Assemble a motorcycle with your own hands drawings. How to make a motorcycle with your own hands? Homemade motorcycles video

Building a homemade motorcycle with your own hands: photo and description of the work done.

In general, the start of work on the motorcycle was November 2014 in Krasnodar. it all started with a proposal to bring a Ural motorcycle from the village and slightly modernize it for ourselves.

The rear swingarm was bored out to accommodate the Audi Q7 wheel by 20 inches. The question arose of connecting the wheel to the gearbox: chain, cardan, adapter? Everything is wrong - the wheel is too wide. As a result, the drive from Oka's car was taken. We made flanges for joining the box, drive and wheel. With minimal gaps, of course, but everything worked out. We made a hub to connect the axle and the wheel.

A successful test proved the functionality of the design. This process took at least 4 months.

Initially they wanted to make the front fork like on a chopper - recumbent, having digested the glass. There was a test ride for the first time, which showed that the fork shock absorbers were not working. The feathers made for the extended fork were also bent. To solve the problem, we reduced the angle of attack of the fork by turning out a new steering tube.

The rear fender was made from 2 mm steel; the front fender was later abandoned altogether - it spoiled the appearance. The saddle was also forged from 2 mm steel, upholstered and covered with leather. They made footrests, moved the gear shift and brake to them, and placed running lights there.

Rear brake - hydraulics: clutch master and slave cylinder from VAZ 2107. Front brake: double-disc hydraulic brake from Yamaha R1 4-piston. To install them, the hub had to be re-made. But the new hub no longer fit into the original fork, so it had to be expanded by making new yokes.

The tank and steering wheel remain unchanged. Indicator lamps are built into the traverses. They initially planned to make the headlight unique, so they didn’t redo anything, but took the high beam from a VAZ 2107 and made a housing for it. The engine was switched to 1 carburetor from the Oka, and an intake manifold was made.

Protective shields were made under the seat, where all the wiring was placed. The rear stops and turn signals are made of super bright LEDs. The motorcycle is painted in Rhapsody color. In total, taking into account improvements and alterations, the motorcycle took 2.5 years. The motorcycle is named “Monster”.

Owning an expensive and stylish bike is the dream of the vast majority of motorcyclists. What is noteworthy is that the desire to arouse the envious gaze of other road users is typical not only of green youths, but also of fully mature road wolves.

On the way to the absolute uniqueness of their two-wheeled friend, motorcycle owners resort to a variety of tricks, ranging from unusual and radical color schemes to radical restyling of the bike. For some this is quite enough, but for some maximalists it is not. As a result, homemade motorcycles appear on the roads, which have no analogues in principle.

Homemade motorcycles in Russia

Self-made bikes are popular all over the world, but they are especially common in countries where the market offers a relatively meager range of motorcycles. Russia can be called one of such countries - for many years the choice of the domestic bike fan was limited to 5-6 options.

This factor, superimposed on historical ingenuity and ingenuity, led to the emergence of a huge number of homemade motorcycles created by oneself. Almost all Soviet-Russian bikes, both light small-cubic and heavy multi-cubic ones, still fall under the radical upgrade of motor-kulibin bikes.

From lightweight ones, due to their high availability, amateur engineers prefer to create homemade products from Minsk motorcycles. The bike is a kind of construction kit for a novice inventor. Of the more serious ones, homemade products based on a motorcycle are popular and are especially famous for their high-revving engines with high resistance to wear, for which, in fact, they have earned the respect of motorcycle mechanics.

But the most shocking and original are homemade products based on Ural motorcycles. From bulky Soviet laborers, Russian amateur motorcycle makers create presentable, imposing choppers that can easily compete with expensive American Harley Davidsons.

How to make a motorcycle with your own hands

The process of creating a bike yourself, like most engineering structures, begins with the development of a project. At the stage of sketching the drawings of a homemade motorcycle, it is necessary to clearly determine whether the two-wheeled friend will be exclusively a garage showpiece or an original, but everyday means of transportation.

