The military collective represents obzh. Military collective: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In conditions of military activity, the role of the team is extremely high. In a complex and difficult environment in the performance of service and combat missions, a military collective represents a proven form of organizing not only combat interaction, but also selfless comradely assistance, mutual assistance, etc.

A military collective is an association of military personnel organized in accordance with military regulations on the basis of unity of moral positions, joint service and combat training activities.

The basis for the formation of a military team is the unit. Upon arrival at the unit, military personnel enter into contact with each other, into certain relationships with each other, and only then carry out joint military activities.

The processes of development of groups of military personnel into military collectives are typical practical situations in the activities of an officer. Recruiting and forming units and combat crews, creating various combined teams to perform special work - all these are tasks that an officer has to solve through the transformation of a sometimes scattered mass into capable military teams.

Solving such problems in a combat situation, the actions of enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups, the enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction, etc. may be especially relevant.

Consequently, the officer must have knowledge and experience in creating a team, its combat coordination and unity, and, if necessary, then in restoring its structure and functionality.

A military collective is a type of labor collective, and it has all the features and characteristics of these collectives.

At the same time, the military collective has a number of special features that are unique to it. These include:

1. The high significance of the goals and objectives of military activity. Their main distinguishing characteristic is their clearly defined task - the defense of the Fatherland.

2. Combat missions are carried out using the most advanced and sophisticated equipment and controls. The main content of the activities of military teams is the development of advanced, most effective ways and methods of using equipment and weapons, maintaining constant combat readiness.

3. High combat readiness, the ability to complete a combat mission in the shortest possible time in any situation.

4. The specificity of the conditions of service and especially combat activity of a military collective, the presence of a real danger to the life of personnel working on modern equipment, a constant strict time limit in the activities of all categories of military personnel. In combat conditions - variability of the situation, inconsistency, the presence of constant influence from a strong, treacherous, well-prepared enemy.

5. Unique norms and rules of behavior arising from the objective needs of being on duty, clear regulation of relationships.

6. A unique way of life in all areas of activity, communication, nutrition, leisure, family and living conditions. Clothing and food allowances are unified, and the principle of equal distribution is widely applied here. Leisure is regulated, and self-service is provided in everyday life. The forms of reward for military work are also specific - moral incentives predominate.

An important feature of troop groups is their multinational composition. They are distinguished by:

A. lack of life experience among young soldiers, including in the field of interethnic relations;

b. the increased role of the language of interethnic communication;

V. influence of elements of national spiritual culture;

d. development of national self-awareness of the individual;

d. transfer of interpersonal conflicts to national soil.

These features of military teams must be taken into account in the practical activities of officers. It should be remembered that a healthy military team disciplines a person and teaches him to observe moral standards. It provides a general psychological uplift, an atmosphere of enthusiasm, and increases the activity of all members.

The military collective, as the highest form of association of military personnel, performs important social functions.

The main ones are:

ü combat;

ü organizing;

ü mobilizing;

ü educational.

1. Combat. It is associated with the leading activities and purpose of the military team. In the process of combat training, soldiers develop such qualities as awareness of high personal responsibility for carrying out combat missions, discipline, military camaraderie, military honor, high activity, perseverance, endurance, courage, bravery, diligence, determination, self-control, initiative, resourcefulness etc.

2. Organizing. The essence of this function is to ensure the will and action of all personnel of the unit, aimed at ensuring the complete and high-quality execution of combat missions. An important role in the implementation of this function belongs to the work of the commander in mobilizing personnel for the high-quality performance of combat missions, increasing organization and discipline.

3. Mobilizing. The peculiarity of this function is that through its activities, the military collective always provides an additional supply of moral energy, which allows the soldiers and the collective to constantly improve their combat skills, energetically carry out service and combat tasks, endure difficulties steadfastly, and maintain high combat effectiveness and combat readiness. Using this function correctly, commanders achieve high performance in training, service and combat performance of units.

