the purchase.

The second important point is the equipment included in the device. Unscrupulous sellers sin by dismantling devices in pursuit of profit and selling the necessary parts separately.

You shouldn't fall for this trick. The meter usually comes with two connectors with nipples, equipped with union nuts and gaskets, a strainer and a check valve.

In some cases, the manufacturer equips the device with a special shut-off valve. Its peculiarity is the presence on the outgoing pipe of a special ear for sealing.

An electromagnetic meter is a very accurate and durable water meter. At the same time, it is very demanding on the quality of installation and on the room in which it will be installed.

If the shut-off valve that comes with the meter is silumin, it is also better to refuse such a purchase. Silumin assemblies are subject to sudden destruction, which is caused by intergranular corrosion.

The consequences of such destruction are extremely unpleasant. Experts advise purchasing an additional shut-off valve immediately. It is recommended to install it after the drain on the toilet tank.

This is very convenient because it makes it possible to use the toilet even if for some reason the water supply to the bathroom or kitchen is cut off.

How to choose a location for a meter?

According to the rules, the water meter must be installed as close as possible to the point where the pipeline enters the premises. In practice, this means that it should not be physically possible to crash into the pipe in front of the meter.

It is this circumstance that will be primarily checked by the inspector who comes to seal the device. As practice shows, in city apartments the meter is most often installed near the toilet in the toilet or in the bathroom, provided that the pipes leading to the bathroom are laid on the floor.

In this case, it will be impossible to hide traces of a possible insertion on them.

The last option, however, is not very successful, since you will have to lay a new outlet for the toilet tank through the wall. In private houses, the meter is installed at a distance of no more than 0.2 m from the outlet of the supply pipe.

In addition, certain requirements are imposed on water wells located on the territory of the household.

The design should only be permanent with a durable lockable lid, which is also sealed.

According to existing rules, the water meter must be installed no further than 20 cm from the outlet of the supply water pipe; there should be no space left for possible insertion of water dispensing equipment

There are several technical features in the rules for installing water meters in apartments that must be taken into account when installing them yourself:

  • The hot water supply system is installed using a two-pipe system. This situation is extremely rare, but possible. In this case, to install a hot water meter, it is recommended to purchase a bypass valve, which is additionally installed on the circulation pipe. Otherwise, the meter readings will be greatly overestimated.
  • Availability of fire drainage system in the apartment. A valve should be placed on the bypass pipe, which will be sealed by water utility workers. Theoretically, firefighters are required to install such a valve; they perform this work upon prior application.
  • The temperature in the room where the meter is located may drop below +5C. For a city apartment, the situation is extremely rare; more often this happens in a private house, especially if the meter is planned to be installed in an unheated basement. The best option is to wall up and insulate the pipe, and move the metering device to a heated room.

Is verification required before installation?

Water utility workers usually do not require verification of meters that are sealed for the first time. They are quite happy with the presence of a factory seal. The fact is that the average water consumption of subscribers, even with untested meters, will be within normal limits.

However, it does not hurt the consumer to find out whether the meter is working and whether its readings are correct. In the event of a malfunction, the owner of the device receives an expert opinion, with which he goes to the seller and exchanges the rejected product for a new one.

There should be no problems, since the stores have an agreement with the supplier for such cases. The metering device is verified absolutely free of charge, which is stipulated by law.

To complete the procedure, the device is handed over to a centralized city control panel, or to a housing office or water utility control panel, or to a private company operating under a license. The meter is handed in along with the passport, where a verification note is made.

In addition, a KIP seal is placed on the device, which, of course, cannot be broken.

Installation of a meter

Installing a water meter with your own hands is quite simple. Before installation, be sure to read the instructions for the device and then carry out the installation in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

You need to know that the equipment's counting device should be located on top, and the direction of the arrow on the side surface of the housing should be set strictly in the direction of the water flow.

There should be no water draw-off devices before the ball shut-off valve.

The diagram shows how the water meter should be installed

The process of installing a water meter yourself is as follows:

  • We attach a coarse filter to the tap thread. Don’t forget to seal the joint with tow or fum tape. We carry out the operation carefully, determine the number of revolutions in advance, after screwing the filter into place without a seal. If the device is installed horizontally, direct the filter drain pipe downwards, if vertically, then to the side. This way, when cleaning the filter, the liquid accumulated inside will not flood the meter.
  • We take the fitting with the union nut, which should come complete with the metering device, and install it in place.
  • We install the counter.
  • We install the second fitting with a nut.
  • Install a check valve. Do not forget to seal all connections with silicone or rubber gaskets.
  • We connect the structure with the water supply. The adapter will be a coupling of a suitable size.

Putting the device into operation - how to do it correctly?

Upon completion of installation, we conduct a test water supply. We carefully inspect all connections looking for possible leaks. If a leak is detected, even a minimal one, turn off the water and carefully seal all connections.

Then we supply water again and inspect the unit. After making sure that there are no leaks and the meter is working, you can begin to “legalize” it. The fact is that the presence of an unsealed meter does not give the right to pay for water “after the fact.”

This is what a correctly installed tachometer water meter looks like. All specified elements must be present in the finished assembly

We start by declaring the installation of a meter in a water utility or any other organization that operates a water supply system.

We prepare a meter verification report, a device passport and wait three days. During this time, representatives of the water utility should arrive. The inspector will carefully read the documents and inspect the meter. After which he will seal the metering device and take its initial readings.

They must be recorded in the act of putting the meter into operation, which will be drawn up by the inspector. Another important point is the signing of a service agreement.

For example, they may try to force you to pay for insurance against broken seals or to perform quarterly verification of the meter at the client’s expense. Subscription fees for services may also be unreasonably high. That is why it is worth familiarizing yourself with the standard contract in advance.

If everything is in order, the document is signed in the presence of the inspector who sealed the meter.

The client must have in his hands the act of putting the meter into operation and a second copy of the service agreement. The owner also retains the passport for the meter. However, there is a small nuance here.

The inspector is obliged to make a copy of it for himself, so he can take the document away for a while. The easiest way is to make a good photocopy of your passport in advance and give it to the inspector. This will save time on going to the water utility to get the document.

When installing the meter and its elements, one must not forget about the tightness of the connections. For a high-quality seal, you can use plumbing tow, fum tape or a special thread

Installing a water meter is a great opportunity to save money on utility bills. Self-installation of the device is quite simple; even a person without special training can do it.

In addition, it is very important to choose the right meter and place for its placement, as well as to comply with all formalities and register it with the organization that operates the water supply system. Only after completing all the necessary documentation will the meter be considered operational, and payment for water will be charged according to its readings.

Also, you must not forget about the necessary verifications within the time frame, which are determined by the type of installed meter.

The trend of increasing prices for provided utility services, alas, has become commonplace. An increasing number of consumers, realizing that there will be no return to the times when penny prices for energy and water allowed them to be consumed in uncontrollable quantities, are beginning to introduce a regime of calculated savings in their homes and apartments. And in order not to pay extra, they switch to calculations solely based on readings from consumption meters. Supplied to residential buildings is no exception.

