We plant callas at home. Callas are the flowers of death: why? Signs and superstitions about calla (calf)

Callas are quite unpretentious and do not require special care when grown at home and in the garden. However, in order for the cultivation of these delicate flowers to become carefree for you, you need to follow certain rules for planting and caring for callas.

The article also provides instructions for choosing a variety, planting and caring for, transplanting and propagating calla flowers, following which you will decorate your gardens with wonderful flowering plants, which will not require a lot of time and attention.

Origin and appearance

Calla (Cálla -lat.) belongs to the genus of perennial coastal and wetland plants. Translated from Greek, the name "calla" means "beautiful". The habitat is marshy shores and swamps of the Northern and Southern hemispheres. It is found in regions with a subtropical, temperate, and subarctic climate. This plant can be seen in its natural environment and in Russia, and in Europe, and in Canada, and in South Africa.

  • In various literary sources, "calls" are called similar varieties from the Aroid family. Among them: calla, aronnik, sandeksia.
  • Until recently, only Zantedexia from Ethiopia (Zantedeschia aethiopica - lat.) was grown in Russia - a tall plant with thin yellow cobs wrapped in snow-white bracts-veils.
  • Today, in addition to white, flower growers have at their disposal such varieties as: golden yellow Calla Elliot, pink-lilac and red-burgundy Calla Remman.
  • The conditions for growing plants with multi-colored bracts are often fundamentally different from the usual agrotechnical methods of caring for white callas.

The flower has a hollow thick rhizome, which spreads over the surface of the soil. In species with white bracts, the root system does not have bulbs or tubers. Callas with multi-colored bedspreads are tuberous plants.

Leaves, flowers and fruits

Calla leaves are solitary, oval-heart-shaped. They have a shiny thick plate, the length of which reaches from 6 to 14 cm, and the width is from 5 to 12 cm. The top of the leaf plate is pointed, resembling arrowheads. The color of the leaves is green, very saturated. On the leaf plate there may be blotches in the form of white spots.

Small unisexual flowers that form high cobs are located on a thick vertical stem. The flowers are surrounded by a spectacular veil - a large funnel-shaped bract, which in nature has a white color on the inside. The outer side of the bedspread is light green. The flowering period in natural conditions begins at the end of May and ends in mid-August.

The fruits are bright red berries that form a cylinder-shaped cob. They ripen thirty days after the end of flowering. Under natural conditions, maturation occurs in late summer or early autumn.

Calla is one of the most popular plants among landscape designers, florists and flower growers. It is not surprising that breeders have bred its numerous varieties, which are successfully used for making romantic bouquets, for decorating household plots, and for placement in interiors.

Rules for the care of callas in pots

In order for the calla to have a chic appearance, you must follow a couple of rules:

If you decide to get yourself such a “miracle”, then you should prepare for its appearance:

  • For growing, a window sill is ideal, which is illuminated only at the end of the day.
  • Pick up a pot. The right choice would be a pot with a height of at least 60 centimeters, and the radius from the point of growth of the flower should not be less than 20 centimeters. The fact is that growth occurs quite rapidly, if properly fed. This can be done not only with ready-made fertilizers. You can dig a small groove around the edge of a large pot, then fill it with some fruit peels, seed husks, and cover it all with soil. Pour water at room temperature, and also periodically add tea leaves.
  • Periodically, it is necessary to remove the top layer and change it to a nutrient substrate. Do this carefully so as not to damage the roots. In this way, you can achieve long-term growth without transplantation.

Remember that white and colored callas need a different approach. Whites need more moisture. They do not shed their leaves during the dormant period, but their growth continues. Colored ones, in turn, are not so demanding on humidity. They need bright light, and during the dormant period they shed all foliage. So, if your flower has shed all the leaves, it should not be thrown away - it's just getting ready for winter.


Care procedures

Landing is carried out before the start of the period of active growth - in April. Tubers are planted in separate containers. At the bottom of the pot should be placed a thick, at least five centimeters, layer of drainage material - expanded clay, gravel, or broken brick. Plants need a lot of free space, so the pot should be selected wide, but not too deep. The volume capacity must be at least three liters.

In order for the beauty of calla to please you for many years, it is important to know how to transplant it correctly. First of all, it should be remembered that transplantation must be done every year - after the end of the dormant period. This is especially important for young specimens. It should be transplanted into pots, the diameter of which should be several centimeters larger than the same size of the previous containers. Sprinkle rhizomes or tubers with a layer of earth, which should not exceed 2-3 cm. A hole must be dug with a depth equal to the diameter of the tuber, increased three times.

If you pinch off the side shoots of the calla in a timely manner, and also replace the top layer of soil in the container, then an adult plant can be left without a transplant for two years. After the vegetative period, be sure to cut the leaves on plants with colored bracts. The flower is poisonous, so it must be transplanted with gloves!

How to care for callas

Caring for callas at home is not particularly difficult. For planting it, it is better to choose a wide container or a small pot. It will grow especially well if there is good drainage in the soil. In order for the flower to grow well, it must be regularly watered and fertilized at least once a month.

Temperature and humidity conditions

  • Growing callas at home has its own characteristics. This flower loves light, so you need to take care of good lighting in the place of its growth (both in summer and in winter).
  • In winter, the calla is especially acutely aware of the lack of sunlight. With the onset of spring, the plant must be gradually accustomed to an increase in daylight hours.
  • Calla belongs to heat-loving plants and does not develop well in cold conditions. The air temperature in the room should not fall below 18 ºC. But for good growth, it is better to maintain the temperature at + 22 + 23 ºC.

Features of caring for room calla

Following the structural features of this culture and its origin, caring for it has its own differences from caring for other indoor flowers.


The plant feels comfortable at 70-80% humidity, so it needs to be sprayed twice a day. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth and put wet expanded clay or moss on the pallet.

When the plant fades, the regularity of watering is reduced (for all species). Colored callas after a month or two should stop watering altogether. It is impossible to immediately transfer the culture to the resting phase by stopping watering or cutting the leaves. The tubers need to be fully ripe. The rest period usually falls from October-November to the end of February. But this time may shift depending on the conditions of the flower.

Calle also needs good lighting all year round. It is better that it was indirect sunlight. In winter, there is a lack of it. With a lack of light, the culture may not bloom, letting only the stems grow. White callas need to be covered even during the rest period. Colored species may lose their characteristic hue when there is a lack of lighting.

rest period

The dormant period occurs after the end of flowering. Callas with rhizome put in a cooler room, stop feeding, reduce the frequency of watering. Leave in a similar state for 2-3 months.