4. Educational function of the military collective. It deserves special mention. The essence of this function is expressed in the educational influence of the collective on soldiers and the formation in them of a scientific worldview, boundless devotion to the Motherland and a conscious attitude towards their official duty, patriotism, and collectivism. The educational capabilities of the military collective are wide and varied. He does not have administrative power, does not have the means of legal coercion, but, acting as a bearer of high organization, morality and intolerance to antisocial acts, he has a huge influence on the individual.

Using the mechanism of psychological influence - persuasion, coercion, example, suggestion - the team forms in the minds of each of its members the correct motives of behavior, social orientations and attitudes that determine the social qualities of the individual. But the individual experiences not only moral influences, he is directly involved in practical activities, in the process of which the moral, combat and psychological qualities necessary for every warrior are formed and consolidated.

The role of the military collective as an educator in modern conditions is constantly increasing. This is due both to the further expansion of democracy, openness, the rights and responsibilities of soldiers, and to changes in the life of the Armed Forces - the emergence of new types of collective weapons, qualitative changes in personnel.

In order for a team to actively implement the educational function, it must have a number of traits. These include:

1. Focus b. It reflects the extent to which all members of the team are aware of the significance of the goals of collective activity, their social necessity, and, consequently, internal readiness for their implementation.

The goals of activities determined by the requirements of society are officially expressed in laws, charters, orders and command directives, combat and social-humanitarian training plans. Goals must be perceived and assimilated by every warrior, morally motivated, and emotionally experienced as an urgent task of practical activity. Then they become an element of the direction of the collective consciousness and will.

The direction of the collective integrates the aspirations of the warriors, directs them into the common channel of joint experiences and activities. Ultimately, focus contributes to the formation of a collective mindset towards successfully solving a problem. It encourages each warrior to base his actions on the general collective interest.

2. Demandingness. Complacency and complacency have no place in a highly demanding team; discipline is stronger and combat readiness is higher. The educational value of the team is assessed by one of the most significant pedagogical characteristics - the development of exactingness in it.

A.S. Makarenko established the following stages in the formation of a team as an educator, depending on the development of exactingness:

ü the commander makes demands on team members. All personnel perform them;

ü the commander’s demands are accepted and supported by the active forces;

ü the demands of the commander and the active are accepted and become the opinion of everyone. The collective can apply them to each of its members;

ü the commander’s requirements become the internal needs of each member of the team, which he applies to himself.

Demandingness, like other traits of the team, is formed by commanders and the entire officer corps in the process of daily activities.

3. Independence. The independence of the collective is expressed in the right, opportunity and ability of the collective to independently solve a certain range of tasks, primarily educational ones. It promotes the development of exactingness, increasing the professional, combat and educational activity of the team.

The independence of the team enhances the individual’s sense of involvement in it, increases the effectiveness of the motivating, encouraging and coercive incentives that the team has.

4. Combat coherence. It gives a warrior a sense of pride in his team, unity and inseparability from it, the highest degree of comradely cohesion.

In most of our units, commanders correctly and skillfully direct work to develop the focus, exactingness, independence and combat coherence of unit teams. The constant concern of the best officer-educators for the team of the unit comes from the fact that the team shapes the individual. He influences the warrior’s personality with all the power of his influence. Therefore, the officer must go not from the individual to the collective, but from the collective to each soldier, sergeant, officer, and it is the collective that should be the first goal of real education. A.S. Makarenko wrote: “Not the method of paired influence from case to case..., but the organization of a team, the organization of requirements for a person, the organization of real living, goal-oriented aspirations of a person together with the team, this is what should constitute the content of our educational work...”.

The formation of an educational team is a complex and difficult process that requires serious, intense organizational and educational work from the officer.

Its success largely depends on the officer’s depth of knowledge of the psychology of the military collective.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. A military collective is a highly organized community of armed people united to jointly solve the problems of mastering military affairs and maintaining constant combat readiness in the interests of defending the Fatherland.

The mood of the team is an indicator of various aspects of their life and activities together.

