How can hotels save on expenses without losing customers. Energy saving and resource saving in the hotel - an overview of solutions that save money

This material is addressed to owners and managers of accommodation facilities (guest houses, hotels, hotels, clubs, villas, etc.) who want to use modern technologies to reduce electricity consumption and increase fire safety hotels.

Our civilization has been built in such a way that one of the most important resources consumed by mankind is electrical energy. For normal functioning, the accommodation facility requires a sufficiently large amount of it. Technofob friendly accommodation facilities where guests gather who do not want to use the achievements of civilization, of course, do not count. They can be illuminated with a torch, food from freshly harvested vegetation from the garden next to the porch, cook on fires, which are bred from deadwood collected in the district.

Now, especially in the Crimea, all rooms are equipped with air conditioners. An air conditioner is a device that consumes a lot of electricity. If the air conditioner is on when the guests are in the room, the electricity is used to good use, and when the guests go for a walk or enjoy the sea baths or when open windows or balcony - an unproductive expense.

In addition, guests turn on the lighting in all areas of the room and forget to turn it off when leaving. Which also leads to extra costs.

Such "extra" expenses can be listed for a very long time. In some accommodation facilities, maids deliberately go around the rooms during the day in order to turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. Sometimes, such a “method” of energy saving also helps, but it is absolutely ineffective.

Of course, some hoteliers may object that electricity consumption is included in the room rate. Let's make a simple calculation (of course, for a registered hotel and not engaged in illegal actions): the minimum cost of 1 kW / hour for an enterprise is 2.04 rubles, the air conditioner consumes about 2 kW per hour, it works for 15 hours, we get 61, 2 rubles a day, a month is not a lot, not a little, 1836 rubles. It seems to be not so much, comparable to the cost of a room per day. More than half of these funds are losses! The hotel loses 30 rubles from each room per day due to the fact that guests do not want (and should not, by and large) save the owner's money! Having included losses in the tariff, hotels "dig a hole" for themselves - many more mandatory payments are included in the tariff and guests complain about the high cost of vacation and choose other resorts. And, simply, energy resources are not unlimited, unfortunately.

Probably, everyone remembers the boilers - travel companions? And how many fires were there because of them? Not in vain, earlier, these devices in hotels were treated, to put it mildly, with dislike. Putting water on for tea and being distracted for a few minutes is a classic story.

There is an opinion that by installing a fire alarm, the hotel was protected from fires. This misconception is supported by some employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, forgetting that the alarm will only report a fire, but will not prevent it. The hotel, by and large, does not care what appears in the reports of the fire department. It is much more important for him to keep the property and the interior from fire and water, preventing fire. And this is a completely different matter.

Any electrical appliances left unattended are potentially fire hazards. Guests cannot be forced to monitor their appliances, this is a fact. It is impossible to forbid anything to a guest; requests will most likely be ignored.

There is a way out of this situation. It has long been known to psychologists - it is physically impossible to create conditions under which there is no formal prohibition, but it is physically impossible to perform prohibited actions.

Such conditions are created by technical means. First of all, it is a license plate, which is colloquially called a card switch or "pocket".

The operation algorithm of the device is quite simple and understandable, even next person: the control card, when installed in it, turns on the power supply of all devices in the room. After removing the card from the controller, after a short, but sufficient for exit, period of time, all devices are de-energized. The exception is a refrigerator or mini bar, which receives electricity bypassing.

Some hoteliers stop at this, and then wonder why the measures taken did not give the expected result. Any system, a security system, is no exception, works only when it is complete and complete. Easy installation of the controller is the first step.

It is necessary to create conditions so that the guest, leaving the room, takes out the card from. This can be achieved only by rigidly linking the card and the key, and even better, if the card is the key. This is step two. should be managed only by hotel cards: no business cards, no subway passes, no old bank cards when set to should not bring it to the on state.

