A monk fought with magicians. Help the project! Hegumen Anatoly where he lives

Who will heal the drug addict? Is there a cure for AIDS? How to treat clairvoyance? These and other questions from RD are answered by the head of the Soul Care Center in the name of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt at the Krutitsky Metochion, Doctor of Medical Sciences Hegumen Anatoly (Berestov).

Corr.: Father Anatoly, tell us what your center is doing today?

O. Anatoly: Our center has existed since 1996, when it was organized with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II for the rehabilitation of persons who suffered from totalitarian sects and the occult. And since 1997, we began to actively engage in the rehabilitation of drug-addicted youth. The center has done a lot over the years. About 25 thousand people were cured of drug addiction and alcoholism. Tens of thousands of people have been saved from the occult and sects. About 1,000 former occultists and sectarians turned to the Church. So we don’t eat bread in vain. And now we have these two main directions: sect-occultism and drug addiction.

Corr.: Why did you start working with drug addicts?

O. Anatoly: We didn't plan this initially. But one day, 18 young people suffering from drug addiction came to us from satanic sects at the same time. We needed to reorient them somehow. We have created a special rehabilitation program for youth suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism. And this program suddenly began to work very well, all 18 people were reoriented within a month - they stopped using drugs and getting involved in alcohol. From that moment we realized that this problem can be effectively dealt with. And if it is possible, then it is necessary. And we began to actively engage in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. And very successfully.

Corr.: What are the numbers?

O. Anatoly: 95 out of 100 people who come to our center from the street - as a rule, non-believers and non-churched young people - became healthy, that is, they stopped using drugs and alcohol. And since then, more than 25 thousand young people who have passed through our center have begun to lead a healthy lifestyle. But now we are working without any program. We're just going to church. We saw that it was enough to church this young man for his craving for drugs or alcohol to disappear. We also had gaming addicts. Now, thank God, there are much fewer of them.

Corr.: Do you think that it is possible to church our modern unbelieving youth?

O. Anatoly: It turns out that it’s still possible! Our practice shows that almost all young people who come to our center from the street become believers. In this way, we not only make them mentally healthy, but they fill the temples. This is amazing!

At one time I flew and traveled a lot around Russia - from Kamchatka and Sakhalin to Minsk, and also visited Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece. And everywhere Orthodox centers for the rehabilitation of drug addicts were organized, which operated with the same success. About 4 years ago we held a conference of the heads of such centers. It turned out that the results were very good everywhere. The minimum is 60 percent recovery. Let’s compare with the recovery figures from official medicine – from 0 to 5 percent. Some public organizations for various programs – up to 10–12 percent. All this suggests that the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism is most likely not medical, but spiritual. And only for the second time does it become medical. But initially, sin and a sinful lifestyle are to blame.

Corr.: I know that non-core patients also come to you.

O. Anatoly: Yes. There were about 7 homosexuals who began to lead a normal life. They got married and had children. Everyone has good families.

There were AIDS patients. We had a young man serve in our church who was literally dying of AIDS. All his organs were affected, especially the nervous system, kidneys, liver, and heart. We all prayed for him in the temple, and he began to pray in those moments when consciousness returned to him. I am one of the first doctors in the Soviet Union who studied the problem of AIDS and HIV infection. Therefore, I know this question firsthand. He shouldn't have survived. But he survived. Starting with him, I counted 18 people who came to our center with a similar disease and were healed, and then I stopped counting. Since 1997, not one of them has died, although there were hundreds of them sick! If a person begins to pray, AIDS goes away, HIV infection may remain dormant, or may disappear completely.

Cancer patients also came. Usually they are sent to us from the monastery located opposite our Krutitsky courtyard, where the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God is located, to which cancer patients pray. I examined them as a doctor and sent them to my surgeon friends. Well, they eventually became indignant and said to me: “Father Anatoly, why are you sending healthy people to us?!” Just like that!

Corr.: Amazing!

