Black call bassoon. Who is a bassoon Bassoon call man reviews

There are a huge number of different love spells. But, nevertheless, the Bassoon love spell can hardly be considered a love spell in its effect. People who are intimately familiar with magic attribute this magical effect to special calls that do not subjugate the will of a loved one, and, therefore, will not require retribution for the action performed. The Bassoon love spell helps when there is a need to hear or see a loved one, but not tie him to you forever.

Features of a black love spell

This love spell can be performed independently at home. It will always be effective if you sincerely believe in magic. The ritual performed will help ensure that your loved one’s soul will reach out to you, no matter where he is at that moment. Moreover, as a result of the ritual, during this period all obstacles on the way to you will disappear.

The main feature of the ritual is its speed; as a rule, the result manifests itself within a few hours, less often it will have to wait up to a maximum of three days. The ritual can be performed in any phase of the moon, but it will be most effective if performed during the full moon. The day and time of day do not play a role in the ceremony.

It is allowed to carry out ritual actions several times in a row, but the number of magical sessions should be 3 or 7. But, if you have naturally strong energy, then once is enough.

Before carrying out the ceremony, you need to properly tune in and conduct several preliminary trainings. You need to learn to focus on the image of your loved one and visualize it.

History of the name of the ritual

As you know, a bassoon is a musical instrument. But in relation to the ritual, this word means wind. It is the power of this natural element that is used in the ritual to attract a person to itself. Remember, you are addressing the wind, so you can’t demand too much from it. But if he hears you, he will definitely help.

This ritual is a challenge, nothing more. With the help of this influence, love feelings do not awaken in a person, and his attitude towards you does not change under the influence of magic. It is important to understand that the magical wind causes a person to simply appear next to you.

Moreover, you should remember that it is precisely the breath of the same wind that can throw a person away from you if, upon meeting, something goes wrong. But if the person who was attracted by the ritual wishes to continue the relationship, you should not think that you have bewitched him. In fact, it’s just a lucky coincidence. On the other hand, if you pushed a person away with something during a meeting, then he will simply leave, absolutely not tormented by this.

Carrying out the ritual

With proper preparation, the ceremony can be performed independently at home.

The ritual should be performed in privacy in a clean and quiet room. Nothing should distract from the ritual, so you need to turn off all means of communication and remove pets from the premises. It is advisable that at the time of the calling ritual you are at home alone.

For the ritual you need to first prepare:

  • Wax candle;
  • A photo of a loved one.

The full text of the love spell spell must be memorized, since it must be spoken without hesitation and quite consciously. You cannot read a plot from a sheet of paper.

In the room you need to open a window or window. You need to place a candle on the table and light it. Next to the candle you should place a photograph of the person targeted. This must be done in such a way that the glare of the candle flame illuminates the established photograph. In addition, it is important that when looking at the candle flame, you can see the image in the photo.

After such preparatory actions, you need to concentrate and visualize the image of the object of the love spell, and then say the following words:

“I turn to you, strong and mighty Bassoon, bring to me the Servant of God (his name) burn his heart, tug at his soul, torment his body, cloud his mind until he comes to me. Bring to this action the powers of fire, earth, sky and rainbow. Call the mighty heavenly gods to help you: Mars, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. In the name of all dark forces, take possession of his soul and mind, let him obey my message and appear before me. Go and do it, Bassoon, turn into a storm and lightning, santas, quisor, carracos, erne! Don’t let him sleep or stand still, don’t let him talk to anyone, let him come to me and don’t let any obstacles on this path stop him. Amen".

It is important to pronounce magic words very confidently and loudly, in a commanding tone, without taking your eyes off the candle flame. It should be remembered that Fagot loves self-confident people and helps only them.

After speaking the words, you need to wait until the candle burns out. Only after this can you open the front door and consider the ceremony completed.

What is the Bassoon Challenge? This is a powerful call from a person who may appear in front of you some time after the ceremony. A person can make themselves known not only by knocking on your door, but also by calling or sending a message.

In the article:

Full challenge Bassoon - how to easily make your loved one think about himself?

The ritual does not apply to, since it does not awaken love feelings in the object, but only makes him yearn for you. There are various reviews regarding this ritual, so a lot of positive things can be said regarding its effectiveness.