But two steps is also not enough. It is necessary to complete the third - somehow track the condition of the windows and the balcony door. For this, reed switches are installed on them - magnetic contacts. The information enters the number room, which controls the power of the air conditioner.

The fourth step may be to abandon the use of standard air conditioner remote controls in favor of remote control switches located in a convenient place (and possibly several). In this case, you can be sure that the guest, due to forgetfulness or intention, will not take the remote control with him and the air conditioner is controlled not through the power circuit, but in a regular way.

At the fifth step, it is advisable to decide whether a kettle is needed in the room. And, if necessary (which is doubtful), put an electric kettle that turns off when boiling or in the absence of water. Such a device is not expensive, but it can save you from many troubles.

An approximate layout in a one-room suite is shown in the figure:

In addition to the steps described above, some more can be taken, for example, the operation of lighting lamps in an energy-saving mode. Moreover, it should be convenient for guests to turn it on. This is achieved by the so-called light scenes, in which some lamps are not turned on at full power. This creates additional comfort in the room.

When performing a chain of simple steps, the hotel can count on serious savings in energy resources and payments for them (in some hotels the savings reach up to 40% per season!), increasing the level of real fire safety and increasing the comfort of guests, which ultimately affects reviews.

Our company has a long-term (more than 12 years) experience in creating hotel energy saving systems. Within the framework of this short article, of course, it is impossible to reflect all the points that arise at the stage of building and implementing such systems. The main goal was to acquaint hoteliers with energy saving technologies and its possibilities.

SPECIALIZATION: Administration, Management consulting INDUSTRY: Tourism FORMAT: Open

As part of the course, students will get acquainted with the latest legislative requirements regarding the ecology and energy efficiency of hotels, assess the level of compliance of their enterprise with the necessary energy requirements and receive practical recommendations on optimizing and using resource-saving technologies, as well as passing inspections and challenging fines.

For whom

for managers of accommodation facilities, restaurants, representatives of the services of the chief engineer, technical directors, chief power engineers of the hospitality industry and operating companies.


  1. Estimation of energy consumption of a hotel enterprise. Evaluation of the main cost items for energy consumption, taking into account all areas of the hotel's activities. Perspective analysis of the energy market.
  2. Regulatory and legal aspect of regulation of energy conservation and energy efficiency of hotel facilities. Comments on latest changes 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation".
  3. Building a resource saving system in the context of power supply and lighting. Energy saving and lighting control in hotels. The concept of intelligent equipment. Smart home technology. The use of energy-saving light sources on the example of the introduction of LED lighting. The procedure for recycling and disposal of waste using energy-saving technologies. The use of gas turbine plants.
  4. The climatic factor in the resource saving system of the hotel industry. climatic parameters. Central air conditioning systems. Comparison of air conditioning systems in terms of energy efficiency. Modern algorithms for automatic control of climate systems as a way to increase the stability of work and heat saving. New cost-saving solutions for the management of air conditioning and ventilation systems. Conceptual solution for the hotel air conditioning system.
  5. Resource saving of water and heat in the hotel industry. Analysis of practical solutions to improve energy efficiency and the results of their implementation in hotels.
  6. Use of practical solutions to improve the energy efficiency of the hotel industry. Monitoring and issuing practical advice refurbishment of hotel facilities.
  7. Hotel Ecological Certification System. Elements of environmental management and environmental policy in the hotel. Saving resources: water, energy, commodities. Waste reduction, separate collection, transfer of waste for recycling. The use of environmentally friendly household chemicals. Informing and engaging staff and guests.
  8. The procedure for passing environmental and sanitary-epidemiological inspections at the hotel. Compliance with environmental legislation. The procedure for contesting fines imposed on the organization and official.
  9. Energy audit and certification in the hotel. Key business risks affecting the financial statements. Identification of irrationally used equipment and development of recommendations for optimizing its operating modes. Development of energy saving programs.

Certificate of advanced training in the amount of 16 hours (License No. 3053 dated 07/03/2017).

