Hacker articles. How do you become a hacker? Who is a hacker

Information security skills are now in high demand. As people strive to make an application out of everything and connect even the most primitive devices to the Internet, the demand will only grow. Therefore, it is not surprising that today everyone wants to learn hacking.

However, on many forums you can meet beginners who do not know where to start learning hacking or where to practice it. Especially for them, we present a selection of sites where you can acquire and improve hacking skills.

Note translation The sites below are available in English only.


CTF365 users install and protect their own servers while simultaneously attacking other users' servers. CTF365 is suitable for security professionals who want to gain offensive skills, or system administrators interested in improving their defensive skills. If you're new to infosec, you can register for a free beginner account and get familiar with it using a few pre-configured vulnerable servers.


OverTheWire is suitable for anyone who wants to learn the theory of information security and apply it in practice, regardless of their experience. Beginners should start with the Bandit level problems as they are essential for further solving other problems.


Hacking-Lab provides CTF challenges for the European Cyber ​​Security Challenge, but they also host regular competitions on their platform that anyone can participate in. Just register, set up a VPN and choose a task to your liking.


This site focuses on pwn tasks, similar to CTF, the essence of which is to search, read and send flag files that are in each task. To access the contents of the files, you must use programming, reverse engineering, or vulnerability exploitation skills before you can submit a solution.

The tasks are divided into 4 difficulty levels: easy - for beginners, medium, complex and hardcore, where the tasks require non-standard approaches to solution.


IO is a wargame from the creators of netgarage.org, a community where like-minded people share knowledge about security, artificial intelligence, VR and much more. 3 versions of the wargame were created: IO, IO64 and IOarm, of all of them IO is the most mature. Connect to IO via SSH and you can get to work.


SmashTheStack consists of 7 different wargames: Amateria, Apfel (currently offline), Blackbox, Blowfish, CTF (currently offline), Logic and Tux. Each wargame contains many tasks, ranging from standard vulnerabilities to reverse engineering tasks.


Microcorruption is a CTF where you have to "reverse" fictional Lockitall electronic locking devices. Lockitall devices protect bonds stored in warehouses owned by the fictional company Cy Yombinator. On your journey to stealing bonds, you'll become familiar with assembly language, learn how to use the debugger, step through code, set breakpoints, and explore memory.


Here you can find 26 problems to test your hacking and reverse engineering skills. The site has not been updated since late 2012, but the existing problems continue to be valuable learning resources.


Hack This Site is a free wargame site to test and improve your hacking skills. We can find a variety of hacking tasks in several categories, including basic tasks, realistic tasks, applications, programming, phreaking, JavaScript, forensics, steganography, etc. The site also boasts an active community with a large catalog of hacker articles and a forum for discussing security-related issues. It was recently announced that the site's code base will be overhauled, so we can expect big improvements in the coming months.


W3Challs is a learning platform with a variety of challenges in various categories including hacking, wargaming, forensics, cryptography, steganography and programming. The purpose of the platform is to provide realistic challenges. Depending on the complexity of the problem solved, you receive points. There is also a forum where you can discuss and solve problems with other participants.


The pwn0 site is a VPN where almost anything happens. Fight against bots or users and score points by gaining control of other systems.


Exploit Exercises offers a variety of virtual machines, documentation, and exercises to help you learn privilege escalation, vulnerability analysis, exploit development, debugging, reverse engineering, and more.


RingZer0 Team Online CTF offers over 200 challenges that will test your hacking skills in several areas - from cryptography, malware analysis to SQL injection, shellcoding and much more. Once you have found a solution to the problem, you can send it to RingZer0 Team. If your decision is accepted, you will receive RingZer0Gold, which can be exchanged for hints while solving problems.


On Hellbound Hackers you can find traditional tasks with exploits and task formats that are not available on other resources. For example, application patching and time-limited tasks. In patching tasks, you are given a vulnerable piece of code and you need to propose a fix for this vulnerability.


Try2Hack is one of the oldest hacking improvement sites still in business. It offers several challenges to keep you entertained. The tasks are varied and become more difficult as you progress.


Hack.me is a large collection of vulnerable web applications for practicing hacking skills. All applications are provided by the community and each can be run on the fly in a secure, isolated sandbox.


HackThis!! consists of 50+ tasks of different levels, for solving each of which you receive a certain number of points depending on the level of difficulty. Similar to Hack This Site, HackThis!! there's also a vibrant community, numerous articles and news about hacking, and a forum where you can discuss security challenges and issues.


Enigma Group contains over 300 tasks with a focus on the top 10 OWASP exploits. The site has nearly 48,000 active members and hosts weekly CTF competitions, as well as weekly and monthly competitions.


Google Gruyere shows how web application vulnerabilities can be exploited and how to protect against it. You will be able to do real penetration testing and actually hack a real application using attacks like XSS and XSRF.


Game of Hacks shows you a set of code snippets in the form of a multiple choice quiz and you have to identify the correct vulnerability in the code. This site stands out a bit from this list, but it is still a good game for identifying vulnerabilities in your code.


Root Me offers over 200 challenges and over 50 virtual environments, allowing you to put your hacking skills to practice in a variety of scenarios. This is definitely one of the best sites on this list.


While CTFtime is not a hacking site like others on this list, it is a great resource to stay up to date with CTF competitions happening around the world. So if you are interested in joining a CTF team or competing in a competition, this is the place to look.

As soon as computer technologies began to penetrate our lives, those immediately appeared who found ways to use them for other purposes. It won’t surprise anyone today that hackers can hack your computer, steal photos from your smartphone, steal money from a plastic card, or hack into a website. Thousands of such cases occur every day. What else can hackers do, where are the limits of their ingenuity? A selection of hackers' tricks is in this post.

1) Hackers can break into a car

Modern cars are equipped with on-board computers that control various systems. Two American programmers were able to clearly demonstrate that this is unsafe. They took control of a jeep of a journalist who was going to meet them, and they did it while sitting at home, from a laptop, connecting to the on-board computer via the Internet.

“I was driving at about 110 kilometers per hour in the suburbs of St. Louis and suddenly realized that a break-in had begun. At first, despite the fact that I had not even touched the instrument panel, icy air began to blow on me from the air ducts of my Jeep Cherokee, and the seat ventilation also turned on. Suddenly, the radio from the hip-hop radio station switched to another wave, and Skee-Lo sounded at full blast from the speakers. Unable to bear it, I sharply pulled the gearshift lever to the left and pressed the engine start button - but, as you probably guessed, to no avail. Jets of water sprayed from the washer nozzles onto the windshield, and the windshield wipers started working,” the driver said. The hackers didn't stop there; they soon showed that they could lock the car's doors, change gears, turn off and start the engine, and control the steering.

And this is by no means an isolated case, for example, recently a team from a university in California was able to take over control of a car using a regular mobile phone.

2) Hackers can hack an air defense system, a satellite, an airport, or even a factory.

In the summer of 2015, unknown hackers hacked an air defense system located in Turkey, which consisted of two radars and 6 American-made Patriot installations. No one was injured as a result of the hack, but the installations were executing “unexplained commands.”

American satellites also became victims of hackers. In recent years, according to the US government, hackers have seized control of four satellites, two of them multiple times. The satellites that studied climate and monitored the Earth's surface were not damaged, but the government report suggests that hackers could have damaged or destroyed the satellites if they had wanted to. The US suspects hackers from China in this attack.

In the summer of 2015, hackers broke into Warsaw airport. Unknown attackers canceled all flights and disabled the passenger check-in system. The airport was closed for about five hours, and fifteen hundred people were unable to fly on time.

And at the end of 2014, hackers broke into a metallurgical plant in Germany. As a result of a targeted attack, plant workers lost control of the equipment, the plant was shut down and significant damage was caused to it.

3) Hackers can hack the media, television and the Internet

In the Internet era, it is not difficult for hackers to seize control of the media. So, at the beginning of 2015, hackers, having hacked into the accounts of several leading American media, such as the New York Post, reported about an armed clash between US and Chinese ships and the beginning of the third world war.

