Crop yield indicators. Objectives and purpose of crop and yield statistics

Definition of harvest

Cleaning harvest


Definition of the term harvest

Harvest is the amount of grain, fruits, herbs, etc. produced.

Harvest is the gross harvest of agricultural products.

Harvest - The number of cereals or other plants, fruits, mushrooms produced.

The harvest is high, a good collection of such plants.

Harvest is the gross (total) harvest of crop products obtained as a result of growing a certain agricultural crop from the entire area of ​​its sowing (planting) on ​​a farm, region or country. For most crops, yield is usually measured in tons.

Harvest. Harvesting is a set of works at the final stage of farming. Includes: harvesting, delivery to the place of post-harvest processing, post-harvest processing itself, delivery harvest to places of storage or sale. Modern harvesting is characterized by a high degree of mechanization.

Harvesting - complex works at the final stage of production in agriculture, which includes:

The actual harvesting (mowing grains and grasses, digging up root crops, pulling flax, picking fruits and berries, etc.);

- Delivery crop to the place of post-harvest processing;

Post-harvest processing, including cleaning, drying, sorting and other operations;

Transportation of finished products to warehouses for storage and/or sale;

Bookmark for storage.

Productivity. Associated with the harvest is the economic concept of productivity, which is defined as the amount of crop production obtained per unit area. Productivity for open ground crops is calculated in centners per hectare (c/ha), and in greenhouse production - in kg per 1 m². Several yield indicators are used in planning, accounting and economic analysis:

Potential yield is the maximum amount of product that can be obtained from 1 hectare when the productive capabilities of an agricultural crop or variety are fully realized. Yield potential is calculated under ideal and normal conditions by agricultural research and development institutions. The potential yield indicator is used to determine the rational structure of agricultural sectors, a set of varieties and crops in a farm, region or zone;

Planned yield is the amount of product that can be obtained from 1 hectare under specific economic conditions. The planned yield is determined before sowing, taking into account the potential capabilities of the variety, the achieved level of yield, soil fertility, the provision of the farm with equipment, mineral fertilizers, etc.;

Expected yield (harvest types) is the expected harvest of products, determined in certain periods of growth and development of agricultural crops based on the density of the stem stand and the general condition of the plants. It is measured in centners per 1 hectare or estimated: high, average, low, at the level of last year, etc. The expected yield indicator is used for planning agricultural activities;

Standing yield (biological yield) - the amount of grown products, established selectively - either by eye-assessment method, or by the sampling method (before harvesting, or by the calculation-balance method (after harvesting) based on data on actual threshing and losses during the harvesting process The biological yield indicator is used in economic analysis to find reserves for reducing crop losses during harvesting;

Actual harvest - yield, determined by the registered or net (after processing) weight of grown products per 1 hectare of sown, spring productive or actually harvested area.

established in country the negative economic situation and the flooding of the market with imported food direct agricultural enterprises to search for internal reserves to increase the production of competitive products. State not only is it unable to provide economic and social support to collective and state farms, but it is also forced to tighten the budget financing regime. However, even in these difficult conditions, the main tasks of collective and state farms were and remain: to move forward, to carry out the spring field work, preparing for the harvest, harvesting everything grown on the land, preserving the main livestock of cattle, improving the material condition of workers enterprises.

Productivity is the most important indicator reflecting the level of intensification of agricultural production. The quality of the planned economic level of such economic categories as initial cost, labor efficiency, profitability and other economic indicators largely depends on the correct planning and forecasting of the level of agricultural crop productivity. Thus, the crop yield in each farm plays one of the first roles, and the agricultural producer must strive to constantly increase the yield of all crops. In our case, we will consider the yield of grain crops, which plays a critical role. First of all, this is bread, food and feed for livestock. However data crops do not produce the desired yield. To increase productivity data cultures, you need to know the factors influencing it.

The purpose of the course work is to identify factors affecting grain yield, both positive and negative, and ways to reduce the influence of unfavorable factors. At the same time, in order to more accurately determine the patterns emerging in the development of productivity, we will conduct an analysis using time series. This will give us the opportunity to determine the trend in yield development. To identify trends, we will use the analytical method. As already mentioned, many factors influence yield. To identify their influence, we will use regression-correlation analysis, and take the amount of fertilizer applied as a factor.

