How to make sure your wife is faithful. How to check cheating wife

Love spell using threads. How to protect yourself from cheating

Magic is a complex and multifaceted science, in which love rituals occupy a special place. Love spells happen different types, serve different purposes and can be used in a variety of situations. The practicing magician chooses a ritual for each individual occasion. Experienced sorcerers know hundreds of rites, some of them are designed to bind until the end of life, others are designed to help bring two people closer, others are needed in order to return the departed husband to the family.

Strong love spells traditionally include love rituals that use the biological material of the target or performer or their personal belongings. Numerous rituals with threads also belong to this category.

Features of a love spell with threads

Love binding is a whole complex of magical actions, which can include: lapel, white rituals to awaken interest, rites to strengthen love, black rites to call love and much more. Most often, one, even the most powerful love spell will not be enough for one person to love another and retain feelings for the rest of his life.

Rituals with threads are a great opportunity to start the process of binding, to arouse interest and sexual desire in your loved one. There are a huge number of love spells based on the use of threads, for example, you can cut off a button from a loved one’s clothes and sew it back on, but with special threads programmed for the necessary events, you can sew a charmed thread into your husband’s underwear, which will push rivals away from him and etc.

Love spell effectiveness

Rituals must be carried out in compliance with all the rules.

Young magicians are most concerned about the effectiveness and strength of each individual rite. They may not distinguish between white and black conspiracies, they may not pay attention to the important nuances of individual rituals, for them it is only important how quickly the love spell acts on the target. However, they forget that everything comes with experience. Even the simplest ritual, carried out by an experienced practitioner who was able to meet all the requirements and give the right direction to his own energy, will be extremely effective and will work in the near future.

Rituals with threads are great for beginners, as they do not require large energy costs from the magician. Such rituals have been proving to be highly effective for centuries, it is only important to remember that if the result did not appear immediately, one should not despair and be disappointed in magic in general, one must try again and again.

In addition, you also need to remember that at the initial stages it is better to try the simplest and safest love spells that will not bring trouble and will not harm either the target or the performer. The mistake of many beginners is that they want to get everything at once, and therefore they prefer black and cemetery love spells, which should act strongly and instantly.

Divination for cheating husband

The hand will tell.

To find out if there was a betrayal, look at the love line in your palm. It is located between the little finger and the heart line (located above, after the head line). If it is clearly expressed, then your beloved does not change you. But if the line is barely noticeable, the spouse is prone to romance on the side.

Take an engagement ring or any other that your husband gave you. It is best to guess late at night. On a piece of paper, write your spouse's name, then light a candle and burn the paper. Put the ashes on the table. Next, tie a ring to a thread and hold it over the ashes. If the ring begins to spin in a circle, your husband is not cheating on you. And if it began to swing like a pendulum, the spouse has a mistress.

Parents will say a lot.

It turns out that moles can also tell a lot about a person. If young man there is a mole on his cheek, then he does not mind, to spin several novels at once and does not see anything shameful in betrayal. And if a man has a mole above his right eyebrow, he will be a faithful and caring husband.

Tell my mirror light, tell the whole truth.

Take holy water, three candles and a mirror. Pour water into a saucer and place it on the table. Light candles and place a mirror next to the saucer. Sit in silence for a few seconds and ask to see your mistress. Then look at the water. If you see a female silhouette in the mirror, the spouse has secret connections on the side. And if the water is charged, then the husband does not change you.

Divination with the help of an apple remains popular. Give this fruit to your husband and look at the core. If there is no pulp left on it, your spouse is faithful. And if there is a lot of it, then the man has a mistress.

Divination for cheating wife

All fortune-telling about the betrayal of a husband is also suitable for checking your wife, so you can safely use them. There is another way specifically for the stronger sex. Just remove the wedding ring from your finger and look at the reaction of your woman. If the wife is offended, then she is faithful. If her reaction is violent, she is hiding something. And if the wife does not notice anything, her thoughts are very far from you and the probability of betrayal is high.

Fortune telling on treason, on Tarot

The Secret Pocket is the most popular tarot card divination. With it, you can find out about betrayal and the attitude of your object of love towards you. You will need thirteen tarot cards. Sit in silence for a few minutes, relax and mentally ask interesting questions about your spouse. Next, shuffle the deck and draw 13 cards. You can look up their meaning on the Internet. The first card is responsible for his relationship goal. The second, third, fourth and fifth talk about his inner attitude towards you. The sixth, seventh and eighth will tell about his actions. Cards nine through eleven will tell you what your spouse is going to do in the near future. The twelfth card will answer the question of what your soul mate is hiding. And the thirteenth card will make it clear why the spouse is hiding something.

