Ribbon tattoo on arm. Bow tattoos: the meaning of a playful image on the legs and not only

Which of the young people did not dream of getting a tattoo? Everyone who decides to take this step very carefully selects the drawing and the area of ​​​​the body on which it will be located. Everyone knows that every tattoo can have some meaning. According to the pattern on the body, you can tell a lot about the character of a person, his habits, interests and inner world. The article will focus on the tattoo "bows" on the legs. What do they mean? What meaning do they carry? Let's find the answers to these questions.

Tattoos and girls

Increasingly, sweet and modest girls, with whom the word “tattoo” is usually not associated, use tattoo services. Gradually, from a brutal way of self-expression, tattooing turns into an art, tattoos become colored and colorful, harmoniously located on the body. It is typical for girls to put meaning and meaning into the image, and these meanings can be infinitely diverse, and even for the same picture they can differ for different girls.

Tattoos on the arms and neck are almost always visible to others, but the legs, especially the hips, are a rather intriguing part of the body. Tattoos inflicted on the legs are usually hidden from prying eyes and are not intended for everyone, but for those who can be trusted and open up.

What are bow tattoos?

Tattoo "bows" on the legs can be different in their design. These are both black and white bows and colored ones. They can have small ribbons around the bow itself, or large and wide ribbons that go down the leg, and in some cases they form a beautiful lacing. Sometimes a bow in shape and pattern is more reminiscent of a butterfly that has sat on the leg of their owner.

Meanings of "bows"

What is the significance of bow tattoos on legs? There is no historical sacred meaning in bows, such images have a short history, but in most cases the purposes of application are as follows:

  • Attracting the attention of the second half. A beautiful and bright bow attracts the attention of the opposite sex quite successfully. The location of the tattoo can focus on a certain part of the body, emphasizing its beauty. That is, it is assumed that a close male gaze will be directed at the bow and the surrounding part of the body, which means that it is worth taking care of a good figure and the absence of flaws in these places.
  • Take attention away from your shortcomings. Since a man who is interested in a bow will not be able to take his eyes off him, he will not examine the rest of the body so closely. This can hide the imperfections of the upper body. But of course, the best option is to correct these shortcomings, and not hide them, because they will become noticeable with further acquaintance.
  • There is an assumption that most people associate a bow with a gift, and gifts that are worth it are beautifully decorated. Accordingly, decorating her body with bows, the girl seems to be telling her chosen man that she is giving herself as a gift.
  • Bows made in dark shades can have a meaning of mourning. Usually tattooing for girls is associated with certain strengths in emotionally moments. Among them can be both joyful and sad. In this case, a black bow is a mention of the loss of one of your relatives or friends.
  • The desire to hide scars, skin defects. Here you should still be careful, because you can get the opposite effect, because the tattoo on the legs will be considered very carefully, especially since the bow itself is of interest.

The meaning of the tattoo "bows" on the legs is ambiguous. Some consider it vulgar and frivolous, some refer to "bows" as a sure way to decorate the body. Everyone has their own opinion on this...

The best part of the legs for the location of the tattoo

Bows are applied to various parts of the body. In most cases, this is the back of the thigh well above the knee. Such a tattoo looks very erotic, especially in combination with a short skirt or shorts, when part of the bows looks out, and part is hidden under the clothes. Sometimes these tattoos are located on the legs. And when located on the hips, and in the case of the shins, the best option would be a symmetrical pattern in the form of two bows - one on each leg. That is, the bows should be on the same level and made in the same artistic style. Very often there are symmetrical "bow" tattoos on the back of the legs.

Another application option is the ankle. Here, traditionally, it is not required in without fail symmetry, and one leg with a small bow would be a good option, while large bows look better on the hips. The bow can be placed on the outside.

Colors and pattern types

The most popular tattoo "bows" on the legs, made in a combination of red and white, especially if the goal is to attract the attention of a man. Owners of a tattoo of this color are romantic, know how to love and expect the same from their chosen one. However, in the hands of a skilled craftsman, even these two colors can turn into something very unusual. The use of shadows and correctly selected transitions will allow you to create a three-dimensional beautiful pattern that will become a real decoration of the body.

Since tattoos on the hips, especially bows, may seem vulgar to some, it is worth approaching their application with responsibility. If this does not interfere with personal life and work, bows will not be visible from under a business suit and the figure will not be a minus, but a plus for their location on the body, then you should not be afraid. When choosing a skilled craftsman, a beautiful pattern and the correct location of the tattoo in the form of bows on the legs will emphasize the natural beauty and become a kind of highlight.

What can the image of a bow tattooed on the body of a man or woman mean? Let's say right away that one should not look for a deep meaning in such a tattoo, its meaning rather lies in the emotional and aesthetic appeal of the tattoo.

A bow (bow) can be depicted in different colors, both separately and in a composition various items and inscriptions. It personifies female sexuality and romanticism, so a bow tattoo is more likely to be found on the skin of a girl than anyone else.