All digital data used in the course work are taken from annual reports and statistical collections for the Tver region.

Tasks and purpose statistics harvest and productivity.

Harvest and productivity are the most important performance indicators of crop production and agricultural production in general. The yield level reflects the impact of economic and income conditions in which agricultural production is carried out, and the quality of the organizational and economic activities of each enterprises.

Tasks statistics harvest and yield are to correctly determine yield and yield levels and their changes compared to past periods and plan; to reveal, through analysis, the reasons for changes in dynamics and the factors that caused differences in yield levels between zones, regions, groups of farms; evaluate the effectiveness of various yield factors; find out untapped reserves for increasing productivity.

The concept of harvest and productivity and their indicators.

Under harvest Agricultural statistics understands the total amount of production of a given type (of a given crop) obtained from the entire area sown with a crop in a farm, district, region, country.

Under productivity refers to the average size of a particular crop production per unit of sown area of ​​a given crop (usually in centners per hectare).

Harvest characterizes the total volume of production of a given crop, and yield characterizes the productivity of this crop in the specific conditions of its cultivation.

Harvest indicators.

In accordance with the specifics of this phenomenon, the harvest is characterized by a number of indicators. These indicators include:

· species harvest;

· standing crop before timely harvesting;

· actual harvest (the so-called granary harvest);

· net collection.

Actual fee taken into account first in the initially recorded weight, and then in the actual weight of the grain after processing, as well as in terms of standard moisture content.

Species harvest(crop prospects) is not in the full sense of the word a statistical indicator of the harvest. This is a direct indicator of the condition of the crops. There is no harvest as a real category, as a completed result of cultivating a crop, only certain stages of development have been passed, and it is not the harvest that is assessed, but the state of the crops, a particular result of the completed phases of development, otherwise unfinished production. However, assuming that subsequent phases do not change the result, each given level of crop condition will correspond to a certain size of the expected harvest.

Standing crop before timely harvesting- a real fact. The crop is grown, the cultivation of the crop is completed due to the fact that the biological process development here has already been completed, or because the continuation of this process is of no further economic interest. However, economically, production has not yet been completed, and in order to complete it, that is, to turn the standing crop into an element of gross production, the crop must be harvested. But during the cleaning process (including operations to refine the product, i.e., bringing it to normal conditions), losses are possible.

A standing harvest is sometimes called biological, mechanically transferring this term from experimental practice. However, this term is unfortunate. Firstly, because even at this stage of production, the level of yield was achieved not in the order of the independent natural development of the crop, but by combining the capabilities of the culture with economic measures. Secondly, because the biological capabilities of a culture in economic conditions, unlike experimental conditions, are not fully revealed.

Since the standing crop is often determined by eye or species assessment, it is also called the species yield. This definition is incorrect, because these are not types of crops, but actually grown, but not yet harvested crops; therefore, every effort must be made to ensure that this crop is completely removed.

Actual harvest, or barn harvest, is an economically completed result of production. In size it is smaller than the standing crop (Wnc) by the amount of losses P, namely

The actual harvest during harvesting is taken into account in physical weight without reducing the price of subsequent waste (for grain during combine harvesting in the so-called bunker weight). Such accounting is necessary to control the further movement of products. However, due to significant fluctuations in humidity and contamination of grain, sunflower seeds and other products, this indicator is not entirely comparable. For comparison, it is more correct to use another indicator—the weight of grain (sunflower seeds, etc.) after processing (minus unused waste and drying). Since moisture differences are not completely eliminated here, when selling grain, it is used as an additional corrective indicator of moisture content. It is also possible to recalculate weight to standard humidity.

Net collection The harvest of any crop is the actual harvest (after processing) minus the seeds spent on this harvest.

Yield indicators.

Accordingly, the differentiation of yield indicators also differentiates yield indicators. Usually distinguished:

· species yield;

· standing yield before timely harvesting;

· actual collection per hectare (in the initially recorded weight and after modification).

