Solar pulse in the rhythms of the planet. Chandelier Chizhevsky: the harm and benefits of the ionizer, making your own hands, features of operation Chizhevsky chandelier circuit from fluorescent lamps

In today's article, we will learn with you how you can make the Chizhevsky Chandelier at home with your own hands. So...

Most of us pay a lot of attention to what we eat and drink, what kind of life we ​​lead, and at the same time show absolutely insignificant interest in what we breathe.

“Having built a dwelling for himself,” said Professor A. L. Chizhevsky, “man deprived himself of normal ionized air, he perverted his natural environment and came into conflict with the nature of his body.”

In fact, numerous electrometric measurements have shown that the air of forests and meadows contains from 700 to 1500, and sometimes up to 15,000 negative air ions per cubic centimeter. The more air ions are contained in the air, the more useful it is. In residential areas, their number drops to 25 per cubic centimeter. This amount is barely enough to sustain the process of life. In turn, this contributes to fatigue, ailments and even diseases.

You can increase the saturation of indoor air with negative air ions using a special device - an air ionizer, or an ionizer. Already in the 1920s, Professor A. L. Chizhevsky developed the principle of artificial air ionization and created the first design, which later became known as the Chizhevsky Chandelier. For many decades, Chizhevsky air ionizers have been comprehensively tested in laboratories, medical institutions, schools and kindergartens, at home and have shown high efficiency of air ionization as a preventive and therapeutic agent.

Since 1963, after meeting A. L. Chizhevsky, the author of these lines has been introducing air ionization into everyday life, since the scientist believed that an air ionizer should enter our home in the same way as gas, water supply and electric light. Thanks to the active promotion of air ionification, today "Chizhevsky's Chandeliers" are manufactured by some enterprises. Unfortunately, their high cost does not allow sometimes to purchase such devices for the home. It is no coincidence that many radio amateurs dream of building an air ionizer on their own. Therefore, the story will focus on the device of the simplest design, which even a novice radio amateur can assemble.

The main components of the air ionizer are an electro-fluvial "chandelier" and a voltage converter. An electro-fluvial "chandelier" (Fig. 1) is a generator of negative air ions. "Effluvius" in Greek means "outflow". This expression characterizes the working process of the formation of air ions: electrons flow down from the pointed parts of the “chandelier” at high speed (due to high voltage), which then “stick” to oxygen molecules. The air ions that have arisen in this way also acquire greater speed. The latter determines the "survivability" of air ions.

The efficiency of the air ionizer largely depends on the design of the "chandelier". Therefore, special attention should be paid to its manufacture.

The basis of the "chandelier" is a light metal rim (for example, a standard hula hoop gymnastic ring) with a diameter of 750-1000 mm, on which bare or tinned copper wires with a diameter of 0.6-1 are pulled along mutually perpendicular axes in increments of 35-45 mm .0 mm. They form part of the sphere - a grid sagging down. Needles no more than 50 mm long and 0.25-0.5 mm thick are soldered into the grid nodes. It is desirable that they be sharpened as much as possible, since the current coming from the tip increases, and the possibility of the formation of a harmful by-product - ozone - decreases. It is convenient to use pins with a ring, which are usually sold in stationery stores (all-metal single-rod pin type 1-30 - this is the name of the products of the Kuntsevsky needle-platinum plant).

Three copper wires with a diameter of 0.8-1 mm are attached to the rim of the "chandelier" through 120 °, which are soldered together above the center of the rim. A high voltage is applied to this point. For the same point, the "chandelier" is attached with a fishing line with a diameter of 0.5-0.8 mm to the ceiling or bracket at a distance of at least 150 mm.

A voltage converter is needed to obtain a high voltage of negative polarity that feeds the "chandelier". The absolute value of the voltage must be at least 25 kV. Only at such a voltage is sufficient “survivability” of air ions ensured, which ensures their penetration into the lungs of a person.

For a room such as a classroom or a school gym, a voltage of 40-50 kV is optimal. It is not difficult to obtain this or that voltage by increasing the number of multiplier stages, but one should not get carried away with high voltage too much, since there is a danger of a corona discharge, accompanied by the smell of ozone and a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the installation.

A diagram of the simplest voltage converter that has passed literally twenty years of repeatability testing is shown in fig. 2a. Its feature is direct power supply from the network.

The principle of operation of the Chandelier Chizhevsky

During the positive half-cycle of the mains voltage, the capacitor C1 is charged through the resistor R1, the diode VD1 and the primary winding of the transformer T1. The trinistor VS1 is closed at the same time, since there is no current through its control electrode (the voltage drop across the VD2 diode in the forward direction is small compared to the voltage required to open the trinistor).

With a negative half-cycle, the diodes VD1 and VD2 close. A voltage drop is formed on the trinistor cathode relative to the control electrode (minus - on the cathode, plus - on the control electrode), a current appears in the control electrode circuit and the trinistor opens. At this moment, the capacitor C1 is discharged through the primary winding of the transformer. A high voltage pulse appears in the secondary winding (step-up transformer). And so - every period of mains voltage.

