Garden on the windowsill of the most important herbs. Greens on the windowsill - how to grow edible herbs at home Spicy herbs in pots in the kitchen

It is especially useful to grow herbs in winter, when there are not so many vitamins, and fresh herbs are quite expensive in stores. But even in summer, a small garden with herbs on the windowsill can diversify the interior of the kitchen and make dishes fragrant and tasty. Growing herbs on a windowsill is easy and fun. If you choose the right plants, you will get not only an evergreen bed, but also a spectacular flower mix. Today you can buy ready-made containers for growing greens. Typically, such boxes are equipped with separate "pockets" where you can grow greens with a small root system.

Many gardeners transfer developed plants directly from the garden to the house. This is a great way to get a green garden with fragrant herbs without the hassle. At home, many perennials feel good, including:

  • motherboard,
  • sage,
  • thyme,
  • Melissa,
  • caber.

Before transplanting, the plants are well watered, dug up, and, if necessary, shorten the roots. After planting in a box, the shoots should be cut off. This will make it easier to adapt and improve the growth of new greenery.

Usually the plants used for growing on greens are unpretentious. They are easily accustomed to a new place and grow quickly. Growing herbs on the windowsill allows you to get fresh herbs at any time of the year. True, in winter, spicy herbs need additional illumination, otherwise the leaves will be pale and weak.

Soil selection

The home garden should be loose, breathable and as nutritious as possible. However, you should not abuse fertilizers, because the resulting greens will go to food. So, apart from organics, there should not be any other applications. Garden soil is usually heavy and acidic, so it is advisable to use a ready-made substrate. All-purpose soil is fine. It contains the necessary amount of nutrients, it is light, loose and well passes moisture.

To grow herbs on a windowsill, you will need a sufficiently high container where you can make good drainage. If we are talking about growing 1-2 plants, but a regular flower pot will do.

Some plants don't need soil at all. Watercress and mustard leaf do well in water. It is enough to create the necessary humidity by placing moistened cotton wool or special moisture-retaining granules on the bottom of the container. It is important not to allow the roots to dry out, otherwise the plant will quickly die. Similarly, you can grow onions on a feather. Usually, glass containers or plastic jars are taken for this purpose. When compiling a home garden, you can disguise water containers with moss or sprinkle them with decorative stones. Then it will be possible to make a spectacular and beautiful garden bed, which will give the interior a special charm.

What to plant

At home, it is quite possible to grow various varieties of salads, sorrel, parsley, dill, marjoram, green onions and cilantro. Compact varieties of cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, early ripening and undersized varieties of cucumbers will be able to diversify the garden with herbs. By the way, chives also feel great in the home garden and go well in the greens.

Among the unpretentious plants are:

More demanding plants include leaf lettuce, lemon balm, sage, rosemary. Much is determined by the varietal characteristics of plants. Before buying seeds, you should check with the seller how good it will be for plants at home. For example, some varieties of sage are large, and rosemary can be difficult to grow on a windowsill. Leaf lettuce usually requires additional lighting: it does not go very well into greens under room lighting. It is worth noting that most herbs blend well with each other and are suitable for co-growing. Almost all herbs love bright light, high humidity, and temperatures around 25°C.

Secrets of Successful Growing

All herbs, except for onions and watercress, need a long daylight hours. Therefore, they light up from the garden. In summer, it is advisable to place a box with a plant on a balcony; in winter, even if there is a south window, plants will have to arrange additional lighting. Often, fluorescent lamps are installed in the kitchen, which provide good lighting in the work area. Such a lamp will be quite enough to improve the growth of green pets. With a lack of light, the plants quickly stretch and have small pale greens. Basil, almost all types of lettuce, mint, rosemary, etc. need good lighting.

To be guaranteed to become the owner of a luxurious green garden at home, you should buy only early ripe varieties when choosing seeds. It is also necessary to check the timing of seed release, since many herbs quickly lose their germination.

It is quite difficult to grow parsley at home. However, this plant is very popular, which is why many herb lovers make attempts to grow herb at home. For these purposes, a capacious box, nutrient soil and good drainage are suitable. Parsley grows best outdoors: on a balcony or veranda.

Those who want to grow both a decorative and a useful garden bed should pay attention to perennials: marjoram, mint, sage. These plants can please the eye for a long time with their appearance, while the clothespin of the leaves will have a positive effect on the aesthetics of the decorative garden. However, if green pets stay in one place for a long time without a transplant, they will quickly grow and deplete the earth, so that the home garden will have to be updated annually.

