21 lasso meaning and interpretation. Tarot card World: the meaning of the Major Arcana

The World tarot card symbolizes the completion and transition from one stage to another. It has a positive meaning, indicating results and success in your life.

Map image description

In the center of the map, a naked, chastely covered woman attracts attention. Light scarf gently purple wrapped around a slender figure. This woman is a symbol of splendor, personifies youth and purity, the grace of the whole world. The woman is framed by a wreath of green leaves of some plant. The oval shape of the garland resembles the appearance of a zero. An oval and zero are a sign of infinity, an absolute, the end of one period and the transition to the next level or the beginning of a new period.

A woman has a wand in each hand, which show that both the conscious side and the subconscious are in the power of the woman.

In every corner of the map you can see the clouds and the image of the heads from the dream of the prophet Ezekiel:

  • The top left corner is an angel.
  • The upper right corner is an eagle.
  • Lower left corner - ox.
  • The lower right corner is the lion.

These are the heads from the figures on the Wheel of Fortune Arcana.

Achieving the unity of matter, expressed in the body, with the intellect, that is, thoughts, self-knowledge of the soul, and the subconscious.

Direct position interpretation

Keys: reward, only personal achievement. The embodiment of the plan, the achievement of all dreams and the embodiment of all desires. Uplift, happiness, concomitant success, freedom. Opening up new horizons. Research. Vocation. Joy, harmony, comfort. Personal development. The concept of your purpose. Achievement, summing up. Meeting the love of a lifetime. Wealth and fertility. Triumph. Liberation from the illusory world. Clear vision of the situation and what is happening. The award is well deserved. Project implementation. Honesty, purity, openness. Calm. Completion of what has been started. The beginning of a new stage. Firmness of character, sense of proportion and developed willpower. Success is guaranteed. Change.

A new period of productivity and prosperity is beginning in your life. On your way there will be success and achievement of your plans, implementation of plans, getting what you want, your life is stable, you have income, progress in all matters. You are moving in the right direction.

You are open to everything new, harmony and comfort reign in your life. You are open to the world and the world is open to you. All events are the results of your interaction with the World and the World with you.

You are sincere, open and trusting, people are drawn to you, this position allows you to open new horizons and take advantage of favorable opportunities. You have inner freedom, and this is directly reflected in your behavior and lifestyle. There is a lot of communication in your life, you are prone to change in environment and moving.

Arcana World, depending on the question asked, can portend both new acquaintances and trips and travels.

Other arcana:

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: lack of information for a clear vision of the situation. You are only moving towards your triumph. There will be a victory, but not now. Resistance to new opportunities. Detachment from research and disclosure of their talents and abilities. Stagnant situation, braking, delay. The presence of imperfections. The plans failed. Fear of change. Close your eyes to what is happening. Failure to find your purpose. Not understanding what to do with the information received. Failure. Crash. Slow action. Disappointment. Retribution, providence. pay for something. Doubts. apathetic states. Devastation. Depression. Fatigue.

Difficulties and obstacles may arise on your way, a delay in the implementation of plans. Until you have new opportunities, new paths are closed to your sight. The time has not yet come for victories and moving forward. Success will come, but not now. Do not be afraid if you are faced with a delay or delay in any business. Stop and analyze your actions, maybe you will find a flaw in your plan. If the plan seems successful to you, but there is no result, then most likely the situation has stagnated and the decision will not come soon.

All problems come from your inability to communicate, wrong attitude to the world around you, wrong perception environment inability to open up to others and to oneself. Closing yourself before the World, you close favorable opportunities for yourself, since the world responds to you with exactly the same attitude as you treat it.

In order to neutralize the negative impact of the Arcana, you need to learn to trust people and act according to circumstances, navigate the situation.

Remember that you can only minimize losses, but you will not be able to completely get rid of misses. What is destined will come true.

Arkan World in health

Direct position. Excellent health, strong immunity. High vitality, a good supply of strength and resources. With the manifestation of diseases - recovery, strength returns, and a period of recovery and return to the usual way of life begins.

Reversed position. Disorders, weakening of the protective functions of the body. The man did not take care of his health. Accidents are possible.

Problems with the musculoskeletal system, injuries associated with fractures. A viral infection is possible.

Arcana Peace in relationships

Direct position. Liveliness in relationships. In a couple of harmony, sincere feelings and sincerity. Unity with a partner, understanding and consistency. The feeling that you know a person for a long time, even if you know each other recently. Feeling familiar and own. Sexual satisfaction.

You are in harmony with yourself, and nothing prevents you from building relationships in the format that is convenient for you, while taking into account the wishes of your partner and not infringing on him.

