Ladder for the pool: useful information for everyone (27 photos). What kind of ladders you can choose for swimming pools Do-it-yourself pool ladders made of polypropylene

Every pool needs a ladder. Frame or stationary. Even in an inflatable one: not everyone can or wants to fall over the side. If the height is small and you can easily step over it, you can do without this accessory, but there are few such small bowls. If the height is 70 cm or higher, it will be difficult to get in and out. Therefore, in this case too, we select a suitable staircase

Stairs are available for stationary or frame pools. They differ constructively.

For frames and inflatable pools

Stairs to a frame or inflatable pool have steps on both sides

Portable models with steps on both sides are placed in a frame pool. The number of steps and their width may vary - they are installed at different pitches. Choose based on the height of the swimmers. If you have children, you need to take small steps so that they feel comfortable and safe. If there are no children, the steps can be installed at a considerable distance: it is more convenient for adults to raise their legs a little higher than to mince.

Sometimes for frame and inflatable pools the steps on the stairs are made removable, made of reinforced plastic. Their surface is anti-slip. There are models with or without railings. From a safety standpoint, railings are preferable, but the cost of such modifications is greater. There are also models with or without an upper platform (with a platform is more convenient)

Some stairs have the ability to adjust the height, which is certainly convenient: the pool can be replaced after a few seasons, and you won’t have to buy a new accessory.

Racks can be made of aluminum or stainless steel. To protect the bottom, special plastic covers are put on them. There is also such a parameter as the maximum weight that they can withstand. So even choosing stairs for a frame or inflatable pool is not so easy.

For stationary bowls

For permanent concrete or brick pools, stairs are made of stainless steel. They differ in design - there are steps only on one side. The pitch of steps for the same depth may be different, choose the one that seems most suitable to you.

For some, the top edge is attached to the side of the pool, for others - to the floor overboard. But since the types of drainage provide for different designs of sides, the racks on the stairs are located at different distances. Widely spaced racks are used for overflow models, narrower ones for skimmer models. There are modifications that are attached directly to the wall. The bottom edge in any model is not fixed, but rests against the bottom or wall. To avoid damage to tiles or mosaics, rubber pads are installed on the lower posts.

Ladders for swimming pools differ in the method of fastening. There are options with embedded parts. They are installed during the construction of the bowl. They are secured more thoroughly and therefore have increased reliability. When installing models without embedded parts, you must use reliable fasteners and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

There are models of stairs with a simplified entrance to the pool - they have a slope, so they must be taken into account when planning. This is an excellent option for older people and children: a gentle descent requires less effort.

The material from which these accessories are made is polished stainless steel. But since it is slippery in water, plastic anti-slip pads are often put on the steps.

Pool handrails

To make it more convenient to go down or up, handrails are installed on the sides near the stairs. They are not always there: you can stick to the steps. But with such a device, swimming is safer and more comfortable.

Railings are always installed if the descent into the pool is made in the form of a Roman staircase and is an integral part of the bowl. They serve as support and guarantee safety. Sometimes they are installed around the perimeter, especially in deep pools: you can rest by holding them with your hands.

Handrails are necessary if the descent into the pool is made in the form of a Roman staircase, it is a good idea to install them around the perimeter - you can rest by holding on with your hands

DIY pool ladder

The most common material for crafts in our country is wood. It is also used to make stairs for swimming pools. Working with wood with your own hands is not difficult even for a beginner: the designs are very simple.

Small wooden ladder-platform

The photo shows one of the attached models for a frame or inflatable pool. If necessary, it can be made higher.

First, draw a drawing on which you indicate the dimensions, and cut the workpieces according to them. All boards are treated with antifungal impregnation, drying oil or wax. Then you assemble it using self-tapping screws. It is better to drill holes for fasteners so that the wood is guaranteed not to split. For strength, everything is also held together with metal plates on the back side.

The pool ladder you assembled with your own hands is trimmed and processed with sandpaper. First with medium grain, then with fine grain. Then, if desired, you can cover it with stain, and then with varnish. It is better if it has water-repellent qualities (yacht varnishes).

Double-sided wooden staircase

There is a model of a double-sided wooden staircase. It’s also easy to make with your own hands. For side racks use a board 40*120 mm or 50*120 mm. For degrees, you can use pieces of the same board, or a little thinner, but the minimum is 30 mm. The upper platform can be made from the same boards, or a piece of thick waterproof plywood.