2. In modern conditions, the role of military collectives in solving combat readiness tasks increases immeasurably. The nature of military activity and the organizational structure of units, the specifics of combat service, life, everyday life of people and the system of relationships between military personnel - all this determines the role and importance of the military team in solving combat training and educational tasks.

3. The team fulfills its educational role only when it has such features as direction, exactingness, independence, and coherence. The educational strength of a team is largely determined by maturity and cohesion. The educational capabilities of the team are not activated automatically, but as a result of the purposeful activity of the commander or unit.

4. To successfully complete the tasks facing the unit, the commander must constantly study the team, know the patterns of functioning of the main socio-psychological phenomena in the team, be able to promptly and competently influence it for the purpose of unity.

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What is typical for any military team? This issue is addressed by many disciplines. In particular, this topic is taught at school as part of the educational subject “Fundamentals of Life Safety.” This article will serve as a good help in preparing homework for these lessons. Also, this material can be used by teachers as a teaching aid.

Basic provisions

It is known that it is human nature to join different communities. For all groups there is a common name - group. This word can be used to describe any set of people united by the same goals, forms of existence, characteristics of communication within a team, and so on.

There are also large and small groups. The former usually include social classes, nations, peoples, and so on.

Small groups include such public entities as a school class, a factory floor, a group of friends, and others. Military units are also included in this category.

Therefore, to the question “What is characteristic of any military collective?” One possible answer is the following statement: each of them can be called a social group.

Not just a group

Here it is worth saying that military units are not just social groups, but teams with varying degrees of development. How do these two concepts differ from each other?

If you look into a psychology textbook, you can find the following definition. A team is a group of people united by a common goal and performing socially beneficial actions. That is, the difference lies precisely in the presence of socially important activities. Therefore, answering the question “What is characteristic of any military team?”, it should be mentioned that any such unit performs socially important tasks, the main of which is the defense of the Motherland.

Different degrees of development

A military collective, like any other, is not a static phenomenon, but a constantly evolving one. Therefore, it gradually goes through different stages of development. At the lowest stage of organization is a military unit that has just received new recruits. As a rule, it takes up to 5 days for them to get to know each other. Friendly relationships are established more quickly between fellow countrymen and young people who have common interests (for example, football fans). Such small groups are usually called associations. They may have their own. Such groups are said to have a fairly stable structure.

In addition, their participants have a common goal. However, such groups do not have sufficient cohesion. In the future, such a group usually becomes more disciplined. In this case, it can already be called cooperation. Despite the apparent unity, this community cannot be called a highly developed team, since the desire for common goals, as a rule, is dictated not by high moral and ethical considerations, but by the personal benefit of each of the participants.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that constantly developing relationships between military personnel are also a feature characteristic of all units.

Next level

Under normal conditions in a military unit, after two weeks of service, several cooperatives are usually formed.

Subsequently, they move to a higher level of development and become autonomous groups. Here, the relationships between military personnel are more organized and take on a socially beneficial orientation. Each member of this group understands the need to obey junior commanders. In such teams there are also informal leaders. As a rule, they do not have conflicts with commanders, but on the contrary, their activities help strengthen the power of the latter.

It must be said that the overall combat effectiveness of the unit depends on the level of development of relationships between military personnel.

One for all and all for one

This motto of the musketeers can be adopted by any small group that has achieved a level of autonomy. Military experts say that both cooperation and associations are extremely unreliable phenomena when considering their activities in emergency conditions, and even more so during real combat operations.

Practice shows that under extreme conditions, underdeveloped social groups, as a rule, very quickly cease to exist. Therefore, one of the most important tasks facing commanders is to unite the team and facilitate its transition to a higher level.

Battle hardening

Here it is worth returning to the topic of this article, “What is characteristic of any military collective?” So, the commanders of each unit strive to develop normal relationships within it. The reason for this is simple. In a team that has reached the level of autonomy, any troubles and trials do not cause disintegration, but, on the contrary, further unite the group that overcomes them.

