Syria battles 12 10 17. Will the US attack on Syria lead to a third world war

The command of the Turkish armed forces continues to send military equipment to the Idlib province in Syria to organize observation points in the de-escalation zone, the Anatolian News Agency reported on Sunday.

According to the agency, equipment is being transferred from different parts of Turkey to Hatay province, and from there to Syrian territory.

The agency notes that the Turkish military is currently located near the borders of the Afrin region, which is controlled by the Kurdish militia.

Turkish media remind that the Russian Federation and Türkiye are responsible for monitoring compliance with the ceasefire in the province of Idlib.

Ankara is also paying close attention to the Afrin region located in northern Syria, as well as the city of the same name, where Kurdish paramilitary forces are present. Turkey considers Kurdish groups terrorist.

The latest news from Syria, which is relevant today, October 14, 2017, indicates the continuation of hostilities. This is happening due to the constant activity of militants, who currently control about 10 percent of the country’s territory.

Current data once again confirms the success of the tactics of the Syrian government army, which in general is very successful in dealing with terrorists. This version is supported by specific figures and statistical calculations.

Syria News Today, 12.12.2017

The city of Raqqa in the province of the same name, which served as the main stronghold of the Islamic State (an organization banned in the Russian Federation) in Syria, has been completely liberated from terrorists.

It should be noted that official Damascus has not yet confirmed the veracity of reports about the complete liberation of Raqqa.

Meanwhile, Al Arabiya claims that a small number of terrorist groups in Raqqa have surrendered to the armed formation of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) coalition.

Deputy Head of the Russian Ministry of Defense Alexander Fomin discussed with UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura positive trends in the development of the situation in the republic in connection with successes in the fight against terrorists, the department’s press service reports.

Fomin and de Mistura noted the successes achieved in the fight against terrorists of the Islamic State (IS) and Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist groups banned in the Russian Federation, with the key role of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the launch of the de-escalation process.

“The parties agreed on the need to back up these important progress with energetic steps towards a political settlement through an inclusive inter-Syrian dialogue,” the Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized in a statement.

In addition, issues of humanitarian assistance to the population were raised. Fomin noted that increasing international humanitarian aid could “bring closer the prospects for a political solution, the final eradication of terrorism and the return of stability to Syrian soil.”
The incident involving the use of chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun in the Syrian Arab Republic was most likely staged. This statement was made by the director of the department for non-proliferation and arms control of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mikhail Ulyanov.

He emphasized that the Russian Foreign Ministry regards this version as the most likely,” the diplomat said, speaking at a briefing on the Syrian chemical dossier within the framework of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly.

The Russian diplomatic department expects that the version of the staged nature of the incident will be carefully studied.

Syrian opposition groups announced a chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun to the Syrian Arab Republic, reporting 80 deaths.

The previous day, the Syrian army launched a major offensive operation in the south of Damascus in the area of ​​the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp. It is surprising that this activity of government forces was caused by a request from the command of the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA).
After a series of airstrikes carried out in the areas of Hajar al-Aswad and the Yarmouk camp by Syrian Air Force L-39 attack aircraft, ground units of the Syrian Armed Forces launched an assault on the positions of the Islamic State. Currently, IS militants in the south of Damascus control the areas of Hajar al-Aswad, al-Asali, al-Tadamon, as well as most of the Yarmouk camp, trying to oust the army and opposition forces from them.
This offensive began after in Egypt, with the mediation of Russia, representatives of the Syrian Arab Army, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the groups Jaysh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham and Aknaf Bayt al-Maqdas signed a ceasefire and reconciliation agreement with the government. At the same time, terrorists continue to fire at neighborhoods controlled by the Syrian Armed Forces and the armed opposition. To “pacify” IS militants, the FSA command appealed to the leadership of the government army with a request to respond to these actions. As a result, such a reaction followed, and the jihadists did not like it very much.
It is still unknown whether detachments of “moderate” rebels are taking part in this offensive, and what their further contribution to the fight against ISIS in the south of Damascus is.

Yesterday, the Islamic State launched a successful counter-offensive in the southwest of Hasakah province, as a result of which the terrorists pushed the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) back from their forward positions near the border with Iraq, inflicting serious losses on them.
One of the jihadist strikes was aimed at the Al-Jafra oil field. The Al-Amaq agency, controlled by the Caliphate, published a series of photographs showing all the details of this battle.

The IS command deployed small groups of militants in off-road vehicles around the perimeter of the strategic facility. The terrorists, having taken up positions, simultaneously began shelling its territory with machine guns, machine guns and LNG-9 mounted grenade launchers.

The SDF fighters did not wait for the attack and retreated in panic. The jihadists, mocking the fleeing Kurds, staged a kind of safari, shooting at pre-selected targets and making them jump when the bullets hit their feet.

During the capture of the Al-Jafra field, IS militants got a certain amount of trophies. These included three PKM machine guns, three Kalashnikov assault rifles, three RPG-7 grenade launchers, as well as several charges for it and an unknown amount of ammunition.

Despite the fact that the Islamic State has had serious success in this area, in general its situation is rapidly deteriorating every day. The Syrian Democratic Forces, as part of Operation Al-Jazeera Storm, with the support of the US Air Force, are conducting an offensive along the Khabur River in the east of Deir ez-Zor, reducing the territory controlled by terrorists.
In the last two days alone, the SDF occupied the villages of Kabbar, Hussein, Muwaili, Jarbus, Khasf Tall, Gairan, Tabaraya and Hilala. This failure was caused by the fact that the ISIS command had previously withdrawn its troops to regroup with the intention of launching a counterattack on the Syrian army storming Al-Mayadeen.

Zvezda publishes footage of battles between the Syrian army and ISIS militants on the outskirts of the city of Mayadin in the province of Deir Ez-Zor. Soldiers fire at an identified enemy firing point in one of the villages occupied by terrorists. The militants dug in in one of the small houses - from there sniper fire was fired at the soldiers. After being hit by several Grad missiles and shelling, the firing point was suppressed.
* organization banned in Russia

Turkish tanks are stationed on the border with Iraq

Air bridge for the Kurds

Photos of American military transport aircraft delivering weapons to the Kurds in Iraq and Syria.

CASA/IPTN CN-235 military transport aircraft at .
Aircraft of this type are in service with the air forces of the USA, France, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UAE.
Below is a military transport planeCASA/IPTN CN-235 in flight, besieged by Kurdish armed forces.

In the event of an escalation of relations between the Kurds and their neighbors, it is the American military transport aviation that will be the main supplier of weapons and ammunition for the Kurdish forces in Syria and Iraq.
The presence of a network of airstrips, supply bases and mature logistics channels is a US investment in the next stage of the war, when the Caliphate as a state with a regular army will cease to exist.

It is worth noting that the SDF is consulting with the Raqqa garrison regarding ISIS' exit from the city. Negotiations were obviously undertaken due to the very long delay in the capture of Rakija and the heavy losses.
Proposals voiced in the media that the “blacks” will be released through SDF territory to Abu Kemal are not very realistic, because Russia is not at all interested in these militants getting into Eastern Syria, so such a column with militants leaving Raqqa may become a priority target for air strikes and cruise missiles. I think the militants are aware of this. Therefore, fierce resistance continues in the central and northern quarters of Raqqa.
It is currently beneficial for Russia that it last longer, since the militants essentially tie up significant SDF and American special forces forces near Raqqa, which is important for the race for Deir ez-Zor oil.
Similar attempts to reach an agreement with ISIS in Mosul were at one time thwarted by the timely leak of information about such negotiations. Let's see how it goes this time.

