The effect of drinking water on human health presentation. Water and human health

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. It is impossible to describe you, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water content in the human body Every living cell of the human body contains a life-giving aqueous solution of various nutrients. Body systems volume fraction, % Blood 92 Kidneys up to 82 Brain up to 85 Liver up to 69 Muscles 75 Fatty tissues 25 Bones up to 20 70% of the body’s water is located inside cells as part of cellular protoplasm. This (intracellular) water is called structured; it has high biological activity and ensures the body’s resistance to aggressive environmental factors. 30% of water is extracellular fluid, of which intercellular fluid makes up 20%, blood plasma water - 8%, lymph water - 2%

Water in human life A sufficient supply of water to the body is one of the main conditions for a healthy lifestyle. All biochemical processes in humans come down to chemical reactions in an aqueous solution - metabolism in the body. Water acts as a medium for chemical reactions occurring during the metabolic process. Actively participating in the chemical reactions taking place in our body, water delivers nutrients to every cell, removes toxins, waste and excess salts, and helps lower blood pressure. Drinking enough water is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stones. In addition, water seems to “lubricate” the joints, thereby acting as a shock absorber for the spinal cord, and also regulates body temperature and ensures skin elasticity. Water is necessary for normal digestion. By participating in metabolism, this unique liquid allows you to reduce fat accumulation and lose weight.

How much water does a person need? A person feels extremely acutely the change in water content in the body and can live without it for only a few days. With a loss of water up to 2% of body weight (1-1.5 l), thirst appears, with a loss of 6-8%, a semi-fainting state occurs. With a lack of 10%, hallucinations appear and swallowing is impaired. With a loss of water of 12% of body weight, a person dies. Insufficient water consumption disrupts the normal functioning of the body: fatigue appears and performance decreases, the processes of digestion and absorption of food are disrupted, the course of biochemical reactions slows down, blood viscosity increases, which creates conditions for the formation of blood clots, and the process of hematopoiesis is disrupted. Without water, it is impossible to regulate the body's heat exchange with the environment and maintain a constant body temperature. Since the brain is 75% water, relative dehydration puts brain cells under extreme stress. Dehydration negatively affects the body's essential functions, weakening it and making it vulnerable to disease. The need for water depends on the nature of nutrition, work activity, health status, age, climate and other factors. The water requirement of an adult living in the middle zone is 2.5-3 liters per day. In the USA, the norm is 1 liter of water per 1000 kcal of diet. Scientists have calculated that we consume part of the water (1.5 -2 l) with food and drinks, about 3% (0.3 l) of water is formed as a result of biochemical processes in the body itself. Thus, the body's need for drinking water is approximately 1.2 -1.5 liters per day.

Each of us has experienced the healing effects of water procedures more than once. You feel freshness and renewal when coming out of the sea, a short hot shower invigorates, a warm bath soothes, and a contrast shower gives a surge of strength. Each of us has experienced the healing effects of water procedures more than once. You feel freshness and renewal when coming out of the sea, a short hot shower invigorates, a warm bath soothes, and a contrast shower gives a surge of strength.

Since ancient times, water procedures have been considered an obligatory and indispensable means of training and hardening the body. They were also used to treat many diseases. Since ancient times, water procedures have been considered an obligatory and indispensable means of training and hardening the body. They were also used to treat many diseases.

Therapeutic water procedures in the bath Therapeutic procedures include such procedures as hand, foot, sitz and general baths, compresses, rubbing, washing, dousing, which have a thermal, mechanical and chemical effect on the skin. You can carry out a hot, warm, indifferent, cool or cold hygienic procedure. The water temperature is respectively 40-50 C, 35-38 ° C, 33-35 ° C, 20-30 C and less than 20 C. Cold and cool procedures contribute to the occurrence of spasms of the skin and subcutaneous vessels, and this, in turn, leads to to a significant reduction in heat loss. By narrowing, the vessels impede blood flow in the periphery and cause an increase in blood pressure. The effects of cold water also extend to the nervous system. If cool and cold procedures are carried out for a long time, the vessels will dilate again and blood flow will increase, while heat loss occurs and blood pressure will decrease. The skin acquires a red-pink color, the general condition improves, a feeling of freshness and vigor appears, which becomes more intense when the skin is rubbed. Excessive exposure to cold water causes the body to become hypothermic and slow blood flow. In this case, the skin becomes pale, acquires a bluish tint, and weakness and irritability may appear. However, one should not stop there. Already when performing the procedure for the second time after exposure to heat, the body gets used to it and does not feel hypothermia so quickly. Warm procedures have the opposite effect: they calm the nervous system, warm the body, and improve sleep. Exposure to hot water causes a sharp expansion of skin vessels and overheating of the body. Since the water has a higher temperature than the body, there is no evaporation of sweat, contractions of the heart muscle become more frequent - the nervous system is first brought into an excited state, and then depressed. That is why hot communal baths are indicated in the absence of disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The mechanical effect of therapeutic water procedures consists of rubbing an area of ​​the body with hands, a brush, a washcloth, a sponge or some other device. This causes irritation of nerve endings, changing the conditions of blood circulation and lymph flow. The chemical effect of water is caused by various substances dissolved in it: sea salt, mustard, extracts of medicinal plants.