Hackers have also hacked into television more than once. So, back in 2002, adherents of the Falun Gong sect, banned in China, hacked Chinese satellite television, launching their own commercial on all TV channels. Not limited to this, the sectarians also hacked Beijing's telephone network, as a result of which city residents had to listen to the sect's sermons over the phone.

And this video was seen in 2007 by viewers of Czech television, hacked by hackers:

The Czechs did not understand that this was a joke and got scared, flooding the TV channel with calls.

In May 2015, hackers broke into the Internet in the Moscow metro. Passengers who were used to using free Wi-Fi saw porn pictures instead of the necessary sites.

4) Hackers can spy on you.

Today, when laptops and mobile devices are equipped with microphones, video cameras, and GPS sensors, hackers can easily monitor your every move. They will know where you are and secretly watch you through webcams.

Last year, a scandal erupted in the UK when the British learned that the data from many cameras not only in offices, shops, etc., but also in their homes, had been hacked, and anyone could watch a live broadcast of the image from them on a special website created Russian hackers. Hackers simply made money on this site by placing advertisements there.

5) What else can hackers hack?

In fact, we could go on and on about what they can do. For example, hackers can remotely steal money from your phone and even the newest plastic card with a chip that you have in your pocket. Hackers can hack your TV, refrigerator, stereo or any other modern “smart” device. Hackers can hack traffic lights, advertising screens, electronic signs, automatic gates and barriers, city lighting and power supplies, and even water supply and sewerage systems.

And all this is not as difficult as it might seem. In this video, one of the Dutch hackers demonstrates his abilities:

One can only guess what other consequences the widespread introduction of new technologies may lead to in the near future.

Word hacker comes from the English “hacker”, “to hack”, the latter is translated as “hack”, “shred”.

Previously, a hacker was a highly professional computer specialist who solved computer problems in an unusual, non-standard way.

In other words, he was a computer genius who had a creative approach to solving intricate, complex computer problems and could quickly correct errors in programs in a non-standard way.

Times change. Now the meaning of the word hacker has changed and ordinary users consider a hacker to be a computer hacker.

Along with the word "hacker" there is the word " cracker”, which in English is written as “cracker”, “to crack”, translates as “to split, break”. But among ordinary users, the word “hacker” has become widespread precisely in the understanding of a computer burglar.

Wizards, as well as geniuses, are good and evil. Likewise, hackers in the modern sense of the word are good (white) and evil (black).

White hat hackers find flaws in computer programs, report them, and help fix them.

Black hackers also look for vulnerabilities in programs, but having found them, they use these vulnerabilities for personal gain.

Hackers engage in hacking for a good purpose, or for the sake of self-interest, sometimes just for the sake of “sports interest”, just to hack. Let's look at this phenomenon (what hackers do) from different angles.

There is an idea that hacking is compulsive programming, a mental disorder, so to speak, manifested in an irresistible desire to install the latest, most modern version of this or that software on your personal computer.

Such behavior can be called computer addiction, as a result of which a person stops responding to others and becomes indifferent to everything except the computer. According to statistics, this behavior is typical of people who have worked in programming for about ten years or more.

There is also the right to exist version that hacking can be called a certain group of people or community passionate about developing, improving and hacking programs. This phenomenon arose quite a long time ago, with the advent of early microcomputers and user groups united by common interests.

Now hackers are people who are engaged in network hacking, creating various virus programs and other activities that sometimes turn into outright fraud, prosecuted by law.

Benefit from hackers

Sometimes hackers are people who have extensive knowledge in the field of computer technology and who are true professionals in their field. For such people, hacking brings a lot of pleasure, but it also requires a lot: responsibility, patience, and sometimes restrictions on freedom to ensure personal safety (almost like intelligence officers).

And, for example, some large software development companies specifically employ hackers on their staff so that they look for vulnerabilities in the programs developed by such a company. There is a known case when Google specially organized a competition among hackers to hack its software for the purpose of subsequent modification and protection. And this is far from the only example of this kind.

People become hackers for various reasons. Such activities should bring moral satisfaction and/or material benefits. Being a hacker, as I wrote above, does not mean only being a hacker and a pest on the Internet. Many hackers use their knowledge in areas such as music, games, etc.

It is believed that a hacker should always be visible, but not advertise his personal data: first name, last name, address, etc. That is why real hackers are quite easy to distinguish from the so-called “crackers” who try to imitate them.

Crackers are constantly visible to users and because of this they often get into trouble with the law. Hackers try not to have any cooperation with crackers. However, ordinary users do not distinguish between hackers and crackers.

Punishment for hacking

In accordance with the law, severe punishment is provided for hacking computers, forcible destruction of information data, and the production and distribution of malicious programs, which is almost equivalent to war crimes. In war it’s like in war! In the Russian Federation, hacking is punishable by large fines, up to imprisonment, under two main “hacking” articles:

  • Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – “Illegal access to computer information” and
  • Article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – “Violation of the rules for operating means of storing, processing or transmitting computer information.”

Some hackers therefore try to register their IP addresses, by which they and their malicious activities can be identified, found and stopped, in third world countries where there is no corresponding legal framework, thereby hoping to avoid liability.

For decades since the creation of operating systems, the problem of protecting personal data has not been addressed, but today this is one of the most pressing issues in the Internet space. Since the moment the Internet has firmly entered our way of life, it has become an instant means of exchanging messages, filling out reports, paying bills, it is very important to maintain the confidentiality of information.

People began to pay attention to this problem several years ago after an incident with an American bank, which lost about 500 thousand dollars from its account in a matter of minutes. The bank administration immediately turned to specialized analytical computer centers for help, which began searching for problems that had arisen in the system’s protection system against unauthorized access from outside. Of course, hackers were to blame for this case; they hacked the system and stole the money. Of course, the crime was later solved.

Today, almost everyone knows how to spell the word “hacker.” This concept has entered modern life, but is not yet completely clear to everyone. So who are these people and what does the word “hacker” mean? Let's try to understand the details.

general information

So, what kind of people are these hackers? The word “hacker” has a fairly wide range of meanings. They are all close in meaning. How is the word "hacker" translated? It is believed that this concept stems from the English word “to hack” - literally translated as “to chop”, that is, to understand. This term is applicable specifically to the computer field; you can see completely different expressions with this term: hack in computer games, hack in computer parameters, hack in the functioning of software.

Interpretation of the meaning of the word

So, there are several meanings of the term in question. In the understanding that a hacker is a person who is well versed in computer software, of course, we will not stop. There are other interpretations, after all. Let's take a closer look at the history of the word "hacker" and the meaning of this term.

At the lowest level we can identify hackers who do just that - “hack”. Such a hacker is a person who hacks various Internet resources, making them public to everyone. Thanks to the activities of such individuals, the average Internet user receives torrent links, cracks of new video games, and free keys for licensed software components. As a rule, such hackers carry out hacking for their own benefit, that is, for amateur interest, self-development in this area, to show themselves as a specialist, to show off in front of the public. In the latter case, special hacks appear on the Internet, signed by hackers like hack Mr.N. As a rule, a person does not stay at this level for long. Either he develops and turns this fun into working on truly complex projects, or he gives up at various barriers in the work process.

When is hacking no longer fun?

The sentence with the word “hacker” is not clear to everyone. But those who know how serious this activity is may well realize that sooner or later such an activity ceases to be just entertainment. Hackers are both specialists who help companies or individuals protect business/personal information and criminals.

The next level is occupied by hackers who are masters in computer information security. The interpretation of the word “hacker” in this case is as follows: this is a specialist who is engaged in a close study of the Internet space, looking for various schemes and ways to bypass resource limitations. And when he finds such ones, he tries to develop his own concept for protecting such a software hole. This meaning of the word “hacker” is very often equated with a system administrator or system administrator. At this stage, the hacker no longer cares whether he will be adored in the Internet space; he does not particularly want to show himself on the Internet and is engaged in analyzing the space out of simple personal interest.