Conspiracy for food - a talisman against possible treason
Conspiracy for food - a talisman against possible treason:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Let the servant of God (name) eat, eat, drink, get drunk, and how he eats and gets drunk, let him eat, longing for the house, for his family, for his lawful wife, the servant of God (name).
Let him walk along the street, but don’t look around, don’t look into other people’s windows, let the young women walk by, don’t lure him with them.
Let him remember where his house and faithful wife are,
And he always comes back, he doesn’t wander around other people’s houses, he doesn’t sit up with a homeowner, he doesn’t stare at her, a toadstool.
So that at day-noon, so that at night-midnight, now, ever and forever and ever. Amen."

A conspiracy against treason on a wedding ring

Take your husband's wedding ring in your right palm, cover it with your left and read the plot:

“I, the servant of God (name), walked across the open field, went into the forge, bowed to the blacksmith. You, a skilled blacksmith, help me in my love.
Nail, burn to me the servant of God (name) forever and ever to the grave.
The blacksmith took the gold ore, heated it on a red fire, and forged a gold wedding ring.
As the servant of God (name) puts on that ring, the power of love will flare up in it, passion-longing for me, his faithful wife (name), will ignite.
He will think about her from now on, forever and ever, and to the grave.
She will cherish and cherish her white body, delight and hug her, my dear, speak and whisper words of love.
As the Kaliki burned gold-ore, so the heart of the zealous servant of God (name) was lit.
As that wedding ring was forged into a circle, so the heart of the servant of God (name) closed the heart of the servant of God (name), on her love, on her heart caress.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

How to find out if a husband has a mistress?

Sometimes evidence of infidelity, as well as signs of a husband's love spell, can be ambiguous, suggestive, but not give full confidence in your rightness. In order to find out for sure if your spouse has a mistress, you can also try using a magical ritual. However, keep in mind that love magic is always associated with certain risks, so you should only take it if you are absolutely sure that such measures are necessary.

To find a mistress, there are several long-known rituals that you can perform on your own. However, remember that the result will be much more reliable if you turn to a professional magician for help.

Rite with candles to check the presence of a mistress

In order to conduct a test rite, you should buy two ordinary small candles in the temple. One of these candles should be placed in the cup from which you drink, the other in a completely new cup (and it is very desirable to also purchase it before the ritual, and not get it from somewhere in stocks). In the evening, lay out a worn and then not washed T-shirt or husband’s shirt on the floor of the room, put both cups on it. Light the candles and wait. In the event that the candle in your mug goes out first, fears are not in vain - with a high probability your spouse is really cheating on you. If the candle in the new dish goes out faster, it means that the husband is faithful to you or regards the relationship with your rival as an easy affair, which he intends to end soon. If you do not want to wait a long time, then you can shorten the candles in advance. However, keep in mind that you should not cut by eye, but exactly along the ruler.

Definition of a love spell of a husband

In the event that you know for sure that there was a betrayal, you should determine whether it was the result of a love spell of the husband or whether he voluntarily reached out to the rival. Wax is also used for this (for example, the same piece that you cut from the candle from the previous ritual). Put it in a tablespoon and heat on a flame. At the same time, the following words should be read: “Crack, burn and speak the truth. Is it true that they bewitched the dear one, that they stole the zealous heart by deceit? When the wax is completely melted, pour its contents into a dish of milk. Try to pour in a neat, thin stream. Then you should consider the resulting figure. In the event that one large blot has formed, having only minor drops around, voluntary love is between your husband and his new chosen one. If a lot of incomprehensible figures and points have formed, then there is a high probability of a husband's love spell. In this case, you should not try to remove the love spell on your own - it can be not only ineffective, but simply dangerous. Contact a professional magician, he will be able to quickly and reliably solve your problem.

In any case, magic is a serious thing that requires careful attention. Therefore, you should not rush to both conclusions and actions - you can seriously harm yourself and your loved one.

Very often, those husbands who feel the hopelessness of the situation resort to the love spell of their wife. That is, they noticed that they family relationships My wife and I were in a rut. But what if no logical methods already work? Then, perhaps, it's time to use magical methods.

There is, for example, the so-called "ritual through underwear." To make it, you will need a fair amount of imagination, as well as the possession of increased sensitivity. Here the husband needs to mentally imagine the connection between his wife and her underwear. It is necessary to describe in all colors in your head all the attributes of a happy family life: laughter, smiles, mutual understanding, intense intimate relationships, and so on. Try to fully feel all the emotions that these fantasies evoke in you.