The picture “bow, bow” is usually worn by women, but a similar pattern is also found on the body of men. Such a tattoo matters - the non-traditional sexual orientation of its owner, his commitment to female ideals.

In a traditional male society, the outline of a bow can cause negative associations, despite the declared tolerance of modern society.

Although, the representatives of the stronger sex are also not alien to tender feelings. Men often get a tattoo with a bow as a sign of solidarity with their beloved girls, giving the latter a kind of vow that their feelings are eternal, like this tattoo, because the tattoo is done almost forever, despite the methods of getting rid of it that have appeared today.


Meaning for girls
For women and girls, the bow tattoo looks more natural. AT modern world bows have become an indispensable accessory for various holidays and celebrations, as well as flower arrangements, which are so valued by the fairer sex. Therefore, it is no wonder that girls perpetuate the image of a bow on their skin in the form of a tattoo. The meaning is ambiguous.

Often a bow tattoo is done on the back of the legs, thereby emphasizing the woman's readiness for a romantic relationship. The outline of the bow (bow) on the legs is no less popular among girls than the image of butterflies, hearts, flowers, etc.

In the catalog of ready-made tattoo designs, you can always find a tattoo to your liking, which will not go unnoticed by men, even if the girl puts on a closed swimsuit.

Bows are used both as separate tattoos and as elements decorating the composition. The richness of all kinds of shapes and colors of bows allows you to use various mascaras when stuffing them and make tattoos all over your body. However, most often ladies prefer to wear a bow tattoo (bow) on their legs, more precisely in the upper thigh..

The meaning of a bow on a woman's body speaks of her tenderness and infantilism, adds additional romanticism to the image of a mysterious beauty, having no other meaning.


Behind bars, the image of a bow (bow) is also found, although a bow, a bow, is not the most common theme among prison tattoos. Stuffed on the legs, it is common in women's colonies, because love remains a strong feeling even behind bars. Some girls get a tattoo already in the "zone", tempted by the art of the local tattoo masters. Among men, it means belonging to the "lowered" contingent. Such a contradictory meaning.

We repeat, a bow tattoo does not mean anything specific, it only indicates that the wearer of this pattern has a female mindset. This is the meaning of this tattoo.

Not all tattoos carry a deep meaning, in our time, most of them play a purely decorative role. Today we will find out the meaning of a bow tattoo and find out if there is any symbolism behind this image.

A touch of spice in the image

The bow is associated not only with the holiday and gifts, but also with women's clothing, therefore, a bow tattoo among girls is not uncommon, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to find a man with such an image on his body.

It's amazing how an ordinary fabric ribbon can add romance to even the simplest dress and seductiveness to underwear. By the way, most often among tattoos there is a lace bow, which most people associate with underwear. Such works are usually done on the ground, most of the time hiding under clothes, which only adds spice to the image of their owners.

So, what does a bow tattoo mean:

  • Emancipation and sexuality. This value is most characteristic of just those works that are lucky to consider only a select few. For example, bow tattoos on the thighs, imitating the decor of stockings or garters, are done mainly by girls who do not suffer from any complexes, they like to attract the attention of the opposite sex, arouse interest, attract enthusiastic looks, they are open to new acquaintances, sociable, know what they want from life.
  • Romance, creativity. This feature is indicated by images of silk or satin bows. Such tattoos are suitable for romantic dreamers who dream of bright unforgettable adventures, or vice versa - peace and tranquility. The owners of such works spend a lot of time up in the clouds in search of inspiration. Perhaps it seems to others that they indulge in fruitless dreams, but in fact such people simply cannot live an ordinary gray life, routine is simply deadly for them. Tattoos with bows are often chosen by representatives of creative professions, for whom self-realization and the embodiment of innermost desires are very important.
    Sometimes the designation of a bow tattoo is associated with windiness and frivolity, but all this is too subjective, because everyone has their own life priorities, worldview and dreams.

Bows in a tattoo

Realism is one of the most winning styles for a bow tattoo. This technique is able to convey all the bends of the fabric, the glare of light on silk, the tenderness of thin threads of lace. Realism is difficult to perform, but only in this style can you create a drawing that is hardly distinguishable from the original.

Most often there are realistic bows on the legs at the back, imitating the decorations of stockings or garters. Such works definitely add attractiveness to their owners and look good on girls with any type of figure. Also popular are tattoos resembling stockings with a seam at the back, which were considered a mandatory attribute of any fashionista since the beginning of the last century (it even got to the point that girls who could not afford to buy them drew vertical lines on their legs under ordinary stockings to create at least visibility).

Watercolor bows look interesting too. The tenderness and lightness inherent in this style will allow you to create an original tattoo that attracts the eye. Watercolor tattoos are similar to real paintings painted in this technique. Watercolor is suitable for those who want something extraordinary and bright.

