What relates to the general functions of logistics. Logistic functions

Logistic function (complex logistic activity) called a separate set of logistics procedures and operations aimed at the implementation of the tasks assigned to the logistics system and (or) its links.

The principles of logistics are implemented through its functions. The logistics function is an enlarged group of logistics operations aimed at realizing the goals of the logistics system.

Allocate basic, key and supporting functions. Basic - these are the functions carried out by any commodity producer. These include: supply, production, marketing.

Consider the key logistics functions:

1. Maintaining consumer service standards, ensuring a given level of product quality, distribution and after-sales service. The ideology of total quality management has become widespread, and mandatory certification of goods based on ISO 9000 standards has been adopted.

2. Procurement management, including:

Supplier selection material resources,

Resource planning,

Determination of rational terms and volumes of deliveries,

The choice of forms of supply and commodity distribution routes,

The choice of transport types for the delivery of material resources.

3. Transport management. Transportation is understood as a set of processes of transportation, loading, unloading and other related operations. Transportation management involves:

Choice of carrier and forwarder,

Choice mode of transport,

Determination of rational routes,

Selection vehicle for a certain type of cargo.

4. Inventory management, i.e. the process of creating, controlling and regulating the level of stocks in supply, production and marketing.

5. Management of order procedures.

6. Management of production procedures (operational management). The function is to manage the flow of material resources and work in progress, aimed at minimizing inventory levels and reducing the duration of the production cycle.

7. Pricing associated with the marketing and logistics strategies of the manufacturer. Logistics strategy sets the level of total costs. The planned level of profitability and the final sale price of finished products to the consumer depend on the marketing strategy.

Supporting logistics functions include:

1. Warehousing, i.e. managing the spatial placement of orders, which includes the following tasks:

Determining the number, type and location of warehouses,

Calculation of the area of ​​storage of material resources,

Inventory planning,

Designing areas of transportation, sorting, loading - unloading,

Choice of loading and unloading and other storage equipment.

2. Cargo handling, i.e. movement of material resources in the warehouse, sorting or picking of goods, maintaining a rational volume of warehouse cargo turnover.

3. Protective packaging.

4. Ensuring the return of goods that, for some reason, do not satisfy buyers or have not passed the after-sales service or warranty period

5. Provision of spare parts.

6. Repair and other types of service.

7. Collection of returnable waste.

8. Information and computer support, which largely ensures the implementation of the integrating function of logistics, both at the micro- and macroeconomic levels.

Each of the functions is a fairly homogeneous set of actions in terms of purpose.

Let us point out two features of the given complex of logistic functions:

1) all functions are interconnected and subject to a single goal - material flow management;

2) the carriers of functions are the subjects participating in the logistics process, the key of which are:

Enterprises - manufacturers whose warehouses of finished products perform a variety of commercial operations;

Commercial and intermediary organizations;


Transport companies, forwarding companies.

Personal selling: meaning, role and features. Key Steps in the Personal Selling Process

Personal Selling- a type of promotion that involves personal contact between the seller and the buyer, interaction, communication with the buyer, during which the consumer characteristics of the product are verbally presented and a joint decision is made on the possibility (impossibility) of a transaction, purchase and sale of goods.

Distinctive features personal selling has traditionally been:

Personal contact in the form of a dialogue between the seller and the buyer,

The importance of the personality of the sales agent (seller),

The possibility of establishing long-term partnerships between the seller and the buyer;

The presence of stable and effective feedback.

Significance and role

1. Personal contact. Each party participating in the communication can get acquainted with the proposals and wishes of the other, using all its channels of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic).

2. Flexibility of relations. On the one hand, personal selling allows the seller to almost instantly choose socially significant communication tools (speech, gaze, gestures, motivation strategy) and, on the other hand, personal selling allows the development of all types of relationships between the parties - from a superficial "seller-buyer" connection to personal friendship.

3. Dialogue mode of communication. Personal selling is always done in feedback mode. This allows the seller to change the strategy and tactics of negotiations in the process of communication with the client, analyzing in real time the information received from the potential buyer.

4. The possibility of using sales promotion elements focused on the individual characteristics of the buyer. To successfully complete the sale, the seller needs to understand what basic marketing factors (product, market, consumers) underlie the purchase decision.

