The meaning of the priestess card. Osho Map The Inner Voice II

If you feel that you have found harmony within yourself and found the true meaning, then you can only accept the knowledge gained and stop further searches. The truth is inside you, look for it, because it is you, look for yourself. Finding yourself and exploring your inner world is the best meditation. If you can learn this, you will find many answers to your questions and learn what is truly valuable in this life. Everything you do will be true. You will be guided by the truth, and you will be guided by it, which will bring the highest harmony.

The inner voice is so internal that it cannot be heard with the ears - this will be possible only by going deeper into oneself and listening to what the soul says. And she can only tell the truth, the most frank truth. The symbol of truth was transferred to the card in the form of an image of two hands holding a mysterious crystal. This crystal is the most valuable, and the hands are a symbol of both the light side and the dark, carrying a slightly dual meaning. However, this suggests that light and dark forces are always fighting for the human soul, the first, guiding on the true path, the second, trying to confuse and lead astray from the right path, which a person can only follow if he has a well-developed inner intuition. This is why self-knowledge is so important.

However, the inner voice can also depend on the emotional background; it either calms down like water at the bottom of the ocean, or rises like a pair of dolphins that soar in the waves of life. The inner voice is connected, of course, with both space and earth, with the first through the crescent-shaped crown, with the second through the green leaves on the figure’s clothes. And almost everyone has this feeling when it’s as if their inner world is being pulled in different directions, a feeling of uncertainty and confusion, and here concentration and willpower, the search for silence within oneself, are extremely important.

The Zen Osho Tarot deck was created based on the teachings of Osho. It stands apart from the classic decks and has a special purpose. Let's talk about the features of such cards and how to work with them correctly.

The Osho Zen Tarot Tarot deck was created by the followers of the great Teacher after his death in 1995. The author of the drawings for the major and minor arcana was Ma Deva Padma.

For reference: Osho is a well-known spiritual leader in certain circles who founded his own religious and spiritual movement.

How does Osho’s deck differ from all others:

  • The purpose of any fortune telling is to know the state of a person at the current moment in time. It is believed that it is the state of affairs “at the moment” that has the greatest influence on the future
  • Using this deck you cannot learn about the past or predict the future, but you can get hints. For example, what should you pay special attention to, how to set priorities correctly

If you are a fan of traditional tarot readings, this deck is not for you. But if you need to know yourself and move deeper in spiritual development, the cards will tell you how to do this.

Differences between the Osho deck and the classic ones

Before you start guessing, you need to understand the main differences between the deck and other Tarots.

The differences are as follows:

  • The names of some arcana differ. For example, the Priestess card in the Tarot deck is the Inner Voice, the Empress is Creativity. But most of the names of the arcana still coincide with the traditional ones
  • There is no division of the minor arcana into suits and elements, there is no digital classification. There are no Swords and Cups in Osho's deck, but there are Scepters and Denarii. Instead of the usual Twos, Threes and Aces - Trust, Friendliness, Healing

And finally, the interpretation of cards in fortune-telling layouts is radically different. There is nothing in common with the classical interpretation. Therefore, you should carefully study the decoding of the arcana after purchasing the deck.

How to tell fortunes using Osho Zen Tarot?

Osho's deck is quite unusual. Therefore, if you want to make a layout, you need to know how to do it correctly.

There are several important points:

  • If the goal of fortune telling is to find out the future or reveal the secrets of the past, use another, classic deck. Osho's cards can only tell you about the present
  • The Osho deck is an excellent assistant in spiritual development. Use the cards if you strive for self-knowledge, spiritual growth, want to get to know yourself more deeply, determine the source of your emotions and feelings, and understand how they can affect your life as a whole.
  • Classic layouts are not suitable for this deck. You can use special, modified layout options. For example, "Seven Chakras", "Card of the Day" or "Celtic Cross"
  • You can also use cards for meditation practices

What problems will the Osho deck help solve:

  • Understand relationships with the opposite sex or improve your union with your current partner. Determine what in your internal state affects your personal life
  • It is better to understand yourself and get to know the world around you in all its manifestations
  • Get a complete and detailed personality profile
  • Work through karma: find out about the presence of karmic debts that require processing, understand your purpose, etc.
  • Aura diagnostics: cards will indicate problematic chakras and help eliminate energy problems

Osho's deck will not help if you want:

  • Understand financial problems, attract money and prosperity, find a new job, learn how to increase capital, etc.
  • Find out the future and options for its development
  • Find out how the trip will end or which country to go to

To summarize: any issues not related to your inner world cannot be worked out using the Osho deck. To do this, use classic Tarot cards.

