Fortune telling at home for the future. Home fortune telling: methods

New Year and Christmas are approaching, and fortune telling for love at home is arousing new interest. Such simple but exciting fortune-telling sessions with a young man are always popular among young girls. There are many options using available materials (paper, cotton wool, playing cards), and each of them is interesting in its own way.

The best times for the ceremony are:

  • New Year;
  • birthday or name day;
  • Christmastide (January 6–19);
  • Christmas Eve (January 6–7, night).

Option 1

Fortune telling on paper at home is characterized by simplicity, and material for it can be found in any apartment. To find out what awaits you, use: a piece of paper, a pen, a compass, a ruler. Start guessing:

  • draw a circle on paper and divide it into sectors like the petals of a flower;
  • the number of fragments corresponds to the letters in the name of your loved one;
  • write them one on each petal;
  • then enter your name;
  • if there are more letters in it than sectors in the circle, then do not write it in its entirety;
  • look how many petals contain both a vowel and a consonant;
  • if this combination is missing, then you have no future;
  • if there are two such sectors, then the relationship will begin, but will not last;
  • the number three portends agreement and mutual understanding in a couple;
  • more than three - you love each other and will stay together.

Simple fortune telling on paper at home

Option 2

For the session you will need: a sheet of paper, a pen. To get the answer, do the following. Write the young man’s first and last name on paper, and your own below them; cross out the letters that match the data; Add the remaining number until it fits between 1 and 9 (if 15, then you get 6 and so on).

  • One means a cloudless union in the future;
  • number two - the relationship will not work out;
  • three – short relationship;
  • four - the feeling is not sincere on your part;
  • five - you are together for financial reasons;
  • six - a harmonious couple;
  • seven - there is only friendship between you;
  • nine - fortune telling predicts a future together if you devote time and attention to each other.

Fortune telling on a mirror at home is classified as simple, but effective and interesting:

  • place two identical mirrors opposite each other;
  • light a candle in front of them;
  • Hold one of the mirrors in your hands opposite the other so that you get a labyrinth of reflections;
  • say:

    “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner”;

  • the narrowed one will appear in the reflection.

Pour cold milk into a saucer and place it in front of the threshold at the entrance to the house. Melt the wax with the words:

“Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

Pour into milk, interpret the result depending on the resulting form:

  • “flower” - a new acquaintance that will end in marriage;
  • “man” - a great feeling is coming;
  • “asterisk” means luck in relationships and other areas.

Fortune telling by book

Take your favorite book, formulate a question to yourself about your loved one, open it at random and, without looking, point your finger at the line, this is the answer, interpret it depending on the question and situation.

Fortune telling on a thread

Take: a piece of fabric, a red thread, a needle. To get an answer:

  • thread the thread into the eye of the needle;
  • pull the needle through the fabric several times;
  • pull the thread sharply;
  • if the thread came out easily, then nothing threatens the relationship with your loved one;
  • the thread becomes tense - he will have others;
  • breaks - an alliance with this person will not bring happiness.

Fortune telling by ring

Attributes: silver ring, red wool thread, candle, coin. To make fortune telling work:

Light a candle; tie a thread to a ring, place a coin in front of the candle, hold the thread with the ring motionless over the coin, formulate a question to yourself about your lover or future love.

  • The ring does not move - it is too early to ask about this;
  • sways in different directions - the answer is positive;
  • approaches and moves away from you - means “no”;
  • moves in a circle - ask the question differently.

Fortune telling by ring

Fortune telling on cards

This is the most interesting, but difficult option. For fortune telling, ordinary playing cards are used, which everyone has. But you will only get the answer if you know their interpretation. The layout method is also important. To make a prediction, remember that the suit of playing cards corresponds to the gender and age of the person for whom we are telling fortunes. Lady:

  • tambourine – a young free girl;
  • crosses - a married or elderly woman;
  • worms - girlfriend, older than you;
  • peak is an ill-wisher.
  • worms - a married man;
  • tambourine - unmarried;
  • peak - brunette or authoritative man;
  • Krestov is an older man.

Meanings for love

In playing cards for love fortune-telling, some of them are of particular importance. Hearts suit:

  • ace - the lover will send a message;
  • king - a temperamental admirer will appear;
  • lady - they will propose to you;
  • ten - wait for a declaration of love;
  • Nine – pursuit of a persistent lover.