In any case, the United States pointedly ignores persistent questions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the topic of its goals in Syria, maintaining the maximum possible space for solutions in Syria and obviously relying on the SDF as the main instrument of its policy in this theater of war.

Battle for Deir ez-Zor: The Syrian Army and the Russian Aerospace Forces have made great progress in the battles with ISIS (MAP)

This week, the Syrian Army mobilized its forces in Deir ez-Zor province for a decisive large-scale offensive aimed at driving ISIS out of the provincial capital.

The 4th and 17th SAA divisions, together with the 5th Army Corps, cleared the area around the Es-Sukhneh - Deir ez-Zor highway to once again restore the strategic supply line from Homs province.

Once this supply line is completely secure, within the next 48 hours the Syrian Army and its allies must launch a decisive offensive to clear the remaining areas occupied by ISIS in the provincial capital of Deir ez-Zor.

On Tuesday, the Syrian Arab Army took another big step towards defeating terrorists in Deir ez-Zor after launching a large-scale offensive.

Relying on heavy airstrikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces, the SAA stormed ISIS positions in the Al-Arfi area, taking a number of buildings inside this terrorist stronghold.

Government forces took control of most of the Al-Arfi area on Tuesday evening, killing dozens of ISIS fighters, including one of their field commanders.

As a result of this progress, the SAA was able to advance inland from the strategic Al-Siyasiyah Bridge, which had been used by militants for several years as a crossing point from the provincial capital.

The remaining areas that are still held by ISIS* gangs in the city of Deir ez-Zor are Al-Hawiqah, Al-Jubayleh, Sheikh Yassin, Al-Arji and Al-Kanamat.

Thanks to the large number of tanks and infantry, the SAA is able to quickly destroy and put to flight the remaining terrorists occupying these areas of the provincial capital.

*Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

British terrorist White Widow killed in Syria

During an American drone attack in Raqqa, British citizen Sally Jones, nicknamed the White Widow, who fought in the ranks of the terrorist group ISIS in Syria, was killed.

According to English media reports, her 12-year-old son died along with the terrorist. Sally Jones converted to Islam and became an assistant to her husband Junaid Hussain. He served as the chief recruiter for ISIS in European countries and was involved in the preparation of at least 12 terrorist attacks.

After the death of her husband, the woman promised to take revenge and become the first British suicide bomber under the name Imm Hussein. In addition, Jones publicly announced that she led a group of saboteurs who were planning a series of terrorist attacks in the West.

* terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation

The Russian military is rushing to the rescue: The Ministry of Defense convoy arrived in the former militant stronghold near Damascus (PHOTO)

Russian military personnel continue their mission to help Syrians who find themselves in difficult life situations.

About this in the report "Russian Spring" from the scene.

The city of Muadamiyah in Damascus province played an important role in restoring peaceful life in Syria. It was there that the militants first joined the reconciliation process. Representatives of the Syrian army and the armed group Ajnad al-Sham (Warriors of Sham) signed a reconciliation agreement a year and a half ago. Then many other cities followed this example.

On October 11, the Russian military delivered another humanitarian aid to this locality. More than 2 tons of humanitarian aid, which included flour, rice, sugar and canned food, were distributed to local residents. In addition, in addition to basic food, 137 families with young children were given baby food.

During the humanitarian action, Russian military doctors set up a temporary medical center. Help was provided to more than 150 people, including 62 children.

Such events are held at least twice a week, he said. RV Russian officer at the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria.

He said that last week humanitarian aid was delivered to the cities of Khirbat al-Shabab in Damascus province and Khan Arnaba in Quneitra province. Refugees from Deir ez-Zor and other cities previously captured by ISIS terrorists live there.

* Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

It was this game that determined whether the SAR national team would compete in Russia.

About 10 thousand people gathered in Sadll Jabri Square in front of the big screen. All cafes and restaurants are literally crowded with fans. It seemed that winning this match was as important to the people of Aleppo as the liberation of the city itself.

And this is not surprising, because after more than 6 years of war, people are tired of endless shooting and bombing, and the trip of the Syrian national football team to Russia is a kind of another symbol of the return of the entire country to peaceful life.

We talked to the owner of one of the cafes where the match was broadcast.

My name is Hasan Fystok, I am the owner of Stella Cafe in the Mogambo area. I hope that we will win with the support of our president and our Russian friends. God willing, we will win the war and football. I hope Syria will always be free from bandits and terrorists. I hope that Syria will be strong until the end.

- Tell us how you feel during such an important match for Syria?

I want to say that if the Syrian team wins, it will be a great reason for the joy of the Syrian people. As you know, the war is coming to an end, I hope that in Syria it will be as good as before and even better.

- If the Syrian team wins and advances to the playoffs, will you go to Russia for the 2018 World Cup?

Yes, of course, with pleasure, I will be happy to watch football in the most dear country to my heart and the entire Syrian people. I want to express my deep gratitude to President Vladimir Putin and every citizen of Russia for their support and assistance to our country.

Unfortunately, the SAR team lost to the Australians in extra time with a score of 1:2, but the selfless play of Syrian football players rallied millions of people throughout Syria in the fight for peace and independence of their country.


A Russian An-26 transport plane crashed in Syria while landing at the Khmeimim airfield.

Eyewitnesses said that the Russian An-26 transport plane, which crashed in Syria on Tuesday, March 6, behaved unusually during landing. WarGonzo reports this in its Telegram channel.

As noted, the plane tilted very heavily and landed “almost sideways.” Eyewitnesses also noted that there was very strong wind in Latakia that day.

“The crash happened this way - the plane veered sharply to the side during landing, about seven seconds later it turned back, then it abruptly began to lose altitude, when it hit the ground the ship turned over and the wing came off, it flew into the greenhouses of local residents, the plane itself was carried further along the ground, the fire broke out instantly,” an eyewitness reported the details of the disaster.

A major general, 26 officers, warrant officers and contract soldiers died in the An-26 plane crash in Syria, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Tuesday.

“As a result of the tragedy, 27 officers were killed, one of whom was with the rank of major general, as well as warrant officers and contract servicemen. There was not a single civilian on board the An-26,” the Ministry of Defense said.

The cause of the plane crash, according to preliminary information, could have been a technical malfunction, the Russian military department reported.

Crew commander, Major Smirnov S.G.

Senior Lieutenant Safronov D.V.

Senior Lieutenant Panov M.A.

Senior Lieutenant Altunin K.N.

Sergeant Osipkin A.V.

Senior Sergeant Epifanov

Captain 1st Rank Sachuk A. N.

Captain 1st Rank Moiseev M. A.

Colonel Fedun S.V.

Major Morozov A. L.

Senior Sergeant Lushkov S.V.

Ensign Grigoriev M. A.

Captain Gorban K. A.

Captain Gaidarkhanov E. S.

Lance Sergeant Belov A.I.

Senior Sergeant Bogatyrev Z. M.

Major Maunev M.I.

Captain Pylenok A.A.

Captain Sheintsvit S.V.

Senior Warrant Officer Grabovsky S.V.

Major Chagin E.V.