High voltage pulses (they are two-sided, since when the capacitor is discharged, damped oscillations occur in the primary winding circuit) are rectified by a rectifier assembled according to the voltage multiplication circuit on VD3-VD6 diodes. A constant voltage from the output of the rectifier is supplied (through the limiting resistor R3) to the electro-fluvial "chandelier".

Resistor R1 can be made up of three MLT-2 connected in parallel with a resistance of 3 kOhm, and R3 - of three or four MLT-2 connected in series with a total resistance of 10 ... 20 MΩ. Resistor R2 - MLT-2. Diodes VD1 and VD2 - any others for a current of at least 300 mA and a reverse voltage of at least 400 V (VD1) and 100 V (VD2). Diodes VD3-VD6 can be, in addition to those indicated in the diagram, KTs201G-KTs201E. Capacitor C 1 -MBM for a voltage of at least 250 V, C2-C5 - POV for a voltage of at least 10 kV (C2 - at least 15 kV). Of course, other high-voltage capacitors for voltages of 15 kV or more are also applicable. Trinistor VS1 - KU201K, KU201L, KU202K-KU202N. Transformer T1 is a B2B ignition coil (6 V) from a motorcycle, but you can also use another one, for example, from a car.

It is very attractive to use the TVS-110L6 line-scan television transformer in the air ionizer, the output 3 of which is connected to the capacitor C1, the outputs 2 and 4 are connected to the “common” wire (the control electrode of the trinistor and other parts), and the high-voltage wire is connected to the capacitor C3 and the diode VD3 (Fig. 2.6). In this variant, as practice has shown, it is desirable to use high-voltage diodes 7GE350AF or KTs105G and other diodes with a reverse voltage of at least 8 kV.

The parts of the air ionizer should be mounted in a housing of appropriate dimensions so that there is a sufficient distance between the leads of high-voltage diodes and capacitors (Fig. 3). Even better, after installation, cover these leads with molten paraffin - then it will be possible to avoid the appearance of a corona discharge and the smell of ozone.

The air ionizer does not need adjustment and starts working immediately after being connected to the network. You can change the constant voltage at the output of the air ionizer by selecting a resistor R1 or a capacitor C1. For some instances of trinistors, sometimes it is necessary to select a resistor R2 according to the moment the trinistor opens at the minimum mains voltage.

How to make sure that the air ionizer is working properly?

The simplest indicator is vata. A small piece of it is attracted to the "chandelier" from a distance of 50-60 cm. Bringing (carefully!) Your hand to the tips of the needles, already at a distance of 7-10 cm feel a chill - an electronic breeze - "effluvium". This will indicate the health of the air ionizer. But for greater persuasiveness, it is advisable to check its output voltage with a static voltmeter - it must be at least 25 kV (for household Chizhevsky Chandeliers, a voltage of 30-35 kV is recommended). If there is no necessary measuring device, you can use the simplest way to determine the high voltage. In a U-shaped plate made of organic glass, holes are drilled in the centers of the limbs, an M4 thread is cut and screws with pointed ends are screwed in with heads outward. By connecting one screw to the output terminal of the air ionizer, and the other to the common wire, change the distance between the screws (of course, when the device is turned off from the network) so that an intense glow or a breakdown spark starts between their ends. The distance in millimeters between the ends of the screws can be considered as the high voltage value of the air ionizer in kilovolts.

When the air ionizer is in operation, there should be no odors. Professor A. L. Chizhevsky specifically stipulated this. Smells are a sign of harmful gases (ozone or nitrogen oxides), which should not form in a normally working (properly designed) “chandelier”. When they appear again, you need to inspect the installation of the structure and the connection of the converter to the "chandelier".


The air ionizer is a high-voltage installation, therefore, precautions must be observed when setting up and operating it. High voltage in itself is not dangerous. The strength of the current is decisive. As you know, a current over 0.03 A (30 mA) is life-threatening, especially if it flows through the region of the heart (left hand - right hand). In our air ionizer, the maximum current strength is hundreds of times less than the permissible one. But this does not mean at all that touching the high-voltage parts of the installation is safe - you will get a tangible and unpleasant prick by the spark of discharging the capacitors of the multiplier. Therefore, with any re-soldering of parts or wires in the structure, turn it off from the network and close the high-voltage wire of the multiplier to the grounded (connected to a common wire) terminal of the winding II (lower according to the diagram).

About air ionization sessions

During the session, you should be no closer than 1-1.5 m from the "chandelier". Sufficient duration of a daily session in a normal room is 30-50 minutes. Sessions before bedtime have a particularly beneficial effect.

Remember that the air ionizer does not exclude the ventilation of the room - full-fledged (i.e., normal percentage composition) air should be air ionized. In a room with poor ventilation, the air ionizer must be turned on periodically throughout the day at certain intervals. The electric field of the air ionizer cleans the air from dust. By the way, for the same purposes, you can use an air cleaner.

Of course, the proposed design of the voltage converter is not the only one designed to be repeated in amateur or industrial conditions. There are many other devices, the choice of each of them is determined depending on the availability of parts. Any design providing a DC output voltage of at least 25 kV will do. This should be remembered by all designers who are trying to create and implement air ionizers with low-voltage (up to 5 kV!) Power. Benefit from such devices was not and cannot be. They create a rather high concentration of air ions (measuring devices fix this), but air ions are “stillborn”, unable to reach the lungs of a person. True, the air in the room is cleaned of dust, but this is not enough for the life support of the human body.