Regular playing cards are used for fortune telling.

Diamond suit:

  • king - the appearance of a groom or lover;
  • nine – love obstacle;
  • seven – treason.

Hearts suit:

  • the king is a married friend;
  • lady - family woman;
  • eight - futile expectations;
  • six - a joint unsuccessful journey.

Spades suit:

  • nine – loss of a loved one or friend;
  • eight - betrayal;
  • seven – conflict.

Love combinations:

  • the lady next to the king is a married girl, secret betrothal;
  • the king below the queen is a devoted man;
  • tens on the sides of the lady are a declaration of love, and eights are unpleasant rumors; ace of spades and ten of diamonds - conflict;
  • sequentially queen, ten, king of the same suits - mutual love for a man;
  • in reverse order - a reciprocal feeling for a woman;
  • four tens - marriage, marriage.

Simple layout

Playing cards will show your inner world and future:

  • shuffle and remove with left hand;
  • start laying out three at a time until you reach the queen of diamonds;
  • analyze her environment;
  • the cards on the sides correspond to her mood and feelings;
  • on top – the future of the relationship;
  • below are people from the past.

The cards will give the answer only if you know their interpretation

Fortune telling on needles

For the prediction session you will need: 13 needles (preferably different in length and shape); blank paper. Start guessing:

  • select “your” needle (so that you can easily identify it);
  • also indicate your acquaintances, loved ones or those with whom you are interested in relationships;
  • put a sheet of paper on the table and throw needles on it, trying to get into the center;
  • if the needles to which you gave names lie with their blunt ends towards yours, then these people will bring joy and comfort, and the relationship with the guy will work out;
  • if they are positioned at the tip, then this marks a deterioration in contact, even to the point of hostility, and the young man will grow cold;
  • provided that such needles are on the right - after quarrels and misunderstandings, harmony with the betrothed will come;
  • if other needles fall yours, then this means strengthening the connection with these individuals.

Fortune telling by wood

Charming a husband or a loved one (betrothed) was a popular pastime in the village. Despite the prohibitions of the church, simple ways to find out the future were regularly used by girls of marriageable age. Firewood was pulled out at random from a woodpile near the house; the result was interpreted by the surface and shape of the log:

  • if it is smooth and large, the girl will receive a handsome, kind betrothed;
  • uneven foreshadowed a homely groom;
  • fat meant stocky, with a good figure;
  • knotty - the groom has a lot of relatives;
  • the curved symbolized physical abnormalities;
  • a log in places or completely without bark predicted a betrothed without money.

Fortune telling with cotton wool

The cotton wool was randomly divided into lumps, placed in a hat or pot, and pulled out without looking. Depending on the thickness and shape of the elongated fragment, the figure of the narrowed fragment was predicted.

Hair fortune telling

Place a clean comb under the pillow

A clean comb or comb was placed under the pillow with the words:

“Betrothed-mummer, comb my head.”

He appeared in a dream; if in the morning strands were found on the comb, then they meant the color of the betrothed’s hair.

Playing cards were rarely used in the village to find out the future. It was an attribute of a merchant or bourgeois urban environment. Later they were joined by Tarot cards (in noble esoteric circles).

All of the above types of fortune telling can be easily performed in home interiors. No special devices are required for this. The necessary attributes (needles, mirrors, candles, paper, etc.) can be found in every home. You can guess alone or with friends. Even if you don’t see your betrothed, you will have fun and join the folk tradition.

If you want to know your destiny, then use fortune telling at home. Magic rituals will help you find answers to many of your questions.

Simple fortune telling at home

To perform this ritual you need to be alone in the room. Take a church candle, relax as much as possible and light it. Now look at the flame:

  • if it has frozen, then the future awaits you in any endeavors;
  • if the flame splits, then expect serious trouble;
  • if the candle goes out, then be prepared, fate has prepared a serious test.

Take a deck of 36 cards, mix thoroughly and mentally ask a question. Place the deck in your right hand, remove a piece with your left hand and place it underneath. Lay out the cards as shown in the picture.

The decoding is as follows:

  • card No. 2 – near future;
  • card No. 3 – distant future;
  • card No. 4 – distant past;
  • card number 5 - things that interfere with the fulfillment of your desire.