Callas with tubers leave alone, completely stopping watering, fertilizing and waiting for the natural drying of the ground parts of the plant. The tuber is then taken out of the ground and placed in a container with sand - dry!

A container with tubers is placed in a fairly cold place for wintering. In the first half of March rested tubers removed from the sand, planted in a pot with soil and begin to water intensively.

Optimal temperature

For both white and colored callas, high temperature combined with low humidity is detrimental - they are often affected by pests. Sudden temperature changes entail the cessation of flowering.

  • During the growing season, white varieties should be kept at + 18-20 degrees. When flowering ends, gradually reduce the temperature to 10-12 degrees. The rest period must be at least 2 months.
  • Colored callas feel comfortable at + 20-24 degrees. Slight temperature fluctuations day and night have a good effect on the formation of tubers and leaves.
  • After flowering, for ripening, the tubers are kept for 1 month without watering at + 25-27 degrees. When they ripen, they are laid without leaves for a dry wintering at + 3-5 degrees, sprinkled with sawdust.

Ventilate the room where the flower is located, you need to be careful, because it does not tolerate drafts.

Calla feels good with high humidity. To provide her with the right conditions, you can plant her in pots with pallets. The pallet is then used as a water reservoir. Evaporating from it, moisture saturates the air, increasing the level of humidity in the room.


During the period of active growth, the flower needs good lighting, which it needs to form inflorescences. The plant should be on windowsills with bright but diffused light. The south side of the apartment is optimal for placing callas. Daylight hours should be at least twelve hours, therefore, in case of insufficient natural light, fluorescent lamps should be used. Poor lighting is the main reason why calla lilies do not bloom even with good care.

In winter, the flower needs rest. In plants with white bracts, growth stops, and colored callas during the rest period, which lasts from two months to six months, completely lose their leaves and are a dormant tuber.

The air temperature in the apartment should not be excessively high. Flowers develop well at +22 - +24 ° С. In winter, the temperature regime should be lowered to +15 - +18 ° С.


The natural qualities of callas predetermine their love for moist soil, so the watering regimen must be observed very strictly. The clod of earth in which this houseplant is located should always be wet.

  • To provide the necessary moisture, the flower should be placed in a tray with sphagnum, pebbles or expanded clay, which must be constantly moistened.
  • Every day, the leaves of white callas are sprayed with water at room temperature. Plants with multi-colored bracts should only be wiped with a damp cloth, as excess moisture can lead to rotting of their tubers.
  • Top dressing during the active growing season should be carried out regularly, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. To avoid building mass of leaves and stems at the expense of bud formation, fertilizers containing nitrogen should not be fed before flowering.

Only after the formation of inflorescences, you can add urea to the top dressing, and also use the prepared infusion from the egg shell. Feed the indoor flower in the summer should be every two weeks.

Soil composition and top dressing

Acidified soils are suitable for callas. Optimal following substrate:

  • sod land (2 parts);
  • leaf ground (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part).

In order for the flower to develop correctly, it must be fed in a timely manner. Sometimes in the summer, callas are planted in open soil, where they receive normal nourishment. But with a constant content in the pot, complex fertilizers are required. You need to make them in turn once every 10-14 days.

So that the plant does not grow strenuously leaves (which is reflected in flowering), during the growing season one should not overdo it with fertilizers with nitrogen. When flower stalks appear, you need to feed the plant with urea, during flowering, add an infusion of eggshells. You can not spray the cover of the flower with top dressing, it may lose its decorative appearance.

Watering and lighting

Proper watering is one of the main stages of growing calla lilies. These flowers very favorably perceive regular watering and moist soil. Dry soil will stop their growth. Particularly demanding for watering is white calla, accustomed to growing in swampy areas. When it is actively growing, it should be watered a lot. This should be done when the top soil dries out by 1 cm. The remaining water must be drained after 15 minutes.

Colored callas should not be watered so abundantly. It is necessary to avoid stagnation of water in the pan, this can lead to rotting of the roots. Watering is carried out with water at room temperature as the soil dries out by 2-3 cm.

The most important condition The growth and development of the flower is to ensure constant moisture in the soil in which the calla is located. Even the top layer of soil should not dry out!

Still, do not forget about the natural conditions in which the plant develops - swamps and coastal zones.

need to be watered every day using soft water with a little salt. In addition, to create an additional source of moisture, you can put a container with a flower on a pallet filled with pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks. They need to be moistened as they dry.

If water gets on the flowers during irrigation, they will become covered with unsympathetic non-decorative spots. To prevent this from happening, you do not need to spray the plant; instead, wipe the leaf plates with a moistened sponge or napkin.

Features of watering and spraying calla

The wide leaves of the plant require special care. They must be regularly wiped from dust with a damp soft cloth. In addition, you need to spray the plant.

Proper watering is an important condition for good growth and development. As noted above, callas love moisture, so they need to be watered regularly and often. Dried soil in a pot can cause disease or death of the plant. It is especially important to monitor the frequency of watering during the hot summer months.

The soil moisture in the pot must be maintained at a constant level, especially during the growing season, and when the flower ripens, the number of waterings is reduced, watering only after the topsoil has dried.

Domestic callas: care and maintenance

In order for a flower to please with its beauty and sophistication for a long time, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Calla care begins with choosing the right pot, a bright, cozy place and creating the necessary temperature regime. This coquette loves a lot of light without direct sunlight on it. It is desirable that the temperature in the room be kept at 22-25°C.
  • Callas need a lot of water. The main thing is that the soil is always moist throughout the growing season. When the seed ripening begins, watering can be reduced, it is enough to moisten after the topsoil has dried. It is impossible, of course, to allow stagnation of water, this will lead to rotting of the roots, but overdrying is also unacceptable.
  • From the middle of winter to March, domestic callas must be fed once every 10 days.
  • Air humidity is an equally important criterion. At temperatures above 20 ° C heat, the plant must be sprayed. This procedure should be carried out carefully so that water does not get on the flower bedspreads.
  • After purchase, these delicate creatures must be transplanted into a larger pot. For planting, slightly acidic soil is used, consisting of peat, sand and a small amount of deciduous soil. Transplanted once a year in the month of November.

These gentle coquettes are afraid of drafts. The optimum temperature in summer is 23°C, in winter it is lower - up to +14°C. After a dormant period, potted plants should be gradually exposed to light. Always cut off yellowed or wilted leaves.

Caring for a strict coquette is not without incidents. The flower is susceptible to diseases such as bacterial or root rot, anthracnose and gray rot. These diseases occur as a result of improper care and maintenance.