If you are single, then do not be upset, soon you will find a partner for yourself. This may not be just a partner for a while. Relationships can develop into more serious ones, and even for life. Arcana World does not carry a short-term romance or simple flirting. Peace is always a strong, lasting bond based on something greater.

Reversed position. You should consider your partner from all sides. Evaluate its positive qualities, advantages and disadvantages. There is a possibility that you lived in illusions and turned a blind eye to too much. It's time to sort everything out. Do not worry if you are disappointed in your partner - this is the best way out than living in illusions all your life.

It is also time for you to think about how important your partner is to you and what you are ready for for this love. Are you limiting and limiting yourself too much?

Map World at work

Direct position. You have found your place in life and enjoy it. You have correctly realized your talents and put your skills and abilities in the right direction. You are a goal-oriented person, with opportunities to achieve higher victories and receive more worthwhile rewards for your actions. Expansion of your activities.

Advice. Be confident in yourself, do not forget about perseverance, as well as kindness and generosity. You do not need to make every effort, calculate your strength and victory is in your pocket.

Reversed position. You doubt everything: whether you did the right thing, whether you chose the right profession, went to work in that place, and so on. In your career, there are difficulties in every situation and obstacles at every turn. You are being too careful. You may be tormented by remorse and guilt.

World about the current situation

Direct position. Rapid resolution of all complex issues. Luck is on your side. Success and implementation of the plan, getting what you want, fulfillment of the most cherished desire, completion of the work begun.

Liberation from painful situations and burdensome moments, revealing the truth, the onset of a state of peace and satisfaction. Establishing one's position in society and circle of acquaintances. Trust your intuition, reason about the situation and find ways and solutions.

You have learned all the lessons that life has given you and now you have experience behind you that you can apply.

Reversed position. Something went wrong and not according to your plan. You made a mistake somewhere. Perhaps you simply closed yourself off from others, refused help, or missed an opportunity. Reconsider your attitude towards others, look at the world from a slightly different angle and from a different angle.

You have the opportunity to do what you want, but you should only take into account that your actions and the result may ultimately disappoint you, or not bring proper satisfaction and results.

Advice. Find your purpose, pay attention to what you like to do. Be active and take the initiative.

You should not blame someone for your problems, solve difficulties, remember that the problem will not resolve itself, but will only bring new failures.

To understand the Arcana World, just one idea is enough - the world in all its manifestations.

Questions for analysis after the appearance of the Arcana World in the alignment:

  • How do you imagine your paradise? What does it consist of and what should it contain?
  • What will you do when you achieve what you want, when all desires and dreams come true?
  • What can you overlook or be loyal to in order to maintain your comfort zone and your harmony?
  • What is your happiness? When are you truly happy?

Peace combined with the Major Arcana

With a joke Chase your dream, go travelling.

With a magician Career advancement.

With the high priestess. The world of science and discoveries.

With the empress. Get an inheritance.

with the emperor. House. Finding a home or going back to basics.

with the hierophant. dedication to something. It can be both the disclosure of secrets and the performance of the sacrament.

With lovers. You will meet your soul mate.

With a chariot. Absolute victory.

With strength. Reunion.

With a hermit. Isolate yourself from the outside world. Close from everyone.

With the wheel of fortune. Elevation.

With justice. Contract signing.

From the hanged man. Non-standard thinking.

With death. The goal cannot be reached, but you keep putting in your efforts.

With moderation. peaceful solution to the situation.

With the devil Someone dictates the rules of the game.

With a tower of lightning. Destruction, loss. No signs of trouble.

With a star The embodiment of the idea.

With the moon Not now, fail.

With the sun Getting what you want. Confession. Summarizing.

With court. Derivation of the result.

Interpretation of the Arcana World in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Go through all the hardships with your head held high and with the desire to move on, gaining life experience, learning the lessons.

With a deuce. New opportunities and perspectives.

With a trio. Something that has stood the test of time.

With four. Acquisition of real estate. Festive event.

With five. Reconsider your views and actions.

With six. You have come a long way to achieve what you want.

With seven. You come up with ways to keep what you have achieved.

With eight. Contract, agreements. Receiving news.

With nine. It is better to control how your instructions or agreements are being implemented.

With ten. Depressing state.

With a page. Getting new knowledge. Promotion.

With a knight Moving forward to new heights.

With the queen. Your life is in your hands.

With the king. You see a lot.

Combination of the World card in combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. Overflowing with emotions.

With a deuce. Consent, harmony, comfort. Strong union.

With a trio. Celebration. Holiday.

With four. Pleasure received, but still, something is wrong.

With five. Loss of the world.

With six. Past merit.

With seven. Illusions and virtuality.

With eight. Give up your plan or dream.

With nine. Victory. Peace and tranquility.

With ten. Getting what you want.

With a page. You will be invited to the party.