Hacking is a way of existence

The next lexical meaning of the word “hacker” is a person interested and passionate about working in the field of information security. He already fully understands how the Internet network works, understands various methods of manipulating this space, and creates various technological tools and program scripts for any purposes he needs. As a rule, at this stage a person returns again to make himself known on the Internet. But no longer for popularity and attention. The goals here are completely different, the person now wants to find a real working base for his knowledge, that is, he needs customers.

What are the characteristics of being a hacker?

Let us dwell on the interpretation that a hacker is a cracker specializing in the computer field, with the highest level of skills, who is capable of breaking the security of an information system. The hacker's work is characterized by the following personal characteristics:

  1. A person must be highly erudite, quickly understand new daily technological and software innovations, and immediately develop methods for administering new components.
  2. Patience and the desire to find as much information as possible. Before actual work, the hacker conducts a preliminary analysis of the system. From all kinds of registers, closed and open sources, he searches for information about the resource.
  3. Tricks and everything to achieve goals. Sometimes, in order to obtain reliable information, you have to arm yourself with illegal means, such as listening to the client, connecting to his website or even the laptop’s webcam.

Timeliness is the main principle of a hacker

As a rule, preparing for hacking and collecting information takes quite a lot of time, unlike the work itself. Hacking is carried out in just a few minutes so that the system does not have time to detect foreign elements in its database. The hacker chooses the simplest hacking methods, since complex methods can lead to unexpected errors.

Anonymity on the Internet

The hacker operates under a false name, a VPN address, and carefully hides his data in the Internet database. Thinks through various methods through which you can quickly exit the system, leaving false traces. It is also necessary to carry out deliberately false system attacks before the decisive hack. This is done in order to distract system workers and analyze their level of competence in this area. A hacker is also characterized by a high level of programming. For hacking, only our own programs and scripts are used. Very often scripts are used that are automatically destroyed after the operation is completed.

How long does it take to learn hacking skills?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. There are a number of factors at play here. For example, what does the word “hacker” mean to you? If you imagine a hacker as the first-level craftsman described above, then you don’t have to study at all. Similar “hacker” programs and scripts are available in the public domain. All that remains for a person to do is press a couple of buttons. Of course, everyone starts at this level, and if you are interested in this topic, then you will try to create your own individual hacking programs. This is where this characteristic training in hacker art comes into play.

What is a hack?

Hacking systems is considered a difficult process and literally means actions that are aimed at eliminating restrictions on access to a certain database or certain resources. How does this hack happen in practice? There are various methods and methods for hacking resources:

  1. Analysis of the source that needs to be hacked, searching for vulnerabilities in its system. Of course, systems are also developed by real people who are trying to do everything to ensure that there are no failures in this system. Nothing is perfect - this is precisely the principle that hackers adhere to. Carefully examining the system, they wait for it to fail - bugs, which are used to hack system data. In this case, the hacker needs to quickly implement his idea due to a system failure, and administrators need to quickly eliminate the problem that has arisen. Administrators should make a new version of their product with new product features as quickly as possible. This method, of course, has many difficulties: perfect knowledge of programming, knowledge of the system, product analytics, selection of program code, as well as incredible patience are required.
  2. Brute force is too much. This method is based on the brute force principle to find the required key to access the program. This has its own difficulties: there may be a thousand options for keys, suitable computer software for compiling the code, access scripts to the system, restrictions from one IP address.
  3. The psychological method is considered quite ambiguous, because the interaction occurs directly with the person. Hacking in this case is aimed specifically at a person. You need to gain trust and find out all the data necessary for work. The most famous hacker in this direction is Kevin Mitnick.

Stealing code data

In the psychological method for stealing a password, a direct influence is made on a person, an attempt is made to lead him through a system of false arguments to personal information. Here are some other methods hackers use to gain access to personal or corporate information:

  • analysis of information stored in the system;
  • viewing entered passwords through the administration system;
  • external media with saved passwords;
  • sometimes even looking at personal notes and diaries, which may contain relevant and necessary information.

There is also a method for selecting passwords through special programs. A hacker can organize viewing of files stored on a computer's hard drive. A thorough analysis will show which files in the directories and storage areas of your hard drive contain errors. Based on the errors already found, hacking will be carried out, an attempt to take over the administrative parameters of the computer. In order not to be visible in the system, the hacker uses the principle of anonymity and quickly removing his presence in the system registry.

User cart analysis

Very often, a computer user believes that deleting a file and then emptying the Recycle Bin completely removes unnecessary materials from the computer's operating system. However, it is precisely in this ignorance that the hacker catches the user, who really likes to tinker with such a garbage heap. As a rule, among such unnecessary and forgotten information by the user there is a lot of useful information.

Why do people do this?

As a rule, curiosity, a hobby, a habit always develop into a favorite activity that can feed you in life. This is what happens in this case too. Hackers who achieve recognition find their way in life. And what it will be like depends entirely on the personal qualities of the person. Someone is trying to make money by hacking into the computers of individuals and organizations, contrary to moral rules, and always balancing on the fine line of the law. Others try to organize a much more legitimate life, analyze a certain organization, find their own flaws in it, hack this system and propose their candidacy within the framework of protecting the information data of this organization.

Should the average user be afraid of a hacker attack?

Don't assume that hackers only want big companies. Every day there are more and more cases where hackers attack desktop computers of users connected to the Internet that are unprepared (or poorly protected) for intrusion. The attack can also come from the inside - from a spyware program that penetrates along with a file downloaded from the Internet.

Hacker division

Based on a person's beliefs and desire to make a profit, there are different meanings of the word "hacker" within a given culture.

At the first level described above, they are guided by white hat - hackers who set their goals to heroically help other people. They hack various paid programs to provide people with free access, develop bot programs, cheating configurations for the gaming industry, consisting of a special code that gives an advantage in the gaming environment. Actually, these people earn their share of income from such actions.

There is a category of so-called blach hat. Literally this term can be translated as a villain. These are exactly the hackers who carry out their activities not for the people, but in order to tell the people something. They hack and change the structure of organizations, groups, websites, adding their slogans there. They hack street banners to write their own message on them. In everyday life, such hackers are usually called crackers.

The main principle of their cyber-attacks is dudos, changing the appearance of a resource, including obscene notes in large font in public places, hacking the user’s personal information with the introduction of the following for unknown purposes, zombifying users’ computers for the purpose of using them as a botnet for mass distribution of data. A few hackers have as their goal the complete destruction of the original resource in order to seize the fundamental component of the project’s structure. And here there can be no other words; professional crackers cannot but be called criminals.

There is also a group of hackers called phreakers. Their main specialization is hacking telephone networks. Why is this being done? In most cases, the ultimate goal is to be able to make a free phone call from absolutely anywhere in the world.

Famous Russian hackers

Igor Klopov is considered one of the most famous Russian hackers. He was the head of his own hacker organization, which included graduates of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Hackers have hacked more than one famous person. A group of 5 people was able to rob many famous Western millionaires. We searched for potential clients very simply, focusing on the world-famous Forbes magazine.

However, American law enforcement agencies noticed this group and themselves led Klopov to a wealthy client in the United States. As it always happens: a man was ruined by his greed. The Russian hacker was promptly discovered and caught in New York, where he was convicted in 2008.

Vladimir Levin is a Russian hacker who managed to hack Citibank and withdraw $13 million from its account. The crime, of course, was solved. All money has been returned to the bank account. The convict was also detained in the United States, since Russian legislation did not have articles corresponding to the cyber threat.

Thus, the goal of the attacker is, having studied the existing security of the organizational system, to develop the necessary requirements and conditions for increasing the level of its security. On the other hand, the main goal of a cracker is to specifically hack a system in order to gain unauthorized access to someone else's personal information.

iPhone media phone users may finally get dual Bluetooth support for audio signals when they buy the iPhone 11. Perhaps after getting rid of the headphone jack, Apple has made wireless audio a priority for the iPhone 11. A new report from Mac Otakara mentions that the newest phone The iPhone can have dual Bluetooth output, allowing two people to start sharing music from two different AirPods at the same time.