To obtain a certificate, you must provide:

  • a copy of a diploma of higher or secondary vocational education (in case of obtaining a diploma outside the Russian Federation, please clarify the need for the procedure for recognizing a foreign diploma in the Russian Federation by calling the phone number indicated on the website)
  • a copy of the document confirming the change of surname (if changed).

Membership package includes:

  • training under the program with the issuance of a certificate;
  • collection of information and reference materials;
  • excursion program;
  • daily lunches and coffee breaks.

You can view the full program of the seminar and register for it on the website.

Perhaps corporate training (for employees only of your company) or special offers for corporate clients.

COST: 31500 rub.


The new era in the development of technology sets the task of improvement for all spheres of society. Definitely, this problem also applies to the manufacturing industry, where it is necessary to move production forward in order to remain a competitive enterprise. The modern consumer is very sensitive to innovations in the service of the enterprises with which he deals, and often the presence of such is included in the range of his expectations from the services provided to him. Thus, the hotel sector is one of the most undergoing changes in service sectors, since the comfort and positive impression of their guests directly depends on the availability of technologies in accommodation facilities that meet the latest requirements. Considering the current situation with the opposition of the difficult environmental situation and the inexorably increasing production rates, one of the reasonable ways out of the crisis is to use the latest developments in scientific and technological progress, and specifically resource-saving technologies. Their implementation is necessary at the stage of early planning of hotel projects in order to adequately calculate required amount project investments, competently take into account the needs of the enterprise in certain types of resource-saving technologies in accordance with the type and category of the accommodation facility, etc. Resource-saving technologies are technologies that ensure the production of products with the lowest possible consumption of fuel and other energy sources, as well as raw materials, materials, air, water and other resources for technological purposes. Resource-saving technologies include the use of secondary resources, waste disposal, as well as a closed water supply system, etc. In other words, these are ecological innovations, i.e., the latest, more environmentally friendly types of environmental impact . The main problem in the implementation of resource-saving technologies is their high cost, as well as the high cost of maintenance. At such a moment, the entrepreneur is faced with a choice between the risky but humane use of innovations and the implementation of a conservative approach to the hotel business. Questions such as “will the implementation of this system be cost-effective with a stable flow of customers?” , “Will the enterprise be able to fully function in the presence of such innovations?”, “Do customers need these changes?” etc. Therefore, for a competent prioritization, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the implementation of resource and energy saving programs, having considered this issue from all sides. The subject of this course work is the hotel project and its components. For a detailed study of the problem, it is worth considering all the major stages of a hotel project and taking into account the high cost of implementing resource-saving technologies. The main purpose of this work is to study the types of resource-saving technologies, as well as to determine their role in the creation and development of a hotel project. To the tasks set in this term paper, include: calculating the profitability of the introduction of resource-saving technologies, identifying the relationship between types of accommodation facilities and types of resource-saving technologies, studying the regulations governing the introduction of resource-saving technologies in the hotel business, describing the improvements associated with the emergence of such technologies, using examples of specific hotel chains, and predicting the development of technologies for conservation of ecology and resources for the coming years.

Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of resource-saving technologies in hotel projects. 6 Chapter 2. Park-InnbyRadisson and the use of resource-saving technologies. 11 2.1. Description of the network of hotels Park-Inn. 11 2.2. Resource-saving technologies in the Park-Innby Radisson hotel chain. 13 Chapter 3. Prospects for resource-saving technologies in the hotel business in Russia. 19 Conclusion 26 References 27