With a knight Consistency. Contract signing.

With the queen. Peace with a woman.

With the king. Peace with a man.

Peace in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Winning position, success is on your side. Victory.

With a deuce. A truce has been reached, but it is temporary.

With a trio. Pain, regret.

With four. The world is only in words or on paper, in reality everything is more complicated.

With five. Confrontation.

With six. Changing of the living place.

With seven. Insincerity of intentions.

With eight. Limitation and narrowness of worldviews.

With nine. Evil rock.

With ten. loss of his position. Destruction.

With a page. Conflict.

With a knight Open confrontation.

With the queen. Violation of agreements. Conflict.

With the king. Referee. Power.

Interpretation of the Arcana of the World in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Receiving an award or prize.

With a deuce. Structural instability. The world is under threat.

With a trio. Giving actions seriousness and formality.

With four. Financial stability.

With five. Security is at stake.

With six. Receiving awards for your work.

With seven. Waiting period for results.

With eight. Manifestation of talent, use for its intended purpose.

With nine. Investments. Material wealth.

With ten. Reach fame.

With a page. The end of the educational path.

With a knight Journey, serious trip.

With the queen. The birth of a baby, conception.

With the king. The one who is in charge.

On the Arcana Tarot World Endless Universe- endless possibilities. The Universe is infinite, and each person is also the whole Universe, and, therefore, the path of knowledge has no end. Woman, located in space indicates the direction of movement. her nudity shows that she does not hide her essence. In her hands are gold and silver wands, personify the two principles Yang and Yin, male and female, active and passive. Wands are on the same level, that means they are in harmony with each other. Around a woman snake, as a symbol of the wisdom of the universe, holding her tail in her mouth, forms an oval. It is a symbol of infinity and continuity of life, a closed cycle of development of all material things in the world. Life is replaced by death, then life again. Matter is converted into energy, and then energy is again converted into matter. This goes on endlessly. At the corners of the Arcana are located four heads four elements, as a symbol of the achieved integrity. 

Angel- this is the spirit, feelings, the highest meaning of life. Eagle- this is the mind, knowledge that a person accumulates while in his earthly incarnation. Taurus These are earthly material goods and physical health. a lion- a symbol of strength, power and emotions. The very name of the Arcana World is ambiguous. World is a time without war, a time of creation and joy. Time of fertility, love, birth of children. World is space. This word denotes a small world of our environment and the world of our earth, with all continents and countries. Finally, when we say the word "world", we mean the entire universe - visible and invisible, in all its manifestations. So one short word combines two infinite concepts- "space and time". And also world- this is harmony, life in harmony with oneself and the surrounding reality.

Meaning of 21 Arcana Tarot World in upright position:

Key Meanings of the Arcana Tarot World in upright position: finding your place in the world. The end of a stage in life and the beginning of a new one. Reward, fulfillment of desire, achievement of the goal. Happy ending. Change of residence, long journey. International relations.

Arcana Tarot World on Relationships in the upright position: deep connection, lasting relationship. Marriage. Taking the relationship to another level.

Arcana Tarot World for Work in the upright position: job well done, triumph. Successful completion of the next stage of the project and transition to the next one. True calling.

Arcana Tarot World on Health in the upright position: healing, good health. For a seriously ill person, or if the Arcana World is surrounded by unfavorable Arcana, it can symbolize physical death, as the greatest relief and liberation from illness, or as a transition to another level of being.

Advice Arcana Peace in the upright position: you can rejoice - you have already practically achieved your goal, found your place in this world, and soon another life stage will open for you.

Meaning of 21 Arcana Tarot World Reversed:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot World in an inverted position: middle of the way. Partial success. Inability to continue what you started. Unwillingness to look to the future. Stubbornness. Postponed trip.

Arcana Tarot World on Relationships in an inverted position: relationship stuck at some point. For example, a couple continues to meet, not daring to get married. Or one partner achieves another, but later realizes that he did not need it at all, feeling disappointed. Lingering loneliness.

Arcana Tarot World for Work in an inverted position: inability to complete the project. Unsatisfactory result. Run in place. The inability to find a use for yourself.

Arcana Tarot World on Health inverted: fatigue, malaise. Reluctance to take charge of your health.

Advice of the Arcana World in an inverted position: Your desire now cannot be fully realized, perhaps in the past you made some mistakes that are now preventing you from moving forward. The time for big changes for the better has not yet come, you are in the middle of the road.


The main meaning of the card

Direct position

This Arcana is the embodiment of good luck, location “at the right time in the right place”, satisfaction. The person to whom the World fell is harmonious, experiences the joy of life; He both works and rests with pleasure. The situation described by such an Arcanum is best characterized as reconciliation with the outside world and fullness of energy.