The main thing in this model is the side plates made of metal plates, which ensure rigidity and reliability of the structure. They can be cut from galvanized iron. Please note that the pads extend to the ends of the side posts and are also attached under the upper platform. To do this, the sheet is bent at an angle of 90° in the right places, then attached both to the face of the boards and to the ends. You can use screws or nails - whoever is used to working with what.

Pay quite a lot of attention to sealing the edges of the plate - they can be sharp. Either trim them with a file, or slightly turn them inward so that the edges rest against the wood.

The steps are attached through the stand, into the end of the block. They are secured at the bottom with metal corners. You can use pieces of wooden planks for fastening, but the appearance will then be somewhat worse.

To increase safety, handrails are attached to the sides of the drain. They are attached using metal strips, which prevent the slats from swaying and cracking under load.

To ensure that the ladder stands securely on any ground, stop strips are nailed at the bottom. They protrude beyond the edges of the side posts of the stairs, adding stability. They are fastened with nails right through to the end of the racks, then additionally with metal corners (two for each rack).

Since you will be holding the rungs and racks of the stairs with your hands, great attention must be paid to surface treatment. Carefully process with medium-grain sandpaper until the surface is smooth, without protruding corners. Then sand no less thoroughly with fine sandpaper.

The last stage is antifungal impregnation and application of paint and varnish. You choose the impregnation taking into account the fact that the wood will be in conditions of high humidity. The best option is impregnation for baths and saunas: level protection, minimum harmful emissions.

Cover with stain as desired. Sove: do not use stains with varnish - they are difficult to apply to soft wood. And do-it-yourself pool ladders are made mainly from pine and spruce, which are soft. The finishing touch is most often the application of a layer of varnish. It is advisable to take these compounds with water-repellent properties. The most reliable ones are yacht ones. They resist the damaging effects of water for a long time, and the surface looks great.

Stairs made of brick and concrete

For those who are more comfortable with bricks, mortar and trowel, and have a brick-lined pool, a different type of staircase is suitable. Her photo is located below. These are three semicircles of decreasing diameters, located one above the other. Their top is tiled. The main thing is to choose non-slip tiles.

The same staircase can be made of concrete - you will need to fill the levels one by one. To make the process go faster, add a plasticizer to the solution to speed up setting.

Today you will no longer surprise anyone with your own swimming pool, equipped in the courtyard of a country mansion or on a summer cottage. There are both stationary structures and portable frame or inflatable products. But any pool, regardless of its type, must be equipped with a ladder, because not every person is able to easily jump over the side. We will talk about the requirements for this design, consider its most common types and provide instructions for installing a pool ladder with your own hands.

Classification of stairs by purpose

Before building a pool ladder, you should find out what kind of design you need. Here you need to focus not on personal preferences, but on the type and design features of the reservoir. Let's consider popular options:

  1. For a frame pool with high sides, it is recommended to use a double-sided ladder. First you will climb onto the side, and then lower yourself into the water. The stability of the structure is maintained by the wall surfaces of the pool.
  2. For a permanent pool without sides, the best choice is a Roman staircase. Its steps are often round, and the descent into the water is smooth and pleasant. You can also use a metal staircase that has steps on only one side. It is attached to the board.
  3. Ladders for children's inflatable baths resemble a standard stepladder, with one side placed on the ground and the other in the pool itself.

Types in the photo

The Roman ladder is perfect for installation in stationary pools. The one-sided ladder is used in pools with low sides and is installed inside the reservoir.
Double-sided ladder is used for frame and inflatable pools

Design requirements

The main purpose of a pool ladder is to ensure safe and convenient entry into and exit from the water. In addition, the device is an important decorative component of the interior design of a pond. Therefore, if you plan to build a structure with your own hands, you need to take both of these factors into account. The choice of the shape of your future product and its design depend on them. The pool ladder must meet the following safety requirements:

  1. The structure must be durable.
  2. The ladder should be placed in a well-lit place.
  3. The legs must have rubber tips installed.
  4. When developing a project, it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions of the structure. Calculate the height of the stairs in accordance with the height of the swimmers.

Material selection

Several materials are used in the production of pool stairs. This is often stainless steel, aluminum or polypropylene. Many people will ask why you can’t make a staircase out of lumber? The fact is that wood has a lower density compared to water, that is, water pushes it out. Moreover, it is susceptible to rotting, and after a few years such a product will become unusable. The only option in this case is to assemble a small extension ladder in the form of a platform.