In some regions or settlements, residents are already required by law to install water meters, in others they will come to this sooner or later, but they will still come to it. Therefore, installing meters for used water is a problem that will definitely affect every home owner, and many do not wait for “decisions from above”, deciding to take this step on their own. But before that, you need to decide on the question: which water meters to choose so that the device works for as long as possible and does not create misunderstandings with employees of the local water supply organization. Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

What benefits does installing a water meter give owners?

Surely, there will be “seasoned” skeptics who will begin to argue that, they say, it is perfectly possible to do without a water meter until it becomes mandatory for everyone. Indeed, it is possible, however, installing water meters still gives owners a number of significant advantages.

  • It should be assumed that no public utility service in our time will operate at a loss. This means that in order not to lose money, tariffs for water consumption without the use of water meters are calculated in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of losing one’s own benefits.

The existing so-called “consumption standards”, according to statistical studies, are often two or more times higher than the actual water consumption of one person. No one at Vodokanal is interested in whether all registered residents have been at home over the past month, whether the entire family has gone on vacation, whether a “clean person” lives in the apartment and takes a shower twice a day, or, conversely, a person whom you can’t force to go to the bathroom one more time. Bills will still arrive with daunting amounts due.

  • Many owners of private houses connected to a central water supply are familiar with the situation when, with the consumption standards per person, additional volumes are added for “irrigation” - from the area of ​​the land plot, and if there is a garage, then also for washing the car. And in this case, it is almost impossible to prove that you water your garden with collected rainwater and wash your car exclusively at a car wash. The only solution is to install a water meter.
  • Another “attack” is decided on the water. Subscribers who continue to pay “the old fashioned way” are often charged with all possible losses. These may be losses of a purely technological nature, or “hanging” payment debts accumulating due to the always and everywhere available willful defaulters for services. Do you want to pay for it too?

Water tariffs are already quite high and are growing from year to year, but at least the owners of apartments with installed water meters pay only for the volumes actually used!

  • There is one more component. In addition to tariffs for water consumption, there are also corresponding prices for water disposal, that is, sewerage, and they are often even higher, but are calculated from the same volumes. That is, by putting the payments for consumed water in order, the owner also receives a “reactive” effect of savings on sewerage fees.
  • Let us note another positive effect of installing water meters - this measure usually creates good discipline. This means that the consumer begins to treat water with care, considering it as a truly valuable natural resource. Usually in such houses and apartments you will not find faucets with taps that do not close completely or a constantly running toilet cistern. And such owners will use water wisely and prudently.

Not many people think about it, but clean water is a valuable natural resource, the reserves of which in our area are large, but still have a certain limit. It is clear that in terms of the volume of consumption of an apartment, the overall picture is perceived with great difficulty, but even on the scale of a district, city, not to mention megacities, the effect of an economical attitude to water gives amazing results.

In a word, no matter how you look at it, water flow metering devices provide only benefits. You should not spare money on the initial costs associated with the purchase of equipment and its installation - these funds will quickly pay for themselves - the average family will “become a plus” after 5-6 months.

Which water meters are suitable for an apartment. Their device

There are many types of water flow metering devices that operate on different principles. However, not all of them are suitable for the conditions of an apartment or private house.

Tachometer counters

The simplest and most understandable in design and principle of operation are tachometer counters. The flow of water rotates the turbine or blade wheel (impeller), the torque is transmitted in one way or another to the shaft, and about it to a calculating device of a mechanical or electronic type. Each full revolution of the shaft corresponds to a certain volume of water passing through the metering device.

  • Domestic water meters installed on small-diameter pipes usually use an impeller. It does, however, have a certain inertia and dependence on flow turbulence, but for small volumes of pumped liquid this does not lead to significant errors.

More accurate devices of the tachometer operating principle have a turbine instead of an impeller - its inertia is practically not noticeable, that is, readings will be taken with much smaller errors. Turbine meters are usually installed on pipelines with a nominal diameter of 25 mm and above (the greater the flow, the stronger the effect of the inertial rotation of the impeller), although there are devices for smaller diameters. Their device is somewhat more complicated due to the need to change the direction of the torque transmission axis.

  • The phenomena of turbulence in a water flow are combated in another way - by dividing the stream into several. Hence the name - single-jet counters and multi-jet ones. The latter, of course, are more complex in design, but their reading accuracy is significantly higher.

  • Combined type meters are also produced. In them, a built-in valve system switches the water flow from a turbine to a multi-jet vane water meter and vice versa. At “low speeds” the impeller will give more accurate readings, and when the pressure increases, the turbine comes into action.

Such metering devices can have a monoblock design or be assembled according to a separate circuit. They are installed on water mains where there can be a large variation in pressure values. In everyday life, you most likely will not have to deal with such things.

  • There is another division of tachometer counters - into “wet” and “dry”. The principle of this division is clear even from the names of the devices.

— In “wet” meters, both the turbine itself (impeller) and the counting mechanism are in the water. This greatly simplifies the transmission of torque from the wheel to the counting mechanism - no additional devices are required, just a regular axle, gears, etc., in a word - pure mechanics. The advantage of such devices is their low cost and absolute insensitivity to external magnetic fields. The disadvantage is obvious - constant contact of precision mechanics with water inevitably reduces its service life. In addition, even slight contamination of the flowing water can cause the counting mechanism to jam.

— In “dry” type metering devices, the counting mechanism does not come into contact with water in any way - it is separated from it by an impenetrable partition. The torque is transmitted by a special pair of permanent magnets, one of which is located on the impeller, and the second on the main shaft of the counting mechanics.

It is clear that the lack of contact with water dramatically increases the viability of the counting device, which, by the way, can be not only purely mechanical, but also electronic, equipped with a digital display. The disadvantage of such a scheme is its vulnerability to an external high-intensity magnetic field, which unscrupulous water consumers often try to take advantage of. Manufacturers take this point into account, and therefore modern meters are equipped with special inserts (couplings) that protect the transmission link from external magnetic influence.

It is these dry-type tachometer counters that occupy a leading position in popularity among consumers - they are not so expensive, reliable, durable, and easy to install in the system. This all deserves a little more detail on their basic structure.

water meter

Approximate diagram of a “dry” tachometer water flow meter

The body of the “water” part of the meter (item 1) is made of metal alloys that do not have magnetic properties. These can be copper alloys (brass, bronze) or aluminum (silumin). There are also meters in durable polymer cases. On the body there are two pipes with a threaded part - for inserting the device into the water supply. The direction of water flow is usually indicated by an arrow on the housing. There may be a filter mesh in the inlet pipe to prevent large solids from accidentally entering the impeller. In the outlet pipe of some models you can find a check valve - this makes it possible to do without the mandatory installation of this element when installing the meter.