Transplant and reproduction

Proper transplantation is considered the key to good growth and flowering. When buying tubers, you need to pay attention to their appearance. They must be elastic with live apical buds and light yellow skin. Tubers are sold from January to April. Before planting, it is recommended to hold them in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes in order to further protect against various diseases. This procedure allows you to identify previously invisible defects on the tubers. Damaged areas must be scraped off with a knife, and then treated with brilliant green.

How to plant tubers? To begin with, a hole 5 cm in size is made, then a tuber is planted in it to a depth of 10 cm. If the plant is planted at a shallower depth, this will cause lodging of the leaves. Water the soil at the time of planting should be in moderation. Too much moisture will cause the bulb to rot. Then the pot must be covered with a film to retain moisture and heat.

Transplant required kalam with rhizomes.
Every year they are transplanted into a larger container, completely replacing the soil. Used a mixture of:

  • sod land (2 parts);
  • peat land (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • humus (1 part).

Transplantation is carried out in the spring, immediately after the rest period.

Reproduction in an apartment

Of course, callas can be propagated by seeds. However, this method should not be used in an apartment, since seed germination is low.
The easiest way to reproduce is by dividing the rhizomes. This procedure should be done in the fall, carefully breaking off parts of the roots from the mother bush and placing them in separate containers with soil until spring. Storage temperature - +12 - +15 ° С.

In the room where the rhizomes will be stored, there should be high humidity. The same should be done with the tubers that form on the root system in some species of calla lilies. In the spring, new specimens appear shoots.

Reproduction is possible by division of tubers. Daughter bulbs are easily separated from the parent bulbs. Propagating a plant from seeds is more problematic, but exciting. Since you will have to pollinate the flowers yourself, you never know what will happen in the end. New flowers may not have similarities with their parents. Perhaps you will get a new variety by becoming a kind of breeder.

Increase in the number of plants

Reproduction of callas is possible by seeds, division of rhizomes or tubers.

  • At propagation by seeds Use only freshly picked. Suitable containers are filled with optimal soil, some wood chips are poured into it, seeds are planted and watered well. The container is kept warm by watering regularly. Sprouts are planted in individual pots.
  • Division of the rhizome. With a well-sharpened knife, side daughter shoots are cut off and planted in separate containers. At the same time, keep in mind that the neck of the rhizome should be on the surface of the soil.
  • The tubers are planted into containers of suitable size, deepening by 5-10 cm. The tubers are placed upside down and wait about two weeks, periodically watering.

The appearance of new bulbs and reproduction of calla lilies

In calla, the rhizome has the appearance of bulbs. They divide, there are more of them, they grow and occupy an ever larger area. Excess need to be regularly dug up and replanted or thrown away. The bulb is transplanted into well-drained soil. You need to choose a sunny place for planting.

The bulb should be planted horizontally. The hole should be approximately 10 cm deep. Water the soil abundantly so that the tuber begins to grow well. Separate the bulbs with your hands. Each must have at least one kidney.

We transplant domestic callas

  • When the dormant period ends, the calla is transplanted into fresh soil. With regular pinching of fresh shoots and replacing the top layer of earth in a flowerpot, calla lilies can not be transplanted for 2 years.
  • White flowers should be planted in pots that are suitable for the size of tubers (at least 15 cm in diameter), but not very deep. A drainage layer of 5 cm, a substrate, is placed in it. You can purchase a universal substrate for flowering indoor crops.
  • It is not necessary to place the calla rhizome deep, but too shallow too. To calculate the correct depth, the diameter of the rhizome must be multiplied by three. When the plant is transplanted, the temperature should be raised little by little. When it begins to grow actively (after 2-3 weeks), you can begin active watering and top dressing.

Once a year after flowering, a flowering sissy needs a transplant. To do this, you need to have a large pot with new nutrient soil. When transplanting, reproduction can be carried out by separating the children from the mother tuber. This action is considered necessary, because thanks to this, the plants will bloom every year. Before transplanting, do not forget about abundant watering. During transplantation, an earthen lump cannot be destroyed. The same rule applies to palm trees, whose root system is no less demanding.

From pot to flower bed

If there is a desire to plant a whole flower bed, then the tubers are planted somewhere at a distance of 12 cm from each other. A smaller gap will not allow the flowers to grow beautifully. This rule should not be neglected if you want to achieve excellent flowering. Planting bulbs is an easy and quick way to get a beautiful flowering plant.

Experienced flower growers grow callas from seeds. You can always find them in stores. To begin with, the seeds are germinated in a damp paper towel, while placing them in a dark, cool place. After 2 days, the seeds should show signs of growth, after which you can proceed to the next stage of planting. For sowing, ordinary soil for seedlings is suitable.

It is recommended to place no more than two seeds in each pot. To keep them from rotting, at this stage, watering should be done through the bottom of the pot. When the soil dries out, you can spray a little water from above. After the first shoots have appeared, callas can be planted in good large pots or in the garden. Before planting in new soil, the roots must be carefully and thoroughly washed. Care for a strict coquette is further organized according to the general rules.

Calla garden planting and care

Selection of planting material

When choosing a variety of garden callas, you need to consider several different plant options and decide on the one most suitable species that you like best in appearance and suitable for growing conditions. The most popular and common varieties among flower growers in our country are Ethiopian and Rehmanni calla. These varieties are considered very capricious, but have all the decorative qualities. Large eye-catching flowers rise on the stem at a height of about one meter and bloom for a long time.

If possible, it is recommended to purchase only tubers of "local" origin, because they take root faster and start flowering earlier, unlike those brought from other climatic conditions. Quality tubers should not look limp or shriveled and should be large in size. When buying, you must carefully inspect each unit of planting material.

Landing place

In the garden, it is recommended to choose only sunny places for planting for callas or, in extreme cases, penumbra. Flowers love warmth and abundant light, and even in slight shading, their growth and development are slightly affected in the negative direction. Although these whimsical flowers can get burned from the scorching sun during the midday hours, it is better to shade their leaves during this period of time. The landing site should not be in drafts.

Soil Requirements

It is desirable that the soil is fertile and with a low level of acidity. Calla lilies can also be planted on clay soils, if you first dig the site and add equal parts of sand and peat when digging. Since an excess of nitrogen in the soil affects negatively for the flowering of a crop, organic nitrogen-containing top dressings are needed in a minimal amount.

Landing time

The ideal time for planting garden callas is the month of May. But the favorable period is determined by the stable air temperature above zero and the absence of nighttime spring frosts.