The world is like finding a personal paradise, achieving a long-awaited and longed-for goal. In the case of this card, we can talk about the completion of a certain life cycle (stage); however, it can also mean the realized aspiration of a lifetime. If the Empress fell next to the World in the layout, then this indicates the receipt of an inheritance. With the Chariot, this Arcana is interpreted as a complete victory in a difficult, risky business.

Reversed position

In an inverted position, Peace can be interpreted as inertia, a tendency to go with the flow and passively wait for positive results. Such an Arcana in many cases is a fair retribution for unrighteous actions, unfair judgments. The Reversed World indicates that the result, which may have already been almost in hand, is being postponed, delayed. It is such a card that describes a person’s state similar to depressive, apathetic, when impatience and perseverance do not bring the desired results, but degenerate into disappointment.

The inverted World should give rise to the idea that in order to be successful you need to sacrifice something, give in something, give up. And paired with Death, such a card symbolizes unattainable goals that need to be revised and rethought.

In addition, the inverted World, together with the Devil, testifies to ill-wishers who create many problems for a person; with the Tower - actions are immoral or simply unaesthetic, which make others lose a considerable amount of respect for a person.

Love and relationships

Direct position

The world is living feelings, sincere sincerity. This is the feeling that the partner is not just a pleasant person, but truly the second half. And, of course, Peace is sexual satisfaction.

If such an Arcana fell out to a lonely person, then this clearly indicates that he will soon find a mate for himself. Moreover, his chosen one (chosen one) will not be an accidental partner for a short time, but will turn out to be a life partner for a long time, maybe even for life. This is absolutely true, because the World cannot mean a holiday romance or a frivolous flirtation with a “workmate”. Absolute happiness is also indicated by the combination of the World with the Ace of Cups - it seems to double its positive and promising meaning. And the combination of the World with the Lovers symbolizes the resolution of contradictions with a partner and the achievement of harmony in relationships.

Reversed position

The inverted World should make a person think about the merits and demerits of his chosen one. He probably still idealized him; but now it's time to get rid of illusions. And even if the result of this is disappointment, it is still better than being deceived and subsequently suffering.

Another meaning of the World in an inverted position is the need for sacrifice in the name of love. In this context, Arkan, in fact, should be perceived as a need to think: is your partner so dear to you, and are you ready to infringe yourself in some way for him?

In addition, always pay attention to the combination of the inverted World with the Four of Wands, which is interpreted as postponing the wedding, as well as with the Star, which clearly indicates the unfulfillment of some hopes.


Direct position

In the layouts for a career, the World often falls to people who have found their calling, a place in life, or will definitely find it in the future. At the same time, the person himself, to whom the World fell, should be characterized as a purposeful person, capable of achieving high, significant goals (including in combination with the Magician). When guessing at a situation, this Arcana can also fall out if it is a creative activity that brings joy and satisfaction. Or about a very promising job, for example, abroad (especially when paired with Justice).

Reversed position

If, when divining for a profession, the World falls upside down, then there are difficulties and obstacles that arise as a result of sluggishness, excessive reinsurance, and doubts. Even this Arcana in an inverted position may indicate some problems of a moral and ethical nature, for example, remorse. And when in the layout, along with the inverted World, the Seven of Cups fell out, then this definitely speaks of the intrigues and dishonesty of colleagues (partners, management, etc.)

However, the positive potential of this Arcana is such that even when turned upside down, it does not carry pure negativity, so you should always remember: all obstacles are surmountable, and aspirations are real and achievable.

Look for yourself, do not be content with "a tit in the hands." Activity and initiative are excellent qualities, especially since no one has achieved great results without them.

Are you fed up with problems? Completely wrong! They need to be fought, they need to be bypassed, in a word, something must be done and somehow solved. And they themselves may never disappear from the horizon of your life.

So, be sure of success, be kind and generous ... And then everything will work out.

The 21st major lasso "Peace", also sometimes it is also called the "Crown of Mages". Let's look at the map itself. We see a beautiful maiden who soars in the air with complete calm and peace. She has reached her heights and is in complete bliss. She has 2 wands in her hands. In turn, they mean wisdom and love. It is also surrounded by 4 heads: an eagle, a bull, a lion and an angel. They denote 4 gospels, 4 elements, 4 Vedas and so on. In addition, the maiden herself floats in the air, surrounding herself with a large green wreath, which indicates her ideal state of mind. The wreath denotes a person who enters his Truth.

  • The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    What is the general meaning of the "World" card? First of all, this is the last major lasso, which ends the entire cycle of lasso. In other words, the card denotes the achievement of the desired goal, complete harmony and peace, personal triumph and success, successful completion of the stage, spiritual wealth.