Helpful Hint: To reduce the effect of water on wood, apply a coat of water-repellent paint to the extension structure.

Now let's take a look at the materials that are much more often used when constructing pool stairs with your own hands.

Stainless steel

It is better to make a pool ladder from stainless steel

This material is well suited for use in wet environments, has high strength and a long service life. But stainless steel also has its disadvantages. So, over time, a red coating will appear on the metal. The reason for this is insufficiently clean water, which contains various impurities. Therefore, the product will have to be periodically cleaned of sediment, however, this is not a serious problem. The next inconvenience lies in the process of assembling the stairs itself, because the metal will have to be welded and then polished. If you know how to handle a welding machine, then creating a structure made of stainless steel is an ideal option.


Relatively inexpensive material. Due to the mechanical properties of polypropylene, it is not very suitable for DIY processing. To create such structures at home, waste plastic is usually used. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a worthwhile device from such material. You can try to build a ladder from plastic tubes. To make the structure strong enough, iron reinforcement will have to be inserted into them. This option may only be suitable for children's pools.

In general, the choice here is clear - if you want to make a strong and durable ladder for a pool, then nothing but pipes or a stainless steel channel will do.

Having decided on the type and material of the stairs, you can move on to the drawing. First, let's consider the option of a double-sided metal staircase for a frame pool. When designing, it is important to remember that the width of the stairs and, accordingly, the steps should be in the range from 50 to 70 cm. This will make moving along the stairs as convenient as possible. In addition, this width is sufficient to ensure good stability of the structure. Steps should be installed in increments of 35-40 cm, and if the stairs are made for children - up to 25 cm. On the drawing we first mark all the joints of the steps with the legs. When determining the height of the device, you must first measure the distance from the bottom of the pool to the top edge of the side, and then add 30-40 cm to the resulting value. The diameter of the tubes for the stands must be at least 40 mm. These are the main points that need to be followed when designing a staircase. Other parameters may vary depending on the dimensions, design features of the bath itself and your personal preferences.

Important: The required amount of materials is determined only after the drawing is completed.

After completing the calculations, we proceed to the preparation of materials. To assemble a double-sided metal staircase you will need:

  • stainless steel pipes or channel;
  • metal sheets 5 mm thick;
  • welding machine;
  • angle grinder;
  • rubber pads on steps to reduce slipping;
  • waterproof paint;
  • brushes or roller for painting;
  • tips on the legs.

Instructions for making a frame staircase with your own hands

The process of preparing ladder racks for a pool

Now let's move on to creating the stairs. We will carry out the metal connection of all structural elements by welding. The order of work looks like this:

  1. We cut the racks and steps with a grinder in accordance with the calculated data.
  2. We make the first side of the staircase with steps.
  3. Then we make the turn and the counter part.
  4. We weld ready-made elbows to the top of the stairs on both sides. Don't forget to use personal protective equipment and follow other safety measures.
  5. We attach rubber pads to the steps.
  6. Upon completion of assembly of the product, remove all sharp burrs at the junctions of structural elements. To do this, use a grinder or a needle file.
  7. After cleaning, seal all remaining holes to prevent water from getting inside. By the way, in addition to a welding machine, you can use special decorative plugs to seal holes.
  8. At the end, we cover the surface of the stairs with paint, giving it a completed and attractive look.

This design is suitable for use in both frame and inflatable pools. But in this case, you should definitely equip the legs of the product with special tips to protect the bottom of the pool from damage.

How to make a wooden ladder for an inflatable pool

This design can also be made with your own hands. Here, timber with a cross section of 50*120 mm is used as side posts. 30*120 mm boards are suitable for making steps. As for the upper platform, it is made of thick moisture-resistant plywood.

Helpful advice: When building a ladder for an inflatable pool with your own hands, use pine or spruce lumber. Soft wood species are easy to process.