O. Anatoly: Yes, amazing. So, you see, when people take the church path, begin to pray, and lead an Orthodox lifestyle, not only their mental but also their physical health changes radically. It also happens that after many years of drug use, a drug addict loses this addiction after the first confession. This is already a common occurrence for us.

Corr.: Miracle. But why doesn’t this happen in other temples? After all, in all churches they profess...

O. Anatoly: The fact is that we are specifically dealing with this problem. We really want to help the sick and pray for them. And they come to us with the desire to receive help from us, they believe us and also pray. It turns out to be a double prayer, which leads to such amazing results.

Corr.: Father, I know that even the possessed came to you...

O. Anatoly: Yes, they came and also received healing. I can't say too often. Lately they haven't been seen much. And in the first years we visited often.

Corr.: How did you reprimand them? According to the breviary of Peter Mogila?

O. Anatoly: I don't give any lectures. In the same way, I do not take a vow from drunkenness and alcoholism. Because from experience I have seen how people make a vow, that is, swear to God that they are “giving up”, and do not stand it. Therefore, in order not to lead them into such temptation, I do not take the vow. We simply pray with them and for them. Archimandrite Herman in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra actually gives a lecture, and there are good results. People often come to us from him. Such people get better with him quite often. And thank God that the Church helps!

Corr.: Father Anatoly, how do they feel about your success in the medical community?

O. Anatoly: When I pronounce the figure that 95 percent are cured of drug addiction in our country, they twist their finger at their temple and say behind their backs: “Father Anatoly is our client.” This happened, for example, at a symposium in Irkutsk in 2000. And in 2002, these same doctors organized an Orthodox center for the rehabilitation of drug addicts in Irkutsk. In 2013, I went to Irkutsk for the 10th anniversary of this center. They are now showing simply excellent results. And the center is also run by a priest - Father Vladimir Kokorin.

Corr.: Do fewer or more patients come to you now than in previous years?

O. Anatoly: About the same. Approximately 700 people a year visit the medical office, but most of the patients come directly to our church at the Krutitsky courtyard. They undergo rehabilitation with us, of course, on an outpatient basis. It is impossible to admit 1500–2000 people for inpatient treatment. True, we have a house in Dedovsk (Moscow region), where we place especially complex patients, who, as a rule, are not Muscovites.

Corr.: Has your center now been completely reoriented towards working with drug addicts?

O. Anatoly: No, we continue to work with victims of sects and the occult, and constantly carry out the rite of joining the Orthodox Church.

Corr.: Are such concepts as “evil eye” or “damage” real?

O. Anatoly: Real, just like sin is real. From my point of view, the evil eye and damage are sin. Therefore, we are all corrupted by sin. In addition, there are people who are very suspicious, and it is enough to look at them in the wrong way for them to get it into their heads that they have been damaged.

Corr.: How do you feel about clairvoyance?

ABOUT . Anatoly: Clairvoyance is a manifestation of witchcraft and magic. We fight such manifestations. This has nothing to do with insight.

Corr.: What is your attitude towards the famous fortuneteller Vanga, who positioned herself as Orthodox?

O. Anatoly: I have a twofold attitude towards Vanga. On the one hand, I admit that he is a very good, kind, sweet person. On the other hand, her mysticism is not Christian. And demons attack a kind, good person. I’ll even say that it is precisely such a person that the demons are more angry with. It is important to repent on time in order to have protection from demons. Otherwise, you can finally fall into their tenacious clutches.

Corr.: Have psychics come to you?

O. Anatoly: Yes, and a lot. They repented, renounced their activities, and went through the rite of joining the Church. But recently they stopped coming. Mostly people who have suffered from psychics come to us.

Corr.: What advice would you give to young people with the problems your center specializes in?

O. Anatoly: When a young man gains God, his life changes dramatically and so does the life of his family. Life changes radically. This is the result of churching. So if any of the young people or members of their families read these words of mine, I would advise them to start going to church and praying. All your hopes must be placed on God. Only then can you become truly healthy – both mentally and physically.