Then it is necessary to mentally form a ball from this energy, placing it in front of you. It is just that you need to put all the requests to your wife in it. Tell her in detail how you would like to see a happy relationship, what you expect from her and what you are ready to do for her. By the way, in order for the effect of such sessions to meet your expectations, the ritual must be performed daily for a week. Remember, skipping days is not allowed here.

There is a magical technique for restoring relationships through wedding photos, attributes and gifts. Sit comfortably and lay them all out in front of you. Imagine in detail what atmosphere reigned at your wedding and how much you were then in love with each other. Then roll your photo into a tube and insert it into your wedding ring. Take a needle and thread, thread it through the photo ring, and then wrap the thread around the photo of your wife. The resulting composition must be placed under the marital bed.

In fact, even if the divorce proceedings have already taken place, then you should not despair here either. In order to return the wife, a separate love spell is also available. It is possible, for example, a love spell through fire. It will require several candles, which must be consecrated in advance in the church. Looking at them, you should cast a special spell. It would be more correct to call it a love plot. The text is as follows: “As this fire burns and glows with heat, so may my wife breathe love and desire for me! Every day, every hour and every minute! Amen!".

How to return a husband or wife with the help of love magic?

Often, a love spell of a husband to his wife is also required. The purposes of such a ceremony are very diverse. To drive away from a mistress, re-educate, teach to be faithful, return fading feelings, and so on. In addition, sexual binding is quite effective in this field. This is done, as a rule, with the help of special methods for photography. The important thing is that such a love spell begins to act in the coming days.

A love spell on an ex-wife is a very subtle and delicate issue. Even those men who have long been in a new marriage resort to it sometimes. It happens that a husband parted with his wife not of his own free will, but due to some other circumstances. That is, the feelings are not extinguished here. On the contrary, they blaze with a vengeance. In this situation, a man considers a new marriage simply as a “lifeline”.

What to do with a woman who turned out to be a new unloved wife? Here it is recommended to end such relationships as soon as possible, because anyway they will not lead to anything good. Moreover, if a married man performed a love act in relation to his ex-wife, then perhaps both of them will not be happy.

There is a good way to determine if a woman really loves a man.

This is the perfect test of a wife's fidelity. 90% of couples break up for this very reason, I think. In order to be convinced of the sincerity of the wife's feelings, it is enough just to be in a situation where she starts ...

Earn more husband!

I'll show you a live example.

In the first years of life, the husband earned more. The family gently and smoothly rode along the rails of life together, without nit-picking and conflicts.

But the wife went on promotion. And she became the deputy director of a large enterprise! If we compare the dates of the beginning of the experiences and scandals, we can say with a high probability - after this increase, everything began! The wife began to think about divorce!

How so? Why did the happy family boat crack? And is the promotion of a wife always the beginning of a divorce? I propose to look at the situation the way both sides would do it!

Let's try to understand what a wife thinks when she starts earning more? It doesn't matter if she was promoted or her husband lost his earnings.

In the first years of marriage, she developed a certain system of behavior based on the fact that her husband gets more. Such a model is considered normal and correct in society, and we most often choose it in families. Well, or we strive for it.

This strategy consists in the fact that the husband provides material benefits, and the wife provides life and comfort. She cooks, does laundry, strokes her husband's head and brings a plate of pasta. As a result, people have a good house, their children are dressed, and their husbands are full. Everyone is comfortable and good. The wife gladly "serves" her husband in everyday life.

But look what happens next. The wife begins to earn much more, and the previous model of behavior in the family of the husband and wife has been preserved. Now the wife and "give-bring", as it was before, and the earner at the same time. Not only does she bear a double burden, but now a feeling of injustice is brewing in her soul. Why do I have to do everything alone?

And the husband still comes home, and, lounging, demands affection and a plate of pasta. Here's a cheeky one! After all, now such a wife-boss subconsciously expects from her husband "a change in the places of the terms." Now he must cook dinner and put a plate of pasta in front of her. He must wash the floors and take the children to school!

The husband, in turn, is trying to "turn everything upside down." He, instead of taking care of his wife, is trying to earn more than her in order to return the roles to their usual state. He tries to work harder, but it's like it's not necessary anymore! Imagine how unhappy he feels.

The promotion of a wife in the service, and in general the situation in which the wife receives more, is very difficult. So not one family fell apart! What to do if suddenly this happened, and the wife is now the breadwinner in the house?