But such a community of people becomes a collective in the full sense of the word (has a socially beneficial orientation) if its goals are not limited to the selfish interests of the participants. Otherwise, a highly developed social structure can be called a corporation. Most often, in such cases, the community acts only to satisfy the interests of informal leaders. Under such circumstances, various types arise. If in a military collective there are small groups built on the principle of a corporation, then, as a rule, commanders have to take disciplinary measures against employees.

In addition to the above characteristics of a military collective, there are also others. They will be given below.

Formation of a military team

Until then, the discussion was mainly about the constituent elements of a unit, such as the various small groups that exist within it. Now the time has come to focus on the whole phenomenon. He, too, goes through similar stages of development. There are three of them in total:

  • Social community.
  • Partnership.
  • Military brotherhood.
  • Mature society.

Social community

This is the very first stage in the development of a military team. It is characterized by the awareness by all fighters of the need to strive to fulfill a common task - the defense of their native country. Moreover, the unit is already a collective, that is, a highly developed small social group.

Military partnership

At this stage of development, all participants have already studied each other quite well.

The main feature of such a military team is strong friendly ties.

This stage also implies the presence in the military formation of stable traditions and customs, as well as certain habits.


A military team at this stage of development is often called socially mature. In it, the relationships between all team members reached such a high level that the following phenomena became possible: mutual assistance, friendly support, lack of conflict, and the like.

General psychological conditions

Experts say that for the normal development and existence of the unit, special conditions are needed. Among them there are three main ones.

All soldiers must have the same positions regarding the most important issues of military service. They will be quite stable if they are based on the moral beliefs, life principles and worldview of each soldier.

Communication skills

In addition, personnel must develop communication skills with each other, which in turn presupposes a developed system of relationships in the military team, with a clear distribution of responsibilities. This applies to both service and everyday matters. In addition, it is necessary to instill in soldiers the ability to regulate relationships. For example, a clear position must be developed on the desire to resolve all issues, avoiding prolonged conflicts.

The third mandatory point is the establishment of friendly relations. That is, the performance of official duties should be not only formal, rational, but also emotionally charged. If there is a healthy, friendly climate in a military unit, the hardships and deprivations of service are much easier to bear.


Another common feature of all units is that they are intended to perform military duties. This is another name used to denote a service. Compulsory military service exists in many countries of the world, including in modern Russia. The age at which it occurs may differ from country to country. Currently, in the Russian Federation, the beginning of conscription age is considered to be 18 years. And when males reach the age of seventeen, they are registered with the military registration and enlistment office.

In addition, in some cases, women may also be liable for military service. In addition to serving, it is also expected to participate in armed conflicts in wartime, subject to general or partial mobilization. The law on military service speaks about this. Violation of this will result in civil or criminal liability. So, military duty is military service.


Another common feature of all defense teams is that they have the banner of a military unit. This distinctive sign primarily indicates that the unit belongs to the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Historians say that the ancient prototype of the banner were stone or metal figures (for example, an eagle, a lion and others), which were attached to the top of a special wooden pole called a staff.

Banners in their modern form appeared in Rus' by the 9th century AD. During the battle, they helped its participants to have an idea of ​​​​the location of military units on the battlefield. The symbolic meaning of this attribute is enormous.

The banner represents the honor of a military unit and its history. We can say that it reflects the connection between the glorious past of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the present and future.

Therefore, every person undergoing military service is obliged to defend the banner even in the most difficult conditions. There are cases when soldiers sacrificed their lives to save him.

The display of the battle flag in front of the entire military unit occurs only on the most solemn occasions.

For example, this happens when recruits take the oath or when receiving new military equipment and weapons.

The most important

Many manuals on military affairs indicate that the basis for good relationships in a military team are the various spiritual connections of fighters with each other. The quality of service of each specific soldier and the unit as a whole depends on the degree of their development.

Universal term

In special military, as well as legal literature, all teams that exist in the defense sector, as well as various institutions, including educational ones, are united under a common name - military organizations.

This term is another common feature of all divisions.