1. Orlova A.M. Resource-saving technologies: a role in improving the efficiency of a hotel enterprise and problems of implementation // Modern scientific research and innovations. 2014. No. 12 2. Polyakova A.G. Innovative activity as a factor in the modernization of the economic space of the region // Scientific works of the Free Economic Society of Russia. 2010. V. 137. S. 419–427 3. the federal law dated 11/23/2009 N 261-FZ (as amended on 07/03/2016) "On energy saving and on improving energy efficiency and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation". 4. Minutes No. 3 dated November 30, 2010 "Rules for determining the list of standard measures for energy saving and energy efficiency improvement" // SRO NP "TriE" 5. GOST 31532-2012 Energy saving. energy efficiency. Composition of indicators. General Provisions 6. Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2010 No. 262 “On the requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures and structures” 7. Hotel and restaurant business, tourism. Collection of normative documents; Phoenix - Moscow, 2010. - 736 p. 8. O.P. Efimova, N.A. Efimov. Economics of hotels and restaurants: Textbook. Ed. 10, corrected. Moscow, 2014. 9. Kabushkin N.I., Bondarenko G.A.K. 12 Management of hotels and restaurants: Textbook. - 2nd ed. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2001. - 216s. - (Economic education). ISBN 985-6516-61-7. 10. E.V. Pecheritsa. Theoretical aspects of resource-saving technologies in the hotel business // St. Petersburg State University of Economics (SPbGEU), 191023, St. Petersburg 11. Electronic journal of the energy service company "Ecological Systems" No. 9, 2013

An excerpt from work

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of resource-saving technologies in hotel projects. In order to clearly understand what is meant by resource-saving technologies, it is worth defining the boundaries of such a concept as innovation. Fig.1. Criteria for the boundaries of innovation. In the absence of one of these criteria, the technology is no longer classified as an innovation. The creators of hotel projects also need to take these criteria into account when introducing innovations at the development stage of the project. The process of hotel design is extremely important in the implementation of accommodation programs, it is laborious and costly, and includes several stages: 1. Pre-project proposal (architectural concept). This is the least expensive design stage. The customer receives an album of A4 or A3 format, consisting of 10-15 sheets with the most general information about the future object: a sketch of the general plan, facades, plans, sections (all without detail), computer 3D visualization. This type of work is ordered by those developers who have not yet decided on the volume of construction work, with sources of financing, with the architectural concept of the future structure, or those who are looking for partners for equity participation in construction. 2. Draft design or feasibility studies (EP.feasibility studies) usually include: situational plan, master plan, facades, sections, plans with basic dimensions, with the arrangement of furniture or engineering equipment, with the calculation of areas and volumes, with the final architectural decision - artistic tasks. The cost of such a project is usually 15-30% of the cost of the full design. 3. Working documentation - the most complete set of project documentation, including sections: architectural and construction, design solution, water supply and sewerage, heating and ventilation, electrical equipment, estimates. The cost of working documentation is 70-85% of the cost of the full design and can be adjusted in each specific case. In accordance with these stages, there is a parallel calculation of the profitability of introducing innovations into the project, such as resource-saving technologies. Based on the architectural, target and commercial design, a decision is made to include certain types of resource-saving technologies in the hotel system.

Hotel owners are increasingly thinking about the introduction of innovative technologies that allow not only to significantly save energy costs, but also create comfortable conditions in any weather. It is worth noting that the use of energy-saving elements allows you to simultaneously create an autonomous supply network on more favorable terms than when powered from centralized systems. What technologies are available today? And which of them can really be called the most effective under any conditions?

Builders unanimously declare the high profitability of using heat-retaining materials in the construction of the hospitality facilities themselves. Such a decision is more than justified, because with thermal insulation of walls, ceiling space, floor and floor slabs, it is possible to save up to half of the heat lost by the building. Of course, for each sector, certain categories of materials will be needed, which differ in their physical and thermal characteristics.

More and more hotels are choosing solar energy as an alternative and main source of electricity. Together with the thermal insulation of the building, it is possible to reduce costs significantly. German hoteliers were among the first to follow this path of solution, so today prices for hotels in Hamburg are acceptable to all categories of guests. In France and other European cities, hospitality establishments began to appear with a full-fledged waste recycling cycle using various technological processes. This includes waste incineration in solid fuel boilers, and multi-level water supply for various purposes (drinking, purified water for technical needs, watering plants, etc.).

Particular attention should be paid to the heating system.

