Starling, lesson notes on getting to know nature. Application “Birdhouse for birds” in the middle group outline of a lesson on applique, modeling (middle group) on the topic Application of the starling bird in the middle group

GCD for the Birdhouse application. Teacher Krivenchenko S.A.

Topic: Birdhouse.

Integration of educational areas:“Artistic and aesthetic creativity” (application), “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world).


educational: learn to depict objects consisting of several parts, determine the shape of the parts of the object (rectangular, round, triangular);

developing: develop color perception, shape perception, development of manual skill, fine motor skills;

educational: cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to please others.

Material and equipment: album sheet with a picture of a tree, a tray with ready-made multi-colored figures: house, roof, window, starling; sample of finished work, birdhouse; glue, napkin; illustrations of a starling; White-sided magpie; audio recording; treat.

Organizing time.

Educator: - Hello, guys!

Children: - Hello!

Educator: Good morning!

Children: Good morning!

Finger game “Good morning!”

The game is played while standing.

Good morning, little eyes!

You woke up?

(Use your index fingers to stroke the area around your eyes, and then use your index fingers and thumbs to form “glasses” and look through them.)

Good morning, ears!

You woke up?

(Stroke your ears with your palms, then make “ears” from your palms on the top of your head and move them.)

Good morning, hands!

You woke up?

(Stroke one or the other hand on both sides, shake and pinch all the fingers, and then clap your hands.)

Good morning, legs!

You woke up?

(Stroke your knees, going down to your ankles, and then stomp your feet.)

Good morning, sun!

I woke up (woke up)!

Introduction to the topic.

A conversation about the signs of spring and migratory birds.

Educator: - Guys, do you hear someone else rushing to us?

(The white-sided Magpie flies, flying around a circle, stopping in the center)

Educator: - The magpie is flying, carrying news on its tail!

Magpie: - Hello, guys, I’m a cheerful Magpie, I’m a white-sided Magpie!

I heard the news in the forest! I will tell the whole world that winter is long gone!

The snow is melting.

The meadow came to life.

The day is coming.

When does this happen?

Children: - In spring!

Educator: - What time of year is it now?

Children: - Spring!

Educator: - Why did you decide that now is the season of spring?

Children: - The snow has melted; streams run; the sun heats up more; flowers appear: snowdrops, grass; buds on trees and shrubs swell; birds return from warm regions, insects appear: bugs, butterflies, ants; people dress lighter.

Educator: - That's right, guys, all this happens in the spring. Spring is a wonderful time of year when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long winter sleep.

Magpie: - Look, the birds are all coming back, they’re going to hatch the chicks, but there aren’t enough houses for everyone?

Educator: - Guys, how do people take care of birds in the spring?

Children: - They are building houses.

Educator: - That's right, people build for birds:

“The house has no windows, only an entrance and a balcony.

It’s not easy to get into the house, it’s high above us!

No steps, no porch.

What kind of tenant is he for?

Children: - For the starling.

Conversation on a painting depicting a starling.

(Show a picture of a starling.)

Educator. - What does a starling look like?

Children. He is wearing a white shirt, hat, tailcoat, but nothing on his feet.

Educator. - Guys, do you know that starlings are migratory birds and they are the first to arrive in the spring?

Children. - Yes.

Educator. - Do you know where they come from?

Children. - From warm regions.

Educator. - Why did they fly there?

Children. - To avoid freezing in winter.

Educator: - What is the name of the starling's house?

Children: - Birdhouse.

Educator: - Guys, what do you think, can you and I help the birds? How?

Children: -Make birdhouses.

Birdhouse display.

Today we will make a birdhouse applique

Take a look at the birdhouse. (Show).

There is a roof on top of the birdhouse and a round entrance called the entrance.

Think about why the entrance to the birdhouse is called a “let”?

Because birds fly into it.

Didactic game “Where is whose house”

Offer children drawings depicting seven different animals, each of which is in a hurry to its own house. You need to attach the animals near their houses.

And the starlings return to their former homes. They drag feathers, dry grass, and leaves into it. And they start singing. The singing of a starling can be similar to the croaking of a frog or the neighing of a foal, because the starling cleverly imitates various sounds that it has heard before. Now listen to his own singing. The starling sings. (A recording of a starling singing is turned on).

He comes every year

To where the house awaits:

Sturdy wooden house

With a small round window.


Demonstration of application techniques.

Educator: - Today we will perform the application “Birdhouse”. -Look, I have already completed the applique. (Shows a sample)

What geometric figure is the birdhouse itself made of?

Children: - From the square. (Individual answers from children)

Educator: - What color is the square?

Children: - Yellow. (Individual answers from children)

Educator: - What geometric shape is the roof of the house made of?

Children: - From the triangle. (Individual answers from children)

Educator: - What color is the triangle?

Children: - Green. (Individual answers from children).

Educator: - What geometric figure is the window made of?

Children: - From the circle. (Individual answers from children).

Educator: - What color is the circle?

Children: - Red. (Individual answers from children).

Educator: - Look, first I will glue the house and place it on the tree. (Teacher demonstration, reminder of appliqué techniques). Then I glue the roof on the top of the house. And the window is in the middle of the square. So it turned out to be a house - a birdhouse.