Apple multimedia phone rumors and news: iPhone 11 may debut with dual Bluetooth audio and other specifications.

Technically, current iPhone software allows you to connect multiple Bluetooth devices, but audio signals can only go out to one of them. Some Android multimedia phones already have this capability, but usually suffer from synchronization issues. For experimenters, to support the new feature, you only need to update your iPhone to the latest version.

Apple is now exploring ways to transmit two audio signals to a single iPhone. Having multiple audio streams means a user can connect two pairs of AirPods to one iPhone. You can also connect your phone to the speaker's Bluetooth system without disconnecting your Bluetooth headset. There's a lot of room here, but wireless audio still has room for improvement.

Wireless charging of AirPods with iPhone.

It is also expected that in addition to dual Bluetooth for audio, the iPhone 11 multimedia phone will be released with two-way wireless charging. In this feature, iPhone users can charge their AirPod by placing the case on the back of the iPhone, drawing power from the phone's battery.

Bluetooth 5.0 in multimedia phones.

Samsung smartphones already have this feature, but they require Bluetooth 5.0 to work properly. Apple could implement dual audio in the same way, since many older iPhones already support Bluetooth 5.0.

What kind of Bluetooth is needed for audio transmission?

Thus, iPhone owners will need Bluetooth 5.0 technology to enable Dual Bluetooth Audio communication, which can be extended to older phone models such as the iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone 8 and iPhone X through a software update to Apple's iOS mobile system.

Will there be 5G connectivity on the iPhone 11?

However, all iPhones in 2019 will not receive 5G technology, as there is a chance that this is now being pushed back to 2020.

Installing Touch ID and Face ID on iPhone 11.

Finally, the iPhone 11 could bring back Touch ID. A new report says Apple plans to introduce Touch ID along with Face ID to create dual biometric security.

iPhone 11 release date.

Technology news is expected that the new iPhone 11 line will be announced by Apple in the fall, in September (presumably).

It seems technology corporation Apple is moving on to something bigger and better. It's possible that those on the fence about buying an iPhone may finally have the latest version of the iPhone.

Live Home 3D is the successor to the Live Interior 3D program from the developer BeLight Software. And is powerful yet user-friendly home design software that allows you to build your dream home right on your Apple Mac or Microsoft Windows computer. It doesn't matter whether you are a homeowner who is planning some upcoming home improvements or a professional interior designer trying to bridge the gap between ideas and visualizations. Multilingual Live Home 3D can help you.

3D software news: Review of Live Home 3D, the best program for creating home design.

Creating 3D models of houses is becoming popular. Live Home 3D is an advanced program for creating 3D home design. For those who have ever dreamed of designing their dream home on a computer (Mac, Windows) or tablet with the iOS platform. The Live Home 3D app and program can do this. Live Home 3D software as a tool can help both homeowners planning to renovate their home and various levels of interior design professionals who want to visualize current projects in 3D. In addition to providing advanced home design tools, Live Home 3D Pro has remarkable export quality and viewing mode.

Video review of Live Home 3D: Introduction.

Overview of Live Home 3D editor functions:

- Work in 2D and 3D environments;

Live Home 3D, as a multi-functional program for creating 3D house plans, will help you create detailed 2D floor plans and automatically build the structure in 3D. You can trace an imported floor plan or start from scratch using the software's smart tools.

- Apply materials and add furniture;

You can design and decorate your interior by optimizing furniture placement and making smart color schemes. Live Home 3D makes decorating a room fun.

- Rich collection of 3D objects;

A program for creating a 3D model of a house allows you to fill out the interior. You can choose from the built-in 3D library of many sofas, chairs, kitchen sets, appliances, doors and other items. What's more, integration with Trimble 3D Warehouse (a popular search service and 3D model hosting repository) allows you to download thousands of free 3D models from an online repository.

- Creation of 2D house floor plans;

Start your interior design project by drawing a 2D floor plan using intuitive drawing tools. Measure rooms and walls in just a couple of clicks. Add furniture, doors and windows. Set up cameras and film tracks to capture interior design.

- 3D rendering in real time;

What else can a program do to create a 3D house model? Switch between views to see and walk around the structure in 3D. Make changes to your home design in a simple drag-and-drop workflow. Arrange furniture, paint walls, adjust lighting and create realistic, beautiful 3D environments in real time.

- Collections of furniture and materials for the home;

Know the furniture layout and color scheme of any room before you start painting or order paint. Drag and drop furniture, decorations, doors and more from a 3D library of over 1,500 items and easily change fabrics, colors and finishes using over 2,100 included materials.

- Export a 3D house project.

Creating houses in 3D is a fascinating phenomenon. Design work lives both inside and outside of Live Home 3D. You can make changes to your 3D design and share the results with clients, colleagues, friends and family.

Video tutorial on Live Home 3D for Windows: Creating a floor plan.

Educational video review of Live Home 3D for iOS: Creating a floor plan.

Live Home 3D for Windows video tutorial: Creating a floor plan

After persistent rumors in the news, Apple has finally updated the iPod Touch multimedia player model, introducing the world to a new 2019 model. Over the past few months, rumors about a seventh-generation iPod Touch player have given it a chance to hit the market. The new iPod Touch's hardware has been upgraded with a faster A10 Fusion chip (but the same chip used in the iPhone 7). The memory capacity has been expanded and now reaches up to 256 GB (a memory record for an iPod), and the price for the new product from Apple starts from 249 Euros or from 199 US dollars.

Apple gadget news: Apple remembers fans of the iPod Touch player and has released a new iPod for the first time since 2015.

With the new A10 Fusion chip, iPod Touch supports augmented reality and FaceTime group calling for the first time. The hardware platform update, which, combined with innovations introduced in the iOS platform, will allow iPod Touch users to use it in the same way as a gaming platform. The debut of the Apple Arcade service is planned for the fall (the company announced it back in March).

New features of the iPod Touch player

The iPod Touch's screen remains a 4-inch Retina resolution, with thick bezels at the top and bottom, similar to the iPhone 5S. The design and the Home button without the Touch ID function are also preserved.

The Cupertino-based company claims the A10 Fusion chipset offers 2x the CPU speed and 3x the GPU speed of the previous generation iPod. Thanks to the new chip, iPod Touch now supports ARKit apps for augmented reality apps and Group FaceTime.

Another small hardware update. The camera compartment includes an 8-megapixel rear camera and a 1.2-megapixel front camera for FaceTime. The declared battery life of the player can reach 40 hours when playing audio and 8 hours when playing video.

The weight and thickness of the iPod Touch are 88 grams and 6.1 mm, respectively. iPod touch's ultra-thin and lightweight design has always made it ideal for music, gaming and more, wherever you go.

The new iPod Touch also includes EarPods with a 3.5mm headphone jack.

Apple Vice President of Product Marketing Greg Joswiak said: "We've enhanced the lower-cost iOS device with twice the performance of before, augmented reality and Group FaceTime."

A little history about the iPod.

There is one interesting story behind the Apple iPod connected to its popularity. In 2008, iPod sales were at their peak. More than 55 million players, approximately how many Apple sold them back then. New sales of players are coming and a new history of iPod Touch versions begins.

What colors does the iPod Touch have?

Apple confirms that the new iPod Touch variant is now available for purchase in Pink, Silver, Gold, Star Grey, Blue and Red.

Sales of the new iPod Touch and prices in the store.

In twenty-seven countries, starting Tuesday, the updated iPod touch is available for online ordering. The new iPod Touch has a lower price than most iPhones on sale. In particular, official prices are set as follows:

For a model with 32 GB of memory - from 199 dollars or 249 euros;
- For the version with 128 GB of memory - 299 dollars or 359 euros;
- And for the version with 256 GB of memory - 399 dollars or 469 euros.

Whether you play in a group or for yourself, all musicians need a good ear for harmony, melody and rhythm. Using songs from your music collection, the professional Capo program from developer SuperMegaUltraGroovy Inc. guesses the rhythms, chords and keys of songs quickly enough to help the musician break them down into separate parts. Capo's unique technology helps musicians quickly learn their favorite material, improving their hearing.