· The actual average harvest per hectare is determined by calculating:

· a) to the spring productive area

· b) on the actually harvested area (uv.p).

· There is the following connection between these two indicators

Uvp = uv.p. *ku

where Ku is the share of harvested area in the spring productive area.

State statistika considers the main indicator of yield to be yield per spring productive area, since this indicator more fully reflects the results of economic activity.

For a number of agricultural crops, such an indicator of productivity as net harvest per 1 hectare of spring productive area is important. A net harvest from 1 hectare makes it possible to more correctly economically assess the average productivity of winter and spring grain crops, since winter crops often experience autumn-winter and early spring death, entailing the loss of a corresponding number of seeds.

Methods for determining yield and productivity.

Crop types based on the state of the crops are determined by visually assessing the crops in different periods their development. When assessing by eye, depending on the time of assessment, the density of seedlings, the degree of plant development, the degree of tillering, the corresponding density of plant standing, the size of the ear, etc. are taken into account. The assessment of crops is carried out by agronomic personnel and is expressed in a comparative qualitative characteristic (poor, below average, average, above average, good), points (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), centners, in percent to the average level.

Standing yield before timely harvesting can be determined in three ways:

eye-wise, by carefully inspecting the crops before harvesting (the so-called subjective method);

instrumentally, by selectively placing meters on crops before harvesting (objective method);

by calculating(by balance calculation method ) based on complete actual collection data and sample loss data.

The standing harvest before the start of timely harvesting and the barn harvest differ by the amount of actual losses. Therefore, knowing two of these three indicators, you can calculate the value of the third. However, standing yield and losses can only be estimated approximately. Therefore, balance equations between the noted indicators will have some kind of error in determining losses or standing crops.

Currently, statistics takes the actual harvest as its main indicator. Until 1961, the amount of losses was determined selectively.

Both when assessing the standing crop yield and when analyzing the level of actual harvest per 1 hectare, it is necessary to clearly represent the constituent elements that directly determine the yield value. For example, the yield level of sugar beets depends on the number of plants (standing density) per hectare and the average weight of the root; for potatoes, on the number of bushes and the average weight of tubers per bush. For root and tuber crops, the value of these elements is often taken into account selectively when determining crop types. By comparing such values ​​with the corresponding standards for various stages of the growing season, a conclusion is drawn about the possible level of yield.

The yield level of cereal grain crops is composed of the following elements: the number of ears, the number of grains in an ear, the absolute weight of the grain. Therefore, having certain selective data on the value of these elements, grain yield per hectare in centners can be determined by the following formula:

Unk = K*Z*A 100000

Where TO—number of ears per 1 m2;

Z- number of grains in an ear;

A— absolute weight of grain, i.e. weight of 1000 grains, g.

When assessing the yield on a farm by eye, areas with visible differences in yield are considered separately. After determining the yield for each field, the weighted average for the farm is found.

Species yield and productivity— These are the sizes of the emerging crop and the emerging yield, established by the state of crops at certain points during the growing season, sometimes taking into account meteorological conditions and some manifestations of economic life.

For a long time, the assessment of crop yields has been included in the program of a special statistical report.

Harvest and standing yield represent the sizes of grown agricultural products, established before the start of timely harvesting. This category of harvest and yield of agricultural crops is determined either on the basis of a subjective generalized assessment for a certain date, or the results of selective imposition of meters on crops before harvesting or other materials. Yield and standing yield were also determined using a number of methods. So, for example, from 1947 to 1953, the determination of yield was carried out by the State Inspectorate for Determining Yields based on reports from collective and state farms on yields, the results of selective marking of crops before harvesting, data on yields at variety testing sites of the State Commission for Variety Testing Sites, meteorological materials stations, as well as information on the condition of crops throughout the growing season.

Investor Encyclopedia. 2013 .

Synonyms: Synonym dictionary

  • Harvest (gross harvest)- this is the total volume of production in physical terms obtained from the entire area of ​​harvested main, repeated and inter-row crops. The yield, measured in simple absolute units of mass (tons, kilograms, etc.), characterizes the overall scale of production for each individual type of crop product.