There is no need to change the design of the "chandelier" - deviations from the design proposed by Professor A. L. Chizhevsky can lead to the appearance of foreign odors, the production of various oxides, which ultimately reduces the effectiveness of the air ionizer. And it’s no longer possible to call the different design “Chizhevsky’s Chandelier”, since the scientist did not develop or recommend such devices. And the profanation of a great invention is unacceptable.


1. Chizhevsky A. L. Aeroionification in the national economy. - M.: Gosplanizdat, 1960 (2nd ed. - Stroyizdat, 1989).
2. Ivanov B. S. Electronics in homemade products. - M.: DOSAAF, 1975 (2nd ed. - DOSAAF, 1981).
3. Chizhevsky A. L. On the coast of the Universe. - M.: Thought, 1995.
4. Chizhevsky A. L. Cosmic pulse of life. -M.: Thought, 1995.

Do-it-yourself Chizhevsky chandelier


All human life is inextricably linked with atmospheric air. Moreover, for normal life, it must satisfy many parameters. Temperature, humidity, pressure, percentage of carbon dioxide, degree of pollution, and so on.
If they deviate from the norm, a person’s ability to work, well-being and health in general may worsen ...

We all know that after a thunderstorm the air becomes very "fresh" - unusually clean and light.
The thing here is that during lightning discharges, the air is abundantly saturated negatively charged oxygen molecules - air ions.
For the first time, a Russian scientist began to study the effect of negative air ions on the human body. Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky in the 20s of the last century (by the way, he called them that ...) and found out that it is they who have a positive effect on well-being and even more: they also have some healing properties.

Prototype of the first chandeliers Chizhevsky appeared in the 1920s. It was something like an ordinary chandelier suspended from the ceiling, but emitting not light but negatively charged oxygen ions. the principle of operation of the device was based on the creation of a high intensity field using parallel conductors under high voltage (20 ... 30 kV).
In this high-voltage field, the formation of negatively charged oxygen ions took place.
The device looked like this:

Well, in general, everyone has already guessed that we are talking about an ordinary ionizer, which is proposed to be repeated with your own hands.
By the way: it would be extremely interesting for all of us to look at the finished product and we would be very grateful if those who assembled the Chizhevsky chandelier would share with us all on

Ionizer for Chizhevsky chandelier

The efficiency of the air ionizer largely depends on the design of the "chandelier". Therefore, special attention should be paid to its manufacture.

The basis of the "chandelier" is a light metal rim (for example, a standard hula hoop gymnastic ring) with a diameter of 750 ... 1000 mm, on which bare or tinned copper wires with a diameter of 0 are pulled along mutually perpendicular axes with a step of 35 ... 45 mm .6...1.0 mm. They form part of the sphere - a grid sagging down. Needles no more than 50 mm long and 0.25 ... 0.5 mm thick are soldered into the grid nodes. It is desirable that they be sharpened as much as possible, since the current coming from the tip increases, and the possibility of the formation of a harmful by-product - ozone - decreases. It is convenient to use pins with a ring, which are usually sold in stationery stores.

Three copper wires with a diameter of 0.8 ... 1 mm are attached to the rim of the "chandelier" through 120 °, which are soldered together above the center of the rim. A high voltage is applied to this point. For the same point, the "chandelier" is attached with a fishing line with a diameter of 0.5 ... 0.8 mm to the ceiling or bracket at a distance of at least 150 mm.

A voltage converter is needed to obtain a high voltage of negative polarity that feeds the "chandelier". The absolute value of the voltage must be at least 25 kV. Only at such a voltage is sufficient "survivability" of air ions ensured, which ensures their penetration into the lungs of a person.

For a room such as a classroom or a school gym, the voltage of 40 ... 50 kV is optimal. It is not difficult to obtain this or that voltage by increasing the number of multiplier stages, but one should not get carried away with high voltage too much, since there is a danger of a corona discharge, accompanied by the smell of ozone and a sharp decrease in the efficiency of the installation.

Scheme of the Chizhevsky chandelier

The diagram of the simplest voltage converter is shown in fig. 2a. Its feature is direct power supply from the network.

The principle of operation of the Chizhevsky chandelier circuit

The device works like this. During the positive half-cycle of the mains voltage, capacitor C1 is charged through the resistor R1, the diode VD1 and the primary winding of the transformer T1. The trinistor VS1 is closed in this case, since there is no current through its control electrode (the voltage drop across the diode VD2 in the forward direction is small compared to the voltage required to open the trinistor).

With a negative half-cycle, the diodes VD1 and VD2 close. At the cathode of the trinistor, a voltage drop is formed relative to the control electrode (minus - at the cathode, plus - at the control electrode), a current appears in the control electrode circuit and the trinistor opens. At this moment, the capacitor C1 is discharged through the primary winding of the transformer. A high voltage pulse appears in the secondary winding (step-up transformer). And so - every period of mains voltage.