Collection of rules

The charter of the military collective is another indispensable attribute of it.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, charters operate on an equal basis with other laws of the state. They list the basic responsibilities of military personnel, such as following orders, ability to handle weapons and equipment, and knowledge of ranks.

All this is spelled out in the internal service charter.

There is also another document. It is called the charter of garrison and guard service. It sets out the rights and obligations of officials, the standards according to which barracks and other premises should be equipped. Such charters list the main military activities and the order in which they are carried out.


This article listed the main features of military groups. The material contains definitions of the military banner, regulations and other important points. It should be remembered that the basis of a military team is friendly relationships between its participants. Much of this information may be useful in preparing for Basic Life Safety classes.

a military collective is a social community of military personnel united by common activities, unity of ideology, morality and military duty, as well as relations of military camaraderie. Such communities are formed within the organizational structure of units with their system of management, weapons, distribution of responsibilities, lifestyle, everyday life and recreation. But this organizational structure in itself does not create a team. It is necessary that strong spiritual, business and personal connections, including friendship, be formed between the people included in it. Only then is a single microsocial organism formed, effective in its activities and creating the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of each individual warrior. The socio-psychological basis of a military team is the diverse spiritual connections that firmly unite warriors into a single whole. The more diverse and rich they are, the stronger the team.

The military collective has its own socio-psychological structure. Its elements are people who perform certain roles in collective life and activity, occupying a certain position, as well as individual microgroups formed within the team. All these positions (individual group roles) are connected by specific relationships.


The concept of a military collective is usually used to characterize such a community of military personnel and such units that have reached a high level in their social development. In this regard, the team has a number of characteristics, the degree of expression of which makes it possible to judge the level of its maturity.

1. The team is a collection of military personnel, which is characterized by the unity of ideology, basic interests and moral principles, a highly developed consciousness of collectivism and mutual affection.

2. One of the main characteristics of a team is the unity of the tasks, goals and process of activity; a team presupposes collective (aggregate) activity, which is realized by collective skill, business interaction skills and presupposes a system of leadership and discipline.

3. An important feature of a team is a system of socio-psychological phenomena that are formed on the basis of various forms of communication between soldiers and serve as the ringing bell that connects them into a single social organism. The team is also characterized by a healthy socio-psychological climate, discipline and morale.


An important criterion for differentiating military collectives is division of military personnel into a number of service categories: officers, warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers. Since these categories have common, specific interests and problems, they unite and form unique teams: officers, sergeants, groups of warrant officers, individual military specialists (gunners, driver mechanics, etc.).

Depending on the nature of the activity, the characteristics of the personnel (homogeneity - heterogeneity) and other objective conditions, military teams also differ in a number of psychological characteristics. First of all, this type of intra-team communication. In some teams, business communication and interaction form the basis of collective activity (primarily where there are collective weapons, military equipment, serviced by groups of soldiers who closely interact with each other). In other teams, communication is possible mainly in the intervals between tasks, during rest, and also during training sessions, since team members are busy with individual activities. In most departments, the forms of individual and collective activity are intertwined, and, accordingly, communication is diverse.

Teams differ and according to its quality characteristics: by the level of moral maturity, cohesion, the level of collective combat skill (coherence), by the state of discipline, moral and psychological climate, achievements and performance results.

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Military team

A group of military personnel united on a formal basis (squad, squad, platoon, company), interconnected by a commonality of socially determined goals, interests, needs, norms and rules of behavior, jointly performed activities, unity of will and leadership. Military personnel in V.K. live and act in direct interpersonal contacts, and, because of this, achieve a higher level of development of group relations due to a high degree of cohesion, coherence and mutual assistance.

Activities V.k. is of a joint, group nature, during which a special collective psychology (spirit of camaraderie, brotherhood) is created, which regulates the joint life and activities of military personnel. The formation of collective relations is most often the result of the skillful actions of competent, highly trained officer-leaders who are proficient in the theory and practice of training and education, and have a high personal psychological and pedagogical culture. However, V.k. is not only an object of psychological and pedagogical influence, but he himself is an integral subject of military labor and a subject of influence on his team members when they violate intragroup norms. Spirit V.k. express the concepts of “military brotherhood”, “company family”.