This issue is relevant for objects located in cold climatic zones. Many hotels today combine several elements into a single system that work according to different principles. For example, solid fuel boilers and solar energy are used (heating through a special pipe system that is laid in the ceilings of the building, as well as through heat exchangers). In another case, systems operating on the principle of infrared heat emission and radiator batteries of a steam heating system can be combined. Each object is individual, and therefore the decision on the most effective combination of energy-saving technologies should be made by specialists, taking into account all available factors.

Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation Humanitarian University


Faculty of Social Psychology

Specialty "Socio - cultural service and tourism"


Discipline: Technique and technology in SKST

On the topic: Energy saving technologies in modern hotels

Correspondence form of education

Course 4 (2008)

FULL NAME. student Maksimov Mikhail Alexandrovich

Lecturer: Minina O.Yu.



Types of energy

Ways to save energy



energy saving cost energy saving

One of the most expensive types of energy at the moment is heat, and simply reducing heat loss by insulating rooms leads to large amounts of money saved. And there are a lot of technologies for reducing the cost of this and other types of energy today, which justifies the relevance of choosing this topic for an essay.

In the course of the work, it is necessary to consider modern, used types of energy, as well as ways to save them and the application of the latter in the modern hotel industry.

1. Types of energy

Electricity is the most common type of energy today, although it is the youngest. Only in the second half did the first attempts begin beneficial use electricity, with the invention of the telegraph, electroplating, as well as for military purposes (experimental ships and machines on electric motors, electric fuses).

The first sources of energy were chemical reactions when metals interact through an electrically conductive liquid, in other words, “batteries”. Mass production of electricity began in the late 19th century with the invention of generators. Since that time, electricity has become not only a physical term, but also an economic, sectoral value.

Why is electrification so important for economic development?

Scientific and technological progress is impossible without the development of energy and electrification. Majority modern means mechanization and automation has an electrical basis (from a calculator to complex computing devices and computers), in addition, the partial replacement of human labor by machine can seriously increase its productivity. Electrical energy has been especially widely used to drive electric motors. Power electrical machines(depending on their purpose) is different: from fractions of a watt (micromotors used in many branches of technology and in household products) to huge values ​​exceeding a million kilowatts (generators of power plants).

It is worth noting that today there are a lot of ways to generate electricity (about a dozen), however, only 3 are mainly used - these are thermal power, nuclear and hydropower, and the first 2 methods are similar in terms of the principle of generating energy, only in the case of nuclear power thermal energy is released not by burning fossil fuels, but by nuclear fission in a reactor. Therefore, we conclude that the thermal power industry ranks second in terms of the degree of use after the electric one.

Heat energy - most often, the inhabitant encounters heat energy in the form of heating supplied to our homes during the cold seasons, as well as in the form of numerous heating devices.

It is clear from history that heating is an integral part of human life, especially in those regions of the world where summer does not last forever, so the simplest and, therefore, the earliest heating system is a fire built inside a dwelling. Later, there were its various philistine forms with clay vaults or stoves-heaters, which made it possible to accumulate heat, but the combustion products still went out first into the room, and only then into the street.

In the 1st century BC. in ancient Rome, there was a more advanced hypocaust heating system, which made it possible to receive already “pure” heat from a stone floor heated from below by furnace flue gases. Around the same time, similar systems appeared in different parts of the world, for example, the Korean “ondol”, which exists to this day, or the “gloria” that existed in Spain until the beginning of the 20th century. Around the same time, the “Russian” heating system appeared, which made a small revolution, since it was mainly designed for two-story buildings. With the advent of large industrial premises of factories and workshops, as well as multi-storey buildings in the 19th century, there was a need for a more heat-intensive system than air. So in 1802 in Russian Empire the first articles appeared about the possibility of heating with steam, and in 1816 such a greenhouse already existed in St. Petersburg. Actually, the impetus for steam heating systems was given by the widespread use of steam engines, so the exhaust steam came in handy. The century gave rise to water heating systems with forced circulation carried out using pumps. This was realized with the industrial production of electric motors.