Captain Trufanov A.V.

Major Kukushkin D.I.

Senior Lieutenant Shevchenko A. A.

Corporal Kolomoytsev I.K.

Major Mikryukov V.V.

Captain of the medical service Rasputin N.B.

Sergeant Serezhenkov E. A.

Junior Sergeant Chapdarov B.R.

Senior Lieutenant Levchuk G.S.

Major General Eremeev V. G.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the relatives and friends of those killed in the crash of the Russian An-26 plane in Syria. This was announced by the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov.

“The President of the Russian Federation expressed deep condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the plane crash, as well as to the entire personnel of the Ministry of Defense in connection with the loss of their comrades,” he said.

The Kremlin spokesman also said that the president received a report from Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. “Putin, who is on a working trip to the Sverdlovsk region, listened by telephone to Minister Shoigu’s report on the crash of the An-26 plane near the Khmeimim airbase, the president received all the latest information at the moment,” Peskov said.

The weather conditions for the landing of the An-26 that crashed in Syria were simple, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

“During the landing approach of the An-26, the weather conditions were simple. The plane was flying from Kwaires airbase (Aleppo) to Khmeimim. The crew commander is a 1st class pilot. The commander’s flight time on this type of aircraft was more than 3 thousand hours,” the Ministry of Defense said, noting that the pilot repeatedly landed at the Khmeimim airfield.

A criminal case has been opened into the crash of an An-26 military transport aircraft in Syria. This was reported by the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia with reference to the official representative of the department Svetlana Petrenko.

The case was initiated under Art. 251 of the Criminal Code of Russia (violation of flight rules or preparation for them, resulting in grave consequences).

According to the Investigative Committee, the aircraft was performing a scheduled flight in Syria. According to preliminary data, the plane fell 500 m from Khmeimim airport.

An operational investigation team has been created to investigate. The main military prosecutor's office of Russia has begun an investigation into the plane crash.

Relatives of those killed in the An-26 plane crash in Syria will receive all the necessary assistance. This was announced by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

“Everyone affected by this tragedy will be provided with all the necessary assistance,” the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers quotes the prime minister as saying.

“On myself personally and on behalf of the Russian government, I offer deep condolences to the families of the victims and their colleagues. I sincerely sympathize and worry with you,” the prime minister said.

He also noted that the circumstances and causes of the An-26 crash in Syria will be studied and analyzed.

“Deeply shocked by the terrible incident. This is a great grief for everyone who lost their relatives and friends in the disaster, their army comrades, for the Russian army, grief for all of us. This loss is irreparable,” the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers quotes the prime minister as saying.

“The circumstances of what happened will be thoroughly investigated,” Medvedev emphasized.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, in a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, expressed condolences over the crash of the Russian An-26 military transport aircraft in Syria. The Kremlin press service reported this.

“The situation in Eastern Ghouta was discussed in the context of the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2401. The importance of resolving humanitarian problems and the need for a further uncompromising fight against terrorist groups in the area were noted,” the statement said.

Erdogan informed Putin about the progress of the operation of the Turkish armed forces in Afrin.

The UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, on Tuesday discussed with representatives of Iran, Russia and Turkey the progress of the inter-Syrian negotiation process. The UN press service reported this.

“De Mistura discussed with the three guarantors of the [Astana process on Syria] the follow-up to the final statement of the Sochi forum and the further advancement of the Geneva political process with a view to the full implementation of the UN Security Council resolution,” the statement said.

During the meeting, the need for de-escalation was emphasized in connection with the meeting of the foreign ministers of Russia, Turkey and Iran on Syria scheduled for March 16 in Astana. In addition, the parties discussed the issue of transferring the bodies of the dead and searching for the missing.

The Syrian government “reaffirms its commitment to UN Security Council Resolution 2401 and expresses its readiness to contribute to international initiatives leading to an end to the bloodshed throughout the country.” This, as reported by the SANA agency, is stated in the message of the Syrian Foreign Ministry sent to the UN Secretary General on Tuesday.

The document emphasizes that “Syrian troops continue to conduct military operations to eliminate terrorist gangs in Eastern Ghouta in full compliance with international law.” Damascus demands that the UN Security Council “put pressure on the states that patronize the gangs in order to force the militants to comply with the terms of the truce and stop holding civilians as hostages.”

“Syrian helicopters daily drop leaflets that indicate the exit route to the humanitarian corridor near the Al-Wafideen refugee camp,” the message states. “However, for eight days, armed groups have not allowed the population to leave the areas under their control and have been shelling the humanitarian corridor and peaceful areas of Damascus.”

The document draws attention to the fact that “the United States, Great Britain and France, which sought to establish a truce in Syria, did not say a word about these criminal actions of the militants and never condemned the shelling of Damascus, which entails the death of civilians.”

“The behavior of these states confirms that, in seeking the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2401, they did not care about the protection of civilians, but sought to stop the Syrian army’s advance on terrorist positions in Eastern Ghouta,” the message says.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry, in a message to the UN Security Council, also warned that “states supporting gangs have launched a new smear campaign against Damascus.” The message notes that “terrorists and their patrons staged a staging to accuse Syrian troops of using toxic substances in Eastern Ghouta.”

“These fabrications mislead the international community and are part of a conspiracy to disrupt the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2401 on the cessation of hostilities in Syria,” the document emphasizes.

Al-Arabiya TV channel broadcast a report on Tuesday claiming that at least 30 residents of the village of Khamuriya in Eastern Ghouta were injured by chlorine shells. Responsibility for the shelling is attributed to government forces.

At least one thousand children have died since the beginning of 2018 in Syria as victims of fighting in that country. This figure was announced on Tuesday, March 6, by the representative of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), Christophe Boulierac, Reuters reports from Geneva.

The largest casualties among Syrian minors over the past two months have been associated with military operations in the Eastern Ghouta region, a suburb of Damascus, where government troops are conducting an offensive against various Islamist militant groups.

According to Buljerak, “life in basements has become the norm” for children in Eastern Ghouta.

It is also reported that the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross plan to deliver a batch of humanitarian aid to the suburbs east of Damascus on Thursday, March 8, after last Monday 14 of 46 trucks with humanitarian aid were unable to enter the city of Douma, located in the administrative within Eastern Ghouta.

Russia's proposal for a daily five-hour humanitarian pause in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta is not enough to deliver humanitarian aid. This is stated in a statement by the head of EU diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, and the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, Christos Stylianides, issued on Tuesday in Brussels.

“The Russian proposal for a daily five-hour pause is simply not enough to allow aid workers to deliver aid to those who need it most and evacuate those who cannot be treated locally,” the statement said.

The parties to the conflict must ensure unhindered and sustainable humanitarian access to those who are trying to save lives, the head of EU diplomacy and the European Commissioner emphasized.

Airstrikes by Russia and the US-led coalition in Syria resulted in large numbers of civilian deaths in 2017. This is stated in the report of the independent commission of inquiry into human rights violations in Syria (OHCHR). In addition, the commission blamed forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad for chemical weapons attacks in Eastern Ghouta.

According to the report, in November 2017, a “Russian aircraft” struck a market in the city of Atarib, located west of Aleppo in the “de-escalation zone.” At least 84 people died as a result.