Which figure should we start gluing on the house itself?

Children: - From the square. (Individual responses from children)

Educator: - What are we going to stick on next? Where?

Children: - The roof, at the top of the house. (Individual answers from children)

Educator: - What will we stick on last? Where?

Children: - The circle is a window in the middle of the square. (Individual responses from children)

Physical education minute “Birds”

Come on, birds, let's fly Children slowly run after each other.

We flew and sat down, Slowly squats.

The grains were pecked, Move your nose from top to bottom.

We played in the pole They spin around in place.

We drank some water, Move your nose from top to bottom.

The feathers were washed, Place your hands on your belt and move your elbows.

Looked to the sides They look around.

And they sat quietly on the chairs.

Application "Birdhouse"

Take your seats. And the white-sided Magpie will rest and watch how you work.

(Children work independently, musical accompaniment sounds, the teacher helps, children who have correctly laid out the parts begin to work.)


(The teacher displays completed work on the board.)

Guys, what have we done to you today? Do you think we got birdhouses?

Children: - Birdhouses. Yes.

Magpie: - Thank you guys, you helped us a lot, took care of the birds and their future chicks, built them houses - beautiful and cozy. And I brought you a treat as a gift. And it's time for us to go to the forest. Goodbye, kids!

(Magpie leaves.)

Educator: - Well done, guys! And Magpie was helped to find out what time of year it was and the birds were taken care of.

Lyudmila Matanova

Subject: « Birdhouse»


1. Teach children to portray in applique items, consisting of several parts, determine the geometric shape.

Program tasks:

1. Continue learning to cut out pieces birdhouse and stick them in a certain sequence.

2. Develop color perception, imagination, thinking, and speech in children.

3. Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards birds.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation about migratory birds;

2. Looking at paintings about spring and birds.


Each child is given an oilcloth; plate with parts for birdhouse; scissors; brush; glue; paper; napkin;

Pictures of birds;

Tree (dummy) for done birdhouses

Progress of the lesson


(Audio recording of birds singing is turned on)

Guys, this morning I woke up from cheerful singing and the chiming of bird voices outside the window. The birds sang their songs cheerfully and loudly. Birds appeared on the street that were not there in winter.

Where did the birds come from?

From warm countries, from the south.


Why did the birds fly to us?

They returned to their homeland, spring came, the snow melted, it became warmer.

Masha prepared a poem for us about spring.

What birds do you know?

Children's answers.

All these birds are called migratory!

(there are pictures of birds on the easel)

That's right, among them there are starlings– this bird can make different sounds, also starlings destroy harmful insects in gardens and vegetable gardens. For this people build them birdhouses.

Guys, we also have a miracle tree! Leaves appeared on it, just like on the street. You and I will build houses for the birds - birdhouses and hang it on our tree.

Guys, look and tell me what parts it consists of birdhouse, what shape is each part?

Wall what shape of birdhouse? – rectangular;

What shape is the roof? – triangular;

What shape is the window? – round.

That's right, well done.

Let's take a little rest!

Physical education minute:

Let's stomp our feet,

Let's clap our hands,

Let's wave our wings and sit down!

Guys, let's do it birdhouses for all birds.

Working at tables.

What did we do today?

That's right, we made it for the birds birdhouses!

Today we made something for the birds birdhouses, for this they will be grateful to us, they will delight us with their singing, treat trees from pests (differentiated assessment of children’s work is given).

Publications on the topic:

Tear applique is the simplest type of applique that does not require the use of scissors. So I started using this technique.

“Birdbird Birdhouse” Didactic game for speech development. Goal: to develop the child’s speech. Tasks: - enrich vocabulary, - consolidate.

Program content. Teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts in appliqué. Determine the shape of the parts (rectangular,...

While watching the weather phenomena from the window, the children noticed that a large number of birds were flying near our kindergarten. Therefore, it was decided.

Good day to all. I want to show you how you can diversify your growing environment by decorating a birdhouse. He stood with us.

Lesson notes on the application “Birdhouse” GCD design designer Senior group. GCD theme: Birdhouse application. Goal: To develop the ability to compose a composition from individual ones.

Purpose: 1. Teach children to glue a birdhouse from geometric shapes. 2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the signs of spring. Objectives: - Teach children.

Routingorganized educational activities for the senior group

Educational area:"Creation"

Chapter: Application

Subject:"Birchhouse on a birch"

Target: Teach children to independently choose an application option, place a birdhouse

nickname on a tree, taking into account its shape and size. Strengthen cutting techniques along the fold.

continue to learn how to decorate the image yourself, with small details, observing

symmetry. Develop cognitive interest. Cultivate neatness.

Bilingual component: Uishik – birdhouse, kaiyn – birch, agash – tree,

үй – house, құс – bird.

Vocabulary work: birdhouse.

Preliminary work and preparation for the lesson

- reading the story by S. Kobeev “Bird’s Nest”,

Expressive reading of poetry.A. Ekimtsev “The Rooks Have Arrived”, “Crane”,

P/ and “Sparrows and Crows”, “Birds - one, birds - two”!