Most often, motorcycle engineers are inclined to the second, therefore, it is preferable to develop a future bike based on an existing two-wheeler with a legal registration certificate. This decision is explained no need to obtain additional permits and licenses for the vehicle being created.

The next step in creating a motorcycle with your own hands is to create a list of necessary spare parts according to the design part. In addition to the main parts and components of the bike, you need to take care of special tools and consumables. An important point: it is strongly recommended to purchase products from the same brand, as this will greatly facilitate the upcoming assembly and fitting process.

Testing a homemade motorcycle

Checking the functionality and quality of assembly must be carried out at the stage of readiness of each individual component of the bike, and it is important to strictly observe safety precautions. For convenience and compliance with the installation sequence, experts advise recording all work on a homemade motorcycle in a photo. At the stage of 99 percent readiness, it is recommended to test a homemade motorcycle at the stand of a specialized service station.

If you have an old car or a large number of unnecessary spare parts, then this is a reason to create an original motorcycle. Depending on the amount of materials available, different vehicle models can be made. Plastic and various types and shapes of metal are perfect.

How to make a motorcycle with your own hands?

It is important to decide on the build of the future motorcycle. It depends on the characteristics of its operation. If you need to construct an unremarkable model from a set of available parts, then you can take an ordinary bicycle as a basis. Attach the fuel tank to it, and transfer the gearbox to the steering.

However, if you need something more powerful and large-scale, you need to carefully prepare. You need to decide on the motor. If the unit is planned to be used throughout the year, it is recommended to install four-stroke engines.

The cooling system also plays an important role. A motor from an old Ural is not suitable for a homemade motorcycle, because... it will overheat greatly. When choosing a power plant, you need to pay attention to the possibility of additional equipment with air cooling of the engine.

What is a motorcycle frame made of?

Light metal will do. Particular preference should be given to aluminum structures. For safe and comfortable driving, it is recommended to install independent wheel suspension. The frame frame can be of a one-piece design (from an old motorcycle) or composite (by connecting disparate elements). The latter option is used to create tracked all-terrain vehicles.

Video tutorial on how to make arches for a motorcycle

A frame made from composite parts has greater potential. Using various elements, branches are created in the supporting structure, which increases the comfort of a homemade motorcycle.

All-terrain vehicle and snowmobile: manufacturing features

It is important to keep in mind that both the all-terrain vehicle and the snowmobile are intended to be used in difficult terrain. For this purpose, their mass should be minimal. This is necessary to increase the stability of the structure. Most often, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles are created on caterpillar tracks. The structure of the tracks must contain at least four mechanisms that ensure forward movement. They are driven by a conveyor belt. The tracks are attached to the power unit using special sprockets. They can be borrowed from the Buran snowmobile or purchased on the automobile market. The same elements can be used to make a three-wheeled motorcycle with your own hands.

As for the engine of snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles, a power plant with an automatic clutch from a conventional walk-behind tractor is ideal. It has a power of about 6 horsepower. Rapid acceleration will not be possible, but the mass of the unit does not increase, which makes it a universal means of transportation over difficult terrain.

After this, the tracks are made. An ordinary plastic water pipe, cut lengthwise into long elements, will do. They are attached to the transfer belt using hooks. At this stage, bushings for skis are also made. It is enough to weld ordinary plumbing couplings to the cross beam of the eye. Only those with internal threads will do. The same elements are used when a motocross motorcycle is made.

It should also be noted that tracks can be of any width. It all depends on the conditions in which the snowmobile is planned to be used. In order to avoid tracks rolling off homemade rollers, it is enough to install ordinary barrels on top of the load-bearing structure. This will slightly increase the weight of the structure.

Forward flow for a homemade motorcycle: how to make a muffler correctly?

Such a muffler is designed not only to increase the roar of the engine, but also to increase the power of the power plant. This is especially true for homemade motorcycles. To work, you need to purchase a pipe with a suitable diameter. The exhaust pipe of VAZ cars is perfect. You will also need a grinder, welding and iron jaws for grinding.