Spicy herbs respond well to spraying and do not like high air dryness. Dill, mint and basil will not give a good harvest with a lack of moisture. To increase air humidity you can make a mini-reservoir, diversify the composition and create an optimal microclimate.

Many lovers of plants on the windowsill approach the arrangement of a home garden with imagination. For planting compact plants, which include almost all herbs, old cups, sugar bowls, oilers are suitable, which will give the kitchen interior an original look. It is convenient to grow herbs in plastic bottles. If you turn the bottle horizontally and make round holes in the top of the bottle, and pour water inside, you can get the perfect container for forcing onions. And if you put the bottle upright and cover it with earth, you can get a compact vertical bed for growing undersized greens, such as dill and parsley.

It is impossible to make a bed without a drainage layer. It is almost impossible to shed the soil qualitatively and not harm the root system of plants. To improve water exchange, you can use a hydrogel, which is added to the soil during planting. It retains moisture and, on the one hand, protects plants from overflow, and on the other hand, it gives off excess water when the roots do not have enough moisture.

Many housewives prefer to grow herbs on the windowsill. This solution reduces costs, it is convenient and provides constant access to vitamins, which is especially important in winter. Plant seeds or sprouts in pots can be bought at specialty stores, markets, or asked from friends. And you can transplant plants from your garden before the onset of frost. For the first planting, it is better to prefer early varieties in order to quickly evaluate the result, such as thyme or basil.

Conditions for growing herbs

Grow container

The beauty of growing herbs is the freedom of creativity and it is possible to create a kingdom of fragrant greens on the kitchen windowsill. You can deviate a little from the prescribed rules, there will be no harm, there are no strict prescriptions. For example, for growing herbs, you can choose any containers, experiment with shapes and designs.

It can be an old cup, teapot, food packaging.

But there are also preferences for different types of greens. A container is best for growing green onions so that only the rhizome is covered with water. You can also use a narrow glass jar. Other plants, such as thyme, dill, coriander, prefer wide, low containers.

Drainage device

For many herbs, such as parsley, dill, thyme, lettuce, and many others, five-liter plastic bottles work well. You can take a bottle of a different size. On one side of the bottle, small holes are cut out in rows for plants. Then a layer of drainage should be poured onto the bottom of the container so that it does not reach about 1 or 2 cm to the first row of holes. For drainage, expanded clay or gravel is usually used, making sure that the layer thickness does not exceed 3-4 cm.

Then a layer of soil is poured onto the drainage up to the first holes and plant bulbs are placed in them (holes) so that the growth point protrudes slightly. Then repeat the procedure until the end of the rows and the bottle is completely filled. But drainage is placed only at the bottom of the bottle.

When using soil, you need to remember the importance of drainage, it helps to form a healthy root system. At the bottom of the container, we lay small pebbles, expanded clay or just a layer of coarse sand in an even layer. Under the ground, there must be either drainage holes or a drainage layer. Although they can be combined.

Seed selection

The process of selecting and planting seeds is a little more complicated, it requires at least minimal experience. The bottle is prepared in the same way, but the seeds are planted immediately in the holes after the bottle is filled. This method is for herbs that do not require much light during the germination period, such as white mustard, dill, thyme, lettuce, parsley. Before the emergence of seedlings, the holes need to be covered with something to retain heat and humidity.

And in stores, special pots and cartridges for growing herbs are sold, they are already equipped with everything you need, you just need to water them.

Pots or other containers should be placed on a stand to protect the rhizomes from drafts.

Soil selection and fertilization

Most herbs require loose soil with good carrying capacity. The roots will need a lot of moisture and air. It is best to buy soil in the store. Ordinary soil taken from a vegetable garden or lawn may contain pathogens, lack the necessary minerals, and is usually too dense or acidic.
If a suitable soft and loose natural soil is found, and there is no way to purchase a ready-made soil mixture, it is recommended to ignite the earth in an oven to get rid of pest larvae, pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic microflora.
Planting plants is very easy. The main thing is not to bury the seeds deep, just lightly sprinkle them with earth. Before germination, you need to make sure that the top layer of the earth is moist, especially if it is thyme.

How to sterilize soil?