Watch the video about the review of cards from the Osho deck:


The most popular layouts that are made using this deck:

  1. Relationship breakdown. Helps you understand the essence of your relationship with your partner. This applies not only to love affairs, but also to relationships with parents, children, friends, colleagues and business partners.
  2. "One card" layout. Allows you to assess the problem situation and understand its causes. Gives answers to the most important questions. Answers the question: “What mistakes of yours led to the current circumstances in life?”
  3. "Key". Working with the unconscious. This fortune telling can bring a lot of surprises, because it “reveals” deep psychological problems
  4. "Instant" layout. Considers the situation that worries you from the point of view of Buddhist philosophy. Only one card is used, the value of which will be a complete prediction
  5. "Here and now". It will tell you about the most relevant event for you today. It will help you understand that there are no coincidences. Will indicate what your thoughts and feelings influenced the outcome of affairs

Deck Composition

The Osho deck includes:

  1. Major Arcana: 22 pieces
  2. Minor Arcana (56 pieces) - 4 suits: Fire, Water, Clouds, Rainbow

Each card has its own, unique name.

Let's consider the interpretation of the prediction using the example of deciphering the Awareness card (major arcana):

  • You live at the minimum of your capabilities. Developing and progressing is hampered by mistakes of the past and fears of the future. You do not burn brightly, like a fire, but smoke like a candle that is about to go out.
  • You need to work with your thinking, free yourself from negative thoughts and attitudes, then most of the problems will go away. You will open a flow of positive energy, and life can change dramatically
  • You act relying only on your mind. But you forget to listen to the voice of your soul. Learn to hear yourself inside, to understand the needs not of the brain, but of the consciousness. Develop awareness

Use Osho's deck when you need to understand yourself and your own life. If there is chaos and anxiety in your soul, there are a lot of thoughts, questions too, and the answers do not come on their own, magical arcana will help resolve the situation and work with consciousness.

Osho Zen Tarot is considered unique among other decks and is highly valued among tarot readers. This system represents an amazing fusion of the classical traditions of Rider Waite and the worldview of the legendary spiritual teacher Osho. The tarot was created by students after the master's death, in 1995.

Deck structure

Unlike classic decks containing 78 cards, this Tarot has an additional card - the Master, which depicts Osho himself. If this card comes up in response to a question, they try to tell you something like this: “You already know the answer.” In another sense, it can mean a person who has great influence on the questioner, his spiritual mentor or teacher.

Most of the Major Arcana have undergone significant changes in names. The High Priestess became the Inner Voice, the Hanged Man - New Vision, the Star - Silence, etc. Such names give a completely new approach to the usual meanings.

Traditional suits have also been changed. So, the bowls turned into the element of water, the wands were replaced by fire, the pentacles were replaced by a rainbow, and the swords were replaced by clouds. Now accompanying words have been added to each card, succinctly describing the main message. For example, in 8 clouds it is wine, in 10 water it is harmony, in 9 fire it is exhaustion.

Why do tarot readers use the Osho deck?

  1. Spiritual knowledge. First of all, Osho Zen Tarot is intended to study the inner state of a person. This deck gives very accurate and wise answers for those who want to understand themselves and realize the direction in which they need to move.
  2. Karmic issues. Due to the specifics of this Tarot, the questioner can receive information about his past lives and tasks in this incarnation.
  3. Chakra layouts. There are many layouts designed to diagnose the state of the seven chakras. Osho Zen helps to take a deeper look at the functioning of the chakra, see problem points and track the amount of energy involved.
  4. Relationships. This deck helps to consider the subtle facets of relationships between people, show true feelings and identify hidden motives.

The opinion that you should not look at issues related to everyday life on the Osho Zen Tarot is incorrect. Issues related to work, money, and travel can also be considered with the help of cards, only in a slightly different way, with the identification of the deep internal reasons for what is happening.