The personal selling process includes the following steps:

Search for potential customers;

Presentation with adaptation of the presentation to the personal qualities of the seller;

Negotiating with the customer;

Counter-argumentation and deal making;

Development of relationships with the customer in the course of after-sales service.

Benefits of Personal Selling. The presence of direct contact (which is not in advertising) between the buyer and the seller: face to face or through telecommunications, for example, in telephone sales. Personal interaction provides communicative flexibility: the seller sees or hears the potential buyer's reaction to the message and can modify the message in the course of its transmission in accordance with the reaction.

Disadvantages of Personal Selling. High contact cost. A visit to the consumer includes the costs of recruiting the seller, his training, salary, his transportation and travel expenses. Reaching large audiences through personal selling can be costly.

Material flows: concept, dimensions and types. Material flows are formed as a result of transportation, storage and other material operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products - from the primary source of raw materials to the end consumer.

material flow- these are material resources in a state of movement, work in progress and finished products, to which logistics operations are applied related to their physical movement in space: loading, unloading, packing, transportation, sorting, consolidation, disaggregation, etc.

§ Material resources - raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, fuel, spare parts, production waste, containers and packaging.

§ Work in progress - products that are not finished by production within the enterprise.

§ Finished products are products that have completely passed the production cycle at a given enterprise, fully completed, passed technical control and delivered to a warehouse or shipped to a consumer (reseller).

The material flow at certain points in time can be a stock of material resources, work in progress or finished products if the material flow is not in a state of motion.

Each material flow corresponds to information and financial flows.

The material flow is characterized by the following parameters:

§ nomenclature, assortment and quality of products;

§ overall dimensions (volume, area, linear dimensions);

§ weight characteristics (total weight, gross weight, net weight);

§ physical and chemical characteristics of the cargo;

§ characteristics of containers (packaging);

§ terms and conditions of contracts of sale (transfer of ownership, supply);

§ financial (cost) characteristics, etc.

Types of material flows in relation to the logistics system: internal (not beyond the logistics system); external (outside the logistics system).

Types of flows in relation to the link of the logistics system: input; weekends;

According to the nomenclature, material flows are divided into: single-product (single-type); multi-product (multi-species).

Types of material flows by assortment: one-assortment; multi-assortment.

Such a separation is necessary because the assortment composition of the flow significantly affects the work with it. The product range is the composition and ratio of products of a certain type or name, differing from each other in grade, type, size, brand, exterior finish and other features.

According to the nature of movement in time, material flows are distinguished:

§ continuous (flows of raw materials and materials in continuous production (technological) processes of a closed cycle, flows of oil products, gas, transported by pipeline transport, etc.;

§ discrete.

Marketing pricing management: goals and strategies.

Marketing management (as defined by the American Marketing Association) is the process of planning and executing the pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, products, and services to create exchanges that satisfy both individuals and organizations. Marketing management is aimed at solving the problem of influencing the level, time frame and structure of demand in such a way that the organization achieves its goal.

The subject of direct pricing is the one who sells the product. The price is set by the seller, he controls the price of his goods. This is his right and one of his functions.
The seller is the visible subject of pricing. There are also, so to speak, invisible actors in this process - first of all, consumers (although in fact sellers do not ask at what prices they are ready to buy goods), as well as other subjects. And the position of these "invisible" persons is significantly reflected in the seller's "independent" price decisions. Buyers appear as such "gray cardinals" of the pricing process, which is formally completely controlled by the seller.

The algorithm of the marketing pricing process within the company can be built according to the following steps:

Setting pricing objectives;

Determining the state and characteristics of market demand (demand scale, consumer price sensitivity - demand elasticity);

Estimation of costs (fixed, variable, full, others);

Analysis of competitors (features of market offers, prices, costs, etc.);

Choice of pricing method;

Determination of the final price.

Pricing factors are a combination of those factors that influence the actions of the seller in the process of setting prices for products. They can be divided into internal - those that depend on the seller, controlled by him, and external - those that do not depend on the seller, are not controlled by him.
In general, the issues of marketing pricing management is complex and responsible. Pricing is always associated with risk. The price of a mistake can cost a company dearly. Quite often, a company's actual pricing technology is the actual amalgamation of several pricing methods. And this is not surprising, since the company, as a rule, has to simultaneously implement several important tasks - for example, to ensure a level of profit, to increase the value of its products in the eyes of consumers, to find ways to get ahead of competitors.