Ways to save energy

Electrical appliance Consumption kWh/yearRadio receiver (10 W; 12.5 hours per week)22Printer (42 min. per week)33Coffee maker (800W, 4.5 hours per week)37Electric kettle (1770W, 1 liter per day)38Iron ( 1500W, 1 hour per week)39Fryer (2000W, 24 minutes per week)42Vacuum cleaner (1200W, 50 minutes per week)53VCR (standby)61Electric grill (1500W, 1 hour per week)78Bread maker (600W, 6 once a week)108 Washing machine (3000 W, 3 times a week)110 Fax with answering machine (34 W, standby)114 Oven (2000 W, 1 hour per week)121 Microwave oven (1400 W, 1.5 hours per week)122 Color TV (95 W, 20 hours a week) 146 Air conditioner (1130 W, 4.5 hours a week for 3 months) 203 Electric radiator (2000 W, 7 hours a week for 8 months) 224 Refrigerator (250 W, continuous) 226 Computer (250 Tue, 20 hours a week) 237 Lights (180 W, 3 bulbs for 4 hours a day) 250 Dishwasher (3000 W, 4 hours a week) 344 Freezer (30 W, continuous) 400 Electric stove (200 0 W, 1.25 hours per day) 438 Refrigerator with freezer (160 W, continuous) 550 Small volume water heaters (2000 W, 20 L per day) 694 Large volume water heater (2000 W, 95 L per day) 2461 Electric toothbrush (20 W) , music center (50 W), tape recorder (20 W), waffle iron (1000 W), electric drill (500 W), toaster (1000 W), kitchen hood (100 W), sewing machine(70 W), electric mixer (150 W), coffee grinder (20 W), electric meat grinder (200 W), curling iron (40 W), electric juicer (60 W), radio alarm clock (10 W), electric shaver (10 W), hair dryer (600 W), cordless phone (20 W) Max. 20 kWh per year, negligible


· maximum use of daylight (increasing the transparency and area of ​​windows, additional windows);

· increasing the reflectivity of surfaces (using interiors in bright colors);

· the use of lighting devices only when necessary;

· replacement of incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones;

· Transition to LED lighting

Electricity (in general):

· optimal placement of electrical heating devices to reduce the time and required power of their use;

· use of temperature control devices, incl. devices for automatic switching on and off, power reduction depending on temperature, timers;

· replacement of electrical heating with heating using heat pumps;

· replacement of electric heating with gas heating or connection to centralized heating, in cases where such replacement is profitable, taking into account the required investments;

· high-quality insulation of the body (walls), doors refrigeration unit, refrigerator, transparent lid in the refrigerator for products, with high-quality insulation;

· purchase of modern energy-saving refrigerators;

· prevent the formation of frost, frost in the refrigerator, defrost in time;

· high-quality heat dissipation - it is not recommended to put a household refrigerator to the battery or next to a gas stove;

· when air-conditioning, windows and doors must be closed - otherwise the air conditioner will cool the street or corridor;

· clean the filter, prevent its strong pollution;

· you need to set up automatic maintenance optimum temperature without cooling, if possible, the room below 20-22 degrees;

· consider the degree of need for the installation and use of air conditioners, including from an architectural point of view (air conditioners hanging on the facades of houses);

· it is necessary to ensure that the air conditioner is turned off at night;

· do not leave chargers for mobile devices unnecessarily plugged into the network (very important due to the increasing volume of such devices);

· try to avoid the use of extension cords, and if necessary, use good quality extension cords with heavy gauge wire.

Heat saving

· Reduction of heat losses (use of heat-saving and heat-insulating materials during construction/modernization, exterior decoration of buildings)

· Installation of heat-saving window systems and doors.

Energy saving in modern hotels

Accounting for energy resources is a fundamental condition for their saving, although the metering devices themselves cannot be considered as energy-saving equipment.