Step-by-step plan for fortune telling

To begin with, it is important to tune in to the fortune telling process. Remove all extraneous irritants, discard thoughts unrelated to the question, create a comfortable space around yourself. You can light candles or incense.

Focus on the question. The more specifically it is formulated, the more accurate the answer will be. For example, instead of the question: “What hinders and helps me in this situation?” It’s better to ask separately: “What’s stopping you?” and “What helps?” so as not to get confused in the answer.

At first, it is better to use ready-made layouts, where each card has a clear position that answers the question. As soon as you master this, you can lay out cards without a diagram, focusing on internal sensations.

Osho Zen on relationships and love

Let's consider the practical application of the Osho Zen Tarot at home using the example of the popular “Station for Two” layout. Seven cards are laid out here according to the following scheme:

  1. Significator of relationships in the present. The map shows what is happening between partners now.
  2. What the questioner thinks about the partner, how he imagines him.
  3. What does the partner think about the questioner?
  4. How does the questioner feel about his partner?
  5. How the partner feels towards the questioner.
  6. How the questioner shows his feelings towards his partner.
  7. How the questioner’s partner shows his feelings.

Let’s say that in this layout the following cards came out:

  • 8 clouds
  • 7 clouds
  • King of the Clouds
  • Loneliness
  • 10 fire
  • 7 lights
  • Rebel

The situation shows that relations between partners are now very tense. Both feel guilty towards each other (8 clouds - Guilt). The questioner's partner probably recently got caught in a big lie (7 clouds - Politics), and now the couple does not trust each other. He considers his soul mate to be too tyrannical, wanting to completely control his entire life (King of the Clouds - Control) and therefore feels a lot of tension inside (10 fire - Suppression). The partner gives a way out to this tension through open confrontation, throwing off prohibitions and moving away from moral and ethical standards; there may have been treason (Rebel).

The questioner himself spends all his energy on maintaining relationships, although he harbors a deep grudge (Loneliness). He understands that he is suppressing his partner, but after what happened he cannot loosen control, but only strengthens his grip, putting more and more on his shoulders (7 lights - Stress).

As can be seen from the layout, it is not necessary to know the structure of the deck well, identify the ratio of the Major and Minor Arcana, or pay attention to the prevailing suits. It is enough to have analytical skills, and the cards will tell you the direction in which you need to think.

☞ Video story

With the help of Osho Zen Tarot you can get advice in any exciting situation. You don't need a special scheme for this; one card is enough.

Focus on the question and ask the Tarot for help. The dropped card will be the answer. At the same time, Osho himself believed that a person’s future is determined not by a combination of circumstances, but by actions taken in the present. Therefore, if you asked, say, what the prospects will be in your personal life in a month, and a bad card comes up, do not rush to get upset, everything is in your hands.

Let's say you ask the Tarot about the reason for your loneliness, and the Knight of the Clouds comes up - Struggle. This card shows that on an external level, you are repelling potential partners with your aggressive attitude and short temper. On an internal level, this is caused by a deep mental wound that was once inflicted on you, and now you are afraid to let someone near you.

Behind the apparent ferocity lies a wounded soul, covering itself with the armor of cynicism and mockery, just so that no one sees weakness in it. But remember, covering yourself with such armor will not cure your wounds, but will only prolong the pain. The advice in this case is this: let yourself show the real you, learn to gradually trust and open up to people.

☞ Video story

How to read layouts and interpret dropped cards

For a regular Tarot deck, there is a rule by which you can easily deduce the meaning of the card. It consists of suit and rank (number). But Osho Zen works completely differently. To read these Tarot cards, it is not necessary to know the classical methods of interpretation; it is enough to rely on intuition and receptivity. Each card carries a specific idea, the plot of which is easily traced and is accompanied by an explanatory caption. Therefore, even a novice tarot reader who has never picked up cards before can master this system.

In what cases may a prediction not come true?

As mentioned above, Tarot cards do not program our lives for certain events with one hundred percent probability. They only show the most possible scenario based on current circumstances. This applies to both negative and favorable forecasts. For example, if you received a promotion at work for hard work, you calmed down and stopped working as hard as before; of course, you won’t see a promotion. Or if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle and a bad health card comes up after a few months, you can give up your bad habits and the result will be completely different.