High voltage pulses (they are two-sided, since when the capacitor is discharged, damped oscillations occur in the primary winding circuit) are rectified by a rectifier assembled on VD3-VD6 diodes. A constant voltage from the output of the rectifier is supplied (through the limiting resistor R3) to the ionizer- "chandelier".

Resistor R1 can be made up of three MLT-2 connected in parallel with a resistance of 3 kOhm, and R3 - of three or four MLT-2 connected in series with a total resistance of 10 ... 20 MΩ. Resistor R2 - MLT-2. Diodes VD1 and VD2 - any others for a current of at least 300 mA and a reverse voltage of at least 400 V (VD1) and 100 V (VD2). Diodes VD3-VD6 can be, in addition to those indicated in the diagram, KTs201G-KTs201E. Capacitor C1 - MBM for a voltage of at least 250 V, C2-C5 - POV for a voltage of at least 10 kV (C2 - at least 15 kV). Of course, other high-voltage capacitors for voltages of 15 kV or more are also applicable. Trinistor VS1 - KU201K, KU201L, KU202K-KU202N. Transformer T1 is a B2B ignition coil (6 V) from a motorcycle, but you can also use another one, for example, from a car.

Install a "chandelier" at a distance of at least 800 mm from the ceiling, walls, lighting fixtures and 1200 mm from the location of people in the room.

Device setup is not required - with proper assembly, it starts working immediately.
The only thing worth paying attention to is the following:
1. The volume of the room. If the size of the room exceeds 20 sq.m, then it is desirable to increase the voltage at the output of the multiplier by adding another bridge of a diode and a capacitor (picture "b" in Fig. 2).
2. It is not advisable to install the ionizer near electronic devices and metal structures. The ionizer can cause a build-up of static electricity, which is fraught with consequences.
3. It is recommended to turn on the Chizhevsky chandelier for no more than 30 minutes (for residential premises).
1. Ivanov B. "Chizhevsky's chandelier" - do it yourself. - Radio, 1997, N 1, p. 36, 37.
2.Ivanov B.S. Electronics in homemade products. - M.: DOSAAF, 1975 (2nd ed. - DOSAAF, 1981).

Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky (1897-1964) developed such a perfect design of the electro-fluvial "chandelier" that there is no need to modernize it. But the bulky and heavy high-voltage power supplies of the first "chandeliers" were very far from ideal. As new electronic components appear, the dimensions and weight of power supplies are reduced. The proposed selection tells about two such power supplies.

The author finalized the power supply designed by B. S. Ivanov and first described in his book in 1975, and then in the Radio magazine. The goals of the revision are to increase the reliability of the unit, the introduction of a high voltage indicator, the use of smaller parts. It is noted that the resistor R2 (see the diagram in Fig. 2 c) dissipates more than the nominal power (2 W), which reduces the reliability of the unit.

The scheme of the modified block is shown in fig. 1. The resistor R2 mentioned above has been replaced by two series-connected R1 and R2 resistances of 10 kOhm each and a power of 2 W. Diodes D205 and D203 - KD105G (VD1 and VD2) are smaller. The TVS-110L6 transformer from a tube TV was also replaced by a small-sized TVS-90P4 (T1) from a semiconductor TV. Its windings I and II are included in the same way as in the original power supply. The impulse voltage from winding II is fed to a voltage multiplier rectifier, which includes a high-voltage capacitor C2 and a multiplier U1, converted to a negative polarity output voltage according to the method described in the article. Resistor R4 is included in the open circuit of the common wire of the multiplier, which, according to the author, increases the reliability of starting this node when all its capacitors are discharged. A high voltage of negative polarity is fed through the current-limiting resistor R6 to the Chizhevsky chandelier.

A feature of the TVS-90P4 transformer is the presence of an additional secondary winding III. It is used to power the HL1 LED - an indicator of the presence of high voltage. For this purpose, the current in the winding circuit, limited by resistor R5, is rectified by the diode bridge VD3-VD6 and fed to the HL1 LED. Capacitor C3 smoothes the voltage pulses on the LED and, accordingly, the current through it. The luminous indicator HL1 indicates the presence of a pulsed voltage on the secondary windings of the transformer T1 and a high voltage at the output of the power supply, of course, with a working voltage multiplier. The desired brightness of the HL1 indicator is set by selecting the resistor R5. Such an indication of a high output voltage is very convenient and completely safe compared to other methods described in the article: using cotton wool, a spark gap or bringing your hand closer to the "chandelier" needles at a distance of 7 ... 10 cm.

The power supply used resistors R1, R2, R4 - MLT-2; R3 - PEV-10; R5 - MLT-0.125; R6 - KEV-2. Capacitors C1 - K73-17, C2 - K73-14, C3 - small-sized imported oxide. The power supply is housed in a transparent polystyrene case. Its appearance with the housing cover removed is shown in Fig. 2.