    The card shows that you have reached that level and calmness when you no longer need to rush and worry anywhere. You have successfully completed the stage and are now in complete harmony.

    Also, this lasso shows that you were able to defeat your fears that could previously pull you down, and now you are completely freed from them. You are no longer a slave to your desires and attachments. You have reached your goal and now you have a well-deserved opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest.

    "Peace" is a lasso that shows that a person has reached and fulfilled his destiny. His goal is ready, he can rest and be in perfect harmony. He no longer worries about pressing problems, he is attracted and pulled by the heights of the soul, which he subconsciously sees and wants to discover for himself.

    Interpretation of the card in a direct position (deep level, spiritual)

    The World map is the end of the arcades, marking both the beginning and the end. The end of an old era, the beginning of a new branch. Also, the card can be interpreted as the beginning of a new spiritual level of your soul and state.

    You have come to the level of understanding your own nature and your path, and you are starting the path of spiritual knowledge. You achieve a perfect state of mind and peace for today. Complete liberation from previous illusions, fears and experiences.

    In other words, this is your new Paradise and your new resting place. After all, you have already passed all your trials and experiences, and now you are completely spiritualized and indulge in higher knowledge.

    Also, the card gives you complete harmony of soul, body and mind, which not all people achieve. People who come to such harmony are freed from earthly problems that drag them down. They understand their true purpose and the meaning of their stay on Earth.

    You know what you want and you know the value of your actions. You are not chasing mirages or unattainable goals. You are calm and indifferent. You share your true desires, from those imposed on you from the outside or ordinary, which long ago turned into a routine.

    If we look closely, we will see that the maiden on the map is dancing. What could this mean? She symbolizes her personal Universe, her dance is the cycle of life, each stage of which is replaced by the previous one.

    A wonderful realization comes to you that you have moved to a new level. You have matured as a person and found your way. Having ceased to perceive minor failures and problems, you understand that you need to strive for the complete harmonization of your inner world, and this is the very basis of both a person and the “World” card.

    The map shows us how, from the initial state of Chaos, the whole world was transformed and achieved wonderful bliss and harmony. In the same way, you have achieved your harmony by passing hard way life. But you deserve it. Your intentions, thoughts, actions and life.

    The state of consciousness and a lesson for self-development

    If in your personal scenario, this senior lasso fell out, you can breathe easy. You no longer need to run anywhere, you have reached your goals and now is the time to reap the rewards of your efforts and efforts.

    You were in the right place and at the right time, as if all the puzzles were put together and you have a real ideal life in front of you. All problems go away by themselves. If you have had people whom you do not want to see, they will move away from you on their own. You won't remember them anymore.

    If the card appeared upside down, it means that for the time being your goals are being postponed for a short time. Their implementation is also delayed. Everything happens this way because you are in a passive state and do not want to accept the world around you, therefore you are depressed.

    Until you become aware of all past steps and possibly mistakes, your situation and condition will not improve. And you just need to take a few steps in front, ceasing to be afraid.

    Your health will be fully restored. If you had any illnesses before, you will be able to heal completely and forget about the pressing problems of the body. But if a person has a serious illness, then there will be a different interpretation. The map will represent quick death, namely, the deliverance of the soul from earthly torment. Symbolically, you can say "return to paradise."

    If the card fell upside down, to the question of health, then it shows the weakness of the body and deterioration, if we are talking about pregnancy, then a miscarriage is possible.

    In career, work and finance

    You have found exactly the job that you are destined to. All the actions that were directed earlier led you to this particular work. The map does not mean that you have this work to the end, there is always room to grow. But at the moment - this is the ideal embodiment of your mind, strength and tranquility, to realize your potential.

    The card means that your work will be appreciated, and you will now receive your well-deserved laurels. If earlier life threw up many trials for you, now you are on your own path.

    Unprecedented success awaits you at work. You have not worked so hard to achieve a financial goal in vain. Now your reward is just around the corner. Money begins to come in on its own, without much effort, because everything that was needed, you have already done.

    "Peace" to bring good news of change. You can expect travel, a change of work environment, and in the way that you previously desired. Opportunity for new international connections.

    If the card falls upside down, then the value is not very positive for you. You will achieve your career goals, but a little later. Perhaps you have not yet put enough effort into your efforts or are not yet ready for the coming changes.

    It is also possible that, having achieved a result, you will lose something. That is, there will be some kind of sacrifice when the goal is achieved. Think maybe this is not the right way? You just need to choose a different path and then the desired result will instantly come.

    Also, there are difficulties due to doubt or sluggishness. Sometimes this happens because of "remorse." Think about whether you did everything right and whether you really deserved your calling.

    In love and relationships

    The Peace card means complete harmony, love and understanding in a relationship. This is the most beautiful union, where people in love understand each other perfectly and feel the state of their beloved even thousands of kilometers away.