There is also a rule that warns against excessive curiosity. You should not ask the Tarot the same question several times in a row, otherwise you will be completely confused with the answer. If something bothers you, ask about it at least two weeks later so that time can pass and the situation can change.

Osho Zen Tarot is suitable for use by both experienced tarot readers and those who are just starting to read cards at home. This deck will not only help you find out “What is happening?”, but will also answer the question: “Why is this happening?” It is good to work with her to penetrate into the very essence of things, to ask questions that contribute to a deeper understanding of yourself and your spiritual path.

If you have found the truth within yourself, there is nothing more to look for in the whole existence. Truth works through you. When you open your eyes, it is the truth that opens its eyes. When you close your eyes, it is the truth that closes its eyes. This is an amazing meditation. If you can just understand this simple way, you won't have to do anything. Everything you do is done with truth. You walk - the truth is walking, you sleep - the truth is resting, you speak - the truth speaks, you are silent - the truth is silent.

This is one of the simplest methods of meditation. Little by little everything is established according to this simple formula, and then this method becomes unnecessary. When you are healed, you drop meditation, you drop medicine. Then you live as the truth - a living, shining, fulfilling, blissful song within you. Your whole life becomes a prayer without a single word, or, better said, prayerfulness, grace, beauty that does not belong to the vanity of the world, a ray of light coming from the beyond into the darkness of our world.

A comment

The Inner Voice speaks not in words, but in the silent language of the heart. He is like an oracle who speaks only the truth. If it had a face, it would look like the face depicted in the center of this card - alert, attentive and capable of accepting both light and darkness, symbolized by the two hands holding the crystal. The crystal itself represents the clarity that comes as a result of going beyond all dualities.

The inner voice can also be playful - when it plunges into emotions and emerges again to soar into the skies, like two dolphins dancing in the waters of life. He is associated with the cosmos, through the crescent-shaped crown, and with the earth, represented by the green leaves on the figure's kimono.

There are times in our lives when it feels like there are too many voices pulling us in different directions. Our very confusion in such situations is a reminder to seek silence and centeredness within ourselves. Only by finding them can we hear our truth.

← Existence, Major Arcana

The Zen Osho Tarot deck was created based on the teachings of Osho. It stands apart from the classic decks and has a special purpose. Let's talk about the features of such cards and how to work with them correctly.


The Osho Zen Tarot Tarot deck was created by the followers of the great Teacher after his death in 1995. The author of the drawings for the major and minor arcana was Ma Deva Padma.

For reference: Osho is a well-known spiritual leader in certain circles who founded his own religious and spiritual movement.

How does Osho’s deck differ from all others:

  • The purpose of any fortune telling is to know the state of a person at the current moment in time. It is believed that it is the state of affairs “at the moment” that has the greatest influence on the future
  • Using this deck you cannot learn about the past or predict the future, but you can get hints. For example, what should you pay special attention to, how to set priorities correctly

If you are a fan of traditional tarot readings, this deck is not for you. But if you need to know yourself and move deeper in spiritual development, the cards will tell you how to do this.


Before you start guessing, you need to understand the main differences between the deck and other Tarots.

The differences are as follows:

  • The names of some arcana differ. For example, the Priestess card in the Tarot deck is the Inner Voice, the Empress is Creativity. But most of the names of the arcana still coincide with the traditional ones
  • There is no division of the minor arcana into suits and elements, there is no digital classification. There are no Swords and Cups in Osho's deck, but there are Scepters and Denarii. Instead of the usual Twos, Threes and Aces - Trust, Friendliness, Healing.
  • And finally, the interpretation of cards in fortune-telling layouts is radically different. There is nothing in common with the classical interpretation. Therefore, you should carefully study the decoding of the arcana after purchasing the deck.


Osho's deck is quite unusual. Therefore, if you want to make a layout, you need to know how to do it correctly.

