Make lemon jelly. Transparent lemon jelly - a homemade recipe for how to make beautiful lemon jelly for the winter

Jelly is a favorite treat not only for children, but also for adults. If you cook this dish at least once, you will not be able to refuse it. Lemon jelly is a great addition festive table.

It prepares quickly. Its taste is pleasant with sourness. Of course, you can buy jelly powder in any supermarket, but believe me, homemade jelly is much tastier.

Recipe Ingredients Lemon Jelly

Cooking Lemon Jelly

Soak the gelatin plate for 30 minutes in boiled water.

Pour the washed half of the lemon with boiling water. Wash the pollimon very carefully - after all, there will be zest and lemon juice in the jelly.

Remove the zest (grated citrus peel) from half a half lemon (1/4 lemon). Now squeeze the juice from the half lemon.

Mix sugar, zest and soaked gelatin. Bring the water to a boil for now. You can throw these products into boiling water, and now boil them a little.

Remove mixture from heat. Wait until it cools down a bit. Now you can add lemon juice and pour the jelly into the mold.

Serve lemon jelly

step by step recipe with photo

Lemon jelly is a kind of sunlight enclosed in a closed volume, a favorite children's treat, easy to make and very healthy.

The presented recipe allows you to maximize the preservation of both the vitamins of a ripe fragrant lemon and the fresh citrus smell of its bright zest. It should not be boiled for a long time, but it is better to strain it before introducing gelatin. Lemon juice and honey are introduced into the cooled broth, otherwise they will lose their precious properties.

With the help of silicone molds, you can give the dessert a fantasy shape, decorate it with chocolate chips, pieces of dried fruit, whipped proteins or cream.


  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • gelatin - 1.5 tbsp. l. (15 g)
  • water - 600 ml


1. Only four ingredients are needed for cooking, and one of them is instant gelatin. From the total mass, pour 50–80 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Pour gelatin into a deep bowl and pour a measured amount of water. Stir with a spoon and leave for 10-15 minutes.

2. You will need a large lemon. Scald it with boiling water and dry it. Take a grater and remove the zest.

3. Cut the lemon into two parts. Squeeze juice from each half. It turned out 60 ml of freshly squeezed juice.

4. Pour the remaining boiled water into the saucepan. Send to fire. Boil. Add lemon zest to boiled water. Stir. Bring to a boil. Reduce the flame of the burner and cook for 5-7 minutes, so that the zest gives off its aroma and saturates the water with a yellow color.

5. Add swollen gelatin to the saucepan. Without removing from heat, heat until completely dissolved, stirring constantly, for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Do not let the lemon solution boil so that the gelatin does not lose its gelling properties.

6. Pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice. Stir immediately and remove from heat. Cool down to 40-50 degrees.

7. Strain through a fine sieve to remove any remaining zest and lemon seeds that may have entered with the juice.

8. Add honey. Stir until it dissolves.

9. Transfer the jelly to serving jars with a lid. They must be clean and dry. You can use silicone molds. Cool to room temperature. Then send to the refrigerator until completely solidified. It takes about two to three hours for the jelly to thicken.

10. Lemon jelly is ready.

Step 1: prepare the lemon.

We take 1 lemon, wash it under warm running water from any kind of pollution and dry it with paper kitchen towels. Then we put it on a cutting board and, using a fruit knife, cut the citrus into 2 halves.

Step 2: Remove the zest from the lemon.

Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the orange peel, act carefully so as not to touch the white fleshy part of the skin, it contains oils that can give the finished dessert an unpleasant bitterness. Transfer the prepared zest to a small bowl.

Step 3: Squeeze the juice from the lemon.

Using a manual juicer, squeeze the juice from 2 lemon halves into a glass.

Step 4: Make Lemon Jelly.

After we turn on the stove to an average level and put a small saucepan on it with 400 milliliters of clean water. When the liquid boils, add the lemon zest and 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Then let the water boil 5 - 7 minutes, exactly so much time is needed for the lemon peel to give the liquid its pleasant aroma.

After the required time has elapsed, we introduce 1 tablespoon of granulated gelatin into the pan, while continuously stirring the aromatic water with a whisk so that the gelatin does not settle to the bottom of the container and dissolves quickly. Bring the liquid to a boil again, then use a kitchen towel to remove the saucepan from the stove, put it on a cutting board and pour in the lemon juice. Again, mix all the components of the jelly until smooth with a whisk.

Step 5: form and cool the lemon jelly.

Now we act as desired, if lemon zest is unpleasant for you, you can strain the still liquid jelly through a fine mesh sieve and then pour it into molds. And if you, like me, treat the zest favorably, then you can immediately pour the jelly into the desired forms and let it cool to room temperature. After the dessert has cooled down, we tighten the containers with the fragrant mass of polyethylene cling film and put them in the freezer, after about 2 – 3 hours You can taste this yummy!

Step 6: serve lemon jelly.

Lemon jelly is served chilled. If desired, it is savored immediately from the containers or removed from them using a steam-water bath. This is done very simply, the container with jelly is lowered for 20 - 30 seconds in hot water, so that the liquid is not poured over the sides, then cover it with a large flat plate, turn it upside down and remove the container with jelly.