The commission's report also states that coalition strikes on a school near Raqqa in March 2017 killed 150 civilians. This figure is almost five times higher than the one cited by the Pentagon. Members of the UN commission did not find evidence of the presence of IS militants at the site of the strikes.

The Russian Ministry of Defense called on the United States to fulfill its obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 2401 on the truce in Syria. This was announced by the official representative of the military department, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

“We call on the United States to fulfill its obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 2401, not to impede access to controlled areas by representatives of international humanitarian organizations and the UN to assess the severity of the humanitarian situation and take urgent measures to provide the necessary assistance to the civilian population,” he said.

US-controlled Raqqa and the Al-Rukban refugee camp remain the only areas in Syria where UN Security Council Resolution 2401 on a ceasefire in the Syrian Arab Republic is not being implemented.

“The only areas in Syria where the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 2401 are completely ignored and no assistance is provided to the population are the US-controlled bombed city of Raqqa, as well as the Rukban refugee camp in the Al-Tanf zone occupied by American troops,” he said.

“Since resolution 2401 came into force, not a single humanitarian convoy has been delivered there. The situation of the residents of bombed Raqqa and the Al-Rukban refugee camp is assessed as a humanitarian catastrophe,” the general emphasized.

The White House last week discussed the possibility of using military force against Syrian authorities as punishment for Damascus' alleged use of chemical weapons in Eastern Ghouta. The Washington Post reported this on Monday, citing unnamed officials.

According to them, the meeting, chaired by President Donald Trump, took place early last week and included, in particular, White House chief of staff John Kelly, national security adviser Herbert McMaster and Defense Secretary James Mattis.

According to the newspaper, "Trump has asked for options to punish the Assad government after reports emerged that chlorine gas was used - in at least seven cases this year - and possibly other chemical agents, causing harm to civilians in areas under the control of the opposition."

According to one of the officials, the publication continues, Trump “did not insist on military action” and the meeting participants “decided to continue to monitor the development of the situation.”

At the same time, the publication quotes Pentagon spokesperson Dana White, who said that Mattis did not participate in any discussions regarding military actions against the Syrian government. However, one of the newspaper's sources claims that Mattis is "categorically" opposed to the use of military force in response to Damascus' use of chemical weapons, while McMaster, on the contrary, supports the idea.

The American military department does not intend to comment on media reports that the Pentagon is allegedly preparing a new strike on Syria. RIA Novosti reports this with reference to the department's press service.

“As a general rule, we do not discuss future military plans,” Pentagon spokesman Adrian Rankin-Galloway said.

Jaysh al-Izza militants shot down a Russian Eleron-3SV UAV.

Turkish authorities will set up camps for Syrians at nine locations in Idlib province and in the Olive Branch zone in northern Syria.

This was announced on Tuesday by Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy, as quoted by the Haber Turk TV channel.

“Camps with a total capacity of 170 thousand people are being created in the regions of Idlib and in the area of ​​Operation Olive Branch in nine different locations,” he said. These camps are supposedly being set up to serve the needs of temporarily displaced people in these regions who have fled their homes due to the fighting. Previously, Türkiye had already created several tent cities for Syrians near the border on the Syrian side.

The camps will be located in territories controlled by Ankara: in the Afrin region, where the Olive Branch has been going on since January 20, and in the northern part of Idlib province, where Turkey is monitoring the ceasefire as a guarantor of the Astana agreements.

Russian FSB officers detained in Dagestan supporters of a cell of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation, who were involved in recruiting citizens and transporting them to Syria. This was reported to TASS by the Public Relations Center (PSC) of the FSB.

“The Federal Security Service, together with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, suppressed the activities of a cell of supporters of the international terrorist organization ISIS, involved in recruiting radical residents of the Republic of Dagestan and transporting them to Syria to participate in hostilities as part of international terrorist organizations,” the FSB emphasized.

On March 5, the organizer of this illegal activity and four of his accomplices were detained in Makhachkala. According to the FSB, they “persuaded at least four citizens to leave Russia, who, after undergoing sabotage and terrorist training in field camps of the Islamic State, became active participants in its armed formations.”

The FSB reported that as a result of the operation, a significant amount of explosives, firearms and ammunition illegally acquired by supporters of an international terrorist organization to commit terrorist crimes in the North Caucasus Federal District were seized.

Aleppo. More than 40 Turkish soldiers were killed during Operation Olive Branch, which began on January 20 in northern Syria.

This was stated on Tuesday by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan during a speech in Ankara. “The number of neutralized terrorists during Operation Olive Branch reached 2,872. 41 of our military personnel died from our armed forces and gendarmerie,” the Haber Turk TV channel quoted him as saying.

Reports have emerged that Kurdish forces are seriously considering an offensive against Turkish-backed jihadist groups in the Manbij region in the north of the province to ease pressure on YPG units fighting in Afrin.

TFSA militants captured the following villages: Tell Hamo, Khirbet Sharran, Al-Sankari, Tellal Qatmah, Qatmah camp, Matli and Qatmah.

TFSA video from Afrin area.

The TFSA discovered a YPG underground tunnel on Mount Baflun.

TFSA video from Shiran area.

Idlib. Militants of the Jabhat Tahrir Suriya group (Ahrar al-Sham and Harakat Nur al-Din al-Zenki) recaptured the settlements of Maar Shurin and Babila, located in the Maarat al-Numan region, from HTS (Maarat al-Numaan).

Hama. Hassan Soufan, leader of Jabhat Tahrir Suriya, published a video statement about his readiness to discuss the issue of a ceasefire and reconciliation with HTS. Soufan also stated that Jabhat Tahrir Suriya is ready to join military efforts to fight the Syrian Arab Army if it advances in the western part of Hama province.

Damascus. The head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties, Major General Yuri Yevtushenko, said that the situation in Syrian Eastern Ghouta remains tense due to the fact that terrorists continue to violate the ceasefire.

“Over the past 10 days, militants have fired 272 mines and rockets from areas of Eastern Ghouta into residential areas of the Syrian capital. 13 people were killed, 135 were injured, three of them children,” Yevtushenko said.

According to him, terrorists open fire on government troops to provoke them into retaliatory action. Also, 10 people were killed and 49 were wounded when militants shelled the Tishreen hospital in the Syrian village of Dahiyat al-Assad on March 5, the report clarifies.

Civilian victims of terrorist attacks in Damascus.

At least three civilians were killed and eight were injured as a result of a rocket attack on the village of Jarman on the outskirts of the Syrian capital. SANA reported this on Tuesday, citing sources in the Damascus police department.

According to the agency, the shelling was carried out by militants of the terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra (banned in the Russian Federation).

Earlier on Tuesday, SANA reported that five people were injured as a result of the shelling.

The SAA liberated most of the village. Al-Rahyan.

Al-Ashaari farms, as well as farms east of the village, have been cleared of militants. Mesraba, Jisreen and Beit Sawa, there is fighting on the outskirts of the three aforementioned settlements.

The army regains control of the town of Hammouriyah in Eastern Ghouta.

Raising the SAR flag in the town of Hammouriyah, Eastern Ghouta.

SAA in Muhammadiyah, Eastern Ghouta.

SAA in the Harasta region.

SAR operations in Eastern Ghouta.

Raqqa. The US-led international coalition failed to take adequate measures to prevent the deaths of civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure during airstrikes on a school building in Raqqa, Syria in 2017. As noted in the report of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights Violations in Syria, released on Tuesday, this is a violation of international humanitarian law.