For me, the question has only one answer - to switch roles. Now the husband must take over most household functions. Cooking, washing floors, washing clothes and not buzzing. Then peace and tranquility will return to the family. The wife should be ready to spend money on her husband.

In addition, it is the promotion of the wife that will show whether she needed this man! After all, if it was only a raw material base, then the need for it will disappear. Such women say directly - a situation in which a man receives less than me is unacceptable!

Are you familiar with the situation when the wife abruptly begins to earn more?

How would you act in such a situation?

Love relationships assume that partners will be faithful to each other. However, modern realities show that even once loving hearts can change and betray. Not only men, but also women do not know how to be faithful. Now men also have to find ways to find out for sure whether their wives are really faithful to them. And here the male site site offers a wife fidelity test that applies scientific developments and technologies.

There are many ways . For example, you can follow her, where she goes and who she meets. You can suddenly return home after work or from a business trip, as they write about it in jokes. You can start tracking her correspondence and calls. Surely the wife calls up or writes off with her lover, if she has one. These options for finding out the truth should not be excluded either. However, one more method can be proposed, which accurately indicates the presence of a second man in the wife.

If you're only jealous of your wife who actually comes home on time, doesn't go out with anyone, spends time with her family all the time, and even has sex with her husband, then a man needs to get his head sorted out. Here you can turn to a psychologist who will help a man, no, he will not be cured, but simply remove those attitudes that make him not trust his faithful wife.

However, a man can rightfully begin to suspect his wife of something. For example, she began to constantly linger at work, recently she often visited her friends or relatives, she began to walk somewhere, not bothering to explain to her husband where she went. If you ask her where she walked, she dismisses some shops, although in fact she didn’t buy anything.

Moreover, a man may notice that his wife has changed. Usually she did not devote much time to her appearance, believing that it would do just fine, but then she began to make up for a long time in front of the mirror, trying on various outfits, putting on the most beautiful suits and dresses, and suddenly stood on her heels. If at the same time she began to lose weight or go in for sports in order to look younger and fitter, then all these transformations are definitely not without reason.

Of course, a woman may at first not take care of herself and not be interested in anything, and then over the years change her life position. There are many ladies who one day realize that they have gained weight, after which they begin to play sports. There are women who suddenly get the opportunity to climb the corporate ladder, which means delays at work. Sometimes in a woman's life new acquaintances appear with whom she has the same interests and hobbies. All this is in the order of things and entails changes in the behavior of the wife.

Therefore, a man is first recommended to establish exactly whether his wife is cheating on him before starting to be jealous of her and even more so to blame for something. Any changes can be explained not only. However, there are signs that may indicate that a cold has clearly set in in the relationship of the spouses, which may suggest the presence or appearance of a lover in the future:

  1. Spouses have not had sex for a long time, or the wife constantly says that she is not satisfied with intimate relationships with her husband.
  2. There are constant quarrels between spouses. They can be either daily or weekly. If conflicts arise very often, this can push a woman to cheat.
  3. The wife refuses to spend time with her husband. For example, a man offers to go shopping together and even meet her girlfriends or spend the weekend together in nature. If the wife refuses almost any joint vacation, while agreeing to spend time with other people, this may indicate that feelings have cooled between them and a lover may appear.

Before you blame your wife for anything, you need to know for sure that she is cheating. This can be done in many ways. Let's take a scientific approach to the matter.

Science and treason - is it compatible?

If earlier husbands revealed their wives' infidelities when they found them in bed directly with their lovers, then a modern man does not need to track down and wait for the right moment, spending time on this. Science allows not only to solve many issues related to the physical health of a person, but also to determine how faithful the spouse is to her soulmate.

How is it compatible? Everyone knows such a test as a DNA test, which analyzes samples and gives certain answers to questions. Typically, a DNA test is used in a forensic medical examination to identify a criminal, it is also carried out to determine the paternity of a particular man in relation to a particular child, the compatibility of donor organs, and to identify possible genetic diseases.

However, if a man has extra money, he can find out if his wife takes a lover to their house or if there are marks on her clothes from another man.

Each person has his own set of chromosomes, which is unique and inimitable. Only twins can have the identity of this set. But for different people it differs significantly.

At the same time, each person leaves his DNA set in any place he has visited, what he touched and even what he wore. Thus, if a lover was lying on your bed or smoking a cigarette in your apartment, you can use these things to take them for DNA testing and identify who used them.

