The heating system is radiant or single-pipe. Radiation heating system: calculation, pros and cons, reviews

For the house, you need to choose a suitable heating scheme so that it works reliably throughout the entire period of operation, and is not unnecessarily expensive. The scheme of distribution of heating pipelines is selected for a specific layout of the building. The choice is influenced by the location of the boiler room relative to other rooms, the number of storeys of the building, the heated area, the placement of rooms and their heat loss, etc.

To determine the choice of a suitable heating scheme, consider what heating systems are, their advantages and disadvantages, and areas of application.

Let's start with the most popular schemes that are used most often and are recommended by experts for creating heating in private houses and apartments. They provide for the installation of pumps for the circulation of fluid. Let us consider the gravity system last.

Associated wiring of the heating pipeline

"Putka" is a universal two-pipe wiring diagram for the heating pipeline. The supply (hot pipeline) from the heating boiler is laid along the perimeter of the entire building and radiators are connected in series to it, and it ends at the last radiator in the direction of the liquid.

The return line starts from the first radiator, other radiators are connected to it along the way and it returns the coolant back to the boiler.

It can be seen from the diagram that for each radiator the total length of the supply and return will be approximately the same, therefore all radiators operate in approximately the same hydraulic conditions.

The scheme is best suited for large heating areas, as it allows you to simplify the entire wiring for a large building as much as possible. In the supply pipeline, a slight decrease in the temperature of the liquid will occur, but in this case this is not critical.

The diameter of the main pipes is required to be increased, depending on the thermal power connected to them, so that the coolant velocity does not exceed the maximum recommended values ​​\u200b\u200b(0.7 m / s) at the highest load.

This circumstance significantly increases the cost of the system, because large fittings are more expensive, a ride, although the most stable, is not the cheapest.

Dead-end scheme for switching on radiators

The dead-end circuit consists of two or more arms (branches, directions, dead ends ...), approximately the same in length and in the connected power of the radiators. Thinner pipes can be used in it, since the length of the arms is not large, it is limited in terms of the number of radiators, which makes the system cheaper.

The supply in each shoulder is laid to the last radiator, in parallel with it, the return is also carried out to the boiler, or to the riser on each floor.

The wiring can be used in both small and large houses, it is versatile and reliable, but it can be best implemented in small or medium-sized houses - up to 200 square meters. If there are no more than 5 radiators in each arm, then there will be less problems with their debugging.

It is important to observe the approximate equality of power and hydraulic resistance in each arm (5 instead of 6 and 4). The difference in the length of the two pipes (supply and return) between the arms should not exceed 20 meters.

Collector (beam) wiring of the heating pipeline

A collector is installed in the center of the house, to which all radiators are connected by pairs of thin pipelines (supply and return).

Here, the pipes are often hidden under the floor and inaccessible for maintenance, since otherwise it is not possible to make a divorce. Disadvantages - the complexity of laying pipelines, taking into account thermal insulation, the difficulty of adjusting the system.

There must be an approximate equality of the hydraulic resistances of each branch extending from the collector, otherwise the system will be of different temperatures.

The scheme is inherent in the complexity of balancing and the undesirability of changing the parameters of the system "independently", since each branch affects all other connections in the collector. Therefore, with illiterate adjustment, heat can “disappear” from some room.

Advantages - lower cost, expediency of installation with a thick subfloor cake, since the diameters of the pipes are not large. The absence of many pipes in the visible part of the interior.

Single-pipe heating - "Leningradka"

There is indeed a saving on the length of the pipeline, but it is not big. Also, one pipeline of large diameter, laid near the floor (under the floor in a heat insulator), spoils the design less than two-pipe systems.

Radiators are connected in series along the length of the pipeline. The circulation of liquid in them due to convection, due to resistance in the pipeline along the length of the connection, which is created artificially by reducing the diameter, etc.

Each of the radiators takes energy by cooling the liquid. As a result, the coolest coolant comes to the last radiator.

This phenomenon can be combated by reducing the length of the pipeline, as well as increasing the diameter of the pipes, and creating a greater speed of water movement in it, thus reducing the temperature difference between the supply and return (but the speed cannot exceed the permissible noise values ​​\u200b\u200bfor a given diameter).

Also, in the direction of fluid movement, they simply increase the power of the radiators to compensate for temperature losses. In fact, the scheme can be effectively applied only in small areas up to 200 sq. m. squares per ring.