The housing contains an impeller wheel (item 2), which has its own alignment system. Thus, in high-quality water meters, the wheel axis rests on watch stones, which minimizes friction and contributes to high accuracy of the device’s readings.

A ring permanent magnet (item 3) is installed in the upper part of the wheel, which rotates together with the impeller.

The top of the water block is hermetically sealed with a lid (item 4) made of magnetically transparent material (polymer), below which a sealing ring is installed around the circumference. The lid has a cylindrical protrusion in the center - a rotating magnet will be located inside it.

Modern models of such meters are equipped with a special coupling (item 5), which completely closes the magnetic rotation transmission unit on all sides, protecting it from the influence of external magnetic fields.

Complete sealing of the lower water block is ensured by a threaded clamping nut (item 6) or a locking ring.

The upper part is a counting mechanism (item 7), which is also located in a sealed plastic housing. It can be completely transparent, as in the picture, or have only a top transparent window for taking readings. The water block and the counting mechanism are connected to each other in different ways, but often it is a plastic belt-clamp, which makes it possible to rotate the counting mechanism relative to the water meter body - in order to establish a scale location convenient for taking readings. This belt is sealed with the manufacturer's factory seal.

Inside the counting mechanism on the main shaft, exactly coaxial with the impeller, the same ring magnet is installed. Thus, when the impeller rotates, the magnetic pair exactly transmits this torque to the shaft of the counting mechanism. Next, a system of gears, somewhat similar to a mechanical watch, transmits rotation to the flow indicator, small volume dial counter and roller digital scale.

The counting mechanism can be closed on top with a protective casing with a lid (item 8), but many apartment water meters do not provide this option, as it is not of particular importance when operating in “clean” conditions.

The flow of water through the meter is indicated by a rotating indicator (position 9). A small dial scale (position 10) shows small flow rates - each whole division corresponds to 100 ml of water passing through the device, and a full revolution, respectively, to 1 liter.

A digital roller scale usually has a series of black and red numbers. The black ones represent full cubic meters, and the red ones are the numbers after the decimal point, up to one thousandth. That is, the red scale shows liters, from 1 to 999 - until you get a whole cubic meter value.

There may be a different layout of the scales, as shown in the illustration on the right side. The digital scale shows only whole values ​​of cubic meters, and the four pointer scales show hundreds, tens, units and tenths of liters, similar to the example above.

Tachometer counters are also available with an electronic digital scale.

The rotation of the shaft at a certain scale is converted into electrical impulses, which are processed by an electronic circuit and displayed digitally. On the one hand, it’s convenient, but if this innovation is designed solely to optimize the perception of readings, then there’s not much point in overpaying for such a device - it’s quite possible to get by with “mechanics”. Moreover, electronic meters will also need to provide power.

It's a different matter if the meter has a pulse reading option. Inside such mechanical counting devices there is a special reed switch sensor, which generates pulses with each rotation of the shaft. Such a water meter is connected by a signal cable to a special metering device located on the wall or even placed in the entrance of an apartment building. The signal cable can be already installed in the water meter, that is, it can come out of its body, or a special socket (plug or other connector) is provided for its connection. In a remote electronic unit, water consumption is recorded, the readings are recorded in a non-volatile memory and (or) with simultaneous transmission to the center for collecting and processing information. At the same time, such a block can also show the accrued amount due for payment for consumed water - this makes it easier for many to assess the level of cost efficiency at any given time.

The situation with counters may be even more interesting. They can also be equipped with a temperature sensor, that is, not only the quantity of water consumed is assessed, but also the quality - the electronic unit will count the water as hot only if the heating level corresponds to the declared parameters. Otherwise, if the temperature is insufficient, the consumption will be either at a reduced rate, or, in general, as for cold water. There are models that work in an integrated manner - signal cables from both cold and hot water meters are connected to the electronic module, and the owners always have information on all the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the water consumed.

There may be another solution. For example, in the Sayany water metering complex, the electronic unit is an integral part of a hot tachometer meter. Accordingly, the signal cable from the cold water meter is connected to it.

Other types of water consumption meters

Tachometer meters were examined in detail, since they are mainly installed by end consumers of water. However, there are several other types of metering devices.

  • In ultrasonic devices, water flow is determined by the transit time of ultrasonic pulses. Special piezoelectric sensors serve as both a source and a receiver of vibrations, assessing the passage of signals along and against the flow of water. The information is processed by a microprocessor, resulting in highly accurate flow rates.

Basically, such complex equipment is used on large water communications, however, there are devices designed for domestic use. Such water meters are similar in size and appearance to electronic tachometers, but the panel indicates that this is an ultrasonic device - the designation is “Ultrasonic” or “Ultralyd”.

Such devices are, of course, very accurate and reliable, but very expensive, so they have not yet received sufficient distribution in our area at the consumer level

  • Electromagnetic meters contain a coil that induces a magnetic field. Special sensors analyze the change in the electromotive force created when the water flow moves and give an accurate value of the volume passed through the device.

At the household level, electromagnetic meters, as a rule, are not used - such devices are installed, at a minimum, in an apartment building.

  • Another variety, which also usually does not find application in a private house or apartment, is vortex or superstatic resonant devices. They assume the presence of a certain measuring section with the division of the flow into three parallel channels. A special swirler redirects the jets through the channels, and based on the frequency of such transfers, information about the speed of the overall flow is obtained and assessed by special sensors. Such devices are most often used on various production lines.

All electronic water meters are characterized by high measurement accuracy, regardless of the quality and quantity of water pumped through them. They are convenient for taking readings, for working in remote information collection systems, for use in differentiated payment tariff modes. To carry out periodic verification, it is not necessary to dismantle the entire device - just disconnect and send the electronic analytical unit for testing.

The disadvantages are usually considered to be the high cost of the devices themselves - it can be 5-6 times higher than the price of conventional mechanical water meters. In addition, a vulnerable point is ensuring their uninterrupted power supply - from the mains or batteries (batteries).

How to choose the right water meter for an apartment or private house

If the task is to purchase water meters for your apartment (private house), then you must be guided by certain criteria for choosing a device.

Organizational issues

  • First of all, it would be reasonable to check with the local company involved in the delivery of tap water to consumers or the operation of residential buildings whether all existing models are approved for registration - certain restrictions are quite possible. By the way, they are not always legal - this will be discussed below.

If a system of electronic centralized readings and (or) multi-tariff calculation for water consumption has already been implemented in a populated area (or its imminent implementation is planned), then, naturally, you should purchase a water meter with a pulse output. By the way, such a purchase may be justified in the future - sooner or later the “wind of change” will reach you, and you won’t have to buy new devices.

Very often, water supply organizations organize the sale of certified devices, or you can get good advice there about specific trading or service companies engaged in this type of activity.

  • If you purchase the device yourself, then it must be new and from a trusted sales (service) organization. Never - not “from the hands” and not on a spontaneous market, no matter how the sellers assure that there will be no problems with the “vodokanal”. It is possible that after purchasing and installing such a device, the controller will simply refuse to register it: with the modern level of printing, forging a passport with seals and quality control stamps costs nothing.