Fastening the steps using: a) a block; b) metal corner; c) in the groove

For work you will also need: metal corners, galvanized iron plates, nails, hammer, sandpaper, file, antifungal impregnation and waterproof paint. The order of assembly of the product is as follows:

  1. In accordance with the calculated data, we cut boards for racks and steps.
  2. We assemble two staircases of equal size. To do this we use a hammer and nails. We attach the steps to the end of the block, additionally supporting it from below with a metal corner. If the overall dimensions of the products do not match, then the final design will be asymmetrical and, as a result, unstable and unsafe.
  3. We cut two side connecting pads from metal plates and install them under the upper platform, connecting single stairs. In this case, the connecting elements must extend to the ends of the side posts. We fasten using a hammer and nails.
  4. We install the upper platform and fix it with the help of corners.
  5. We nail the stop strips to the legs from below. This will make the structure more stable and durable.
  6. We file the corners of the metal joints and clean the entire surface of the stairs with sandpaper.
  7. We apply antifungal impregnation and a layer of waterproof paint to the product.

The operation of any pool is impossible without a ladder. If you have the necessary skills, you can make a reliable and safe device yourself. To do this, follow the recommendations and rules specified in our article.

A swimming pool in a suburban area has long ceased to be a luxury item. Stores offer inflatable and prefabricated structures of various shapes and sizes. But more and more often there are pools made by yourself. They look much more attractive than store-bought ones and have an original design, and their installation does not take much time.

Frame pool: advantages and disadvantages

In the summer heat, everyone enjoys taking a dip in cool water. If an inflatable pool is enough for a child, then teenagers and adults need a more serious design. A stationary pool is quite expensive, and the size of summer cottages does not always allow it to be placed. Therefore, it is quite possible to get by with a frame structure. It is not difficult to make it yourself if you have some construction skills.

Arguments in favor of installing a frame pool

The advantages of such designs are numerous:

  • fits well into almost any landscape;
  • can be installed indoors;
  • easy to assemble and disassemble;
  • are light in weight (plastic parts are usually used for the frame, and the inner bowl is made of PVC, awning fabric or polypropylene);
  • easy to maintain (water can be drained with a hose and used to water the garden or flower beds);
  • mobile;
  • durable (withstands freezing of residual water in them);
  • affordable;
  • do not require digging a deep pit and pouring a concrete base;
  • varied in size and shape;
  • have a long service life.

Some types of frame pools are left assembled for the winter. When water freezes, they are used as an ice hole or ice skating rink.

Design disadvantages

Frame pools also have disadvantages:

  • limited in area and depth (maximum - 1.8 m);
  • fabric and plastic structural elements require special care;
  • constant monitoring of the integrity of the material of the bottom and side walls and seams is necessary.

Types of frame pools

Most often they have a collapsible design. When installed in a specially prepared recess, it can be left assembled for several years, covered with an awning.

There are several types of frames for swimming pools:

All structures are equipped with a special staircase. It is used to make it convenient to dive into the water without creating pressure on the sides.

There are frost-resistant and seasonal designs:

A small frame pool can be placed in a country house or in an apartment, but at the same time carefully ensure that there is no damage. Over a frost-resistant pool, which is located in a permanent place, you can build a special canopy to protect the water from debris.

Preparatory work: choose a place for installation and make a drawing

When installing a pool, choose a place protected from wind and drafts, located at a sufficient distance from tall trees. It is most convenient to place it on the south or east side so that it is illuminated by the sun for as long as possible. It is important to provide a convenient approach: this will allow it to be cleaned in a timely manner. When planning the installation of a frost-resistant structure, you need to take into account the freezing point of the soil and, depending on this, place pipelines and sewers.

If the pool is collapsible, then choosing a location is quite simple: close to the water supply, so that there are no difficulties with filling it with water. A flat area is selected for installation. If there is none, the soil layer is cut off. The collapsible structure can be moved within the site during the season, after draining the water.

A high fence protects the pool from the wind

Even if the area is large enough, carefully consider the size of the pool - area and depth. A large reservoir will be shallower, and its compact dimensions will allow its depth to be increased to 1.8 m.

A large frame pool is inferior in strength to a similar structure of a medium size

To draw up the drawing, we take as a basis a standard rectangular structure that will be buried in the ground. We make our own edits and determine the exact location of additional equipment. Depending on the size of the pool, the number of rods (stiffening ribs) is calculated and marked. The step between them can be from 40 to 50 cm.

To fill a standard pool 1 m high, 4.5 m long and 2 m wide, about 8 tons of water will be required.

For a pool with a round sheet frame, the main dimensions are the diameter and circumference. Due to the fact that the sheet is attached to reinforced bases, fewer stiffening ribs are required and the distance between them can be increased to 80 cm.