The effect of the ritual is that the person on whom it is performed begins to yearn for you and cannot find a place for himself until he finds himself next to the object of attraction. In order to perform the ritual, you need to arm yourself with such items as:

  • wax candle;
  • image of an object;
  • the text of the conspiracy, which is written on the sheet. It is advisable to learn it by heart.

candle spell text object image

You can perform this ritual regardless of the time of day or phase of the moon. The main condition is that you are alone in the room and no one can disturb you.

Also remember that you cannot tell anyone that you are going to perform this ritual. When you are in the right mood and find yourself completely alone, you can begin the ritual.

You need to open the window wide. This will help you attract your loved one more quickly. Light a candle in front of you and concentrate on the energy of the person you are calling. Place a picture of your lover in front of you.

Look at it carefully, imagine that your loved one is next to you. When you are in the right mood, say the words:

Bassoon, burn the heart, soul, body, spirit, blood and mind of (object name) with fire, earth, sky, rainbow, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. In the name of all devils, Fagot, take possession of the soul and body, spirit and mind of (the name of the object) until he comes to fulfill my orders and desires. Go storm, lightning, ashes, santas, quisor, carracos, erne! Do not let him sleep, stand still, do anything, eat, sit, ride a horse, or speak to a woman or a man, until he comes to be my slave.

If you have very powerful energy and sufficient experience, then it will be enough to read the plot just once. If this is your first time, you are not confident in your abilities and doubt that everything will work out the first time, then you can read the plot 3 or 7 times.

You must believe that everything will work out for you. Bassoon is actually a wind demon. If you are not sure that he will take your words and deliver them to the recipient, then nothing will come of it.

If you sincerely believe that everything will work out and are confident in your abilities, then the wind will carry the message to exactly the person you are calling.

The stronger you are energetically, the faster you will get the desired result, but if you are very weak, you will have to wait a little longer. When the text is read, you need to look at the candle flame. There you should see the image of your loved one.

It is strictly forbidden to extinguish the candle; you must wait until it burns completely. Look at the candle flame for as long as possible and imagine how happy you are in the company of the person you want. Even if someone comes to you (except your lover) until the candle burns out, you are prohibited from letting him into the house.

Bassoon calling a loved one - how to pay off?

In order not to be under the negative influence of Bassoon, you should carry out it correctly. A simple procedure that involves throwing a few coins at an intersection will not work for this demon. Here you should go to the intersection of two roads late at night on the 7th day of summoning the demon.

It is desirable that this intersection be deserted, and few people walk or drive there. Upon arrival at the designated place, you need to place a full bottle of vodka in the middle of the intersection.

It must be open. Place a piece of black bread next to it, turn over your left shoulder with your back to the intersection and say:

I'm paying for your service.

After this, turn away and leave the ransom site as quickly as possible. Under no circumstances should you turn around or talk to anyone on the way home. If you violate the rules of the buyout, you may well find yourself under negative influence. It is carried out solely to appease the demon.

How to do the Bassoon call correctly?

There are various ways to make a Bassoon call. If you decide to perform the ritual indoors, it is advisable to open the windows and doors to create a draft in the room.

If you decide to conduct a ritual in nature, then it is best to find a place where there is a lot of wind, only in this case you will be heard. You should (if you have chosen a street as the location for the ritual) choose the top of a hill or mountain.

This is where the challenge will have the greatest power. You will feel the results of the ritual instantly. There is only one difference in the rituals. If you carry out the Bassoon challenge on the street, it is not necessary to use candles. You can also use the top of a building if you can't climb the mountains.

This Bassoon challenge is very popular and effective. You will need to buy 7 church candles and put them in a row. The ritual is most often performed indoors. You need to place the candles one next to the other on the same line and light them with your left hand from left to right. After this, bend over the flame of each candle and whisper over each of them:

Bassoon, I call! I conjure my name. Fly to (name) of the victim. Go straight into his/her heart and mind! Let all desires leave (name)! Only the desire to see (your name) will remain! There are no other desires and needs in his thoughts! It will be as I said! Bassoon! Lead (name) to me! Let him have no peace until he fulfills my command! I conjure you! (name) will neither eat, nor drink, nor be healthy until he comes to me! He hasn’t completed his task yet! I conjure! I command the winds!

The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart, because they need to be pronounced while looking at the flame, without looking up. If you interrupt, you will have to start the ritual from the very beginning. The ritual lasts exactly until the candles finish burning. The ritual will take effect almost immediately.