When purchasing a water meter from a reliable organization, the product passport must be checked, in particular, the presence of marks on the passage of factory control verification, on the established verification periods, and on the manufacturer’s warranty obligations. Each meter must have its own individual serial number. The store is required to indicate the date of sale of the device with appropriate certification.

By the way, if you purchased a certified device that meets all requirements, including a differentiated water consumption metering system, and employees of the management company or Vodokanal refuse to register it and accept payment based on its readings, you can safely appeal, guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated 05/06/2011, enacting the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, in particular, paragraph 31 of these rules. Below is a fairly large extract of subparagraphs “t” and “y” that directly relate to the issues discussed in this publication:

So, according to the point. 31 of the said Resolution:

The contractor (that is, a legal entity, regardless of legal form, or an individual entrepreneur providing utility services to the consumer) is obliged: ...

r) not create obstacles for the consumer in exercising his right to install an individual, common (apartment) or room metering device that meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, including a metering device whose functionality makes it possible to determine the volume (quantity) of consumed utilities resources differentiated by time of day (established periods of time) or according to other criteria reflecting the degree of use of communal resources, even if such an individual or common (apartment) metering device differs in functionality from the collective (community) metering device with which an apartment building is equipped;

s) carry out, at the request of the consumer, the commissioning of an installed individual, common (apartment) or room metering device that complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, even if such an individual or common (apartment) metering device differs in functionality from the collective (common house) metering device metering device with which an apartment building is equipped, no later than the month following the date of its installation, and also begin calculating the amount of payment for utilities based on the readings of the metering device put into operation, starting from the 1st day of the month following the month of commissioning metering device into operation; ...

These were, so to speak, organizational issues, and now let’s move on to technical and operational ones.

Assessment of technical and operational characteristics of the device

  • You should not purchase water meters in cheap silumin cases - the strength of this alloy is low, the material is gradually corroded by oxygen corrosion. Much more reliable are brass or bronze, or, for “wet” meters, stainless steel cases. Electronic meters in a durable polymer casing are fully justified.
  • Meters are designed to account for cold (up to +40 °C) or hot (usually up to +90 °C) water. In addition to the inscriptions on the front panel, a clear color marking is used for everyone: blue - red.
Bright color marking will not allow you to confuse meters for cold and hot water. Gray color - universal

You can also purchase universal devices that are suitable for both water supply systems. Their usual color marking is gray.

water meter

  • An important selection criterion is always the device settings. This means what nominal diameter (DN) of the pipe it is designed for (usually in apartment conditions pipes of 15 or 20 mm are used, at the entrance to a private house it can reach up to 25 - 32 mm). The second parameter is the installation length of the water meter. This is a standardized size: for apartment meters it is 110 or 130 mm, and for larger ones with DN 25 or 32 - 190 or even 260 mm. You should evaluate in advance the location of the intended insertion of the device.
  • The capabilities of the water meter must correspond to the real one. Typically, all metering devices have a very significant safety margin. Thus, meters with DU=15, as a rule, can withstand pressure up to 10 atmospheres (1 MPa), and with DU-20 - even up to 16 atmospheres (1.6 MPa). In reality, such pressure values ​​practically never exist in a water supply system.
  • The next parameter is the permissible water consumption indicators, that is, how much volume the meter can pass through without losing metering accuracy.

To evaluate this characteristic, several indicators are used, which are indicated in the product passport.

Qmax– the maximum permissible volume of water passing within an hour.

Qn– nominal flow rate at which long-term operation of the device with normal measurement accuracy is guaranteed.

Qmin– the minimum flow rate at which the specified measurement error will be maintained.

Qt– the value of the so-called transition flow rate, at which the level of instrument error changes.

All water meters for domestic use are designed for sufficient consumption. Thus, for meters for the DU-15 pipe, the maximum flow rate is usually 3 m³/hour, the nominal one is 1.5 m³/hour, which is quite enough even for intensive consumption in a given situation. But exceeding the maximum level may damage the device.

  • Any measuring device has its own permissible error. The lower it is, the higher the accuracy class of the device (in increasing order - from “A” to “D”). Most household water meters have an accuracy class of “B” for their normal, horizontal installation, and a slightly lower, but acceptable class of “A” for vertical installation. Some electronic type meters may have a higher class “C”, regardless of the method of installation of the device.

Most of the parameters important to the user can be found on the meter itself:

1 – serial individual number of the device.

2 – pictogram icons indicating the availability of state certification for this meter model

3 – model name. In this case, the name immediately contains a mention of the nominal pipe diameter - 15 mm.

4 – operating temperature range. The illustration shows a universal water meter. The gray color of the case design also speaks to this.

5 – Nominal flow Qn. The maximum flow rate is usually twice as high.

6 – this counter has the ability to take pulse readings. Therefore, the value of the volume of passing water corresponding to the generation of one pulse is indicated. The indicator is necessary for fine tuning and

7 – water meter accuracy class. In this case: class “A” for a vertical position (“V”), and class “B” for a horizontal position (“H”).

  • When purchasing a device, be sure to check the completeness of the delivery. Most meters come with American union nuts and corresponding seals - this will greatly facilitate installation of the device. Devices with a pulse output can also be supplied with a sensor itself and a signal cable. However, for some models it is possible to separately purchase such a sensor if necessary - this should be indicated in the product passport.

The list of all items included in the kit must be indicated in the technical documentation of the device.

  • Finally, an important selection parameter is the price and brand of the device - interconnected parameters.

— The most reliable are considered to be imported models - “Sensus”, “Viterra”, “Valtec”, “Actaris”, “Siemens”, “Zenner”, “Elster Metronica”. All these brands are distinguished by high reliability, a very small number or complete absence of manufacturing defects, and extended calibration intervals. Many of the models are produced under license and at production facilities in Russia.

— Russian-made water meters are usually not so expensive and fully justify their purpose. Another advantage is that the devices are often maximally adapted to local conditions, for example, to traditionally hard water in our water supply systems. At the same time, some Russian water consumption metering devices are quite capable of competing with their Western counterparts in terms of their manufacturability.

Domestic manufacturers include Economy, Pulse, Meter, Beregun, Betar, Staroruspribor, Gazelektronika, TPK and other companies. It makes sense to familiarize yourself with the ratings of pre-selected water meters on the Internet on consumer forums.

We will not consider the installation of water meters and all activities related to their registration and commissioning in this article - this has already been discussed in the corresponding publication.

Is it possible to install a water meter yourself?

The installation operation itself is not so difficult, however, there are also quite complex cases associated with the peculiarities of the location of the pipes. , and what needs to be done after this - read in the special publication of our portal.

And at the end of the article - a traditional video with recommendations for choosing cold and hot water meters:

Video: what to pay special attention to when choosing a water meter

Monthly utility bills sometimes hit the average family's budget hard. You cannot avoid paying them, but you can significantly reduce the amount of future receipts by taking full control over the volumes of consumed resources - electricity, gas, water.

