Dolphin symbol meaning. Dolphins in Feng Shui: the meaning of the symbol

Dolphin is a creature that lives in two elements, sea and air. He serves as a link between the earthly and heavenly and is the king of fish, the savior of shipwrecked people, the guide of souls in the other world.

Alena's collection

Alena's collection

Collection of N.Krasnoperova

The dolphin is an allegory of salvation, inspired by ancient legends that portray it as a friend of man. It symbolizes the sea, sea power, safety and speed, freedom, nobility, love, pleasure.

Two dolphins, looking in different directions, personify the duality of nature, the cosmic flows of involution and evolution, two dolphins together - the golden mean between extremes, a symbol of balance. Dolphin with an anchor means prudence.

In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the dolphin is associated with Enki, the god of wisdom, the owner of the underground world ocean of fresh waters. According to legend, people lived like animals until the first man, the cultural hero Oannes, emerged from the sea in the form of a half-dolphin (according to another version, a half-fish-half-man). He taught the inhabitants of Babylonia writing, science, construction, and agriculture. In addition, the dolphin is an attribute of the goddess Ishtar and is dedicated to Atargatis, the goddess of fertility and prosperity in West Semitic mythology.

Among the Egyptians, Isis, the goddess of fertility, wind, water and navigation, can be depicted with a dolphin.

In Hinduism, the dolphin is the horse of Kama, the god of love.

L. Franzek collection

L. Franzek collection

In Minoan culture, he personifies power on the seas. Almost four thousand years ago, ancient artists depicted dolphins on a fresco of the Knossos Palace on the island of Crete: like sea deities, huge animals, smoothly gliding, perform their dance in transparent waters, protecting the peace and tranquility of the underwater kingdom.

In Greek mythology, dolphins often accompany the gods: Aphrodite, Poseidon, Apollo, Dionysus. A dolphin can have both lunar and solar signs: next to Delphic Apollo, it symbolizes light and the sun, but if depicted with Aphrodite or Eros, then it has lunar symbolism. In its origin, Aphrodite is close to the Phoenician Astarte, the Assyrian Ishtar, the Egyptian Isis, and often, like them, is depicted with dolphins.

Dolphin is one of the incarnations of Poseidon. According to legend, one of the dolphins married the god of the seas and Amphitrite. After a fight with the monstrous Python, Apollo in the form of a dolphin catches up with the ship of the Cretan sailors and brings it to the pier of the city of Chrisa. From there, through a fertile valley, sailors come to the foot of Parnassus, where the main shrine of the Hellenic world, the Delphic oracle and the temple of Apollo, are located, and become the first Delphic priests.

Collection I.Koltakova

Collection I.Koltakova

Ancient Greek legends about dolphins and the most beautiful. In this country, dolphins were considered "people of the sea", because they believed that once the god of wine and fun, Dionysus, returned home by sea, and he was attacked by pirates unaware of his divine nature. They put Dionysus in chains, but the chains themselves fell from the hands of God and braided vine the masts and sails of the ship, and Dionysus appeared before his offenders in the form of a tiger. The pirates got scared, rushed into the sea and turned into dolphins. So God punished the sea robbers, changing their appearance, but leaving their former mind. Since then, dolphins have been swimming in the seas and oceans and, atoning for their guilt, they save people.

Once the dolphins saved the singer Arion. He sailed to Greece from Sicily, where he took part in a musical festival and received the main award. Greed jumped up among the sailors, the attackers robbed Arion, captured him and decided to throw him overboard, but allowed him to play the lyre for the last time. When Arion was thrown overboard, he was rescued by dolphins who swam to the ship, mesmerized by the wonderful tints of his voice. One of them took the singer on his back and carried him ashore.

The god of the seas, Poseidon, in gratitude for the fact that the dolphin helped find his beloved in an underwater cave, made him his faithful companion and connected the stars in the sky into the constellation Dolphin. The ancient Greek poet Oppian said: "Nothing was created in the world more beautiful than a dolphin!"

The myths of many peoples speak of a dolphin as a divine being, possessing the gift of prophecy, capable of flying out of the water with one jump and reaching the sky in order to take its place among the constellations.

Among the Etruscans and Romans, the dolphin symbolizes the journey of the soul through the sea of ​​death to the promised land. In Mithraism, the dolphin is associated with Mithra, the symbol of light.

Collection I.Koltakova

In Christian symbolism, the dolphin is identified with Jesus Christ as the creator and savior, with resurrection and salvation. A dolphin with an anchor or a ship represents the church led by Christ. In Christianity, this symbol sometimes replaces the ark of salvation and rebirth. A dolphin pierced by a trident or chained to an anchor means the crucified Christ.