To sterilize the soil, you need to take a three-liter glass jar and fill it with prepared soil. No need to tamp it in a container, it must have air access. Then the jar must be placed in any vessel with water suitable for a long stay in the oven.

Next, the entire structure must be placed in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for an hour and a half. Experienced gardeners recommend watering the soil with any liquid fertilizer after the procedure to consolidate success and increase the amount of minerals and nutrients.

Soil replacement

Some plants, such as leafy mustard, watercress, or onions, do not require soil to grow. They do best in moist environments. To do this, you need to place a piece of cloth, a layer of cotton or even a paper towel in a shallow container, and place the seeds of watercress and mustard leaf on top. The main thing is to constantly keep the base moist.

Growing green onions is even easier. To do this, place the bulbs in a wide, shallow vessel and fill them with water to a third of the height. Water must be changed regularly to prevent stagnation or the onset of rotting processes.
For some plants, hydrogel can be used instead of soil. It absorbs excess moisture and gives it to the roots of the plant at the right time. It can be placed in the ground, for the same purpose. For planting on a pure hydrogel, leafy mustard, thyme, watercress, lettuce valerianella are suitable.

Types of plants and their care

There are a number of plants that housewives prefer to plant on the windowsill in the first place. When choosing seeds or sprouts, it is better to pay attention to early varieties, especially if it is dill, thyme, parsley.

Green onions are very easy to grow, the main thing is to pick up bulbs of the same size and remove excess husks from them. If you cut off the top before planting, then the shoots will appear much faster. You can add a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content to it, but this is not necessary.

Watercress is very easy to grow, it is absolutely not picky about the presence of light, the landing site, and so on. Harvesting can be carried out already when they reach a height of 5 cm. You need to sow tightly to each other.

Leaf mustard can be planted in the same container with watercress, they get along quietly and equally do not require special care.

Leaf lettuce requires bright light and heat; without additional illumination, it will not grow.

Dill does not require special care, but it is better to choose early varieties, they give a harvest in just three weeks, otherwise the first shoots will have to wait about 1.5 months.

Parsley requires plenty of light, moderate daily watering, and a warm environment. It is difficult to grow it at home from seeds, but you can try to drive it out of the rhizome. Before planting, the seeds should be soaked for a day in warm water.

Basil requires compliance with the temperature regime from 25 to 28 degrees. It is better to buy it in the form of seedlings. It requires constant monitoring of moisture levels.

Thyme is a perennial plant. Thyme should be watered sparingly.

Coriander or cilantro is especially demanding on drainage and constant watering.

But rosemary is very difficult to grow on your own. It is better to buy ready-made seedlings in the store, and enjoy the lush growth of a perennial plant.

Watering and fertilizing herbs on the windowsill

All herbs on the windowsill, except for parsley, need to be watered once a week. All plants, except watercress, parsley, sorrel and mustard leaf, require good lighting and humidity, use special phytolamps for additional lighting. Humidifiers will help to increase the level of humidity, which is especially important during the heating season.

Fertilizers for spicy herbs are suitable for any, but it is better to use mineral fertilizers, you need to fertilize every two months according to the instructions. Be sure to regularly ventilate the room, some plants, for example, thyme in winter, can be put on an insulated balcony. When flowering, the inflorescences must be cut off.

Indoor mini-lawns have become a trendy plant decor in recent years. Such a piece of nature harmoniously looks in the interior of any style: it is beautiful, fresh, original, and, at the same time, unobtrusive.

Home lawns are arranged not only in pots, but also in spacious boxes, which are placed on window sills, stands, tables, etc. They are often grown in balcony flower boxes. And in a large room, such a plant structure can be arranged even on the floor. And not only as a decor - you can walk on the grass. There is nothing complicated in creating a miniature indoor lawn.

Container for growing home lawn

If you are going to grow herbs not in a purchased container such as a pot or box, but plan to arrange a full-fledged, albeit small, lawn, you will have to do the foundation yourself. To arrange the right foundation is to do half the job. In principle, everyone can build a wide and long box with sides 25-30 cm high. But boards, plywood, fiberboard as a material are not suitable for it - after all, the lawn will have to be watered, and wood draws moisture almost instantly. It is better to use sheets of plastic, polycarbonate, plexiglass, etc. The connection is simple, using a drill and screws, bolts, self-tapping screws, and other fasteners.