Interviewed by Andrey Viktorovich POLYNSKY

Hegumen Anatoly (Berestov) head and confessor of the DOC John of Kronstadt. Hegumen Anatoly (in the world Anatoly Ivanovich Berestov; September 11, 1938, Moscow RSFSR USSR) - Russian religious and public figure, clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church, doctor, chief pediatric neurologist of the city of Moscow (1985-1995), doctor of medical sciences, professor, psychiatrist, pediatrician, spiritual writer. Born in 1938 in Moscow into an unbelieving family. After graduating from school, he entered the paramedic school, became a doctor, and served in the army in Podolsk. Later he studied at the Moscow 2nd Medical Institute at the Faculty of Pediatrics. He was the best student, the only Lenin scholarship recipient on the course. During his second year of study, he came to faith thanks to his brother Michael (later schema-monk Raphael), who gave him the first Gospel. Anatoly studied at the Second Medical Institute. In his second year, he was recommended to read V. I. Lenin’s book “Marxism and Empirio-Criticism.” As a conscientious student, Berestov read this Leninist work from cover to cover and was horrified: “If this is the height of philosophy, then what is the meaning of life? Where can I find him? And he remembered the Gospel that his brother gave him. He began to look for this Gospel at home. I searched for three days. I searched the whole apartment, but could not find it, although I remembered exactly where I left the book. On the third day, exhausted, he sat down on a chair and said to himself: “Lord, if You exist, now, this minute, send me the Gospel!” And at this very second the doorbell rings. A neighbor comes in: “Anatoly, I borrowed a book from Misha to read and forgot to give it back. Take it, please". His blood began to pound in his temples. This was the Gospel. In his fifth year, the management of the institute raised the question of his expulsion “for immoral behavior” (visiting a temple), and the vote was submitted to the Komsomol meeting. Fellow students defended their friend, believing that faith in God is not a reason for expulsion from a higher education institution. After graduating from the institute, he got married, although the marriage was unusual: his spiritual mentor, the famous elder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, advised him to become a monk. The young man was already in love and did not take the elder’s advice seriously, but took the blessing for marriage from the bishop. Having learned about this, the elder sighed: “Now there is nothing to be done - the blessing of the bishop is higher than mine. Keep in mind, Anatoly, you will live with her for 10 years, she will die, you will have two children from her, and you will still become a monk.” In 1977, his wife died, leaving him with two children to raise. Scientific and medical activities From 1966 to 1991, he worked his way up from a resident, graduate student, assistant, associate professor, to a candidate (later doctor) of medical sciences and professor of the department of pediatric neuropathology at the Russian State Medical Institute. From 1985 to 1995 he served as the chief neurologist of Moscow. Since 1991, he has directed the Rehabilitation Center for disabled people suffering from cerebral palsy. Church service. In December 1991, he was ordained as a deacon and began serving in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring” in Tsaritsyn, not far from the Rehabilitation Center. In 1993, he was tonsured a monk on Valaam with further obedience at the Moscow courtyard of the Valaam Monastery. In 1995 he was ordained hieromonk. The rector of the temple is St. Seraphim of Sarov - Patriarchal Metochion at the Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov, employee of the Russian Orthodox University. Since 1996 - head of the Rehabilitation Counseling Center in the name of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt at the Krutitsky Metochion. The center is engaged in the rehabilitation of persons with drug and alcohol addiction and victims of occultism and the activities of totalitarian sects. On April 15, 2009, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' elevated him to the rank of abbot. Literary creativity. In addition to publications in the field of pediatrics and neurology, he is the author of a large number of books devoted to the most pressing problems of Russian society, such as drug addiction, the occult, and the relationship between medicine and the Church. Awards Awarded the right to wear a loincloth and a golden pectoral cross. Orders: Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, III degree (October 31, 2013).

This man turned 78 years old, but at the same time he retained the vigor of his body and clarity of mind. Anatoly Berestov is a well-known and authoritative personality among believers; to date he has helped hundreds of sick and needy people. Berestov is a physician by training and once held the position of chief pediatric neurologist in Moscow. Many people know Anatoly Berestov not only as a spiritual mentor and priest, but also as a powerful neuropathologist who understands a number of mental pathologies, as well as the nature of human addictions. The product he created helps hundreds of drug addicts and alcoholics cope with their addictions.