Foot and hand baths For severe hand fatigue, flu and bronchitis, contrasting hand baths are often used. For pain and cramps in the legs, swelling, heel spurs, thrombophlebitis, foot baths are a good remedy. To perform the procedure, two buckets of water are needed: one with a temperature of 40 °C, the other with a temperature of 20 °C. First, feet or hands should be immersed in hot water, held for 1-2 minutes, and then in cold water for 15-20 seconds. Repeat the same at least 5 times. After this, wipe your limbs dry with a towel and go to bed. Foot baths made of oat straw can help with calluses on the feet. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction of 100-150 g of oat straw, cool to 25 ° C and soak your feet for 20-30 minutes. To achieve a positive effect, at least 5-6 baths should be performed.

Contrast hardening Contrast hardening is quite possible at home. Jets of hot water (39 - 40 degrees) are directed onto the back and chest from the shower funnel for 1 - 1.5 minutes. Then, cold water is poured over the body from a previously prepared bucket or basin. The shower is not turned off at this time, but taken to the side. After this, again expose yourself to a stream of hot water. In total, no more than 2-3 such contrast shifts are carried out, so as not to overload the cardiovascular system. At first, hot water should have a constant temperature of 39-40 degrees, and cooler water - 30-32 degrees. Gradually, over 15 - 25 days, depending on how you feel, the temperature of the cool water gradually decreases and is brought to 18 - 20 degrees. An excellent hardening effect can be achieved in a Russian bath. The Russian bathhouse is special. Its indispensable component is the heater, which is located in the steam room. Hot water is splashed on it and a special effect of “light” steam is achieved, which at a temperature of 60 - 70 degrees, or even higher, has a special effect on the human body. Fans of bath steam know many “secrets” of how to use it to achieve health-improving and sometimes even therapeutic effects. For these purposes, various solutions and infusions are used, which are poured over a pre-heated heater. They use leaves and branches of blackberries, raspberries, black currants, plants such as St. John's wort, oregano, mint, and sometimes burnt sugar, bread kvass, coffee.

Winter swimming Hardening in ice water is also called “winter swimming”. This method of healing is not as ancient as, for example, sunbathing. However, this does not detract from its medicinal properties. In addition to the fact that winter swimming has a great effect on health, it is also a wonderful means of increasing the body’s energy. By plunging into an ice hole, a person receives a charge of vivacity and good mood, exchanging energy with nature. Hardening in ice water also has amazing healing properties. There are statistics that such procedures reduce the risk of getting colds by sixty times. In practice, you will no longer have a chance to catch a cold. Well, all other diseases among “walruses” are thirty times less common than among other fellow citizens. There is evidence that hardening in ice water helps get rid of diabetes, normalizes blood pressure, treats tuberculosis, diseases of the digestive system, inflammatory diseases of the joints and spine, inflammation of the genital organs, dermatological diseases, disruptions in the reproductive system and many, many more ailments.

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Presentation and development of the lesson "Water and Health" for 2nd grade.

Subject: Water and human health

Goals: Introduce children to the importance of water for human health.

Promote the development of curiosity, independence, and mutual assistance.

Create conditions for children to learn the right attitude to health, rules of behavior and safety on reservoirs, and hardening of the body.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

The bell rang loudly

The lesson begins.

Our ears are on top of our heads,

The eyes are wide open.

We listen, we remember

We don't waste a minute.

Forecast for the lesson. Drawing a scale on a cloud.

Introductory part

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes,

Fog creeps into the forest.

It's called a glacier in the mountains,

It curls like a silver ribbon.

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion always!

We can't wash ourselves without it.

Don't eat, don't get drunk.

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without her!

Water is one of the most important substances for humans. No one can ever do without it, and there is nothing to replace it with. What are its properties?

Take a test on the topic “Water in Nature”

Check the test.

How do you understand the proverb: “Without water there is no life?”

Announcement of the lesson topic: “Water and human health”

A story about the importance of water for humans

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Statement of the lesson problem.