The test helps to determine the sex, age, presence of diseases and even the life expectancy of a person whose biological material was brought for examination. It is not necessary to bring the wife herself or her lover. Here it will be enough to bring things that were used by the person who could touch them.

However, you should be aware that the condition of the biological material itself affects the accuracy of the test:

  1. A thing that contains biological material.
  2. The time when this material was left.
  3. The state in which the material was collected and transported. etc.

What is needed for an examination?

DNA examination can be easily carried out if you contact a special institution that analyzes those biological materials that are provided to it. What is needed for this? To conduct a test, experts need to provide an item that may contain your opponent's DNA:

  • Used napkin.
  • Underwear or bedding.
  • Used condom (most perfect proof).
  • Chewing gum, especially if the wife does not use it.
  • Alien hair with root.
  • Cigarettes.
  • Ear sticks.
  • Scarves.
  • Blood stains on any object.
  • Saliva left on kitchen items.
  • Bath towels that a lover could use.

Women's panties that are not washed are ideal. They will definitely have the DNA of both the wife and her lover. After the sexual act, along with her secretions, the biological materials of everyone with whom she sleeps will also come out.

It should be understood that on other clothes your wife may have biomaterials of many men with whom she can work, just ride in the same transport and even be after them, wipe herself on the same objects that they touched. Therefore, you should take clothes that only the "chosen ones" can definitely touch, in addition to your wife.

In addition to the biomaterial of strangers, you need to provide your saliva in order to distinguish your DNA from all the rest. After all, the things you provide may also contain your DNA. Because the experts don't know what your DNA is, they can only tell if you have male DNA that might be yours. To test your wife for fidelity, you need to be sure that the DNA definitely does not belong to you.

All biomaterials must be properly collected and transferred. However, it should be understood that conducting the test will be a costly undertaking. If you do not have extra finances, then you will have to rely on your instincts and resort to other measures to check your wife's fidelity.

What else do you need to pay attention to?

If doing a DNA test becomes a really expensive undertaking, then you can simply pay attention to other things that betray female fidelity or infidelity:

  1. Body odors. Of course, you can pick up the smell of another person just by riding with him in transport. However, if the wife constantly comes with the same foreign smell, this clearly indicates her constant contact with this person.
  2. Marks on the body. You notice bites, scratches, bruises, hickeys on your wife's body. They obviously don't just happen. If the wife, moreover, cannot explain how she received such “injuries”, then she is definitely hiding someone on the side.

However, you can just ask your wife. If your relationship has reached the point where the wife is already indifferent to you, she is not afraid of losing you and already wants to go to her lover, then she will be able to openly declare that she has someone on the side.

If you have a conversation with your wife, you should remain calm. At the same time, do not dedicate third parties to what you are going to discuss with your wife. Save her face, despite all her bad deeds, if they turn out to be so.


The news that your wife is cheating can be very painful and unpleasant. A man needs to think about how important it is for him to find out about his wife's betrayal, whether he can adequately endure it, whether he will be happy after that. Perhaps sometimes it is better to remain ignorant in order to be happy.

For many couples, there comes a period when they begin to gradually move away from each other. Full communication is reduced to zero, but quarrels overtake at every step. The spouses accumulate a large number of secrets, "their" affairs, and understatements increase like a snowball.

Husbands who suspect their halves of infidelity can now easily test their chosen ones for fidelity without leaving home. Take advantage of our offer in order to destroy your doubts. We provide a service called "checking the wife for fidelity." With the help of our figurehead, your spouse will be checked for treason through social networks.

We suggest checking your wife for treason on VKontakte or in other social networks. networks

Sometimes a wife does not pay enough attention to her husband, and it begins to seem to him that his beloved wife has looked after another man for herself. And it happens the other way around, a man may not notice for years that his wife has been deceiving him for a long time and hopelessly, meeting with someone on the side. That is why it is better to check the wife for treason once and sleep peacefully.

Beloved stays at work, often “sleeps with friends”, became interested in sports, went on a diet, and the phrase “eating after six” sounds like a sentence for her, although she used to love to have a delicious dinner? All her explanations sound implausible and raise suspicions of adultery? How to check the fidelity of a wife?

Do not inject the truth serum or turn into an inadequate jealous man, rereading his wife’s correspondence hundreds of times and secretly guarding her at the entrance or sending a blue-eyed handsome tempter to his missus. The options listed are a great storyline for a soap series designed for an older female audience, but not an acceptable solution to the problem, much less a practical guide to action. But how do you define change? Use a scientific approach - an accurate test for cheating on a wife.

