Aluminum sheet AD1N is a special food grade with special properties. Aluminum sheet AD1M Who uses aluminum sheet AD1M

Thanks to the use of an aluminum-based alloy with the addition of manganese Mn and copper Cu less than one percent, Ad1 alloy sheets provide an excellent combination of rigidity, with sufficient ductility and corrosion resistance. Ad1 sheets are most widely used in the cold-fretted state - Ad1n sheets, when due to additional processing (frettworking) the sheets become more rigid, but at the same time become less elastic. In accordance with GOST 21631-76, Ad1N sheets are produced in thicknesses from 0.5 mm to 10 mm inclusive. The most common Ad1 sheets are 1.2 or 1.5 meters wide. If you need insulation of a large area, then Ad1 sheets in a roll may be a convenient form of delivery for you.

Price of aluminum sheets Ad1n per kg

Price of aluminum sheets Ad1m per kg

Another common version of Ad1 sheets is in the annealed state - the so-called Ad1M sheets. This table presents an indicative price list with prices for Ad1 aluminum sheets of the most common cuts, and if you want to buy Ad1 sheets that are not included in the price list, call us!

Name Price Online order
on request Buy
Aluminum sheet Ad1m 0.8x1200x3000 mm on request Buy
Aluminum sheet Ad1m 1x1200x3000 mm on request Buy
Aluminum sheet Ad1m 2x1200x3000 mm on request Buy
Aluminum sheet Ad1m 3x1200x3000 mm on request Buy

Mechanical properties of aluminum sheets Ad1

Sheet delivery statusSheet thickness, mmTensile strength sv, MPaYield strength s0.2, MParelative elongation d, %
Ad1 sheets without maintenancefrom 5.0 to 10.070 15
Ad1M sheetsfrom 0.5 to 1.060 25
Ad1M sheetsfrom 1.0 to 1060 30
Sheets Ad1N2from 0.8 to 4.5100 6
Ad1N sheetsfrom 0.8 to 3.5145 4
Ad1N sheetsfrom 3.5 to 10.0130 5

Aluminum sheet AD1N is classified as food grade. It is produced in accordance with State Standard 21631.


AD1 aluminum sheet has become widespread in various branches of modern industry. Its most common variety is considered to be AD1N rental. This refers to AD1 sheets supplied to consumers in a cold-hardened state. Cold-pressing makes it possible to obtain a less elastic, but at the same time much more rigid profile, which is used in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, medicine, and construction.

The main consumers of AD1N are enterprises in the chemical and food industries.

Aluminum sheet AD1N

This is due to the fact that the aluminum sheets we are interested in do not have a negative effect on the human body and do not interact with aggressive chemical compounds when heated. From them you can safely make any utensils for cooking, as well as all kinds of containers and special designs used in the chemical industry. Also, AD1N aluminum sheet is characterized by the following advantages:

  • Relatively high strength. This property of the described material is due to the fact that it is subjected to (cold) pressure treatment. This procedure increases the strength characteristics of standard AD1 rolled products.
  • Possibility of processing products from AD1N. After this, food sheets can be re-made from the resulting raw materials.
  • Unique technology. Any (including AD1N) can be easily processed by various types of mechanical processing (welding, stamping, cutting) and hot or cold molding.

Separately, we note the low weight of AD1N sheets (more on this later), which facilitates the transportation of the material, simplifies the process of its installation and intended use.


Rolled aluminum alloy AD1N is characterized by high resistance to corrosion and oxidation. These properties are given to it by copper, magnesium (they are contained in the alloy in amounts up to 0.05%) and manganese (0.025). The basis of the composition is aluminum. There is at least 99.3% of it in finished production. Additionally, the alloy includes the following chemical elements:

  • iron – up to 0.3%;
  • zinc – no more than 0.1;
  • titanium – up to 0.15;
  • silicon and iron – up to 0.3.

Cold-worked AD1 sheets can have normal, enhanced, or high quality surface finish. In most cases, food grade rolled products are manufactured with high surface quality. The thickness of AD1N sheets varies from 0.3–10.5 mm. At the same time, high-quality profiles are produced with a thickness of no more than 4 mm. Product width – 600–2000 mm, length – 2000–7000.

Cold-worked sheets AD1

The surface of rolled aluminum should be free of corrosion stains, burn bubbles, torn, slag additives, nitrate deposits, delaminations, whitish blurred areas, cracks, and metal inclusions. Sheets are always cut at right angles. No tears or burrs are allowed on the edges of the profiles. And the cutting angle must be such that the products fully comply with the standard requirements for length and width.

The tensile strength (called short-term) of cold-worked products is 98 MPa (GOST 18591), tensile strength is 130–145 MPa, density is 2710 kg/cubic. m., electrical resistance (specific indicator) – 29.2 Ohm*m, relative elongation – 3–5%. The theoretical weight of the aluminum products we are interested in depends on the accuracy of their manufacture. One meter of rolled metal has a mass of 0.473–58.644 kg (alloy with normal precision) and 0.482–58.701 kg (increased precision).

The weight of specific cold-worked sheets depends not only on their length and width, but also on their thickness.


Rental AD1N is accepted in batches. Chemical composition analysis is carried out on two sheets. The size of the batch does not matter. When conducting a chemical analysis, the elements that we discussed above are controlled. In some cases (if required by the consumer), a check may be made for the presence of alloying metallurgical components in the finished sheets.

Rental AD1N is accepted in batches

Every tenth product from one batch is analyzed by size. But checking for deviations from the flatness of profiles and the quality of their surface is carried out on all sheets without exception. A special analysis of the mechanical characteristics of AD1N is not carried out. The technology itself assumes that they will fully meet the requirements. To check the quality of finished aluminum products, a protractor (analysis of geometric parameters) and a profilograph (roughness) are used.

If it is necessary to determine the microstructure of rolled products, the manufacturer uses eddy current technology or the more common metallographic technique for this purpose. The latter is considered more reliable. AD1N sheets are packaged in special anti-corrosion containers and transported according to standard 9.011. The batch must indicate the grade of the alloy, the thickness of the rolled product and its condition. These marks are usually painted on the outside of the top sheet. Sometimes the markings are knocked out (stamped). For product labeling, only quick-drying paints should be used.

Aluminum sheet

Aluminum sheet

Aluminum sheets are resistant to corrosion and acids of organic origin, high ductility, good electrical and thermal conductivity. Upon contact with oxygen, an oxide film of Al 2 O 3 is formed on the surface of the material, protecting products from aggressive environments and the formation of rust. To enhance the original properties of the metal and its alloys, cladding is used - a thermomechanical coating based on aluminum with the addition of alloying elements and impurities (zinc, magnesium, copper, silicon, manganese, iron, titanium).

The scope of application of aluminum sheets is determined by the initial characteristics of the material:

  • acid-resistant- used for the production of fuel tanks, welded containers, rivets, radiators and vehicle frames.
  • technical- economical insulating and finishing material.
  • food- suitable for the manufacture of freezers, canisters, tanks, sinks, kitchen equipment.

Perforated blanks are in demand in the construction industry. Textured (corrugated) sheets are used for arranging technical platforms and stairs, floors in workshops and truck bodies. Corrugated material with different wave heights is intended for the construction of roofing coverings.

Aluminum sheet is produced from flat ingots by cold and hot rolling. The first method is only suitable for producing layers up to 6 mm thick.

Classification according to GOST 21631-76

The main document regulating the production of smooth, corrugated and perforated aluminum sheets is GOST 21631-76.

Categories, classes, groups Letters, indices Notes
By type of manufacture Unclad (without protective coating) Without designation
Technological cladding B The layer thickness is 1.5% of the actual sheet thickness. Facilitates the rolling process and improves the appearance of semi-finished products.
Plating is normal A The layer thickness is 2% for sheet thickness from 1.9 mm, 4% for sheet thickness less than 1.9 mm. Performs the function of anti-corrosion protection.
Thickened plating U The layer thickness is 4% with a sheet thickness of 0.5-1.9 mm, 8% with a sheet thickness of 1.9 mm. Gives decorative properties to the surface.
Material composition No heat treatment Without designation Sheets can be annealed, with the exception of products made from VD1 alloy
Annealed M It is possible to manufacture without heat treatment - in cases where the mechanical properties, surface quality and non-flatness are within normal limits.
Hardened, artificially aged T1
Cold-hardened N Cold working increases strength, tensile strength and hardness.
Tempered, naturally aged T
Semi-hardened H2
Hard-worked, hardened and naturally aged TN
Finish quality Normal Without designation Manufactured from all grades of aluminum and aluminum-based alloys regulated by GOST 21631-76.
Increased P
High IN The maximum sheet thickness is 4 mm. They are made of aluminum under the brands A7, A6, A5, A0, AD00, AD0, AD1, AD and aluminum alloys under the brands AMts, AMg2.
Precision manufacturing Normal Without designation
Increased P According to one or more parameters - length, width, thickness.

Domestic producers of rolled aluminum meet 80% of the needs of the Russian market, while the production of sheets accounts for about 70% of the total production volume. Imported materials are marked according to ISO 209-1 (international standard) and EN 573 (European standard).

Transcription examples

  • Sheet AMg2.M 07P×1200×2000P GOST 21631-76. IN- sheet of aluminum alloy grade AMg2 in an annealed state, 0.7 mm thick, 1200 mm wide, 2000 mm long, increased manufacturing accuracy, high surface finish.
  • Sheet AD1 5×1000×2000 GOST 21631-76- sheet of aluminum grade AD1, without heat treatment, 5 mm thick, 1000 mm wide, 2000 mm long, normal manufacturing accuracy, normal surface finish.
  • Sheet AD1.M 5×1200×2000 GOST 21631-76. P- the same, annealed, increased surface finish.
  • Sheet AD1.N2 5P×1000P×2000 GOST 21631-76. P- the same, semi-hardened, with increased manufacturing precision in thickness and width.
  • Sheet D16.B.TN 2×1200×2000 GOST 21631-76. P- sheet of aluminum alloy grade D16 with technological cladding, cold-hardened after hardening and natural aging, 2 mm thick, 1200 mm wide, 2000 mm long, normal manufacturing accuracy, increased surface finish.
  • Sheet D16.B.TN 2P×1200×2000 GOST 21631-76. P- the same, increased manufacturing accuracy in thickness.

Aluminum sheet weight

To calculate the theoretical mass of aluminum sheets (kg/linear meter), the following formula is used:


  • N max - the largest thickness indicator (in mm);
  • N min - the smallest thickness indicator (in mm);
  • B max - the largest width (in mm);
  • In min - the smallest width (in mm);
  • γ - density of the alloy (in g/m³).

According to GOST 21631-76, the weight is calculated at a declared density of 2.85 g/m³, which corresponds to grades B95, B95-1, B95-2. For other aluminum alloys, conversion factors are used.

Data for sheet 1000 mm wide:

Declared thickness, mm Theoretical weight in m² with normal manufacturing accuracy in terms of width and thickness, kg Theoretical weight in m² with increased manufacturing accuracy in thickness and normal in width, kg Theoretical weight in m² with increased manufacturing precision in terms of width and thickness, kg Theoretical weight in m² with normal manufacturing accuracy in thickness and increased precision in width, kg Theoretical weight in m² of sheets made of AMg3, AMg5, AMg6 alloys - without heat treatment and annealed, kg
0,3 0,715 0,758 0,758 0,715 -
0,4 1,001 1,03 1,029 1 -
0,5 1,288 1,316 1,315 1,286 -
0,6 1,545 1,574 1,572 1,544 -
0,7 1,831 1,86 1,858 1,829 -
0,8 2,117 2,146 2,144 2,115 -
0,9 2,404 2,432 2,43 2,401 -
1 2,647 2,69 2,687 2,644 -
1,2 3,219 3,262 3,259 3,216 -
1,5 4,006 4,092 4,088 4,002 -
1,6 4,292 4,378 4,374 4,288 -
1,8 4,864 4,922 4,917 4,86 -
1,9 5,151 5,208 5,203 5,145 -
2 5,437 5,494 5,488 5,431 -
2,5 6,796 6,896 6,889 6,789 -
3 8,155 8,298 8,29 8,147 -
3,5 9,586 9,7 9,69 9,576 -
4 11,016 11,102 11,091 11,005 -
4,5 11,447 12,504 12,492 12,435 -
5 13,806 13,878 13,864 13,793 14,307
5,5 15,267 15,31 15,295 15,252 15,769
6 16,629 16,658 16,641 16,613 17,203
6,5 18,063 18,091 18,073 18,045 18,636
7 19,496 19,525 19,506 19,477 20,07
7,5 20,93 20,959 20,938 20,909 21,503
8 22,292 22,335 22,313 22,27 22,937
8,5 23,725 23,768 23,745 23,702 24,37
9 21,159 25,202 25,177 25,134 25,804
9,5 26,592 26,635 26,609 26,566 22,237
10 27,954 27,983 27,955 27,926 28,671
10,5 29,388 29,416 29,387 29,359 30,105

Alloys used in the production of aluminum sheets

For the production of sheets, aluminum grades A0, A5, A6, A7 are used (the chemical composition is regulated by GOST 11069-74), as well as AD, AD0, AD00, AD1 (according to GOST 4784-74). The range also includes products made from heat-strengthened and non-heat-strengthened alloys of the following types:

  • high strength;
  • weldable, standard strength;
  • normal strength (duralumin);
  • highly plastic, medium strength (magnalia);
  • highly plastic, low strength - with and without alloying.

Production capabilities

Aluminum/alloy grade No heat treatment M H2 N T T1 TN
A0 + + + +
A5 + + + +
A6 + + + +
A7 + + + +
HELL + + + +
AD0 + + + +
AD1 + + + +
AD00 + + + +
AMts + + + +
AMtsS + + + +
AMg2 + + + +
AMg3 + + +
AMg5 + +
AMg6 + +
AMg6B + +
AMg6U +
AB + + + +
D1A + + +
D16A + + + +
D16B + + +
D16 + + +
D16U + +
B95-1A + + +
B95-1 +
B95-2A + + +
V95-2B +
VD1A + + +
VD1B + + + +
VD1 + + + +
AKMA + + + +
B95A + + +
1915 + + +
D12 + +
MM +

Dimensions of aluminum sheet according to GOST 21631-76

The dimensions of the sheet depend on the brand of material used and the type of processing:

  • The width varies between 600-2000 mm.
  • The minimum length is 2000 mm, the maximum is 7000 m.
  • Sheet thickness according to GOST 21631-76 - from 0.3 to 10.5 mm.

Rolled aluminum is supplied in sheets of measured, multiple-measured or unmeasured lengths. In the second case, the step is 500 mm.

Maximum deviations in width, in mm:

Maximum deviations along the length, in mm:

On one side of the aluminum sheet, the grade and condition of the material, the presence and type of plating, overall dimensions, batch number and quality control stamp are indicated. The data is applied at a distance of no more than 3 cm from the edge. When the thickness of rolled aluminum is less than 1 mm, marking only the top sheet of the bundle is allowed.

Our company sells unclad aluminum sheet ADM of various thicknesses and cutting. Affordable prices for quality products from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Aluminum sheets are sold from a warehouse in Moscow or upon order. Favorable terms of cooperation for organizations, wholesale and retail buyers.


AD1M grade technical aluminum is supplied in sheets and rolls. We provide qualified services for grinding, anodizing, bending and cutting products to size. We produce various structures from aluminum sheets according to customer sketches. Temporary anti-corrosion protection, packaging, transportation and storage in accordance with GOST 9.510-93.


Sheets are manufactured in accordance with GOST 21631-76 from AD1 aluminum with a chemical composition in accordance with GOST 4784-74. Selection and preparation of samples to determine the chemical composition of non-ferrous metals and alloys is carried out in accordance with GOST 24231-80. AD1 sheets are characterized by high corrosion resistance, ease of machining and forming. Letter markings indicate the metal being deformed, and digital markings indicate the percentage purity of the alloy.

According to the condition of the material, they are distinguished:

Aluminum sheet AD1M is a soft profile, annealed at a certain temperature. As a result of hot annealing, sheet aluminum becomes more ductile and malleable. To partially restore the hardness of the alloy, tempering is used - rolling with a reduction of 2-5%.

Aluminum sheet AD1N is a cold-worked profile, strengthened by plastic deformation. As a result of cold forming, the strength of aluminum sheets increases. Simultaneously with the increase in the hardness of the material, its ductility and impact strength decrease. Aluminum sheet AD1N2 is made from an alloy cold-worked to one half. This aluminum combines good strength and mechanical properties.

Unclad surface with normal finishing quality. Normal manufacturing accuracy in thickness, width and length.

Scope of application

AD1M and AD1N sheets are used for the manufacture of various parts in mechanical engineering. They are used to produce decorative elements, capacitors and containers for the chemical industry.

Strengthened only by pressure with high anti-corrosion properties and high ductility, but its strength is low. A huge number of semi-finished products are produced from technical aluminum of this brand. It deforms well, is difficult to cut and lends itself well to all types of welding. The purity of technical aluminum guarantees its high anti-corrosion properties, due to which it is often used as a cladding material for high-strength aluminum and duralumin alloys that are less resistant to corrosion.

Properties of AD1 material

AD1 has a chemical composition in accordance with GOST 4784-97 and includes at least 99.3% aluminum. Sale of aluminum.

Increasing the percentage of alloying composition increases the strength of aluminum, and the ductility decreases. The same applies to different temperature conditions. As the operating temperature increases, the ductility of aluminum increases, but the strength decreases. At temperatures above the melting point (for pure aluminum about 656 °C), the strength of the alloys decreases significantly. The higher the degree of contamination, the worse the mechanical properties will appear. Below is a table of mechanical properties for the AD1 material in various states at a temperature of 20 °C and in values ​​up to 200 °C.

Meanwhile, AD1 has a high percentage of relative elongation, due to which a huge variety of parts and blanks can be produced from it by deep drawing. Approximate values ​​of this parameter can be compared in the histogram presented below for AD0.

Like semi-finished products from AD0 - AD1 are produced in various states. Annealed workpieces (M) have the greatest ductility. Cold-worked workpieces have the greatest strength and hardness. Cold-pressing is a hardening by deformation through mechanical action on workpieces, which makes it possible to obtain more durable workpieces from soft materials. Hardening can be designated as H, H2, H3, H4. The strongest workpieces from AD1 are marked with the letter H, followed by semi-hard-worked, one-third and one-quarter workpieces.

As you can see, there are no serious differences in ductility between annealed and non-annealed AD1 workpieces. but cold-worked products significantly exceed soft and untreated workpieces in strength.

Release form

Various blanks are produced from AD1 in a wide range:

According to the condition of the material they are:

  • Without additional processing,
  • M - annealed,
  • H - hard-worked and H2, H3, H4 - half, third and quarter hard-worked.

Due to their high ductility, corrosion resistance and good weldability, they have found wide use in a wide variety of fields.

Application area

Technical aluminum AD1 is used for cladding of less corrosion-resistant workpieces and parts.

From AD1 it is possible to obtain many products by deep drawing. Rolled sheets are widely used to create corrosion-resistant unloaded structural elements. Various tanks can be made from it. However, the corrosion resistance of technical aluminum manifests itself differently in different environments, since it contains contaminants and this is worth paying special attention to when choosing a corrosion-resistant material for work in a very specific environment.

Since the reflectivity of aluminum is high, heat shields are produced from technical aluminum that reflect up to 80% of heat. Ventilation shaft ducts and various tanks are made from AD1 sheets.

The high plasticity of annealed sheets is in demand in the production of seals for permanent joints, that is, washers, various gaskets and fastening elements for rivets.

AD1 welds well without restrictions and produces a weld as strong as the material itself in the annealed state. For this reason, it can be used in welded structures.