After disconnecting the power supply from the mains, the capacitors of the voltage multiplier remain charged for a long time, as a result of which a high voltage remains on the needles of the "chandelier". To discharge these capacitors, the author uses a spark gap, the circuit of which is shown in Fig. 3. It contains two series-connected resistors R1 and R2 from the KEV series with a total resistance of about 1 GΩ. The appearance of the arrester is shown in fig. 4. Resistors are placed in an organic glass tube 17 cm long and with a wall thickness of 4 mm. The negative electrode is a copper plate 27 mm long, 6 mm wide and 0.5 mm thick. It is permissible to use a piece of a soldering iron tip about 3 cm long. The positive electrode is a crocodile clip connected to the left terminal of the resistor R1 according to the diagram with a flexible stranded wire MGSHV about a meter long. To discharge the capacitors of the voltage multiplier, it is enough to touch 5 ... 7 with the negative electrode of the arrester to the needles of the "chandelier" or the output of the power supply. In this case, the positive electrode of the arrester must be connected to the common wire of the power supply.

If necessary, the spark gap can be easily converted into a kilovoltmeter. To do this, any DC microammeter with a measurement limit of 50 μA is included in the gap of the flexible wire at a distance of 20.30 cm from the positive electrode. Since the total resistance of resistors R1 and R2 is close to 1 GΩ, the current value shown by the microammeter will be approximately equal to the voltage value in kilovolts.

The author examined the operation of the same power supply designed by B. S. Ivanov and came to the conclusion that the disadvantage of the device is the presence of a powerful heat-generating resistor R1 (see the diagram in Fig. 2 c). Another drawback is the presence of a diode VD2 in the circuit of the circuit formed by the capacitor C1 and the winding I of the transformer T1. Any "extra" element reduces the quality factor of the circuit.

In the power supplies described in the articles, a diode is connected in anti-parallel to the trinistor, which makes it possible to abandon a powerful resistor. In the article, the VD2 diode is taken out of the circuit. But, according to the author, the trinistor is not very well suited for switching an oscillatory circuit.

When developing the power supply, the task was to replace the trinistor with a more modern element - a powerful high-voltage key field-effect transistor (there were no such transistors at the time of the development of the power supply. - Approx. ed.). The power supply circuit is shown in fig. 5.

The device works like this. When a half-wave of mains voltage of positive polarity acts on the upper network wire in relation to the lower (common wire), capacitor C3 is charged through the diode VD5 and the primary winding (I) of the transformer T1. Through the diode VD2 - capacitor C2 to a voltage limited by the zener diode VD1. This voltage is used to power the phototransistor of the U1.1 optocoupler and the DA1 chip. At the same time, a current limited by resistors R4 and R5 passes through the VD3 diode, on which a voltage of 0.7 V drops. At the same time, the zener diode VD4 is closed, no current flows through the emitting diode of the optocoupler U1.1, therefore the phototransistor of the optocoupler is closed. Integral timer DA1 is included as an inverter with a switching characteristic with hysteresis. There is a high level at pins 2 and 6 of the DA1 chip. At its output (pin 3) and, accordingly, at the gate of the transistor VT1 there will be a low level, so the transistor VT1 is closed. Pin 7 of the timer - an open-collector output - is connected to the gate of the transistor VT1, which ensures fast discharging of the gate capacitance and forced closing of this transistor.

When the mains voltage reverses polarity, the VD3 diode closes. The Zener diode VD4 will be closed until the mains voltage rises to 9.6 V (the sum of the stabilization voltage of the Zener diode VD4 (8 V) and the voltage drop across the open emitting diode of the optocoupler (about 1.6 V)). This is the pause time for the completion of transients. At the end of it, the zener diode VD4 opens, the emitting diode of the optocoupler turns on, the phototransistor of the optocoupler opens. The voltage at pins 2 and 6 of the DA1 chip drops to a low level, a high voltage level at the output (pin 3) opens the field effect transistor VT1. The open channel of the transistor VT1 conducts current at any voltage polarity and, unlike the trinistor, does not close when the current through it stops, therefore, an oscillatory process of discharging the capacitor C3 to the primary winding of the transformer T1 occurs. The internal diode of the field-effect transistor does not interfere with this mode, since the open channel shunts it. As a result of this, it became possible to significantly reduce the resistance of the current-limiting resistor R2 and the capacitance of the capacitor C3. On the secondary winding of the transformer T1, damped oscillations also occur, which enter the voltage multiplier, assembled on diodes VD6-VD11 and capacitors C4-C9. A constant voltage from the output of the multiplier through the current-limiting resistors R8 and R9 is fed to the "chandelier".

The power supply used capacitors C1 - K73-17, C2 -K50-35, C3 - K78-2 (the author used three capacitors connected in parallel with a total capacity of 0.2 μF), C4-C9 can be from the K73-13 or KVI- 3, T1 - horizontal scanning transformer TVS-110L6 from a black and white TV. Good results are obtained when using horizontal transformers TVS-110PTs15 and TVS-110PTs16 from color TVs. You can use the UN9 / 27-1.3 voltage multiplier, converted to a negative polarity output voltage, as described in the articles.

Most of the parts are mounted on a printed circuit board made of foil-coated fiberglass on one side with a thickness of 1.5 mm. A drawing of the board from the side of the printed conductors is shown in fig. 6. The parts are installed on the other side of the board. Two jumpers are also installed there: one connects pins 4 and 8 of the DA1 microcircuit, the other - its pin 7 with the gate of the transistor VT1. A heat sink is fixed on the case of this transistor - an aluminum plate 1 mm thick and with an area of ​​about 10 cm2. The appearance of the board with details is shown in fig. 7.