    The card shows and reveals complete harmony and mutual understanding. loving people. To whom this card fell out means that the time will soon come when you cannot even be separated for a minute from your loved one.

    If at the moment you don’t have a soul mate, then it will knock into your life very soon, and you will plunge headlong into joy, harmony, peace and love.

    When an inverted card is thrown, it is worth thinking about the second half. Perhaps in the past you idealized your relationship, constantly shielding your loved one. Take a closer look and soberly, is this the person you love, and is he really worthy of you?

    Also, the card can mean some kind of "sacrifice" in the name of love. Perhaps you face the test of time or distance. What will you do for your loved one?

    Characteristics of the lasso in the upright position

    1. Harmony and Peace.
    2. End of stage.
    3. Achievement of the goal.
    4. Finding peace and tranquility.
    5. Implementation of plans.
    6. Spiritual wealth.
    7. Acquisition of the second half (satellite).
    8. Reward and success.
    9. Recognition and glory.
    10. Travel.
    11. New Horizons.
    12. Release from fears and worries.
    13. affirmation in life.

    Interpretation upside down

    An inverted card indicates that at the moment you have a kind of 'stagnation' and so far you do not see a way out of the situation. Perhaps this state will not last long, or maybe much longer, it all depends on you.

    You are probably afraid of something or worried about something. It happens that a person does not notice the obvious or simply turns a blind eye to something. It's about you. It is necessary to develop acceptance of the World and oneself.

    Or you have not yet learned and passed the last “lesson of life”. You have to understand and rethink all your actions and their results. It also happens that a person is not yet ready to accept new changes, then you just need to gain strength and patience. Sooner or later, these changes will burst into your life.

    Perhaps it's time to look around and wake up, because happiness is already here, next to you, just reach out. Take the first step, and you will know that all your worries and fears were in vain, because there is a beautiful and long road ahead.

    Also, an inverted card indicates that clear and strong changes have not yet arrived. But they are not far off, you need to wait a bit or just take a step towards fate.

    Perhaps, in a certain situation, you were quite aggressive and angry, for which your result was slightly delayed in time, so that you would be aware of your actions and deeds.

    Characteristics of the lasso in an inverted position

    1. inert state.
    2. Delaying the implementation of plans and goals.
    3. Stagnation, unwillingness to change.
    4. Bad start.
    5. Loss of harmony, fear of the unknown.
    6. Close all your eyes.
    7. Do not know how to find your way or are afraid of something new.
    8. Difficulties, go the wrong way.
    9. Success will be in the future.
    10. Routine.
    11. Overwork.
    12. Run in place.
    13. Postponed trip.

    Position in the layout in place

    If the position points to the place, then there is no definite binding, because the World card spreads its harmony and tranquility to all spheres of life, in any direction. It can be as a love side, work or just a life stage.

    Professions and fields of activity

    People who achieve their goals and become winners. Travelers. Actors. Businessmen who have many international meetings.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 21, then the Quintessence will be the World. The advice of the cards is as follows: you will come to spiritual perfection and inner harmony when you find your business and place in life.

    In contact with

    Correspondence according to "Liber 777":

    The letter is tau.

    The meaning of the letter is tau Egyptian (should be tau cross).

    The ruler is Saturn.

    Position on the tree - Yesod - Malkuth.

    Colors are indigo and black.

    Egyptian gods - Sebek, Mako.

    Indian gods - Brahma.

    Meditation is peace.

    Roman gods - Saturn.

    Animals - crocodile.

    Plants - red poppy, hibiscus, nettle.

    Precious stones - onyx.

    Aromas are styrax and all thick, heavy odors.

    Minerals - lead.

    Magical powers are the works of damnation and death.

    Sins are stinginess.

    The human body is an excretory system.

    Mythical creatures - vampires, larvae, corpse fires.

    Diseases in case of improper operation - atherosclerosis.

    Consider Time and all conditions of the Event as Servants

    Your will, appointed to represent the universe to you

    In the shape of your plan

    And: blessing and worship of the prophet

    Dear Star.

    Possible meanings for divination: “The subject of the question itself, synthesis, the end of the subject, the card can mean delay, opposition, stubbornness, inertia, patience, perseverance, perseverance, stubbornness in difficulties. The crystallization of the whole problem involved" (Aleister Crowley "The Book of Thoth").

    So our journey through the twenty-two great arcana of the tarot comes to an end. More precisely, only the first acquaintance with the great deck ends, which gives the keys to the world of symbols - the world from which the entire culture of mankind grows, be it religion, philosophy, science, art or vulgar anecdotes. If we have a good intuition, it is not difficult for us to understand how deep these waters are. So with this book, our journey is just beginning.