Possible problems and difficulties

With improper cultivation and care of calla flowers at home, the following problems are possible:

  • Strongly elongated stems plants - very warm air and lack of lighting.
  • Increased fragility of leaf petioles- lack of nutrients in the soil.
  • Calla does not bloom- improper maintenance during winter, a weakly expressed rest period.
  • White coating on leaf blades- defeat by a fungal disease "powdery mildew". It is required to treat the plant with colloidal sulfur, a solution of potassium permanganate (0.2-0.3 g per liter of water), a solution of soda ash with soap, Vectra, Skor, Topaz.
  • Plant covered with an unpleasant gray coating- fungal disease "gray rot". Plant treatment with fungicides Fundazol, Vitaros, Rovral is required.
  • Suddenly start dry and fall leaves and flowers- root rot. It is necessary to reduce watering, replace a certain amount of soil with a new dry one, treat it with Previkur or Ridomil.

    Diseases and pests

Despite care, calla lilies can be susceptible to various diseases:

  • When attacked by aphids and spider mites, drugs such as Actellik, Commander, Bison are used. With a weak attack, it is enough to wipe the leaves with soapy water.
  • When gray rot appears, the foliage is treated with fungicides (Fundazol, Vitaros).
  • If root rot is found, it is necessary to stop watering, replace the wet soil with dry, treat with fungicides (Previkur).
  • When affected by bacterial rot, diseased plants must be destroyed.
  • With anthracnose, damaged leaves must be removed and the plant treated with fungicides.

Knowing how to care for callas at home, you can create a whole flower bed on the windowsill, and even more pleasant to give them to your friends as a present for the holiday.


Calla diseases and care during this period

Most plant diseases are caused by bacteria or fungi, including:

Diseases characteristic of room calla

Diseases of domestic calla lilies are most often caused by fungal infections and bacteria. Most often, the flower is sick due to improper care or neglect of it. Of course, prevention is the best way to fight disease.
It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil in the pot, to prevent it from drying out or waterlogging, not to expose the plant to direct sunlight and drafts. To successfully deal with an already emerging disease, you need to know its features and signs. What diseases most often affect this indoor flower?


The main sign of anthracnose is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves, their gradual cracking and drying. The main method of combating anthracnose is the removal of damaged leaves and the treatment of the entire plant with fungicidal preparations.

Gray rot

This disease has an adverse effect on all parts of the flower. A gray coating (fungus) forms on the plant. The reason for the appearance of gray rot is improper care, high humidity of air and soil. To get rid of the fungus, it is necessary to treat the flower with fungicidal preparations (Vitaros, Rovral), as well as regularly ventilate the room.

bacterial rot

Bacterial rot is very difficult to treat, so it is best to destroy the affected flower immediately to prevent the disease from spreading to other flowers.

root rot

Root rot leads to the gradual withering of the flower. When extracting the roots of the plant from the soil, you can see a plaque of rot on them. Most often, this disease occurs due to abundant watering and waterlogging of the soil. If root rot is detected in time, the flower can be saved. To do this, the earth in a pot is replaced with a drier one, the number of waterings is reduced, and the flower itself is treated with fungicidal preparations.

More often than others, spider mites and aphids attack callas.

Aphid settles in large colonies, clearly visible to the naked eye. It leaves a sticky coating on the plant, sucks out juices, inhibiting growth and development. Insecticides Commander, Antitlin, Iskra, Aktellik, Biotlin, Bison, onion and garlic infusions will help get rid of aphids.

spider mite“Decorates” the whole plant with a thin cobweb, the leaf blades are first covered with small yellow specks, which gradually grow, forming dried out areas. Insecticides such as Vertimek, Lightning, Fitoverm, Akarin can destroy ticks.


No flowering

Poor flowering or its complete absence occurs as a result of exposure to various adverse factors:

  • Rearranging the plant from place to place and frequent transplanting weaken the plant and impair the flowering process;
  • Insufficient fertilizer and poor lighting in the room;
  • Improper care during the growing season;
  • Overgrowth of tubers, leading to weakening of the plant and poor flowering.

In the end, caring for calla lilies is not so difficult. It should be borne in mind that care for different types of callas is different. For example, white callas require more moisture, and their growth does not slow down during dormancy and lack of flowering.

For colored callas, the humidity of the air and soil is less important, but good lighting is a prerequisite for good development. In addition, colored calla sheds foliage with the onset of a dormant period. Inexperienced flower growers begin to panic, thinking that the plant has died. In fact, the calla is just sleeping, at the beginning of summer the leaves on it grow back.

Threats to the flower

Callas can be affected by various diseases caused by both viruses and pests. If the leaves turn yellow and curl, and a mesh pattern appears on the peduncles, then these changes are caused by thrips. In this case, treatment with insecticidal preparations is necessary.

Discoloration of leaves and flowers, as well as their deformation, can cause rot caused by the presence of certain bacteria. The flower should be treated with soapy water and appropriate ready-made products should be used for treatment.


Calla pruning

As such, pruning is not applied to the flower, only dried leaves are cut. This procedure is recommended to be carried out during the dormant period of the flower, from June to September. The plant does not bloom at this time, and part of the leaves on it withers and dries.

Calla breeding methods

There are three ways to propagate a flower at home:

How is a calla transplant performed?

The first transplant is performed after the seedlings are strengthened. To do this, they select a wide and high pot, make sand drainage at the bottom, pour nutrient soil there. Then holes are made in the soil and a sprout with roots is laid there. During transplantation, it is recommended to treat seedling roots with a growth biostimulant. This must be done with great care so as not to harm the fragile calla sprouts.

When the sprout is transplanted, it is watered with a small amount of distilled water (you can also add a little peat-humic fertilizer to it to help the plant adapt to new conditions faster).

If the calla is bought in a store, then immediately after delivery home, it is transplanted into a more spacious pot. The flower feels good in slightly acidic soil, which you can cook at home on your own. To do this, you need hardwood soil, peat and some sand. Transplantation of adult flowers is recommended in late autumn, in November.

Feeding and fertilizing domestic callas

When growing a flower at home, one must remember the need for periodic top dressing.

  • If you want to achieve year-round flowering, then the amount of top dressing must be increased. However, you need to make sure that the flower does not get too much. For example, a large amount of nitrogen in the soil negatively affects the leaves - they turn black at the edges.
  • Top dressing is best done from January to March. Fertilization once a week will be enough for full flowering.
  • Fertilizers that stimulate growth and flowering (superphosphate and potassium nitrate) are suitable for callas, and in flower shops you can even find special top dressings that contain the optimal amount of trace elements and nutrients.

In addition to top dressing with mineral fertilizers, callas must be fed with organic fertilizers at least once a year.


Callas need regular fertilization, especially when there is a lack of sunlight. Top dressing is carried out every 2-3 weeks, alternating complex mineral and organic fertilizers.

Before flowering nitrogen is not used so that the intensive growth of leaves does not drown out the formation of buds; after the formation of inflorescences, urea and crushed eggshells can be added to the ground.

