Resorts for children with ENT diseases. Sanatoriums of ENT diseases. Treatment of ENT diseases in sanatoriums

Doctors strongly advise taking the child to the sea more often. Please advise countries with a truly healing climate, we are simply tired of treating a runny nose (adenoids).
Before that, I went to the sea with my child in Italy and twice in Spain, but did not notice any therapeutic effect.

Currently I'm looking at:
1) Egypt (dry air, if you go in the right season, it’s difficult to run into bad weather - it seems like a significant plus, but we don’t really want to go there ourselves)
2) Greece - Chalkidiki and islands (one of the minuses is that you may not be able to guess the weather)
3) Cyprus - I’m not sure how dry the air is there, but the weather there seems to be less changeable than in Greece.

So where is it still worth going?

I beg you to help me resolve this dilemma, I’ve already broken my head. Just don’t send me, please, to read the forum, I’ve already read a lot, I need real help in choosing.


It greatly depends on the length of stay. I was also taken to Crimea as a child, for at least 24 days, and that helped, but in 2 weeks you can’t expect a therapeutic effect with climatotherapy. If you live on the Mediterranean or Black Sea coast for a month, I think the effect will be regardless of the country of residence, look for options that are affordable for you for a period of at least three weeks and go.

I agree with the recommendation to be treated with homeopathy under the supervision of a doctor.
Yes, it took a long time, but the only alternative was surgery and, as a very good doctor said, it is not a fact that after the operation it will become much better.
And in terms of climate - Egypt and Greece, and every morning you have to swim further away and collect sea water to rinse your nasopharynx.

As a child, I was also taken to Crimea because of problems with the nasopharynx (not just adenoids), then there were other countries, and when I got sick again, at a not very young age, I went to Crimea again (Foros). But we didn’t want to take the child to Crimea, so as soon as they said that things were really bad and an operation needed to be done urgently and it was not a fact that it would help, we immediately went to Bulgaria - solely for reasons of the proximity of its climate to the Crimean one. The climate turned out to be not quite Crimean, but so far it has been helping for three years (t-t-t).
And in Italy, by the way, I get a runny nose all the time, even if everything is fine in Moscow.


So, if you choose between Egypt and Greece, then the climate in Greece is more healthy?

I just heard from many people, “We arrived in Egypt and all the coughs and snot went away immediately,” so the thought crept in, maybe we shouldn’t go to this same Egypt, although, of course, I prefer Greece.


Yes, I don’t at all expect to cure my adenoids by going to a resort. We had already removed the adenoids recently, everything was fine, but a couple of months passed, the child went to kindergarten, caught ARVI there, and the adenoids came out again, the snot does not end. It looks like everything is starting all over again. The purpose of the trip to the sea is to toughen up and last at least two years without repeat surgery.

If we summarize the results for areas (countries) with a healing climate, we get the following:

1. Crimea

I have a question, when is it better to go to Bulgaria, Greece and Crimea, so as not to mess with the weather? In recent years the weather has been too changeable. This is how you come to Greece, for example, and there is rain or cold weather. I understand that it depends on your luck, but still, maybe there will be some general recommendations?

With Egypt, everything is more or less clear.

One of the components of the causes of this condition is an allergy, which, as you know, can be to anything. In our case, with a very dry back wall of the nasopharynx, you will laugh, the doctor determined an allergy to cold, draft. She recommended always keeping the back of your head (!) warm and not walking around without a hat. And if you have a runny nose, take: antihistamines.
And at sea, be sure to rinse your nasopharynx and throat with sea water in order to strengthen it with the trace elements contained there, and simply clean it.
What to choose, Egypt or Greece, is a matter of taste, but keep in mind that in Greece there is different vegetation in different places.

Really healing climate in Montenegro. And not only for ENT patients. Asthma, allergies, skin diseases (there is healing mud in the Igalo area), etc.

The state of the human respiratory system is greatly influenced by climate features. Even the ancient doctors Hippocrates, Galen and others advised climate change as the main method of treating diseases of the lungs, bronchi and upper respiratory tract. Modern doctors recommend visiting pulmonology sanatoriums for treatment and prevention of chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, as well as for restoring health after acute long-term illnesses.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are mostly chronic, a trip to a sanatorium for treatment of the respiratory system is recommended. Sanatorium-resort treatment is the most effective method of treating diseases of the respiratory system. This is due to the fact that most respiratory diseases are difficult to treat with drug therapy and do not require hospital treatment.

The influence of climate on the respiratory system

The respiratory organs have direct contact with the environment (air) and are sensitive to many physical factors (air temperature, humidity, air composition, partial pressure of oxygen, atmospheric pressure). This is successfully used by ENT sanatoriums as natural and artificially created methods of treatment and prevention.