The past of dolphins is covered with legends. According to the hypothesis, 5-7 million years ago it was an artiodactyl animal that went from land to sea, and the pectoral fin of a dolphin on x-ray- the exact skeleton of a five-fingered hand, similar to a human hand.

The material was prepared by Larisa Frantsek


image of dolphins

Hello everyone, you are on the site Your Feng!

Since ancient times, people have revered and respected dolphins, considered them mysterious and divine animals. Since they belong to two elements - to Water and Air. Dolphins have been living in the deep sea next to fish for many centuries, but they are not their “brothers”, but a dolphin has been a friend and “brother” to a person since ancient times. From many legends, we have heard more than once that dolphins save people who have fallen into shipwrecks. And it is also believed that they are the guides of the souls of the dead to the other world.

not without reason feng shui dolphins are considered a symbol of helpers and patrons. Beautiful, kind, strong, wise dolphins will protect you from the evil eye and bring harmony to your home. Feng Shui says that it is enough to have figurines or images of dolphins in the house to influence various aspects of life: love, friendship, family relationships, attract the people you need to life ().

Types of dolphin talismans in Feng Shui and their application

family of dolphins

Quite often in esoteric stores you can see a figurine with two dolphins on the crest of a wave. Such an "inseparable couple" symbolizes harmony in marital relations, attracts well-being into a person's life in love relationships. It is best to put such a figure in the bedroom in the southwestern sector.

There are more figurines feng shui dolphins of three or more dolphins jumping out of the water. This talisman promises well-being in the relations of all family members. Saves from quarrels, troubles. It will bring respect and mutual understanding to the relations of close people. It is best to place such dolphins in places where all family members gather. For example, in the living room, dining room. Perhaps the location of three or more dolphins in Feng Shui near (will protect your home from bad people, and attract good ones), as well as in the children's room (it will attract true and devoted friends to your child's life). It is best to choose the northwestern direction of the room for this (in Feng Shui, this is the sector of helpers and patrons).

figurine "three dolphins"

The figurines described above can be made of various materials: wood, stone, metal or various alloys.

I would also like to add that the dolphin can be used as an individual protector talisman. This is, as a rule, a figurine of one dolphin, made of stone suitable for a certain person according to the horoscope. If stick in this matter general rules, then it is possible to use feng shui dolphin from onyx. By itself, this stone is a strong protective amulet, and if a dolphin is made from it, then such a talisman will have double power. It will bring peace and harmony into your life.

As a feng shui talisman, you can use it with the image of dolphins. The same rules apply to images, as well as to figurines.

one onyx dolphin

In a word, whether it is figurines or paintings with dolphins, it will not only help you create a favorable Feng Shui at home, but also decorate it, since dolphins are unusually beautiful creatures. Good luck to you and your loved ones!

Dolphin as a symbol

"Rushing through the green waters, symbolizing joy, you jump from the depths to touch the sky, scattering splashes like handfuls of jewels"

Horace Dobbs

Dolphin- a creature living in two elements, sea and air. He serves as a link between the earthly and heavenly and is the king of fish, the savior of shipwrecked people, the guide of souls in the other world. The dolphin is an allegory of salvation, inspired by ancient legends that portray it as a friend of man. It symbolizes the sea, sea power, safety and speed, freedom, nobility, love, pleasure.

Two dolphins, looking in different directions, personify the duality of nature, the cosmic flows of involution and evolution, two dolphins together - the golden mean between extremes, a symbol of balance. Dolphin with an anchor means prudence.

In Sumero-Semitic mythology the dolphin is associated with Enki - the god of wisdom, the owner of the underground world ocean of fresh waters. According to legend, people lived like animals until the first man emerged from the sea, the cultural hero Oannes (an epithet of the god Enki) in the form of a half-dolphin (according to another version, half-fish-half-man). He taught the inhabitants of Babylonia writing, science, construction, and agriculture. In addition, the dolphin is an attribute of the goddess Ishtar and is dedicated to Atargatis, the goddess of fertility and prosperity in West Semitic mythology.

Egyptians Isis, goddess of fertility, wind, water and navigation, may be depicted with a dolphin.

In Hinduism the dolphin is the horse of Kama, the god of love.

In the Minoan culture, he personifies power on the seas. Almost four thousand years ago, ancient artists depicted dolphins on a fresco of the Knossos Palace on the island of Crete: like sea deities, huge animals, smoothly gliding, perform their dance in transparent waters, protecting the peace and tranquility of the underwater kingdom.

In Greek In mythology, dolphins often accompany the gods - Aphrodite, Poseidon, Apollo, Dionysus. A dolphin can have both lunar and solar signs: next to Delphic Apollo, it symbolizes light and the sun, but if depicted with Aphrodite or Eros, then it has lunar symbolism.