    Accurate data on the size of the harvest (gross harvest) can be established only after harvesting. However, information about the harvest is necessary in earlier periods, for example, to determine the expected production of crop products, calculate the needs for equipment and vehicles before the start of harvesting work. For this purpose, yield indicators are used in relation to different periods (for example, phases) of plant development and periods of agricultural production.

    The following yield indicators are distinguished: species yield, standing harvest before timely harvesting, actual harvest, net harvest.

    Species harvest- this is the estimated expected yield, based on the state of the crops at different stages of plant development, which is usually determined by expert (eye) method, or by a selective method (by applying meters) taking into account the condition of the crops: density, development, appearance, etc. Definition and assessment species yield are common in economic practice and are aimed at making operational management decisions in the technology of crop production.

    Standing harvest before harvesting - actually grown, but not yet harvested crop. Its size can be determined in the following ways:

    · calculated - based on complete data on the actual harvest and selective data on losses during harvesting from typical areas;

    · placing meters on crops before harvesting (if conditions permit);

    · visual assessment of crops by experienced specialists.

    Actual harvest(gross harvest) is the capitalized collection for each type of crop product after harvesting crops. The actual yield for a group of grains and leguminous crops can be expressed in the initially capitalized mass (bunker harvest) and in the mass after processing (barn harvest); for fiber flax and rapeseed - in bulk after processing, i.e. minus from the initial gross collection of unused waste and drying during harvest processing; For other types of crops, the harvest is determined by the physical mass of the actually received and capitalized gross harvest of products.

    Clean Harvest- this is the actual harvest (usually after processing) minus the seeds of the corresponding types of agricultural crops spent on this harvest. The net yield can be calculated for grains, leguminous crops, flaxseeds, rapeseed, and potatoes.

    Under productivity understand an indicator characterizing the average yield of each type of agricultural product per unit area. In agricultural organizations, it is practically customary to determine the yield per 1 hectare, in personal subsidiary plots - per are or 1 m2.

    In connection with the differentiation of yield indicators (gross harvest), it is possible to calculate the corresponding yield indicators, i.e. species yield, standing yield before timely harvesting, actual yield, net yield.

    In agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus, the yield of almost all agricultural crops (with some exceptions) is calculated per unit of spring productive area. The exception is annual and perennial grasses (for hay, green mass and seeds), for which the yield is determined per unit of actually harvested area.

    In statistics, one should distinguish between individual (for one crop) and average (for a homogeneous group of crops) yield. To calculate the average yield, as a rule, the arithmetic weighted average method is used (2):

    where is the average yield;

    Individual yield of each crop;

    The area under which this crop is sown.

    The procedure for determining the average yield for the group of grains and leguminous crops in the Niva agricultural enterprise is given in table. 5.

    As can be seen from the data given in table. 5., with crop yield fluctuations from 20 to 40 c/ha, the average yield for the group of grains and leguminous crops in the Niva agricultural enterprise was 31.9 c/ha.

    Both individual and average crop yields are the most important indicators that characterize not only the level of use of agricultural land, but also largely determine the efficiency of agricultural enterprises, farms, peasants, and personal subsidiary plots.

    Table 5. Calculation of the average yield of grain and leguminous crops in the Niva agricultural enterprise


    Sown area, ha

    Productivity, c/ha

    Gross harvest, t

    Winter rye

    Winter wheat

    Spring wheat

    As noted above (paragraphs 1, 2), in the Republic of Belarus, agricultural yields are formed in all categories of farms. The dynamics of these indicators are shown in table. 6..