Despite the fact that Berestov was brought up in a classic communist family of atheists, various miracles and God’s providences often happened in his life, which helped him convert to faith.

Family and childhood of the future hieromonk

Anatoly Berestov was born in Moscow on September 11, 1938. Besides him, there were 2 more brothers in the family: Mikhail and Nikolai. Berestov grew up as an ordinary child and did not particularly stand out among his peers.

The boy's family was completely unbelieving. At school, children were taught communist atheism, and going to church was considered stupid and shameful.

Prophetic joke

As an adult, Anatoly Berestov recalled a very revealing story from his childhood, when his own words, dropped near the church as a joke, became prophetic. One day he and his brother Mikhail walked past a church after school and saw people coming out of there carrying birch branches. This action seemed very funny to the two inexperienced guys, and Anatoly jokingly told his brother that when they grew up, he would become a priest, and his brother would become a monk. The guy could not even imagine then that with these words he determined both his future life and the fate of his brother Mikhail.

After graduating from school, Berestov entered the paramedic school and began working in his specialty. Then he was called up for military service and served in the city of Podolsk. When he received his leave, he came to Moscow and always visited his parents’ house.

Fateful prediction of a nun

By that time, Anatoly’s brother, Mikhail Berestov, had become a believer and turned to the church. On this basis, disputes often arose between the brothers, since Anatoly refused to take religion seriously. During one of the regular discussions, Mikhail said that he no longer intended to argue with his brother about God, because soon Tolik himself would understand everything and know the truth.

Shortly before meeting his brother, Mikhail had a chance to visit the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where he met with a nun. She said that soon brother Anatoly would become a believer. Since the nun was a fairly authoritative person in her environment, Mikhail decided not to rush things and not to put pressure on his brother. He simply gave him the Gospel, hoping that Anatoly would read it over time.

Deciding to Serve God

Meanwhile, Anatoly Berestov became seriously interested in medicine and decided to receive higher education in this field. To do this, he entered the Second Moscow Medical Institute. The young man studied well and was one of the best students. In his second year, during the curriculum, he was recommended to read one of Vladimir Lenin’s works entitled “Marxism and Empirio-Criticism.”

The book did not have the desired effect on Anatoly. Instead of strengthening the foundations of atheism and communism in the guy’s mind, she caused him to completely misunderstand. Berestov began to wonder if this work is recognized as the height of philosophy, then what is the meaning of life?

It was during this period that he remembered the Gospel that his brother gave him. Anatoly came home with the firm intention of reading it, but, unfortunately, he could not find the book in the house. Having searched all the places where she could theoretically be, the future priest decided to mentally turn to God and asked to give him at least some sign.

Literally immediately after this, there was a knock on the door, and a neighbor appeared on the threshold, who had come to return that same Gospel. She said that she took it from Mikhail to read and forgot about it, and only now remembered and came to return the book.

For Berestov this was a kind of sign; he read the entire book and believed absolutely everything that was written there.

Successful career in medicine

Simultaneously with the knowledge of God's teaching, Anatoly continued his studies at the institute. When he was in his second year, it became known at the educational institution that the guy was visiting the temple. This became the reason for organizing a special meeting. They wanted to expel the student from the institute, considering that visiting a temple was immoral behavior unacceptable for a medical student. But his fellow students came to the defense of the young man, who, fortunately, considered that expelling a talented student because of his faith was at least stupid.

Thus, Anatoly Berestov remained at the medical institute. After graduation, his career was very successful. He chose neuropathology as his main direction. In 1966 he became a resident, then a graduate student. He then became an associate professor of medical sciences, and soon a professor. For a long time he taught at a medical institute. Beginning in 1985, for 10 years, Berestov held the post of chief neurologist in Moscow.