Concept of logistics

Concept of logistics- management activities for the implementation of operations for the purchase, supply, transportation and storage of inventory items, including materials, finished products, raw materials, inventory, equipment, etc.

According to this definition, logistics is aimed at optimizing the costs associated with the supply of inventory items (inventory and materials), streamlining the processes of production, supply and storage of inventory necessary for the activities of the enterprise. These processes can be carried out within a specific enterprise or group of enterprises, while depending on the specifics of the activity and the goods and materials being moved, different approaches to logistics activities can be applied.

The concept of logistics also includes the management of information and information flows directly related to logistics processes, as well as a number of management actions within the overall financial flows of an enterprise.

It is necessary to distinguish the logistics system from the concept of logistics, which is a complex of actions of different participants in the processes of supply, transportation and storage of goods and materials, such actions are organized in such a way that the goal is achieved and the tasks of logistics are performed.

Logistics, as a special economic activity, is the sphere of management of all types of flows that take place in the practice of economic entities.

The management of objects related to the field of logistics is based on the development of specific solutions and their subsequent implementation.

In accordance with this, the essence of logistics is manifested in scientific and economic activities.

The essence of logistics as a science lies in the development of methodology, scientific approach and methods of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing, distribution and other tangible and intangible operations that take place in the activities of economic agents. The scope of application of scientific methods of logistics includes operations for the delivery of raw materials and materials to a manufacturing enterprise, the redistribution of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products within the enterprise, the delivery of finished products to the end consumer, as well as the transfer and processing of information related to these operations.

The essence of logistics as a special area of ​​economic activity is the management of transportation, storage and distribution of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, finished products within the framework of the economic activity of an economic entity. Thus, logistics covers the entire business process, from the primary source of raw materials for production activities, to the distribution of finished products in order to bring them to the end consumer, as well as the processing of information related to logistics operations.

The importance of logistics as an economic activity for managing, first of all, the material flows of economic organizations, is due to the needs of socio-economic development and the economy as a whole, which are directly related to the growth in freight traffic various types transport and many directions of movement of raw materials and finished products between the subjects of the economic system.

Thus, in modern conditions, essence of logistics manifests itself in the rationalization of the management of material flows and is based on the following provisions.


Systems approach

In logistics, the implementation of a systematic approach is necessary, since the maximum effect can be obtained only if the material flow is optimized throughout its entire length from the source of raw materials to the end consumer.

Cost Accounting

It is required to take into account all logistics costs throughout the material flow in order to analyze and subsequently optimize the costs of transportation, warehousing and distribution

State of the art

The level of scientific and technological development allows business entities to use in logistics equipment designed for specific tasks, instead of universal equipment.

Labor productivity

The development of technological processes and the improvement of working conditions contribute to an increase in labor productivity in areas of activity associated with logistics processes.


The ability to adapt the logistics system of an individual business entity allows you to take into account changing market conditions, changes in demand and the influence of environmental factors of the enterprise.

Thus, we can make an objective conclusion that logistics allows business entities to use a scientifically based methodology for managing material flows, while solving a set of tasks related to the movement of resources and finished products.

Purpose and tasks of logistics

The main goal of logistics is to achieve maximum efficiency of material flows with minimal costs for transport, storage and distribution operations based on the creation of a rational logistics system.

In accordance with this goal, it is possible to single out the main and private logistics tasks.

The main tasks of logistics are related to the organization of the regulation of material flows and are reduced to aspects of management activities. Particular tasks of logistics are associated with specific actions in this area.
Logistics tasks

The main tasks of logistics

Private tasks of logistics

  • determination of the necessary reserve of resources for the uninterrupted economic activity of economic entities;
  • rational management of stocks of resources and finished products;
  • organization and management of unloading, loading and transport operations in the warehouses of the enterprise and on the side of consumers;
  • organization of distribution of finished products;
  • construction of a structural model of the functioning of the logistics system of the enterprise;
  • planning and organization of supply, warehousing, production, distribution and transportation processes;
  • harmonization and coordination of actions of enterprises participating in the supply chain and distribution of finished products, as well as individual divisions within one enterprise.
  • determination and creation of a minimum level of stocks;
  • reducing the shelf life of finished products in the warehouse;
  • reducing the duration of transportation;
  • reduction in the number of loading and unloading operations;
  • other actions related to the management of material flows.