    It remains to study the last lasso, the last facet of the great language of the gods. Understanding this lasso is more difficult than all the previous ones put together. I am writing this chapter one year after all the other chapters have been written. All this time, the meanings and correspondences of the last lasso eluded me like a snake. Yes, in the first version of the lecture on the Universe, I conscientiously presented all the interpretations known to me in all the richness of their contradictions. But if in the rest of the arcana, behind the abundance of symbolic facets and contradictions, I managed to understand and convey the integrity of the card, then as far as the Universe is concerned, the facts presented were nothing more than a pile of objects collected without any system. Although, it would seem, of all the arcana, the latter is the simplest due to the fact that it is closest to the ground.

    So, what do we know about the lasso Universe? In the exoteric tarot, I met several times a completely unambiguous interpretation: the lasso of the World is completely devoid of negative meanings. Timothy Leary identifies with the lasso the Universe the not very clear phrase "purple hole world" or, more simply, the transubstantiated world. Hayo Banzhaf in The Tarot and the Hero's Path sees this arcanum as the final point of individuation.

    However, there is also an opposite interpretation. On the Kabbalistic tree of life, the path of Tau is the first path along which the adept begins to ascend from the Sefira Malkuth, that is, the material world. In the commentary of Book 777, Crowley writes: "The adept should follow the path of the Tau, passing through the elements of the astral plane, in spite of their darkness and horror." Moreover, of the planetary correspondences, the "Universe" corresponds to the darkest of the seven planets, Saturn, and the magical works that correspond to this path are the works of damnation and death.

    Isn't it a strange combination? There is another interesting point. Even Crowley contradicts himself in interpreting this arcana - according to the Book of Thoth, the symbol of this card is Cadmus, who ends his journey by turning into a snake. Although Tau is what corresponds to the beginning of the path. Note that Jung also gave great importance the kinship of the hero (the Chosen One) with the snake: at the beginning he must resist her, then she becomes a faithful ally and a god who transubstantiates consciousness, and, finally, after death, the adept turns into a snake, which symbolizes the attainment of immortality.

    Being the last arcana, this card is quite consistent with death, both in the position of the last of the major arcana, and in its correspondence with Saturn, which is "the killer of everything." The universe is actually much closer to death than the lasso Death.

    "What will I be when you erase me"? asks the self-realized game program in the sci-fi movie Nirvana and immediately gets the answer: "Perhaps a snowflake outside the window."

    For the past year and a half, my helplessness to somehow outline the parallelism of these meanings, each of which, in my deep conviction, is true, did not end in anything.

    The analysis of the Tau-cross does not add clarity, which, on the one hand, is a symbol of the highest initiation of Hiram (See: Nerval "The Story of King Suleiman, the Master of Spirits and the Queen of Sheba, Daughter of the Morning"), and on the other, the same symbol of the crucifixion on the gravity of matter. With such paradoxes, one involuntarily recalls the words from the gospel - "I am Alpha and Omega", but they do not explain anything either.

    The key is, as always, on the surface, in the title itself. The universe is the entire material world, the very principle of matter, if you will. The idea of ​​matter, being, manifestation from the unmanifested. And this is where things start to become clear. Because from time immemorial there have been two irreconcilable views on matter.

    The first of them is the denial of materiality and the perception of matter as evil. This view reached its most extreme degree in Manichaean dualism, which describes matter as the abyss of abysses, the extreme point of falling. This opinion was held by the pessimistic Gnostic schools. This position is clearly expressed in the Christian idea of ​​original sin, the depravity of the flesh, as well as in Hinayana Buddhism.

    The exact opposite view is expressed by the Tantric school, Taoism and, in particular, the matriarchal pagan schools. From this point of view, matter is the body of the goddess, and she is holy. Our position is in the middle: although we remember the words - “all being is pure joy” and tend to the second version, nevertheless, we remember Crowley’s warning about the heavy, inertial nature of this lasso (indeed, lead is the heaviest metal and further only radioactive metals decay under their own weight) or, in the language of the sacred tradition, "outer darkness".

    In this Saturn chart, lead is also identified with the element of earth (the tau path is one of two paths that has a double correspondence) and is associated with such categories as inertia, pragmatism and attraction. But let's not be hasty in interpreting the principle of inertia as "bad", because it is no coincidence that Crowley said that "he who knows his true will is helped by all the inertia of the universe."

    This is where the main key to this lasso lies. For its meaning depends primarily on the one who comes into contact with it. For those who are just starting their journey, matter is the enemy, and the first task is to overcome the gravity of the earth at any cost. This is the state when the whole world comes at you like a wall. Parents, teachers, bosses, educators - all seem to be united in order not to let the individual germinate, but to turn it into the same dead doll as they are.