News of programs and applications for musicians: The Capo training program will help you master your favorite songs without musical tabs (tablature) or notes.

So, the music program Capo SuperMegaUltraGroovy will help you, as a musician, learn to play songs by ear from your music collection. With sophisticated and easy-to-use features, you'll learn to play more songs in less time.

Capo, as a program for beginning musicians, allows you to play your favorite songs in a special way so that they can hear the notes and learn how those notes sound.

Capo also uses a combination of advanced signal processing and machine learning to help you learn songs by ear. The program's powerful, easy-to-use tools allow you to drill down into the details of your recording so you can learn to play songs more accurately and in less time.

The main functions of the Capo music program:

- Listen to notes more clearly.

Slow down, solo instruments and listen to quickly played notes frozen in time.

- Start playing songs faster.

Automatically detected chords and rhythms will give the musician a huge advantage when learning new tracks.

- Start from where the musician left off.

SuperMegaUltraGroovy Capo projects store changes a musician makes to chords, cyclic regions, and even the location of the playback point to return to.

- Work with the tab, hear every note.

Use your computer mouse to draw notes inside the spectrogram. As you click and highlight each note, hear it play as the tablature is automatically generated for you. Now there's no need to keep a notepad handy for solo transcribing!

More details about the program for musicians, Capo:

Capo can open, play and analyze songs, tunes purchased from the iTunes Store, as well as WAV and AIFF audio files, as well as M4A and MP3 files.

- Get chords.

Capo, as an advanced software SuperMegaUltraGroovy, analyzes songs uploaded by a musician by “listening” to them, and then displays all the chords that he hears. In addition to naming chords, Capo can show diagrams for guitarists, ukuleles, banjos, mandolins and 4-6 string bassists. Everyone makes mistakes and when Capo software misses a chord or makes a mistake, you can easily correct the detected chords and your changes will be saved with the song. You can specify alternative chord voices, and a left-handed mode. Yes, this music program has left hand mode.

- Change speed.

Slow down (or speed up) your music without changing its pitch, so musicians can practice recording at a comfortable pace. The computer program has a high-quality time dilation mechanism. It ensures that music sounds great at any speed. You can export the adjusted songs for use in other applications or on other electronic devices.

- Metronome and counter.

Practice like a pro and improve your timing by playing along with the song's synchronized track. Use the counting feature to give yourself a bar or two to take a deep breath before rocking out to your favorite songs.

- Change the key.

Quickly change the music to a different key so you can play or sing along with it comfortably. Chords and chord diagrams immediately update to reflect the new key as you drag the pitch slider.

- Repeat playback.

Loop sections of a song for practice or sharing by creating regions. Simply drag the waveform to create looping regions that are time-locked and time-locked to the original recordings. Label the looping areas or color code them to keep them organized. Or export your parts for use in other applications.

- Removing or eliminating instruments and vocals.

Thanks to Capo's advanced SuperMegaUltraGroovy isolation effect, a musician can more easily hear parts of the song they're trying to learn by simply adjusting a few sliders. Extract the sound of one instrument or vocal to hear it more clearly, or exclude it to create your own backing track.

All your work while learning a song (such as editing chords or creating loops) is saved while working in the Project. When you open this song again, you'll be ready to pick up where you left off. You can also share your projects and collaborate with students, friends, or classmates using email, AirDrop, messages, or simply copying the project to another Mac computer.

- Exchange projects between devices.

Easily shares your work between an Apple Mac computer and an Apple iPhone phone or iPad tablet when the musician also has Capo touch (this is a mobile application for the iOS system, it is purchased separately in the Apple iTunes App Store). With Apple's iCloud cloud service, any changes you make to your songs are kept up to date across all your devices, so you can be ready to pick up where you left off, regardless of whether you made changes on yours. computer or while traveling on the road.

- Create tablature.

Record the notes you hear in the song simply by using your mouse to click on the notes you see on the spectrogram. You no longer need to keep a notepad handy to transcribe a solo because your transcriptions are saved when you go back to study or play a song.

- Add a "virtual Capo" or select alternative settings.

It is possible to quickly audition the chords of a song using different scales and alternative tunings so that the musician can learn where to play most comfortably or to best suit the instrument. By setting the fret to accommodate the "virtual Capo", the computer program automatically adjusts its chord diagrams to display them comfortably.

Video review of the Capo program for Mac and iPhone, iPad:

Learn music, practice, play on your own.

JPG To PDF is a free Windows and Mac OS program to convert JPG to PDF format. Apart from simply converting every single JPEG image to PDF files, the portable converter also has the ability to convert multiple JPG files into a single PDF file. This means that with this free utility you can make your own PDF photo album or PDF e-book!

Software news: The issue of how to convert JPG to PDF was quickly resolved. Now the JPG To PDF program can do this.

So, JPG To PDF utility is a very tiny program for Windows or Mac OS that allows you to convert all your JPG files to PDF files. Files can be modified in several ways and merged into a PDF. This can be one at a time, or you can turn all JPG files into one PDF file. The program opens up many options as you can create your own PDF e-book or photo album.

Why do you need a JPG to PDF converter?

Need to convert JPG to PDF? No problem! There are several reasons why a user would want to convert files.

- This is an interesting e-book converter.

Since e-books are getting good popularity, this would be an ideal way to create them. Make a book with your JPG materials. And you no longer have to think long about how to change the JPG format to PDF, just download the free converter;

- Free PDF creation.

Often users need a PDF creator. JPEG or TIF files that have been scanned can become PDF files. And for this, the program will be able to convert the scanned TIF or JPEG into a PDF document, and then save it on the computer;

- BMP compressor.

Some users need to compress BMP files into a single PDF or convert them into multiple PDF files. Large BMP files can be easily compressed into one or more PDF files;

- PSD Protection.

Sometimes it is important to convert PSD to PDF to protect the original PSD files. With this program, original PSD files can be quickly protected when changed to PDF format;

- Need to create a PDF photo album from JPG photos for free?

Well, there's a photo album maker for that. JPG images can be turned into albums, and doing this at home will be a great way to make gifts for family and friends. Now it is very easy to combine JPG files into one PDF file.

It is also possible to create a multi-page PDF document, brochure, catalog, archive, portfolio, book, presentation.

What features does the free JPG To PDF program have:

- Fast conversion.

The converter typically converts hundreds of JPG images into a PDF document in a few seconds. Even if you have large JPG files, the developer claims that the program will work 300% faster than other converters. You can't imagine how quickly the transformation happens, it can happen while you decide to use the software to set up a new task;

- Without installing Acrobat.

This converter comes with a standalone conversion engine that works without Acrobat PDF or other PDF transfer software;

- The most popular image formats are supported.

Thanks to the built-in image analyzer, the program can convert JPG, BMP, TIF, GIF, as well as PNG, ICO, TIFF, PSD, and JPEG into PDF documents;

- High quality PDF.

Don't worry about the quality of your file conversion. The converter will save a small result of the PDF conversion for saving, but for reading it will be of high quality;

- Free JPG To PDF program is easy to use.

With just a few clicks of the computer mouse, this tiny application will quickly start the conversion task. Or simply drag and drop JPG files into the program and convert without any extra steps. Yes, it's that easy to reformat to PDF;

- Portable JPG To PDF version.

The converter has a portable version (the file size is about 808 KB, the program is zipped in a ZIP file on the official website) that allows people to convert JPG files to PDF files anywhere.

What developments await the JPG To PDF program?

According to the developer, “When a new version of the program is created, he will strive to achieve even better quality results.”

This is such a fast, portable, small and free JPG To PDF program.

Cupertino-based technology company Apple may have just "confirmed" its three new iPhone models, according to the latest Forbes report. The multimedia phones, which have long been rumored in the tech world and will be announced this fall, are believed to be codenamed iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Max and iPhone XR2. The iPhone 11 release date will most likely officially fall in the traditional September of this year.