They consist in certain actions that are a priori aimed at developing and planning a rational material flow. In accordance with this, logistics performs 4 functions:

  • backbone
  • integrating
  • regulatory
  • resulting

The system-forming function of logistics is the organization of logistics systems focused on rational, efficient and targeted management of the resources of an economic entity. This function also includes the coordination of the actions of the internal divisions of the enterprise and other enterprises that are participants in the material flow, starting from the supplier of raw materials for production process, ending with wholesalers and retailers providing distribution of finished products.

The integrating function of logistics is directly related to the backbone function and consists in ensuring the synchronous operation of the supply department, warehouse, sales department of the enterprise with external resource suppliers and intermediaries for the sale of finished products. It should be borne in mind that the implementation of this function is impossible without achieving coordination and coordination of actions of all participants in the material flow within the framework of the system-forming function of logistics.

The regulatory function of logistics is the effective management of material, financial and information flows in order to ensure an economically rational production process through control and influence on the enterprise's logistics system.

The resulting function of logistics is aimed at reducing costs, ensuring a rational material flow, organizing the timely delivery of resources for the production process and distribution of finished products. This function determines the efficiency of logistics in the enterprise based on the final result obtained from the organization of the supply of raw materials and the distribution of finished products.

Logistics functions ensure the coordination of production and distribution.

Coordination of production through the functions of logistics comes down to determining the material and financial needs of the production process at the enterprise, assessing the needs of consumers in manufactured products and ensuring such a level of production that will be in demand by the market.

Coordination of distribution, thanks to the functions of logistics, allows you to organize and control the flow of finished products from the enterprise to consumers directly or through wholesalers and retailers, depending on the level of the distribution channel.

  1. At the operational level logistics functions serve as the basis for managing the movement of material assets, starting from the stage of supplying production and ending with the distribution of finished products.
  2. As part of the supply of production activities, logistics functions are concentrated in the field of managing the movement of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products from suppliers to the warehouse of the enterprise, as well as in the field of managing their movement from the warehouse of the enterprise directly to the place of their use in production.
  3. Within the manufacturing process, logistics functions are responsible for moving raw materials, materials and semi-finished products between production stages, as well as sending finished products to the enterprise warehouse or directly to the distribution system for subsequent sale to end consumers in the target market.
  4. As part of the distribution of finished products, the functions of logistics are reduced to managing the material flows of finished products in the process of its movement from the enterprise to the commercial warehouse and to the final consumer.

The role of logistics in modern conditions

Thus, it can be judged that the role of logistics consists in the operational planning of the schedule for the supply of raw materials, materials and semi-finished products for production needs, determining the rational level of stocks of finished products and planning their sale in accordance with market demand.

In modern conditions, logistics occupies a special place in the management economic activity business entity and is of priority importance for diversified enterprises, geographically distributed companies, vertically and horizontally integrated holdings and other organizations that need to have a unified supply, production and marketing system. The approach to the management and distribution of material flows based on a functional logistics system is widely used and used in various sectors of the economy. At the same time, for large enterprises, the presence of a logistics department is an unconditional factor in the effective management of production and commercial activities and further development. Logistics is integrated into the enterprise management system in such a way as to ensure rational management of the production and distribution of finished products at all levels in accordance with the functions and tasks of logistics. At the same time, at different stages of its development, the enterprise is constantly increasing production capacity and increasing tangible assets, which invariably leads to a complication of the material flow structure, necessitating continuous improvement of logistics at the enterprise.

In modern conditions, it is impossible to ignore the importance of logistics, given that its functions cover the entire production and marketing process at an enterprise, from supplying production with raw materials, materials and semi-finished products to the distribution of finished products, and the tasks cover not only the sphere of movement of material resources, but also production aspects of the enterprise. At the same time, logistics allows you to develop and implement measures for the redistribution of material, financial, information and transport flows, both within the enterprise and outside it within the supply and distribution channels. Thanks to this, the enterprise achieves maximum flow efficiency with minimal costs for logistics operations based on a rational approach, which is the basis of logistics.