The stronger your energy, the faster you will get the desired effect. Pay attention to the behavior of the candle. If it suddenly goes out during the ritual, this means that it is not worth carrying out the ritual further.

This suggests that Fagot does not want to help you. Or the higher powers to which he obeys decided that it is not worth calling on this person.

Consequences of the call

Any magical ritual has its consequences. The Bassoon Challenge is no exception. But since this is not the case, the consequences will be different.

Bassoon, of course, is very strong and if he wants, he can inflict significant damage on a person. But if the ritual is performed correctly, there should be no consequences for the performer.

As far as the victim is concerned, there will be no fatal consequences. Most likely, she will simply feel slightly unwell and will not quite understand what force prompted her to meet you.

The bassoon is most often used to awaken feelings in a person. This call is perfect for timid individuals who are not able to take a responsible step themselves. Therefore, the only thing that threatens the victim of conscription is surprise and fear that he has decided to take a responsible step.

A challenge that has become a classic - Bassoon:

There are two options. Since Bassoon is a demon of the winds, it is recommended to read the challenge through an open window or in an open space in windy weather. But there is another option - to read, resting your hands on the door frames.

As for the number of readings, there are options here too. You can read the following plot 3 times for 7 days in a row, i.e., in total - 21 times in 7 days. Or read this plot only 7 times, but at least 2-3 days, i.e., not in one day.

"Bassoon, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name)
fire, sky, earth, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter,
Feppe, Feppe, Feppe, Elera and in the name of all Devils.
Bassoon, take possession, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind of (name) until
until he comes to fulfill all my desires and orders.
Go like lightning, ashes, storm, SANTAS, QUISOR, CARRACOS, ARNE.
Turn him over so that he can neither sleep nor stand still, cannot do anything,
neither eat, nor cross a river, nor sit on a horse, nor with a man, nor with a woman,
I shouldn’t talk to the girl until he comes to fulfill all my desires and

QUISOR, CARRACOS, ARNE read S'antas, Qu'isor, Carr'akos, 'Arne

Feppe and Elera - accents - F´eppe, El´era
Payback - after the last reading or after the person has made contact.

The Bassoon challenge has now become very popular. The fact is that this ritual can influence a person, but it is not a love spell at all. A person’s energy, of course, changes, but not in such a radical way as with a black love spell.

Let's start from the very beginning. Bassoon is a demon of the winds. He belongs to otherworldly low-energy entities. It is he who helps to cast a love spell on the wind. This means that the ritual of summoning him belongs to black magic. This means that Fagot will take something valuable from you if you don’t give him a ransom.

What is the Bassoon call used for?

The bassoon is called to force the person you are interested in to come to you (call, send a letter, message, etc.). They also say: “call your loved one.” That is, the meaning of the ritual is to force (against your will) it to “light up” on your horizon.

This is done not only for the purpose of establishing a romantic relationship. Bassoon works even better for creating business connections and contacts, for repaying debt, etc. If you need to quickly borrow a certain amount, then Bassoon will bring you a person who has these funds and will be happy to share them with you. You just need to tell the Demon the name of your patron, and he himself will come to you.

Well, if you want to get attention from a person you like, then the conspiracy will work great here too. All you have to do is maintain the interest of the desired person after Fagot brings her to you. However, before using black magic, try a love spell to get the guy to call - it is safer, although slightly less effective.

Description of the summoning ritual

Summoning Bassoon is not difficult. This is a demon of the winds, so it requires windy weather to summon it. It is very good to read the plot in an open space. For example, in the mountains. If you have such an opportunity, then climb to the top of the mountain, turn your face to the wind and read the plot seven times. If the wind is very strong, it will act almost instantly. In this case, the candle is not used. For city residents there is an option: climb to the roof of the building and read the plot there. There is no need to light a candle there either.

If such options do not suit you, then you can read the plot in the apartment. This will require more time and an amplifier. Such an amplifier is a wax candle. It must be purchased from the Church (others will not work). Please note that you will need a lot of time. You should not be interrupted or distracted. If the ritual is broken, it will have to start from the beginning. So, light a candle, open the window (window) and, looking at the light, read the spell (seven times):

"Bassoon! I call, in my name (name) I conjure! Fly to (victim's name)! Stick it straight into the heart! Place passion in his body so that I can gain power over him! Let his (her) heart and mind burn with desire! Let all desires leave (name)! Only the desire to see (your name) will remain! There are no other intentions and desires in his thoughts! Be it my way! Ambi kkaso umdt! Dole crane praza! Bassoon! Dukhan zhebe flax! Topasi prices touri fak! Bassoon! Lead (name) to me. Let him have no peace until he fulfills my wishes! I conjure you! (name of the victim) will not be able to eat, drink, sleep, or rest until he comes to (his name), and will not be able to cope with his (her) tasks! Bassoon! I conjure! I command all winds!”