Personal life of a priest

The story of the future priest’s marriage and subsequent married life was also not without miracles. After graduating from medical school, he was in love with his future wife and firmly intended to marry her. At this time there was one famous elder from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. He strongly advised Anatoly to abandon the idea of ​​getting married, and to choose the path of a monk, since this was precisely the fate destined for him. But the young man did not intend to give up and took a blessing for marriage from the highest-ranking bishop.

Then the elder confessor said that Berestov would live with his wife for only 10 years, and then she would die, leaving him with two children. Paradoxically, all the elder’s words turned out to be prophetic. Berestov's wife died in 1977.

Many years later, in 1991, Anatoly received the rank of deacon and began to serve in the Tsaritsyn Church. After 2 years, in 1993, he was finally tonsured a monk, and in 1995 he was ordained a hieromonk.

Appointment to a leadership position

Since 1991, the priest has gained experience in managing rehabilitation centers. It was this year that he was appointed to the position of director at a children's center for the rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy.

At the same time, until 1996, Father Anatoly Berestov did not leave medicine - in the status of a professor of science, he worked at the department of nervous diseases at the medical institute.

Rehabilitation center of Anatoly Berestov

Over time, he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating his own center, where he could provide spiritual and psychological assistance to victims of various occult organizations and sects, of which a lot appeared in the country in the late 90s.

In 1996, Hieromonk Anatoly Berestov received the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch himself for this good cause. Thus, the Soul Care Center named after Righteous John of Kronstadt was created. As originally intended, it provided assistance to all those who became victims of pseudo-seers, Satanists and other sectarians. People who had been subject to hypnosis and mass zombies for a long time converted to the Christian faith and received spiritual food for healing. Since the head of the center was a neurologist with considerable experience, he understood and knew how to provide psychological rehabilitation to such victims, and, if necessary,

Multidisciplinary assistance to those in need of healing

In 1998, an extraordinary event occurred at the center: many people who had suffered from the activities of one of the satanic sects were admitted for rehabilitation. The problem was that almost all of the victims turned out to be drug addicts. After this incident, Anatoly Berestov, whose center had previously dealt only with spiritual rehabilitation, realized that he had to provide help to drug addicts and alcoholics.

Since then, he has developed a special program for drug and alcohol addicts, which has been successfully used for more than 10 years. The most amazing thing is that, according to Berestov, after rehabilitation, healing occurs in more than 90% of all cases.

Not just a spiritual savior, but also a highly qualified physician

The most common and terrible diseases of our time are HIV infection and cancer. Those who are faced with a similar misfortune are looking for all kinds of support, and the Anatoly Berestov Center provides it. Despite the fact that it is very difficult for an ordinary person to believe such statements, the priest says that their center has experience in treating AIDS. During repeated prayers, the disease recedes, and HIV infection goes into a kind of “dormant” state, which allows the infected person to live a long and fulfilling life. Berestov states that at one time he counted 18 people who came to the center with this terrible disease and were healed, and after 1997 he simply stopped keeping such statistics.

The same thing happens with cancer patients. In addition to healing prayers, Father Anatoly offers those who turn to him for help consultations with his acquaintances oncologist-surgeons, because Berestov still has strong connections in the medical field, and he is considered a very authoritative neurologist to this day.

Books written by a priest

Anatoly Berestov is a priest and an active one who also manages to publish his own books. This amazing person has a number of original publications in the field of child neurology and pediatrics. He also wrote many original works that are devoted to such current social problems as drug addiction, alcoholism, and the occult.

And, like a real doctor, of course, in his works he could not help but touch upon such a problematic issue as the relationship between the church and medicine.

Among his works published over different periods of time, the following are especially popular among readers:

  • "Conversations with an Orthodox doctor."
  • "Spiritual foundations of drug addiction."
  • "Sorcerers in Law."
  • "The Occult Defeat of Man."

Hegumen Anatoly (Berestov) is the founder, director and spiritual father of the Soul Care Center of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt of the Moscow Patriarchate, a famous pediatric neurologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor.