Latest Apple news for today: 11 2019 iPhone mobile phone models appear in the Eurasian database.

Eleven unreleased iPhone models are registered. The "confirmation" comes after Apple publicly submitted model numbers for three new smartphones to the Eurasian Economic Commission (EUA) regulatory framework. This was first discovered by Indian source My Smart Price. Model identification numbers shown are A2223, A2221, A2220, A2219, A2218, A2217, A2216, A2215, A2161, A2160, and A2111.

The three models designated "A21" are expected to be the iPhone XR, which will come in three sizes. The "A22" models will have different storage sizes between the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Max.

There are many listings, as Apple is expected to sell different variants of the phones in different places, all of which vary in compatibility with cellular frequencies.

These devices are expected to be part of the 2019 iPhone lineup, which the company plans to unveil later this year. Probably the iPhone 11 with improved internal characteristics will not join the ranks of 5G phones.

iOS updates and iPhone changes

According to a Forbes source, tech giant Apple is expected to unveil iOS 13 at its Worldwide Developers Conference next month, while the new phones are expected to include camera upgrades with 3D scanning capabilities (such an update would bring significant AR capabilities). reality for high-end smartphones), larger OLED screens and will become slightly thicker. There will also be some aesthetic changes with the iPhone XR2. This multimedia phone is expected to have a frosted glass design and will come in six body colors, including two new colors: green and lavender.

Whatever the iPhone XR update is called, it will likely be similar to the iPhone XS successor. It will likely have a dual camera system on the back rather than a single lens.

For the first time, Apple can offer an ultra wide-angle camera and a telephoto lens. According to the latest data, the Sony sensor is best suited for this. It can be located next to the LED flash, in the upper left corner of the back of the phone. Well, Apple's A13 Bionic chip will almost certainly play a central role in updating each of these mobile devices.

iPhone presentation date and prices.

New phones will be presented to the public as usual at the autumn (this is approximately the beginning of September), Apple's official event. In addition to various technical specifications, the event is also expected to announce the price of the iPhone XR2, as well as the iPhone XI (11) and iPhone XI Max models.

Hot news in the world of mobile technology. Huawei is in talks with Aptoide about a possible replacement for Google Play's app catalog, and has reportedly asked developers to publish their mobile apps on the AppGallery. For inexperienced phone users, it is worth explaining that Aptoide is an alternative marketplace for mobile applications running on the Android operating system. What is AppGallery? This is Huawei's official app store, which a user can use to download hundreds of Android mobile apps.

Mobile world news: Huawei may replace the Google Play Store mobile application catalog with an alternative store, Aptoide or AppGallery.

Chinese manufacturer Huawei will likely no longer be a licensed partner of Google's Android system. This means that Huawei may have to rely on AOSP (Android Open-Source Project) builds for future mobile devices to create its own mobile operating system. Due to the fact that there is a chance to no longer have access to pre-release versions of the commercial version of the Google operating system.

New Huawei smartphones and tablets may no longer have access to Google Play services or other Google applications, and existing ones may only be supported until the Huawei IT company updates their firmware.

Even though restrictions have eased for Huawei for now, there may not be enough time to enjoy this respite. Because plans to replace Android with its own operating system may take longer than experts expect.

Your own application store for Huawei

Huawei plans to support the development of its own app store, known as AppGallery. Meanwhile, the Chinese tech giant is consulting with third-party marketplace Aptoide to provide mobile app users with an alternative to the Google Play Store. According to Portuguese publication Dinheiro Vivo, mobile app catalog Aptoide is ready to seize the opportunity and is already in talks with Huawei.

Aptoide alternative for Android mobile apps.

About the Aptoide app store

Aptoide Android application store is independent, it allows you to configure and manage your own Android store. Aptoide contains over 900,000 apps with nearly 200 million users. Apart from repositories like APK Mirror, Aptoide is one of the most popular sources for downloading Android apps, even if it is not officially supported on the Google Play Store.

At the same time, Huawei is trying to attract developers to publish their apps directly on its own AppGallery app store. This will allow the company to bypass the restrictions. Although Google apps such as Google Maps or YouTube and many other services will still be unavailable for Huawei mobile users.

Huawei AppGallery alternative for Android applications.

About the AppGallery app store

The application, downloaded from the official Huawei AppGallery store, works perfectly with any smartphone running the Android operating system, but to work properly, the Huawei mobile services application must be installed on the smartphone or tablet. According to a Bloomberg source, “Huawei claims that by the end of 2018, the AppGallery application catalog served 50 million users.”

In Europe, where Huawei has a significant share of smartphone users, it is trying to encourage telecom operators to pre-install AppGallery. This move could be beneficial for the Chinese manufacturer of mobile gadgets.

When it comes to the Aptoide store, there are two possibilities on how Huawei could leverage its popularity. The Chinese company can either pre-install the Aptoide app store on Huawei smartphones or integrate its functionality into the Huawei App Gallery. However, Aptoide is not an official software marketplace. The store is often used to download paid apps for free, this can mean that mobile apps are rarely downloaded by the developers themselves, which can be a concern for app developers and Google. How Huawei handles this will be something we will know in the long run.

Opinions from Android developers about the benefits of publishing an application not only on Google Play, but also in alternative application directories Aptoide and AppGallery:

Sergey Lukyanov (Apps4business, director and founder):

"Developers lay out (upload) applications where they can be laid out (if it is their business or marketing product) and upload applications to markets where the customer has registered accounts!

Previously, there were markets where we were asked to upload our applications, so that the markets were replenished with quantity (App Store and Google Play also started simply with the number of applications), then they began to pay attention to quality, and so on. The appstore just sometimes loses its head with the restrictions! "

- Pavel Andreevich (WiteBox Studio, head of development department):

"I don’t see much benefit for developers as such. Rather, there will simply be a larger market for Huawei. After all, the more places where you can find an application, the higher the likelihood that it will be found!

For developers, the moment of placing an application is also important, because Google Play has its own requirements for applications, but if Aptoide and AppGallery also have their own requirements (standards), then this will do more harm than good for developers! "

- Yuri Korkhov (Hix.one, head):

"...It’s only a plus for us as developers; this doesn’t bode anything bad. The Chinese market is huge and you can and should enter it :)"

- Ivan Gel (Dex, head of the company):

"Developers always strive to simplify and automate the process. We are already using cross-platform development technologies that allow us to create applications for several platforms at once. This reduces the financial burden on a business that wants to launch on multiple platforms simultaneously.

And the developers themselves will only benefit from the new “mobile wars”. New operating systems and stores are additional work for us. And we are not afraid of difficulties! :)

Everyone should benefit from the emergence of new technologies and players in the market. Competition is the engine of progress. "

- Anatoly Babushkin (Soft Jet, mobile application development expert):

"The benefit for the application developer in publishing the application not only on GooglePlay, but also in other application directories is certainly a larger audience reach.

For example, Google services are blocked in the Chinese market, and, therefore, to reach the audience of some countries, including billion-strong China, it is simply necessary to publish applications in the appropriate directories. In addition, taking into account the situation around Huawei, even in Russia there may soon be a multimillion-dollar audience that does not use GooglePlay. And whoever manages to rise to the TOP of these catalogs first will receive a significant influx of audience in their applications.

Therefore, application developers simply need to explore the available directories and take their place in them. "

- Evgeniy Valkov (Start Mobile, director):

"This question is relevant not only for an Android developer, but for any developer in general. Programming is difficult and expensive. Therefore, it is always beneficial for both individual programmers and development companies to cover as many platforms as possible with a common code base, if the cost of an additional platform pays for the potential coverage (that is, it is cheaper than attracting additional traffic in alternative ways).

For this reason, we write in React Native, and not in two separate Swift + Kotlin languages, since without losing quality we get coverage of two platforms with one code base.

The situation with alternative exotic app stores is twofold. On the one hand, there are few people and little traffic. On the other hand, they don’t pay much attention, so the competition there is also low. For this reason, bringing an application to the top may be cheaper. In general, you need to test and calculate the ratio of additional costs and the resulting effect.