The elements of the psychological structure of a team are: the system of interpersonal relationships of participants in the whole variety of meaningful phenomena (the quality of these relationships, mutual affection and acceptability, recognition, status, role positions, level of conflict, etc.); collective traditions (both those that have developed within the group and those accepted and brought into it from outside); collective moods (characterizing the emotional mood of group members to solve the problems at hand); collective opinion (a system of coinciding value judgments formed in a team regarding events, facts, individuals); collective aspirations (a set of ideas, views, goals that determine the selective activity of all team members and motivate them to achieve a significant result).

Military psychology and pedagogy explores the elements of the psychological structure of V.K. taking into account the specifics of military activity and the conditions of military service.

In the Strategic Missile Forces, taking into account the expressed specificity of the military work of missilemen, the work of uniting the V.K. is a priority task for commanders, staffs and educational authorities, since the solution of tasks as intended largely depends on the well-coordinated collective work of all military personnel. Work on the formation of a military team at the platoon (company) level is a priority task and begins during the period of commissioning of young recruits. The formation of cohesive officer teams is the key to successfully solving the tasks of combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces.

The concept of a military collective

The personality of a warrior is a paramount social and spiritual value in the Armed Forces. As a subject of military activity, as a defender of the Motherland, he is always a member military collective . A warrior, as a member of a military team, is connected by many threads with his colleagues, and his thoughts, feelings and actions largely depend on their positions, opinions and expectations.

A military collective is one of many types of social communities that are formed through the communication and interaction of people in the course of joint activities. An effective factor in the spiritual rapprochement of warriors, the transformation of a random combination of human characters into a stable group, and then into a highly developed team, is cumulative military activity, the need for constant coordination of efforts, distribution of tasks, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. In the process of solving a common problem, there is a rapid increase in the number of threads of cohesion between soldiers, the debugging of management and organization processes, and the convergence of points of view and characters. In short, there is a qualitative leap in the development of the community as an integral entity. From a simple collection of people not yet capable of effective joint activity, a transition is made to an organized group, a subject of collective activity.

So, military team- is a social community of military personnel united by common activities, unity of ideology, morality and military duty, as well as relations of military camaraderie. Such communities are formed within the organizational structure of units with their system of management, weapons, distribution of responsibilities, lifestyle, everyday life and recreation. But this organizational structure in itself does not create a team. It is necessary that strong spiritual, business and personal connections, including friendship, be formed between the people included in it. Only then is a single microsocial organism formed, effective in its activities and creating the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of each individual warrior. The socio-psychological basis of a military team is the diverse spiritual connections that firmly unite warriors into a single whole. The more diverse and rich they are, the stronger the team.

The military collective has its own socio-psychological structure. Its elements are people who perform certain roles in collective life and activity, occupying a certain position, as well as individual microgroups formed within the team. All these positions (individual group roles) are connected by specific relationships.

Characteristics of the military team

The concept of a military collective is usually used to characterize such a community of military personnel and such units that have reached a high level in their social development. In this regard, the team has a number of characteristics, the degree of expression of which makes it possible to judge the level of its maturity.

1. The team is a collection of military personnel, which is characterized by the unity of ideology, basic interests and moral principles, a highly developed consciousness of collectivism and mutual affection.

2. One of the main characteristics of a team is the unity of the tasks, goals and process of activity; a team presupposes collective (aggregate) activity, which is realized by collective skill, business interaction skills and presupposes a system of leadership and discipline.

3. An important feature of a team is a system of socio-psychological phenomena that are formed on the basis of various forms of communication between soldiers and serve as the ringing bell that connects them into a single social organism. The team is also characterized by a healthy socio-psychological climate, discipline and morale.