With proper installation, the power supply does not require adjustment. You can adjust the value of the high voltage at the output by selecting capacitor C3. When setting up and operating, safety measures must be observed. Whenever soldering parts or wires, it is imperative to disconnect the device from the mains and connect the high voltage output to a common wire (for this, the arrester described above is very convenient).


1. Ivanov B. S. Electronics in homemade products. - M.: DOSAAF, 1975 (2nd ed. DOSAAF, 1981).

2. Ivanov B. "Chizhevsky's Chandelier" - with your own hands. - Radio, 1997, No. 1, p. 36, 37.

3. Alekseev A. "Mountain air" based on horizontal scanning. - Radio, 2008, No. 10, p. 35, 36.

4. Biryukov S. "Chizhevsky's Chandelier" - with your own hands. - Radio, 1997, No. 2, p. 34, 35.

5. Frost K. Improved power supply for "Chizhevsky's chandelier". - Radio, 2009, No. 1, p. thirty

Publication date: 01.10.2013

Readers' opinions
  • Yuri / 13.09.2018 - 09:42
    I have been studying the problem of air ionization and its beneficial effects on health for a long time. But so far I have not seen a single device, including the Chizhevsky chandelier, which would produce an excess of negative ions, which is observed in natural conditions in the mountains or on the coast when a wave breaks against stones. What happens at the tip of the chandelier? High-frequency alternating oscillations of the electric field are created, which breaks the air molecules into positive and the same number of negative ions (the law of conservation of charge) and not any excess of the desired negative ones. As a result, we get a number of undesirable additional ozone ions and other troubles. The closest to natural In natural conditions, there is a generator with Mikulin water spray, which uses the ball effect. However, he did not take into account the fact that the excess charge is obtained due to contact with the ground, as a source of additional electrons. There is a proposal to ground the common electrode.
  • Sergey / 27.05.2014 - 02:53
    The first converter for an air ionizer was assembled, God forbid, in 1966, still on a 6P13S lamp. How many more do not even remember ... An excellent thing, at least not harmful - that's for sure! For some reason, I preferred transistor versions of circuits. Why transistor? Often it was required to turn on the air ionizer in a room where there were problems with the 220 V network. But the thyristor option is of course a little simpler. A lot depends on the competent manufacture of the needle emitter of air ions. Now there is no time, then (if I do not forget to do this) I will leave in the comments a description of one of my variants of the air ion emitter.

Today, only lazy people do not talk about health and a healthy lifestyle. People also do a lot to improve their environment, they try to choose only those foods that cannot harm their body.

It is quite natural that everyone began to remember those methods of healing that were massively distributed back in the days of our parents. For example, today Chizhevsky's chandelier has again become relevant. It is not so easy to make it with your own hands, but all the efforts spent are worth it!

What kind of chandelier is this?

Here you should make a small digression, talking about what kind of chandelier this is. What is its benefit? Well, let's explore this issue in more detail.

Professor A. L. Chizhevsky, whose works are now practically forgotten, once spoke about human stupidity in that part of it, in which it concerned the completely careless attitude of people to the air. To the air that each of us breathes at any moment of our existence.

He especially emphasized the role of negatively charged ions in shaping the health of the organs of the human respiratory system. The scientist cited as an example the fact that the air of a medium-sized forest meadow or clearing contains up to 15,000 negatively charged ions per cubic centimeter! For comparison, a similar volume of air in an average city apartment contains no more than 15-50 ions!

What is it for, practical effect

The difference is visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, a person tends to underestimate dry facts, and therefore we will give more specific information. The fact is that the low content of ions in the air contributes to the development of diseases of the respiratory system, leads to fatigue and low performance.

Have you ever noticed that when you work outdoors you get much less tired? In particular, when working in an apartment, sometimes it is enough to do a couple of small jobs around the house to feel completely overwhelmed. This is the negative consequences of the low content of negative ions in the air.

Chizhevsky's chandelier helps to fight this. We will try to make it with our own hands. This article is dedicated to this.

Main knots

The most important element of the device is an electro-fluvial "chandelier", as well as a transformer that converts voltage. Actually, the "chandelier" in this case is called the generator of negative ions. Negatively charged ions flow from its blades, which then simply stick to oxygen molecules. Due to this, the latter receive not only a negative charge, but also a high speed of movement.

Mechanical basis

For the base, a metal rim is taken, the diameter of which must be at least a meter. Every four centimeters, copper with a diameter of about 1 mm is pulled on it. They should form a kind of hemisphere, which will sag somewhat down.

In the corners of this sphere, needles should be soldered, the length of which is five centimeters, and the thickness does not exceed 0.5 mm. Important! Needles should be sharpened as high as possible, since in this case the likelihood of ozone formation, which is extremely harmful at home, is reduced.

By the way, that is why the Chizhevsky chandelier with your own hands should be made as responsibly as possible, with strict observance of all assembly schemes. Otherwise, you may end up with equipment that does nothing to improve your health.