    Table 6. Harvest (gross yield) and yield of agricultural crops

    Groups and types of crops

    Harvest, thousand tons

    Productivity, c/ha

    Cereals and legumes




    Flax fiber

    Sugar beet


    Fodder root crops

    Corn for green mass

    Perennial grass hay

    As the data in table shows. 6, in the Republic of Belarus in 2014. compared to 2010 There was a positive trend in yield and productivity of almost all agricultural crops. The harvest and productivity of grain crops (especially rye, wheat, barley, oats), flax fiber, rapeseed, potatoes, vegetable crops, and corn for green mass have increased significantly. Despite the decline in sugar beet yields, the gross yield of this crop has increased significantly due to the expansion of the sown area. The decrease in the yield of rye, fodder root crops, and perennial grass hay (with a simultaneous increase in yield) was due to a significant reduction in the acreage under these crops.

    It is advisable to note that the yield of each agricultural crop, calculated per unit of sown area in physical terms, makes it possible to evaluate and compare the work of farms only for specific crops, provided that natural soil fertility is equal. Therefore, when objectively assessing the work of agricultural enterprises, along with traditional crop yields, it is logical to calculate the gross yield for each crop per 1 point-hectare of sown area. Let’s say that in one farm the yield of winter rye was 50 c/ha on arable land with a quality rating of 50 points, and in another - 30 c/ha, where the quality of the land was rated 30 points. Despite the seemingly better work of the first farm compared to the second, both farms worked equally, since winter rye per point-hectare in both farms accounts for one hundredweight of grain.

    Determination of TLD based on qualitative assessment of soil

    The determination method was proposed by the Belarusian Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry:

    TLD = Bp*Cb*K (13)

    Bp – soil quality, point;

    Cb – price of arable land point, kg;

    K – correction factor to the point price for the agrochemical properties of the soil.

    TLD =32*50*0.94=15c/ha

    Determination of programmable yield (PrU).

    The value of the programmed yield is determined taking into account the difference between the COU and the TLD, which is compensated by introducing calculated doses of mineral and organic fertilizers. Thus, the programmed yield is calculated as a TLD with the increase in yield that should be obtained through fertilizers.

    PrU – programmable yield, c/ha;

    Дnpk – dose of mineral fertilizers, kg/ha;

    Оnpk – payback of 1t of organic fertilizers, kg/t of product;

    100 – conversion factor from kg to c.

    The PrU level can also be determined by knowing the relative increase from fertilizers:


    Pood – increase in yield from fertilizers, %

    Thus, the yield of spring barley of 32 c/ha will be a guideline for the development of a structural model of a highly productive plant and sowing in general, as well as crop cultivation technology.

    Table 7. Calculation of fertilizer doses for the programmed harvest based on the removal of nutrients. The yield of spring barley is 32 c/ha

    Lit. designation


    Unit measured

    Removal of nutrients from the soil by one centner of crop

    The total removal of nutrients necessary to obtain the programmed harvest (Bo=B*U)

    Soil nutrient uptake coefficient

    The amount of nutrients received by plants from the soil (Ip=P1*Kp*0.1)

    Added organic fertilizers

    Nutrients entered into the soil with manure (Np=10*Sm*O)

    Coefficient of nutrient absorption of organic fertilizers (per year of crop cultivation)

    Nutrients from organic fertilizers will be used by plants (Io=Np*K1-2*0.1)

    The total amount of nutrients that plants can receive from soil and organic fertilizers (I = In + Io)

    It is necessary to add nutrients with mineral fertilizers (D=Wo-Ip)

    Coefficient of nutrient absorption of mineral fertilizers

    Dose of mineral fertilizers that must be applied taking into account their utilization rate (Dm=D:Km*100)

    Contains nutrients in fats

    Application rate of mineral fertilizers (Mu=Dm:St)

    As can be seen from the table, the calculation of doses of mineral fertilizers is carried out taking into account the content of nutrients in the soil, taking into account the elements that entered the soil with mineral fertilizers, as well as taking into account the coefficient of their absorption by plants. To obtain the programmed yield, according to the calculation data, it is necessary to add 44 kg/ha of nitrogen in the active substance, 33.5 kg/ha of active ingredient phosphorus, 33.5 kg/ha of active ingredient to the soil. potassium This will be equal to the application of: 2 c/ha of UAN, 2.4 c/ha of simple superphosphate and 1 c/ha of potassium chloride.