Growing seeds for seedlings

Usually breeders are engaged in such reproduction of calla lilies. But if you grow it at home, the seeds are pre-soaked for 6 hours in a natural plant biostimulator - potassium humate. Then they are laid out on a pallet with a damp towel. Cover with the same towel on top and put in a warm place for a week. Make sure the seeds do not dry out. The towel should be damp, not wet. When the seeds germinate, they need to be sown in trays with soil, and left in a warm place until shoots appear. Discard unsprouted seeds. Then you can transplant the seedlings into a pot.

Completion of the vegetation cycle

The culture continues to grow as long as it is in moist soil. The growing season ends in September-October. Leaves begin to die off. With the onset of yellowness, watering should be reduced. After 2-3 weeks, it should be completely stopped. The leaves should dry on their own, allowing the trace elements remaining in them to get into the tubers.

If the calla grows in a pot, you don't have to dig it up. Move the plant to a cool place (balcony, veranda). It is important that the rest period lasts at least 3 months. Otherwise, the calla runs the risk of not blooming.

Note to flower growers

Why doesn't calla bloom? This question cannot always be answered with certainty. There may be several factors that can cause this problem. The presence of many bulbs that have not been transplanted for a long time, frequent transplants, changing flowerpot locations, improper care. All this weakens the mother plant, and the calla does not bloom.

Why do calla leaves turn yellow and dry?

There are many reasons for yellowing and drying of calla leaves:

Calla has faded what to do?

If the leaves are still green after flowering, then you need to continue watering and wait for them to dry. You need to water less and less each time. After the leaves die, you can send the plant to rest.

Why calla calla is called the "flower of death"

There are many legends associated with this flower. It looks like a veil that wraps around a yellow cob, similar to a candle. This is probably why calla is called the flower of death. Indeed, in some European countries, death is associated with white. There, at funerals, you can often see callas.

Now, few people remember this superstition. The myth of why callas are the flowers of death has not been confirmed, although some continue to be deterred from buying this flower.

Caring for callas at home is quite affordable and not very laborious. By following the simple rules of cultivation, you can achieve regular flowering, healthy greenery, and as a result, additional decoration of any interior. And in the end, we recommend watching the video on this flower, we wish you a pleasant viewing.


Calla is a perennial herbaceous plant of the aroid family. Calla is an elegant classic indoor flower and has a distinctive appearance. Home calla flower can have different shades of bracts, which makes it very popular among flower growers.

Optimal conditions for keeping domestic callas

Despite the fact that calla came to us from South Africa, located in tropical latitudes, it is a rather hardy and unpretentious plant. The flowering period of calla lilies ranges from three to eight weeks.

Place for a pot with calla

When choosing a place for flowerpots with calla lilies, consider two important factors:

  1. Calla is very demanding on lighting;
  2. There are heat-loving species.

Callas grow well in partial shade - under the influence of indirect sunlight. In summer, it is advisable to keep the flower closer to the window, but in partial shade. In winter, plants are acutely aware of the lack of sunlight. But proper lighting is very important for calla growth. With a lack of lighting, white callas may stop blooming, letting only stems grow. Colored views in conditions of lack of light may lose their beautiful hue. For the formation of stems of these flowers, sunlight is required for 12 hours a day. In the daytime, after flowering, the light should be at least eight and no more than ten hours.

Did you know?All types of callas and all their parts are poisonous. Therefore, try to keep the flower away from children and animals. When working with the plant, do not forget to wear protective gloves.

Temperature regime

Do not forget that the habitual habitat of calla lilies is high temperatures combined with high humidity. Therefore, callas require similar care at home. The required temperature in the room where callas are kept depends on the season. The most favorable temperature regime is from 15 to 25 ° C (22-25 degrees in summer, 15-18 degrees in winter). Sudden changes in temperature are detrimental to all types of calla lilies and entail the cessation of flowering calla lilies. In hot weather, the culture requires frequent spraying with water and additional air humidity. It is permissible to keep the plant on the balcony only in warm weather. In winter, calla lilies should be in a heated room.

Features of caring for calla lilies at home

According to experts, potted callas are unpretentious and their cultivation does not require any special tricks. The main thing is to create optimal conditions and follow the necessary rules for care.

Watering and humidity

One of the main steps in the care of potted callas is proper watering. If the plant is not watered regularly, it will stop growing. And these flowers perceive regular watering and moist soil very favorably. This is especially important when growing white callas. Colored callas are not so whimsical to moisture. The amount of water depends on the period of growth. The main thing is that the soil in the pot never remains dry. The air in the room where callas are kept should be characterized by high humidity. . The ideal humidity for callas is 70-80%. Of course, this is difficult to achieve. Therefore, you need to spray callas with water more often (twice a day). Try also to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Top dressing and fertilizer

As the calla grows, the roots of the plant fill the flowerpot and quickly absorb all the nutrients from the soil. With a constant content of calla lilies in a pot, timely top dressing and complex fertilizer are required. This is necessary for the proper development of callas.

Important! Remember one important rule for growing calla lilies: the less sunlight and heat a plant receives, the greater its need for top dressing and fertilizers.

Calla lilies are fed with universal complex fertilizers and are applied every 10-14 days. It is not recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers before flowering. The plant needs to be fed with urea or make an infusion of eggshells. Procedures are carried out during the period of active flowering of calla lilies. When fertilizing, you need to be careful - callas can be accidentally overfed, as a result of which your plants will die. Symptoms of excessive fertilization are yellowed and dry leaf edges. In addition, from an excess of nitrogen, the plant will intensively grow leaves, which negatively affects flowering.

Did you know? With a lack of nitrogen, calla leaves become drooping, lose their luster, and stop growing. And with a deficiency of potassium, the leaves, oddly enough, rise up.

Calla care during the rest period

Once you have purchased an indoor calla, the first thing to do is to correctly determine the rest period for the plant. Usually, for all callas, the "sleep" period begins in October - November, and ends in February - March. Don't "introduce" callas into dormancy too soon. It is not recommended to drastically limit watering or cut leaves. In this case, the tubers do not have time to fully ripen. The rest period of callas lasts from two to six months.

Calla care during the rest period involves:setting the desired temperature, proper watering, lighting, air humidity and top dressing. All this helps the plant to harmoniously go into a dormant state after a long flowering. White callas grow slowly in winter. They bloom in winter and spring, and rest on hot summer days. But colored callas completely stop their growth, lose their leaves and fall into hibernation (until March-April). That is why in offices, houses and apartments we most often meet calla lilies in white.

