What are freezes in games? Elimination of periodic friezes. I figured out why freezes occur in the game Why freezes occur in games

A bit of theory

Sometimes there are times when you play a game for yourself, you play, and then it starts to slow down or freeze. This is very annoying and I would like to get rid of it somehow. That is what this guide is about.

Important note: if your computer or laptop immediately turns off, freezes or reboots, then go straight to this guide:. The main reason for this phenomenon is overheating. Sometimes it is possible to determine without measurements what exactly is overheating. If the processor overheats, then the laptop or computer freezes with a characteristic sound jamming. If the video card overheats, then image defects may appear on the screen. Another reason for shutdowns or reboots can be a problem with the power circuit. On desktop computers, this usually means that the power supply can't handle the load.

Before moving on to the guide itself, let's consider what could be the reasons for the periodic freezes of a laptop or computer:

  1. Overheat. The vast majority of modern processors, video cards and other complex chips have various overheating protection technologies in their arsenal. One such technology is throttling. The essence of the work is to reduce the effective frequency of the chip by skipping cycles or changing the clock generator multiplier. This is usually accompanied by a decrease in the supply voltage. As a result, heat dissipation decreases and the temperature drops. As the frequency drops, so does the performance of the chip. As a result, toys periodically slow down. You can read more about overheating here: ;
  2. Driver errors. This applies mainly to video card drivers. The thing is that modern video cards are equipped with energy-saving technologies. At nVidia this is PowerMizer, y ATI - power play. The essence of their work is as follows: when the load on the video card is small, it makes no sense to force it to work to its fullest. Not only will it consume more energy, but it will also heat up more strongly. When you run games or other applications that actively use the video card, the video driver increases the frequencies of the video card to the nominal ones. Everything seems to be cool, but there is a nuance: sometimes the video driver does not increase the frequencies or resets them to the minimum during games. The result is brakes. This also includes problems with switchable video;
  3. Errors setting up power plans. The laptop has pretty good power management. Naturally, if you set the "energy saving" profile, then the performance in games will be worse. Here it is worth mentioning one more nuance. When running on batteries, the system can sometimes limit the frequencies of the video card and processor to save power. As a result, toys can slow down;
  4. Hard drive errors. Laptop hard drives also have energy-saving technologies. One of these technologies is Advanced Power Management. In other words, in the hard disk settings there is an option APM. If its value is less 128 , the system allows the spindle motor to stop after no commands for a certain time. In games, there are times when the data is relatively long time are not requested from the hard drive and it just turns off. When the data is needed again, the hard drive needs time to start. As a result, the toy slows down;
  5. The toy just slows down. This also happens. A laptop or computer simply cannot cope with the load and gives out few frames per second. The frequency is due to the fact that the load during the game is not constant. At some moments it is small and the toy "flies", while at others it greatly increases and the toy slows down.

The reasons are more or less understood. Now let's move on to the description of what we will do.

So. The first step is to check at what frequencies the video card and processor are running during the game. In parallel, you can check how much they are heated. This will help eliminate or confirm the most common overheating and incorrect video drivers. If everything goes well with the frequencies, then you will have to test the hypothesis with a hard drive and APM. If this does not solve the problem with slowdowns, then it is likely that the problem is in the game itself and your laptop or computer cannot cope with it.

For all these manipulations, we need a set of utilities. Download it from these links: /

Monitoring the operating frequencies of the video card and processor

To monitor the frequencies of a video card, it is most convenient to use the utility MSI Afterburner. You can find it in the archive at the links above ( / ).

Install and run this utility:

The window on the left displays the temperature of the graphics chip, the frequency of the core, shaders and memory. This is the information we need. We turn off MSI Afterburner.

To monitor the frequency of the processor, you can use the utility RMClock. You can also find it in the archive at the links above. Run this utility and go to the monitoring tab:

It also displays in the form of graphs the frequency of the processor cores (below the buttons for switching them), processor load, processor multiplier, and temperature. We also turn off this utility.

Note: since the utility RMClock has not been updated for a long time, then there may be problems with its correct operation with new processors. Alternatively, you can use the utility TMonitor.

Unfortunately the utility TMonitor does not know how to build beautiful graphs with operating frequencies, but it knows how to keep a log. To start logging, select from the menu: Start Recording


There is a place to stop Stop Recording:

Frequency information is written to a file in a subfolder logs:

That file contains the frequency value for all processor cores:

If desired, in the same excel frequency graphs can be plotted.

Important note: Let me remind you once again that the utility TMonitor should only be used if it doesn't work for you RMClock.

We also run the utility HWMonitor. It is in the archive at the links above. This utility allows you to fix the maximum temperatures of the video card, processor and other components.

Well. Three utilities are minimized and working. Now you need to start your game and play until those very periodic slowdowns appear. After that, we exit their games and look at the readings of the utilities:

Here we need to see if the frequency of the video chip and video memory dropped during those same brakes or not. If the frequency graphs are even, then this means that everything is in order with the video card and it worked as it should. Now let's see what we have with the processor:

A flat graph indicates that the processor did not lower its frequency during the game. So in general it should be. If he nevertheless lowered his frequency, then either he overheated and triggered throttling, or the system itself lowered its frequency.