You need to read without taking your eyes off the fire (therefore, the spell should be learned by heart). While the candle is burning, you need to look at the flame and imagine how the desired person is exposed to the influence of Bassoon. The ritual ends only when the candle itself goes out. For people with high energy, it begins to work from the first day. If you are not sure that you can overcome the victim’s resistance, then it is recommended to repeat the ritual for three days in a row. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to create wind in the room. For example, you can turn on the fan. Just don’t direct the air flow towards the candle, otherwise it will go out.

If the candle itself goes out while reading the plot, this is a sign. Bassoon advises you to stop. He sees that contact with the desired person can bring you a lot of trouble.

About the consequences of contact with Fagot

Many people are concerned about the consequences of the ritual. It is impossible to answer it unequivocally. But it is not so strong as to significantly damage both the one who will perform it and the victim. The Demon just needs to be “paid” correctly for the work, then you will protect yourself from his dark forces. Bassoon is strong, but not particularly vindictive. He may punish you for empty worrying, but if you give him enough, he will peacefully fulfill your desire and forget about your existence.

The ransom for Fagot is made after the seventh day of the call, before dawn on the eighth. You need to take a cup of vodka and an odd number of coins of the same denomination (a handful) to a pedestrian intersection. You can't talk to anyone when returning home. If the ransom is carried out correctly, there will be no consequences for the call.

Calling “Bassoon” is an incorrect, common name for a ritual for calling the attention of a person of interest by appealing to the demon of the air - Bassoon.

The name in the form in which it exists now and “wanders” across the Internet appeared as a result of communication between practitioners on thematic resources. For ease of notation, the long name has been shortened to one word.

What is the Bassoon Challenge?

At the same time, people not associated with magic misunderstood the meaning and essence of the ritual. As a result, they began to name something that is not it.

A love spell is fundamentally different from a challenge in that a love spell, by breaking into a person’s energy system, forms a new model of behavior for him.

Moreover, this model is prescribed in detail by the practitioner during the ritual.

That is, a love spell can be compared to writing text on a blank sheet of paper.

Unlike a love spell, any challenge creates only preconditions, an anchor, to which the magician is already able to “catch on” and establish relationships.

Therefore, if a love spell is writing text on a piece of paper, then a challenge is nothing more than picking up a pen. In other words, in the case of a love spell, all the work is entirely done with the help of magic, and in the case of a call, the practitioner himself is responsible for whether it will be possible to establish contact or not.

In addition to the reasons indicated, confusion is caused by the mechanism of action of the Fagot ritual. After carrying out the Bassoon, the victim begins to make contact herself, and at the same time, very persistently and arrogantly.

In this regard, many people mistake sudden interest in their person for a deep and sincere feeling.

At the same time, this interest is more reminiscent of the desire of an annoying fan to talk to an idol. At the same time, a person often does not know what he will say and what he wants to hear.

It is thanks to this that after calling Bassoon you can twirl the victim as you wish. This makes the challenge especially useful for establishing business contacts and concluding deals, since any word from the magician will be perceived as manna from heaven.

Of course, if a magician in such a state begins to tell the victim about his endless sincere love, then the words will be perceived as the most important and desirable. But calling Bassoon is still not a full-fledged love spell.

How to do Bassoon?

When performing the Fagot ritual, it is important to remember that at this moment an appeal is made not to some conventionally good god, but to a demon, whose direct responsibility is to make life difficult for people.

The ritual is performed with hands resting on two door frames. It turns out that a person forms a cross in the doorway.

“Burn, demon Bassoon, the heart, soul and mind of God’s servant (name of the victim). Burn it with fire and earth, and sky and rainbow, in the name of all devils and with the help of Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. Until then, burn, demon Bassoon, the body and soul and mind of God’s servant (name of the victim), until he comes to me, and until he fulfills all my desires. Go with lightning and storm, ash and tornado, Fagot! Santas, Quizor, Carracos, Arne. May he neither sleep, nor stand still, nor cross the river, nor string a bow, nor sit on a bay horse, nor speak to anyone until he comes to carry out my orders.”