You can see the interpretation of the cards.

Fortune telling at home for love

To carry out this ritual, you need to prepare. During the day you need to think only about good things and not allow yourself to talk bad about someone. The ideal time for fortune telling at home for a loved one is the night from Friday to Saturday. Take a lit candle, place it near the bed and go to bed. Just make sure that there is nothing flammable nearby. Place a glass of water under the bed and a piece of bread, preferably black, on it. Before you go to sleep, say the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner”. In a dream you should see your soulmate.

Modern methods of fortune telling at home

For this fortune telling you will need a regular phone. Mentally think about your lover and dial any number you come up with on the fly. What you hear on the other end of the line will be the decoding of this simple fortune telling at home:

Christmas fortune telling is the most accurate. Give in to the magical mood! Look into the future, sort out the present, or find your betrothed! Don't waste time while the Christmas magic is in effect - draw the cards! Look into the future, understand the past, get long-awaited answers with Tarot cards.

There are a number of moments throughout the year when fortune telling is the most accurate. But, if you really need to know something, you can guess at any time.

You can guess:

  • on tarot cards
  • on regular cards (fortune-telling)
  • on the runes
  • by mirrors
  • on wax
  • on coffee grounds

If you don’t know how to guess at all, it’s best to purchase something from books on fortune telling and dream interpretation, and read, choose interesting options for yourself. Self-instruction books provide not only an idea of ​​the meaning of the Tarot and the possibility of its intuitive comprehension, but also its reflection in the phenomenal world, as well as methods of interpretation and application at the everyday level. You can learn a lot of interesting and useful information that will be useful to you in life.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards. Astrology, personal insights, and symbolism in everyday life are revealed through the cards. Constantly changing combinations reveal the entire human experience. There is a deck of tarot cards great multitude, the essence of them all is approximately the same, the pictures and interpretations differ. You can choose any deck - the one whose pictures and themes seem closest to you.

Fortune telling using Tarot cards is the oldest and most popular card system in Europe. Until now, many serious researchers of this art continue endless debates about where and when the Tarot deck first appeared in its now traditional form. The vast majority of researchers agree that the sources of knowledge that are hidden in the Arcana should be sought in the mysteries of Ancient Egypt - the ancestral home of the main secret cults of Europe...

Fortune telling with runes. For fortune telling using runes, you need to do it yourself or purchase a ready-made one. set of runes- on plastic, natural stones, wooden dies. The runes also come with instructions that tell you in detail exactly how to tell fortunes.

Runes are not only the oldest oracle of the Scandinavian and Germanic tribes of Northern Europe, they are also an established magical divination system that helps find answers and solutions to a wide variety of problems and issues. If you treat the Runes with dignity as a serious fortune-telling, you will be convinced that the Runes can help find the right solutions in difficult situations, direct your own decisions in the right direction, showing probable events, providing several paths to choose from and offering a solution to the problem in case an unfavorable prediction is still destined to come true.

The most interesting are the runes carved on natural stones, because... The stone enhances fortune telling.

Fortune telling in the mirror. On a dark, dark night, in a quiet, quiet room, sit near two mirrors placed opposite each other. Light two candles and say the spell: “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me.” Scary? Do not be afraid! Look carefully at the gallery of reflections - your groom will appear to you.

Both for yourself and as a gift: today tea is produced in very beautiful gift packaging.

We wish you bon appetit, new discoveries, good news during fortune telling!

Many of us dream of knowing what lies ahead. Who will we marry and will we marry at all? Will we have children, in what quantity and of what gender? Will your career grow? Will we get our own home, car, dacha? Everyone has their own questions, desires, dreams. And we all want to make sure we're going in the right direction. The easiest way to do this is fortune telling. And most often this ritual is performed at home, and not at a visit to a professional fortune teller.

Today there are a large number of rituals for fortune telling at home. These are fortune telling for love, finances, relationships, health and many others. All home rituals are built on available objects and attributes, so that anyone can perform them and receive, if not a clear picture of what is to come, then advice on action in the right direction.

There are a lot of ways to do home fortune telling. You can find them in books, specialized publications, and on the Internet. Which method is the most effective and truthful? It's difficult to judge. We hope that you will choose the right option from the variety offered. We will offer you basic methods and practices.