There are several important points:

  • If the goal of fortune telling is to find out the future or reveal the secrets of the past, use another, classic deck. Osho's cards can only tell you about the present
  • The Osho deck is an excellent assistant in spiritual development. Use the cards if you strive for self-knowledge, spiritual growth, want to get to know yourself more deeply, determine the source of your emotions and feelings, and understand how they can affect your life as a whole.
  • Classic layouts are not suitable for this deck. You can use special, modified layout options. For example, "Seven Chakras", "Card of the Day" or "Celtic Cross"
  • You can also use cards for meditation practices

What problems will the Osho deck help solve:

  • Understand relationships with the opposite sex or improve your union with your current partner. Determine what in your internal state affects your personal life
  • It is better to understand yourself and get to know the world around you in all its manifestations
  • Get a complete and detailed personality profile
  • Work through karma: find out about the presence of karmic debts that require processing, understand your purpose, etc.
  • Aura diagnostics: cards will indicate problematic chakras and help eliminate energy problems

Osho's deck will not help if you want:

  • Understand financial problems, attract money and prosperity, find a new job, learn how to increase capital, etc.
  • Find out the future and options for its development
  • Find out how the trip will end or which country to go to

To summarize: any issues not related to your inner world cannot be worked out using the Osho deck. To do this, use classic Tarot cards.

Watch the video about the review of cards from the Osho deck:


The most popular layouts that are made using this deck:

  1. Relationship breakdown. Helps you understand the essence of your relationship with your partner. This applies not only to love affairs, but also to relationships with parents, children, friends, colleagues and business partners.
  2. "One card" layout. Allows you to assess the problem situation and understand its causes. Gives answers to the most important questions. Answers the question: “What mistakes of yours led to the current circumstances in life?”
  3. "Key". Working with the unconscious. This fortune telling can bring a lot of surprises, because it “reveals” deep psychological problems
  4. "Instant" layout. Considers the situation that worries you from the point of view of Buddhist philosophy. Only one card is used, the value of which will be a complete prediction
  5. "Here and now". It will tell you about the most relevant event for you today. It will help you understand that there are no coincidences. Will indicate what your thoughts and feelings influenced the outcome of affairs


The Osho deck includes:

  1. Major Arcana: 22 pieces
  2. Minor Arcana (56 pieces) - 4 suits: Fire, Water, Clouds, Rainbow

Each card has its own, unique name.

Let's consider the interpretation of the prediction using the example of deciphering the Awareness card (major arcana):

  • You live at the minimum of your capabilities. Developing and progressing is hampered by mistakes of the past and fears of the future. You do not burn brightly, like a fire, but smoke like a candle that is about to go out.
  • You need to work with your thinking, free yourself from negative thoughts and attitudes, then most of the problems will go away. You will open a flow of positive energy, and life can change dramatically
  • You act relying only on your mind. But you forget to listen to the voice of your soul. Learn to hear yourself inside, to understand the needs not of the brain, but of the consciousness. Develop awareness

Use Osho's deck when you need to understand yourself and your own life. If there is chaos and anxiety in your soul, there are a lot of thoughts, questions too, and the answers do not come on their own, magical arcana will help resolve the situation and work with consciousness.

Instant reading for Zen Tarot Osho - how to guess correctly

Let's talk about how to make an instant reading on Osho's Zen Tarot. This deck is quite unusual, so fortune telling on it has its own characteristics. There are 78 cards in total with 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana of four suits. If you are interested in self-discovery, choose this deck.


The essence of the layout is not to get a clear answer: “Yes” or “No” to the question that interests you. Instead, ask open-ended questions and the cards will give a very complete prediction that may surprise you.

What are the features of fortune telling on this unusual deck:

  • Cards don't predict the future. They will help you understand yourself and understand what thoughts, feelings and actions of yours have become the source of problems and situations that require resolution.
  • Osho believed that truth lies “in the moment,” and man builds the future himself. Therefore, the cards will indicate which direction to move, what to pay attention to in order to develop awareness
  • The cards will tell you everything about the state of mind of the fortuneteller, penetrate into the essence of the unconscious, and literally “reveal” everything that prevents you from achieving success and moving forward

The Osho deck is a tool for those who strive for self-knowledge and believe that thoughts and feelings lead to everything that happens in life.


Let's say you drew the "Experience" card when you did an instant reading.