Flow meters will help with this. They will regularly measure the relevant readings and will allow you not to overpay according to the standard average rates established by utility companies. Now the range of such devices is quite diverse.

To ensure that the device does not cause problems in installation, maintenance and records the most accurate data, you need to be able to choose it correctly. Don't know which model to choose? We will help you figure it out and point out the important criteria for purchasing.

There are many measuring instruments for water supply networks. They differ in various parameters: brand, cost, accuracy, design of the counting mechanism, sensitivity to temperature, pressure.

Let's look at the top ten sales leaders in three price categories - budget, mid-range and premium. Places in the ranking of water meters are distributed according to demand among consumers.

1st place - BETAR SGV-15

The mechanical vane counter of the Russian company Betar is called one of the best representatives of the budget category. In addition to affordability, the device attracts users with its ease of maintenance and good performance.

Main characteristics:

  • maximum pressure – 10 Bar;
  • nominal diameter – 15 mm;

The device is made of heat-resistant raw materials and can withstand temperatures up to +90 °C. There are no installation restrictions. It can be installed not only strictly horizontally, but vertically. Regardless of the selected position, the flow meter does not fail, displaying accurate readings.

Subject to compliance with the operating rules regulated by the manufacturer, the equipment will most likely last 2-3 years. The average duration of its “life”, according to reviews, is 10-12 years.

The disadvantage of the model, according to some users, is the unreasonable stop after a year of operation. But this occurs in isolated cases.

2nd place - ECO NOM SV-15-110

An inexpensive compact meter from a domestic brand impresses with its versatility and fairly high-quality performance. A wide temperature range allows it to work with different temperatures of the measured medium.

Main characteristics:

  • operating temperature range +5…+90 °C;
  • permissible pressure – 16 Bar;
  • passage diameter – 15 mm;
  • nominal flow rate – 1.5 m³/h;
  • possibility of vertical installation – yes;
  • interverification interval – 6 years.

The model is endowed with an interesting feature - it is made of a non-magnetic alloy of increased strength, which has a positive effect on its performance characteristics.

Among the advantages of this meter, users note reliability, affordable cost, simple installation and ease of use.

The owners did not find any significant disadvantages for this price - the device fully justifies all the funds invested in its purchase.

3rd place - ITELMA WFW20 D080

One of the most popular and in demand apartment water meters is the ITELMA brand device. It is distinguished by an increased service life, good build quality typical of a German manufacturer, and small errors.

Nickel is not used in the production of the product, so it is considered environmentally friendly.

Main characteristics:

  • operating temperature range +5…+90 °C;
  • permissible pressure – 1 MPa;
  • passage diameter – 15 mm;
  • nominal flow rate – 1.5 m³/h;

For optimal installation, two mounting lengths are available – 80 and 150 mm. The first is suitable for places with limited space, the second is optimal for free installation.

The device was equipped with a functional design, a convenient indicator reading scale, and protection elements against leaks and magnetic influence.

For administrative facilities, offices, and large houses, the option of connecting a pulse output will be useful. Using special sensors, it allows you to transmit flow readings at a distance to remote bases.

It is worth considering that these meter readings are not as accurate as with standard reading.

4th place - Decast VSKM 90-20

The universal household water meter Dekast is one of the leaders in the mid-price category and has improved technical specifications. It is characterized by high temperature resistance and ease of installation in closed and open systems.

Main characteristics:

  • operating temperature range +5…+120 °C;
  • passage diameter – 20 mm;
  • nominal flow rate – 2.5 m³/h;
  • weight without components – 0.7 kg;
  • interverification interval – 6 years.

Models with a durable sealed brass body and anti-corrosion coating are not afraid of mechanical loads or external influences.

A rotating counting mechanism with pointer indicators and 4 pairs of rollers makes the process of visual reading as convenient as possible for the consumer.

If necessary, the water meter can be integrated into remote data collection systems. To do this, it is equipped with a pulse output or MID sensor, which records the consumed cubic meters and outputs the corresponding signal to external devices.

Among the disadvantages, users note the rapid clogging of the filter when the meter operates with hot water. This problem requires periodic disassembly and cleaning of the equipment.

5th place - VALTEC VLF-15U 1/2

The water meter of the Italian manufacturer Valtec has received many positive reviews from users. The universal device is valued for its reliability, durability, and high measurement accuracy.

Main characteristics:

  • operating temperature range +5…+90 °C;
  • permissible pressure – 1.6 MPa;
  • passage diameter – 15 mm;
  • nominal flow rate – 1.5 m³/h;
  • weight without components – 0.43 kg;
  • interverification interval – 6 years.

Despite its modest appearance, the device is equipped with a very high-quality internal “filling”. Usually it can easily withstand 2 verification periods without showing serious errors in measurements.

The model operates almost silently, without causing discomfort to others. The design features are thought out in such a way that operation of the equipment is possible even if the water in the region is not of very high quality and contains a large amount of impurities.

The main disadvantage of the meter is the unstable operation of the pulse output, which manifests itself in the spontaneous termination of the transmission of readings through the system.

6th place - ITELMA WFW24 D080

Itelma is another mid-price flow meter model that meets international requirements regarding product quality and safety.

Its development and production are carried out using modern equipment and reliable components. The assembly is carried out under license from the famous Siemens concern.

Main characteristics:

  • operating temperature range +5…+90 °C;
  • permissible pressure – 1 MPa;
  • passage diameter – 15 mm;
  • nominal flow rate – 1.5 m³/h;
  • weight without components – 0.42 kg;
  • interverification interval – 6 years.

In the manufacture of the device body, nylon plastic with a fiberglass base and brass are used, which makes the parts wear-resistant. The average trouble-free service life is at least 10 years.

The device can withstand powerful hydraulic shocks and can work with dirty water without additional filters, maintaining the accuracy of the readings. Thanks to the convenient front panel, water consumption parameters are easy to read even in poor lighting.

7th place - ZENNER ETW-I-N DN 15

In this water meter, the German manufacturer managed to combine excellent quality, reliability, and convenience - parameters that are primarily important to the consumer. According to various criteria, he received 4.8 points out of 5 possible.

Main characteristics:

  • operating temperature range +5…+90 °C;
  • permissible pressure – 1.6 MPa;
  • passage diameter – 15 mm;
  • nominal flow rate – 1.5 m³/h;
  • weight without components – 0.48 kg;
  • interverification interval is 4-6 years.

The model is universal in terms of operating temperatures. It accurately records the volumes of water consumed: both hot and cold.

The device uses a high-quality counting mechanism, hermetically separated from the measured medium, which works correctly in any position.

The index “N” indicated in the name indicates that the product can be equipped with a pulse output for remote data reading.

The development of the ZENNER company is distinguished by the stable functioning of the pulse sensor, the ability to withstand strong water hammer, supports the option of transferring parameters via Wi-Fi connection.