Most likely, the efforts to publish in alternative stores will not be very large, and the additional coverage will be more or less noticeable. Therefore, it is certainly worth a try. It is easier and cheaper for private small developers to carry out such experiments than for large companies. Take heart, comrades! "

When will Huawei get an app store update?

There have been no official announcements about such a partnership yet. The companies are likely still negotiating a product combination. However, since it will reportedly be possible to run an Android application on Huawei's operating system, we can predict not a simple temporary solution, but a promising and long-term cooperation.

Summarizing Huawei news

Google will stop cooperating with the Chinese manufacturer and the denial of access to the Play Store is forcing Huawei to look for an alternative solution in the form of a partnership with another application store. We will monitor the epic transition to an alternative to Google Play services and update you on the solution to the Huawei issue. Stay tuned, friends!

The robot monitors movements in the room and controls how engineer James Bruton moves his arms, armed with a sword and shield, to deflect the robot's blows. Engineer Bruton worked on a virtual reality (VR) project with final year computer games students on the faculty at the University of Portsmouth. The robot's hardware is controlled via a serial interface. In fact, the team created a virtual reality game that controls the robot, so when you get into virtual reality, you get hit by the robot in real life.

James Bruton's new robot is an impressive attempt to bring virtual reality to life.

The robot tracks and operates in virtual reality using Vive trackers, so it remains synchronized in real time. The concept and software were created with the help of engineering students in the computer games program at the University of Portsmouth. The Verge's source reports that the new robot is not available to mass users - a virtual game and the robot was custom-made, but is a spectacular embodiment of virtual reality in real life. In short, the robot was just part of a student's thesis project; don't expect to see it in stores anytime soon.

Developers are trying to make virtual reality more immersive. Many people love technologies that make virtual reality more like real life. Perhaps some boxers would like to try this virtual game with a real robot in a headset. However, talking to a robot from the University of Portsmouth may not be enough. It's clear that when you hit this robot in virtual reality, it hits back in real life. Without being able to test the system, it's unclear whether hitting a real robot will result in the feeling of being knocked out.

Several companies are working on gloves that provide haptic feedback and realistic resistance when gripping virtual objects. Google has a patent for motorized shoes that will allow virtual reality users to walk in-game without crashing into walls in real life. Let's not forget the world's first multi-sensory mask, Feelreal, which allows players to smell in games. The sensor mask also vibrates and blows air or mist onto the player's face to make the virtual reality experience even more immersive.

For the most part, spectacular virtual reality technologies should be useful. But James Bruton may be going too far by developing a robot that can actually fight people while they play in a virtual world. Why not just take off the headset and fight the robot for real?

The robot has a wooden base with wheels and two pneumatic arms with boxing gloves, which it uses to punch the player. The Arduino Mega serial interface powers the robo-gladiator. Vive sensors track the robot's arms, as well as the player's baton and guard, and the actions are synchronized with a custom VR game in real time.

Below, watch a video review of a robot that will beat the player in real life while the player fights the robot in virtual reality.

Video review of James Bruton's robot: Robot versus human combat

James Bruton is an electrical engineer and YouTube content creator who has been posting videos of his robotics designs for the past few years. Write if you liked his latest video demonstrating a new robot.

At the start of the new year, it was revealed that Apple was planning to change some design elements for its new iPhone following lower-than-expected sales. Leaks have hinted that iPhone changes will include a rear camera option that will potentially use Time of Flight technology to allow the new iPhone to render 3D maps. The rumored iPhone 11 Max renders now feature a glass design, and there are new colors in the iPhone 11R design. So, according to rumors, the iPhone 11 Max multimedia phone may have a three-lens camera, and the iPhone 11R may have a dual-lens camera instead of a single camera.

Conceptual look at the iPhone 11 Max and iPhone 11R: Video with 3D visualization

There are less than six months left before the official announcement of the new line of Apple smartphones, and passions around the appearance of the iPhone are running high. Thus, insiders Mark Gurman from the online publication Bloomberg and OnLeaks, whose predictions about future new products most often come true, said that the new iPhone model will receive a triple main camera placed in a square protrusion extending beyond the surface. Presumable images of new products immediately appeared on the Internet, which caused user dissatisfaction and disappointment. However, in reality the design solution looks much more presentable and in the spirit of Apple. This can be seen by looking at the latest visualizations (renderings).

Of course, both of Apple's new mobile phones this year could definitely have the new A13 processor. As previously reported, the triple-lens camera was likely designed to compete with the Samsung Galaxy S9 and the new Galaxy Note models, and may have the benefit of an OLED screen, while the two less expensive iPhone models will feature an LCD screen.

A recent Twitter leak of iPhone 11 body moldings by Bloomberg contributor Mark Gurman appears to show that the new models will feature a rounded square bump on the back in the top left corner of the phone with a new camera design. Has the official design of the new iPhone been revealed? Time will show.

It is likely that the iPhone versions will receive a completely decent and aesthetic solution that will not spoil the overall impression of the Apple smartphone. However, as always, Apple designers can organically introduce new trends into their stylish products.

Note that this view of Apple’s future innovations is not official; it was proposed by German designer Hasan Kaymak (English spelling Hasan Kaymak).

In short, it’s worth checking out the cool new concept for the next generation Apple iPhone 11 Max and iPhone 11R, created by the design studio “DBHK - Hassan Kayak Innovations”.

Let's take a look at the video below about the concept of iPhone 11 Max and iPhone 11R:

Friends, let us know what you think about the new iPhone concepts.

We continue to monitor the latest news from the smartphone market. Stay with us!

Whether you're expecting iOS 13 or not, it's important to know. We're just weeks away from Apple releasing the first developer beta of iOS 13, and rumors about the possible end of support for certain iPhone models may be gaining traction online. The news may come as a shock to many iPhone users. Since Apple's decision to stop releasing new updates for older iPhones can be seen as a move to force users to buy the latest iPhones.

Operating system news: Will support for the most popular iPhones end with the release of iOS 13?

Apple is going to present updates for all its operating systems, including iOS, tvOS, macOS and watchOS, at the annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). The week-long WWDC event typically begins with a conference that outlines the major changes coming to each operating system this year. However, older versions of iPhone and iPad may not be able to update to the new iOS 13, which is the new mobile operating system for iPhone and iPad.

Last year, Apple's iOS 12 update didn't include any major improvements in terms of its features or new changes, so Apple users have a lot of expectations for the new version of iOS 13. What's new and which devices will be supported?

We can expect a lot of new features and tools, from hardware to software and major updates in the iOS and even MacOS ecosystem. But, one of the biggest changes to iOS may be to the native keyboard. According to some sources, Apple is currently testing swipe functionality to allow users to type words without lifting a finger.

Also, what have you heard about iOS 13?

We've heard some details about redesigning preloaded apps like Reminders (which will allow for greater task sorting), Health, Find My Phone, Maps, the new CarPlay, and even iMessage. We've also heard about a system-wide Dark Mode and a specific feature that could allow the iPad to be used as a second screen for a Mac.

As some fans are expecting, there are some of the features that iOS 13 will most likely be updated with.

Expected, important features of iOS 13:

Home screen redesign;
- New file system;
- Advanced multitasking capabilities;
- System-wide dark mode;
- Cancel option;
- Mail application updates;
- New gestures.

These are the rumors about iOS 13, which is expected to be part of the iPhone 11 this year. We can't ignore the fact that iOS 13 will supposedly come with a Dark Mode - in fact, it could be very similar to what we saw in macOS 10.14 Mojave. And the new MacOS 10.15 could allow Mac users to use their iPad as a second screen for work or play.

Apple may also reveal its Marzipan project, which will make it easier to use the iPad as a complete laptop replacement. Plus, the company may debut the updated Mac Pro, which it promised to show in 2019.

Apple is said to be developing compatibility between iOS and MacOS. This will presumably make it easier for developers to share code between apps written for iPhone, iPad and Mac. It's possible that a toolkit called UIKit will be offered to help developers port iOS apps to MacOS.