Proper transplant and soil for calla lilies

Do not transplant plants with weak or damaged shoots. To quickly adapt the calla to a new environment, it is advisable to use ordinary soil or a composition close to natural. Rinse the roots before transplanting calla lilies. This must be done with extreme caution. Be careful not to damage the roots so as not to introduce new bacteria into the wound. As a result, the new soil will be contaminated.

Important! To reduce the risk of root rot, new tubers should be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) before transplanting. After this procedure, all defects become visible. If there are growths or dry rot, then you can clean the roots with a knife and disinfect with brilliant green.

Many owners of this culture often wonder: how to water callas after transplantation. Since calla lilies require a lot of water, transplanted sprouts should also be watered regularly. Of course, don't overdo it in this regard. It is worth noting that the desired soil acidity (pH) should not be higher than 6. The soil for callas should consist of the following components:
  • sand (one part);
  • peat (one part);
  • leaf humus (one part);
  • sod land (two parts).

How to propagate callas

Indoor callas are propagated in two ways: by dividing rhizomes and by seeds. The second method is more complicated and lengthy, so it is rarely used.

Division of rhizomes

The division of rhizomes is the most convenient and fastest way to propagate calla lilies. Division is usually done in autumn. Tubers should be firm and healthy. So, with a spatula or a sharp knife, you need to carefully divide the main rhizome into parts. It is necessary to divide in such a way that each part has a sufficient amount of roots and land. Each divided small rhizome is planted in a separate spacious pot.

You need to plant in moist soil to a depth of about 5-8 centimeters. Since planting was carried out in autumn, new plants hibernate in a semi-dormant mode. In the early days, callas do not need watering. But after the first week, make sure that the soil does not dry out; gradually increase watering and spray periodically. Also keep an eye on lighting for new calla roots. Pots need to be protected from too bright and scorching sun.

Calla flowers are low houseplants. On the stem are green leaves and tall peduncles. A variety of flower colors amazes even experienced flower growers. Plant height can reach 50 centimeters. Of course, there are higher grades. Caring for calla lilies at home implies the timely completion of all necessary items. The birthplace of the flower is southern Africa.

Calla care rules

Due to its unique structure, caring for a flower will be somewhat different from caring for similar pets.

Watering and humidity

This is one of the most important points in the care of room calla. A home plant loves sufficient watering and a moistened earthen ball. Dry soil leads to the cessation of development. White calla most of all needs watering. It belongs to marsh plants. It is necessary to increase watering at the time of active development. You can start this process only when the soil dries out by 1 centimeter. After watering, after 15 minutes, you need to drain all the remaining water.

As for the colored varieties of callas, we can say that they do not like abundant soil moisture. Water should not stagnate in the pan, otherwise the root system may rot. Watering is carried out only when the earthen lump dries out a couple of centimeters.

It is necessary to maintain optimal air humidity, which is 70-80%. To maintain it, you need to carry out daily spraying, twice a day, wipe the leaves with a moistened cloth and put moss or moistened pieces of expanded clay in the area of ​​​​the pallet.

Regardless of the species, after the end of the flowering period, watering should be significantly reduced. Colored varieties are not watered at all 30-60 days after flowering is completed. A houseplant cannot be abruptly transferred to a dormant period. We need to wait for the full maturation of the tubers. This is the period from the end of the autumn season to the end of the winter.


Throughout the annual cycle, you need to take care of sufficient lighting for callas. Optimum light is diffused. In winter, the plant will feel its lack, so flowering may not occur. White varieties need to be illuminated even at the time of their rest, but colored ones can completely lose their color without proper lighting.

Temperature regime

Caring for calla lilies at home is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. For example, at high temperatures with low air humidity, an indoor flower can be attacked by pests, which are sometimes not so easy to get rid of. Sudden changes in temperature can lead to a lack of flowering.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to perform proper care and maintain a temperature limit of 18 to 20 degrees Celsius. After flowering is completed, you need to gradually switch to a temperature of 10 to 12 degrees. Calla must rest for at least 60 days.

As for the colored varieties of callas, their optimal temperature is considered to be 20-24 degrees above zero. Small fluctuations in temperature during the day and at night have a positive effect on the development of leaves and tubers. As soon as flowering is completed, the tubers should be kept for 30 days at a temperature of 25-27 degrees Celsius without watering. When they are fully ripe, it is necessary to remove all the leaves and prepare them for wintering in a dry room by sprinkling sawdust on top. The temperature should be between 3 and 5 degrees.

Soil and fertilization

Callas love acidified soil. It can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently at home. We will need:

  • leaf ground (1);
  • sand (1);
  • sod land (2);
  • peat (1).

Caring for calla lilies in a pot at home involves the timely application of fertilizers for the proper development of the plant. From time to time, callas can be planted in open ground with the onset of the summer period. It is there that they will be able to feed on all the missing useful substances and elements. If you constantly keep callas in a pot, then do not forget about making complex dressings. They need to be alternated with top dressing every 2 weeks.

Why is Ethiopian calla or another variety growing green mass, and flowering is so poor? Because during the period of active development of the plant, too much fertilizer saturated with nitrogen was applied. At the first appearance of flower stalks, it is necessary to feed the soil with urea, and during the flowering period - with infusion of the egg shell. Top dressing should not fall on the plant itself, otherwise its appearance will be lost.

Calla transplant

Absolutely every variety of calla lilies needs to be transplanted, and it does not matter at all whether it is Ethiopian, black or red in a pot. After dormancy is complete, you need to transplant the calla into fresh soil. The flower can not be transplanted for 2 years, provided that the top layer of soil is regularly changed to nutritious and timely pinching.

White calla varieties at home are transplanted into containers suitable for all sizes with tubers. Their diameter should not be less than 15 centimeters, they should not be too deep. At the bottom of each container it is necessary to place a good layer of drainage and a universal substrate intended for growing flowering plants.

The calla rhizome should be located in the middle. The correct planting depth is calculated by multiplying the diameter of the rhizome by a constant 3. The temperature regime after the completion of the transplant process must be gradually increased. And after a couple of weeks, fertilization and watering are activated.

Calla breeding methods

The tuber of the plant is bulb-shaped. It is able to grow on its own and eventually occupy more and more space. It is very important to dig out the extra parts of the rhizome in a timely manner, replant them or even throw them away. Care for the dug out bulb should be carried out in drained soil. A well-lit place is chosen for landing.

It is necessary to plant the bulb exclusively in a horizontal position in a hole no more than 10 centimeters deep. It is necessary to provide abundant watering for good development of the bulb.