An important point - in fact, you will have to make not one, but two such boxes. The second, slightly larger, will act as a tray for draining excess water from the first.

Lay drainage at the bottom of the box: pebbles, expanded clay balls, etc. If you are not sure that the drain is clean, disinfect it. You can simply pour boiling water to kill bacteria. We take the soil either from the site, or we buy it ready-made in the store.

What to grow in an indoor lawn

So the lawn will be placed in the room, then the sun will not get so much of it. In any case, less than on the street. A group of shade-tolerant herbs is just for such a case. On seed bags, the location of the lawn is indicated (in the shade or in the sun). Mixtures often include fescue, ryegrass, thin bent grass, white bent grass, etc.

Very pretty lawns are obtained from ofiopogon. This herbaceous evergreen grows quickly, forming low decorative bushes that do not even require a haircut.

Sowing is done as on - the seeds are scattered as evenly as possible on the surface of the soil, after which they are raked in with small rakes or sprinkled with a layer of earth 1-1.5 cm.

If very little sun enters the room, it is better to organize a home lawn with the help of ground covers that grow into green “rugs”: ivy, fittonia, selaginella, nerter, etc.

How to care for your indoor lawn

Mowing a home lawn is often not required - getting a little sun, grasses grow slowly. One haircut a month is not much work. It is convenient to cut with garden scissors with long handles. It is good if there is a grass clipper - electric, with a replaceable cutting (cutting) wire.

Watering, although infrequent, is always plentiful - so that the roots develop actively. But it should be remembered that oxygen must be supplied to the roots, otherwise their decay cannot be avoided. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out regular (2-3 times a month) aeration - to pierce the soil in many places. In particularly hot weather or with increased dryness of the air in the room (often in winter, when the heating is on), it is advisable to spray the plants.

A grassy home lawn, with proper care, can retain its decorative effect for 3-4 years, after which the grasses are reseeded.

Leave your feedback

Spicy herbs can be successfully grown on the kitchen window sill in winter and significantly diversify the range of greens available for sale. In addition to their aromatic qualities, many of them show different shades of foliage and are no less showy than established pets. If you want, grow them in separate pots, or if you want, make a fragrant mix in a wide bowl or a small balcony box. Special containers are also sold - "gardens" with pockets or holes. Occupation is very fashionable and not devoid of benefits. The growing process is generally simple, but some special conditions for fragrant herbs still need to be created. Let's talk about everything in order.

Take home from the garden

The easiest way to instantly get a spicy bed on the kitchen windowsill is to take a few plants in the garden before the autumn frosts come. Perennial spicy plants are suitable for this - Thyme, Sage, hyssop, oregano, mint, lemon balm, catnip, savory, and also annual. Select well-developed, healthy specimens, water them and transplant with a clod, being careful not to damage the root system, into pots with fresh potting mix. Large bushes can be divided or used for planting root offspring.

The pot in diameter should be only 2-5 cm wider than the size of the root ball of the plant, otherwise the roots, unable to cope with moisture, will rot. After transplantation, without regret, cut off the greens, leaving only 3 cm, just pinch the shoots of basil and hyssop.

Tarragon requires a dormant period before the onset of winter. Transplant the plant into a pot and leave it in the garden until the leaves die. Transfer to a cool room for a few days. Then put on the lightest window sill and feed with organic fertilizers.

Supplement with ready-made plants

To make fragrant compositions richer and more diverse, it is worth visiting garden centers and nurseries (discounts are announced there in autumn). From herbs, it is possible to find varietal thyme - for example, the common Compactus, the lemon-smelling Golden King and Silver Queen, oregano, including the yellow-leaved variety Aureum, medicinal sage, often its purple-leaved variety Purpurascens, narrow-leaved lavender, various mints. By the way, peppermint is the most common of the mints, but the aroma of its leaves is too mentholic, it is much softer and richer in other species, for example, a low and little creeping spearmint, which is an ideal candidate for growing on a windowsill.

From among indoor plants, noble laurel and rosemary can be attached to this fragrant community.

Planting cuttings

If there is not enough planting material, use cuttings. This is how oregano, thyme, mint, sage are propagated , hyssop . For rooting, top shoots 10 cm long are cut, lower leaves are removed and rooted under a cut plastic bottle or a transparent plastic bag. . To speed up the process, you can powder the tips with Kornevin or soak in a Zircon solution (4 ml per 1 liter of water) for 14 hours. Good lighting, additional lighting with phytolamps significantly speeds up the rooting process. This method allows you to get young, well-leafy plants from mother plants, which have already become woody in the lower part and will give little fragrant greenery.