    Crop productivity is the main factor that determines the volume of crop production. When analyzing productivity, it is necessary to study the dynamics of growth for each crop or group of crops over a long period of time and identify reserves and opportunities for its further growth.

    The yield level is the result of the influence of three complex factors - agrotechnical, natural and organizational. It fluctuates from year to year. To identify its development trend, you can use the moving average method during analysis. In this case, 5-10-year data on the productivity of a particular crop (or group of crops) is processed as follows: for the first 3-5 years, a simple average is calculated, then the date is shifted by 1 year and the average is determined again, etc. The resulting series usually shows an upward or downward trend in yield levels.

    For example, in the analyzed farm over the past 7 years the following change in the level of grain crop yields has been observed:

    1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

    21,5 22,8 16,5 20,3 19,7 23,4 21,0

    Until 1998, grain yields increased, and since 1998 they began to decline. However, such a conclusion is not entirely correct. Let us process this series using the moving average method.

    Let's take the yield levels of the first three years and calculate the simple average, it will be equal to 20.3 c = (21.5 + 22.8 + 16.5) : 3. Then we will shift the date by one and again for three years (1997,1998, 1999) let's calculate the average, which will be equal to 19.8 c, etc.

    As a result, we obtain a new dynamic yield series:


    1996-1998 1997-1999 1998-2000 1999- 2001 2000 -2002


    20,3 19,8 18,8 21,1 21,4


    Thus, during the period from 1996 to 2002, the yield of grain crops on this farm tended to increase; it increased by 1.1 c (21.4 - 20.3).

    Productivity is a quantitative, complex indicator that depends on many factors. Natural climatic conditions have a great influence on its level: 1) air temperature, 2) groundwater level, 3) amount of precipitation, 4) quality and composition of the soil, 5) terrain, etc. Therefore, when studying the dynamics of yield, it is necessary to take into account agrometeorological features of each year during the growing season and harvest.

    All agrotechnical measures for growing crops, as well as high-quality execution of all field work in a short time and other economic factors have a great influence on productivity. In the process of analysis, it is necessary to study the implementation of the plan for all agrotechnical measures, determine the effectiveness of each of them, and then calculate the impact of each activity on the level of yield and gross production. To do this, underfulfillment or overfulfillment of the plan for the volume of each activity is multiplied by the planned level of its payback, and the change in payback is multiplied by the actual volume of the corresponding activity.

    Thus, to determine the payback of fertilizers, three analysis methods can be used: experimental, calculated, correlation

    The most accurate method is experimental. Its essence lies in the organization of field experiments. By comparing the yield of experimental plots where fertilizers were applied and control plots where they were not applied, it is possible to determine the increase in yield due to the applied fertilizers. However, this method is used only in experimental farms.

    The majority of farms use a calculation method to determine the payback of fertilizers. According to this method, the calculation of additionally obtained products per 1 c of fertilizers is carried out in the following way: first, the yield from the natural fertility of the soil is calculated, for which the quality of the land in points is multiplied by the price of the point, which is determined by the regional agrochemical laboratory. Then the difference between the actual and estimated yield is divided by the number of applied fertilizers per 1 hectare of crops of a given crop and, thus, determine the increase in yield per 1 quintal of fertilizers (NPK)

    Ok = (Uf – Ur): Kf, where

    Ok – payback for 1 quintal of fertilizers,

    Uf and Ur - actual and calculated yield levels;

    Kf – the actual amount of fertilizer applied per 1 hectare of crop crops, centners

    Calculation of payback of fertilizers


    Indicators Rye


    1. Soil quality, score 46

    2.Price 1 point, c 0.36

    3.Calculated yield level (from natural (46 × 0.36)

    fertility c\ha 16.6

    4. Actual yield, c\ha 25

    5. Increase in productivity due to the application of fertilizers, c 8.4 (25-16.6)

    6. Amount of applied fertilizers per 1 hectare, c 2

    7. Actual payback of 1 c of fertilizer, c 4.2 (25-16.6): 2

    8. Standard (planned) payback of 1 c of fertilizer, c 5.0


    These tables indicate that the payback plan for fertilizers when growing rye has not been fulfilled. A decrease in the payback of fertilizers can occur due to their imbalance, low quality, timing and methods of their application. Therefore, during the analysis process, all these reasons must be analyzed.