Growing callas from seeds

Which can be propagated and grown from seed. In this case, calla care should be extremely thorough. To grow a flower at home, the seeds are soaked for 6 hours in a special agent - potassium humate. After that, they are laid out on a damp towel on a prepared pallet. They are covered on top with the same moistened towel and transferred to a warm room for 7 days. Constantly ventilate our small greenhouse and make sure that the seeds do not dry out. After germination, you need to sow the seeds in trays with soil and place them in a warm place until the first shoots appear. We throw away the defective seeds, and transplant the seedlings into separate containers.

Cycle completion

The homeland of the plant is southern Africa. Despite this, at home, calla lilies develop well as long as they are kept in moist soil. Vegetation ends in early - mid-autumn. Leaves eventually begin to fall off, and watering is reduced at the first appearance of yellowness. After a couple of weeks, you need to completely abandon watering so that the leaves can fall off on their own.

Calla diseases

As a rule, at home, calla lilies can be affected by fungal or bacterial diseases. Among them are the following:

  1. If the care is incorrect, then the plant may be affected by gray rot, which harms all its parts. The fungus provokes the appearance of a gray plaque. Infection can occur from anywhere: through water, soil or air. The likelihood of infection increases with a high level of air humidity and waterlogging of the soil. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to ensure regular ventilation and treat the plant with special means.
  2. Colored, white, Ethiopian calla and other species can get sick with anthracnose, in which brown spots form on the leaves, they can crack and dry. Damaged leaves are removed, and the plant is treated with a fungicide.
  3. If the calla began to wither, it is most likely that she fell ill with root rot. It is necessary to carefully dig out the plant, and carefully examine the rhizome on which dry rot can be seen. To fix the problem, you need to transplant the plant into a new container and new soil, reduce watering and treat the flower with a fungicide.
  4. Bacteria are not dormant and can also attack your flower. Unfortunately, in the presence of a bacterial disease, the plant must be destroyed. There are no means to fix it yet.

Growing problems

Why doesn't calla lilies bloom at home?

There are several factors that affect the appearance of flowering:

  • change of location;
  • incorrect care;
  • a large number of bulbs that have not been transplanted for a long time.

Calla leaves turn yellow and dry

There are the following reasons:

  • insufficient level of humidity in the room;
  • lack of micronutrients;
  • improper care and watering;
  • freezing of roots.

What to do when the calla has faded?

As soon as flowering is completed, and the leaves remain green, then care should be continued until they completely dry on their own. Watering should be reduced each time.

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Callas are a perennial of the genus Aronnikova (aroid). The main place of growth is South America and Africa. Its relative is the calla bog (calla). In its genus, this is the only representative that grows only in the Northern Hemisphere.

This flower is also called Ethiopian calla or richardia. This is a favorite plant of many gardeners because of the spectacular unusual flower and beautiful leaves. It is suitable for both outdoor and indoor cultivation.

Among the eight main types of callas, 3 are distinguished. They are used by breeders to obtain new varieties.

Ethiopian calla (Calla aethiopica)

This is a type of tall calla lilies, which are characterized by large foliage. Under natural conditions, its height reaches 1 m. This is a rhizomatous plant, and during the dormant period it does not shed its leaves and does not go into hibernation. Only its growth is suspended. The flowers are predominantly white or green.

Popular varieties:

Nicolai- a plant 1.5 m high. The leaves are dark green in color, large flowers (diameter more than 10 cm) of a greenish tint. Suitable for outdoor cultivation.

green goddess- a variety with unusually beautiful funnel-shaped flowers of a bright green hue. Plant height is about 0.9 m. Suitable for both open ground and indoor cultivation.

Albomaculata- a plant with a white large flower in the form of a candle. It has a vanilla aroma.

Schone Zweibruckerin- a tall plant (1 m) with dark green flowers, which are covered with a waxy light coating. In diameter, the flower reaches 15 cm. Its heart-shaped leaves are light green in color.

Calla Remanna (Calla rehmannii)

A variety of undersized species with a height of up to 0.5 m. A plant with narrow green leaves up to 30 cm, which sheds when switching to winter dormancy. Small flowers of red, burgundy or pink. Propagation with tubers. Suitable for growing indoors.

Popular varieties:

Evening- the variety is distinguished by its uniqueness. The flowers are dark, sometimes black-blue or black-lilac. There are varieties with a purple border.

Indian summer- This is a rare variety with unusual compact forms. A bright red flower with a touch of pomegranate color.

Chameleon- the grade is ideally suited for cultivation in pots. A plant with dark green leaves that are covered with white speckles. The flowers are golden and peach tones.

Calla Elliott (Calla elliottiana)

The plant is characterized by a small height and large heart-shaped leaves with white dashes. The flowers are variegated, the inflorescences are yellow-green. This tuberous variety reproduces vegetatively.

Known varieties:

yellow corner- one of the popular varieties of calla elliott. The color of the stem from green gradually turns to yellowish. A flower with a pale yellow, sunny tint. The leaves are bright green speckled.

Vermeer- the plant is characterized by high decorativeness. Carved leaves with white dots. The edges of the flower are white with a smooth transition to burgundy towards the stem.

black-eyed beauty- the leaves of the plant are dark green in color with large white spots. A wide flower of a light yellow hue with a rich purple middle, in the center of which is a corn-yellow stamen.

How to grow callas outdoors

Callas are great for growing outdoors. Provided with the necessary care, they will delight with their flowering for a whole month.

The plant requires enough space in open glades. Doesn't tolerate summer heat well. Therefore, it is good to plant next to shrubs or trees so that they create light partial shade.

For callas, places where there are no drafts are selected. They can harm the plant.

soil for callas

The soil for growing plants should be fertile and slightly acidic. The ideal soil for a flower is a composition of peat and leaf humus, garden soil and sand. Before planting, be sure to drain to prevent stagnant water near the roots.

Since calla is a moisture-loving plant, it would be nice to allocate a place for it near a reservoir, where additional moisture will flow to the leaves from the air.

Planting calla lilies in spring

To plant a flower in open ground, they wait for the last frost to stop and sufficient heating of the soil and air. Usually this process is carried out in early May.

How to prepare planting material for planting

For this purpose, it is planned to use strong and strong tubers. In a wrinkled and lethargic state, they may not take root. Before planting, the tubers are processed. The acquired planting material is kept at the bottom of the refrigerator.

Having passed all the stages, the tubers are ready for planting.

How to prepare the site for planting

The site must be cleaned and dug up, adding sand and leafy humus in the same proportion. The soil must be provided with good drainage. Adding needles to attract earthworms, acidify the soil. Be sure to use a mineral complex fertilizer.

Planting tubers in the ground

In wells prepared in advance, plants are placed 5–10 cm deep. The wells are placed between each other no more than 0.4 m. This takes into account the size of the tubers. They cannot be pressed into the ground. The tubers are lightly sprinkled on top.