What is the importance of water for human health?

Group work

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Physical education and eye exercises

Conclusion: I will save my health, I will help myself.

The story of Epiphany waters e

1 January 9th is the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, a festive service is held in all churches and the water is blessed. Although there is an opinion that she becomes holy not from prayers read over her, but from special transformations in the Earth’s magnetic field, thanks to which absolutely all the water on the planet is saturated with healing powers - both collected from an ice hole, and consecrated in a temple, and even poured from a water supply . Is Epiphany water really healing? Anyone who has ever attended the feast of Epiphany and filled a bottle with holy water has probably noticed that it remains clear for a long time, without mold or sediment. What's the matter? What is the secret of Epiphany water? Modern science has not yet been able to find an explanation for the phenomenon of Epiphany water.

The main thing is that Epiphany water really has healing powers, which you and I can use for the benefit of our health. To do this, you can take it orally as a prophylaxis against all diseases (one sip on an empty stomach), or you can wash your face with it and rub it all over your body. The clergy advise sprinkling food with this water, and during illness, taking a tablespoon every hour as medicine.

  • According to the standards, each city resident receives 220 liters of water per day.
  • Taking a shower for 5 minutes, you use about 100 liters of water.
  • Every time you brush your teeth, you use 1 liter of water.
  • By filling the bathtub only halfway, you waste at least 150 liters of water.
  • Single flush toilet- 8 - 10 liters.
  • Each wash of clothes in a washing machine requires over 100 liters of water.
  • A typical water tap flows 15 liters of water per minute.

About 1000 liters of water per hour are poured through an open tap.

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Careful attitude towards water.

  • Turn off the water when working in the kitchen or talking on the phone.

Replace the bath with a shower. When washing in the bathroom, 150-180 liters of water are consumed, and in the shower three

  • times less.
  • Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth.

Do not wash dishes under running water. It is better to wash dishes in the sink, closing the hole with a stopper.

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Summarizing. Reflection. - What new did you learn about water today?

What is the importance of water for human health?

Water is God's gift. Immerse yourself in water - it will wash away the dirt from you. You sit next to her, look, without thinking anything - she cleanses your soul

(Yaudat Ilyasov - Snake charmer .)


Write a story about the importance of water for human health. pp. 59-61

Reflection. Self-esteem.

(There are clouds hanging on the board with the inscriptions: it was interesting, I learned a lot of new things, I was bored, tired, there is something to think about. The guys put their self-esteem clouds in their pockets).


Group work

1 group

What kind of water can you drink?

Answer the questions based on the textbook article on pages 59-60:

1. What kind of water should you not drink?

2. What kind of water can you drink?

3. What drinks are good for the human body?

4. Which drinks are not healthy?

2nd group

Hardening with water

Select statements on the topic (Put + or -):

1. In the morning after washing, rinse your hands, face, and neck with water at room temperature.

2. Eat vegetables and fruits every day.

3. In the morning, wipe your body with a damp towel.

4. Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing.

5. Take a shower, gradually lowering the water temperature. Alternate hot and cold water.

6. Wash your feet every day before going to bed with cool water, gradually making it colder.

3 group

Cleanliness is the key to health

Match the beginning and end of the statements on the topic:

To be clean and healthy, you need to brush them with toothpaste

at least 2 times a day.

To keep your teeth healthy, you need to wash your face, neck, and neck with soap every day.

hands and ears, and hands necessarily after

walks, toilet, games, trips, etc.

To keep your hair healthy, keep your clothes and shoes clean,

and clean, you need to clean it and wash it as necessary.

To make a person look neat, comb them every day, and his head

and carefully, wash with warm water and soap or

shampoo at least once a week.

4 group

Water safety rules

Choose the correct statements (put + next to them):

1.When you swim in a pond in the summer, there must be adults nearby, even if you know how to swim.

2. You can dive in unfamiliar places.

3. Do not swim behind the buoys, do not swim in a river with a fast current.

4. You can joke on the water, shout, “drown” each other.

5. You cannot dive in unfamiliar places, as there may be a sunken log, snag, etc. under the water.

6.You can’t joke in the water; a person can choke and drown.

7. If you need to shorten the path, you can cross the pond on the ice.

8.You can’t fish from a pier if you don’t know how to swim.

9.After swimming, be sure to change into dry clothes.

10. In winter you can ski and sled in wet weather and ice.

11. You cannot sled, ski, or skate on or near bodies of water.

12. You can sled down the hill near the roadway.

13. Move very carefully on the sidewalk during icy conditions, do not step onto the road, even if the sidewalk is not cleared of snow.

14. In case of frostbite, bruises, or fractures, call emergency medical assistance by calling 103.

Physical education minute

We went down to the fast river,

They bent down and washed.

That's how nicely refreshed we were.

And now we swam together,

You need to do this manually:

Together - once, this is breaststroke.

One, the other is a rabbit.

All as one -

We swim like a dolphin.

Went ashore steep

And we went home.

  • Water and health
  • Have you heard about water?
  • They say she's everywhere!
  • In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,
  • And in the water tap.
  • Like an icicle freezes
  • Fog creeps into the forest,
  • It's boiling on the stove,
  • The kettle steam hisses.
  • We can't wash ourselves without it,
  • Don't eat, don't get drunk!
  • I dare to report to you
  • We can't live without her.
  • N. Ryzhova.
  • One of the pressing environmental problems in our time is the pollution of water resources, since water is life.
  • Water is the most valuable natural resource, without which all life on Earth cannot exist. More than 70% of the surface of our planet is covered with water, but this is the salty ocean.
  • Scientists have calculated that 97.5% of all water reserves on planet Earth come from the salty waters of the seas and oceans.
  • In other words, fresh water makes up only 2.5% of the world's reserves.
Water plays an exceptional role in metabolic processes that form the basis of life. Water is of great importance in industrial and agricultural production. It is also necessary for the domestic needs of humans, all plants and animals. It serves as a habitat for many living creatures.
  • Water plays an exceptional role in metabolic processes that form the basis of life. Water is of great importance in industrial and agricultural production. It is also necessary for the domestic needs of humans, all plants and animals. It serves as a habitat for many living creatures.
However, the growth of cities, the rapid development of industry, the expansion of irrigated areas, the improvement of cultural and living conditions and a number of other factors are increasingly complicating the problems of water supply.
  • However, the growth of cities, the rapid development of industry, the expansion of irrigated areas, the improvement of cultural and living conditions and a number of other factors are increasingly complicating the problems of water supply.
  • Water needs are enormous and increasing every year
Taking into account the importance that water has for human life and all life on Earth, we confirm the thesis that water is one of the most precious treasures of our planet.
  • Taking into account the importance that water has for human life and all life on Earth, we confirm the thesis that water is one of the most precious treasures of our planet.
  • Popular wisdom says: “A person begins to appreciate water when the source dries up.” Water is an invaluable gift of nature, the basis of all life on Earth. Why do we still hardly notice or appreciate it? She drinks and feeds us.
There is a lot of it, which is probably why we have developed such an attitude towards it. But in deserts they often pay in gold for clean water. Currently, water is becoming a scarce natural resource.
  • There is a lot of it, which is probably why we have developed such an attitude towards it. But in deserts they often pay in gold for clean water. Currently, water is becoming a scarce natural resource.
The shortage of clean fresh water is already becoming a global problem. The ever-increasing needs of industry and agriculture for water are forcing all countries and scientists around the world to look for various means to solve this problem.
  • The shortage of clean fresh water is already becoming a global problem. The ever-increasing needs of industry and agriculture for water are forcing all countries and scientists around the world to look for various means to solve this problem.
An important environmental problem is the pollution of the water we use, and this is very dangerous for the life of all living things.
  • An important environmental problem is the pollution of the water we use, and this is very dangerous for the life of all living things.
  • These changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of water in reservoirs due to the discharge of liquid, solid and gaseous substances into them cause inconvenience, making the water of these reservoirs dangerous for use, causing damage to the national economy, health and safety of the population.
So let's first switch to clean water. Let's feel its taste. Let us understand that there is completely different water, which will entail a completely different life. And in this other life there will be no place for the birth of babies with intrauterine developmental pathology. This means the children will be healthy. This means there will definitely be a future!
  • So let's first switch to clean water. Let's feel its taste. Let us understand that there is completely different water, which will entail a completely different life. And in this other life there will be no place for the birth of babies with intrauterine developmental pathology. This means the children will be healthy. This means there will definitely be a future!
Man, remember forever:
  • Man, remember forever:
  • The symbol of life on Earth is water!
  • Save it and take care!
  • We are not alone on the planet!
  • E. Yevtushenko

The content in various organs is %. Brain contains - 75% Heart - 75% Lungs - 85% Liver - 86% Kidneys - 83% Muscles - 75% Blood - 83%.

The amount of water required to maintain hydration depends on age, physical activity, ambient temperature and humidity. The daily requirement of an adult is about 2.5 liters. Clean drinking water also increases the body's defense against stress. It thins the blood, fights fatigue, helps the cardiovascular system, and fights stress. A healthy lifestyle is based on proper nutrition, activity and clean water consumption.

Main indicators of drinking water quality Organoleptic indicators (smell, taste, color, turbidity) Toxicological indicators Indicators affecting the organoleptic properties of water (pH, total hardness, petroleum products, iron, manganese, nitrates, calcium, magnesium) Chemical substances formed during water treatment (residual free chlorine, chloroform, silver) Microbiological indicators

The presence of iron in water does not threaten our health, but it gives the water an unpleasant red-brown color, worsens its taste, causes the development of iron bacteria, sedimentation in pipes and their clogging. When drinking water with an iron content higher than the standard, a person runs the risk of acquiring various liver diseases and allergic reactions. reactions

An increased content of manganese in water has a mutagenic effect on humans. Sometimes drinking water contains a lot of salts of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids (chlorides and sulfates). They give the water a salty and bitter-salty taste. Drinking such water leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

The content of calcium and magnesium cations in water gives the water the so-called hardness. Constant consumption of water with increased hardness leads to the accumulation of salts in the body and, ultimately, to joint diseases (arthritis, polyarthritis), to the formation of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder

Water is also responsible for human teeth. The incidence of caries depends on how much fluoride is contained in the water. Water fluoridation is believed to be effective in preventing tooth decay, especially in children. The fluoride content in drinking water is higher than sanitary standards (no more than 1.5 mg/l) has a harmful effect on human health

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Water. One of the most common substances in nature. The hydrosphere occupies 71% of the Earth's surface. Water plays a vital role in the geological history of the planet. It is an essential component of almost all technological processes, both industrial and agricultural.

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Without water, living organisms cannot exist. About 65% of the human body is water. And what beauty it has given us! Waterfalls, geysers, oceans, seas, rivers - for all this we have to thank water. Rain, snow, hail - all this is water. Why does water from different sources have a different taste, does soap foam differently in it, and different scale deposits on the walls of teapots?

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Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions are constantly present in natural waters, which determine the overall hardness. The main source of their entry into water is the dissolution of rocks containing limestone, dolomite, gypsum, and complex aluminosilicates. Hard water forms dense layers of scale on the internal walls of steam boilers and boilers; food products are poorly boiled in it; when washing clothes in hard water, more soap is consumed.

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The total hardness of water is determined by the content of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in it. In total, the carbonate and non-carbonate hardness of water gives the total hardness.

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Stiffness can be temporary or permanent. Temporary hardness is caused by soluble metal bicarbonates remaining in the water. When water boils, bicarbonates decompose and precipitate. The accumulation of such precipitation on the walls of steam boilers and pipes inevitably leads to accidents. This is a serious reason for the need to eliminate water hardness.

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Constant hardness is determined by the presence of soluble chlorides and sulfates of calcium and magnesium in natural water.

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Based on the content of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in water, waters are divided into the following groups: Table No. 1. Types of water depending on the content of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions (“Fundamentals of Chemical Analysis” by V. I. Astafurov). Content of Ca2+ and Mg2+ (mg/eq/l) Water quality 0-1.5 Very soft 1.5-3 Soft 3-4.5 Medium hard 4.5-6.5 Quite hard 6.5-11 Hard More than 11 Very hard

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Water hardness varies in different cities. And to check this, we collected samples of tap water from 3 cities in Russia. Naturally, the content of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in tap water reflects their content in natural waters. After analysis we received the following data

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Table No. 2. Determination of water hardness from various sources (mg/eq/l) No. Sample Total hardness Conclusion 1 Distilled water 0.7 Very soft 2 Mytishchi 5.2 Moderately hard 3 Rostov-on-Don 6.2 Quite hard 4 Kola Peninsula 3.75 Very soft

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Recently, many water softeners have appeared that protect washing machines from scale. At the same time, manufacturers of washing powders have introduced components that prevent the formation of scale into the composition of most washing preparations. So, is it worth buying a water softener when buying washing powder?

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To do this, we determined the hardness of water with the additive “Calgon” and with 4 different types of washing powders without the addition of “Calgon”. Soda was also added to one of the samples. The results of the experiment are presented in the table. Table No. 3. Change in water hardness under the influence of washing powders and water softeners (mg/eq/l) No. Sample Total water hardness (mg/eq/l) 1 Initial sample H2O 3.9 2 +0.5g “Calgon” 0 3 +0.5g “Pemalosk” 3.9 4 +0.5g “Red Price” 0.9 5 +0.5g “Vanish” 1.1 6 +0.5g “Persil” 0 7 +0.5g soda 1