In its origin, Aphrodite is close to the Phoenician Astarte, the Assyrian Ishtar, the Egyptian Isis, and often, like them, is depicted with dolphins. Dolphin is one of the incarnations of Poseidon. According to legend, one of the dolphins married the god of the seas and Amphitrite. After a fight with the monstrous Python, Apollo in the form of a dolphin catches up with the ship of the Cretan sailors and brings it to the pier of the city of Chrisa.

From there, through the fertile valley, the sailors come to the foot of Parnassus, where the main shrine of the Hellenic world is located - the Delphic oracle and the temple of Apollo - and become the first Delphic priests.

According to legend, the Tyrrhenian sea robbers were turned into dolphins, who did not see the powerful god Dionysus in the beautiful young man they captured. Since then, they are destined to serve forever in his retinue. In the ancient mysteries, Dionysus was compared to a magical dolphin diving into the abyss and rising to the surface of the water... He is immortal and exists outside the boundaries of space and time, either appearing or disappearing in an endless chain of incarnations...

Etruscans and the Romans, the dolphin symbolizes the journey of the soul across the sea of ​​death to the promised land. In Mithraism, the dolphin is associated with Mithra, the symbol of light.

In Christian symbolically, the dolphin is identified with Jesus Christ as the creator and savior, with resurrection and salvation. A dolphin with an anchor or a ship represents the church led by Christ. In Christianity, this symbol sometimes replaces the ark of salvation and rebirth. A dolphin pierced by a trident or chained to an anchor means the crucified Christ.

The myths of many peoples speak of a dolphin as a divine being, possessing the gift of prophecy, capable of flying out of the water with one jump and reaching the sky in order to take its place among the constellations...


Towards the day in the clear space
He swims, sitting on a dolphin;
The wind subsides, and the gray wave
Slightly splashing, echoing the sweet cithara.

And Nereids with him in a consonant choir
They sing, leaving the underwater chamber,
And multiply the echo, weaving voices
In the solemn amphitheater of the sea.

Nereus with Dorida, and the great himself
Neptune, and old Glaucus, with wonderful singing
Awakened, emerge from the abyss.

Oh, the power of irresistible music!
You are treated with equal admiration
Winds and waves, gods and dolphins.

Juan de Argijo

When the dolphins dance

When the dolphins dance
So the birds chirp at dawn,
The weary heart of a ship
Bliss gives a signal

And the lookout sees
cheerful and far-sighted,
Green flashes of lightning
Above the foamy mass of waters.

When the dolphins dance
Reluctantly, selflessly
Jumping out and taking off
Over the biggest wave

Everything else at once
Becomes secondary
Like a rebirth
Happens to me.

When the dolphins dance
The soul is separated from the body
Strives as a free bird
Flying into the abyss of the sea,

And yellow tropical rain
Spilled frantically,
Wash with living water
How a mother bathes her child.

When the dolphins dance
Overcoming the currents
And the ocean exploding
Breaks in half

Then a rainbow appears
And getting inspired
Sparkling Sky Bell
Passes it on to us.

Verses by V. Brianchus, translation by S. Simkin

Today I am with you again, Light Winter. Recently arrived from vacation (were on the sea). We observed an incredible sight during a sea walk.

Dolphins. It is simply mesmerizing with its beauty. I wanted to talk to you today about these cute, friendly creatures, which are associated with many stories, legends and eyewitness accounts.

Dolphins get their name from the Greek word Delphis. It means "womb", the source of life. Although there is such an explanation on the Internet: "Delphos" from the Greek "brother".

Personally, I like both translations.

I never thought about it, but it turns out that dolphin figurines, paintings with their images, pendants with dolphins are not just cute decorations for lovers maritime theme, a reminder of a pleasant vacation at the Black Sea resort.

In Feng Shui, the dolphin is a talisman that carries a special meaning.. Having visited one esoteric shop and saw on the shelves a huge number of different figurines, drawings, magnets - among which there were quite a few dolphins.

So what do we all know about them? Of course, many immediately come to mind the words that these are amazing, kind, brave helpers, incredibly intelligent creatures. They are able to save a person who is losing strength in the fight against the water element. There is also a therapy based on the communication between dolphins and children with disabilities (CP). So dolphins are also excellent healers.

Feng Shui says:

  • The dolphin "living" in the house will protect and attract people who are positive in everything.
  • A figurine depicting two dolphins is one of the strongest symbols for attracting prosperity in a love relationship.
  • It is believed that he protects, that is, he is the guardian of the breath of life, thereby teaching people how to let our emotions pass through the breath.
  • Dolphin, made of onyx - improves memory, relieves heart pain, ruthless to insomnia.
  • It symbolizes friendship, and friendship always goes hand in hand with nobility and responsiveness. Therefore, such a talisman is good for a children's room, attracting true friends to your child's life.

The best place for the talisman would be the northwest of the house (apartment).