For the manufacture of sheet frames the following are used:

  • metal strips or pipes;
  • parts made of duralumin or plastic;
  • wooden blocks 100x50 cm and half-edged board 25 mm thick;
  • pallets (for a polygonal design, for strength they are additionally secured with belts).

The frame for a rod pool is made of hollow steel tubes connected by special parts. To make the tank, a three-layer PVC bag 0.7 cm thick or awning fabric is used. Between the film layers, a Kevlar or polyester mesh can be used for reinforcement.

All wooden parts used for installation should be pre-treated with an antiseptic to increase service life

The inner bowl of the pool is covered with a special PVC film in several layers. The thickness of each layer is 1.5 mm. PVC can have different weights, which characterizes its wear resistance. The lightest fabric (630 g/m2) has a service life of 5 years. For the pool, gray fabric with a density of 650 g/m2 is recommended. The following is used as a base for the base:

  • roofing felt;
  • Styrofoam;
  • hydrotextiles;
  • other materials that will protect the bottom of the bowl from damage and will help retain the heat of the water.

The base substrate is made of foam plastic or roofing felt

Tools for work

A frame pool is quite easy to install. You don't need any special equipment to make it. Depending on what type of structure is chosen, you may need:

  • wooden pegs for marking;
  • cord;
  • building level;
  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • seam roller;
  • construction knife;
  • hot air gun;
  • crevice nozzle for hair dryer;
  • wooden blocks;
  • screwdriver;
  • sealant gun;
  • ladder.

We install a frame pool with our own hands

Before you begin installing a frame pool, you need to clearly plan the procedure for carrying out the work and prepare all the necessary materials and tools. By following a clear plan you can save a lot of time.

Preparing the base

Regardless of what the structure will be, you need to properly prepare the base for installation.

  1. Using pegs and a cord, we mark the place for installation.

    Using pegs and a cord, mark the place for installing the pool

  2. The area should be level, without plant roots and pebbles that could damage the bowl. To do this, completely remove the top layer of turf. If the pool is deep, we remove the layer taking into account the thickness of the substrate and sand cushion.
  3. We lay the pieces of polystyrene foam, firmly connecting them together. This is necessary so that when you first add water, the substrate does not come apart at the joints.

    The foam pieces used for the backing must be firmly held together

Assembly and installation of the frame

Operating procedure:

  1. We install the vertical frame parts using a building level. To do this, according to the drawing, we make recesses in the places where the racks will be installed. Using a cord, we fix them in the desired position and fill the resulting gaps with crushed stone or small pebbles.
  2. We treat the racks with an antiseptic or bitumen and deepen them by 50 cm.
  3. We make a frame of boards, placing the bottom row at a distance of 20–40 cm from the soil surface. We fasten the parts together using self-tapping screws.
  4. We strengthen the intermediate posts using special spacers. To do this, we form triangles by connecting the upper part of the rack with the block. This will strengthen the structure and provide additional stability.

Preparing the pool bowl

Once the frame is ready, you can begin installing the bowl:

  1. We cut out parts for the bowl from tent fabric or PVC sheet. We cut it so that the number of seams is minimal.
  2. We lay the fabric with an overlap of 3–4 cm.
  3. We solder the seams with a heat gun using a crevice nozzle. The melting point is at least 700 °C.
  4. We heat them until the canvas begins to melt, and then press them tightly to the surface with a roller with silicone or rubber rollers.

Installation of stairs

We install the ladder in the place where it will be most convenient to lower into the water.

  1. We attach two additional bars to the finished frame the width of the feet.
  2. From the top of the bars, pointing downwards, we fasten two boards that serve as the basis for the future staircase.
  3. We put transverse planks on them. These will be steps.

Installation of the bowl and design of the outside of the pool

The finished bowl is placed inside the frame, all corners or bends are aligned.

  1. Using self-tapping screws, we fasten the upper part of the trim and the bowl. The distance between the screws should be no more than 30 cm.
  2. We begin finishing work, for example, covering the upper edge of the pool with a special profile.
  3. We fill the finished pool with water.
  4. If necessary, we install a skimmer or other additional equipment.
  5. We cover the outside of the frame with boards or decorate it in another way.
  6. We landscape the space around it at our discretion.