“The commission concluded that the international coalition should have been aware of the nature of the target and failed to take all feasible precautions to prevent or reduce civilian casualties and damage to civilian objects, contrary to international humanitarian law,” the report said.

According to the document, on the night of March 21-22, 2017, three airstrikes were carried out on a former school building in Al-Mansur in the western outskirts of Raqqa, killing at least 150 people. The coalition later claimed responsibility for this operation, but emphasized that the target was 30 militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic State” (IS, banned in the Russian Federation), allegedly hiding in the building. The military also reported that they had no information about the presence of civilians there. At the same time, although the school was located in territory controlled by IS (at that time), survivors claimed that the militants never entered the building.

Deir ez-Zor. A huge contingent of Kurdish fighters has left their positions and bases in the provinces of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor to the Afrin region to help friendly forces currently fighting the Turkish army and pro-Turkish militants.

The departure of about 1,700 Kurdish fighters to Afrin has been confirmed by official Kurdish sources.

Raqqa. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Jaish al-Tuwar and Northern Democratic Brigade announced they have begun relocating their units from Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor provinces to the Afrin region to help the YPG against the Turkish-backed TFSA. According to reports, these units will send several hundred of their fighters to Afrin.


NATO will maintain a presence in Iraq and will continue to provide support to the country's armed forces in accordance with Baghdad's request.

This was stated by Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who is on an official visit to the Arab country, as Al Sumaria TV channel reported on Tuesday.

The Secretary General’s statement came a few days after the Iraqi parliament’s decision to demand that the government set a time frame for the withdrawal of foreign military personnel from the country after the defeat of the terrorist group “Islamic State” (IS, banned in the Russian Federation).

“We are here because Iraq wants it,” Stoltenberg said, pointing out that the alliance had received a written request from Prime Minister Heidar al-Abadi. At the same time, he assured that NATO “will not stay too long” in the republic and “will continue training [Iraqi forces] to prevent the reappearance of IS.”

As the secretary general of the alliance explained, NATO countries participating in the support program focused their efforts on training local security forces, especially in the field of mine clearance and military field surgery. Their task is to create “military academies and help carry out institutional reforms, including the fight against corruption.”

On Monday, the Iraqi prime minister met with Stoltenberg in Baghdad, at which he confirmed the importance of continuing cooperation with NATO. In mid-February, the secretary general of the alliance announced a new non-combat mission to train the Iraqi army.


The United States will not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. This was stated on Monday by the country's Vice President Michael Pence, speaking at a conference of an influential lobbying organization - the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

“The United States will never allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons,” he said.

According to the vice president, Tehran "hopes to recreate the ancient Persian Empire, led by a modern dictator - the Ayatollah." “Not only does Iran support terrorism, but it continues to develop ballistic missiles that could threaten every inch of Israeli soil, threatening the lives of all our citizens,” Pence continued.

“The disastrous nuclear deal negotiated by the previous [President Barack Obama] administration did not prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, but only delayed the day when the regime would have the deadliest weapon on the planet,” Pence said. — President Donald Trump called on Congress and our European allies to effectively curb Iran's nuclear and missile ambitions<…>. If the nuclear deal is not revised in the coming months, the United States will withdraw from it.”

The Vice President is referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) - agreements reached with Iran by the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (Russia, Great Britain, China, USA, France) and Germany in July 2015 and aimed at resolving the crisis over nuclear development Tehran. In response to the lifting of sanctions previously imposed by the UN Security Council, the United States and the European Union, Iran pledged to limit its nuclear activities, placing them under international control. The agreement entered the implementation stage in January 2016.

In the new US nuclear doctrine released on February 2, the Pentagon indicated that Tehran, although it agreed to accept restrictions on its nuclear program in the JCPOA, still “retains the technological capabilities to develop nuclear weapons within 1 year if [the country’s leadership] decides such a decision." “Many of the restrictions set out in the JCPOA will expire by 2031, reducing the time Iran may have to produce enough fissile material to build nuclear weapons,” the document states.

A document that will allow the formation of a free trade zone between Iran and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) may be signed in May.

This was stated by the head of the Russian Ministry of Energy, Alexander Novak, at a meeting of the Russian-Iranian intergovernmental commission.

“The impetus for the further development of our bilateral trade, as well as the expansion of investment cooperation, will certainly be the conclusion of an interim agreement leading to the formation of a free trade area between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union, work on which is at an advanced stage,” the minister said. “We hope that this document will be signed in May.”

Novak also noted that Russia had previously agreed on a memorandum on the supply of wheat to the republic. “Yesterday, the ministries of agriculture of both countries managed to preliminary agree on a memorandum on the supply of wheat to the Iranian market,” the minister said.

Earlier, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexey Gruzdev said that Russia is working to expand markets for domestic agricultural products and is ready to enter the Iranian market.

Russia discussed with Iran the possibility of supplying the Russian civil airliner Sukhoi SuperJet - 100 (SSJ-100, Sukhoi Superjet - 100) to Iran. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak announced this in an interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel.

“We talked about the possibility of Iranian partners acquiring the Sukhoi Superjet-100 aircraft and outlined a plan on how to implement this,” Novak said, commenting on the results of the meeting of the Russian-Iranian intergovernmental commission.

The minister also noted that during the commission meeting, the parties agreed to supply Iran with various types of Russian-made transport. “Today we discussed the supply of wagons, 1,200 wagons have already been delivered, and during 2018 about 3,000 wagons will be delivered. These are our additional supplies of KamAZ, UAZ, buses,” he said.

On March 6, Rotek JSC (a diversified industrial holding company part of the Renova group of companies) and the Iranian Thermal Power Plants Repairs signed a memorandum of intent to create a joint venture in Iran.

The document was signed as part of a meeting of the Russian-Iranian intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation, a TASS correspondent reports from the signing ceremony.

Rotek was founded in 2010. The holding's areas of interest include power engineering, aircraft engine manufacturing, the automotive industry and other high-tech industries.

In October 2017, it was reported that Russian companies intend to participate in tenders and competitions in Iran for the supply and service of gas turbine equipment, pipes, rolled metal, cars and cars.

Russia and Iran will continue cooperation in the field of geological exploration; the corresponding memorandums were signed by Russian Rosgeology and geological structures of Iran. Rosgeology reports this.

In particular, the documents provide for the possibility for the Russian company and its subsidiaries to carry out prospecting and assessment work for solid minerals in Iran.

As previously reported, Rosgeology is preparing for a geological study of six sites in Iran. At the moment, all the technical preparatory part of the work has been completed, tenders are expected to be announced. The total funding limit for projects for 2018 is set at $200 million.

Rosgeologiya is a Russian diversified geological holding company that provides a full range of services related to geological exploration, 100% of the capital is owned by the state.

After a two-year break, the Russian Federation is preparing to resume wheat exports to Iran. According to Russian authorities, the annual volume of supplies can reach 1.5 million tons; at current prices, exports are estimated at more than $300 million. Iran needs grain to additionally load flour mills, whose capacities are currently only half utilized.