    If there is a sufficient number of observations about the crop yield and the amount of fertilizer applied to it, correlation analysis can be used to determine the payback of fertilizers.

    The increase in yield largely depends on the seeding rate, quality and variety of seeds. Reducing the seeding rate and the use of substandard seeds reduces crop yields. Therefore, during the analysis process, it is necessary to calculate how much the yield has decreased due to this factor. For example, if the norm is 450 plants per 1 sq. m actually sprouted 300, then we should expect that the yield of this crop will be lower than calculated by 20-30%.

    In the process of analysis, they also find out which varieties are cultivated on the farm, and how timely variety change and variety renewal are carried out.

    The yield of agricultural crops depends significantly on the applied crop rotations, which must be observed in each farm. In the introduction of crop rotations, there are two types:

    1 - introduction, when the crop rotation project is transferred to nature, i.e. the fields are cut according to it;

    2 - development, when the transition period is over, and agricultural crops are placed in the fields in accordance with the adopted scheme and crop rotation plan.

    The structure of sown areas has a great influence on the average level of yield. For example, if among grain crops high-yielding crops have the largest share compared to the base year, then the average yield becomes higher.

    To determine the effect of structure on the average yield level, you can use the index method using the following formula:

    Device = ∑ У1 × S1 ∑ У1 × So

    _________ : ___________

    where: Y1 – yield of the reporting year, c\ha

    S1 – area of ​​the reporting year, ha

    So – base year area.ha

    The timing of sowing and harvesting has a great influence on yield. The optimal time for sowing early grain crops is no more than 4-5 days, harvesting is 10-12 days. Deviation causes a decrease in yield.

    The yield of agricultural crops, in addition to the listed factors, depends on a number of other agrotechnical measures: the quality and methods of soil cultivation, placement of crops in crop rotation fields, methods and timing of crop care, etc.

    Crop productivity is the main factor that determines the volume of crop production. When analyzing productivity, it is necessary to study the dynamics of its growth for each crop or group of crops, conduct an inter-farm comparative analysis, establish the degree of fulfillment of the plan for the yield of each crop, and calculate the influence of factors on changes in its value.

    Factors affecting yield
    Natural and climatic Soil fertility
    Mechanical composition of the soil
    Ground water level
    Amount of precipitation, etc.
    Economic Quantity, quality and structure of applied fertilizers
    Quality and timing of all field work
    Seed quality
    Changing the varietal composition of crops
    Liming and gypsuming of soil
    Control of plant diseases and pests
    Alternation of crops in crop rotation fields, etc.

    In the process of analysis, it is necessary to study the dynamics and implementation of the plan for all agrotechnical measures, determine the effectiveness of each of them (yield increase per 1 centner of fertilizers, unit of work performed) and then calculate the impact of each activity on the level of yield and gross harvest of products. Let's consider the calculation method using the example of fertilizing fields.

    Provision of the enterprise with organic and mineral fertilizers determined by comparing the actual amount of harvested and used fertilizers (statistical reporting on the use of fertilizers) with the planned need (calculation of fertilizer needs by crop).

    At the end of the year it is calculated actual payback of fertilizers for each crop:

    Ok = (U f - U r) / K f;

    Where OK– payback 1 c NPK;

    U f – actual crop yield;

    Ur – yield from natural soil fertility without the use of fertilizers (according to

    agronomic accounting data);

    TO f – the actual amount of fertilizer applied per 1 hectare of crop crops, c NРК.

    Reduced payback on fertilizers may occur due to their imbalance, poor quality, timing and methods of application to the soil.

    Correlation analysis can also be used to determine the payback of fertilizers provided that there is a sufficient number of observations about the yield of the crop and the amount of fertilizer applied to it. Let's consider the calculation method using the data in Table 2.1.