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The purpose of the logistics system is the delivery of goods and products that are maximally prepared for industrial or personal consumption to a given place, in the right quantity and assortment (7).

Logistics is broadly consumer-oriented. Her goal - delivery of products just in time with minimal costs for supply, storage, production, packaging, marketing, transport, which significantly improves the conditions for the functioning of the entire economy. The main goal of logistics is realized by solving a large set of tasks.

The tasks solved in logistics are divided into three groups: global, general, private .

Global The (main) task in logistics is to achieve the maximum effect with a minimum of costs in an unstable market environment. Global tasks also include modeling logistics systems and the conditions for their reliable functioning.

To general Logistics tasks include:

1) creation of an integrated system for regulating material and information flows;

2) control over the movement of material flows;

3) determination of the strategy and technology for the physical movement of goods;

4) standardization of semi-finished products and packaging;

5) forecasting the volume of production, transportation, warehousing;

6) forecasting the demand for goods produced and moved within the logistics system;

7) distribution of vehicles;

8) organization of pre-sales and after-sales customer service;

9) optimization of the technical and technological structures of automated transport and storage complexes.

Thus, on the basis of solutions to common problems, a network of warehouse systems is created to serve consumers, functions are distributed between distribution warehouses and consumer warehouses, which rationally attach them to production points.

Private tasks in logistics are narrower:

1) creation of minimum stocks;

2) the maximum reduction in the time of storage of products in stocks;

3) reducing the time of transportation of products, etc.

Thus, the main goals of commercial logistics are the creation of an integrated effective system of regulation and control of material and information flows, which ensures high quality of product delivery; achieving maximum adaptability of enterprises and firms in a changing market environment and gaining advantages over competitors while minimizing overall logistics costs.

Logistic function is an enlarged group of logistics operations aimed at achieving the goals of the logistics system.

In accordance with the considered tasks of logistics, operational and coordination functions are distinguished.

1. The operational nature of the functions is associated with the direct management of the movement of material values ​​in the field of supply, production, distribution.

To functions in the field of supply refers to the management of the movement of raw materials, materials and finished products from the supplier to manufacturing plants and warehouses.

In the field of production logistics functions are inventory management, which includes control of the movement of semi-finished products and components through all stages of the production process.

Distribution control functions products cover the operational organization of the movement of flows of finished products from the manufacturer to consumers.

2. The functions of logistical coordination include: identifying and analyzing the needs for material resources of various phases and parts of production; analysis of the markets in which the company operates; processing data relating to ordered products. The listed functions of logistics are to coordinate supply and demand. In this sense, marketing and logistics are closely related, and the following definition is true: "Marketing creates demand, and logistics realizes it." Thus, logistics reflects the integration of two areas: the demand presented by the market and the proposal put forward by the company.

Within the framework of the coordination functions of logistics, one more direction stands out - operational planning, the main task of which is the desire to reduce stocks without reducing the efficiency of production and marketing activities of firms. Its essence lies in the fact that, based on the forecast of demand, adjusted later when real orders are received, transportation schedules and, in general, the procedure for managing stocks of finished products are developed, which ultimately determines production planning, the development of programs for supplying it with raw materials and components.

From a conceptual standpoint the following logistics functions can be distinguished:

1. System function. Logistics is a system of effective technologies for ensuring the resource management process. In the "narrow sense" logistics forms a system for managing the movement of goods (the formation of economic relations, the organization of the movement of products through storage areas, the formation and regulation of product stocks, the development and organization of warehouses).

2. integrating function. Logistics ensures the synchronization of the processes of marketing, storage and delivery of products with a focus on the market of means of production and the provision of intermediary services to consumers. It ensures the coordination of the interests of logistics intermediaries in the logistics system.

3. regulatory function. Logistic management of material and related flows is aimed at saving all types of resources, reducing the cost of living and materialized labor in various sectors of the economy. In a broad sense, the control effect of logistics is to maintain the correspondence of the behavior of the links of the logistics system to the interests of the system as a whole. The higher the resource potential of any subsystem, the more it should focus on the strategy of the logistics system in its activities. Otherwise, if the subsystem exceeds a certain, predetermined level of autonomy, there may be a danger of destruction of the system itself.