Distillation of root crops and bulbous crops

But what about without parsley? She, as well as Celery and Pasternak, are dug up in the fall, cut off the greens, and the root crops are placed, covered with sand, for storage in a basement with a low positive temperature (+1 ... + 3 o C). From November to March, they are planted in batches in deep pots at a slight slope, as the greenery grows, they are fed once. You can also use purchased root crops with an intact apical bud for planting. Greens grow within a month.

Onion. Small samples left after harvesting onions, or onions that begin to germinate during storage, can be driven out on a feather in water or in the soil until summer. Suitable for this and sevok, which is planted in shallow containers after pre-soaking. Each landing allows you to have a green feather for several weeks.

Garlic. Garlic cloves are planted to a depth of 3-4 cm to obtain young greens, which will be ready in 3 weeks. You can even use wilted or spoiled ones, gradually planting them in pots with other greens.

Sowing seeds

Finally, some plants can be sown. Although the most favorable time for indoor planting is in the spring, with an increase in the amount of light, there are many crops that germinate easily, grow well at room temperature and lack of light in winter. On sale, sometimes there are ready-made kits for growing greens, including beautiful pots, substrate and seeds - a godsend for those who appreciate the aesthetic side of the process.

Use the period free from country worries to get acquainted with new spicy-tasting and green crops. Growing some of them can be real fun for children and adults! See for yourself.

Watercress is one of the easiest crops to grow on a windowsill. Cold-resistant, moisture-loving, content with a small amount of light (without additional illumination), does without soil, grows rapidly. Seeds are densely sown on the surface of a gauze or paper towel, laid in several layers in a shallow plastic tray and moistened (can be sown on soaked colorless hydrogel). Seedlings are ready for use in a few days - they are simply cut with scissors. For continuous production of watercress greens, sowing is done every week. You can grow it in the soil, then the greens are ready for use in 2-3 weeks. To make it tender and juicy, you need constant spraying with water.

sheet, or lettuce mustard is grown similarly to watercress. In autumn, it is better to sow on gauze or a napkin, and cut it off when the foliage reaches a height of 5 cm. salads, sandwiches and sauces. All three cultures are cold-resistant, grow well already at a temperature of +15 o C, without additional lighting.

Chervil. Sow every 2 weeks. It is cold-resistant, grows at +15+16 o C, needs high air humidity (spraying). A month later, cut off once, because it grows back badly, and sow again.

Watercress. Another plant that is not demanding on light, but constantly needs moisture. It is grown through seedlings, then planted at a distance of 15-20 cm or in separate pots. If you grew it outdoors in the summer, you can cut cuttings that root easily in water.

borage, or borago. It is sown in the soil, thinned to a distance of 15 cm. Grows 3-4 weeks to a phase of 2-3 true leaves, then cut off. Before harvesting, it is necessary to dry the soil a little to increase the aromaticity of the greens.

Perilla. This plant with chocolate-colored lacy leaves is more often seen in flower beds than in vegetable gardens. But it is not inferior to the content of valuable substances of carrots! Easy to grow on a cool windowsill. Only one circumstance must be taken into account - so that the plants do not quickly go into the flowering phase in short autumn days, they need to extend the length of the day up to 14 hours.

Valerianella, or field lettuce. No less rival of carrots in terms of the content of biologically active substances. It has a sweetish taste and a nutty aroma of greens, which goes well with meat dishes. Cold-resistant and moisture-loving plant, easy to grow on the windowsill. In just a month, it forms beautiful rosettes of green oblong leaves. However, with a lack of light, it is more advisable to grow on a napkin, like watercress, or use healthy germinated seeds.

Now about growing

In winter, it is very dry on the windowsill due to heating, so already at the stage of choosing pots, keep in mind that in clay soil it will dry out faster than in plastic ones, so they are more suitable for drought-resistant crops (thyme, sage, for example). However, regardless of the relationship of certain plants to moisture, they all need good drainage, for which you can use not only purchased expanded clay, but also small pebbles, brick fragments, sand, or pieces of foam.