The first step is to dismantle the exhaust pipe and use a grinder to remove its upper part. After this, all parts of the muffler are removed. Then small cuts (herringbone) of the muffler are made using a grinder.

The final stage involves dismantling the exhaust pipe tail. You need to immediately decide on the size of the forward flow. The optimal option is 50 cm. A new “tail” is installed in its place. After this, the required space is measured and the end part of the muffler is welded. It is important to ensure that at this moment the pipe does not change direction and remains level. Then the surface is polished using iron sponges. After all the work, the direct-flow pipe can be painted in the desired color.

How to make a mini fairing from a case?

A fairing is a structural part of a motorcycle that changes the direction of air flow in order to increase the aerodynamic characteristics of the motorcycle. For a homemade design, you can use plastic arcs. Dense foam is also required. You will have to cut it with a sharp shoe knife.

The pieces of foam are glued together and given the desired shape using a knife. The resulting monolithic block is covered with tape. Epoxy cloth is then applied. The more layers, the higher the aerodynamic properties of the fairing. The best option is 10 layers. After this, the foam crumbles and is removed. The last stage is the use of plaster and primer. The created structure can be painted in any color.

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1. Only by creating a motorcycle with your own hands can you make it to suit all your individual needs. Decide what it should look like and what characteristics you would like to see in it. Make your work easier by drawing at least a schematic drawing of your future bike.

2. Do not forget that you must focus on the technical requirements that are established for motorcycles. Otherwise, neglecting these requirements, you will not be able to ride your bike.

3. Let's try to create a moped based on a bicycle. Get a bike with a thick frame and large wheel diameter. This is what will give reliability to the future bike. You will need to add a fuel tank, engine and muffler to the bike.

4. When assembling, you can use parts from motorcycles and mopeds, but in no case from cars. Remember this rule! When all the parts are secured, you will have a motorcycle. However, it is unlikely to look presentable. So start painting.

5. Clean and degrease all parts, and then use moisture- and heat-resistant paint to paint the parts. Do not forget that the engine power must be at least 60 l/s per ton of motorcycle, and the frame and other supporting structures must be made of very durable material.

Hai! How to make a motorcycle is what interests the most fanatical motorcyclists and bikers. Why? The point is not the high cost of new factory motorcycles or even the fashion for homemade vehicles. Such a desire is caused rather by the desire to express oneself, as well as to find a bike that is as customized as possible.

The team will help you with this. Below you will find a list of tips for assembling a two-wheeler with your own hands.

Most riders prefer riding bikes with an upright stance. Therefore, we recommend developing a classic type iron horse or a chopper. It is also advisable to take into account that it is better to move the footrests forward for the purpose of comfortable eating.

Creating a first-class bike from the Urals, Izh, Minsk. Voskhod and other serial iron horses, do not forget about the aesthetics of a huge steering wheel extended over a long distance. The most attractive type of fuel tank will be the “droplet”. An extended type of front fork will also add maximum beauty to your motorcycle with your own hands.

Before making a motorcycle, it won’t hurt to study video lessons either. You need to understand what parts of the future bike you can make yourself (primarily the frame, instrument panels, cases, plastic fairings, wheel spokes, saddle, etc.), and what you can hardly even design in drawings (engine , wheel rims and electronic components).

How to make a homemade motorcycle?

First you need to decide on the frame, but we will talk about this below. Now let's move on to engine selection. There are many engine options. Internal combustion engines are created by factories in two types: four-stroke and two-stroke. As an alternative, you can install an electric motor. In the latter case, you need to provide a lot of space for batteries in the frame of the two-wheeler. Of the internal combustion engines, 4-stroke engines are more valued in practice and are also used.
You don't have to buy a new engine. By visiting transport dumps/flea markets and searching a little on the Internet on bulletin boards, you can pick up quite good options for engines and spare parts for them. It's best to polish and tune everything you find.

These days it’s not difficult to find ready-made drawings and diagrams of unique motorcycles made with your own hands from paper, from a lighter, from Lego, from the Urals, etc. Experienced customizers from TV screens will also tell you how to make a moto. To this day, the “Western” media have produced many interesting television programs on this subject. You can also order custom assembly in a professional workshop by experienced mechanics who work in almost any city in our great homeland.