The system is not used often, as it loses to the rest in terms of energy distribution, electricity consumption to create jet speed, and also because of the complexity of adjustment and instability of operation, since one radiator affects the operation of others. In addition, the system is more expensive as a result due to the large diameter of the pipe.

Gravity heating

The super-dignity of the gravity flow circuit is that electricity is not needed to move the fluid. In addition, as a rule, the operation of the system is stable and trouble-free.

But it cannot be used on large areas, since the natural thermal pressure is not enough for the water to circulate at the proper speed, which is necessary to supply the right amount of heat to the radiators. The usual maximum area of ​​​​one floor, where a gravity flow scheme can be applied, is no more than 150 square meters per 1 floor.
It cannot be connected to additional circuits with pumps, such as garage heating or underfloor heating.

But with the proper difference in the elevations of hot and cold water, as well as with large diameters of the pipeline, the area can be larger, which is verified by calculation.

Also, a gravity flow system usually costs 2 times more than schemes with a pump:

  • A large diameter of pipelines and their fittings is required to reduce hydraulic resistance.
  • As a rule, steel pipelines are used, providing this largest internal diameter, which rust and are difficult to install.
  • The boiler is installed in a pit (in a heated basement) to be lower than the radiators, which creates pressure from the temperature difference.
  • In addition, the presence of many thick pipes, which must have a certain initial and final elevation, can significantly spoil the interior.

The scheme is in demand in remote dachas, in places with unstable power supply, it is popular “out of habit”, as people are afraid of power outages, etc.

Which heating scheme do you prefer?

  • For a large house, they often design a passing scheme for distributing a heating pipeline, stable and simple.
  • In smaller houses, they often try to save money, and a cheaper, stably working, but somewhat more complex shoulder wiring scheme is made. In this case, the shoulders are created approximately the same in terms of characteristics.
  • Radiant heating distribution is finding more and more supporters due to the use of high windows, heated floors, floor convectors. This creates a capacious floor base in which it is sometimes cheaper to lay thin pipes to each heater from a single collector on the floor.
  • Specialists are not happy with the "Leningrad" because of their unstable work and the complexity of designing and establishing. Do not complicate, and look for problems "out of the blue", this also applies to heating.

If power outages are possible, then for a private house you need to purchase and connect an electric generator, which must be in working order all winter. And if it is not possible to ensure the operation of the system, then it is necessary to fill it with antifreeze liquid.

For solid fuel boilers that do not stop working when there is a power outage, the heating system pump must be connected to the “uninterruptible” so that the liquid is circulated for several hours in an emergency.

And if you don’t want to do all this, and the electricity is not stable, then a gravity-flow system with its own wiring diagram will help out. True, it will fit only in a small house, when creating it, you will have to work hard and spend it unnecessarily.

Arrangement of the heating system is the most expensive item in the estimate of major repairs or construction. From the correct installation and the features of all elements of this object, the operational characteristics, the costs of the owners for energy resources in the winter period depend.

Gradually replaces the obsolete tee wiring. This is due to a number of its advantages. How to equip such a wiring on your own, as well as what are its main features, the master must find out before starting installation.

general characteristics

Can be done with various wiring. The beam system is also called the collector system. Each radiator in the building is connected to K by a separate pipe. Each of them returns its own pipe to the collector. Radiators with this connection are a separate element. They are independent of other heating devices in the network and are connected to the collector in parallel.

The collector is a general device. He is responsible for supplying the coolant to each individual circuit. If it is necessary to repair one battery, the heating system continues to operate as before. Only one radiator is cut off.

according to the tee scheme, it involves a smaller number of pipes. However, installation costs pay off during the operation of the system. The positive economic effect from the use of beam wiring in a large house or cottage with two or more floors is especially pronounced.

Advantages and disadvantages

Some features are characterized beam wiring of the heating system. Advantages and disadvantages such an organization must be considered before installation. The disadvantages include a larger number of pipes and fittings. This greatly increases the cost of repairs. The tee scheme is much cheaper during installation. Also, a large number of connections, if connected incorrectly, can lead to frequent system breakdowns.

However, all these shortcomings fade against the background of the advantages of the radiation organization of heating. In this case, the system quickly pays for its installation cost. The ability to regulate the heating in each room significantly reduces energy costs. When organizing such a system, many joints and surges are obtained. The master has easy access to them. Therefore, when carrying out repairs, this factor greatly facilitates the work.