Born in 1938 in Moscow. After serving in the army, he entered the Second Moscow Medical Institute at the Faculty of Pediatrics. The future hieromonk was the best student, the only Lenin scholarship recipient on the course. During his second year of study, he came to faith thanks to his brother Michael (later schema-monk Raphael), who gave him the first Gospel. He regularly attended church services and openly professed the Orthodox faith. In the fifth year, the question of his expulsion “for immoral behavior” (visiting a temple) was brought up at a Komsomol meeting, but the students defended their friend, believing that faith in God was not a reason for expulsion from a higher educational institution. After graduating from the institute, he got married, although the marriage was unusual: his spiritual mentor, the famous elder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, advised him to become a monk. The young man was already in love and did not take the elder’s advice seriously, but took the blessing for marriage from the bishop. Having learned about this, the elder sighed: “Now there is nothing to be done - the blessing of the bishop is higher than mine. Keep in mind, Anatoly, you will live with her for 10 years, she will die, you will have two children from her, and you will still become a monk.” In 1977, his wife died, leaving him with two children to raise.

From 1966 to 1991 he was a resident, graduate student, assistant, associate professor, and professor. He taught at the Russian State Medical University. After defending his doctoral dissertation, in 1991, he was appointed director of a rehabilitation center for disabled people with cerebral palsy.

In 1993, he was tonsured a monk on Valaam with further obedience at the Moscow metochion of the Valaam Monastery, but until the beginning of 1996 he continued to work as a professor at the medical institute in the department of nervous diseases. Since 1995, hieromonk, in the summer of 1996, with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch, Father Anatoly organized the Soul Care Center in the name of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, for the rehabilitation of persons affected by sects and the occult. Since the summer of 1998, the Center has been engaged in the rehabilitation of drug addicts, alcoholics and people with other types of addiction.

Currently, Hegumen Anatoly is the deputy head of the Department of Clinical Physiology and Non-Drug Methods of Therapy of the Faculty of Clinical Medicine of the People's Friendship University of Russia.
Hegumen Anatoly (Berestov) is the author of a large number of scientific, medical and educational works, including “The Number of the Beast on the Threshold of the 3rd Millennium”, “Orthodox Sorcerers: Who Are They?”, “Sorcerers in Law”, “Conversations with an Orthodox Doctor” , “Spiritual foundations of drug addiction”, “Drug addiction cannot be cured, but it can be defeated.” Over the years of his service in the Russian Orthodox Church, Hegumen Anatoly (Berestov) made a significant contribution to strengthening the spiritual sobriety of the peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Some people don't live long enough to become a good doctor or clergyman. And there are people who succeed in everything at once. Anatoly Berestov is just an example of the fact that a priest and a doctor are not exclusive, but complementary professions. Science and religion can be brought into harmony.

Anatoly Berestov grew up in an atheist family and joked that he would become a priest

Anatoly Ivanovich Berestov was born on September 11, 1938 in Moscow. The family was not religious. However, this did not prevent the future priest from being haunted by miracles from childhood.

birthday of Anatoly Ivanovich Berestov

For example, when young Anatoly was a pioneer, the following happened. He and his brother Misha were walking in the vicinity of the Rizhsky station.

There was a church nearby. And suddenly people with birch branches began to come out from there.

Raised in an atheistic family, the brothers ridiculed believers. After all, this is so ignorant - in the age of science! Just like in the Middle Ages! Laughing, Tolya hit his brother on the back and joked:

“Well, it’s okay, you will be a monk, and I will be a priest.”

Anatoly Berestov


The words turned out to be prophetic. Father Anatoly, as we know, is indeed now a priest. And his brother Mikhail became a monk - now he is the schema-monk Raphael.

At the medical institute, Anatoly Berestov had a spiritual crisis, and the Gospel helped

Anatoly Berestov graduated from school and received a medical education. He was an outstanding student - the best, received a Lenin scholarship. During his second year, Anatoly Ivanovich came across the book “Marxism and Empirio-Criticism” by Lenin.

What he read left the medical student confused. Is this work really the maximum that human thought has reached? Such an empty philosophy.

Reading Lenin turned Anatoly Berestov away from materialist philosophy.