Best wishes! .

Thank you Marinochka for interesting information.

I would like to add a few interesting facts:

  • Always swim in circles, first one way, then the other.
  • They live in packs. They have a very developed sense of mutual assistance.
  • Physiologically, they are similar to humans. They need atmospheric oxygen. That is why they keep popping up. And they sleep on the surface of the water. The hemispheres of the brain sleep alternately. The awake hemisphere supports the function of breathing.
  • They can recognize themselves in the mirror.
  • Dolphins, like humans, have sex for pleasure.
  • The scales of the upper layer of the dolphin's skin are renewed approximately every 2 hours. This is necessary for the best flow of water.
  • Sounds are made with the forehead, but they hear lower jaw, filled with a fat-like substance, which is an excellent conductor of sound.
  • The brain of a dolphin weighs about 1.7 kg. (For comparison, the human brain is 1.4 kg.) And its cerebral cortex has twice as many convolutions as a human.
  • The dolphin is able to transform sound into a visual image and vice versa. A kind of locator - sonar, it transmits any visual situation to the interlocutor.

Those people who have not yet had the opportunity to personally get acquainted with these beautiful animals are seen as cute and good-natured animals, they are adored by both adults and children. They not only conquer the audience with their positive and smile, but also with their mind. Scientists have proven that dolphins are among the living on the planet.

Today, the image of a dolphin is very often stuffed on different parts of the body. "Dolphin" - a tattoo with a meaning. What does it mean? This will be discussed in this article.

The sacred meaning of the dolphin

"Dolphin" - a tattoo that has a certain sacred meaning. In world cultures, you can find far more than one symbolic representation of this mammal. For example, according to the philosophy of yin-yang, two dolphins depicted together are one of the main symbols.

It is known that dolphins were sacred animals of the gods. Poseidon (Neptune) and Venus (Aphrodite) loved these mammals very much and kept them under their personal protection.

Tattoo "Dolphin": meaning

The meaning of a tattoo in the form of a dolphin usually depends not only on the exact position in which it is depicted, but also on the stylization of the drawing. Celtic is the most popular. Among the local population, the image of a dolphin was considered to be a symbol of water. But among the ancient Greeks, it denoted a symbol of carnal love. For the Indians, the dolphin is a symbol of the mind. They respect this animal, considering it one of the wisest on earth.

The image of a dolphin and an anchor indicates speed. If the mammal is drawn in a sailor suit, it means that the owner of such a tattoo is in some way connected with the navy.

A chained or impaled dolphin is a symbol of Christianity. For many, it is associated with This tattoo is usually done by people for whom religion in life is far from the last place.

It may also have a drawing in which a dolphin is leading a ship. In this case, he still personifies Jesus Christ.

"Dolphin" (tattoo) denotes a person's presence or desire, which he tries to fulfill as soon as possible.

It is also worth making such a tattoo for people who infect others with their energy.

On what part of the body should a dolphin be depicted?

"Dolphin" is a tattoo for which there are no specific criteria when choosing a place. Everyone who wants to independently, individually, chooses a place where his personal drawing will flaunt.

In the event that the drawing will have any sacred meaning for a person, the tattoo should be placed in an inconspicuous place. Then she will definitely be able to bring good luck to her owner.

If for a person who has become the owner of a bright tattoo in the form of a dolphin, the meaning of the drawing is not as important as its appearance, that is, aesthetic beauty, the tattoo should be done in a conspicuous place. Thus, a person will be able to distinguish himself from the crowd by drawing the attention of the public to himself with his colorful pattern on the back, leg or any other part of the body.

Why do people get Dolphin tattoos?

We already know the meaning. Now it’s worth understanding why some people choose it. By making a tattoo in the form of a dolphin drawing, many people want to show their love for the sea in this way. Swimming enthusiasts, professional swimmers, or those people who, by the nature of their activities, are connected with the sea, can safely make such a tattoo without fear of being judged by others. After all, they can always explain it with their passion for the maritime business. Also, many people do such a tattoo because from the outside it looks elegant.

Not everyone thinks about what the Dolphin tattoo means. For many people, it is certainly important to stand out from the crowd and be an individual. Guys and girls use any means to attract the attention of the public with their dissimilarity to the rest. Having made a tattoo, you can add a twist to your image. Due to the fact that the theme of the tattoo in the form of a dolphin is not hackneyed, unlike many other drawings, it will be possible to do this with it in no time.

It does not matter in what style the dolphin will be depicted. The main thing is that the owner of the tattoo can independently determine its meaning for himself and, if necessary, be able to tell others about it, who will probably be interested in the unusual pattern depicted on the body of their loved one, friend or just an acquaintance.

And the important thing is that the Dolphin tattoo looks very nice. The photos in the article demonstrate this. So the choice is yours!