Where to start assembling a motorcycle with your own hands?

Having ready-made motorcycle project diagrams at hand, as well as materials for their practical implementation, you can safely move on to the direct processing of pipes and metal sheets in the process of creating a frame. Each part of the chassis can be chromed or painted to give it a more aesthetic appearance. This is also done to prevent corrosion of the chassis.

You can also create wheel rims with your own hands. Still, why “reinvent the wheel” if many compatriots know from practice how to make a motorcycle from the Urals or Dnieper MT. using the frame, engine and electronics of the latter. By adding other unique nodes to them, you will clearly get an iron horse that is unlike any other.

Having installed an extended fork (preferably adapted for a front disc brake), homemade traverses (created using a steel sheet with a thickness of several tens of millimeters), the bike’s handlebars are mounted using brackets. The brackets are also used to mount the rear shock absorbers. They are considered a secure base for holding the seat back. Here you can fix various panniers and the trunk of the bike.

How to assemble a complete homemade motorcycle

It is better to choose/create a two-level saddle for a two-wheeled custom. Before creating it, you need to find a thick sheet of steel (about 2 mm). The latter will bend along the contour from the future tank to the rear panel. To make the edges of the saddle more rigid, you need to bead its sides 1 cm down. The soft part of the seat can be made of ordinary thick foam rubber. Leather is best suited for all this as upholstery. When installing the seat, it is necessary to install rubber gaskets on the frame directly under it.

Also make sure that in the future your homemade bike can be placed on a leg as easily as possible when parked. For these purposes, it is better to choose a side knife, which is mounted on the left side member of the frame and has the ability to easily recline in the presence of a spring.

The steering wheel should be attached not only to rear-view mirrors, levers, cables, but also to various electrical appliances, which can be purchased together with the body in many places. The devices that look most beautiful are those placed in chrome-plated boxes/cylinders.

You need to know how to make a motorcycle with your own hands as correctly as possible even before installing the throttle handle on the steering wheel. The latter is made with small turned rubber rings.

Don’t forget about installing turn indicators on your homemade bike. Their absence on a motorcycle can lead to various dangers on the road. You can supplement the classic set of lighting devices (headlight, stop, turn signals) by installing small flashlights near the front headlight. Additional safety will be provided by installing safety arches on a homemade iron horse.

Important to remember: When making a motorcycle with your own hands, make sure that in the future you will be able to register it with the road control authorities. Any major changes in the design of the bike must be registered with the traffic police/traffic police.

How are engines for BMW motorcycles assembled?

The factory assembly process of the legendary boxer engine for BMW motorcycles.

How it works (Motorcycles).

Every boy dreams of building his own motorcycle and riding it like a breeze when he grows up.

Czech writer Martin Sodomka shares the passion of little researchers for mechanisms. Especially for them, he wrote an amazing book, “How to Build a Motorcycle.”

And today we will talk about it.

A new technical fairy tale

The book “How to Build a Motorcycle” is the third in a series of technical tales. The first two - “How to assemble a car” and “How to assemble an airplane” - have already managed to win the hearts of children and parents.

In the new story, the main characters - Arnie the mouse, Bill the sparrow and Christian the frog - have a new idea. This time they decided to assemble a motorcycle.

The story in the book is simple and fascinating. As always, together with the heroes, the child will follow the entire process of assembling a motorcycle, find out what it has in common with a car, and also understand such complex mechanisms as shock absorbers, brakes, clutch, gearbox and carburetor.

And, by the way, the book is a real serious reference book. But it is presented so captivatingly that it is perceived as a fairy tale.

Down to the screw

We are sure that if you see the book - until you scroll through to the end - you will not stop. There are bright, beautiful, lively illustrations on every page. And all images of details are signed. To make it easy to understand what we are talking about.