The composition of the soil mixture. Purchased soils for vegetable plants consist mainly of peat and sand and do not retain moisture well. In order to get rid of this drawback, it is necessary to add garden loam or compost to it. It is also a good idea to mix 1 g of dry hydrogel (1/4 teaspoon) for every liter of substrate. It is more convenient to use the hydrogel dry - after watering it will swell and replenish the soil sediment. Such an additive will reduce the frequency of watering to 2-3 times a month and facilitate care.

Transplanting plants from the garden to indoor conditions is fraught with the danger of moving diseases and pests along with them, which can spread to indoor plants. You will almost certainly bring in at least aphids. Therefore, we recommend that during the transplantation process, wash the aerial part of the plants with green soap, diluting 100 ml with 5 liters of water. This is an environmentally friendly product that has both an insecticidal and disinfectant effect. Spill the substrate in a pot with a solution of the biological preparation Fitosporin-M instead of steam sterilization of the soil.

After processing and planting, arrange a “quarantine” for the herbs by isolating them from indoor plants for at least 2 weeks. However, it cannot be avoided anyway, since it is undesirable to immediately place the plants in the heat from the autumn coolness, otherwise the greenery will dry out. Such a shock is especially dangerous for herbs with delicate thin foliage, and will affect drought-resistant, with small dense or pubescent leaves - thyme, sage and mint. First, put the pots with plants on a glazed unheated balcony or on the veranda of the house, and after 2 weeks bring them inside. If this is not possible, leave the pots in the garden for a week or two, only after that treat the plants with green soap and pick up a cool but bright place in the room to start with, and then put it on permanently.

Growing conditions. And now about this very permanent place. The shortest days of the year are just around the corner, when the plants on the windowsill so lack natural light. Light is needed not only so that the bushes grow lush and compact, forming as much of the desired greenery as possible, but also in order to produce more essential oils that cause the aromas of herbs. It has been established that plants need at least 5 hours of direct sun per day for this. Since it is practically non-existent in winter, the lack of light is compensated by uniform illumination with special phytolamps or conventional fluorescent tube lamps (but they are less efficient and consume more energy) for 14 hours a day. Luminescent ones are hung at a height of 30 cm (they heat up), and phytolamps - lower, at a height of 15-20 cm. With additional illumination, grass can be grown even on northern windows, and if it is not there, they are placed on windows of southern, eastern, worse - western orientation .

In addition to good lighting, it is necessary to provide humidity. For this, any techniques used in growing indoor plants are suitable - from pallets filled with gravel or expanded clay, and 1 cm filled with water, to household air humidifiers. But often in the kitchen there is already an abundance of water vapor, and you have to ventilate it. Good ventilation, an influx of oxygen are also necessary for plants, you only have to protect them from the flow of frosty air.

For most herbs, a temperature of +18 ... +22 ° C is comfortable, at night it is very desirable to drop to +15 ° C. It is useful for lucky owners of insulated balconies to know that daytime temperatures can be at +15 ° C, and nighttime temperatures can fall much lower, up to +10 and even +5 o C, but the growth rate of herbs will also decrease.

Care usual, as for houseplants. Periodically, you need to arrange showers for herbs to wash off the dust from the surface of the leaf blades.

Feature, perhaps, only one. Growing plants for greenery, do not be afraid to pinch and cut it - the herbs will grow back. Attempts to bloom should be discouraged by cutting off the inflorescences. And in order for the growth of the vegetative mass to go more actively, every 1.5-2 months (and especially after cutting), top dressing is desirable. Since we want to get environmentally friendly products, it is preferable to use organic rather than mineral fertilizers. The most perfect of them - with microorganisms, it is worth spending money on a box that will last for more than one year. By making them after planting, you can not worry until spring. They not only nourish the plants, but also enrich the soil with useful microflora (which is very important for pot growing), ensure the rapid recovery of plants after transplantation, and excellent development of the root system. Among organic fertilizers, Biohumus is also acceptable - a waste product of worms, you can get by with Lignohumate or the more common Potassium Humate.

When feeding herbs along with all houseplants with mineral fertilizers, try to adhere to the principle: it is better to underfeed than overfeed (you don’t want to eat nitrates, do you?). It is necessary to intensify top dressing from February, when the amount of light increases and the plants move on to more active growth. In late April-early May, after preliminary hardening, perennial herbs will be ready to return to the garden.