As an addition to this dessert, you can serve balls of fruit or regular ice cream, chocolate chips or fresh fruits and berries. Jelly can also be garnished with fresh lemon slices and mint leaves. Enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!

In the same way, you can make jelly from oranges, grapefruits, limes or tangerines.

If desired, gelatin can be dissolved in 200 milliliters of warm clean water and then poured into boiling lemon liquid prepared from the remaining water.

If you want to get a denser jelly then the amount of water should be slightly reduced and instead of 2 cups use only 1.5 cups of liquid.

A dessert consisting of a fruit (milk or other) base and a thickener was invented a long time ago, already in the time of Napoleon they ate this delicacy. It is not known whether it was lemon jelly or something else, since there are no photos of such meals, but everyone knows the benefits of this delicious dish.

The recipe of the dish, therefore, is not at all new, but is still very popular. And all because this “trembling” sweetness is ideal in its simplicity, excellent in taste characteristics, good for bones and joints, and, moreover, does not make you fat!

And if you mean, as in our case, lemon jelly, then you need to take into account the benefits of the lemon itself - a storehouse of vitamins. By the way, not everyone is ready to use it even for health benefits. It is enough just to see a photo of this citrus, as soon as you want to grimacing. But here is a photo of jelly from it, and even more so, the taste of such a delicacy, cause a backlash: the desire to try and eat more as soon as possible!

It will take 25 gr. gelatin, which must first be prepared according to the instructions on the package. From 1 lemon you need to squeeze the juice, which we will pour into the syrup prepared from 3 glasses of water and 1 glass of sugar. Mix juice, gelatin and syrup well and pour into molds. Let cool slightly, then place the molds in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours. Lemon jelly is ready!

Lemon and Berries Jelly Recipe

This is an analogue of the option described above, but only the first part of the jelly mass is poured into the molds. Next, on a semi-hardened substance, you need to lay out 200 - 300 gr. fresh or canned fruits or berries, distributing them into molds and covering them with the second half of the jelly mass. It will turn out very beautiful, photos of such dishes are widely presented on the Internet. Use one of the ideas or dream up yourself with the fruits and berries that you have.

This recipe involves processing more citrus fruits. If they are medium size, take 7 pieces. Wash them and remove the bones by cutting into rings. Previously, fruits must be dipped for 2 minutes in boiling water. Dip the resulting cut into a saucepan with 1 liter. water and cook for 45 minutes, the fire should be medium.

Next, you need to add sugar (1200 gr.) to the mass, you can add 1 bag of vanilla sugar. Cook for 1 hour, remove the skins, pour the mass into pasteurized jars and roll up. Banks should cool upside down. Lemon jelly can be served separately, or you can choose a baking recipe with jelly, it will turn out very tasty!

Milk jelly with lemon

We will need:

  • 2.5 cups of milk
  • 1 lemon
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 3 tsp gelatin
  • 2 tsp coconut flakes.

This is a three layer recipe. The first and third are dairy. For each of them 1 tsp. dissolve gelatin in 0.5 cups of milk, leave for 40 minutes. In half a glass of milk, add coconut flakes (1 tsp) and 1 tbsp. Sahara. Bring the mixture to a boil, add gelatin, stir well and send to molds. While the first layer hardens, prepare the second of the lemon. And the third will need to be prepared in the same way as the first.

Recipe for a citrus layer: dissolve gelatin in 0.5 cups of water, add the juice of 1 lemon, 2 tbsp. sugar, warm up, add gelatin and dilute with 0.5 cups of milk. We spread it on the frozen milk layer, and after hardening we report another milk layer. An interesting decision to serve dessert not in molds, but cut into pieces.

You will never get tired of lemon jelly, because you can always choose a new one interesting recipe! And remember that a good mood is the key to successful dessert preparation. We wish you bon appetit!

Lemon jelly video recipe

Jelly is an amazingly tasty and healthy dessert., unless, of course, it is homemade from natural fruits. Using freshly squeezed juices for jelly, we make it as useful as possible, keeping all the valuable substances inside.

If the jelly is bought in a store, then, accordingly, apart from the taste, there is nothing good in it. The composition of such a product includes only synthetic components, which negatively affects our health. Store-bought jelly is especially contraindicated for children at any age, and it is they who love this dessert.

So that no one is offended, and everyone is healthy, you should pay attention to the recipe homemade jelly. In this case, we will focus on the process of making lemon jelly. A very tasty, refreshing and vitamin delicacy that will appeal to both adults and children.


  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 full tablespoon of gelatin;
  • 1.5-2 glasses of water (400 ml);
  • sugar to taste (about 3 tablespoons).

Preparing lemon jelly

To put the lemon jelly out of the mold on a plate, you need to dip them in hot water for a few seconds. Then flip it upside down and carefully place it on a plate.

Such lemon jelly, prepared at home, can be served on the festive table, for children's parties and other celebrations.

Olya Kiklyar, specially for the site.