And on almost every page there are detailed diagrams that tell and show how the engine works, how the wheel, steering wheel and suspension work. Look how everything is described in detail - right down to the screw:

Just something complicated

Martin Sodomka is an engineer and designer by training, so he definitely knows a lot about mechanisms. In addition, he assembles retro cars himself: from the first to the last screw. And at the same time he is very well versed in children's literature and owns his own publishing house.

He brilliantly managed to combine his technical knowledge and artistic talent and write truly meaningfully and simply about complex things.

The texts in the book are excellent. Both interesting and understandable:
“Look: these are shock absorbers,” Karl showed. - Just like in a car, they smooth out vibrations due to unevenness in the road, so that the motorcycle does not gallop along it like a mountain goat over the hills. The shock absorbers are attached to brackets on the frame at the top, and to the pendulum at the bottom.

Laws of physics

The book is really very informative. Look, this is what just one illustration looks like. Looking at it and reading the text, the child learns:
- What is ignition and how does it work?
- What is a battery and a capacitor?
- How are the headlights arranged?
- What does the brake light control and much more.

But that is not all.
The book not only explains the operation of different parts of a motorcycle, but also reveals the operation of the laws of physics. This knowledge will definitely be useful at school.

The book “How to Assemble a Motorcycle” is a truly joyful gift for little technology lovers, as well as their dads. Even adults will be delighted by Martin Sodomka's technical tales. And they will help children develop erudition and spend many interesting evenings. Isn’t it great to already understand the structure of a motorcycle and the laws of physics at the age of 5-7? Knowledge that will be useful for life.

What can I say - a book for “real men” from the age of 6. And if a dad has a motorcycle and his son sleeps and sees how to tame it, then it’s a godsend. It is about three fearless friends - Arnie the mouse, Bill the sparrow and Christian the frog, who have just returned from warm countries on a plane that they themselves built. This time they decided to build a real motorcycle and race it. The titles of the sections of the book sound quite adult: “Drum brake with mechanical drive”, “Engine”, “Gearbox”, “Wiring diagram”, etc. Each of them clearly describes the stages of assembling a motorcycle and provides diagrams of the structure of its parts, down to the smallest details. Mothers leafing through the book will probably get lost in a sea of ​​unfamiliar words (at least those like me, who are used to riding my husband’s motorcycle only as a passenger). But among the younger generation with a technical spirit, all these ball bearings, bushings and crank mechanisms evoke reverent interest and a desire to look at pictures, even instead of cartoons.
The unusual design of the book deserves special attention. It looks like it's been lying around in a garage for a couple of months, it's worn out in some places, taped up in some places, and covered in fuel oil stains in others. But, despite the visual dilapidation, the book is made very well, with thick matte pages, a hard cover and beautiful illustrations made by the author of the book, Martin Sodomka, with colored pencils. Holding such a publication in your hands is a real pleasure, regardless of your type of thinking, technical or humanitarian :)
Overall, a solid five. Laskava Roksolana,

I bought this book on the recommendation of a friend. Somehow it’s easier for me with girls, but as a boy I’m always tormented about which book to buy. This book, as they say, is it! An auto mechanic friend of mine looked at this book and said that all the information in the book is reliable, and the book contains a lot of detailed and useful information about the structure of a motorcycle. As for the age audience of this book, the book turned out to be interesting both for a small child of 6 years old and for an adult child of 30 years old))) Alisa Sazonova,

Buy on for 489

How to assemble a motorcycle?

A motorcycle is a means of transportation that may already be more relevant than a car. By riding a motorcycle you can avoid numerous and protracted traffic jams. But it’s worth considering that maintaining a motorcycle is not that cheap. Repairing an “iron horse” may cost you more than repairing a car.

Stage one: developing an idea for a future motorcycle

You, of course, understand that there are a great many types of motorcycles. First of all, determine the class of your future motorcycle. This is what will serve as the basis for choosing style and design.

It is possible that you are full of fresh and creative ideas that you are ready to bring to life right now. But the fact is that only professionals can handle this. And if you have never assembled a motorcycle before, you should choose something simpler that will be easy to implement and then transform and improve. It is for this purpose that you choose what you will start from when assembling your “horse”.