As a disadvantage, owners indicate the bulkiness of the device. Because of this nuance, it is not recommended to use it for installation in too cramped conditions.

8th place - NORM SVKM-25X

The meter from the Russian manufacturer Norma is the case when the high cost of the product is completely justified. Thanks to its numerous strengths, the model is considered the most optimal option for apartments.

Main characteristics:

  • operating temperature range +5…+30 °C;
  • permissible pressure – 1 MPa;
  • passage diameter – 25 mm;
  • weight without components – 1.3 kg;
  • interverification interval – 6 years.

Among the advantages of the device are its compactness, high sensitivity, reliable anti-friction and corrosion-resistant brass body with chrome coating.

The water meter is protected from the influence of magnetic waves and is equipped with a complete installation kit. Using the built-in pulse output, remote monitoring of readings is possible.

As for the disadvantages, this model has only one - it is used only to account for resource consumption in the cold water supply system. To work with a hot measured medium, the manufacturer has provided a modification SVKM-25G.

9th place - METER SVU-15

The model of the domestic brand belongs to the representatives of the premium class line. Its key differences are increased body strength, excellent performance capabilities, and several specific functions.

Otherwise, this is a standard vane-type water meter that works with liquid in different temperature conditions.

Main characteristics:

  • operating temperature range +5…+90 °C;
  • permissible pressure – 16 Bar;
  • passage diameter – 15 mm;
  • maximum flow rate – 3 m³/h;
  • weight – 595 g;
  • interverification interval – 6 years.

Since the design of the device has a cast iron base, it is designed for long-term operation - at least 12-15 years. The advantages also include a rich set, which includes connecting fittings.

The device screen is protected by a metal cover. The counter is supplemented with a pulse output, through which centralized flow calculation is organized. For pulsed data transmission, different coefficients can be configured.

Among the disadvantages of the model, the ability to resist water hammer is quite low for its price category.

10th place - ECO NOM 25G-260

The universal water meter attracts with its modern design, ease of use, and reasonable price. It is used in apartments, private houses, and in dachas to organize autonomous water supply systems.

Main characteristics:

  • operating temperature range +5…+90 °C;
  • permissible pressure – 10 Bar;
  • nominal diameter – 25 mm;
  • nominal flow rate – 3.5 m³/h;
  • possibility of vertical installation – yes;
  • the calibration interval is 4 years for hot and 6 years for cold water.

This meter is embedded into a pipe - it connects quickly and easily. Diameter 1″. When making a connection, it is important to check the quality of work - the system must be sealed.

All necessary components are supplied with the flowmeter: a set of mounting parts and accessories, two protective caps, one set of gaskets and a product data sheet.

Despite its versatility and wide range of applications, this device still has a significant drawback - a rather high cost.

When choosing a suitable flow meter for water metering, you should take into account many important factors and nuances, and take into account the parameters of the room in which the device is supposed to be installed.

Criteria #1 - device type

The first thing you should decide on is the type of device. We invite you to consider possible options.

Image gallery

2 High quality device 3 Best price

Meters are devices for precise and continuous monitoring of the consumption of a specific resource, in this case water. Their practical use in domestic conditions (in the vast majority of cases) makes it possible to reduce the cost of hot and cold water supply to an apartment or private house. Structurally, they are divided into three types: mechanical, ultrasonic and electromagnetic. The most common, budget-friendly and practical are mechanical meters, equipped with an impeller and a sectional counting mechanism.

On the market you can find hundreds of models of mechanical meters of different levels of performance, prices and manufacturer brands. Some have high operational capabilities and can serve for more than one five-year period, while others, characterized by rather mediocre quality, have difficulty “surviving” until the scheduled verification date. Considering durability as one of the main parameters, we have prepared for you a list of the best mechanical water meters, divided into different price categories. All products in the rating were selected taking into account the following criteria:

  • ratio of price to nominal quality of the product;
  • popularity among consumers, expert reviews;
  • availability of spare parts included;
  • ease of installation (transitional diameters, compliance with uniform standards);
  • degree of sensitivity to induced magnetic fields;
  • the quality of individual components.

The best mechanical water meters: budget up to 900 rubles

The simplest possible device, the minimum number of components, but high performance capabilities - this is how all budget mechanical water meters can be characterized. Their operation is based on an elementary principle: through the water flow, the impeller installed in the center of the meter is driven and transmits torque to the counting wheel, which shows the amount of liquid consumed.

4 Betar SHV-15

Best performance ability
Country Russia
Average price: 697 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the strengths of the Betar SHV-15 mechanical cold water meter lies in the versatility of installation methods. While individual models are limited to strictly vertical, strictly horizontal or hybrid installation, this device can be installed at an angle without any problems (as specified in the manufacturer’s recommendations). The meter can easily withstand temperatures from +5 to +40 degrees Celsius and operating pressures up to 10 bar. The warranty period governs use until the first verification, that is, six years. But, according to users, such a meter can withstand two or even three periods, depending on the conditions of its use.


  • durability;
  • normal operating temperature range and pressure value;
  • installation versatility.


  • is intended only for measuring the volume of cold water.

3 “Decast Metronic” VSKM 90-15 DG

High degree of durability (up to 10 years)
Country Russia
Average price: 769 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

A universal meter of a simple vane design with a pulse output for centralized metering of cold and hot water consumption. It uses a reed sensor as a sensitive device, which is very common and easily replaceable in case of emergency. The service life, according to the manufacturer, is at least 10 years, after which the impeller has every chance of overcoming the threshold of unacceptable errors.

Judging by user reviews, Decast Metronic VSKM 90-15 DG is capable of working with water, the maximum temperature of which is +90 degrees Celsius. The main drawback is the actual absence of mounting parts in the kit, but finding them in retail is quite easy (due to their versatility). With a moderate weight (0.5 kilograms), this meter copes well with possible water hammer, so it can be safely installed in apartments and private houses.


Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 450 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This counter can rightfully be classified as one of the best purchases from the “price – quality” section. In terms of the last component, it is inferior to literally two or three models, but in terms of cost it outperforms them all. It is also captivating that it is universal, that is, it operates in the range from +5 to +90 degrees Celsius. The design is protected from leaks, and the mechanism is protected from the influence of an external magnetic field, which eliminates indirect “twisting” after sealing. The meter also has a completely useless, but interesting feature - for a short time it is able to withstand the boiling temperature of a liquid.


  • versatility in measuring the volume of hot and cold water consumed;
  • wide range of operating temperatures, up to +100 degrees Celsius;
  • the presence of protection against leakage and the influence of induced magnetic fields;
  • good build quality.


  • not identified.

Despite the fact that electromagnetic and ultrasonic meters are relatively recent developments that have practical advantages, the vast majority of consumers are still inclined to buy a simple mechanical meter. What is the reason for this choice, what are the pros and cons of mechanical models relative to others, we learn from the comparison table.