The pipes of the beam system can be hidden under the floor, in the thickness of the wall or simply behind the curtains. A properly planned scheme allows you to remove unattractive communications from view. The tee scheme does not provide such an opportunity to homeowners.

System elements

Consists of several required elements. The main one is the boiler. When calculating its power, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, as well as the heat loss of the building, are taken into account.

The circuit includes a circulation pump. There are systems with natural circulation of the coolant. However, they are less efficient. Today, almost all radiant heating schemes incorporate a pump. It forces the heated liquid to move along the contours at a certain speed. In this way, it is possible to maintain the optimal mode of heating the room.

The collector is a distribution unit. He is responsible for the optimal nutrition of all circuits. This element may incorporate various control and shut-off equipment. The presented devices are installed in a special cabinet. This allows you to protect the equipment and hide it from prying eyes.

Circulation type

Can use the principle of natural or forced circulation. In the first case, the coolant is distributed through pipes and radiators by gravity. This requires the installation of pipes of large diameter. This is a simple but less efficient system. It is suitable only for a small one-story house, to which electricity is not supplied.

In modern construction, beam systems are used in combination with a pump. It provides forced circulation of the coolant. The pump is installed on the supply or return circuit. It works with a certain power. Such a device is necessary for the heating system of a large or two-story cottage.

Due to the mass of advantages, as well as the acceptable cost of circulation pumps, today this installation option is used almost everywhere.


Calculation of a radiant heating system carried out at the design stage. To do this, on paper, you need to draw a detailed diagram with dimensions. It lists all elements. If necessary, the drawing can be ordered from a special organization.

First you need to evaluate the existing features of the premises. The rooms should not be decorated. It is best to hide the pipes in the floor under the screed. The plan also indicates the radiators, their location (on the wall under the window). The number of sections and their internal volume depend on the material of the convector, as well as the thickness of its walls. In accordance with the parameters specified by the manufacturer, the need for the volume of coolant for each battery is calculated.

According to the ray scheme, it is characterized by some additional heat losses. The heated liquid is supplied to the batteries through pipes, the length of which will be greater than in the tee scheme. This feature must be taken into account in the calculations.

The plan shows where the pipes will be laid. Pressure gauges, thermometers, shut-off and shut-off valves are added to the equipment. Before installation, all elements of the main and additional equipment should be carefully considered. The sequence of their installation is also indicated in the diagram.

Manifold selection

Includes a collector (comb). This element has branch pipes for the inlet and outlet of the coolant. For a beam scheme, two types of collectors should be installed.

The first of these will be the input comb. A pump is connected to it, as well as a coolant distribution valve. It can be three- or two-way. The valve contains a thermometer. It is installed in the collector housing. The device transmits information to the valve. It opens or closes the damper, mixing hot liquid into the circuit.

The outlet collector collects the cooled coolant, which is returned to the boiler. The heater heats it up again. Additionally, a balancing flow controller can be installed on this branch pipe. The collector group ensures the stability of the system. It is responsible for optimizing and balancing the heating of the coolant in the system.

Pipe selection

Which is mounted according to the beam scheme, requires the correct selection of pipes. Communications must be flexible enough to avoid the installation of a large number of connections. Pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are best suited for these purposes. Such products are sold in bays.

Polyethylene pipes that are suitable for a radiant heating system must have an airtight layer. When using conventional varieties, air enters the system. It leads to the development of corrosion of metal elements, the rapid failure of equipment.

¾ inch pipes are used to connect the collector to the boiler. Radiators can be connected to the comb with ½ inch communications. This is possible under the condition of application in the pump. Otherwise, the diameter of the pipes may be larger.

Mounting Features

It can be mounted by the owners of a private house. To do this, it is necessary to allocate a separate room for the arrangement of the boiler room.

After installing the heater, a comb is mounted immediately after it. The equipment must be in a protective box. The collector must be freely accessible. A manometer and a thermometer are installed at the outlet of the coolant. Mayevsky crane and other safety devices allow to stabilize the pressure in the system.

Shut-off valves allow, if necessary, to carry out preventive maintenance or repair of equipment. After installation, the equipment is checked. If everything is normal, the pipes are poured into the screed.

Being a variety of methods for laying heating pipes of two-pipe horizontal systems of modern apartment buildings and private houses, beam wiring of the heating system has a number of undeniable advantages. Each circuit of the system with such piping is separately connected to the heating manifold, which allows you to set an individual operating mode for it that meets the criterion of comfort for a person in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Heating pipes laid in the thickness of a concrete screed or under a wooden floor on logs must be reliable, excluding (or minimizing) the likelihood of leaks, deterioration in throughput and other malfunctions.