Video: installation of a figure eight shaped pool

Photo gallery: design options for a frame pool

Indoor pool maintenance is much easier A special fence separates the children's area with shallower depth
To ensure a harmonious combination with the rest of the area around the reservoir, stones of contrasting colors are poured The area adjacent to the pool can be paved with stones
To protect the pool, a special canopy of complex design is used When designing the area around the pool, you can provide space for installing sun loungers The area around the reservoir should be adapted for proper recreation The area around the pool can be designed as a deck The base of the pool is deepened into the ground to increase the strength of the structure
The upper part of a partially in-depth pool can be decorated with artificial stone edges The pool can be placed above the ground in a special niche

With a relatively small investment, you can please yourself and your loved ones with a frame pool built according to an individual project with a unique design. Its assembly and installation will not take much time and effort.

To improve comfort and provide access to the pool, a ladder is installed in it. The safety of people who swim in it depends on the correct installation of this element of the pool. Let's look at how to choose and correctly install a ladder for a pool below.

The construction equipment market offers the buyer a wide range of stairs for swimming pools. They differ in shape, design features, type of material from which they are made, appearance and other technical characteristics.

In order to simplify the procedure for purchasing a ladder for a pool, we suggest dividing the process of choosing it into several categories, based on which you should determine the type of ladder suitable for a specific pool:

1. The first and most important criterion is the magnitude and quality of safety.

Regardless of the appearance and shape of the staircase, the safety of this pool element plays the largest role in the selection process. Since unsafe or too slippery stairs will lead to injury while swimming. In addition, you should take into account the optimal width of the stairs, since a device that is too narrow is also quite unsafe. You should also check the environmental safety of the materials from which the stairs are made. All fasteners must securely fix it to the pool. The steps of the stairs should not be slippery; they should be equipped with special pads.

Fastening the ladder should be simple and convenient, it should be durable and able to withstand heavy loads. In addition, the stairs must have handrails, also with an anti-slip system.

2. The second criterion determining the choice of staircase is its quality.

Regardless of the cost of the staircase, you should carefully study the technical characteristics specified in the documents accompanying it.

Study the materials from which it is made, check them for safety, make sure that they are durable, because the ladder is constantly in contact with water. Make sure you have quality guarantees and certificates confirming the reliability of your products. The first thing you should pay attention to is the type of ladder fastening. If the ladder is fixed only on the side, without special fasteners, it is not worth buying.

If you plan to use the pool, in most cases, for children, then the interval between the steps should be small, and the frequency of their placement should be high.

3. The third selection criterion is to examine the material from which the stairs are made.

There are a huge number of pool stairs:

  • wooden;
  • steel;
  • plastic;
  • concrete;
  • fiberglass, etc.

When choosing one option or another, you should proceed from the general style of the exterior and the principle of design of the pool. Despite this, special attention should also be paid to practicality. For example, a wooden pool ladder cannot last as long as a concrete or fiberglass one.

4. Pay attention to fasteners.

An important factor ensuring the safety of fixing the ladder on the pool is the fasteners. The first requirement for ladder clamps is the reliability and strength of the fastening. In addition, fasteners should not destroy or spoil the appearance of the pool. They must be equipped with special rubber inserts, mats and gaskets.

5. The choice of staircase size also matters.

By installing a ladder that is too large on a small pool, the ease of use will be reduced. It is necessary that the size of the ladder exactly matches the depth of the pool in which it is installed. Watch the height of the railings; for children this figure is lower than for adults.

6. The cost of a ladder for a swimming pool.

This factor determines the material from which the staircase is made, its dimensions, number of steps, and individual features. Also, the manufacturer who makes the stairs plays an important role; if the company is in great demand, then the cost of their equipment will be more expensive. Although, when purchasing products from a non-famous manufacturer, you will be able to save a little.

7. Appearance of the pool stairs.

This criterion is also one of the main ones, as it also determines the appearance of the pool. If the staircase is in harmony with the pool, then its presentability improves. Therefore, you should choose not only comfortable and practical models, but you should also give preference to aesthetically attractive stairs.

Stairs for swimming pools photos and varieties

In relation to the design features of the stairs there are:

1. Double Sided Pool Ladders - This type of ladder curves over the wall and does not rest on it or on the ground. This staircase spans the pool from both the front and back sides. They differ in the upper type of fixation. Double-sided types of stairs are quite convenient in small pools, as they do not take up much space.