In winter, there is not always the opportunity, and the means to buy a lot of greenery. Prices for it are quite high, and the assortment is reduced compared to summer. But the need for trace elements and vitamins in humans increases during the cold season.

Perhaps it was these factors that caused the emergence of a fashion for growing some garden plants in an apartment. Of course, in order to do such a useful and interesting thing, you should know exactly what herbs can be grown on the windowsill and what conditions will need to be created for the normal development of such crops.

This article has helped many gardeners stop overworking on their plot and at the same time get a generous harvest.

I would never have thought that in order to get the best harvest on my personal plot in my entire “dacha career”, I just need to stop overworking myself in the beds and trust nature. For as long as I can remember, every summer I spent in the country. First on the parent, and then my husband and I bought our own. From early spring to late autumn, all free time was spent on planting, weeding, tying, pruning, watering, harvesting and, finally, conservation and trying to save the crop until next year. And so in a circle...

  • What herbs can be grown on the windowsill
  • What herbs can be grown on the windowsill - what can be transplanted from the garden

    To begin with, consider the simplest option - planting spices in pots, which were grown in summer cottage beds in the summer. They should be transplanted before the start of frost.

    They will feel good in room conditions:

    • oregano and melissa
    • mint and sage
    • savory and thyme
    • hyssop and annual basil

    For transplantation, you should choose the most beautiful and strong specimens, it is advisable to dig them out with a clod of earth in order to injure the root system as little as possible. If the bushes are large, they can be divided, or offspring can be taken for planting. Pour a quality earthen mixture into the pots.

    Let's share some useful tips:

    • greens on transplanted bushes should be cut
    • basil and hyssop require only pinching off the shoots
    • tarragon should not be brought into the house immediately; after transplanting, it should stand in the garden until the leaves die off naturally; then the pot is brought into the house, installed in a warm, bright room, fertilized

    These little tricks will help you deal with the most demanding crops.

    Is it possible to grow herbs in one pot

    Pots for transplantation should not be taken too large, in size they should exceed the dimensions of an earthen coma with roots by 3-5 cm, otherwise a large amount of unused moisture will lead to rotting of the roots.

    Spicy crops should not be treated solely as a source of greens for the table. Most of them have a rather attractive look and can be used to decorate a kitchen window, or even the entire kitchen.

    You can grow spicy crops in personal pots, a fragrant mix looks good in a balcony box or garden - a special container with pockets and holes.

    When planting herbs in one pot, it is desirable to clarify:

    • are they compatible
    • will the same care, frequency of watering and fertilizing suit them
    • will the rapidly growing shoots of one of them crowd out the weaker shoots of the other

    Many people are fond of indoor gardening, it is both fashionable and useful. The lesson cannot be classified as too difficult, especially if there is basic knowledge of caring for plants.

    Where can I buy potted herbs

    A rational option for replenishing the collection of spices on the windowsill would be to buy ready-made plants in pots. Since garden centers often have sales in the fall, it won't cost much.

    Most often in the assortment of specialized stores you can find:

    • thyme and sage
    • lavender and different varieties of mint

    Laurel and rosemary can be grown as indoor perennial spices.

    Growing herbs from cuttings

    Some spices are conveniently propagated by cuttings, these are:

    • thyme and oregano
    • hyssop and mint
    • sage

    In this case, high-quality planting material is ten centimeter apical shoots.

    The lower leaves on them should be removed, rooting can be carried out under a greenhouse created from a cut plastic flask or plastic bag.

    To accelerate root formation, you can use the treatment with Konevin or Zircon, according to the instructions for these drugs.

    It is desirable to provide high-quality lighting.

    The advantages of this method are the ability to quickly obtain young specimens that can produce a large amount of green fragrant mass.

    What herbs can be grown on the windowsill in winter

    No housewife can do without parsley and celery in the kitchen. Their fragrant leaves are an excellent addition to borscht, soups, salads, and roasts.

    All crops are quite suitable for growing on the windowsill in the winter, because. lighting is not particularly demanding.

    You can transplant root crops into pots from the garden, you can plant those bought in a store or on the market, but if their top is not damaged.

    Plants will need a single top dressing. It takes about a month from planting to getting greenery.

    You can plant onions and garlic in pots. It is best to take already sprouted. If desired, onions can be grown in glasses of water. Garlic gets along well with different cultures, sprouted teeth can be planted in containers with other spices.