Wiring diagrams of modern horizontal heating systems

Modern multi-apartment residential buildings and private cottages of any number of storeys are increasingly equipped with horizontal heating systems. A necessary element of such a scheme is one or more (in an apartment building - in each entrance) vertical two-pipe risers with branches / inputs to separate rooms / apartments on each floor. Further laying of pipelines is carried out in a "horizontal" way.

Arranging such systems, builders invariably face the problem of the difficulty of laying heating pipes to radiators. The pipelines of vertical systems, laid along the walls from top to bottom, did not particularly interfere with the residents. Horizontal pipes laid openly along the walls become a factor hindering the normal operation of the premises, they do not fit well into their interiors. Therefore, various methods of horizontal hidden laying are used.

Branched dead-end wiring diagram with pipes in the screed

The minimum pipe lengths and hydraulic resistances of the circuit are leveled by the mutual crossing of pipelines, leading to an increase in the thickness of the screed (each centimeter of it costs from 40 rubles / m2).

Perimeter wiring of the heating system

  • Dead-end scheme with pipelines in the screed or under the plinth.

The absence of crossing pipes in the scheme is leveled by the need to make holes in the walls (in the above scheme, you need to drill five holes).

  • Piping layout according to the scheme with associated water movement (Tichelman scheme).

Here, the first radiator of the heating circuit has the shortest length of the "supply" and the largest length of the "return", the last radiator - vice versa. The hydraulic resistance experienced by the coolant when flowing around the devices of the circuit is constant, which makes it possible to balance any number of radiators in a branch.

Collector-beam wiring of the heating system

The prevalence of this scheme is constantly growing. The pipes here are laid in the floor screed in pairs (“supply” plus “return”), approaching each radiator from the collectors (respectively, “supply” and “return”). The advantage of the scheme is ease of installation (no crossing of pipes and wall holes). The disadvantage is the increased costs due to the large consumption of pipes and additional costs for collectors.

An additional advantage of the beam scheme is the use of pipes of small diameters. An apartment (floor of a private house) will require the use of pipes d = 25 and d = 32 mm for the perimeter wiring diagram. Accordingly, the thickness of the screed, the diameter of the tees that connect the radiators will increase. The cost of such an element is commensurate with the price of a pipe.

The use of beam wiring, which increases the length of the pipes, gives the ultimate benefit by reducing their diameter.

General requirements for the installation of beam wiring

With collector-beam wiring, the method of laying pipes in the floor in a screed is common, the thickness of which is 50-80 mm. Plywood is laid on top, covered with a finishing floor covering (parquet, linoleum). Such a thickness of the screed is quite sufficient for the free "embedding" of the intra-apartment (intra-house) radiant wiring of the heating system. It is possible to lay pipes outside along the walls under decorative plinths, which inevitably increases the length of the pipelines. Known options for laying pipes for beam wiring in the space of a false (suspended) ceiling, in strobes.

Metal-plastic or cross-linked polyethylene pipes (PEX-pipes) are used, laid in a corrugated pipe or in thermal insulation. PEX pipes have an undoubted advantage here. According to SNiP, only inextricable joints can be “embedded” in concrete. PEX-pipes are connected by means of tension fittings related to inextricable connections. Metal-plastic pipes use compression fittings with union nuts. To “monolichize” them means to violate the SNiP. Each detachable pipe connection must be accessible for maintenance (tightening).

Even without fittings, not every metal-plastic pipe is unambiguously suitable for laying in a floor screed. Manufacturers' products suffer from a serious defect: layers of aluminum and polyethylene delaminate under the influence of repeatedly changing coolant temperature. After all, metal and plastic have different coefficients of volumetric expansion. Therefore, the adhesive connecting them should be:

  • internally strong (cohesive);
  • adhesive to aluminum and polyethylene;
  • flexible;
  • elastic;
  • heat resistant.

Not all adhesive compositions of even well-known European manufacturers of metal-plastic pipes satisfy these requirements, which delaminate over time, the inner layer of polyethylene in such a pipe “collapses”, reducing its cross section. The normal operation of the system is disrupted, and the location of the malfunction is almost impossible to find - they usually “sin” for malfunctions of thermostats, pumps and other products with moving parts.

In the light of the foregoing, we recommend that readers pay attention to VALTEC metal-plastic pipes, which use the American DSM adhesive, which ensures the strength of the metal / plastic connection, adhesion and the complete absence of delaminations.