2. One-sided pool ladder - installed in the inside of the pool. They are used if the pool is located indoors or in an in-ground type pool. The ladder is installed on the top of the side. It is also fixed under water. The standard width of such a staircase is 50 cm.

3. Roman staircase for a pool - has an arched shape, and the steps are distinguished by the presence of a closed space. There are two types of Roman stairs for swimming pools:

  • designed during the construction phase of the pool itself;
  • installed later.

The first option is made directly with the pool. This staircase has the same finish as the pool bowl itself; it imitates the shallows used to descend into the pool. In addition, in such a staircase there are different types of steps, some of which you can even lie on. When installing certain equipment on the surface of such a step, it will perform a hydromassage function.

Roman stairs installed after the construction of a pool are most often made of materials such as polyester or fiberglass. They have a pyramid shape, which is distinguished by the presence of additional fiberglass reinforcement. Metal handrails are fixed to the walls of the pool, which allow for a safe descent into the pool. They are distinguished by the presence of oval, round or rectangular shape. In addition, such stairs have a wide range of colors and are distinguished by the presence of a corrugated coating and special sides.

4. Stairs of balneological type - are distinguished by the presence of built-in nozzles that massage the lumbar and spinal regions of a person. In addition, they allow people swimming in the pool to maintain physical fitness.

In addition, the following types of stairs for swimming pools should be distinguished:

1. Stairs for children's pools have more steps than for adults. In addition, they have low railings, and the interval between steps is significantly reduced.

2. Bestway pool ladder - used in inflatable pools. It is distinguished by the presence of fairly comfortable handrails and crossbars. Easily attaches to any pool and ensures a safe descent. Fixed directly on the sides.

Do-it-yourself pool stairs: manufacturing technology

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the option of manufacturing a metal ladder for a swimming pool. This staircase is double-sided, as it allows you to both go down into the water and rise from it. Among the main components of this type of staircase are the presence of:

  • frame;
  • handrails;
  • tread;
  • risers.

A tread is a horizontal part on which a person’s foot rests. The riser is a vertical part located on the step. The interval located between the two vertical parts of the stairs is the tread. If there is an open tread, the staircase is also called open.

The width of the tread should be the same as the length of the average person's foot. Please note that on treads, especially metal ones, there is a risk of a lot of slipping, so it should be covered with special nozzles. If the level of inclination of the stairs is high enough, then it is possible that there is no anti-slip coating on the stairs.

To make and then install a pool ladder yourself, you will need:

  • pipes or channels;
  • welding;
  • fittings or stainless steel sheet.

Please note that when manufacturing this ladder for a frame pool, experience with a welding machine is mandatory. The fittings for the stairs must have corrugated sections; it is with their help that slipping can be prevented.

To prevent the staircase from becoming rusty when it comes into contact with water, it is recommended to treat it with special compounds. When using steel sheets as steps, care should be taken to install an anti-slip system.

To make the frame part you will need a channel profile. To make a railing, a metal corner is enough. Please note that all elements are connected using a welding machine. To prevent accidental injury, after welding, all butt areas should be treated with sandpaper.

Pool ladder: how to install

We suggest considering two options for installing stairs. The first of which involves installing a ladder into the pool using a flange connection.

This type of ladder is suitable exclusively for private swimming pools and is characterized by low strength, so people who go down such a ladder should not have too much weight.

Among the advantages of installing this ladder is the ease of its transportation from one place to another. To install the flanges, you will need to drill four holes in the pool wall. Threaded anchors or stainless steel bolts are used to secure the flange. The size of the bolts must be at least 10 cm. To carry out installation work, you must first determine the place where the ladder will be installed.

Next, mark the points where the bolts securing the flanges will be located. All work should be controlled using a building level. Before drilling, install the ladder and check the evenness of the marked fasteners. Next, you should drill holes for installing fasteners, install flanges and fix the ladder.

Another option for installing a ladder is the installation of embedded hoofs. Such stairs are distinguished by the presence of embedded parts under the pipe. This method is more labor-intensive, but at the same time more durable and reliable. First you need to create an opening for the stairs. If the pool is already finished with tiles or other material, then in order to make an opening, it will have to be damaged in a certain area.

A hole should be drilled under each of the embedded parts, first with a drilling rig and then with a hammer drill. Please note that it is better to install such a staircase before laying the tiles, as there is a risk of damage or cracking during the drilling process. For drilling tiles, use only a machine.