Meter type




High reliability based on extremely simple design


Very low measurement error

Easy to install

Average service life is 10-12 years

Low price compared to other types of meter

Availability of models with pulse output

– Inevitable wear of the small gear that rotates the impeller and counting mechanism

– High sensitivity to magnetic field induction


High measurement accuracy

There are no rubbing parts in the design and, as a result, low wear

There is no hydraulic resistance

Large measuring range

Meter readings (to prevent spontaneous reset during a power outage) are archived

– Volatility dependent: only functions with an active power supply

– The error is greatly influenced by air bubbles in the water


Thanks to the design, hydraulic losses are minimized

The quality of the flowing liquid does not affect the meter reading in any way

They are used not only in domestic conditions, but also in chemical and food plants

– Magnets installed in the meter can cause blockage in the supply pipe

– High sensitivity to air bubbles in the liquid, the presence of turbulent flows and ground currents flowing through the pipeline


Best quality confirmed by users
Country: Germany
Average price: 650 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the most popular meters, rightfully in demand among consumers. ITELMA WFW20 D080 is not only a high build quality, but also a kind of “upgrade” sample. In addition to directly reading readings from the counting wheel, it is possible to transmit information from it to remote bases. Such transmission is carried out by connecting pulse sensors at the output, and it is used mainly in administrative buildings. Otherwise, this is a standard meter with an increased (according to users) service life.


  • high build quality;
  • presence of protection elements against magnetic fields and leaks;
  • possibility of connecting pulse sensors;
  • increased service life (more than six declared years).


  • Pulse sensors do not always work correctly.

The best mechanical water meters with pulse output

As a rule, all mechanical meters with pulse output are multi-jet. They use the principle of dividing the main flow into several smaller jets, which achieves a reduction in turbulent flows (fluid turbulence) and, thereby, a reduction in errors. The received information from the output is transmitted to the control terminal to control the summary of information.

3 Valtec 1/2

Best price
Country: Italy
Average price: 1,004 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Valtec 1/2 is a mechanical meter without any frills. The ascetic appearance should not be misleading - the Italian manufacturer took care of the quality of the “filling”. Such a model is capable of operating for two verification periods without increasing the measurement error. However, there are some drawbacks here. The main problem with the counter is its pulse output. In some models, spontaneous terminations of data transmission were recorded, which indicates the vulnerability of the system. Be that as it may, the shortcomings of the pulse output can easily be attributed to the low cost, which, coupled with the quality of the mechanism itself, looks more than worthy.


  • low cost;
  • durability of work due to high-quality “filling”.


  • presence of faults on the pulse output;
  • ascetic appearance.

2 Itelma WFW24 D080

High quality device
Country: Germany
Average price: 1,505 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Itelma WFW24 D080, like the brand’s products in general, makes an extremely pleasant impression. Assembled under license from Siemens, it meets all safety parameters and optimal workmanship. This is not surprising: the development and production of metrological instruments was carried out on high-precision equipment using reliable components. Plastic parts contain a fiberglass base, so the wear resistance and durability of these meters can be calculated for decades. By the way, it is precisely the ten-year period of guaranteed trouble-free service that is indicated in the product passport. The meter is capable of withstanding a powerful water hammer pressure of 2 MPa, which makes it practically “indestructible”. It is also captivating that when working with dirty water (and this often happens even in large cities), Itelma does not require the installation of an additional filter.


  • excellent workmanship;
  • guaranteed service life is ten years;
  • resistant to water hammer pressure up to 2 MPa;
  • there is no need to install additional cleaning filters: the measurement accuracy will remain at the same level.


  • not detected.

1 Zenner ETWI-N DN 15

The best combination of price and quality
Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 1,463.
Rating (2019): 4.8

German meters Zenner ETWI-N DN 15 have one small feature that is useful for the average consumer to know. The fact is that devices for measuring hot water flow are universal - they work correctly even when cold liquid flows, giving high accuracy at the output of the pulse sensor. There is no doubt about the quality of parts and components - German manufacturers, with their characteristic meticulousness, took care of every detail, so the motion transmission mechanism works like a clock. This is one of the best meters available to a wide range of consumers.


  • high quality workmanship inherent in a German manufacturer;
  • versatility of hot water meters;
  • stable operation of the pulse sensor;
  • withstands water hammer pressure of 1.6 MPa;
  • optimal price.


  • Some users have complaints about the bulkiness of the case.

The best premium mechanical water meters

A distinctive feature of mechanical meters of a more expensive class is a reinforced body (usually made of cast iron), greater operational capabilities, as well as other specific functions. Otherwise, these are the same devices designed to control water consumption.

3 “Decast Metronic” VSKM 90

Highest product quality
Country Russia
Average price: RUB 11,967
Rating (2019): 4.6

A universal level mechanical counter that combines all the inflated characteristics of a special model. It has a pulse output and increased reliability of its components (impeller, housing, mechanism), right down to fastening elements. The main feature of the “Decast Metronic” VSKM 90 is the ability to operate at an actual liquid temperature of +150 degrees Celsius - only extraordinary devices have such indicators within the framework of metering devices.

Judging by user reviews, literally only a few can afford such a purchase. In general, there are no complaints regarding operating issues - the meter lasts a long time and survives absolutely all extraordinary situations (such as water hammer or the induction of magnetic fields). However, installation in an apartment or (to a lesser extent) in a private house seems unnecessary - the nominal resource of the product will always be underutilized.

2 “Norma” STV-50 (flange)

Best Special Mechanical Counter for Flanged Pipe
Country Russia
Average price: 8,700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The anti-magnetic flange meter for hot and cold water “Norma” STV-50 is a completely reasonable alternative to many foreign analogues. Having the ability to centralize flow metering using a pulse sensor, it is in no way inferior to competitors either in service life or in operating parameters. Thus, the temperature range of running cold water varies from +5 to +40 degrees Celsius, and for hot water the upper limit even reaches +90 degrees (+150 in special models). The guaranteed service life of this model is 12 years, but with “delicate” use it can last longer than the calculated norm.

Since flanged meters have a more specific focus, installation in an apartment or in a number of private houses is not even considered for them. In this regard, consumer opinion is limited to reviews of industrialists, who, however, are quite satisfied with the performance characteristics of this model.

1 “Norma” SVK-25

Long service life. User selection
Country Russia
Average price: 3,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

“Norma” SVK-25 is the very case when the performance characteristics turn out to be optimal for everyday use, and the high cost is undoubtedly justified by both the packaging and the quality of workmanship. The mechanism of this counter is carefully “planted” in a corrosion-resistant (and anti-friction) brass case with pipes with a diameter of 25 millimeters. In the hot water version, the model can withstand temperatures up to +90 degrees Celsius; for cold - half as much.

As in all considered devices of the category, “Norma” SVK-25 has a pulse output, as well as built-in protection against magnetic fields. It is noteworthy that the equipment is one of the strongest points of this model - in addition to the meter itself, the consumer receives connecting elements and detailed installation instructions. Judging by user reviews, this is the best option for installation in an apartment or house, the quality of which is evident over three inter-verification periods (6 years).