Well, consider the maximum temperatures:

If the temperatures are high (relatively speaking, above 90-95 degrees), then this is already a cause for concern. How to fix it all is said in this guide:.

We solve the problem with periodic slowdowns

So. If the video card or processor still drops frequencies during stuttering in games (this should be visible from the frequency graphs), then you need to do the following:

  1. Check if the video card or processor is overheating at these moments. You can check this according to the same charts or according to the readings of the utility HWMonitor. If the temperatures are above 90-95 degrees, then it makes sense to do the manipulations that are described in the laptop cooling manual.
  2. If the temperatures are not high, and the frequencies are still reset, then you must first update the drivers for the video card, and also set the "High performance" power plan. For new video drivers, you can refer to this topic on the forum:. You can also try disabling nVidia PowerMizer or ATI PowerPlay, as well as CPU throttling.

To disable nVidia PowerMizer there is a utility PowerMizer Switch. You can also find it in the archive at the links above. Working with it is extremely simple:

To disable ATI PowerPlay need to go to Catalyst Control Center and go to the appropriate tab.

There is a utility to disable throttling for Intel processors ThrottleStop. You will also find it, along with instructions, in the archive at the links above.

These measures should help overcome the periodic reset of the frequency of the processor or video card during games. But what to do if the frequency is not reset, but the toys still slow down? To do this, look at the parameter APM hard drive. I will talk about this below.

Working with a hard drive

The meaning has already been discussed above. Advanced Power Management or APM. Now we will look at how you can turn off this power saving.

For this we need a utility HDDScan. It is also in the archive at the links above. Let's run it:

Click on the hard drive icon and select from the menu Features -> IDE Features:

Below we find our Advanced Power Management and set the value 254 :

To apply the changes, click set

If these changes did not help, then most likely your laptop can’t cope with the toy and you should either lower the game settings or slightly overclock the video card ()

That's all.

All questions that are related to slowing down a laptop in games are set out in this forum thread:. For questions about laptop cooling, please address here:

Detailed description get rid of sound slowdowns, various extraneous clicks, wheezing or jamming when playing music or video.

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  • When playing games, you feel microfreezes despite the fact that the optimal computer configuration is set? Micro freezes in powerful high-performance PCs that fully satisfy the system requirements of a particular game appeared after the Creators Update. There is a solution how to remove friezes (stuttering) in games on Windows 10.

    Stuttering in games is a term that refers to the annoying effect of micro-stuttering and short-term glitches in gameplay. The game settings are set to high FPS, but when you turn the camera, there is a short-term freeze or a slight decrease in performance. This is annoying and spoils the fun, especially in multiplayer games where accuracy and accuracy are needed.

    The problem with friezes, or stuttering in a broad sense, is not something new and there can be many reasons for this:

    1. Incorrectly configured graphics.
    2. Insufficient amount of RAM.
    3. A slow hard drive that doesn't have time to read textures.
    4. Bugs in drivers and more.

    It turns out that another source of the reason has appeared, due to which friezes and delays (lags) occur in games - this is the Windows memory control function.

    Impact of Windows 10 Memory Control on Game Performance

    Since the Creators Update for Windows 10, users have experienced memory sensing on high-end PC hardware configurations causing micro-freezes in games, particularly games developed with the Frostbite engine (such as Battlefield 1).

    What is the essence of the problem?

    When a game process stops using a block of data written to memory, the system should theoretically get rid of it to make room for new data. But it doesn't happen. Instead, an unused block is put on a waiting list, where it is stored in case the game needs it later.

    When the process needs data from that cell again, it reads it from the waiting list. When Windows detects that it does not have enough memory, it will start freeing it up by removing unused elements and making room for new blocks.

    In theory, memory monitoring is a good solution, as the system and processes will always have quick access to recently used data.

    Unfortunately, in games, this principle of operation can lead to micro freezes and friezes, since the waiting list can grow to a huge size, and the system will start deleting unused memory blocks only when it detects a lack of space.

    Intelligent Standby List Cleaner to fix freezes in games on Windows 10

    You can solve the problem with stuttering using the Intelligent Standby List Cleaner program, which works in background and constantly clears unused data from memory. Its author is Wagnard, who developed the famous DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) application to uninstall graphics drivers.

    The application allows you to automatically clear the contents of memory when two conditions are met:

    • the waiting list exceeds the specified size;
    • the amount of allowed memory is less than the limit.

    By default, the program starts cleaning when the waiting list exceeds 1 GB (1024 MB) and there is less than 1 GB of free space on the hard drive. These thresholds can be changed at any time.

    To start, click the Start button and minimize the program to the notification area. It works in the background, constantly monitors the memory and does not load it when cleaning.

    Users on the forums confirm that such a solution significantly reduces the number of freezes, stabilizes FPS, preventing sudden micro-breaks. This application will come in handy in large-scale games, such as Kingdom Come: Deliverance, which heavily load the equipment.