Fastening notes

Attached to the rim are three copper wires that are 120° apart. Diameter - not less than 1 mm, exactly in the center of the chandelier they are soldered together. It is to this point that

Important! Attach a mount to the same point, which will be at a distance of at least one and a half meters from the ceiling or ceiling beam. The voltage must be at least 25 kV. Only with such a value is sufficient survivability of ions to be ensured, allowing them to perform their health-improving functions.

Electrical diagrams and principle of operation

But the most important thing in our story is the scheme of the Chizhevsky chandelier, without which you are unlikely to be able to assemble something useful. We note right away that in an ordinary apartment you are unlikely to find everything you need for assembly, so you will have to drop into a radio equipment store.

When there is a positive half-cycle, thanks to the resistor R1, the diode VD1 and the transformer T1, the capacitor C1 is fully charged. The trinistor VS1 in this case is necessarily blocked, since no current passes through its control electrode at this moment.

If the half cycle is negative, the diodes VD1 and VD2 are blocked. On the trinistor cathode, the voltage drops sharply in comparison with the control electrode. Thus, a minus is formed at the cathode, and a plus is obtained at the control electrode. Accordingly, a current is generated, as a result of which the trinistor opens. At the same moment, the capacitor C1 is completely discharged, which passes through the primary winding of the transformer.

Since a step-up transformer is used, a high voltage pulse appears in the secondary winding. The above process occurs during each voltage period. Please note that high voltage pulses must be rectified, since when discharging through the primary winding,

For this, a rectifier is used, which is assembled on diodes VD3-VD6. It is from its output that the voltage comes (does not forget to put the resistor R3) on the “chandelier” itself.

The scheme of the Chizhevsky chandelier described by us can also be found in any Soviet magazine for fans of radio engineering, but in any case it is useful to describe its principle of operation. Without this, it will be more difficult to understand some of the nuances of the assembly.

Some Important Information

Resistor R1 can be made up of three MLT-2 connected in parallel. The resistance of each is at least 3 kOhm. Resistor R3 is also made up of them, but here MLT-2 can already be taken four pieces, and their total resistance should be about 10 ... 20 MΩ.

On R2 we take one MLT-2. You should not take cheap varieties of all of the above components: such a power supply for a Chizhevsky chandelier may well cause a fire, simply unable to withstand the voltage.

Almost any diodes VD1 and VD2 can be taken, but the current strength must be at least 300 mA, and the reverse voltage value must be at least 400 V (on the VD1 diode) and 100 V (VD2). If we talk about VD3-VD6, then for them you can take KTS201G-KTS201E.

We take capacitor C1 MBM, which can withstand a voltage of at least 250 V, C2 and C5 are taken POV, designed for a voltage of at least 10 kV. In addition, C2 must withstand at least 15 kV. of course, it is perfectly acceptable to take any other capacitors that can withstand a current of 15 kV or more. In this case, Chizhevsky will be cheaper. As a rule, many of the necessary components can be pulled out of old radio equipment.

Trinistors and transformer

Trinistor VS1 can be selected from KU201K, KU201L or KU202K-KU202N. The T1 transformer may well be made from the classic B2B (6 V) from any Soviet motorcycle.

However, no one forbids taking a similar part from a car for this purpose. If you have an old TVS-110L6 layout, then this is very good. Its third output must be connected to the capacitor C1, the second and fourth outputs are mated with a common wire. The high-voltage wire must be connected to the capacitor C3 and the diode VD3.

This is approximately how the Chizhevsky chandelier is made with their own hands. As you can see, you need to have at least basic knowledge in electronics. Do not believe those charlatans on the Internet who talk about the possibility of assembling such a "chandelier" from improvised materials, as this is actually unrealistic.

How to check the performance of the design

How to make sure that the structure assembled with such labor works normally? We suggest using the most reliable and primitive tool for this - a small piece of cotton wool. Even the simplest Chizhevsky chandelier, the photo of which is in the article, will definitely react to it.

It is known that even a small bundle of cotton fibers will begin to be attracted to the chandelier from a distance of about half a meter. If you just bring your hand to the needles of the chandelier, then already at a distance of 10-15 cm you will feel a distinct chill, which will indicate that the equipment is in full working order.

By the way, if you decide to make a compact version of the ionizer, then the needles can be replaced with one metal plate with teeth. Of course, the efficiency of such a device will be much lower, but it is quite suitable for improving the air around the workplace.

Some information about the correct conduct of ionotherapy sessions

Remember that the Chizhevsky chandelier, reviews of which in most cases indicate its beneficial effect on the body, must be at least one and a half meters away from a person. Sessions should be held for 45-50 minutes maximum. It is best to do this before bedtime, when the fresh ionized air will help relieve stress and recharge your batteries for the next working day.

Secondly, it should be remembered that it is useless to ionize stuffy and stale air. If there is only carbon dioxide in the room, then there will be absolutely no benefit from this event.

By the way, the ionizer can be effectively used in the southern regions, where a big problem is heavy air dusting. In this regard, the Chizhevsky chandelier, reviews of which confirm this, is capable of depositing dust even under conditions of low humidity.

Where can it be applied?

Of course, we told you about only one design of the ionizer, which is quite suitable for use not only at home, but also in industrial conditions. In principle, you can upgrade the circuit yourself. It should only be taken into account that the output voltage must not be less than 25 kV. By the way, we remind you once again that on the Internet there is often a circuit (Chizhevsky's chandelier with your own hands), on which the output voltage on the rectifier is even less than 5 kV!