On March 6, co-chairman of the Russian-Iranian intergovernmental commission and head of the Russian Ministry of Energy Alexander Novak announced that Russia could resume wheat exports to Iran. According to him, the corresponding memorandum has already been previously agreed upon by the ministries of agriculture of the two countries. Mr. Novak added that Russia plans to supply up to 1.5 million tons of wheat per year to Iran, the start of exports depends on conciliation procedures. The issue of specific calculations for supplies is being discussed by exporting companies. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad of Iran did not respond to Kommersant’s requests.

Iran introduced a ban on imports of Russian wheat in March 2016 to support local farmers. Then the country reaped a good harvest of its own grain and formed significant reserves through imports in previous years. Before the ban, Iran was the third largest buyer of Russian wheat after Egypt and Turkey, purchasing about 1.5 million tons per season, notes Arkady Zlochevsky, president of the Russian Grain Union.

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates Iran's need for wheat in 2017-2018 at a record 18.35 million tons, and its own production at 15 million tons. Sovecon director Andrei Sizov clarifies that, taking into account carry-over wheat reserves of approximately 7 million tons, Iran is fully provided with grain this season and may even become a net exporter. But the country could purchase Russian wheat for further processing and export of flour to third countries, primarily to Iraq. Apparently, there is no talk of a full return of Russian wheat to the Iranian market; the grain will be purchased for processing in the customs zone for further export of flour, agrees Dmitry Rylko, general director of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies. Mr. Zlochevsky notes that the opening of the Iranian market would cause significant damage to local producers, whose products are not able to compete with Russian wheat in price.

Russia, at the expense of Iran, could sell off more reserves before the new season. According to operational customs data as of February 21, Russia increased grain exports by 39.7% year-on-year, to 33.6 million tons, wheat supplies increased by 40.6%, to 26.3 million tons. Rosstat estimated grain reserves as of February 1 at 42.2 million tons, which is 18.7% more than a year earlier. Wheat reserves exceeded last year's volume by 25% and reached 27.1 million tons.

In February, Secretary General of the Iranian Food Confederation Kaveh Zargaran admitted that Iran could purchase 1 million tons of Russian wheat for processing and exporting flour to Iraq and Afghanistan, Bloomberg reported. Iran's flour mills are operating at only 50% capacity and the country's own harvest is expected to be lower than expected due to weak rains in 2017, an Iranian official said. Based on average export prices for Russian wheat (12.5% ​​protein) of $209.5 per ton (FOB) at the end of last week, the cost of 1-1.5 million tons of grain can be estimated at $209.5-314.25 million.

Iran is ready to provide its territory for the export transit of Russian grain, including to the Persian Gulf countries. Iranian Minister of Economy and Finance Masoud Karbasian told reporters about this.

“We understand that the volume of wheat that is in Russia must be supplied to the markets of other countries. In particular, it will be placed in<…>countries that have access to the Persian Gulf,” he said.

Karbasyan noted that a few days ago a corresponding memorandum was signed, which spelled out the details of the agreements on the transit of Russian grain through the territory of Iran.

In turn, co-chairman of the Russian-Iranian intergovernmental commission Alexander Novak told reporters that Russia expects to restore the volume of wheat supplies to Iran in the amount of 1.5 million tons per year.

Earlier on Tuesday, Novak said that the ministries of agriculture of both countries managed to preliminary agree on a memorandum on the supply of wheat to the Iranian market.

In 2017, Iran introduced a ban on the import of a number of categories of agricultural products, including wheat.

Iran will continue to supply oil to Russia in 2018; the declared volumes of 5 million tons per year remain, Alexander Novak, head of the Russian Ministry of Energy, told reporters in Moscow.

“Volumes of 5 million tons per year remain, we will strive for this figure,” he said.

So far, in exchange for goods, Russia received 1 million barrels in November as part of one delivery. A delivery date for this year has not yet been agreed upon, Novak said.

In turn, Iranian Minister of Economy and Finance Masoud Karbasyan told reporters in Moscow on Tuesday that his country is doing everything possible to ensure that the second batch goes to the Russian Federation as quickly as possible and does not see any obstacles to this.

Novak previously said Iran plans to spend up to 50% of oil revenues on Russian goods and services.

The minister also said that Russian companies can sign contracts with Iran on oil fields by March 21.

“More than 10 different deposits. Companies - Gazprom, Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, Zarubezhneft, Tatneft, Lukoil. These companies have made pretty good progress in negotiations. Our Iranian colleagues confirmed that specific contracts could be signed in the near future,” Novak said and clarified that there are all prerequisites for signing them on March 21.

At the same time, the minister did not rule out that Russian companies will implement oil projects in Iran in a consortium with foreign partners. “I think such options are also possible. Everything will depend on the specific agreement,” the Russian minister noted.


Air traffic between Moscow and Cairo may resume in April, but there is no exact date yet. A source close to the negotiations reported this to TASS.

“Discussed in April. There is no exact date,” he said.

The agency's interlocutor also noted that employees of the Aeromash company, which provides security at Sheremetyevo Airport, will ensure the safety of Russian passengers in Cairo.

As TASS was told by the Russian Ministry of Transport, work to resume air traffic between Russia and Egypt is in an active phase. “The parties have outlined specific steps towards a speedy resolution of this issue. As soon as all formalities are resolved, air traffic will be resumed,” the ministry said.

In turn, Sheremetyevo noted that if all contracts are signed, employees of the Sheremetyevo Security company will work at Cairo airport. “If contracts are signed, the Sheremetyevo Security company will ensure its activities at Cairo airport,” Sheremetyevo’s press service told TASS.

Earlier, Egypt Air CEO Safuat Muslim said that the company plans to open flights from Cairo to Moscow in April, this is due to the traditional transition to the summer schedule. According to him, Russian security officers will be present at Cairo airport.

Air traffic between Egypt and Russia was stopped by decision of Moscow in November 2015 after the crash of a plane of the Russian airline Kogalymavia flying from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg over Sinai. There were 217 Russian tourists and seven crew members on board, all of whom died. The FSB subsequently classified the incident as a terrorist attack. To resume air traffic, Russia demanded that Egypt strengthen aviation security measures.

On January 4, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the resumption of regular air transportation to Cairo. The next two months were spent resolving technical issues, including booking slots and scheduling. At the moment, the sale of air tickets for company flights is not open.

The Criminal Court of Egypt's Red Sea province sentenced 12 people accused of drug smuggling to death. This was reported by Al-Masry al-Youm.

It is noted that among those sentenced to capital punishment are seven citizens of Egypt and five people from Yemen. All of them were detained for smuggling 113 kg of heroin.

“The accused were caught red-handed smuggling 113 kg of heroin by sea from Yemen to the Egyptian port of El-Quseir,” the newspaper quoted the Egyptian Prosecutor General’s Office as saying.

The death penalty in Egypt must be approved by the country's Grand Mufti, who, according to local law, approves all execution decisions. The mufti's consent in this case was obtained.


Russia and Saudi Arabia are preparing a visit to Moscow this year by the head of the Saudi Consultative Council, Abdullah bin Mohammed Ibrahim al-Sheikh, and are also developing a roadmap for implementing the agreements reached at the highest level. Vice Speaker of the Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov told reporters about this on Tuesday following a meeting with Deputy Chairman of the Kingdom’s Advisory Council Yahya al-Samaan.

“Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko took part in the conversation and confirmed the invitation to visit Russia to the head of the Advisory Council Abdullah bin Mohammed Ibrahim al-Sheikh this year. The invitation was accepted,” Umakhanov said.