What does it mean:

  • According to the name of the card, the fortuneteller at the current moment in time is not in his best state of mind. He is worried, he is literally overwhelmed by emotions, he is unable to get rid of experiences that prevent him from assessing the situation rationally
  • Arcana tip: abstract from sad thoughts and learn to enjoy the moment, find happiness in the present
  • You should learn to fill yourself only with positive experiences. Pay attention to the beauty of the world around you, draw energy from the forces of nature. This will help you approach negative situations in the right way.
  • Stop and think about what brings you happiness. Look into the eyes of a child, man, mother, friend who loves you. Just touch the earth, water, tree. God is love, find him and get the strength to move on

A one-card layout is always quite difficult to interpret. Therefore, if the prediction seems ambiguous, take another lasso from the deck - it will complement the interpretation and help you better understand it.


In order for the predictions and advice of the Arcana to be correct, pay attention to some details.

In the description of the meanings of the arcana, you will definitely come across some images, symbols, and incomprehensible words. How to interpret them:

  • Zorba Buddha in the Osho Zen Tarot is a symbol of perfection, self-knowledge, awareness, realization, calmness, wisdom and, most importantly, compassion
  • The praying mantis is the personification of playfulness. A state in which your “inner child” turns on. It is in this state that a person falls in love, plays, dreams, and comes up with ways to realize the most, at first glance, unrealistic goals.
  • Without a head is a state beyond the mind. This is the moment at which you turn off your brain and start listening to the signals of your own soul.
  • Suits are the minor arcana, which are called Clouds, Fire, Water and Rainbow

It’s worth understanding a little about the features of the four suits of Osho’s Zen Tarot deck:

  1. Suit of Fire - corresponds to Wands traditional deck. A symbol of energy and power that fills a person and gives him the strength to move forward
  2. Suit of Water - corresponds to Cups classic decks. A symbol of emotions, feelings, processes occurring in the human unconscious
  3. Suit of Clouds - corresponds to Swords. We personify the mind, but the mind is unenlightened. This is naked rationalism, reason without a drop of soul. It is necessary, but you also need to be able to listen to the signals of your subconscious
  4. Rainbow suit - corresponds to Pentacles. This is good, divine energy and love, without which spiritual development is impossible. This is food for growth and success in everything

Watch an entertaining video about another popular layout on the Zen Osho Tarot “Spiritual Path”:


Nowadays, fortune telling using classic Tarot decks is more popular. Osho's maps are significantly different.

The purposes of their use can be the following:

  • Cards teach a person to live “in the moment”, without thinking about the past and without torturing himself with thoughts about the future. This is mindfulness training - when you learn to be happy this second and constantly return to the present moment
  • The suit of Clouds is very important - it is an unenlightened mind that prevents you from transforming reality and becoming happy. It is necessary not to allow the “state of Clouds” into your consciousness so that there are no negative consequences in reality
  • In interpretation, it is equally important to learn to abstract from your own thoughts and feelings, fears and concerns in order to see the true meaning of the card that appeared in the layout

It is advisable to do an instant layout every day - this will be an extra reminder of how important the current moment is. From Osho's point of view, he is life itself.


An important condition for the layout is to ask those questions that require a detailed answer. You should not ask when this or that event will happen. It’s better to find out what needs to be done to make it happen with the result you want.

Therefore, the question should be formulated this way: seek to know the reasons, not the timing. And always remember that the responsibility for everything that happens in your life lies only with you, no one around you can be involved in it.

Instant layouts can also be done on classic decks. But it is Osho’s cards that help to get the most complete picture, to penetrate into the essence of things, objects and phenomena. You will not know the future, but you will understand how to behave in order to build it correctly.

The meaning of Osho's Zen Tarot cards: interpretation of the suits

The meaning of Osho's Zen Tarot cards is based on the teachings of the legendary spiritual leader, the founder of his own religious movement. His followers and comrades tried to express the main thoughts of the Teacher through the interpretation of the cards.


The Osho Tarot deck is divided into several parts:

  1. Major Arcana
  2. Suit of Fire
  3. Suit of Water
  4. Cloud suit
  5. Rainbow Suit

Each card has its own unique name. In fortune telling, the deck helps to determine the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena, understand the emotional component of situations, and analyze a person’s psycho-emotional state.


Let's consider the meanings of the arcana, which are considered the main ones in the layouts of the Osho deck.