At this stage, it is necessary to fully understand the idea of ​​​​the future motorcycle. Draw up a so-called action plan. You need to think about the design, the shape of the motorcycle, the set of parts you will need for assembly, the engine components (its power), and so on.

Stage two: draw a diagram

At this stage you need to draw a diagram of the future motorcycle. You don't have to be an outstanding artist to be able to draw a motorcycle diagram. Let this all be very conditional, the main thing is that you transfer your idea to paper. In general, all ideas should be sketched and written down on paper, because perhaps in the process you will improve your own ideas, and in order not to forget anything, record and sketch everything.

Using the finished diagram, you can draw up a scale drawing on which to calculate the dimensions of parts for a motorcycle (for example, a frame). For this we need:

  1. a simple pencil;
  2. eraser;
  3. large ruler;
  4. paper (it is better to use scale paper for drawing);
  5. meter (or tape measure) for taking measurements of motorcycle parts;
  6. calculator for making calculations.

It will be useful to make not only a general drawing of the motorcycle, but also all the parts separately. Having a visual diagram in front of you will make it easier for you to navigate while assembling the motorcycle, which will reduce the risk of errors. So, later, using the finished drawing, you can check whether all the parts are installed correctly, and whether you inadvertently forgot something.

You can also draw a finished motorcycle and color it.

Stage three: set of elements

At this stage it is necessary to purchase or possibly find all spare parts, such as:

  1. engine;
  2. wheels;
  3. frame;
  4. metal pipes;
  5. suspension;
  6. fuel tank;
  7. muffler.

In addition to the basic elements, you will need additional parts and tools for

possible improvements, for example:

  1. hammer, sledgehammer;
  2. welding (and, accordingly, electrodes);
  3. spanners;
  4. Screwdriver Set;
  5. various pliers (pliers, pliers);
  6. bolts, and washers and nuts for them;
  7. grinder for sawing off parts;
  8. putty set;
  9. good paint (it’s better to take it in a can so that there are no smudges later) and acetone;
  10. kerosene for cleaning parts from rust;
  11. small wiring;
  12. stickers for decorating the "iron horse".

In general, you need to purchase everything that you wrote down on your list at the first stage, and, perhaps, added in the process of creating the image of the motorcycle.

Stage four: manual assembly

If you don't have a lot of experience, you may not be able to collect everything the first time,

as it should be. The main thing is not to despair. You can always ask for advice from specialists, those people who deal with assembling a motorcycle or simply know its structure. There are also many resources on the Internet to help you understand the structure of a motorcycle.

A hand-built motorcycle is called “custom”, which means “custom”. This term describes the motorcycle's prefabricated appearance, which suggests that all the parts were handpicked and the design is also a unique idea - yours or someone else's.

Motorcycle assembly procedure

Now that everything has been checked, you can take your motorcycle out onto the street and try to ride a certain distance. Don't try to get the most out of your bike right away. Start testing little by little. If you notice any unusual noises, the vehicle may have been assembled incorrectly and requires additional careful inspection. Don’t let things take their course, because it’s for your own safety.

After successful tests, you can get down to business with the design: paint your motorcycle as you please, install additional units and gadgets. Now your vehicle is on the move, surprise people with new ideas and be proud of the result.

Now you know how to assemble a motorcycle. If you follow the suggested instructions, there should be no problems with assembly. Be attentive to details, because they are no less important than the main assembly of the motorcycle.

Detailed assembly is described in the article.

Designing motorcycles is no less exciting than creating any other vehicles. In addition, a motorcycle, which is essentially a naked concept of a self-propelled mechanism, requires greater design sophistication, inventive talent and the instincts of a good mechanic. I present to the readers my ideas for designing homemade motorcycles. I can say that I have some experience in this kind of work: at the “Motosam-90” show-competition, my home-made motorcycle, the eighth in a row, was presented, a photo of which the magazine’s readers could see in the report from the show in No. 2 for 1991 . The photographs presented on these pages show three more motorcycles of my design. I want to tell readers about one of them - the last and most successful.