Initial prerequisites for forming a team

Initial prerequisites for the formation of a team: people who have the necessary data for living and working together; common interests, tasks that involve common activities. In the presence of these prerequisites, interpersonal and intragroup communication unfolds - the main method and mechanism for the formation of a team and its psychology. The main properties of a team are its ability to engage in joint, collective activities and the ability to provide normal social conditions for life, development, and satisfaction of the needs of each member. The most important property of a team is its close connection with other groups.

Each unit has objective prerequisites for creating a strong fighting team: the spiritual unity of soldiers; collective weapons and the collective nature of activity, implying the need for common, clear actions when performing training and combat missions; general conditions of service, combat training and military life. On this objective basis and under the influence of the purposeful work of commanders, the process of organizational unity of soldiers unfolds, that is, the process of creating and becoming a team.

Types of groups

An important criterion for differentiating military collectives is division of military personnel into a number of service categories: officers, warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers. Since these categories have common, specific interests and problems, they unite and form unique teams: officers, sergeants, groups of warrant officers, individual military specialists (gunners, driver mechanics, etc.).

Depending on the nature of the activity, the characteristics of the personnel (homogeneity - heterogeneity) and other objective conditions, military teams also differ in a number of psychological characteristics. First of all, this type of intra-team communication . In some teams, business communication and interaction form the basis of collective activity (primarily where there are collective weapons, military equipment, serviced by groups of soldiers who closely interact with each other). In other teams, communication is possible mainly in the intervals between tasks, during rest, and also during training sessions, since team members are busy with individual activities. In most departments, the forms of individual and collective activity are intertwined, and, accordingly, communication is diverse.

Teams differ and according to its quality characteristics : by the level of moral maturity, cohesion, level of collective combat skill (coherence), by the state of discipline, moral and psychological climate, achievements and performance results.

In the process of consolidation and development of the military team, moral and organizational unity of the unit’s personnel is achieved. It manifests itself in the clarity and high efficiency of joint actions with weapons and equipment, as well as in off-duty time and in various forms of collective spiritual life, in the consciousness of every warrior who feels his closeness and affection to his comrades and responsibility to them.

This aspect of the unity of members of a military collective is expressed in its psychology, which is a set of various connections and relationships. The quality of fulfillment of the tasks facing it depends on the content, direction and stability of the psychology of the team.

Practice shows that for successful team actions in the most difficult situations, the following conditions are primarily important:

a) general, coordinated positions of team members on the main issues of public life and military service, formed on the basis of the moral unity of soldiers, the commonality of their worldview, beliefs and life principles;

b) interaction and communication skills, both in the process of activity and in everyday life, associated with a clear and flexible structure of distribution of responsibilities, leadership and subordination, as well as norms and methods of regulating joint life and activities;

c) military camaraderie and military friendship, that is, relationships determined by interpersonal feelings of mutual trust, respect and responsibility for each other.

An important condition for the activities and development of the team are traditions, military relics and military rituals.

System of intra-collective communication - this is a set of various contacts between soldiers: official and personal, informational, cognitive and emotional, bilateral and multilateral; managerial and didactic, educational and partnership, etc. The means of communication is the mutual exchange of information between soldiers (its message and perception).

Collective motivation - this is the desire of soldiers to coordinate their actions, for mutual support and development of the success achieved by their comrades. This is a practical manifestation of the collectivism of the individual. The basis of collective motivation is the ideological, moral unity of warriors. The desire of warriors to act collectively and help each other is also the result of their awareness of their mutual dependence, the need to subordinate their personal successes to the success of the team. Collective motivation is greatly influenced by the relationships that have developed in the unit - the spirit of true camaraderie, responsibility for each other and for the common cause, or an atmosphere of nervous rivalry, striving for personal performance and indifference to the results of a neighbor.

The skills and abilities of interaction and friendly communication consist in doing at every moment of joint work exactly what follows from the logic of solving a common problem, and doing it independently, based on a personal assessment of the current situation, without instructions or requests. The specificity of these skills and abilities, in contrast to the skills and abilities of individual use of weapons, lies in the fact that it requires, first of all, an orientation towards the actions of one’s comrades, an understanding of the direction of development of the communication situation, especially what other participants in the joint activities.