Fortune telling time

The most important thing in any fortune telling is the time of its implementation. For love fortune telling, the best time is considered to be Christmas Eve, which falls on the night of January 6-7. Christmas time is also ideal - it lasts from January 6 to January 19. At this time, since ancient times, people have been guessing about their betrothed and love relationships.

These fortune tellings used candles, wax, mirrors, cards, rings, paper and much more. And if for our ancestors fortune-telling was in most cases a pastime for a pleasant evening, today it is given a special magical meaning.

Among girls who wanted to know their betrothed or their fate, Christmas night and Ivan Kupala were especially popular. However, no one forbids guessing all year round, because problems and questions always exist, and curiosity is generally an inexhaustible thing.

When to guess

For fortune telling, it is better to choose days and nights that are significant in witchcraft, when a person’s intuition is sharpened, and the connection with the otherworldly and mystical world intensifies. Most of these days and nights occur on the full moon and some days on the waning moon - 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 and 13 days of the lion cycle.

Friday and Saturday are not suitable for fortune telling. It is believed that if you make fortunes these days, then later you may not part with a heap of troubles that will follow you on your heels. The exception is Fridays, which fall on Christmas and Christmastide, as they are generally accepted “fortune-telling” days. Christmastide is also called “holy days”, dividing into two weeks, from Christmas to Epiphany.

At this time, fortune telling is the most reliable, and magical rituals are the most effective. Vasilyev's evening (January 13) and Christmas Eve evening (January 18) are recognized as the strongest. These evenings you can guess even in noisy companies. What topic? I love it! You can find out your future, ask questions about love relationships, marriage, financial well-being, career advancement and much more.

January is the best month of the year for fortune telling, especially for the long term. The exact answer to financial questions can be obtained on the waxing moon. The best months for financial fortune telling are February, October, November.

It is better to guess about your betrothed on the feast of St. Andrew - December 13, as well as on Christmastide and Epiphany.

When and what is the best time to guess? In January for life expectancy. For love and relationships - in April. They tell fortunes about health in July. In September people are interested in long trips.

Fortune telling

If you want to dream about your betrothed, put a small mirror under your pillow and fall asleep with the thought that you will dream about your future husband and he will definitely dream about you. You can repeat to yourself several times: “Mummed betrothed, come to me dressed up!”

To tell your wish, take 12 pieces of paper and write a wish on each of them. In total you should have 12 wishes. The pieces of paper are placed under the pillow before going to bed. In the morning you need to pull out any three pieces of paper from under the pillow. They will come true next year.

The simplest and most familiar fortune telling is from a book. Take any book, preferably one with spiritual content, guess the page number and line number at the top or bottom and read what you said.

Fortune telling with water was also popular in Rus', especially in winter. On New Year's Eve, everyone present should take a spoonful of water and take it out into the cold. In the morning, the prediction was interpreted using the frozen water. A smooth surface or with tubercles is good luck. Depressions and depressions - to misfortunes and illnesses.

Fortune telling for four kings from a simple playing deck of cards. During Christmas time or on New Year's Eve, before going to bed, take four kings from the deck and put them under the pillow, saying: “Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” After this, the betrothed must have dreamed about it.

Young girls are often interested in their future and who it will be connected with. The more clues they have about their betrothed, the more information they have about him, the greater the chances that they will recognize him when they meet and their life will turn out at least as if in a fairy tale. So it will be! The main thing is to believe. And you need to believe not only in a bright future, but also in fortune telling itself, since you have decided to carry it out.

It has many variations. Just as situations, questions and people differ from each other, so do magical rituals. Thus, you can choose magic for girls based on simple rituals. Or tell fortunes for your ex, as well as your beloved boyfriend, on wax, cards, or a piece of paper. The main thing is to choose the most truthful and effective sacrament, action, spell. But what are we talking about, let’s proceed directly to fortune telling and its types, because you are interested in this information...

Fortune telling by name

Take a deck of playing cards. Shuffle them and divide them into as many piles as there are letters in the name of the mysterious young man. So, the name Pavel has five letters. By placing the cards into piles one after another, you will end up with four piles with seven cards and one with eight.

Now take the farthest pile on the right and arrange the cards from it into the remaining four decks, again one at a time, starting with the first deck. Take the field again and lay out the deck. Which one? The one on which the last card fell.