Over the course of thirteen years, I designed and built twelve two-wheeled vehicles. They were all significantly different from each other. Moreover, two motorcycles were designed using a partial monocoque design, and three were completely frameless, with a monocoque monocoque body. It is precisely this design solution that I prefer today: it seems to me the most reliable and advantageous in terms of strength, weight and ergonomics.

I hope that my design experience can be useful for those who are planning to make a motorcycle.

So what is a regular frame motorcycle? To simplify the answer, we can say that this is a frame, a fuel tank, tool boxes, an air filter housing with an intake noise muffler, an exhaust muffler, a rear fender with a tail light bracket and numbers, a saddle base, a trunk, as well as a kilogram of all kinds of bolts, nuts, bushings , pins, washers and rubber bands, with the help of which all of the above are connected into a single structure.

If you sum up the masses of these components and assemblies, you get a very impressive value. In addition, all this put together forms a far from aesthetically pleasing “skeleton”, which has many secret places where absolutely irremovable dirt will inevitably accumulate - you can only get rid of it by completely disassembling the motorcycle.

A year or two passes - and the tool boxes begin to rattle, cracks creep along the rear fender, the number plate along with the bracket falls off... And if the motorcyclist, God forbid, gets into at least a minor accident or even simply falls? In these cases, the frame bends and dents appear on the tank and tool boxes. Huge lower mufflers cause even more trouble, clinging even to smooth asphalt when cornering and significantly reducing passability on bad roads.

The two-wheeled vehicle, designed according to the “monocoque” design scheme, is free of all these shortcomings. Such a motorcycle is a monoblock welded box-shaped structure that performs the functions of all the parts and assemblies listed above. Interestingly, the spatial box structure is significantly more rigid and durable than the classic frame structure (including duplex frames). The use of a monocoque design in a motorcycle design not only reduces the weight of a two-wheeled vehicle, but also brings the center of gravity of the motorcycle closer to the ground. This happens due to the fact that in this design the tool box and battery compartment are located in the lower part of the body, and a lightweight air filter with an intake noise muffler is located in the upper part, where the fuel tank cap is located on classic motorcycles. The air intake is made above the steering column - in this area the cleanest, dust-free air is. An exhaust noise muffler may also be located inside the monocoque, but reliable thermal insulation from the fuel and seat cushion must be ensured.

1 - rearview mirror, 2 - secret fuel tank plug, 3 - shock absorber compensation chamber, 4 - shock absorber with a stroke of 120 mm, 5 - swing lever, 6 - push lever, 7 - brake rod, 8 - rear part of the body with exhaust muffler (left) and oil tank (right), 9 - rear turn signal, 10 - parking light and brake light (dual), 11 - exhaust pipe (left), 12 - brake disc with a diameter of 300 mm, 13 - chain catcher, 14 - rear wheel sprocket (z=37), 15 - rear wheel suspension pendulum, 16 - drive sprocket (z=15), 17 - foot brake pedal, 18 - drive box lever gears, 19 - winch drum, 20 - muffler - resonator, 21 - winch cable guide bracket, 22 - front brake disc with a diameter of 300 mm.

Rice. 2. Monocoque body layout. The cell size of the scale grid is 100×100 mm.

Pictures 1 and 2 show my enduro motorcycle and its monocoque body with rear suspension and engine protective frame. The weight of the monocoque is only 23 kilograms, and the useful volume of such a body is about 56 liters, of which 41 liters are for fuel tanks (more than that of the Zhiguli!), and the remaining volume of the body is fully used. At the same time, the motorcycle does not look bulky. On the contrary, it has relatively small dimensions - in particular, the base of the car is only 1350 mm (smaller than that of any Izhevsk motorcycle).

It must be said that making a monocoque body is no more difficult than welding a good frame and equipping it with all the attached parts. You just need to strictly adhere to the pre-developed technology so that all the parts fit together well and are convenient to weld.