Scientific progress in medicine and modern technologies allow not only to defeat many diseases that used to terrify entire cities, but also to prove whether the wife is cheating. Perhaps even figure out her secret admirer. If a psychological test for betrayal of dubious authorship is equal in terms of accuracy to fortune-telling on chamomile or coffee grounds, an examination for the presence of alien DNA (human genetic code) cannot be deceived. This method is widely used in forensic science to identify the offender. It is also used to determine paternity, check the conformity of donor organs and diagnose genetic diseases.

The advantage of such an analysis is confidentiality, thanks to which a cautious opponent and the other half will not guess anything, which means they will not be able to hide the “traces of the crime”. The fidelity test does not require the spouse to participate in the laboratory test. It is only necessary to present the desired samples in good condition for examination.

What is a “wife test”? So school lessons In biology, we know that each person's body has a unique set of chromosomes and leaves its own traces that can be recognized and identified. A medical fidelity test will give an accurate answer to the question "how to recognize a wife's infidelity" by determining the presence of foreign DNA on the selected sample. It is also possible to determine gender, age, and even, according to the latest research by scientists from the USA, Great Britain and Australia, to make a prediction of a person's life expectancy.

DNA can be extracted from any samples provided by the client. Whether or not the wife changes the accuracy of the determination is affected by the condition of the material for genetic testing, the time when the sample was obtained, and other factors that are not within the competence of the laboratory. To obtain complete information about the belonging of the genetic material to one of the partners, a smear of both participants is needed for comparison. The main secret of the examination is the analysis of the DNA traces of a stranger, which often remain after the proximity of people and contain biological fluids from touching the skin or kissing.

What is needed for an examination?

How to find out about the betrayal of his wife and what is needed for this? First of all, arm yourself with the material necessary for the examination. This can be used wipes, someone else's hair at the root, bed or underwear, toothbrushes, sanitary tampons, bandages, ear sticks, a condom, and even chewing gum, cigarette butts or a baby's pacifier. Of interest to the laboratory are blood stains on clothing, saliva, tissue samples, secretions on a handkerchief or tissue, earwax, fingernails, semen on tissue or an ear stick.

To obtain a genetic conclusion, you must provide specialists with your own saliva for research, isolation and identification of your DNA, as well as comparison with the material found and submitted by you for examination. The biomaterial removal procedure is completely painless and takes a little time. In addition, you can additionally check for the main types of diseases, learn more about your own health.

But it should be noted that such a genetic examination is financially quite expensive, therefore, before seeking help from specialists with a request to conduct a test, whether the woman I love is cheating on me or the suspicions are unfounded, carefully observe your spouse. You have well studied her habits, character, tastes, inclinations, habits. You know the strengths and weaknesses of the second half, use this information.

What should you pay attention to?

Samo female body can tell you how to find out treason. Pay attention to extraneous odors that are uncharacteristic of your spouse. The scent of someone else's men's perfume, sweat, shower gel, shampoo you've never used, or body odor after a shower. And also a suspicious sign can be called irritation, redness on the skin of the spouse's face from contact with the bristles, especially if you are always clean-shaven. Bruises, scratches on the arms, thighs, chest of the beloved woman also need an explanation of the circumstances of obtaining such strange marks.

Sometimes it is enough to remember the old joke:

The husband enters the question into the Google search engine: “How to recognize the wife as a witch? And then a disgruntled voice from the kitchen: “But it’s stupid to ask, isn’t it?”

How to find out if the wife is cheating or that luxurious bouquet of roses was really presented to her by her colleagues for the anniversary of the company? In any case, you need a frank conversation with your soulmate, clarifying your concerns. Keep calm, do not go on about your own jealousy, because unfounded accusations, suspicions can offend your loved one, undermine trust and break mutual understanding. Sometimes emotions only get in the way of objectively assessing the situation. Remember the hero of the tragic play by William Shakespeare - the Venetian jealous Moor Othello and do not become like him.

Relationships are built on trust. Excessive excessive suspicion, emotionality can harm, destroy mutual understanding between spouses. When creating a family, people should be ready to accept both the positive qualities and the shortcomings of a partner, reconcile themselves, seek compromises, get used to it. This creates an invisible but tangible strong family bond.

You should not dedicate friends, colleagues, relatives to your suspicions, ask for advice, expect recommendations from them. Discuss your suspicions directly with your spouse in an intimate setting. Most likely, after a confidential heart-to-heart conversation, there will be no trace of the previous doubts, and the spiritual connection between you will become even stronger.