But, fortunately for Anatoly Ivanovich, his brother Mikhail was interested in other things. At that time, he had already become interested in Orthodox Christianity and even gave Anatoly the Gospel.

For some reason, I had a desire to read this book and look for solace there. But the search dragged on. For three days, the medical student went through things in the apartment, but to no avail. As a result, he sat down on a chair and mentally said:

“Lord, if You exist, now, this minute, send me the Gospel!”

Anatoly Berestov


Suddenly a neighbor appeared with that very book. She apologized and explained that she had taken it to read, but still couldn’t find a way to return it.

This event shocked Anatoly Ivanovich. Until recently, he argued furiously with his brother about religion; he considered faith stupidity and superstition.

But Mikhail endured the unfriendly attitude and stood his ground. And one day he reported that he met a nun on crutches in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

She, endowed with the gift of prophecy, easily named the names of Mikhail’s relatives and said that his brother Anatoly would soon become a priest.

Then Anatoly Berestov considered this absurd. Now he has a reason to think and rethink everything.

Anatoly Berestov was almost expelled for his passion for Orthodoxy, but fellow students stood up for him

Since then, Anatoly Berestov began to take religion seriously. I started visiting the temple. This soon caused problems.

The leadership of the medical institute did not encourage Christianity and other religions, and therefore attributed “immoral behavior” to Anatoly Ivanovich. The question of expulsion arose.

The institute's leadership remained in the minority: fellow students did not consider Anatoly Ivanovich's views to be sufficient grounds for expulsion.

So Anatoly Berestov was able to complete his studies and did not abandon the Orthodox faith. Moreover, he found a spiritual mentor, an elder, in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

The elder predicted to Anatoly Berestov that after the death of his wife he would become a monk

One day, a spiritual mentor advised Anatoly Berestov to become a monk. But he could not afford such a radical step. After all, he had a beloved, he seriously intended to get married. What kind of monasticism can there be here!

I had to ignore the elder’s advice. Anatoly Ivanovich took the bishop’s blessing for marriage.

the wife of Anatoly Berestov was supposed to live

The spiritual mentor was not happy with this decision and predicted that the marriage would last ten years. Then Anatoly Berestov's wife will die.

There will be two children left. And then nothing will stop you from becoming a monk, as was required from the very beginning.

Everything happened as the seer said - in 1977 Anatoly Ivanovich buried his wife and was left with two children.

Anatoly Berestov became a successful physician: professor, head of a rehabilitation center

Anatoly Berestov worked as a doctor. And very successful. Firstly, he achieved a high rank - professor of medical sciences in the department of nervous diseases at the Medical Institute.

Now he is both a psychologist and a pediatrician. Secondly, he served as the chief neurologist of Moscow.

Since this year, Father Anatoly has been heading the Russian rehabilitation center

Since 1991, Anatoly Berestov received the position of head of the largest Russian rehabilitation center, where they helped children with cerebral palsy. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to this work, and therefore the center gained authority even at the international level.

But Anatoly Ivanovich did not limit himself to medical activities; he wanted to be a clergyman, like his brother. He was drawn to religion, to God.

He was ordained a deacon, which allowed him to serve in the church in Tsaritsyno. This place was located close to work, so it was more or less possible to combine both activities.

The man hired to kill Anatoly Berestov repented to him

And life presented strange “surprises” that tested Anatoly Berestov’s strength. For example, once they tried to take away part of the premises of a rehabilitation center by force.

At first they approached the matter carefully - they communicated through one of the institution’s employees, but then they began to act more aggressively:

“At first he persuaded me to give them part of the premises for a fee.

Then the militants themselves showed up and gave me a week to think about it, threatening to kill my family if I didn’t yield.

I showed them the door and informed the police.

They knew about it immediately. Some “well-wishers” called the center and said that I would soon be killed.

On May 8, 1993, after a service in the Tsaritsyn Church, I left the church and saw a man lying on the porch with severe signs of beatings.

Seeing me, he stood up and asked: “Are you Anatoly Ivanovich Berestov?”