4. The resulting function. Logistics activities are aimed at supplying products to required quantity, at the specified time and place, with a given quality (state), at minimal cost. Logistics seeks to cover all stages of the interaction "supply - production - distribution - consumption", i.e. it is an algorithm for converting resources into a supply of finished products in accordance with existing demand.

In practical terms, at the present stage of development, the logistics approach consists in establishing the relationship of material, financial and information flows; determining the technology for the optimal movement of resources and goods; identifying centers of occurrence of time losses, etc.

The concept of a logistic function

Definition 1

It is customary to call a logistic function a set of logistic operations aimed at the implementation of the tasks assigned to the logistic system.

The logistics functions performed at the enterprise depend on its industry and product specialization, corporate information system, organizational management structure, competitive strategy, and logistics infrastructure. The allocation of logistics functions is directly related to the separation of logistics functions at the enterprise. structural divisions responsible for the management of supply, warehousing, transportation, etc.

In the literature, it is customary to divide many of the logistics functions of an enterprise into three groups: basic, key, and supporting. Such a classification is very conditional: the list of specific functions in each group is determined by the specifics of logistics processes and the organization of the logistics service in a particular company. The classification of logistics functions into basic, key and supporting ones has developed historically. This is due to the evolution of business, the formation of management, marketing and logistics in countries with developed market economies.

The basic functions of logistics in enterprises include: supply, production and marketing. These functional areas exist in any manufacturing enterprise and form the basis for the existence of a logistics system. The basic logistics functions in the logistics system of the enterprise are presented in the diagram (Fig. 1).

Supply is a logistical function of managing the processes of purchasing raw materials and material resources, that is, managing the logistics of an enterprise “at the entrance”.

Production is a basic logistics function that occupies a central place in the company, includes the management of material and information flow within the technological process of manufacturing products or “internal logistics”.

Sales is a logistics function that combines the processes of physical distribution of finished products, bringing them to the end consumer, that is, the management of logistics "at the exit".

Key logistics functions

Key logistics functions arise in each of the basic functional areas (supply, production, marketing).

These include the following:

  • transportation management - management of the material flow movement process, includes the tasks of choosing the type of transport, route, carrier, tasks of rational loading of the vehicle, calculation of transport and logistics costs, etc.;
  • inventory management - activities for the formation and maintenance of a stock of materials, semi-finished products, finished products, includes the calculation of the optimal size of the stock, determining the procedure for placing and storing the stock in warehouses, the formation of a system for regulating the size of the stock, etc .;
  • order fulfillment management - activities that include order preparation and its transfer, order acceptance and accounting, order processing, picking and packaging in the warehouse, organization of its delivery to the consumer;
  • maintaining quality standards - activities to assess the quality of products and logistics processes at all stages of the movement of material flow, as well as the development of quality improvement measures,
  • information support of logistics processes - management of related information flows, ensuring unambiguity, flexibility, timeliness of information flows.

Most of the work that brings results and value to the consumer is performed precisely at the lower level - at the level of performers. Logistic functions are decisive in the formation, promotion and absorption of material and related information and financial flows. This is manifested in the regulation of the intensity and direction of their movement, the completeness of their saturation - the volume and range of means and objects of labor as elements of the logistics process.

The function is considered in the plane of generating a certain result of the execution of the logistic process: information that such a result is a consequence of a certain structure of resources and conditions for achieving such a result.

Logistic function- this is a separate set of logistics operations aimed at the implementation of the tasks assigned to the logistics system and / or its links, that is, any actions, is not subject to further decomposition within the framework of a specific task of logistics management and related to the emergence, transformation or absorption of a material object and related to this information flows, finances, etc.

Each logistics function is aimed at solving specific, diverse and complex problems of interaction between individual divisions of the enterprise, requiring a large range of specific logistics management activities.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of logistics management is the necessary level and timeliness of servicing industries of material production and enterprises directly. In this regard, any logistics function is serving in relation to any production function or production process.

The only logistics process is segmented into specialized functions in order to consolidate certain types of work (logistics operations) by performers and thereby streamline the enterprise logistics management system, ensure high professionalism in the execution of logistics activities

Specialized logistics functions define:

■ the specific content of the activities of both the logistics manager himself and the logistics management bodies of the enterprise;

■ the nature of such activities, the totality of duties that are assigned to an individual, subdivision;

■ the appointment of one or another link in the logistics management system.