According to him, as part of the preparation of these contacts, it is planned to send a representative of the Parliamentary Cooperation Group to Saudi Arabia; the purpose of the trip is also to develop a roadmap for agreements at the highest level.

As the vice speaker noted, the culmination of bilateral contacts was the historic visit to the Russian Federation by the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, in October 2017. “This will give impetus to the development of relations in the trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian fields,” Umakhanov noted. “We agreed to find a niche for legislative support of agreements at the highest level.”

The parties also agreed to create a permanent mechanism for parliamentary interaction, the support of which will be the Cooperation Group and committees on international affairs. “The cooperation group will develop a roadmap and monitor the implementation of agreements,” he explained. “We agreed to prepare either a joint report or reports on what is currently hindering cooperation.”

According to the deputy chairman of the upper house of Parliament, Russia expects to continue discussing trade and economic issues within the framework of the Russia-Islamic World Group meeting on May 10-12 in Kazan.

According to al-Samaan, at the meeting an agreement was reached to intensify the role of the Russian-Saudi Friendship Group and prepare a roadmap for interaction in order to “promote the development of the entire range of relations between our countries.”

“Russia is part of the G20, Saudi Arabia represents the largest Middle Eastern market,” he noted. “It is necessary to intensify efforts in this area to develop economic cooperation.”

“As for the political sphere, we are working to strengthen security and stability in the region,” said the deputy head of the council. “We hope to intensify Russia’s role in this area.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is visiting the United States, announced Saudi Arabia’s agreement to provide its airspace for direct flights between Israel and India. The France-Presse agency reports this, noting that such a step by the Saudi authorities will confirm the rapprochement of the largest Arab monarchy with the Jewish state.

Meanwhile, national carrier Air India has not yet confirmed receipt of the relevant permission from Riyadh. A request has been sent to the Saudi side, but no official response has been received from them, representatives of the Indian airline say.

For the first time, possible direct flights between India and Israel through the airspace of Saudi Arabia, which still does not have diplomatic relations with the Jewish state, became known in July last year, when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Tel Aviv for a visit, AFP recalls.

As reported EADaily, Earlier, the Civil Aviation Service of Saudi Arabia denied some media reports that the Kingdom's authorities had granted permission to operate direct flights to Israel through the airspace of the Arab monarchy.

The Syrian army destroyed a shell production workshop in Deir ez-Zor

Syrian army fighters discovered and destroyed a large underground plant of the terrorist group "Islamic State" * for the production of mortar shells in the city of Mayadin in the province of Deir ez-Zor, an informed source on the spot told RIA Novosti.

“A workshop was discovered in the west of Mayadin, where shells for mortars of various calibers were produced. The underground production itself was destroyed. There remains a warehouse with thousands of ready-made shells,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

According to the source, some of the components of the shells, according to the markings, were delivered to terrorists from the Persian Gulf countries.

According to some Syrian military intelligence data, IS militants delivered ammunition from Mayadin for mortars, with which terrorists daily bombard residential areas of the city of Deir ez-Zor, controlled by government troops.

* Terrorist organization banned in Russia.

The commander of the Southern Military District told how to confront militants in Syria

© RIA Novosti / Mikhail Alaeddin

The commander of the troops of the Southern Military District (SMD), Alexander Dvornikov, told his Armenian colleagues about the tactics of the militants of the Islamic State group * in Syria, using underground catacombs and mined cars, as well as ways to counter it, the head of the press service of the Southern Military District, Vadim Astafiev, told RIA Novosti.

Dvornikov gave a lecture at the Armenian Ministry of Defense as part of the joint exercise “Interaction-2017”, of which he is the leader. The commander of the Southern Military District spoke about modern methods of conducting combat operations in local conflicts and the features of countering illegal armed groups.

“Speaking about the specifics of the tactics of the ISIS* units in the Syrian Arab Republic, Colonel General Dvornikov spoke in detail about ways to counter the “tunnel war” ... vehicles loaded with explosives,” Astafiev said. The commander also presented to the Armenian officers a version of a modern system for controlling a group of troops, which allows them to effectively manage military operations.

In conclusion, Dvornikov invited his colleagues to adopt the modern experience of troop management, which is currently being implemented in the military districts of the Russian Armed Forces. He also recommended regularly conducting joint command and staff training with the participation of operational groups of the Armenian General Staff and the headquarters of the Southern Military District.
“This system of interaction will ensure, among other things, the effective solution of common tasks within the Joint Group of Troops (Forces) on the territory of Armenia and the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization,” the Russian military leader said.

The joint exercises “Interaction-2017”, taking place under the leadership of the commander of the Southern Military District, Colonel General Alexander Dvornikov, will last until October 13. The topic of the exercise is “Preparation and conduct of a joint operation to localize an armed conflict in the Caucasus region of collective security.” In total, more than 2.5 thousand military personnel and about 500 units of weapons and military equipment will be involved in tactical actions at the Russian Alagyaz training ground and the Armenian Bagramyan training ground.

*Terrorist organization banned in Russia

Moscow and Damascus plan to restore transport infrastructure in the SAR

Syria is discussing with the Russian side possible cooperation in restoring the country's transport infrastructure - airports, railways, and maritime fleet, SAR Transport Minister Ali Hamoud told SANA.

“The Ministry discussed with the Russian Federation the possibility of cooperation in preparing (for the restoration of activity - ed.) airports in liberated areas, building new airports, preparing the air fleet and providing new aircraft,” the minister told the agency by telephone from Sochi, where he is participating in meetings of the intergovernmental commission (IPC).
Hamoud said that during the negotiations with the Russian side, the development of the Syrian navy, the construction of a floating dock for the repair of ships, as well as the restoration of bridges destroyed during the years of war in the country were discussed.

“The group of experts participating in the IPC... examined the possibility of cooperation in the development of railway transport, the production of passenger cars and trucks, tank trucks, as well as the establishment of regular communications between the Syrian coast and Russian ports,” the agency quotes the minister.

The tenth meeting of the Permanent Russian-Syrian Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation is being held in Sochi. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin heads the Russian side of the intergovernmental commission, and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem heads the Syrian side.

Damascus, October 12. At least 14 civilians were killed during an airstrike by a US-led coalition against the forces of Islamic State1 terrorists (banned in Russia) in the Syrian city of Raqqa. As activists of the organization Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently reported, as a result of the coalition strike, members of two families who had previously moved to Raqqa from the city of Tadmur in Homs province were killed.

As the Turkish Anadolu Agency notes, human rights activists in Syria have calculated how many civilians have died over several years of US-led coalition operations in Syria: a total of 2,286 male civilians, 504 women and 674 children have died. RiaFan

Media: a British woman nicknamed “White Widow” who joined ISIS was killed in Syria

British woman Sally Jones, nicknamed “White Widow,” who joined the terrorist group “Islamic State”*, was allegedly killed in Syria during an airstrike by the US Air Force, the Times newspaper writes, citing sources.

Jones was reportedly killed in June on the Iraqi border. Her 12-year-old son is also believed to have been killed in the airstrike. “The reports that Sally Jones and her son are dead appear to be correct,” a British government source told the newspaper.

Sally Jones, also known as Um Hussein Britaniyya, or the "White Widow", converted to Islam and, under the influence of her immigrant lover Junaid Hussein, went to Syria, where they both joined the Islamic State. Jones also took her son to Raqqa. In 2015, Hussein was killed in an airstrike.