Drawing of migratory birds,

Making riddles.



Teacher's managerial actions

Children's activities

Stage 1:



Psycho-gymnastics “Birds”

The birds began to descend

Everyone sits down in the clearing.

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest.

And it's time to hit the road again,

They have a lot to fly.

Here is the house. Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for them to land.

The palace weighs on a pole,

Lives in the palace.....

Do you think birdhouses are built only for starlings?

Why do birds need such houses?

Show interest, emotions, express feelings.

Perform movements according to the text.

They guess.

They suggest different options, speak out, and decide that other birds can live in birdhouses.

Stage 2:


Invites you to a creative workshop.

Introduces with sample application « Starling on birch."

Clarifies birdhouse shape, size, color

Draws Please note that a birch tree can be drawn with a pencil and paints, and a birdhouse can be decorated with small details and correctly positioned on the tree, reinforces drawing techniques and applying strokes.

Shows technique of cutting paper along the fold, cutting off corners.

Offers choose practical material and begin independent work.

Renders necessary help.

Examine the sample and note its features.

Reinforce drawing and appliqué techniques.

They make a choice of material and explain it.

They ask for help.

Stage 3:

Reflexive – corrective

Offers identify the work in the reception area, pay attention to the uniqueness of the work, and note the most successful ones.

Includes audio recording of the song "Migratory birds are flying birds" performed by I. Kobzon.

Find out what the children liked most today.

They tell you why they did the application this way.

They perceive the song emotionally.

They share their impressions.

Expected result:

Play: practical ways of working with colored paper, pencils,

paints, scissors,

Understand: how can you place a birdhouse on a tree, taking into account its shape, size,

Apply: the ability to independently decorate an image with small

Lesson summary for the application “Birdhouse for a starling”

Gulzhan Azhimetovna
Lesson “Birdhouse for a starling”

Subject : « Birdhouse for starling » (2nd junior group) .

Program content : Continue to expand children's knowledge about the world around them. Activate children's vocabulary( starling , birdhouse ) . To promote the ability to lay out and compose images of objects consisting of 3 parts of different shapes and sizes on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the skills of orientation in the space of a landscape sheet and knowledge of colors. Develop interest in the application, memory of perception. Foster accuracy, activity and independence.

Material : Sheet in 1/2 album sheet with a silhouette of a tree, ready-made shapes (6 x 6 yellow, isosceles triangle with a base 9 cm, height 4 cm - red, brush, oilcloth, napkin, plate, brush stand,starling , ball, ready-made sample and blank sample.

Vocabulary work : birdhouse .

Moveclasses : Children enter the group accompanied by calm music.

Guys, let's hold hands and make a circle. Look how the sun smiles at us through the window, let's also smile at each other so that throughoutclasses we were in a good mood.

Listen, Nastya will tell you a poem"Where is whose house" :

The sparrow lives under the roof,

There's a mouse's house in a warm hole,

The frog has a house in the pond,

And at the warbler's in the garden,

Hey chicken, where's your home?

He is under his mother's wing.

Kids are playing"Where is whose house" with a ball.

Well done, Nastya1 Kolya, where is the mouse’s house? Julia - at the sparrow? The bear? The squirrel? The fox? The wolf? Ustarling ?

Yes, guys, the house isstarling in a birdhouse . Let's all say it together -birdhouse . Now Arina repeat it, Kirill...

Yes, guys, both animals and birds have their own home.

Guys, can you hear someone singing?(music) . Let's sit on the chairs and listen to who is singing.(bird) .

Look, a bird has flown to us. Who knows what kind of bird this is?( starling ) .

- Starling , you’re not happy, what happened to you?( Starling says something in the teacher’s ear) .

- The starling said in my ear , what allbirdhouses are busy and he and his friends have nowhere to live. Let's helpstarlings and make them like thisbirdhouses . And youstarling sit down , relax and look.

Guys, what figures does it consist of?birdhouse ? (triangle, square, circle) .

What color are they?

In order to stick it beautifullybirdhouse , you need to place it in the center of the sheet. First I will glue a square on the house, a circle on the window, and then I will glue the house. And then I glue the roof - a triangle.Birdhouse I pasted it in the center of the leaf onto the tree trunk.

Herestarling which one will you have?birdhouse .

Phys. just a minute : Now let's get up and play(2 times)


Young spring messengers

They peck at worms

And they sing, they sing, they sing.

Go to the tables. Take your shapes and place them in the center of the sheet. A square is a house, a circle is a window, and what is a triangle?(roof) .

First we glue the window onto the house, then the house onto the tree trunk, and then the roof.

Let's start gluing, take the brushes correctly, don't put too much glue on the brush, spread the figure completely. Glue it on oilcloth and smooth it with a napkin.(I give instructions along the way) .

If you have finished your work, put it on this table and listen to the music.

What did we do today?class ?

Whosebirdhouse did you like it better? Why?

And youstarling, whose house did you like?

A lot of birds have arrived and each one needs its own house. The children, together with the teacher, look at the sample and name what geometric shapes the birdhouse is made of.