Collector cabinets and blocks

In an apartment with horizontal radiant heating distribution (on the floors of private houses), distribution manifolds (supply and "return") are arranged, collecting all supply and return pipelines at their outlets. They are placed in metal cabinets of a special design, often built into the partitions of bathrooms and opening inside them. It is also possible to install distribution manifolds in specially arranged wall niches. Often, the collector unit is combined with the heat metering unit in one collector cabinet.

Collectors can be complete, which are sections of thick pipes with outgoing nozzles, or assembled on tees. These devices can be:

  • plastic;
  • nickel-plated brass;
  • copper;
  • stainless steel.

Many well-known manufacturers of heating equipment (VALTEC, etc.) produce ready-made manifold blocks that combine supply and return manifolds, manual adjustment valves (on the supply manifold), thermostatic valves (on the return manifold), automatic air vents, drain valves and mounting brackets.

The task of individual adjustment of the thermal regime of each single-radiator branch of the collector-beam heating system is solved by tuning valves with built-in flow meters. The branches are obtained in different lengths, and the coolant tends to flow in the shortest way with minimal hydraulic resistance. It flows around short branches more intensively, warming up the radiators installed there more strongly.

Adjustment valves on the supply manifold change the flow rate of water (antifreeze), narrowing their conditional passages in short circuits, and expanding in long ones. Setting is a painstaking process, and the setting valve is not designed to quickly shut off or open the coolant flow along the circuits. This function is performed by thermostatic valves.

Thermal valves on the manifold - "return" - these are valves that smoothly shut off the flow manually or automatically. The radiant heating system is easily hydraulically balanced.

Combined heating piping layout

Often, not only one heating device is installed in the room, but several. It is irrational to bring a separate two-pipe loop-branch to each radiator with a collector-beam wiring. It is better to lay a separate branch to each room, which will bypass several heating devices indoors, implementing a dead-end or passing scheme.

Such a system is calculated as a beam system. Branches supplying several radiators with coolant are subjected to a separate calculation as dead-end or passing ones. In modern systems, radiators are equipped with thermal valves (thermostats), which are adjusted by users to different temperatures, based on the current requirements for comfort in the room. The stability of the temperature regime in the room becomes difficult to maintain.

It turns out that it is possible to get rid of instability while simultaneously reducing the cost of connecting radiators by connecting them according to the so-called. "through circuit".

The thermal valve is installed only on the first radiator in the circuit, regulating the coolant flow for all heaters connected in series. They are perceived as one radiator. Difficulties in balancing will arise with multi-section devices (10 or more sections each).

Automatic collector-beam system

The supply of coolant to radiators connected by beam wiring can be made automatically adjustable. In this case, a small electromechanical servomotor is installed on the return manifold thermal valves (item 2 in the figure "Complete manifold block") instead of the plastic cover for manual control (position 4 in the figure "Complete manifold block"), connected by a cable to an analog thermostat or controller. Radiators are connected to heating pipes without fittings at all (ball valves can be installed).

Such a scheme has an increased capital cost, while providing an increased level of comfort. the air temperature desired by the user can be set from the control panel of the room thermostat, the signals of which are processed by servomotors on the thermal valves of the “return” collector. The system can be controlled by the so-called chronothermostat, which provides the user with the opportunity to set a temperature control program for a week with differentiation by day of the week and time of day.


The heating system with collector-beam piping provides the user with the possibility of hydraulic balancing and individual adjustment of the operating modes of heating devices. Some increase in the length of the pipes with beam wiring is obviously compensated by a decrease in their diameter and ease of installation.

When erecting a building for any purpose, the arrangement of the radiant distribution of the heating system is one of the most costly items in the construction estimate. For this reason, each stage of creating a heating structure should be carefully considered, paying attention to even minor details.

Among other decisions, it is necessary to decide on the method of piping so that the heat supply system turns out to be the most efficient, reliable and trouble-free in operation. According to experts in the field of heat engineering, the option of distributing pipes from a source of thermal energy throughout the building, called radiant heating of the house, is considered modern and promising.

Features of the beam scheme of heat supply

A radiant heating system is the optimal choice of heating method for houses with a large number of rooms and utility rooms or for buildings with several floors. Thanks to its installation, the efficiency of the equipment and the quality of heat transfer are significantly increased, since there are no unnecessary heat losses. In the photo you can see what one of the options for a collector heating scheme for a house looks like.