Traditionally, in conspiracies that address demons, the final “Amen” is not said.

After the ritual, be sure to go to the crossroads and pay the ransom to the wind demon. Please note that the intersection must be crowded.

You should leave a mug of beer and some pastries on it. When leaving, throw an odd number of white coins over your shoulder with the words:

Consequences and result

For many practitioners, Bassoon really works like a love spell, although this does not happen immediately. For some, this effect appears after a month, while for others it may not occur at all.

A lot depends on the payoff and the general mood.

If you initially mean a love spell during the ritual, then most likely you will receive a love spell. But this will no longer be a call-Bassoon, but a love spell based on a call. In this case, it will serve as a foundation for further superstructure.

Speaking about the consequences of the Fagot ritual, we note that many mistakenly consider it. This is fundamentally wrong.

When contacting demons, you must behave with extreme caution and take all precautions, in particular, take care of the ransom in advance.

Then it would not be amiss to order a prayer service for your health, if this is acceptable. If not, ask your guardians to protect you from the demon’s visit and from retribution.

Nowadays there are many mythical rituals and love spells. Bassoon is considered one of the most popular among girls. Many people perform this challenge on their own and are satisfied with the result. Therefore, further we will talk about this ritual.

First, I would like to discuss a little the ritual itself, which is called the Bassoon challenge. Reviews about it are contradictory and also worthy of discussion. This ritual does not have the function of a love spell; it will only make the chosen person on whom the challenge is made yearn for the citizen performing the ritual.

Calling Bassoon will not make the “victim” languish with love and tenderness. But after the ritual is performed, the object of the call will become nervous and absent-minded until he meets the person who made his call.

And so, the Bassoon call is traditionally carried out at night; experienced people also recommend choosing nights of the full moon, that is, performing the ritual on the full moon. This promises faster results.

For the ritual you will need a text of the ritual and a candle, preferably black or red wax. You can’t take church candles; it’s best to buy equipment at a hardware store. You will also need an image of the person you intend to call.

It is necessary to memorize the text of the ritual before calling Fagot, since reading from a piece of paper will not work. The text is pronounced looking at the flame, and the only lighting in the room will be a candle. You need to repeat the text 1, 3 or 7 times, keeping your gaze either on the candle flame or on the photograph of the person being called.

After all the words have been spoken, you must wait until the candle burns out. At this time, you need to think about the object of the call. The maximum number of days for the ceremony is 7, but usually the right person appears in the next 48 hours.

The call must be carried out in a room with a tightly closed door, where no one will disturb the person. The window or window must be kept open during the ritual; this is important, because Bassoon is translated as wind and for the ritual to work, you must strictly follow the instructions.

And further. We must not forget about the ransom. If the person being called appears earlier than 7 days, then as soon as the object appears, you must take 13 coins and a small bottle of vodka to the intersection. If a person does not appear within a week, then after the last, seventh day of the ritual has passed, the ransom must also be taken to the crossroads.

The most classic version of the Bassoon call is described above; modern magicians and sorcerers periodically make some of their own changes, but it is difficult to say how effective such innovations are.

If we talk about the Bassoon challenge, reviews about this ritual are mixed. Many experienced magicians say that the effectiveness of the ritual will depend on the energy and strength of the person making the call. But still, the majority of citizens who have done the Bassoon challenge talk about the excellent effect.

The person on whom the ritual is performed appears within a week. He will feel restless and need to meet. And it doesn’t matter how long people haven’t communicated before.

The object can call, write an SMS message, or appear on social networks. In general, he will get in touch in any possible way. Moreover, it is not necessary that the citizen will appear of his own free will.

As one girl writes on the forum, she received a call from the person she called at the request of her mother, who needed something from the girl. But still, in this case, it is considered that the call worked, because the person appeared in the life of the caller.

By the way, experts say that calling Bassoon on the same person is not worth it, since the object may develop immunity. And the citizen will not react to the ritual in any way.

As a conclusion, we can say that to successfully call Bassoon, you need to believe that everything will work out. The power of faith in this ritual is not the least important. And, of course, the correct implementation of all instructions is also important.