Modern realities are such that the installation of water metering devices has become an urgent necessity. For those who doubt this, it will be useful to know why water metering is needed and how this solution will help reduce the financial pressure of utility costs. From this publication you can obtain information about the types of water meters, their operating principles, and recommendations for choosing models. Let's start with the main thing.

Why do you need water metering?

Despite the obviousness of the answer, many segments of the population are in no hurry to install metering devices until there is an official order. This inertia is caused by the fact that over many years, when water utility services cost mere pennies, we did not pay attention to consumption standards. With rising prices for utilities, this expense item has increased significantly. Based on this, we can list all the advantages of installing a hot and cold water flow meter:

  1. Let's start with the fact that companies providing water supply services, a priori, will not operate at a loss. Consequently, they will try to shift all their expenses onto the shoulders of consumers. When you see a broken main that has been leaking water near your home for weeks, know that its costs are paid by those who pay according to consumption rates.
  2. Excessive consumption rates. The second factor is directly related to the first, but we highlighted it separately to show its scale. Let's take St. Petersburg, for example, according to the 2017 regulation, cold water consumption per person is 220 liters per day, hot water - 150 liters. Let us repeat, for each person registered in the apartment. This is even higher than SNiP standards.
  3. The owners went on vacation and were not at home, it happens, but the receipt must be paid.
  4. Owners of private houses may have noticed that the receipt has added the cost of “irrigation”, which is directly related to the area of ​​the plot, and it does not matter whether something is growing there or a garage is installed. Moreover, in the latter case, you can find an additional point for water consumption for washing the car.

The listed factors are quite sufficient to explain the need to install water meters.

What types of water meters are there?

In practice, four types of devices that control water flow are used. Their classification is based on the principle of action, which can be:

  1. Ultrasonic. Flow is determined by the speed of propagation of high-frequency oscillations. Below is a simplified design of such a device.

Previously, such devices were not used in everyday life due to their high cost, but recently models at affordable prices have appeared on the market. Distinctive features: high accuracy and long service life.

  1. Vikhrev. The operation of such devices is based on the analysis of pressure changes caused by the emergence of vortices due to the placement of a bluff body in the flow of the working medium. The structure of such a device is clearly demonstrated in Figure 4.

Basically, such devices are used to control technological processes in production. Not used in everyday life.

  1. Electromagnetic. Flow speed is measured by measuring the strength of the electromagnetic field, which changes under the influence of the flow of the working medium.

The features of the device do not imply its installation on small-diameter pipes, which makes it impossible to use such devices as a water flow meter in an apartment or private house.

  1. Mechanical (tachometer). The lower figure demonstrates the principle of the device.


  • A – Water supply.
  • B – Turbine.
  • C – Transfer device.
  • D – Mechanical indicator.

The operating principle of such devices is quite simple: under the influence of water flow (A in Fig. 6), the turbine (B) rotates, while rotating the transmission device (C) connected to a mechanical multi-segment digital indicator (D). The main advantages of such devices:

  • Simple design.
  • Low cost.
  • Independence from power supply.

Disadvantages include:

  • Criticality of the composition and “purity” of water, mechanical impurities and the presence of mineral salts, as well as other impurities, lead to the turbine stopping, that is, to breakdown of the device. After this, you will have to submit an application to the water utility and install a new device. Therefore, such devices require the installation of a filter, which needs regular cleaning.
  • Short service life compared to other types of devices.

Despite these disadvantages, it is the latter type of device that is used as a household flow meter.

5.Electronic tachometer devices

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 3541 of August 27, 2012, regulating the provision of utility services, the installation of multi-tariff devices for metering hot water supply is allowed. In addition to mechanics, such devices are equipped with a microprocessor, thanks to which water consumption is recorded at several rates, depending on the temperature of the working flow.

The advantages of such devices are obvious:

  • Payment is made depending on the quality of services provided. That is, if the hot water is not at sufficient temperature, its consumption is calculated at a reduced rate.
  • Many devices are equipped with an interface that allows you to transfer data about the readings of the device to the company providing water supply services (subject to the implementation of such a possibility).

The features of such devices include:

The relatively high cost, which pays off within two years, taking into account the service life of 8-10 years, this is completely justified.

The need for a built-in power supply with a service life of 5-6 years. Such a battery is replaced when the device is checked. This procedure is performed every three to four years, depending on the type of device.

How to choose the right water meter for a private house or apartment?

First of all, you need to decide on the choice between a mechanical and electronic device. The advantages of both have been described above. Let's pay attention to universal electronic devices that can be installed on both hot and cold water. Such a decision is justified only if the company providing the service has implemented a service for remote collection of readings. Otherwise it will be a waste of money.

It is necessary to check the availability of a certificate of conformity and a passport of the device. Without these documents, its commissioning is not possible.

Pay attention to the characteristics of the device, the main parameters are given in the passport, these include:

  • Q MAX – device throughput.
  • Q Н – the level of nominal flow at which the manufacturer guarantees the accuracy of the readings.
  • Q MIN – minimum flow rate while maintaining the permissible error parameters.
  • Q T – transition flow rate at which the accuracy coefficient changes.

In addition, it is necessary to select the correct settings, namely:

The bore diameter, as a rule, is 15.0 or 20.0 mm for pipe fittings installed in an apartment. In private houses, the remote control can be 25.0-32.0 mm.

Installation dimensions for household appliances installed in apartments, standard length 110.0 or 130.0 mm. For larger pipe fittings, devices with mounting dimensions up to 260.0 mm are manufactured.

As for manufacturing companies, in this case it is better to opt for domestic manufacturers. In any case, imported electronics are used during assembly at the plant.

Review of popular water meter manufacturers

We have compiled a table that includes the most popular models from various manufacturers. Sorting is done based on rating based on customer reviews.

video review:

Information that may be useful

You can find many publications on the Internet that describe ways to influence the operation of water meters in order to reduce water consumption readings. From the point of view of the law, such actions are unacceptable and entail appropriate punishment in the form of significant penalties. If you wish, you can calculate how much such dubious savings will cost.

We remind you that the water utility regularly checks devices for the integrity of seals and the installation of devices (such as a neodymium magnet) that affect the normal operation of meters. Please note that at the moment almost all devices are produced in an anti-magnetic design, which makes the influence of a magnet impossible. But this does not prevent water utility employees from issuing a fine if it is discovered.

The verification of devices is carried out in accordance with the established regulatory schedule, its interval is specified in the contract with the organization providing water supply services.

Water meters can be installed independently by any person or company. But their sealing and registration is carried out only by the relevant water utility service (a personal visit to the company is required). You can learn how to properly install and put devices into operation from the publications on our website.

It is prohibited to change sealed devices yourself; issues with their removal and installation are resolved with the company providing the service. To do this, you must send the appropriate application.