The principle of operation of beam wiring is simple, but has a number of features. It implies the location on each floor of several, from which they organize the laying of pipelines for the direct and reverse supply of the coolant (in more detail: ""). If a radial wiring of the heating system is created, the instruction for such a scheme regulates the installation of structural elements in a cement screed.

The distribution of the heating pipeline must be carried out before the start of internal repair work. If this is not done, then it will be necessary to tear off the screed, lay pipes and re-fill the floors with a special solution.

Elements of the collector heating scheme

Radiant heating of a private house is a structure consisting of several main elements:

  1. heating boiler. This device is the starting point, since from it the hot coolant is directed to pipelines and radiators. The power of the heating unit must correspond to the heat output of the heating equipment. Here there is the following nuance: radial, unlike other options for piping, has a greater degree of heat loss, which must certainly be taken into account when calculating equipment parameters.
  2. Circulation pump. According to the peculiarities of its device, the radiant heating distribution is of a closed type and its operation requires forced circulation of the liquid coolant. For this purpose, a special pump is installed that creates a certain pressure and pumps liquid. As a result, the required temperature regime is ensured, which guarantees the efficient operation of the heat supply system.

    When choosing a circulation pump for radiant heating, you should pay attention to a number of parameters, including the length of the pipelines and the materials used to manufacture the radiators.

    In addition, the power of the pump is not one of its most important characteristics; the speed at which the liquid will be pumped should be taken into account. This parameter shows the volume of coolant moved by the circulating device per unit of time.

    The beam scheme of the heating system always contains a variety of thermostatic or shut-off and control elements. They provide the necessary consumption of the carrier of thermal energy in each branch of the structure. To create additional conditions for more efficient operation of the heating structure without unnecessary costs, the installation of thermometers and air vents operating in automatic mode will help.

    Collectors in the domestic market are offered to consumers in a wide range. The choice of a specific device is based on the number of designed heating circuits or connected radiators. Combs are made from various materials - it can be brass or steel, as well as polymer products.

  3. Cabinets. The radiant heating scheme requires that all elements included in it be located in special structures equipped for them. , shut-off valves, pipelines must be placed in manifold cabinets that have a simple design. They are both built into the niche of the wall, and external, but at the same time they differ in functionality and practicality.

The choice of pipes for beam distribution of the heating system

Before proceeding with the arrangement of such a structure as a beam distribution of a heating system, it is necessary to determine which inlet and outlet pipes should be purchased. Their parameters are very important.

So, the following elements of the system should have the same pipe dimensions:

  • heating boiler;
  • supply line;
  • collector entrance.

Based on this, it is necessary to select the diameters of the same pipes, in the event that it turns out that they differ, special adapters will be required.

The materials from which the pipes for supplying and discharging hot and already cooled coolant are made are very different. But experts recommend giving preference to plastic products, which are affordable for many property owners and easy to carry out installation work. But even when choosing such pipes, one must take into account resistance to the negative effects of aggressive media and high temperatures.

Collector system and underfloor heating

But such a heating option has design features, which must be taken into account at the stage of designing the heat supply of the building:

  • on all circuits, the collectors must be equipped with thermostatic valves and devices that regulate the flow of the coolant;
  • when implementing the piping scheme for the underfloor heating system, thermostatic heads and electrothermal drives are used. Thanks to these devices, the design of the heated floor immediately responds to changes in the air temperature in the room, maintaining comfort and coziness in it;
  • when choosing the type of distribution system, you need to know that it can be made according to a standard or individual scheme. Professionals advise giving preference to the second option. In individual systems, then not only the boiler operates in normal mode, but there are no significant temperature differences, and fuel is consumed in an economical mode. Underfloor heating, made using an individual beam wiring scheme, can be equipped in any building.

Advantages of the collector system

The radiant heating system has a number of advantages over one- and two-pipe structures.

Among them, the main ones are:

  • the ability to hide the laying of the pipeline and other items of equipment;
  • lack of connections and, as a result, weak points between the collector and heating radiators;
  • simple installation of the system and doing the work yourself, even without special skills. The number of connections is minimal and therefore the assembly is carried out as soon as possible;
  • stable operation of the heating structure. In the case of using the beam method of wiring, there is no possibility of water hammer. This problem is especially relevant in the case when it is necessary to install imported plumbing, for which the boundary pressure is 3 atmospheres;
  • to repair or replace damaged sections of the pipeline, it is enough to turn off the circuit beam, and the entire system will continue to function as before;
  • the equipment has an affordable cost, like all its components;
  • simplification of the design and installation of the heating structure due to the use of pipes of the same diameter coming from the comb.