We assure you that such a device does not bring any practical benefit. Yes, a "budget chandelier" will create a certain concentration of negatively charged ions, but in their mass they will be too heavy, and therefore unable to circulate in the air flow of the room.

However, such devices can be successfully used as a room cleaner from dust in the air, which will simply be deposited. After all, Chizhevsky's chandelier is not his advanced purifier. For this, it is much better to use a regular air conditioner.

But! Remember also the fact that any fundamental changes in the design, which was proposed by Chizhevsky himself, are strictly contraindicated. If you do not understand electrical engineering and physiology, then experiments will only lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the device, as well as to the production of an insufficient amount of ions. You will only burn electricity in vain, getting absolutely nothing in return.

In general, a do-it-yourself Chizhevsky chandelier (the photo of which is in the article) made will provide an excellent opportunity to save money on expensive medical equipment, to make your life healthier.

It is known that negative air ions have a beneficial effect on the human body, while positive air ions contribute to its rapid fatigue. Numerous studies have shown that the air of forests and meadows contains from 700 to 1500, and sometimes up to 15,000 negative air ions in one cubic centimeter. In residential premises, their number sometimes drops to 25 in 1 cm3.
Everyone can increase the saturation of the air in the home with air ions by making an ionizer for themselves, consisting of an electro-fluvial chandelier and a high-voltage converter. An electro-fluvial chandelier (see figure) is an emitter of negative air ions. It consists of a square base made of 02 mm wire and a grid of 01 mm wire, in the nodes of which sharpened needles of 00.3 mm wire are soldered. From the corners to the center of the square are four conductors soldered together. A high voltage is applied to this point, and the chandelier is suspended from the ceiling through the insulator.

The thyristor high-voltage converter consists of a step-down power transformer T1 (see diagram), a rectifier on VD1, a storage capacitor C1, a high-voltage transformer T2 and a thyristor control unit-ill winding T1, R2, VD2.
The converter works as follows. The winding current 11 of the transformer T1 in the first half-cycle charges the storage capacitor C1 through the diode VD1 and the winding I T2. The diode VD2 is locked at this time, and the thyristor VS1 is closed. In the second half-cycle, the thyristor opens * through the diode VD2. VD1 for the second half-cycle is locked, therefore, a short circuit through the thyristor is excluded. At this time, the capacitor C1 begins to discharge through the thyristor and winding I of the transformer T2. In winding 11 T2, a high voltage is induced, which is supplied to the chandelier through a rectifier and a high-voltage PV wire.
Instead of the thyristor KU201L, you can use KU202N. It is unacceptable to use triacs (for example, KU208). T1 - any small-sized transformer from a lamp radio (wind yourself - on the Sh19 core, set thickness 30 mm: I winding -2120 turns PEL 0.2; 11 winding -2120 turns PEL 0.2; 111 winding -66 turns PEL 0.2 ). T2 - high-voltage coil from the chainsaw electronic ignition unit<Урал>or magneto. It can be made from a core and a high-voltage coil from a TV-type UNT-35 (<Рекорд-66>, <Рассвет>). Wind the primary winding yourself with a PEL 0.51 wire in the amount of 200 turns.
Instead of a high-voltage column VT-18 / 0.2, 5GE600AF can be used. Insulate the high-voltage wire only with PVC tape. Before turning on the converter for the first time at point A, connect a 220 V lamp. If the lamp lights up after switching on, swap the terminals III of the T1 winding. If after that a high voltage appears, but the lamp continues to glow at least slightly, increase the resistance of the resistor R2.
During the operation of the air ionizer, there should be no odors - this is a sign of the appearance of harmful gases that occur when high voltage leaks to the case or nearby parts.
Precautionary measures. When setting up and operating the converter, electrical safety must be observed. The high voltage current strength is limited to 2 μA, that is, thousands of times less than the maximum allowable, but this does not mean that you can touch the chandelier with impunity without receiving a strong prick from the discharge spark.
The operation of the converter is judged by a slight crackle around the chandelier. The duration of a daily session is about 30 minutes. > In poorly ventilated rooms, switch on periodically throughout the day.

N. Semakin, p. Pudem, Udm. ASSR

The power supply described above has good filtering properties, the transistor suppresses noise, ripple, AC hum. However, it is imperfect and unstable. For example, you set the output voltage to 5 volts. Your voltage in the network has increased, the voltage at the output of the diode bridge and capacitor C1 immediately jumps, naturally, the voltage increases on the resistor R1, it is no longer the case, the increased voltage is applied to the base of the transistor VT 1, and naturally an increased voltage appears at the output. When the voltage in the network decreases, the same thing happens in the direction of decreasing the output voltage. To prevent this from happening, parametric voltage stabilizers on zener diodes with a gain transistor are used. Consider several power supplies (voltage stabilizers) with a step-down input transformer.

They have several disadvantages:

1. Reduced efficiency

2. High power dissipation

3. Weight, determined naturally by the overall dimensions of the transformer.

But there are advantages:

1. Complete galvanic isolation from the mains, in contrast to the pulse with a transformerless input.