    If the program brings positive effects, you can enable it to automatically start when the system boots. To do this, check the box "Start minimized".

    When you play computer games, sometimes you may experience certain troubles - characters get stuck in textures, the game slows down, glitches and lags appear. All this can have various reasons, as well as different ways solutions. Therefore, do not despair if you have a problem in some game - it is quite possible that you can solve it yourself. Separately, it is worth talking about friezes, since this term appeared relatively recently, but, in fact, the problem has existed for a long time. in games? Why do they happen? How to solve a similar problem and how serious is it? These questions will be considered further.

    What it is?

    Many players today are wondering what friezes are in games. This term has recently come to the Russian-speaking gaming community, so for many it is new and incomprehensible. But in fact, everything is much simpler, because friezes are called the problem that has always existed, just now it has become more modern and has become specific. Many gamers have encountered the fact that computer games freeze a little - this can happen for a variety of reasons. And friezes are freezes that are typical for online games, which is why this term has become so popular now, when the era of MMORPGs and other massively multiplayer games has come. Freezes are when games freeze for a certain amount of time, most often no more than a couple of seconds, and then continue from a different point, and not where they left off. That's what friezes are in games. But it cannot be said that the issue has been completely resolved - there are still many aspects that should be considered.

    Freezes and freezes - what's the difference?

    Experienced players may ask: "What is the difference between the usual freeze and the newfangled freeze, what are freezes in games and how do they differ from what was before?" To answer these questions, we can compare stuttering in a regular single player game and freezing in a multiplayer game. So, if you experience a freeze in a single player game, then for a while you can do nothing but look at the picture in which the game freezes. But when the lag disappears, the game returns exactly at the moment that you have been contemplating all this time. Things are different in online games, because they are played by hundreds and thousands of players at the same time. The gaming world lives on own life, and if you have a freeze, the world doesn't stop. And when the frieze disappears, you can find yourself in a quandary. For example, you could attack the enemy, and at that moment there was a freeze. The game freezes for you, but for the enemy you freeze, and he can calmly attack you without receiving any resistance. That's why these problems are so annoying, and you should definitely learn how to remove freezes in games.


    The first thing you should look at is your computer configuration. If you want to know how to remove friezes in games, then you should not immediately look for the culprits on the side - the problem may be with you, and more specifically, with your computer. Compare your PC configuration with system requirements games - it is quite possible that you did not pay attention to them, and this plays a very important role. First of all, look at the processor, RAM and a video card - their performance must be higher than those indicated for the game. If they do not meet the requirements, then the problem is clear - your computer is simply not suitable for the selected game. If the configuration meets the minimum requirements, then you may have to dig into the settings and reduce them to a minimum. For example, friezes in World of Tanks are very often removed in this way. Naturally, you will get less pleasure from the visual component, but you will not have problems with the game itself.

    Computer overheating

    But this method does not always help. Even friezes in World of Tanks - the game mentioned above, may have other causes. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to other things. Very often, the image on the screen can freeze due to the video card, or rather, due to its overheating. So you should install special software that measures the temperature of the components of the computer, and if the video card is overheated, then you should think about how to improve the cooling system. Buy a good cooler, change the thermal paste - do everything to bring the temperature down to normal, and then test the gameplay. If this was the reason, then the friezes in the games will disappear.

    Increasing the paging file

    Another cause of problems may be hiding in which many users do not even know about. Freezes in games may occur due to the fact that this file is not large enough. But what does he represent? In fact, this is a virtual space that remains on the computer in order to use it for the needs of running programs, including computer games. If it is not large enough, then friezes may occur, as well as other problems. Naturally, it can be increased in the settings of your operating system, but first you need to check if it really is the case. If the swap file is not used to the full, then there is no point in expanding it - you need to look for other reasons that friezes appear in Tanks, Dota or other games.

    Availability of free space

    Many users fill their hard drive to capacity with various information and software. However, this can cause numerous problems, including friezes in games. The computer is using free space on your hard drive, especially on drive C, and if you decide to fill it up completely, a system message should appear, which will contain a warning that your drive is running out of free space, and this can lead to crashes in computer operation. So an important tip: before you play, "unload" your PC a little. Also, always make sure that you have at least 40-50 percent free space on your C drive, as then your computer will run at optimal speeds. And this will help eliminate freezes in Dota, WoW, World of Tanks and other multiplayer games.

    Disabling programs

    Another reason why you may experience freezes and other problems is the abundance of activated programs. They all use RAM, and if too many of them are enabled, then your computer may not be able to handle it. As a result, you get friezes, brakes, glitches and other troubles. Therefore, before turning on the game, try to disable those programs that you do not need to increase


    So, you got an idea of ​​what friezes are, why they can be unpleasant and even dangerous for your computer, as well as the reasons why they can occur. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for their appearance, but there are just as many solutions. So if you're having problems, then don't worry too much - most likely, you will be able to find a solution and implement it pretty quickly, so that you can continue to enjoy your favorite games. Friezes are not the worst thing that can happen, but it is much better to prevent their occurrence than to then try to eliminate them.