When drawing the design of the body, take care to ensure a comfortable position for the driver - this is especially important for enduro-type motorcycles - as well as the safety of the motorcyclist’s movements, ease of movement in a sitting position, in a rack and in the drawbar.

After choosing the optimal, in the designer’s opinion, layout solution, you should draw the entire motorcycle in full size - depict a side view, top view, front and rear, and also draw the most characteristic sections. The more detailed the drawing documentation, the easier further work on the manufacture of a two-wheeled vehicle will be.

It is most rational to place the engine directly on the axis of the pendulum. In this case, the reaction from the tension of the drive chain is connected directly to the pendulum. And it is far from small - sometimes it reaches the breaking strength of the chain, that is, almost two tons! It is necessary to mount the powerful and not very well balanced Izh-Planet engine (as well as all cross-country motors) using silent blocks or rubber cushions. You just need to take into account that the chain not only pulls the engine back, but also turns it in a horizontal plane due to the asymmetrical arrangement of the chain.

When creating a monocoque body, it is very convenient to use the volumetric prototyping method. In this case, the body layout is assembled from cardboard blanks, which are connected using strips of paper and glue. In the process of making a model, as a rule, changes occur in the design of the body, since not everything can be provided for in flat drawing projections. Simultaneously with prototyping the body, it is advisable to work out a technological map of its assembly - this will ensure the convenience of welding work. It is necessary to take into account the possible warping of metal workpieces when welding the body with uneven heating. Keep in mind that the parts that hold the swingarm and steering column are welded last. If necessary, they should be adjusted to the body so that on the finished motorcycle the planes of the wheels coincide with the plane of symmetry of the monocoque body.

The finished volumetric model is cut at the gluing points, and the cardboard patterns of the monocoque elements are numbered: it is from these patterns that blanks will be cut from a steel sheet of the appropriate thickness - from 1.2 to 1.5 mm. The easiest way to do this is with a chisel on a massive anvil.

Welding should be carried out in strict accordance with the technological map. To make the seams look neat and strong, the edges of the parts being welded should be slightly bent, as shown in Figure 3.

To ensure sufficient strength of the monocoque body, it is advisable to introduce additional reinforcements, flanges, and stiffeners into its design. For example, the steering column on my motorcycle and the transverse stiffening beam, to which the bracket for the only shock absorber of the rear suspension is welded, are additionally connected by a rectangular steel pipe of 25x40 mm. In addition, it is convenient to place electrical wiring and motorcycle control cables inside this pipe.

The design of the intake silencer significantly affects the engine power and its torque characteristics. The larger its volume, the easier the engine “breathes,” and the less air pulsation in the filter, which means less noise. Experts recommend setting the muffler volume to at least 20 engine displacements. The path from the air filter to the carburetor must be smooth, eliminating turbulence in the air flow, which significantly reduces engine power.

After welding, the monocoque body is checked for leaks - first with water and then with clean gasoline. If there are no leaks, the welding seams are coated from the inside with liquid epoxy glue - it will fill small pores, bind pieces of slag and drops of metal - this is especially important for the intake noise muffler.

The rear suspension is pendulum type, with cantilever wheel mounting. Wheel travel is about 260 mm. The pendulum hinge is on ball bearings and sealed with oil seals. Chain tension is done using an eccentric. The disc brake is mechanically driven.

The front suspension is based on the fork from the CZ-516 cross-country motorcycle. The wheel is for 21-inch tires, the disc brake pad drive is hydraulic.

The soft saddle pad is glued directly to the monocoque body, and the faux leather cover is attached to it with flush screws.

I would like to warn readers who do not have sufficient experience in designing motor vehicles that creating homemade two-wheeled vehicles is a very difficult matter. In this material I tried to talk about my work and those ideas that I consider promising for amateur motorcycle building. However, I would categorically not advise novice motorcycle builders to start creating a powerful machine based on this material. It might be better to start with simpler motorcycles. After all, I was moving towards a monocoque, having created more than a dozen intermediate structures...

Alexey GARAGASHIAN, St. Petersburg

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