    However, the worst enemy is still inside. These are the limits of our own capabilities, and the unbearable burden of fatigue that collapses when we approach these boundaries, this is the fear of change, acting in tandem with hope, this is the quiet, but insinuating voice of inner betrayal, which in every way tries to make us believe - “Maybe they are right?” ...

    In this position, the adept should act like a wounded deer, seeking to find a hiding place in which to restore himself and build a wall between himself and the outside world. The Gnostics depicted the creator of the world not so much as evil as blind in his ignorance. Impartially observing the laws of society, one is really amazed not so much by their cruelty as by general stupidity and the triumph of prejudice.

    The ego must challenge the Great and Terrible Mother. All matter at the first stage appears precisely in its capacity. This war for the right to have individuality, for the exercise of one's individuation by the absolute majority has almost no chance. Therefore, at best, one in a thousand can be called an individual. The process of creating consciousness and the levels of danger described by Erich Neumann in "The Origin and Development of Consciousness".

    You will probably have analogies with the Moon lasso, and they have the right to exist. However, the Moon is primarily an idea of ​​the regressive striving into the womb, the Oedipal complex. This is a fall, but a fall as an active process, a kind of “will to fall,” if you will. The universe is simply the very principle of the resistance of matter, inertia without properties, which can be filled with anything, and until the sword of individuality is won back, it is filled with dead shells.

    Therefore, when the first part is passed and the student becomes an adept, the symbolism of the Universe changes to the exact opposite, the minus turns into a plus, and as already mentioned, "the inertia of the entire universe helps in the implementation of one's will." That woman on the map, which symbolizes materiality, turns from an enemy into an ally, and from a castrating and suffocating mother into a passionate lover. Neumann too little consecrated this side of doing, hanging on the primary matriarchal stage, and Jung's later work is much more useful here. The alchemists said that "a white dove is hidden in lead." In this sense, the principle of matter is both lead, and a white dove, and primary matter, which is heavier than heavy, and transfigured matter - a state that is achieved as a result of great work.

    This is beautifully illustrated by the following Zen koan: “Before I entered Zen, trees were just trees and mountains were just mountains. After I entered Zen, trees were no longer just trees, and mountains were no longer just mountains. And now that I have attained enlightenment, the trees are just trees again, and the mountains are just mountains.”

    This seemingly simple koan has a very deep symbolism. For ordinary person there is nothing but materiality. When he first enters the path, materiality becomes an enemy, and only at the last step does he realize that the key has always been with him, and "mountains become mountains again." The observer himself changes qualitatively - if at the beginning he was a passive hostage of matter, then in the end he receives indescribable freedom. Let us recall the three-part IAO formula, which describes almost the same stages.

    Therefore, when the Universe lasso falls out, it can mean both that you are now facing the entire weight of matter, and that right now you have reached your peak, that peak when all matter is one with your will. Therefore, in the layouts, the interpretation of this lasso requires high intuition and often cannot be carried out without another auxiliary card.

    In conclusion, I would like to cite one dream that very deeply conveys the mystery of incarnation at the very initial, negative level. I had this dream in early childhood. Years later, I was truly shocked when I discovered almost identical ideas in alchemy and Gnosticism:

    I walk around Moscow and go to the cinema. They show a film about God. I enter the hall - the action immediately begins on the screen. Instantly, as it were, I cease to be myself and become this action. Its essence is as follows: a certain ideal God is in his own world, where he can do everything. Only one thing is impossible for him - to play with the crow, which is in the center of the world. God changes the whole world with the power of thought, but does not touch the crow. Then, feeling that something is missing for him, he begins to feel sorry for this crow, "unchanging in the changing." God finally turns his thought to her, and just at that moment something happens. He is sucked into a crow, and I see (or is he? - unfortunately, it is impossible to adequately describe this) how this ideal God disintegrates into molecules and atoms. A series of levels flew before my eyes, and the understanding comes that this perfection has collapsed “below the level of hell”, and in some incomprehensible way I am “him” and “not-him” at the same time. A click before my eyes - I again find myself in a cinema. I leave the hall: a dying world appears before me, and at the same time everything seems to have remained as before. Melancholy and grief cover me. I tell myself only one thing: the main thing is not to cry! Then my friend comes up and asks: “Have you seen the movie?” I answer in the affirmative, to which she remarks: “It is strange that you are not crying - after all, the whole world is crying after seeing this tragedy!” Where does the dream end?

    The tragedy in question is at the same time the highest good of embodiment, and therefore of creativity. To take a position of pessimistic gnosis and mourn the creation means not to understand its meaning and purpose, to refuse to see the greatness of the divine plan. But falling occurs for the sake of rising, gravity is given in order to find strength in overcoming it, and disintegration is a preliminary condition for unity.