“The meter records the actual consumption of energy resources at the facility. In accordance with his testimony, settlements with the supplier are taking place, - Tatyana Kislyakova, Sales and Marketing Director of the Russian representative office of Kamstrup, comments. - Thus, the meter stimulates energy saving, making it cost-effective for the consumer. In addition, competent service engineers need instrument readings to analyze the efficiency of building engineering systems and determine the most promising areas for its optimization.”

The meter records only the actual consumption, and in accordance with its indicators, settlements are made with the energy supplier. Allows you to track the volume of use of a particular resource and thus stimulates energy saving. In addition, meter readings allow competent maintenance engineers to analyze the performance of building systems, as well as identify problems.

But just installing metering devices is not enough to save resources. So, for example, some hotels of the old construction (before the 90s) are still connected to heating networks according to a dependent scheme and have elevator nodes at the entrance to the building. Most of them are already equipped with metering units. However, the outdated heat supply scheme does not allow regulating the amount of incoming heat and makes any measures to reduce heat costs pointless. In some cases, it is even necessary to use special collectors for additional cooling of the coolant at the outlet of the building, since the penalty for returning superheated water to the city network is much higher than the possible savings on heating.

For this reason, the installation of a meter is recommended to be accompanied by measures to modernize an outdated heating system: equipping a hotel with an ITP (individual heating point) with control loops at the level of heat supply to the building and at the level of heat distribution by zones and types of consumers (ventilation, radiator heating, underfloor heating, hot water supply, etc.), balancing the load of the heating system by consumers. According to Danfoss experts, thermal energy savings due to these measures is at least 30%. The same control principle should be applied to the cold center when creating the building's refrigeration supply system.

Even if the hotel is equipped with modern energy-saving equipment and has control loops at the level of heating / cooling supply of the building and at the level of distribution of heat / cooling by zones and types of consumers, its operating modes are most often set manually on local, unrelated controllers, which leads to to the uncoordinated operation of the entire system as a whole. In the vast majority of hotels there is no detailed accounting, which is why regulation has to be carried out virtually "blindly", without the ability to assess the effect of a particular action.

According to Vyacheslav Golubev, chief engineer of the Moscow hotel "Budapest", the hotel has an ITP with a modern automation system that allows the dispatcher to control the main parameters of the heating system and hot water in general. However, the temperature in the rooms is maintained using thermostats - devices not controlled by the hotel's engineering service dispatcher, which negatively affects the energy savings (heat, cold) both in the occupied and in the free room. The guest often, in order to achieve the desired temperature in the room as soon as possible, sets the extreme positions of the thermostat setting switch, usually this is min. + 10 and poppy. + 30°C, while he himself can then be outside the room, which leads to unjustified "overheating" or "hypothermia" of the room. After the room is vacated, it is the maids' responsibility to set the thermostat to the economy mode (approximately +18°C), but it is not possible to follow this.

That is, the efficiency of energy saving here depends on the human factor - the conscientiousness of the hotel staff and the consciousness of the guest.

The lack of the possibility of remote control and differentiated accounting does not allow tracking the correctness of the equipment operation modes. Accordingly, the possibilities for planning and evaluating the effectiveness of energy-saving measures are limited. In addition, any malfunction in the operation of engineering systems can only be detected with a direct bypass of the engineer or upon receipt of complaints from the guests.

These measures are effective when implemented together. However, in our country, as always, Western experience is adopted very selectively and fragmentarily, in principle nullifying its effectiveness.

So, for the vast majority of Russian hotels, the pinnacle of the struggle is to reduce energy costs by installing energy-saving lamps, motion sensors, and using access keys to supply electricity to the room. At the same time, energy saving measures rarely affect the heating, cooling, ventilation and air conditioning systems of the hotel, although they account for the lion's share of the costs.


Supplement to Kommersant Buisness Guide 2010

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Thermal power engineering

Nuclear power

energy saving

Electronic journal of the energy service company "Ecological Systems" No. 9, 2008