In order for the staircase installation work to be successful, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main mistakes that arise during the installation of the staircase:

  • if you use an unsuitable surface to assemble the stairs, there is a risk of scratches on its surface;
  • if there are too long or short bolts with which the flanges are fixed to the surface, the tightness and integrity of the connection is compromised, there is a risk of the ladder being torn out during its intended use;
  • if you do not control all the work using a building level, then there is a risk of getting an inclined or crooked staircase;

  • If you do not use a drilling machine in the process of drilling tiles, then in most cases it will be damaged.

Having a large frame or stationary pool at your dacha, it would be a sin not to take care of the ease of use of it - at a minimum, you will need to purchase one or a pair of stairs for it. As an option, you can, of course, use a stepladder, but, as you understand, it will be much more practical to use a special design. This article will talk about it, or rather about how you can make a pool ladder yourself, in this article. Together with the site, we will analyze various options for such products and decide on the question, which one is best to make with your own hands?

Installation of stairs to the pool photo

Pool ladder: design features

The saying “a ladder is a ladder in Africa” does not quite apply here - products of this type, intended for use in swimming pools, are somewhat different from standard products of this type. Moreover, they may differ depending on what type of pool they are intended for. Let’s look at this point in a little more detail, since it is this that will allow you to understand what you will have to face in the process of making such products yourself.

Unfortunately, there are no other design options for pool stairs - all other varieties are determined solely by the material from which they can be made. This is also worth talking about in more detail, since its service life and ability to withstand certain loads largely depend on the material.

You can see what a ladder for a stationary pool, or rather one of its varieties, looks like in this video.

What to make do-it-yourself pool ladders from

There are not very many materials from which pool ladders are made - one can say that there would be a lot to count the fingers of one hand. As a rule, it is either stainless steel, plastic or aluminum - the latter is used in rare cases, as it leaves black marks on human skin. You may ask why it is not possible to make a ladder from wood? The answer to this question is very simple - firstly, wood is lighter than water (it pushes it out); secondly, it rots, and after a couple of years such a staircase can be thrown into the dustbin of history. Let's take a closer look at these materials - you need to decide on the question of what to make a pool ladder from with your own hands?

In general, there are practically no options here - if you want to solve the problem of how to make a ladder for a pool with really high quality and for a long time, then nothing other than a stainless pipe will do. Oh yes, there is still aluminum, but this is practically the same option as with stainless steel. And also Roman stairs. As mentioned above, stationary stairs need to be made at the installation stage of a stationary pool. This product is not structurally complex - as a rule, it is cast from concrete using standard technology. After manufacturing, it is simply tiled, like the rest of the font bowl.

Manufacturing and installation of stainless steel stairs to the pool

In principle, the technology for making a ladder for a stainless steel pool is not so complicated - it could even be called simple, if not for a couple of points. Firstly, the handrails - they will need to be bent into a strong arc, so that after bending the second end of the pipe is parallel to the first. So to speak, it is impossible to bend it into a roll, which can be done without a pipe bender (considering that the diameter used for the pipe ladder is at least an inch and a quarter). There is only one way out - to use ready-made turns, and this means, at a minimum, additional welds that will need to be processed until they become invisible. Polishing stainless steel – the devil is not as scary as they make him out to be. In fact, this is a fairly simple process that can be solved using a grinder and a felt wheel with polishing paste (for example, GOI paste). In all other respects, if, of course, you feel confident in welding work, the process of making an iron ladder for a pool is not complicated and looks like this.

And the final stage of work is the direct installation of the stairs for the pool. It is attached using flanges. Two products of this type are installed on the bottom of the pool, and two on its side. After carefully adjusting the length of the ladder, it is simply inserted into the flanges and clamped with side screws into them.

In principle, this is not the only option for solving the question of how to make a pool ladder with your own hands? It should be understood that the configuration and dimensions of the stairs can be any, and in most cases they depend on the type and depth of the pool. According to the principle described above, a ladder for a frame country pool is made - with the only difference being that one of its edges rests on the bottom of the pool, and the other on the ground (on the other side of the side). Here you also need to take into account the fact that such a ladder will not be fixed (at least inside the pool), and its steps will be located on both sides - this is due to the fact that you need to climb into and out of a frame-type pool using the ladder.