Logistic functions, respectively, and the methods of their implementation, are not unchanged, once and for all formed. They are constantly being modified and changed. The development or deepening of each logistic function occurs not only under the influence of the internal laws of their improvement, but also under the influence of the requirements for the development of other functions (production, marketing, etc.). Since they are part of the overall logistics management system, each of the logistics functions must be improved in the direction determined by the overall goals and objectives of the functioning and development of the enterprise in specific environmental conditions.

The department of the logistics function is most often directly related to the allocation at the enterprise of structural units of the logistics service or individual managers responsible for managing inventory, procurement, transportation, warehousing, packaging, cargo handling, customs clearance, etc.

Logistic functions must be considered both from the point of view of their performers - specific employees of the logistics service units of the enterprise, and from the point of view of the content of the logistics process, the nature of the work (operations) performed. In logistics functions, the principles, methods and content of logistics management are combined into a whole.

Main classification features logistic functions is:

■ the type of logistics activity of the enterprise, allows you to distinguish one function from another in the course of the distribution of managerial labor;

■ the focus of the types of logistics activities of the enterprise on the object of logistics management or environmental factors.

On this basis, the logistic functions of the general and specific character.

General logistics functions reflect the content of the logistics management system as a whole and segment it into separate increased types of work (increased functions / processes) on the basis of the order in which they are performed in time. They determine the type of management activity, regardless of the place of its manifestation: the type of enterprise, the nature of the activity, the scale, and the like. In the most conceptual approach, common logistics functions include:

■ function "Decision-making". Determines the result of the systemic activity of the enterprise's management bodies with the help of successive iterative processes based on the awareness and setting of logistics goals, as well as ways to achieve them in the event of a particular problem;

■ function " goal setting". It consists both in the development of strategic and operational goals of the logistics activities of the enterprise, and in the adjustment of current actions, depending on the actual state of such activities;

■ function " Forecasting". It consists in identifying objective trends, the state of development of the enterprise's logistics management system in the future, as well as alternative ways of such development and the timing of their implementation;

■ function " Planning". Provides a solution to two global issues: what should be the logistical goals of the enterprise and what should its employees do to achieve them;

■ function " Organization". FROM one side it defines the activities that are aimed at streamlining the internal interaction of the personnel of the logistics service, with another - determines the form of manifestation of the joint activity of the divisions of the enterprise and the enterprise with the external environment;

■ function " Coordination and regulation". Its implementation is dictated by the need to clarify the nature of the actions of the performers of various departments of the enterprise in obtaining a single final result, aimed at establishing harmonious relationships between them on the basis of rationality, clear interaction, efficiency and reliability;

■ function " Adjustment". Ensures the implementation of current activities related to the elimination of deviations from the specified mode of operation of the logistics management system;

■ function " Motivation". Covers the development and use of incentives for the effective interaction of subjects of joint logistics activities;

■ function " Management and control of activities. It consists in monitoring the objects of logistics management, comparing their parameters with a specific program for the functioning of the enterprise's logistic system, in identifying deviations in the adoption and organization of the implementation of relevant decisions;

■ function "Accounting activities". It is carried out in order to obtain comprehensive information about the state of the logistics management system;

■ function "Analysis of activity". It consists in a comprehensive study of logical activities using a large arsenal of analytical and economic-mathematical methods for an objective assessment of such activities.

Specific (or specific, special) logistics functions determine the orientation of the management bodies to a specific object of logistics management and are completely dependent on the activities of the enterprise. The content of specific logistics functions on various enterprises reflects their specific features - purpose, type of production, complexity of products and services, specializations, and the like.

The level of identification of such logistics functions is influenced by: industry and product specialization, corporate and logistics strategies, organizational structure of enterprise management, infrastructure, information support. The department of the logistics function is most often directly related to the allocation at the enterprise of structural units of the logistics service or individual managers responsible for managing inventory, procurement, transportation, warehousing, packaging, cargo handling, customs clearance, etc.

Within the framework of the logistics management system, all functions are interconnected and mutually subordinate. The whole set of logistics functions is subordinated to the sole purpose of the entrepreneurial activity of the enterprise.

  • function (from lat. function- execution, implementation) - activities, obligations, work; external manifestation of the properties of an object in a given system of relations.