Treatment in sanatoriums is recommended in the presence of a chronic disease during a period of stable remission, that is, when the exacerbation subsides, as well as after long-term acute illnesses, for example, severe protracted pneumonia with the development of complications, after operations on the lungs or respiratory tract, injuries.

Indications for spa treatment

Pulmonological sanatoriums offer wellness programs for such respiratory diseases as: chronic pneumonia, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, broncho-obstructive syndromes of various origins, bronchiectasis, pulmonary emphysema, chronic rhinosinusitis, allergic rhinitis, tonsillopharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, consequences of operations , injuries, long-term acute illnesses.

Children's sanatoriums provide an identical range of services for children. You can send a child to such a health resort for treatment alone or together with their parents. Sanatoriums have modern effective types of treatment for diseases, which make it possible, if not to cure the disease completely, then to achieve stable and long-term remission and stop the progressive development of the disease.

Contraindications to sanatorium-resort treatment:

  • Spontaneous pneumothorax, presence of effusion in the pleural cavity, hemoptysis
  • Presence of pulmonary heart failure above grade 2
  • Chronic lung abscess, bronchiectasis, accompanied by fever, purulent sputum, and exhaustion of the body.
  • Bronchial asthma with frequent and severe attacks of breathlessness, uncontrolled hormone-dependent asthma
  • Conditions after ineffective surgical interventions and the presence of postoperative complications
  • The presence of a chronic disease in the acute phase.

Treatment methods

In any sanatorium, treatment of the respiratory system is carried out comprehensively, using various techniques: balneotherapy, hardware and respiratory physiotherapy, climatotherapy (heliotherapy, aerotherapy), speleotherapy (salt caves), halotherapy, mud therapy, breathing exercises, massage, reflexology.

Climatotherapy is effective for all diseases of the respiratory system. Sanatoriums of ENT organs are located in favorable climatic zones: coastal, mountain, forest-steppe. The air of the sea, mountains and forests contains a large number of negatively charged ions, which have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and human health.

The air of the forest belt is saturated with phytoncides secreted by plants, which have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects and will be useful in the treatment of chronic bronchitis and asthma. Sea air is beneficial due to the presence of hydroaerosols of salts contained in sea water, many minerals that have a healing effect on the respiratory system (improving ventilation, bronchial patency, stimulating hematopoiesis and metabolism, saturating the body with iodine) and the nervous system.

In addition, solar radiation, having bactericidal properties and activating metabolic processes and the production of hormones, promotes recovery from infectious diseases and helps reduce swelling of the respiratory tract. The southern coast of Crimea is considered the best climate for curing tuberculosis. Climatic seaside sanatoriums are also located on the Baltic Sea, in Sochi, Gelendzhik, and Vladivostok.

Pulmonary sanatoriums located in a dry subtropical Mediterranean climate help reduce the frequency of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis by 1.7 times. The mountain climate will be especially useful in the treatment of obstructive syndromes due to bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchiectasis, and in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Srednegorye (Kislovodsk, Altai, Nalchik, Kyrgyzstan) has a healing effect from the first days of stay. The lungs begin to breathe more efficiently - in the mountains the partial pressure of oxygen is reduced, the load on the chest is reduced. Alveolar ventilation improves, oxygen deficiency decreases, and vascular spasm in the pulmonary circulation is relieved.

Salt caves

Almost all respiratory health resorts are equipped with speleological chambers, that is, salt caves, and halochambers, that is, an artificially created microclimate of salt caves. Salt caves help alleviate almost all diseases of the ENT organs due to the penetration of highly dispersed dry aerosol into the respiratory tract, which improves ventilation parameters of breathing, nervous regulation of breathing, and helps reduce the use of medications.

Also, lung treatment is carried out using balneotherapy, that is, therapeutic baths, which have both a nonspecific restorative and specific therapeutic effect, depending on the type of bath (sulfide, chloride, iodine bromide, radon, carbon dioxide).

Preparing for a trip to the sanatorium

To travel to a sanatorium, you must undergo a number of mandatory tests (chest x-ray, clinical blood and urine tests, ECG) and additional tests prescribed by the attending physician to assess your health and identify contraindications, and visit a dentist to sanitize carious teeth. After the examination, the attending physician will definitely issue a sanatorium-resort card.

When traveling to a sanatorium with lung diseases, you must take with you the medications you take in case of exacerbations of the disease, a sanatorium card, and a compulsory health insurance policy. If you are going to visit the sanatorium in the middle of summer, then you will need sunglasses, cream, and a sun hat. It is necessary to remember and observe the sun exposure regime for both adults and, especially, children. Children under 2 years old are not allowed to stay in direct sunlight.