I need to talk to you” - “We’ll talk to you when you get back to normal, but now you need to go to the hospital,” I said. To which he replied: “I was supposed to kill you today, but after I found out that you were a priest, I refused. And I paid for it..."

Anatoly Berestov


Anatoly Berestov became a monk and founded the Counseling Center of the Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt

1993 is the time when the prophecy of spiritual mentor Anatoly Berestov was fulfilled. He became a monk. Obedience had to be carried out at the Moscow courtyard of the Valaam Monastery.

this year Anatoly Berestov became a monk

At the same time, Father Anatoly tried his hand at writing and began publishing books on spiritual topics. This contributed to his popularity.

Both believers and ordinary patients began to strive to communicate with the priest. They even came from abroad to receive his advice or blessing.

A decision is brewing to organize a new organization - the Counseling Center of St. Righteous John of Kronstadt. The senior clergy approves of the idea. This institution helps victims of cults and people with various forms of addiction.

By the way, at first Anatoly Berestov’s rehabilitation center was not focused on working with alcoholism and drug addiction.

Its main focus was sectarians, but more and more often it came across young people who needed help with addiction.

At first, Anatoly Berestov helped sectarians, but he also took on drug addicts.

This establishment still operates today at the address: Moscow, st. Novorossiyskaya, 12 A. (metro station Lyublino)


Receiving calls: Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 12.00 to 17.00

Registration phone numbers:

- for general questions

- Abbot Anatoly (Berestov)

Those who are interested in how to get there - address: Moscow, st. Novorossiyskaya, 12 A.

Often people are interested not only in medical activities, but also where Abbot Anatoly serves. The answer is on Sundays at the Krutitsky Compound in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

Father Anatoly opposes sects and esotericism

Father Anatoly is also known as an ardent opponent of all non-Orthodox movements:

  • occultism;
  • esoterics;
  • sect.

And the like, which in Orthodoxy is considered to be not from God.

Father repeatedly spoke in the media and criticized various mystical sciences.

One day he was invited to speak on the radio. The topic was about sorcerers, psychics, etc.

The priest began to speak on this topic, and soon they called the studio. They reported that they were speaking from a group of psychics and promised Father Anatoly astral death.

What was meant by this is not clear. Still, the astral is a vague concept, and it is freely interpreted by various teachings.

In fact, the following happened. Father Anatoly returned home and noticed that something was wrong. Either someone invisible will knock on the door, or drum on the ceiling. Somewhere there is laughter, then neighing.

Not only the priest, but also his son noticed strange sounds. Came in to ask what was going on. Strange noises occurred for about forty minutes, and then the priest stopped them with the help of prayer and holy water. That was the end of it. No death occurred.

Hegumen Anatoly writes books about faith, dependence and mysticism in the life of an Orthodox person

Since 1995, Father Anatoly has been a hieromonk, and in 2009 he was already an abbot. In addition to Orthodox and medical activities, he is actively involved in publishing spiritual literature. Here are just some of his works:

The number of the beast on the threshold of the third millennium

The book is devoted to various mysticism, its assessment from the point of view of an Orthodox priest. He talks about cases where communication with unscrupulous psychics led their clients to negative consequences.

Most often - to incurable mental illness. The book also touches on the topic of excessive hobbies, manias - endlessly playing on the computer or watching TV.

Return to life. Spiritual foundations of drug addiction. Drug addiction and law

The book is addressed to people who are faced with destructive drug addiction. The author, like a real psychologist, looks at the problem comprehensively and helps to see its underlying causes in drug addiction. He points to the leading role of right relationships in the family.

There is a strong social connotation in this work. In some places it is a real study. But dry facts are diluted with examples from life. The main task of this work is to show the reader that a spiritually and morally pure life is more important than temporary pleasures.

Sin, illness, healing. Conversations with an Orthodox doctor

This work comprehensively examines important issues for the author of the topic: medicine, religion, esotericism, the concept of sin. Everything in our world is mixed, and the priest combines issues of physical healing with mental healing.

For convenience, the book is divided into “conversations”. Each conversation is a new topic in which one or another important issue of spiritual life is discussed.