Repeat until you have two stacks left. Then transfer the stack on which the last card was placed completely to the second pile. Now, from the resulting deck, lay out four cards one by one, taking from above. If in the process you come across cards of the same value, they must be put aside - it is from them that you will learn that the object of your adoration has noticed in you or what attracts him.

  • Sixes - the young man is impressed by your attitude to life and warmed by your sincere smile.
  • Sevens - the guy is captivated by your eyes and mind.
  • Eights - a man admires your ability to present yourself, and he also couldn’t help but notice your breasts.
  • Nines - legs and sense of taste are what distinguishes you from other women.
  • Tens - arms and shoulders - are your trump card.
  • Jacks – interests and character.
  • Ladies - gait and figure.
  • Kings - habits and facial features.
  • Aces - you have conquered the heart of your betrothed with everything and to the very depths of your soul.

Tell your fortune for the king

Make a wish for a king of a specific suit. If the object of your desire is young - it is the king of diamonds, if the object is not free - it is of hearts, if it is older or important - it is of clubs, if it is unfamiliar - it is of spades.

A simple way to predict developments

Mentally focus on your lover, shuffle the deck, slowly lay out the cards one at a time on the table, saying a phrase for each card:

  • “Such and such king (name the chosen one)”;
  • “tell me, dear”;
  • “Do you love me?”;
  • "I very love you";
  • "with all my heart";
  • “with all my soul”;
  • “but there is a better person than you.”

When you lay out the last image and the hidden king does not fall out, repeat the action first with the same deck of cards, without shuffling or adding the dropped cards. You just need to repeat the action in a circle until the mysterious man appears, even if he is the last card in the deck, because you need to find out what connects you with him and what to do with your feelings.

Those words that fall on your king will be a clue, as well as a prediction. The fact that your feelings are mutual can only be judged if the hidden king appears in the first phrase.

Layout for four guys

If you are looking for simple fortune telling for boys or boyfriends, then this is not it. On the contrary, it can be considered complex. But the situation is not easy - to choose from four young people.

Four jacks will act as contenders for the hand and heart, each of which must be assigned the name of the designated person. In order not to forget who represents whom, write down the information on paper, since during the reading process you may forget about it and then you will regret the time and effort spent, because as a result you will not be able to understand what and about whom the cards are telling you.

Fortune telling like this is great for putting your thoughts in order.

Remove the jacks from the deck and shuffle them, then place them face down in a horizontal row. Now you need to thoroughly shuffle the deck itself and place one card under each jack at the bottom so that you end up with eight rows.

The interpretation of the layout is made not horizontally, as usual, but vertically. Each vertical is responsible for a specific jack. It is necessary to interpret from top to bottom, putting pairs of cards of the same value on the jack. After selecting all the pairs, the deck is laid out three more times, and again the pairs are selected, since they will have to be deciphered. As a result, the ritual is performed four times.

  • Six - the guy is already on his way to you, a fast road awaits him.
  • Seven - waiting to meet you, languishing with melancholy.
  • Eight - wait for an important conversation.
  • Nine - loves you dearly and hopes for reciprocity.
  • Ten - shows a lively and genuine interest in your person.
  • Lady - he has a lady of his heart, he is not interested in you.
  • The king is jealousy, jealousy and once again jealousy. He is jealous of everyone and everything.
  • Ace - you evoke a storm of passion and emotions in him.

On paper

We've already tried fortune telling with playing cards, but we haven't told fortunes about the guy on paper. Shall we try? Then let's get started.

Take a piece of squared paper. Draw a heart on the sheet with your left hand; if you are left-handed, draw a heart with your right hand. After following the kennel of the drawing, you need to shade entire cells in the center of the drawing and cross them out four at a time. Now, by counting the number of remaining cells, find out how the object of your adoration feels about you.

If there are three cells left, the guy likes you, two - he is in love with another girl, one - he is indifferent. With all the boxes crossed out, you can count on mutual love.

Fortune telling about a guy is not just fun. You must take seriously the ritual being performed, as well as the advice and warnings received during it. You should also not take to heart information that is not particularly pleasant for you. We decide our own destiny, the main thing is to really decide it, and not go with the flow. Believe in yourself, your strengths and fortune telling, which will definitely give you hope!