    If you plan to grow herbs throughout the winter, you should give preference to those that are undemanding to lighting. Otherwise, you will have to organize the backlight.

    Herb sowing kits

    There are many plants that can sprout and develop normally under the conditions of a short winter day. In specialized stores, kits selected by specialists are often sold, which include crop seeds that can withstand indoor growing conditions, a special substrate for sowing them, and beautiful, convenient containers.

    The most common crop is watercress, which can grow in a pot or even on a damp napkin in a saucer. It does not require good lighting, the green mass grows very quickly. Seedlings are ready for use a few days after emergence.

    When grown in the ground, the green mass will ripen a couple of weeks after sowing.

    Lettuce mustard is grown according to the same principle. Its readiness for collection occurs when the seedlings reach 5 cm in height. Mixed plantings of watercress, wild boar and mustard can be used if desired. All plants are cold-resistant and undemanding to lighting.

    Undemanding to light and watercress, but it needs constant watering. It is grown from seedlings or cuttings. They should be rooted in water.

    We grow perennial herbs on the windowsill

    Consider the most popular perennial spices suitable for growing on a windowsill.


    Its aroma will perfectly complement any meat dish, sauce or marinade.

    The plant is evergreen, has a rather decorative appearance. It has medicinal properties, has an effect on the heart and nervous system.

    The plant is quite adapted to room conditions.

    Has healing properties:

    • is an antiseptic
    • cures colds
    • used to treat insomnia

    It can grow indoors, but will require enhanced care. In winter, you will need to provide lighting - the plant needs 10 hours of daylight. Lavender loves warmth and high humidity. It is impossible to allow the soil to dry out in a pot.

    Lavender is used for aromatherapy sessions and in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. A well-groomed plant looks very attractive.

    Often in the kitchen you can find an evergreen laurel tree. It exudes an amazingly appetizing smell. Laurel care is quite simple. Water it with settled soft water, periodically spray the leaves.

    It cleans the air well, the substances produced by the leaves kill the fungus and act as an antiseptic. Laurel is often grown as a medicinal plant.

    It is also a perennial plant, it can do without enough moisture, but will not withstand the lack of light. It is used in cooking and medicine, cosmetology.

    In order for sage to retain its ability to produce valuable essential oils, you will need to find the brightest place in the apartment for its placement. The plant requires systematic pruning, they stimulate the growth of lateral shoots and tillering.

    About the features of winter care

    Reduced air humidity during the heating period does not affect plants in the best way - the leaves suffer from a lack of moisture, the runt in flowerpots dries out faster. Since the soil dries out more slowly in plastic containers, it is recommended to use plastic pots for growing moisture-loving crops.

    For all types of plants, pots should be provided with drainage; ceramic fragments, expanded clay, pieces of polystyrene can be used as it.

    Moving plants into a home can be dangerous in terms of introducing diseases and pests. In room conditions, thrips and common aphids can be detrimental to plants. Therefore, before bringing into the house, leaves and trunks will need to be washed with water and green soap, which, being an environmentally friendly product, has a disinfectant and insecticidal effect.

    Potted soil should be treated with Fitosporin M, it is less harmful than steam sterilization.

    How to create optimal conditions

    In winter, the days become so short that almost all plants begin to suffer from a lack of natural light. Since the goal is to obtain a green mass rich in vitamins and essential oils, it will be necessary to ensure that the plants are in sunlight for at least five hours a day.

    When using artificial lighting, one should take into account the lower intensity of artificial light, i.e. the backlight period should be longer, here the type of lamps used is also taken into account.

    It is recommended to take care of additional air humidification, a common option is to install pots in pallets filled with gravel with a centimeter layer of water poured into them. Household air humidifiers are also used.

    Comfortable temperature conditions - from + 20 + 22 C during the day to + 15 C at night.

    When growing fragrant herbs on the windowsill, one should not be afraid to pluck greens from them - the plants quite quickly give new shoots and become overgrown with leaves. Flowering should not be allowed - all inflorescences must be cut.

    Top dressing after one and a half to two months will enhance the process of formation of green mass. Since it is eaten, it is better to fertilize with organic fertilizers.

    A good option would be:

    • Biohumus
    • Lignohumate
    • potassium humate

    You will learn more about growing greens on the windowsill when watching the video: