Types of fire partitions and basic requirements for them. The use of fire walls in construction What a fire wall looks like

Apartments, public places, as well as technical premises and production areas require proper arrangement of space. Some objects require special attention and the use of special materials. Fire partitions are structures that are necessary for arranging premises that meet fire safety standards.

Based on fire resistance, types of fire partitions are divided into 2 classes. They do not depend on the type of construction or materials used in production:

The meanings must be deciphered. “E” is the integrity coefficient of a fireproof partition connected to a non-combustible wall until the structure collapses. The letter “I” denotes the loss of ability to retain heat from the outside, and “W” is the coefficient of maximum dense radiant heat flux used to evaluate glass structures.

In buildings where an increased level of safety is required, types 1 and 2 of products must have advanced properties. The protection time for them changes to 90 and 60 minutes, respectively. .

Type 1 partitions

The products are of capital nature. Type 1 partitions are used for installation in the following locations:

Fire partitions are also used in other places, which is taken into account during individual design. When choosing a plastic partition (hereinafter referred to as PP), they are guided by state rules and regulations.

If the rules and general fire safety scheme are violated in the event of an emergency, tens of times more people will die. Strict adherence to standards is a direct path to competent organization of emergency exits.

The list for the first type of fire partitions consists of the following materials:

  • prefabricated reinforced concrete panels, manufactured at the factory or on site by pouring concrete into the formwork (on a frame made of steel reinforcement);
  • brickwork;
  • building blocks filled with gypsum or slag.

Partitions consisting of plasterboard, glass or metal can be classified as type 1 EI 45 if they are manufactured in full compliance with fire safety standards.

Partitions 2 types

Fire partitions of type 2 are not always of a permanent nature, unlike structures of type 1. Sometimes they are installed temporarily for the purpose of redeveloping a floor of a building or other large area. Fire-resistant partitions created according to type 2 are most often used to create dedicated rooms and offices in large rooms, arrange meeting rooms and organize additional workplaces.

The main purpose of installing fire-resistant partitions is to ensure the safe evacuation of personnel, clients and visitors of the organization, and residents of the house.

This is due to the relatively short time of resistance to open fire.

The secondary purpose of using partitions of the second type, especially when combining two structures (with the inclusion of type 1 PP), is to prevent the spread of fire in other rooms.

There are special fire partitions - curtains. They are subject to separate requirements, and the use of curtains is appropriate in different rooms where conventional curtains are non-functional.

Curtains are used to cover large openings in which partitions cannot be installed due to technical features and different fire safety classes.

They are also used for other purposes:

  • fencing of elevator rooms, stair escalators;
  • arrangement of atriums;
  • as a non-flammable blanket, which is installed in areas with an insulating type of fire extinguishing;
  • to protect structures from parallel fire if they do not have the required fire resistance;
  • when building facades are located at different angles to each other;
  • protection of floors, roofs and ceiling openings;
  • access to escape routes.

Curtains are used to protect against the spread of fire in above-ground and underground spaces.

Types of fire partitions

Fire partitions are used in various fields, but their use in social infrastructure is especially popular. PPs are installed in clinics, maternity hospitals, clinical hospitals, as well as in all buildings of educational institutions.

Fact! Partitions are often found in shopping centers and pavilions, but their use in private or apartment buildings for living is no less popular.

Fireproof structures are also used in the service sector: cafes, canteens. Almost every office and large business center has a room equipped with software. Entertainment centers, clubs, and cinemas are equipped with similar elements.

PPs are widely used to organize production enterprises, factories, factories, and warehouses. Fire-resistant types of fire-resistant structures must be used in warehouses where flammable and flammable substances are constantly stored. Here are the zones in which they are installed:

There are several types of PP, differing from each other in material. The scope of application of the design completely depends on it.

The most popular material for the production of PP is aluminum. Profiles - frames and frameworks - are created from it. Often combined with fire-resistant glass. Fire-resistant aluminum partitions can also be used with other materials, including gypsum plasterboard, wood and mineral wool mats.

Aluminum structures have several advantages:

  • high degree of reliability;
  • neat appearance;
  • easy installation;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • light weight (compared to steel).

The material has practically no disadvantages, and the cost is much lower than that of steel. The only negative that may scare off some groups of buyers is the high price tag when using glass and transparent structures.

Important! Aluminum PP can be of types 1 and 2 according to safety standards. The type is determined by the installation location and manufacturing method.

Aluminum partitions are equipped with thin coatings of fire-resistant paint. In this case, it is possible to achieve class EI 45, and the design will correspond to type 1. For the installation of type 2 PP, no coatings are required.


Fireproof plasterboard partitions are the most popular type of construction for home and public use. Their main advantage is their low cost. When making partitions from plasterboard sheets (GKL), a wooden, steel or aluminum frame is used.

PP made from gypsum plasterboard consist of several durable layers, between which there are additional fire-resistant sheets made of aluminum alloys and non-combustible fibers. Compared to brick or reinforced concrete partitions, plasterboard structures with a high fire resistance limit are much easier to manufacture.

A significant advantage of gypsum boards is ease of installation. Even if you rent a premises, you can install a structure that complies with the standards without additional permission from the tenant.

The cost of gypsum plasterboard is lower than that of glass or translucent materials on the same metal profile. Plasterboard fire partitions are much easier to dismantle and provide good protection from extraneous noise.


Aesthetically beautiful, practical fire-resistant glass partitions are made using an aluminum, or less commonly, steel frame. They use special glass with increased fire resistance. Partitions made from it meet not only safety standards, but also the aesthetic requirements of some enterprises and institutions.

Glazed partitions are manufactured in the same way as glass fire doors and have similar advantages:

The only drawback of a translucent fire partition is its relatively high cost.

Important! Glass PPs are made solid, “blind”, or with a fire door that opens as needed.

Often there are options when the partition is made of glass, and the door is made of metal or wood, but it can also be transparent.

Glass PP have a resistance class of 16 to 60 minutes EIW. Translucent partitions differ from glass partitions in the material that is installed in the frame. The fire safety class of PP made from translucent material is usually EIW 60 or EIW 45.


Stationary fireproof brick partitions are 120 mm or 65 mm thick. Usually they belong to type 1 and are often supplied with reinforcing mesh every 5-6 rows of masonry.

Important! The fire resistance limit of PP brick made of 65 mm does not exceed EI 45, while a thickness of 120 mm gives protection class EI 150.

Several types of bricks are used for the production of structures:

Stationary red brick PPs are preferable, but there are still buildings where silicate materials are used entirely.


Steel is almost always used as a profile in fire-resistant structures, but is sometimes used as a base material. For production, steel sheets are used to sheathe fire-resistant gypsum board sheets, mats made of wood or mineral materials.

Steel partitions have increased load-bearing capacity, as they are stronger than aluminum and last much longer than wood. During installation, the steel frame helps to create different design solutions, since the sheets can be designed: imitation of textures, stones and other surfaces.

Steel PP is resistant to high temperatures, but they have some disadvantages:

  • the cost is significantly higher than that of aluminum;
  • large-sized structures weigh many times more than other materials and are not suitable for installation in some buildings on 2 or higher floors;
  • do not transmit light even partially.

But where strong, powerful profiles are needed that provide maximum safety, steel fire partitions are best suited.

Testing partitions for fire resistance

Tests are carried out to determine the fire resistance limit, which is expressed in minutes. Conditions for a real fire are created. In the process, the ability of the partition to protect the room from the penetration of fire and smoke is assessed. There are several types of limit states according to specified parameters; they are regulated by GOST 30247.0-94:

  • “R” - stability indicator - the structure loses its load-bearing properties due to collapse or severe deformation;
  • “E” - integrity parameter - integrity is violated, cracks and holes appear that allow flame or smoke to pass through;
  • “I” is an indicator of heat resistance - the heat-insulating properties are lost due to reaching extreme temperatures;
  • “W” - thermal protection indicator - maximum heat flux density at a specified distance from the structure containing the flame;
  • “S” - parameter of resistance to gas or smoke penetration - gas and smoke penetrate into the room.

For partitions, limit states “E” (loss of integrity) and “I” (loss of thermal insulation properties) are used.

To test fire-resistant partitions, a test furnace is used, into which the required sample will fit, as well as systems for measuring and recording pressure and temperature in different areas of the structure being tested.

Important! Type 2 and 1 fire partitions of the size that will be used in real conditions are suitable for testing.

Fireproof fabrics are tested on both sides; the number of tested samples depends on this. If there is a high risk of exposure to both sides in a fire, then 2 samples are created for each test.

If, theoretically, only one side is exposed to fire, then 1 sample is tested.

Test equipment

A test is carried out in the prepared furnace that meets certain conditions:

During the process, the temperature inside the furnace where the sample is installed begins to rise. At set intervals, the pressure of the gases, as well as the temperature itself, is recorded on the surface of the fireproof sample.

After testing, the customer receives accurate results with minimum, average and maximum temperatures.

The assessment of limit states occurs mainly according to 2 indicators:

  • “E” - integrity - bring a cotton swab to places where cracks or holes could form (even invisible at first glance). The use of a tampon begins at 15/45/60 or 90 minutes of testing - depending on whether type 1 or 2 of PP is being tested. If a gap appears, the tampon ignites;
  • “I” - thermal insulation - is assessed by the indicators of thermocouples that take the temperature. If the parameters do not exceed critical levels, then the fire safety sample is assigned the appropriate class.

The temperature outside the sample (the side not exposed to the flame), as well as on the heated part, differs significantly. Sets GOST indicators.

Important! If the PP loses its integrity before the time it claims, or the temperature on the unheated side of the sample increases significantly, then the design cannot meet the declared parameters.

After the tests, the customer receives all the documents, as well as a report on the test results. Upon successful completion, a quality certificate is issued.