Since augmented reality (AR) technology is emerging. According to 9to5Mac's source, AR gaming capabilities will be expanded, support will be added for stereo AR headsets, as well as controllers with touch panels, and the ARKit tool will be able to recognize human poses.

A little about the Apple Health and iMessage apps.

Apple Health is an app that keeps a diary of your daily activities, tracks your menstrual cycles, and monitors your hearing health (it monitors headphones and ambient volume).

iMessage will let you add a custom profile picture and nickname - it's actually quite similar to WhatsApp.

What prospects do mobile app developers expect from iOS 13:

Mishurenkov Andrey Viktorovich (IOS Laboratory, CEO):

- Rustam Mukhamedyanov (Winfox Interactive, CEO):

"First of all, this is a limitation on what personal data applications can request. This may require changes to many existing apps in Apsto, but the second is the advent of universal apps for iPhone, iPad and Mac, which could make it easier to port apps between platforms."

- German Polyansky (Infoshell, technical director):

"We are waiting not only for iOS 13, but for a stable and lag-free Xcode 11. Nowadays, not every project can be built without problems; sometimes we have to use Legacy instead of the New build system. We hope that the latter will be finalized.

Along with iOS 13, a “dark theme” will come, for which new designs and layouts will need to be created in applications. This will increase development time.

We are really looking forward to normal integration with Siri, both in Russian and in general. Now she only understands primitive commands. Google Assistant does much more. Come on, Apple.

We hope that Apple will finally change the way they handle push notifications. For example, if you have an Apple ecosystem built and you read a notification on a Macbook or iPad, it will not disappear from the iPhone, and it is not so easy to delete it. "

- Valentin Udovik (Infoshell, leading marketing specialist):

"From the point of view of an ordinary user, I would like the incoming call not to take up the entire screen, or it could be minimized if I don’t want to pick up the phone. It would also be great if the volume change were not located in the middle of the screen. Why not do it on the side or at the top?"

- Denis Obukhov (Magora-Systems, leading iOS developer of the company):

"Many expect iOS 13 to be the most significant update over the past few major versions of the operating system.

Of course, due to the introduction of the black theme mode on Mac OS, a logical continuation would be its announcement for mobile devices. This will be especially true on devices with OLED displays, as this will help save energy. A unified approach to implementing this functionality with system-level support will eliminate the need for application developers to implement their own mechanisms to implement it.

In view of the vector of development of iPad Pro devices, as devices potentially capable of replacing computers based on Mac OS, it would be logical to expect changes in the structure of the file system and file sharing between applications, expanded capabilities for interacting with peripherals through the new USB Type-C port, and further development of the idea multi-window interface. Because at the moment, most of the potential of the new iPad Pros is untapped.

The next expected innovation may be the development of the capabilities of application widgets on the Home screen, or their complete rethinking. Perhaps giving the user more control over the appearance of the Home screen. The same goes for the likely possibility of developers creating extensions for the Lock Screen.

In addition, the trend is an emphasis on the development of voice assistants, in particular Siri. So updates will be expected that will expand its functionality and capabilities for third-party integration applications.

In connection with the development of machine learning algorithms and the emergence of corresponding neural processors on iOS devices, the possibilities for their use within applications are clearly expected to expand within the framework of augmented reality technology (ARKit), natural language analysis (Natural Language Framework), computer vision (Vision Framework) and general framework for machine learning Core ML. "

Which mobile devices will no longer be supported by iOS 13?

Rumored news suggests that Apple will no longer help update some of the most popular versions of the iPhone after the release of iOS 13.

Thus, several recent news reports claim that Apple iOS 13 will not be compatible with the still quite popular smartphones: iPhone 5s, as well as iPhone SE and iPhone 6 Plus / iPhone 6, iPhone 6s Plus / iPhone 6s may not be compatible. But the question of consistency still remains, since the sixth generation iPod Touch will likely support iOS 13.

This news may come as an unexpected disappointment, as these models have been Apple's most popular and beloved multimedia phones ever, and are still sold very frequently in Russia and emerging markets such as India, and through third-party suppliers. Therefore, the end of update support for these iPhone models is a huge disappointment for many Apple users.

Additionally, the iPhone SE model is powered by the A9 chip also found in the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus phones, a fact that implies that the upcoming version of the iOS 13 update may not match the aforementioned iPhones either.

Again, if the rumors are clarified as true, it will mean that these mobile phones will have to remain on the iOS 12 update.

Compatible iPhones with iOS 13:

IPhone 6S Plus (questionable);
- iPhone 6S (questionable);
- iPhone 7 Plus;
- iPhone 7;
- iPhone 8 Plus;
- iPhone 8;
- iPhone X;
- iPhone XR;
- iPhone XS Max;
- iPhone XS;
- And of course, iPhone 2019 models will work with iOS 13.

Compatible iPods with iOS 13:

iPod Touch 6th generation.

iOS 13 for tablet computers.

The iPad is said to have a standard three-finger tap override system, as well as windowed apps that can be moved and stacked on top of each other.

iOS update support may also be disabled for original iPad mini 2 and iPad Air tablets. Even if these tablets are not capable of running the new iOS update, it looks like their popularity among users will continue for some time.

Compatible iPads with iOS 13:

iPad mini 3
- iPad mini 4;
- iPad 5th generation;
- iPad 6th generation;
- iPad Air 2;
- 9.7-inch iPad Pro;
- 10.5-inch iPad Pro;
- 11-inch iPad Pro;
- 12.9-inch iPad Pro 1st generation;
- 12.9-inch iPad Pro 2nd generation;
- And of course, iPad 2019-2020 models will be able to work with iOS 13.

Typically, Apple provides about four years of software support before it turns off. Last year, Apple brought support for iPhone 5 and above to iOS 12. This came as a surprise to many, since the compact iPhone had been receiving significant software updates for six years. Is Apple's decision to stop releasing new updates for older iPhones seen as a move to force people to buy the latest iPhones? The Cupertino tech giant has reported declining sales in recent years and even released an "affordable" iPhone XR last year.

The iPhone 5S mobile phone, iPad mini 2 and iPad Air tablets were released in 2013. While the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus phones were released in 2014. We also remember the alternative to the iPhone 5S. This is a variant of the iPhone SE and was only released in 2016. Therefore, if the rumor is true, then Apple's 4-inch phone will only last three years on the latest iOS.

Many of the new features added to iPhones and iPads with the release of new iOS may be too complex for the iPhone SE's 4-inch screen and A9 processor, for example. Therefore, the IT company Apple may refuse to support 4-inch displays, including the iPhone 5S.

Does it matter to you if Apple is said to not be bringing any software support in the form of iOS 13 to its roster of phones and tablets?

When will the new iOS 13 update be released?

The iOS 13 release date is very close!

As with any rumor, nothing is certain until the information is confirmed. The 2019 Apple World Wide Developers Meet (WWDC for short) is just around the corner. Venue: San Jose, California, USA. The annual event is a chance for the company to introduce developers to upcoming operating system and hardware updates (sometimes). Owners of older gadgets will just have to hope that with the release of iOS 13, Apple will expand support for phones and tablets to older models. The annual meeting of Apple programmers WWDC 2019 will take place from June 3 (Monday) to June 7 and we expect to see the official release of the iOS 13 update there, and we will also probably get acquainted with tvOS 13, watchOS 6 and macOS 10.15.

When will iOS 13 beta (beta version for testing) be released?

Typically, the beta version of iOS is available to developers after the end of the presentation at WWDC. For inexperienced users, it is worth explaining that the beta version is unfinished software; it is better to use it if you have an additional iOS device or rich experience in troubleshooting errors. In past years, public betas were released a few weeks after the first developer beta of iOS was released.

When will iOS 13 be generally available?

For the general public, the new iOS update could be available in the fall. Apple developers adhere to this tradition. As a rule, with the release of new iPhones, an update for iOS is released. Considering this event from past years, expect a free software update when the iPhone 11 launches in September.

As always, there will be more news to come, so stay tuned.

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