As for compositional solutions, there is simply a lot of room for imagination here. For example, in addition to the theme of seductive underwear, which is already considered a classic, there are drawings imitating corset lacing, realistic brooches with iridescent precious stones, decorated with lace bows, ribbons around the wrist, tied in such a way that the bow forms the sign of infinity. Great importance has the color of the fabric: black or red lace bows speak of sexuality and relaxedness, while delicate blue, purple or pink shades indicate dreaminess, spontaneity, and White color speaks of innocence, purity and modesty.

Once on the female body were considered a real exotic. Adherents of this point of view, of course, exist today, but they are much smaller. But the ladies, whose body is decorated with tattoos, has become significantly more. The bow tattoo on the legs is a very interesting motif. Surely you have seen photos of daring ladies with such drawings on their bodies. This symbol, it must be admitted, causes a lot of controversy.

What does a bow tattoo mean?

Everyone has long known that every tattoo means something. But not in the case of a tattoo in the form of a bow. This is not quite a traditional element that carries absolutely no semantic load. The bow on the body is just a decorative item. Accordingly, a bow tattoo is a permanent decor item that the fair sex, depending on her mood, can either flaunt or hide under her clothes.

Immediacy and simplicity made the bow a popular symbol in women's tattoos. The place where this permanent accessory will be located on the body does not matter at all. Usually, the fair sex prefers to get tattoos in the form of a bow on their legs. Light and positive tattoos can be performed in any style, in a variety of styles. color schemes. In any case, the bow will demonstrate the femininity and grace of its owner.

Who will suit bow tattoos on the legs from behind?

This is the most unusual and piquant tattoo design. Very often, girls choose the back of the thigh for a tattoo. Bows under the fifth point look very bold and insanely sexy. And therefore, such a tattoo causes admiration among the representatives of the stronger sex, and in most cases, disgust among the ladies.

Although the bow tattoo on the legs does not have much meaning, it is not suitable for everyone:

  1. The tattoo will attract attention, and therefore if there are the slightest flaws in the body (or extra pounds, for example), they will be immediately noticed. Ridicule and taunts are clearly not the result that the owner of such a cheeky tattoo. Therefore, first of all, the body must be put in order.
  2. Bow tattoos on the legs should be clear. That is, it is better to make a large and easily distinguishable drawing. Otherwise, too small bows can easily be mistaken for a large mole or spot.
  3. Symmetrical tattoos look best on the legs from behind. This should also be taken into account.

What can the image of a bow tattooed on the body of a man or woman mean? Let's say right away that one should not look for a deep meaning in such a tattoo, its meaning rather lies in the emotional and aesthetic appeal of the tattoo.

A bow (bow) can be depicted in different colors, both separately and in a composition of various objects and inscriptions. It personifies female sexuality and romanticism, so a bow tattoo is more likely to be found on the skin of a girl than anyone else.


The picture “bow, bow” is usually worn by women, but a similar pattern is also found on the body of men. Such a tattoo matters - the non-traditional sexual orientation of its owner, his commitment to female ideals.

In a traditional male society, the outline of a bow can cause negative associations, despite the declared tolerance of modern society.

Although, the representatives of the stronger sex are also not alien to tender feelings. Men often get a tattoo with a bow as a sign of solidarity with their beloved girls, giving the latter a kind of vow that their feelings are eternal, like this tattoo, because the tattoo is done almost forever, despite the methods of getting rid of it that have appeared today.


Meaning for girls
For women and girls, the bow tattoo looks more natural. In the modern world, bows have become an indispensable accessory for various holidays and celebrations, as well as flower arrangements, which are so valued by the fairer sex. Therefore, it is no wonder that girls perpetuate the image of a bow on their skin in the form of a tattoo. The meaning is ambiguous.

Often a bow tattoo is done on the back of the legs, thereby emphasizing the woman's readiness for a romantic relationship. The outline of the bow (bow) on the legs is no less popular among girls than the image of butterflies, hearts, flowers, etc.

In the catalog of ready-made tattoo designs, you can always find a tattoo to your liking, which will not go unnoticed by men, even if the girl puts on a closed swimsuit.

Bows are used both as separate tattoos and as elements decorating the composition. The richness of all kinds of shapes and colors of bows allows you to use various mascaras when stuffing them and make tattoos all over your body. However, most often ladies prefer to wear a bow tattoo (bow) on their legs, more precisely in the upper thigh..

The meaning of a bow on a woman's body speaks of her tenderness and infantilism, adds additional romanticism to the image of a mysterious beauty, having no other meaning.


Behind the bars, the image of a bow (bow) is also found, although a bow, a bow, is not the most common theme among prison tattoos. Stuffed on the legs, it is common in women's colonies, because love remains a strong feeling even behind bars. Some girls get a tattoo already in the "zone", tempted by the art of the local tattoo masters. Among men, it means belonging to the "lowered" contingent. Such a contradictory meaning.