The radiant heating system is characterized by efficiency, performance, low price, safety and comfort. You can apply this scheme in any building for its intended purpose, from your own home to a large office building.

Video about the beam wiring of the heating system:

Being a variety of methods for laying heating pipes of two-pipe horizontal systems of modern apartment buildings and private houses, beam wiring of the heating system has a number of undeniable advantages. Each circuit of the system with such piping is separately connected to the heating manifold, which allows you to set an individual operating mode for it that meets the criterion of comfort for a person in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Heating pipes laid in the thickness of a concrete screed or under a wooden floor on logs must be reliable, excluding (or minimizing) the likelihood of leaks, deterioration in throughput and other malfunctions.

Wiring diagrams of modern horizontal heating systems

Modern multi-apartment residential buildings and private cottages of any number of storeys are increasingly equipped with horizontal heating systems. A necessary element of such a scheme is one or more (in an apartment building - in each entrance) vertical two-pipe risers with branches / inputs to separate rooms / apartments on each floor. Further laying of pipelines is carried out in a "horizontal" way.

Arranging such systems, builders invariably face the problem of the difficulty of laying heating pipes to radiators. The pipelines of vertical systems, laid along the walls from top to bottom, did not particularly interfere with the residents. Horizontal pipes laid openly along the walls become a factor hindering the normal operation of the premises, they do not fit well into their interiors. Therefore, various methods of horizontal hidden laying are used.

Branched dead-end wiring diagram with pipes in the screed

The minimum pipe lengths and hydraulic resistances of the circuit are leveled by the mutual crossing of pipelines, leading to an increase in the thickness of the screed (each centimeter of it costs from 40 rubles / m2).

Perimeter wiring of the heating system

  • Dead-end scheme with pipelines in the screed or under the plinth.

The absence of crossing pipes in the scheme is leveled by the need to make holes in the walls (in the above scheme, you need to drill five holes).

  • Piping layout according to the scheme with associated water movement (Tichelman scheme).

Here, the first radiator of the heating circuit has the shortest length of the "supply" and the largest length of the "return", the last radiator - vice versa. The hydraulic resistance experienced by the coolant when flowing around the devices of the circuit is constant, which makes it possible to balance any number of radiators in a branch.

Collector-beam wiring of the heating system

The prevalence of this scheme is constantly growing. The pipes here are laid in the floor screed in pairs (“supply” plus “return”), approaching each radiator from the collectors (respectively, “supply” and “return”). The advantage of the scheme is ease of installation (no crossing of pipes and wall holes). The disadvantage is the increased costs due to the large consumption of pipes and additional costs for collectors.

An additional advantage of the beam scheme is the use of pipes of small diameters. An apartment (floor of a private house) will require the use of pipes d = 25 and d = 32 mm for the perimeter wiring diagram. Accordingly, the thickness of the screed, the diameter of the tees that connect the radiators will increase. The cost of such an element is commensurate with the price of a pipe.

The use of beam wiring, which increases the length of the pipes, gives the ultimate benefit by reducing their diameter.

General requirements for the installation of beam wiring

With collector-beam wiring, the method of laying pipes in the floor in a screed is common, the thickness of which is 50-80 mm. Plywood is laid on top, covered with a finishing floor covering (parquet, linoleum). Such a thickness of the screed is quite sufficient for the free "embedding" of the intra-apartment (intra-house) radiant wiring of the heating system. It is possible to lay pipes outside along the walls under decorative plinths, which inevitably increases the length of the pipelines. Known options for laying pipes for beam wiring in the space of a false (suspended) ceiling, in strobes.

Metal-plastic or cross-linked polyethylene pipes (PEX-pipes) are used, laid in a corrugated pipe or in thermal insulation. PEX pipes have an undoubted advantage here. According to SNiP, only inextricable joints can be “embedded” in concrete. PEX-pipes are connected by means of tension fittings related to inextricable connections. Metal-plastic pipes use compression fittings with union nuts. To “monolichize” them means to violate the SNiP. Each detachable pipe connection must be accessible for maintenance (tightening).