Standards and requirements

Fire safety requirements for software are set out in Federal Law No. 123. SNiP 21-01-97 establishes a detailed description of the rules for using partitions, as well as the designation of all existing types. The standards define 5 classes of fire resistance, 2 of which are basic:

  • EIW 15, rated for 15 minutes of flame resistance;
  • EIW 45, corresponding to 45 minutes of continuous fire.

Less popular are classes such as EIW-30, 60 and 90. Type 1 partitions can have a limit of at least EIW-45, and type 2 parts are manufactured in accordance with class EIW-15 and higher.

Features of partitions 1 and 2 types

Federal Law No. 123 establishes that fire partitions are construction items, as well as an element of any engineering solutions, buildings that have a fixed limit of resistance to fire.

A fire barrier is used to prevent a fire from spreading from one part of a building to another (or from one building to an adjacent one).

Important! Fire resistance of type 1 PP cannot be less than EI 45, this means that: the structure retains its size, does not deform, does not heat up above the standard permissible temperature, and also does not allow even small flames to pass through for at least 45 minutes .

In some buildings, this limit should be much higher - EI 60 or even EI 90. When designing premises, arranging them and dividing them into compartments, the position of the fire control panel is taken into account, which should not block people’s access to escape routes, fire hydrants and cabinets. At the same time, they should not significantly reduce the width of corridors and passages.

Brief requirements described in building codes for partitions of category 1:

  • PP can only be installed to separate 100% of the space - without gaps or left voids - along the length, at an angle, as well as along the width and behind the suspended ceiling;
  • there should be no openings or openings in the PP, including those specially made for laying utilities - they are strictly sealed with fire-resistant, non-combustible materials (fire-retardant basalt and others). The material must fill the space of the PP throughout its entire thickness. Fire couplings can be used on both sides;
  • construction openings must be filled - the standards are established in SNiP;
  • areas where the PP connects to a wall or ceiling must be sealed with a material that provides a fire and heat resistance rating of the same class as fire barriers.

Requirements for fire curtains

For certain types of structures - fire curtains (FZ), special requirements established by SNiP are used:

PZ, like ordinary partitions, undergo appropriate tests. However, natural size samples are not used.

Documentation for software

When ordering any item that must comply with certain fire safety rules, you must ensure that the documents are available. Fire protection structures must have:

If at least one of the documents is missing when delivering fire protection products, they cannot comply with the law. Therefore, it is impossible to install PP in places requiring fire protection.

The choice of fire partitions is only one area of ​​​​tasks that must be solved by a tenant or a company engaged in the construction of public and residential facilities.

Not only the aesthetic component is important, but also the quality of the fireproof structure, because if you use illegal items that do not meet the requirements, you can face terrible consequences - the death of dozens of people.

Fire safety at a facility of any purpose is a critically important task, which they try to solve using various electronic systems for detecting and suppressing fires. In addition to this kind of automated means of protection, structural fire protection elements, which include fire partitions, are considered no less important. The main functional task of this type of structure is to limit the possibility of fire spreading over a large area in order to reduce the damage caused by fire.

Today, there are various types of fire partitions that help preserve a burning building until the fire service arrives and provide a higher probability of saving it from the fire. If there are no barriers or their installation is incorrect, this can lead to the rapid spread of fire over a large area and destruction of the structure of the facility.

Types of fire protection structures

The fire barriers used, according to the nature of the localization of the spread of fire, can be divided into two categories:

  • general barriers in the form of walls, panels, ceilings and partitions - they protect in case of volumetric fire, guaranteeing effective protection against the spread of fire;
  • local barriers in the form of fire-resistant doors, hatches, windows - they allow protection from fire that spreads in linear directions.

Depending on the ability to withstand fire, fire protection structures are divided into two more types.

  • First type

Fire partitions of this type meet the fire resistance limit EI45. If glazed barriers with a total glazing area of ​​more than 25% are used, type 1 fire partitions must comply with fire resistance rating EIW45.

  • Second type

This type includes partitions that are characterized by a fire resistance limit of EI15. For those type 2 fire partitions that have more than 25% glazing, the EIW15 indicator applies.

Fire resistance limits

To determine the fire resistance parameters of a fire partition, the following indicators are used:

  • R – characterizes the loss of bearing capacity;
  • E – characterizes loss of integrity;
  • I – indicates a deterioration below the critical value of the thermal insulating characteristics of the material due to its heating to the maximum permissible temperature;
  • W – characterizes the achievement of the maximum possible heat flux density at a certain (standardized) distance from the surface of the fire barrier;
  • S – indicates the smoke-tightness limit of the partitions.

Fire resistance of metal structures

The fire resistance limit for most metal structures without special protection is quite small and corresponds to R10...R15 for steel products and R6...R8 for aluminum products. Such an insignificant possibility of resistance of unprotected structures to open fire is explained by the high thermal conductivity of the metal and the insignificant values ​​​​of its heat capacity. As a result, the temperature of the metal structure quickly increases to critical values, at which the ability to withstand applied mechanical loads disappears, and the structure loses its load-bearing capacity.

Fire resistance of wooden structures

Wood, unlike metal, burns well. Therefore, the fire resistance limit of this type of structure depends on two parameters - the time interval from the start of the fire to the ignition of the wooden structure, as well as the time of the onset of the condition in which the structure loses its load-bearing capacity.

The main ways to increase the fire resistance of wood structures is to apply a small layer of plaster to their surface. 2 cm will be enough to increase the fire resistance to the R60 value. In addition, you can also use special flame retardant paints and appropriate impregnations.

Fire resistance of reinforced concrete structures

The fire resistance indicators of reinforced concrete structures are determined by a large number of factors: structural design, concrete used, type of reinforcement, magnitude of operational loads, etc.

If a fire occurs at a facility, the maximum fire resistance of a reinforced concrete partition occurs due to the following reasons:

  • reduction in the strength level of concrete due to its heating;
  • expansion of reinforcement due to rising temperature;
  • the occurrence of cracks under the influence of temperatures;
  • reduction in thermal insulation ability.

Flexible reinforced concrete structures, which include beams, slabs, purlins, and crossbars, have the lowest fire resistance ratings. Their fire resistance ranges from R45 to R90. Such a small value is obtained due to the reinforcement used, which becomes highly elastic with increasing temperature and leads to a loss of bearing capacity of structures.

Types of structures

Below we will consider the main structural elements with which you can create highly effective fire partitions of type 1 or 2.


A fire wall installed in a building must ensure its division into two or more fire compartments. To realize this, it must have the same height as the structure. The wall must pass through all floors of the building, rest on its foundation and other structural elements that have a fire resistance threshold no lower than that of the wall.

To divide the building into separate fire compartments, a type 1 fire partition made of plasterboard or other fire-resistant material is used, and barriers inside the compartment can be installed from type 2 partitions.

Depending on the loads perceived, a fire wall can be:

  • carrier;
  • not load-bearing;
  • self-supporting.

In terms of structural design, a wall can be:

  • frame;
  • frameless;
  • frame-panel.

The safest and most stable are frameless walls, since they do not have a large number of individual elements in their design.


Fire partitions used in industrial and civil construction are used for the following purposes:

  • separating places that pose a risk of fire or explosion;
  • ensuring the safe evacuation of people from the building;
  • localization of fire within the 1st room;
  • separation of places where valuables and materials can be located and stored.


Fire partitions in the form of ceilings are used to protect buildings from the vertical spread of fire. Three types of floors can be installed in buildings:

  • Type 1 protects the building for 2…5 hours;
  • Type 2 provides fire resistance for 1 hour;
  • Type 3 fire partitions protect against fire for no longer than 45 minutes.

Translucent walls are structures whose glazing area is more than 25%. Like other fire partitions of type 3, translucent elements of type 2 or 1 are used to prevent the spread of fire beyond a certain area. Depending on the ability to protect against fire, translucent partitions are divided into the following classes:

  • E – provides protection from fire and combustion products;
  • I – protection against excessive heating of the reverse side of the partition is maintained;
  • W – provides an obstacle to the transfer of heat flow through the partitions.


In order for a fire-resistant “wall” to provide the functional tasks for which it is intended, appropriate materials should be used that differ in the required characteristics and parameters.


This material is mainly used to create frames, frames, and partition profiles. They can also be used for external cladding of a structure along its perimeter. The main advantages of the material include:

  • high load-bearing capacity;
  • a wide variety of different shapes;
  • practicality of use.

In addition to the positive aspects, there are also some disadvantages:

  • quite high price;
  • heavy weight of the created structure.


Wood is rarely used to build fire partitions, but such structures also occur. Wood is mainly used to create the frame of a partition or as its canvas. Before use, wood must undergo special fire-prevention treatment.

Among the advantages of this material, one should highlight the high aesthetic properties of the structures created, and as for the negative aspects, they are associated with the high cost and low fire resistance of wood.


This material is one of the most popular and widespread among those used to create frames and partition profiles. The main advantages of this material include:

  • high reliability indicators of the created structure;
  • practicality;
  • low specific gravity;
  • good aesthetic properties.

In most cases, aluminum is the best material considering the ratio of its quality and price.


Type 1 fire partition made of plasterboard is very popular due to its low cost and ease of installation. Drywall sheets are mainly used as a sheet that is attached to wooden or metal frames.

Installation features

When installing fire partitions, several rules should be taken into account. The procedure for sealing gaps between adjacent panels, a partition and a wall or ceiling should be performed using special fire-resistant materials. After installing the partition, there should be no unfilled voids in the place where the fire barrier should be. Compliance with these requirements will ensure the fire resistance of gaps, which can be conductors of heat flow and contribute to the spread of fire. Most often, special fire-resistant foam is used to seal gaps, on top of which a cement-sand mortar is applied.

Work on the installation of internal structural fire-fighting elements should begin after completion of construction work and before the start of finishing of the premises.


Correctly selected types of fire partitions and ceilings for the facility will allow you to create effective fire barriers in the premises. This will localize the flames in the event of a fire and prevent their further spread throughout the facility. The presence of fire-fighting elements in the premises will ensure the possibility of safe evacuation of people and protection of valuables from fire.

Video: Testing a fire partition

In order to better understand the structure and purpose of fire-resistant partitions, you first need to understand the definitions and find out what is the difference between a fire partition (hereinafter FP) and a fire wall (hereinafter FS).

  1. Fire walls - divide the building along the entire height, and parts of the building between the substations are called fire compartments (a more complete definition is given in SNiP 21-01-97 * P: 7.16).
    Accordingly, fire protection systems are designed to ensure that fire does not spread from one compartment to another along the entire height of a building or structure.
  2. Fire partitions - divide the room within the floor, and the parts between the fire walls are called fire sections.

Accordingly, we have come to the definition of fire partitions - this is one of the types of fire barriers, the purpose of which is to prevent the spread of fire within one specific floor.

Types, norms and requirements

According to GOSTs, SNiPs and technical regulations (Federal Law No. 123), fire partitions are divided according to the following main characteristics.

Types of fire partitions

  • PP type 1 – corresponds to fire resistance limit EI 45 (for glazed PP with a glazing area of ​​more than 25%, EIW 45 is used);
  • PP type 2 - corresponds to the fire resistance limit EI 15 (for glazed PP with a glazing area of ​​more than 25%, EIW 15 is used).

The types of software are directly related to the following indicator.

Fire resistance limits

According to Federal Law No. 123, two indicators are used to determine the degree of fire resistance of fire partitions:

  • EI 45 (1st type);
  • EI 15 (type 2).

Which in turn tells us that the partition must contain the fire for at least 45 and 15 minutes, respectively.

Despite the fact that some manufacturers produce partitions with fire resistance limits significantly higher than the parameters required by law - EI 60, EI 90 and EI 120, all these products will be equated to type 1 partitions (EI 45), i.e. will be rounded down.

Glazing up to and more than 25%

Regulatory documentation divides fire partitions into glazed (translucent) up to 25 percent and more than 25% of the opening area.

For the average buyer in this case, only the marking will matter - EIW.

For PCB manufacturers, this means that fire tests of such structures will be carried out according to their specific GOST (GOST R 53303-2009).

There are no other significant differences between partitions glazed up to 25% and over 25%.

Types of materials

The production of PP is not subject to strict rules and regulations regarding the use of certain materials. Therefore, on the fire-fighting products market you can find partitions that consist entirely or partially of wood, steel, aluminum, plasterboard and, of course, fire-resistant glass.

Let's take a closer look at each of these materials.


Wood is rarely used in the production of fire-resistant partitions, but, nevertheless, it has its place in the market.

Both the frame (profile) and the actual fabric of the product can act as wood.

The wood, of course, undergoes a special fire treatment similar to the same technology that is used in the production of wooden fire doors.

Among the advantages of wooden fire partitions, one can highlight the high aesthetic qualities of such a design. Especially when it comes to stylized interior design in compliance with all fire safety requirements.

The disadvantages include:

  • Insufficient load-bearing capacity - a wooden frame does not allow the installation of large-sized structures due to the large weight of the partition fabric;
  • Lack of light transmission - such a partition does not transmit light (except when a wooden profile with a fire-resistant glass sheet is used), therefore this design cannot be used where a lighting source is needed;
  • The cost of this type of partition is quite high.


Most often, steel is used as a frame (frame, profile), less often for the actual fabric of fire partitions. And then, in this case, the steel sheet is steel sheets with which the insulating material is sheathed - fire-resistant gypsum plasterboard sheets (or any other fire-resistant sandwich panels) or fire-retardant-treated wood or mineral mats.

Among the advantages of steel partitions are:

  • High load-bearing capacity – steel frames are the most reliable and durable of all types of frames;
  • Wide variety in design - steel sheets can be finished to imitate almost any surface, including plastic, wood and stainless steel.

The disadvantages include:

  • High cost;
  • Large weight of the structure (especially large-sized ones);
  • Lack of light transmission when making a partition in a solid design and without glazing.


One of the most popular materials for making profiles (frames, frames), especially when using fire-resistant glass together as a canvas.

In addition, wooden sheets, gypsum plasterboard sheets, and mineral wool (basalt) insulating mats can also be used with an aluminum frame.

The advantages of aluminum fire partitions are:

  • High reliability;
  • Light weight compared to steel profile;
  • Excellent appearance and performance characteristics.

There are practically no disadvantages to this type of structure. That is why, in most cases, these partitions are the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio.

Drywall (GKL)

Fire-resistant partitions made of fire-resistant plasterboard (GKL) are very popular due to their relatively low cost.

GKL sheets are, of course, used exclusively as a PP sheet and are not used as a load-bearing frame. The gypsum plasterboard canvas can be additionally sheathed with steel, aluminum or wooden sheets.

For profiles, aluminum and wooden frames are most often used, less often steel.


Glass fire partitions are undoubtedly the leader among other types of PP. Of course, only PP fabric is produced from fire glass.

Fire-resistant glass has all the necessary fire protection, technical and aesthetic qualities, and in addition provides endless opportunities for interior designers and planners.

The manufacturing technology of fire-resistant partitions with glazing is identical to the manufacturing technology of glass fire-resistant doors.

Here are just some of the advantages of glass PP:

  • High strength;
  • Any required fire resistance limit;
  • Excellent sound insulation characteristics;
  • Impeccable appearance;
  • 100% light transmission (completely transparent);
  • Relatively light weight;
  • Possibility to produce designs of any non-standard shapes.

The disadvantages of glazed fire partitions include their relatively high price.

Glass PP can be either solid (otherwise called all-glass fire-resistant partitions) or with a built-in fire door - this option is used most often.

Moreover, the fire door can be made of any material - it can be metal, wood or glass (translucent).

Also, doors can open in one direction or in both directions - such a fire partition is sometimes called pendulum, although only the door itself is pendulum.

Installation locations

Fire partitions, like any other fire-resistant structures, are installed in a wide variety of buildings and structures, but most often they can be found at construction sites in the following areas:

  • Healthcare – in clinics, hospitals, maternity hospitals, etc.;
  • Education - in kindergartens, schools, universities, etc.;
  • Trade – in shopping centers, pavilions and markets;
  • Real estate - in private and multi-apartment residential buildings;
  • Services – in restaurants, cafes, public canteens, etc.;
  • Business – in office and business centers, banks, etc.;
  • Entertainment - in entertainment centers, cinemas, clubs, circuses, etc.;
  • Production - in factories, factories and other production enterprises, as well as various warehouse facilities, especially when it comes to storing flammable and explosive materials.

If we talk about specific places for installing fire partitions in all of the above objects, then most often they are installed:

  • In vestibules and halls;
  • On elevator platforms;
  • In close proximity to stairs (especially those leading to an emergency exit);
  • In corridors for various purposes (especially long ones);
  • In server rooms;
  • In electrical switchboard rooms and premises;
  • In kitchen and dining rooms of buildings and structures.

Required Documentation

Fire partitions, like any other fire-resistant structure, must have the following set of mandatory documents:

  • Certificate - without it, any fire structure, including PP, cannot be called fire-resistant and is not valid. Installing the product without a fire safety certificate is strictly prohibited. A certificate for a PP is issued to the manufacturer after successful completion of the relevant fire tests.
  • The passport is also a mandatory operational document and must be included with the partition.

Fire partitions are made of non-combustible materials (piece elements with or without a frame and frame-panel).

According to SP 2.13130.2009, two types of fire partitions are provided: type 1 partitions must have a fire resistance limit of at least EI45, type 2 partitions – EI15.

Fire partitions are used:

To identify explosion-, fire- and fire-hazardous technological processes in industrial buildings, various functional processes and places of storage of material assets that pose a certain fire hazard;

For successful evacuation of people from buildings and localization of fires within a separate room.

In order to prevent fire, processes associated with the release of explosive gas, steam or dust-air mixtures in buildings for various purposes are separated by fire-resistant gas-tight partitions of the 1st type from all other rooms and volumes of the building (evacuation corridors; places with large numbers of people; rooms with electrical equipment of normal design; technological processes with categories B, D and D for fire hazard).

To limit the development of fires and reduce losses from them, the standards provide for dividing basements into areas by type 1 fire partitions; allocation of storage facilities in buildings for various purposes; division of containerized warehouses with petroleum products into separate premises, based on the amount of substances stored; separation of built-in rooms when fire walls are not required.

Fire safety standards for the design of buildings and structures also provide for type 1 partitions in the enclosing structures of elevator shafts, elevator machine rooms, channels, shafts and niches for laying communications.

Fire partitions in rooms with suspended ceilings should separate the space above them.

Fire partitions are made from either piece elements (with or without a frame) or frame-panel elements. The actual fire resistance limit of prefabricated partitions is determined by the lowest fire resistance limit of one of the partition elements. At the same time, attention is paid to sealing the joints between the panels and sealing the joints of the partitions with other structures. As a rule, these joints are sealed with mineral fiber gaskets, followed by cement mortar 20 mm thick.

Fire curtains and curtains are widely used in modern construction.

A fire curtain is a smoke-tight structure with a regulated fire resistance limit, made of non-combustible materials and lowered during a fire to divide a large volume of buildings into fire compartments.

Fire curtains are most widely used in theaters (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 Fire curtain

The following basic requirements apply to fire curtains.

1. The fire curtain must cover the portal opening of the stage without the participation of an electric drive, under the influence of:

with the lowering option - the gravity of the curtain itself;

with the sliding version - gravity of a special counterweight;

in the case of an oncoming vertical movement of two parts - the force of gravity of the upper part.

2. A fire curtain of the up-and-down type must be partially balanced by one or two counterweights and connected to each of them and the hoisting winch drum by at least two ropes. Parts of a sliding curtain and parts of a curtain with counter vertical movements must also be connected to the drum of the traction or lifting winch with two ropes.

The average speed of movement of a lift-and-fall curtain and a sliding curtain consisting of one part should be within 0.2-0.3 m/sec. For a two-piece curtain, the indicated speed may be half that.

3. Each of the ropes on which the curtain is suspended must have a 9-fold safety factor. The smallest permissible diameter of the drum or block must be 30 times the diameter of the rope.

4. The frame of the fire curtain must overlap the opening of the construction portal it protects on the sides by at least 400 mm and on the top by at least 200 mm.

The frame must ensure the strength of the curtain at a horizontal pressure equal to 10 Pascals per meter of stage height, counting from the level of the stage plank to the roof ridge.

In this case, an overload factor of 1.2 should be taken.

Note: 10 Pa = 10 N/m2 = 1 kg/m2

5. The coupling of the top of the frame of the lifting-lowering curtain and the curtain, which has a counter vertical movement of two parts in the lowered state, with the structure, the portal opening of the wall should be carried out using a sand gate or a gate made of other fireproof plastic material.

6. The pairing of the sides of the frame of the lift-and-fall curtain and the curtain with the counter vertical movement of the two parts, as well as the upper edge of the sliding curtain with fixed guides, should be done using a labyrinth-type shutter.

7. To ensure a tight connection of the lower edge of the lifting and lowering curtain to the stage plank of the curtain halves between each other and the side edges of the sliding curtains with the portal wall structure, elastic fireproof cushions must be installed.

8. When lowered, the lifting and lowering curtain should rest on the wall or partition separating the hold from the visual part of the building. If a room is placed under a curtain, the curtain must rest on the fireproof floor of that room. In this case, under the curtain there can only be a wooden flooring of the tablet, laid directly on the fireproof floor.

9. The fire curtain must be able to move freely above the upper operating position by at least 200 mm.

10. Traction rope blocks installed on the curtain frame must be equipped with guards (safeties) that prevent the rope from jumping out of the block strand.

11. Counterweight and traction rope shafts must be fenced on all sides. The counterweight shaft must have a fence for the entire travel height, and the traction rope shaft must have a height of at least 6 m from the stage plank. In the case of the passage of traction ropes through the working galleries, the fencing of the traction rope shaft should be made to the entire height from the stage board to the grate flooring. The fencing of the counterweight and traction rope shafts to a height of 3 m from the stage plank must be solid, removable, and above - mesh made of wire with a diameter of at least 1.4 mm, with holes no more than 20x20 mm. The height of the counterweight shaft must be such that outside the upper working position of the counterweight it is possible to freely move the counterweight to a height of at least 20 mm. When the curtain is in the upper position, downwards by at least 300 mm.

12. The clear distance between the structural parts of the shaft and the counterweight or rope must be at least 30 mm.

13. It is prohibited to locate any premises under the counterweight shafts.

14. The fire curtain winch must have a closed electromagnetic stopping brake, a centrifugal brake to maintain a constant speed during non-motorized descent (exceeding the specified curtain descent speed is allowed no more than twice), an emergency shutdown mechanism and a non-motorized descent drive in case of power failure.

The motorless curtain drive must have a limit switch to activate the stopping brake. The curtain's electric drive circuit must be designed so that starting and stopping it is possible in any position.

15. The non-motorized descent handle should be installed on the counterweight shaft 1.2 m above the level of the stage board.

16. The design of the winch must ensure that the curtain is lowered by the action of the non-motorized start handle in the event of a power failure to the winch.

17. The electric drive of the fire curtain must be equipped with:

a) two independently operating travel limit switches that automatically stop the curtain in the extreme positions of its working stroke, and a switch on the winch to turn off when these positions move to a distance of no more than 100 mm;

b) a limit switch that is triggered when the rope tension is weakened.

When the limit switches are triggered, the electric drive circuit must ensure that the power supply to the winch electric motor is turned off and prevent its remote start.

18. The control circuit of the fire curtain must ensure its start and stop from the engine room, from the fire station and from the stage board. The operational start-up of the fire curtain may only be carried out from the control panel located on the stage board. In this case, the moving curtain must be in the field of view of the worker controlling its movement.

19. When the fire curtain moves, light and sound alarms must operate. The alarm is turned on by the same trigger that sets the curtain in motion.

20. The working start button on the stage board and the non-motorized start drive handle must be protected by a casing to prevent accidental activation.

The housing of the non-motorized start drive handle must have a lock that allows the cover to be opened freely without a key. The housing cover or lock must have a sealing device.

21. Under normal operating conditions, lowering the curtain using the non-motorized start handle is prohibited.

22. The inscription “In case of fire, open the casing and turn the handle” must be written on the casing of the non-motorized start drive handle.

23. The curtain mechanisms must be adjusted so that the curtain, when lowered after turning on the power, travels no more than 250 mm (braking distance).

24. The use of the counterweight shaft for laying pipelines and electrical wiring is prohibited.

25. It is necessary to ensure free access to the locations of the upper blocks.

26. Between the most protruding parts of the fire curtain winch mechanism and the walls of the room there must be passages on at least three sides, with a width of at least 0.6 m.

The installation of any equipment other than a fire curtain in the machinery space is prohibited.

Fire curtains are used:

For covering large openings separating rooms of different functional purposes and having different classes of functional fire hazard;

Atrium fencing;

Guardrails for escalators, stairs, elevator halls;

Ensuring the effective use of automated fire extinguishing equipment in local areas or as part of an insulating type fire extinguishing installation (as a non-flammable blanket);

Exceptions for the spread of fire to structures that do not have the required fire resistance or when the facades of two buildings are located at an angle to each other;

Protection of openings in ceilings, ceilings, roofs;

Providing escape routes;

Preventing the spread of fire in underground and above-ground garages;

The use of fire partitions made of plasterboard sheets (GKL) is also common. The middle layer of gypsum boards consists mainly of gypsum and crystalline bound water according to the formula CaS04-2H20.

A plasterboard sheet contains approximately 20% chemically bound water of crystallization (which corresponds to approximately 2 liters of water per standard sheet.

Under the influence of high temperature, the water of crystallization is released from the plasterboard sheet in the form of steam. Until all the water has evaporated from the middle layer of the plasterboard sheet, the temperature of the back side of the sheet will not exceed the boiling point of water, i.e. 100 °C (Fig. 6).

Since gypsum retards fire using chemically bound water of crystallization, gypsum boards can be said to provide passive fire protection that is activated when exposed to fire.

Rice. 6. Temperatures after a two-hour fire, measured at

Fire walls are used to limit the area of ​​fire. The presence of such a design reduces losses caused by fire. Having such an installation, the owner of the premises has a good opportunity to save the burning building until the fire service arrives. If there is no such structure or it is installed incorrectly, there is a possibility of instantaneous spread of fire with further collapse of the walls.

It is worth noting that this is the most insignificant loss; a much more serious consequence could be the loss of human life. Therefore, before starting the construction of housing or industrial premises, it is necessary to learn about the main features of the structure of a fire wall, which make it possible in the event of a fire to save not only material assets, but also priceless human life.

Types and installation rules

Classification of fire walls:

  1. by installation methods:
    • external;
    • internal.
  2. according to how the load is maintained:
    • self-supporting - when the load of its own weight moves on the load-bearing foundation beams;
    • load-bearing - moves its weight, and the main part of the accompanying building structure.

The fireproof wall must be fixed in such a way that it is higher than the room itself by approximately 1 m, maybe a little more. It is very important that at least one element of the attic covering consists of materials belonging to groups G3 or G4, but the roof may be an exception.

If this is not possible and during the construction of the attic floor materials were used that belong to groups G1 and G2, then the protective surface should be half a meter higher than the structure itself.

This parameter can be increased slightly. Exceptions include roofing. If the main component of the coating is created using fire-resistant materials, then the wall does not need to be raised above the roof level.

Often, the construction of an external fire-resistant surface requires the mandatory use of non-combustible materials in combination with strip glazing. In this situation, the fire-resistant wall must be mounted in such a way that it separates the glazing.


The fireproof structure and its outer part have openings for door panels, window frames and gates. They are not standardized by fire resistance limits.

It is very important that the gap between the roof and the compartment is not less than eight meters vertically and four meters horizontally.

When a room is divided into fire compartments, the fire-resistant surface must be the one in the largest compartment.

General conditions and standards for the construction of fire walls:

Features of obstacles

Main types of structures:

  1. partitions. They are a vertical fence that can be used in any room;
  2. partitions with mounted double-glazed windows;
  3. ceilings They are the floor and ceiling;
  4. walls;
  5. vestibule-gateways. This design is presented in the form of a space with two doors.

Each type of design has its own characteristics. Any of them is capable of holding fire for a specific time. According to SNiP, a fire-resistant structure can prevent the spread of fire from 50 minutes to 2.5 hours.

The installation of a partition is designed for 30 - 45 minutes, floor and ceiling from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours. As for the airlock, it can protect a room from fire for one hour.

In the base of fire-resistant walls of the 1st type, you will need to install a special one, a window and a gate - belonging to the first type. For the wall surface of the second type, it is necessary to fasten doors, gates, and windows of the corresponding second type.

For partitions of the first type, it is necessary to fix fireproof doors and windows of the second type, and for partitions of the second type, windows and doors of the third type must be installed.

Partitions that are placed on the floor and ceiling of the room must be equipped with hatches and valves of the first type.

When making barriers, exclusively fire-resistant materials are used, such as metal or reinforced concrete.

For the manufacture of fire hatches and doors of the first and second types, that is, with a fire resistance limit of one and a half hours, you can use wood with a thickness of 6-7 mm or cover the surface with a special substance until it is non-flammable.

A fire barrier of the first type is a ceiling, a wall, as well as partitions of the first type; therefore, a fire barrier of the second type can be called type II structures.

Installation of a fire-resistant installation must be accompanied by the use of reliable seals for the gaps that are placed between the panel, wall and ceiling of the room. When constructing barriers, under no circumstances should voids be allowed to form.