In northern Syria, more than 60 militants surrendered to the Syrian army

Another 65 members of gangs surrendered to government forces in northern Syria through the mediation of the Russian military from the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the scene.

The collection point in the territory not controlled by the Syrian army was the village of Abu Kahf. The transition took place at a checkpoint near the village of Taykha.

“We were waiting for these people here. They conveyed through intermediaries that they were ready to leave. The Russian military helped us negotiate with them,” Amer Al-Ahmadi, the government official responsible for the reconciliation process in the area, told reporters.

According to members of the gangs, they worked in the rear and did not participate in hostilities. The Syrian special services will have to check the biography of each of them, Al-Ahmadi specified. At the request of the Syrian authorities, representatives of the Reconciliation Center ensured safe passage of the convoy with surrendered militants to the city of Aleppo. There they will fill out applications for normalization of status, the verification of which will take approximately two weeks.

In accordance with the decree of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, all residents of areas controlled by militants can undergo the process of normalizing the status of the population, including those who took part in hostilities on the side of the militants.

You can normalize the status only once. After this procedure, a Syrian citizen gets the opportunity to start life with a clean slate. At the same time, he undertakes not to take part in gangs in exchange for an amnesty guaranteed by the president. To control this process, a Reconciliation Commission has been created in Damascus, the activities of which are personally supervised by the President of Syria. To date, more than 20 thousand citizens of the country have become participants in this process.

Russian sappers cleared 60 buildings in Deir ez-Zor in 24 hours

Russian sappers cleared mines from 62 buildings in the Syrian Deir ez-Zor within 24 hours, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

Earlier, the department reported that the advanced detachment of the international mine action center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was sent to Syria to work in Deir ez-Zor. In total, 175 military personnel of the international mine action center and 42 units of special engineering equipment will be deployed to Syria to participate in humanitarian demining. “Over the course of 24 hours in the city of Deir ez-Zor, Russian sappers cleared 62 buildings, checked 26 hectares of terrain and 7 kilometers of roads for the presence of explosive objects. ", the department said in a statement.

The Russian military is rushing to the rescue: The Ministry of Defense convoy has arrived in the former stronghold of militants near Damascus

Russian military personnel continue their mission to help Syrians who find themselves in difficult life situations.

About this in the report "Russian Spring" from the scene.

The city of Muadamiyah in Damascus province played an important role in restoring peaceful life in Syria. It was there that the militants first joined the reconciliation process. Representatives of the Syrian army and the armed group Ajnad al-Sham (Warriors of Sham) signed a reconciliation agreement a year and a half ago. Then many other cities followed this example.

On October 11, the Russian military delivered another humanitarian aid to this locality. More than 2 tons of humanitarian aid, which included flour, rice, sugar and canned food, were distributed to local residents. In addition, in addition to basic food, 137 families with young children were given baby food.

During the humanitarian action, Russian military doctors set up a temporary medical center. Help was provided to more than 150 people, including 62 children.

Such events are held at least twice a week, he said. RV Russian officer at the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria.

He said that last week humanitarian aid was delivered to the cities of Khirbat al-Shabab in Damascus province and Khan Arnaba in Quneitra province. Refugees from Deir ez-Zor and other cities previously captured by ISIS terrorists live there.

* Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

Media: a British woman nicknamed “White Widow” who joined ISIS was killed in Syria

British woman Sally Jones, nicknamed “White Widow,” who joined the terrorist group “Islamic State”*, was allegedly killed in Syria during an airstrike by the US Air Force, the Times newspaper writes, citing sources.

Jones was reportedly killed in June on the Iraqi border. Her 12-year-old son is also believed to have been killed in the airstrike. “The reports that Sally Jones and her son are dead appear to be correct,” a British government source told the newspaper.

Sally Jones, also known as Um Hussein Britaniyya, or the "White Widow", converted to Islam and, under the influence of her immigrant lover Junaid Hussein, went to Syria, where they both joined the Islamic State. Jones also took her son to Raqqa. In 2015, Hussein was killed in an airstrike.

In northern Syria, more than 60 militants surrendered to the Syrian army

Another 65 members of gangs surrendered to government forces in northern Syria through the mediation of the Russian military from the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the scene.

The collection point in the territory not controlled by the Syrian army was the village of Abu Kahf. The transition took place at a checkpoint near the village of Taykha.

“We were waiting for these people here. They conveyed through intermediaries that they were ready to leave. The Russian military helped us negotiate with them,” Amer Al-Ahmadi, the government official responsible for the reconciliation process in the area, told reporters.

According to members of the gangs, they worked in the rear and did not participate in hostilities. The Syrian special services will have to check the biography of each of them, Al-Ahmadi specified. At the request of the Syrian authorities, representatives of the Reconciliation Center ensured safe passage of the convoy with surrendered militants to the city of Aleppo. There they will fill out applications for normalization of status, the verification of which will take approximately two weeks.

In accordance with the decree of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, all residents of areas controlled by militants can undergo the process of normalizing the status of the population, including those who took part in hostilities on the side of the militants.

You can normalize the status only once. After this procedure, a Syrian citizen gets the opportunity to start life with a clean slate. At the same time, he undertakes not to take part in gangs in exchange for an amnesty guaranteed by the president. To control this process, a Reconciliation Commission has been created in Damascus, the activities of which are personally supervised by the President of Syria. To date, more than 20 thousand citizens of the country have become participants in this process.

Russian sappers cleared 60 buildings in Deir ez-Zor in 24 hours

Russian sappers cleared mines from 62 buildings in the Syrian Deir ez-Zor within 24 hours, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

Earlier, the department reported that the advanced detachment of the international mine action center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was sent to Syria to work in Deir ez-Zor. In total, 175 military personnel of the international mine action center and 42 units of special engineering equipment will be deployed to Syria to participate in humanitarian demining. “Over the course of 24 hours in the city of Deir ez-Zor, Russian sappers cleared 62 buildings, checked 26 hectares of terrain and 7 kilometers of roads for the presence of explosive objects. ", the department said in a statement.

The Russian military is rushing to the rescue: The Ministry of Defense convoy has arrived in the former stronghold of militants near Damascus

Russian military personnel continue their mission to help Syrians who find themselves in difficult life situations.

About this in the report "Russian Spring" from the scene.

The city of Muadamiyah in Damascus province played an important role in restoring peaceful life in Syria. It was there that the militants first joined the reconciliation process. Representatives of the Syrian army and the armed group Ajnad al-Sham (Warriors of Sham) signed a reconciliation agreement a year and a half ago. Then many other cities followed this example.

On October 11, the Russian military delivered another humanitarian aid to this locality. More than 2 tons of humanitarian aid, which included flour, rice, sugar and canned food, were distributed to local residents. In addition, in addition to basic food, 137 families with young children were given baby food.

During the humanitarian action, Russian military doctors set up a temporary medical center. Help was provided to more than 150 people, including 62 children.

Such events are held at least twice a week, he said. RV Russian officer at the Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria.

He said that last week humanitarian aid was delivered to the cities of Khirbat al-Shabab in Damascus province and Khan Arnaba in Quneitra province. Refugees from Deir ez-Zor and other cities previously captured by ISIS terrorists live there.

* Terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.