Even without fittings, not every metal-plastic pipe is unambiguously suitable for laying in a floor screed. Manufacturers' products suffer from a serious defect: layers of aluminum and polyethylene delaminate under the influence of repeatedly changing coolant temperature. After all, metal and plastic have different coefficients of volumetric expansion. Therefore, the adhesive connecting them should be:

  • internally strong (cohesive);
  • adhesive to aluminum and polyethylene;
  • flexible;
  • elastic;
  • heat resistant.

Not all adhesive compositions of even well-known European manufacturers of metal-plastic pipes satisfy these requirements, which delaminate over time, the inner layer of polyethylene in such a pipe “collapses”, reducing its cross section. The normal operation of the system is disrupted, and the location of the malfunction is almost impossible to find - they usually “sin” for malfunctions of thermostats, pumps and other products with moving parts.

In the light of the foregoing, we recommend that readers pay attention to VALTEC metal-plastic pipes, which use the American DSM adhesive, which ensures the strength of the metal / plastic connection, adhesion and the complete absence of delaminations.

Collector cabinets and blocks

In an apartment with horizontal radiant heating distribution (on the floors of private houses), distribution manifolds (supply and "return") are arranged, collecting all supply and return pipelines at their outlets. They are placed in metal cabinets of a special design, often built into the partitions of bathrooms and opening inside them. It is also possible to install distribution manifolds in specially arranged wall niches. Often, the collector unit is combined with the heat metering unit in one collector cabinet.

Collectors can be complete, which are sections of thick pipes with outgoing nozzles, or assembled on tees. These devices can be:

  • plastic;
  • nickel-plated brass;
  • copper;
  • stainless steel.

Many well-known manufacturers of heating equipment (VALTEC, etc.) produce ready-made manifold blocks that combine supply and return manifolds, manual adjustment valves (on the supply manifold), thermostatic valves (on the return manifold), automatic air vents, drain valves and mounting brackets.

The task of individual adjustment of the thermal regime of each single-radiator branch of the collector-beam heating system is solved by tuning valves with built-in flow meters. The branches are obtained in different lengths, and the coolant tends to flow in the shortest way with minimal hydraulic resistance. It flows around short branches more intensively, warming up the radiators installed there more strongly.

Adjustment valves on the supply manifold change the flow rate of water (antifreeze), narrowing their conditional passages in short circuits, and expanding in long ones. Setting is a painstaking process, and the setting valve is not designed to quickly shut off or open the coolant flow along the circuits. This function is performed by thermostatic valves.

Thermal valves on the manifold - "return" - these are valves that smoothly shut off the flow manually or automatically. The radiant heating system is easily hydraulically balanced.

Combined heating piping layout

Often, not only one heating device is installed in the room, but several. It is irrational to bring a separate two-pipe loop-branch to each radiator with a collector-beam wiring. It is better to lay a separate branch to each room, which will bypass several heating devices indoors, implementing a dead-end or passing scheme.

Such a system is calculated as a beam system. Branches supplying several radiators with coolant are subjected to a separate calculation as dead-end or passing ones. In modern systems, radiators are equipped with thermal valves (thermostats), which are adjusted by users to different temperatures, based on the current requirements for comfort in the room. The stability of the temperature regime in the room becomes difficult to maintain.

It turns out that it is possible to get rid of instability while simultaneously reducing the cost of connecting radiators by connecting them according to the so-called. "through circuit".

The thermal valve is installed only on the first radiator in the circuit, regulating the coolant flow for all heaters connected in series. They are perceived as one radiator. Difficulties in balancing will arise with multi-section devices (10 or more sections each).

Automatic collector-beam system

The supply of coolant to radiators connected by beam wiring can be made automatically adjustable. In this case, a small electromechanical servomotor is installed on the return manifold thermal valves (item 2 in the figure "Complete manifold block") instead of the plastic cover for manual control (position 4 in the figure "Complete manifold block"), connected by a cable to an analog thermostat or controller. Radiators are connected to heating pipes without fittings at all (ball valves can be installed).

Such a scheme has an increased capital cost, while providing an increased level of comfort. the air temperature desired by the user can be set from the control panel of the room thermostat, the signals of which are processed by servomotors on the thermal valves of the “return” collector. The system can be controlled by the so-called chronothermostat, which provides the user with the opportunity to set a temperature control program for a week with differentiation by day of the week and time of day.


The heating system with collector-beam piping provides the user with the possibility of hydraulic balancing and individual adjustment of the operating modes of heating devices. Some increase in the length of the pipes with beam wiring is obviously compensated by a decrease in their diameter and ease of installation.