    Table 2.1. Initial data for calculating the dependence of barley yield ( Y) from the amount of fertilizer applied per 1 ha of crops ( X)

    Field number X Y XY X 2 Y2 Y x
    1,5 18,0 27,00 2,25 324,00 16,5
    2,0 19,7 39,40 4,00 388,09 19,5
    2,2 20,8 45,76 4,84 432,64 20,7
    2,5 22,5 56,25 6,25 506,25 22,5
    2,8 22,3 62,44 7,84 497,29 24,3
    3,0 24,8 74,40 9,00 615,04 25,5
    3,5 25,4 88,90 12,25 645,16 28,5
    3,8 31,3 123,12 14,44 1043,29 30,3
    4,2 34,2 143,64 17,64 1169,64 32,7
    4,5 35,0 157,50 20,25 1225,00 34,5
    Total 30,0 255,0 819,00 99,00 6846,00 255,0

    The data presented for 10 plots show that with an increase in the dose of fertilizers, the yield of grain crops increases on average. If you build a graph, you can see that the relationship between these indicators is straightforward and can be expressed by a straight line equation:

    Y x = a + bх,

    Where Y– yield, c/ha;

    X– amount of fertilizer applied per 1 hectare, c NPK;

    A And b– parameters of the equation that need to be found.

    To find the coefficient values a And b, it is necessary to solve the following system of equations:

    na + bSx = Sy;

    aSx + bSx 2 = Sxy,

    Values ​​of å X, å y, å xy, å X 2 are calculated based on the initial data in Table 2.6. Let's substitute the obtained values ​​into the system of equations and solve it using the elimination method:

    3 10A+ 30b = 255; -30A - 90b= -765;

    30A + 99b =819; 30A + 99b= 819.

    From here b = 6; A= 7.5. After this, the coupling equation will look like:

    Y X = 7,5 + 6X.

    What do these parameters represent in this equation? Coefficient A- this is a constant yield value, not related to the amount of fertilizer applied (with X=0). Coefficient b shows that with an increase in the amount of fertilizer by 1 c/ha, the yield of grain crops increases by 6 c/ha.

    In addition to the connection equation, in correlation analysis the correlation coefficient is calculated, which characterizes the close relationship between the studied indicators:

    Its value is close to 1. This indicates a very close, almost proportional relationship between crop yield and field fertilization. Determination coefficient ( d = r 2 = 0.92) shows that the change in yield on a given farm depends 92% on the degree of soil fertilization. It follows from this that the results of correlation analysis can be used to calculate reserves for yield growth and to determine its level for the future. Knowing, for example, that next year 4 quintals will be contributed NPK per 1 hectare of grain crops, one can expect their yield to be 31.5 c/ha ( Y x= 7.5+ 6´4) provided that the relationships between other factors do not change.

    You can also install how much the yield of each crop has changed due to changes in the amount of fertilizer applied and the level of their payback. For this purpose, the change in the dose of fertilizers for crops must be multiplied by the basic level of their payback, and the change in the payback level by the actual dose of fertilizers for the reporting period.

    The crop variety has a great influence on the yield.. If the proportion of more productive varieties increases, then as a result the average crop yield increases, and vice versa. The influence of this factor on changes in crop yield can be calculated using the method of chain substitution or absolute differences, as well as by the structure of crops (Table 2.12).

    If you use the method of absolute differences, then the calculation is carried out in the following way: the change in the specific gravity of each variety in the total sown area of ​​the crop is multiplied by the basic yield level of the corresponding variety and the results are summed up:

    The yield of agricultural crops, in addition to the listed factors, depends on a number of other agrotechnical measures: the quality and methods of tillage, placement of crops in crop rotation fields, methods and timing of crop care, the use of biological and chemical crop protection agents, liming, gypsuming of soil, etc. d. During the analysis, it is necessary to establish how the plan for all agrotechnical activities has been implemented. In case of underfulfillment of the plan for individual activities, it is necessary to find out the reasons, and, if possible, loss of production.

    For this purpose, it is necessary to compare the yield in the fields where the corresponding measures were carried out and where they were not carried out (or in a different way, at a different time, in a different volume). The resulting yield difference is multiplied by the area on which it was not carried out.