Having trouble choosing a sanatorium? Spa specialists will help you:

Executive Director of the Foundation for Healthcare Consulting and Management, author of many federal standards for sanatorium and resort treatment.

There is an opinion among people that a runny nose, cough, and slightly elevated temperature are not a disease, but an unpleasant accompaniment of seasonal changes. Few people go to the doctor at the first sign of a cold. But ENT diseases quite insidious. Despite the mild symptoms, they can lead to a severe form of the disease and unpleasant complications.

In medicine, the ENT organs include the human ear, nasal cavity and pharynx. Accordingly, diseases of these organs are ENT- diseases. It is important that all these organs work as a single whole, and a disruption in the functioning of one leads to a functional failure of the other. In addition, through the ENT organs, the child receives information about the world around him (taste, smell, temperature, etc.). The painful condition does not allow the body to function properly, which leads to disruption of individual development and limits the abilities of children.

ENT diseases include rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, adenoiditis, otitis media, nasal polyps, croup, adenoids, otitis media and the most common – ARVI and tonsillitis. Traditional methods include medication, physiotherapeutic treatment, and inhalations. Recently, most otolaryngologists are inclined to think that the most effective method of completely getting rid of the disease is sanatorium treatment.

Treatment of diseases of the ENT organs in children in sanatoriums of Crimea

Conventionally, in Crimea there are 2 main resort zones: Western Crimea and South Coast. Each zone has its own advantages, natural resources and specific health benefits. Western Crimea is a generally recognized children's health resort. This is due, first of all, to climatic factors, the presence of deposits healing mud and mineral springs.

Salt caves are quite rare in nature. In the territory of the former Soviet Union, the most famous are in the area of ​​Mukachevo and Artemovsk. In the sanatoriums "Zdravnitsa", the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Evpatoria Military Clinical Sanatorium" are equipped halochambers, which maintain a microclimate identical to natural.

In the treatment of ENT diseases, mud is used for applications on the mastoid process and for galvanic procedures. Devices Stream 1, EVAC-1, APP-2 installed in the mud baths of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Evpatoria Military Clinical Sanatorium", sanatoriums Moscow, "Orlyonok".

"Moscow" is the only sanatorium in Crimea, in which, in particularly difficult cases, patients are given sessions chemotherapy.


All children's sanatoriums in Crimea have sufficient facilities for the treatment of ENT diseases, but children's sanatoriums in Evpatoria are most specialized for this. Follow this link to get acquainted with all children's sanatoriums in Crimea that provide treatment for ENT diseases.

(Ural sanatoriums)

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  • Rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs

    Everyone who visited sanatoriums for treatment of ENT organs doubted the effectiveness of medical recovery. Purchasing a voucher to a boarding house guarantees you not only good medical care, but also the opportunity to have a great rest in an ecologically clean corner of our country. All ENT sanatoriums are located near natural areas: forests, rivers, mountains or seas.

    For each patient, the purchase of a voucher begins with an examination by the attending physician, who issues a referral and draws up a sanatorium-resort card. Next, you need to study the available sanatoriums with ENT treatment and choose the best option. It is almost impossible to do this on your own due to the abundance of information on the Internet.

    Our consultants will easily select not only an adult, but also a children's sanatorium or rehabilitation center for the treatment of ENT diseases. We are familiar with the treatment methods used there and have collected a large database of reviews from our clients. Trust us to not only improve your health, but also have a good vacation and gain energy for new achievements.

    What types of ENT sanatoriums are there for children and adults?

    When choosing ENT sanatoriums, you should pay attention to their type. As a rule, it depends on the location of the hospital. The most common institutions are:

    • Balneotherapy;
    • Climatotherapy;
    • Mud therapy;
    • Local.

    A sanatorium for ENT diseases can combine several natural factors. When choosing, do not forget about the medical staff, equipment, and accommodation conditions.

    Sometimes sanatoriums for children with ENT diseases are included in a separate category. Choosing an institution for a child is especially difficult, because it should not cause a strong association with a hospital inpatient facility. We know which ENT sanatoriums for children are best equipped and will give your child a lot of positive emotions. We can also find ENT sanatoriums for children with parents if the child is not ready to stay away from the family for a long time.

    Contraindications to referral to ENT sanatoriums

    Boarding houses do not accept guests with diseases in the acute phase. Before purchasing a voucher, you must undergo a full examination and find out whether a preliminary course of treatment is necessary. Children's ENT sanatoriums also adhere to this rule.

    There is a general list of contraindications, regardless of the profile of the hospital:

    • Cachexia, echinococcus, tuberculosis, etc.;
    • Viral and venereal diseases;
    • Non-healing scars after surgery;
    • Late pregnancy.

    There are many health resorts in the CIS that have programs in related areas. In them, you can simultaneously restore the gastrointestinal tract or ease the manifestations of allergies, tone your muscles and restore normal weight. Such details can be obtained from our consultants at the stage of selecting an institution.

    Why does a child need to go to a resort?

    Your throat hurts, your ears are shooting, your nose is running – a familiar picture, isn’t it? And most importantly - regular. Why are most preschoolers and primary schoolchildren so susceptible to ENT diseases?

    Everything is quite understandable: the ears, throat and nose (ENT organs) are the first to take the “blows” of viral and bacterial infections and allergens. That is why they suffer from all sorts of ENT diseases: rhinitis, frontal sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, otitis, as well as acute respiratory viral infections and tonsillitis.

    At the same time, the ENT organs are very sensitive to temperature and air, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. Physiotherapeutic treatment is based on this observation, and today many otolaryngologists recognize it as a very effective healing technique. That’s why doctors recommend that frequently ill children visit specialized sanatoriums and resorts, preferably sea resorts, once a year. Well, if you can’t go to a sanatorium, then at least just spend time at sea.

    Where to go with a child

    If we talk about the climate, then Jordan, Israel and Egypt in the vicinity of the Red Sea are ideal for the prevention of diseases of the ENT organs. The warm dry air of Western Crimea is also perfect. However, there are other directions, but there are also restrictions, albeit of a different kind.

    “It is very important,” says pediatrician of the highest category, member of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia Irina Ivanova, “that the child who is going on vacation is over 3 years old, and his stay at sea is long enough, at least 3 weeks. It’s not for nothing that in the Soviet Union vouchers to sanatoriums were given for 24 days! We must remember that a child’s body undergoes at least a week of restructuring, adapting to new climatic conditions.”


    Holidays with children in Crimea are very popular. Many mothers believe that neither sinusitis, nor tonsillitis, nor adenoiditis can resist the wonderful air of the South Coast. “Indeed, pines and eucalyptus trees, combined with the sea breeze, create a unique microclimate, with which it is best to treat diseased tonsils and adenoids,” says Irina Ivanova. – The Caucasus, including the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, is already subtropical, the climate here is more humid, and therefore undesirable for children suffering from bronchial and ENT diseases. In addition, starting from mid-summer, ragweed, a plant similar to wormwood, the pollen of which causes severe allergies, begins to bloom in the vicinity of Anapa. So if your goal is to treat your child’s ears, nose and throat, then it is better to exclude Anapa, Sochi and Gelendzhik. The same goes for the Azov coast: these places are suitable for rest and relaxation, but the sea there is shallow, nature is scarce, and the winds are strong. Therefore, there are not enough factors to treat a sore throat or nose.”

    Western Crimea is a completely different matter. Thanks to the combination of sea and steppe air, mineral waters and therapeutic mud, Evpatoria is best suited for children who are often ill and suffer from diseases of the ENT organs and musculoskeletal system. The city of Saki is valued for its unique healing mud. Also suitable for treating children Nikolaevka, Popovka, Vitino. Lovers of Crimea appreciate the miraculous climate of Miskhor and Yalta with its juniper groves: the air, saturated with iodine ions and phytoncides of conifers, is very useful for the nasopharynx: after such a rest, colds will probably go away and immunity will rise!

    Central Russia

    The Moscow region and neighboring regions cannot offer sea air and steppe grasses, but suitable options can be found here too. This is especially true for families with small children under three years old who are not ready for long journeys. And most pediatricians do not advise abruptly changing the climate for babies whose nasopharyngeal organs have not yet fully formed.

    Another important factor in favor of choosing a sanatorium or holiday home in the middle zone is affordable prices. But if this applies to sanatoriums near Moscow with reservations, then in neighboring regions you can find very good options for recreation and wellness. For example, the sanatorium named after Stanko in Ivanovo region offers a special “Healthy Child” program, developed for frequently ill children and aimed at increasing the body’s defenses and preventing exacerbations of chronic diseases.

    Another option is to spend your holidays in Kashin. The local sanatorium specializes more in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; the living conditions and food here are not the most exquisite, but the prices for the procedures are very reasonable: 100 rubles for a bath with mineral water, a session in the salt room - 150 rubles. By the way, there is an opinion that half an hour of speleotherapy has the same effect on the body as a three-day vacation by the sea. At your leisure, you can drink the famous Kashin water, pick mushrooms and berries, and get acquainted with the local attraction - the Porridge Museum. There are a great many similar options in the middle zone, and you can always choose something that meets your needs and the thickness of your wallet.


    Belarus is also suitable for holidays with small children. The local children's sanatoriums - for example, “Golden Sands”, “Porechye”, “Solnechny”, “Ruzhansky”- are deservedly popular among Russians due to low prices for treatment and accommodation, very good resort facilities and decent standards of treatment, good food and the availability of children's animation.


    The sea on the Baltic coast is cool even at the height of summer. But breathing the sea air among the pine trees and sand dunes is also extremely beneficial. However, healing mineral springs are not located on the coast, but in Birštonas and Druskininkai.

    Children will have a great time in Druskininkai: a magnificent water park with mineral water, a huge rope park on the banks of the Neman, plus cycling in the quiet resort town and its surroundings. You can get treatment, for example, in sanatoriums "Egle" and "Belarus", where special wellness programs for children are offered: herbal medicine, various inhalations, swimming in pools with thermal water, speleotherapy. And while children splash in the mineral water, adults can enjoy spa treatments.


    The Czech Republic is one of the most budget options for holidays abroad. A fairy-tale country with amazing medieval castles will appeal to both children and adults: mild climate, healing air, European-level medicine, friendly Russian-speaking (mostly) medical staff. Wellness procedures include mineral water treatment, inhalation and magnetic therapy, and baths. Music therapy is actively used here: children learn to play the recorder, which significantly strengthens the respiratory system!

    The resort towns of Kinžvart and Marianske Lazne are known for effective methods of treating respiratory and ENT diseases. In sanatoriums and resort hotels, speleotherapy and mud therapy are used: for example, warming applications from local white clay are very effective for the treatment of chronic otitis media, tonsillitis, and rheumatic joint diseases.

    The children's spa in Luhačovice specializes in problems with asthma, allergies, sinusitis and bronchitis. Treatment programs include inhalation of local mineral water, physiotherapy, pearl baths, treatment with medicinal plants, electro- and magnetic therapy.

    The Czech Republic is attractive because outdoor games, theatrical performances and concerts, excursions to legendary castles and picturesque surroundings are organized for children on vacation. At the same time, it is not necessary to strive to get into a children's sanatorium. Many resort establishments are very attentive to vacationers with children: if necessary, staff will organize childcare, special meals, and procedures.


    Of course, the mild Black Sea climate of Bulgaria is perfect for relaxing on amazing golden sandy beaches framed by coniferous forests, and for the treatment and prevention of ear, nose and throat diseases. And when choosing Bulgaria, remember that in addition to hotels and private apartments, there are also sanatoriums with a long therapeutic history. Also pay attention to the spa town of Velingrad, famous for its thermal springs, located near Sofia.

    Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia

    The mild climate of the Adriatic is suitable for frequently ill children. It's better to choose in Croatia Central Dalmatia, where the beaches are less rocky and therefore more comfortable. Or Montenegro, where almost the entire coast is sandy. The coastal infrastructure in this part of the Balkans is mostly represented by hotels and private apartments left over from Yugoslav times and slightly rebuilt. But what is the combination of a clear emerald sea and shores covered with pine trees and pine trees worth! Enjoying the wonderful views of the Adriatic brings relaxation to the soul, and the pine air, saturated with phytoncides, heals the body.

    More northern Slovenia actively uses mineral and thermal springs for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases, including ENT diseases. For example, the thalasso resort of Strunjan, located on the seashore, will gladly offer both healing body treatments and programs for the treatment of respiratory diseases. Slovenia is favored by the presence of excellent infrastructure and an abundance of children's entertainment.

    It is also worth paying attention to Serbia: it is far from the sea, but unlike its coastal neighbors, prices here are much more affordable and the quality of treatment is quite decent. Plus an excellent understanding of the Russian language, which is also important.


    Holidays and treatment in Italian resorts will cost more than in the countries of the former Yugoslavia. You can stock up on health in a specialized children's sanatorium on the island of Ischia in the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is famous for its mild climate, thermal springs, and healing mud. Warm baths with sulfur-sulfide waters, inhalations, special showers and mud applications will erect a reliable barrier to ENT diseases, and drinking mineral waters will improve metabolism. The picturesque island is ideal for allergy sufferers: phytoncides from coniferous trees have a beneficial effect on the bronchi and lungs. Local thermal park "Gardens of Poseidon" you will find a variety of water activities for children and adults and at the same time improve your health by enjoying mineral baths, saunas, jacuzzi and other healthy entertainment.