Rainbow suit:

  • The Ace of the Rainbow is a symbol of a lonely person, vigilant and silent. Harmony reigns inside him, success accompanies him in all matters. He is filled with energy, which he happily shares with others.
  • Two of the Rainbow is a person for whom balance is very important. He knows when to stop everything and always makes decisions based on reason.
  • Three of the Rainbow - a human leader, teacher, guide. He is able to guide others along the right path to their cherished goal
  • The Rainbow Four is a symbol of a woman who lacks self-confidence, and therefore clings to insignificant things and surrounds herself with a wall of mistrust of others.
  • The Rainbow Five is a symbol of a child for whom everything that happens around is new. He learns about the world, makes mistakes, but moves on
  • Six is ​​a symbol of compromise that needs to be achieved in a questionable situation.
  • Seven - patience so deep that it allows you to remain dispassionate even in difficult situations
  • Eight is everything ordinary, everyday, standard. Can be a symbol of familiar things that exist as if by themselves
  • Nine is the personification of maturity. It says that a person is filled with knowledge and is ready to make decisions carefully and wisely.
  • Ten - the expression of the whole world in a person
  • The page is adventures, exciting events, vivid emotions, rash actions
  • The queen is a symbol of sexuality and attractiveness to the opposite sex
  • The king is a whole person, a developed personality


The next suit is Clouds with the following values:

  • Ace - a reflection of the consciousness of a particular person in the world around him
  • Two - reflects a person’s mental state, can tell about mental disorders
  • Three symbolizes isolation from others. Talks about the need to abstract from the world and be alone with yourself
  • Four is a habit of constantly putting off important things, being distracted by empty little things. Symbol of disorganization
  • Five indicates that a person is accustomed to comparing people from the past with those he encounters in the present.
  • Six is ​​a certain burden that a person is forced to carry throughout life.
  • Seven is the personification of a politician who strives to change the world for the better.
  • Eight - guilt and remorse
  • Nine is a symbol of sadness and deep sadness, perhaps disappointment
  • Page - mental abilities that exceed standard
  • A knight is a symbol of struggle: with life’s difficulties, other people, circumstances
  • The Queen is the personification of moral principles and principles
  • The king is a man accustomed to controlling everything around him


“Water” cards have the following meanings:

  • Ace - a person’s intention to go with the flow, obeying circumstances
  • Two is a symbol of friendliness, making useful contacts
  • Troika is a symbol of celebration, celebration, fun
  • Four indicates that you need to stop thinking superficially, you need to pay attention to truly significant things
  • Five - a deep connection with the past that haunts the present
  • Six is ​​a dream, the fulfillment of which depends on circumstances
  • Seven - projecting your own thoughts onto others
  • Eight - a person does not accept and does not love himself
  • Nine is a symbol of laziness, which prevents you from achieving success and moving on.
  • Ten is the personification of harmony and balance in all areas of life
  • Page - deep understanding of people's feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions
  • Knight - deep trust, almost unshakable
  • Queen - strong sensitivity and receptivity to the actions of other people
  • King - a person is endowed with the gift of healing, able to positively influence the well-being of other people

Watch a video about Osho's Zen Tarot cards:


The Arcana of Fire have the following meanings:

  • Ace is a symbol of a source of knowledge that is available to anyone
  • Two is a symbol of the opportunities that are needed to achieve the goal
  • Three - strong emotional experiences that limit
  • Four - participation in the affairs of a loved one
  • Five is a symbol of an integral nature that does not give in to difficulties
  • Six is ​​a symbol of success, achievement and self-confidence
  • Seven - indicates that a person is experiencing serious stress
  • Eight is a symbol of travel and exciting adventures
  • Nine - indicates that a person is extremely exhausted and experiences a lack of happiness
  • Ten - a person is under pressure from society
  • The page is a symbol of playfulness and flirtatiousness, relationships with the opposite sex
  • Knight - intensity, activity, achievement
  • The Queen is a symbol of generosity and deep feminine wisdom
  • The king is a creative person with developed talent

Brief meanings of the deck cards will help you interpret the layout. But listen to the feelings of your own soul, do not trust the cards blindly. Be sure to look at the surroundings of which arcana each specific card appears. This will help you make the most accurate interpretation.