Many gardeners plant tubers in early spring immediately in shallow pots, which were previously disinfected and the soil was calcined in the oven. Planting depth - 3 cm. In order for the plant to wake up, in April they are placed on a balcony or in a greenhouse. When transplanting, the tuber is transferred with a clod of earth very carefully to avoid breakage of fragile roots.

Do not worry if there are no shoots for the first 14 days. The sprouts do not stretch up until the root system is formed, which lasts almost 30 days.

Planting callas in autumn

Planting calla lilies in autumn in open ground is not carried out. Before the onset of cold weather, they will not take root and die.

Garden calla care

Like many ornamental plants, callas need special care. If optimal growing conditions are created, the flowering period will begin 2 months after planting, and will continue until the first cold weather arrives.

Watering and spraying for callas

The plant is characterized by such a physiological feature - the initial formation of the root system, followed by germination. In order for the roots to form properly, the tubers are not watered for 2 weeks after planting until the first shoots appear. This will come in about 3 weeks. During watering, it is necessary to ensure that water does not get on the tubers.

It is better to moisten the soil around the edges of the hole. When the first leaves appear, you can water regularly in moderation up to twice a week, taking into account weather conditions.

If it's cool outside - reduce watering, if the weather is hot - increase. Do not allow overmoistening or dryness of the soil.

Top dressing when caring for callas

Adding humus to the hole when planting will allow you to feed the plant with only mineral fertilizer throughout the entire growing season in compliance with the exact proportions. Otherwise, excess nitrogen will provoke an increased growth of calla greens, which will negatively affect flowering. Liquid fertilizers with a balanced content of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are the best option when choosing top dressing.

If the soil is not provided with humus, mullein diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 is brought in throughout the season.

If there is no need to collect seeds after flowering, it is worth cutting off the peduncle. This will prolong the flowering time.

Callas withstand temperatures of -2°C. In places with a more severe climate, it is grown as an annual plant. Before night frosts come, the faded plant is dug up, keeping the green part. It is left indoors at a temperature of +5 - 10 ° C for 14 days.

At this time, there is a transition of nutrients from the leaves to the rhizomes and tubers. After two weeks, the leaves are cut off, and the tubers are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried. At the final stage, the tubers are placed in well-ventilated packages and stored at a temperature of +5 - 15 ° C until spring.

Compliance with the temperature regime during the dormant period is necessary for further flowering, because it is at this time that the formation of a flower bud occurs.

Recommendations for growing calla lilies at home

In cold climatic conditions, where cold winters and cool summers prevail, it is unlikely that calla lilies will grow in a flower bed. Calla lilies with compact rhizomes are planted in pots and grown indoors.

Growing Features

The natural place of growth of calla lilies is the openings of rivers with a mild and warm climate. Growing it at home, it is necessary to control soil moisture, especially during the growing season.

When forming a peduncle, a long period of illumination is required (at least 12 hours).

To successfully grow this plant, it needs a certain dormant period. Given our climatic conditions, this time falls on winter.

Pot and soil selection

This process should be given due attention. To grow Ethiopian calla lilies, a sufficiently large pot is selected, with a diameter of at least 40 cm and a height of 0.5 m. If a small container is used for planting, only the green part will develop in case of feeding, flowering will not occur.

The pot must have drainage holes. Pebbles or expanded clay should be laid at the bottom.

When choosing soil for planting, porous structures are preferred. Thanks to this, excess moisture leaves the pot, providing the plant with natural respiration. Usually it consists of peat (1 hour), sand (1 hour), leaf humus (1 hour), soddy land (2 hours). You can cook it yourself, or buy it in the store.

Planting callas indoors

The landing process is almost the same for both cases. The bulbs are laid to a depth of about 10 cm. When planting several bulbs in a decorative container, keep a distance of 12 cm. This will allow the roots to develop well.

Features of care

Due to the peculiarities of the origin and structure of calla lilies, caring for it is somewhat different compared to other indoor plants.


Calla needs good lighting throughout the year. Best grown in indirect sunlight. The plant feels its shortage especially in winter - there may be no flowering, only the development of stems is noted.

For white callas, lighting is required during the dormant period. In colored varieties, due to its lack, the characteristic color is lost.

Optimum temperature

For all types of callas, the combination of high temperature and low humidity is detrimental. This creates favorable soil for pests. With a sharp temperature drop, the plants stop flowering.

For white varieties, during the growing season, maintain a temperature of +18 - 20 ° C, for color - + 20 - 24 ° C.

Watering and spraying

Growing callas indoors, pay special attention to watering. Plants are demanding for regular watering and moist soil. Dryness causes cessation of growth. Especially in need of moisture are white callas growing in marshy places.

During their active growth, watering should be plentiful, and is carried out when the topsoil dries up to 1 cm. After 15 minutes, the remaining water is drained.

Colored callas do not need such watering. It is impossible for water to stagnate in the pan, this can cause rotting of the root system. The water temperature for irrigation should be +18 - 22 ° C. It is required only when the soil dries up to 3 cm.

To create comfortable conditions for the flower, the humidity in the room should be 70 - 80%. To help the plant, it is sprayed 2 times a day. Wiping the leaves with a wet rag is suitable, and placing wet expanded clay or moss on a pallet.

Callas foresee a change in the weather. With the appearance of dewdrops on the leaves and bedspreads, rain can be expected.

Necessary top dressing

In plants planted in a pot, as they develop, the roots grow, fill the pot, absorbing all the useful elements from the soil. If calla is constantly kept indoors, it needs timely feeding and complex fertilizer. This will allow the flower to develop properly.

If the plant does not receive the full amount of heat and sunlight, it needs fertilizer and top dressing.

For this purpose, universal complex fertilizers are used with an interval of 1 time in 2 weeks. The use of nitrogen fertilizers is unacceptable until the flower begins to bloom. As a top dressing, urea or infused eggshells are added to the soil. Such procedures must be carried out carefully. With an excess of fertilizers in plants, the edges of the leaves turn yellow and dry out, or even die.

Calla care after flowering

After flowering, plants need to set the desired temperature, proper lighting, watering, humidity and top dressing. These conditions will help the flower to move from one stage to another harmoniously, without stress.

White callas are characterized by slow winter growth. Their flowering occurs in winter and spring. They rest in the summer. And the cessation of growth of colored callas, the fall of leaves occurs in winter and ends in March-April.


The division of the rhizome

One of the available methods of reproduction of callas is the division of the rhizome. During the period of active growth, abundant growth occurs, which surrounds the maternal rhizome. Having dug it up for the winter, the root processes and the main stem are separated and planted in pots. In the spring they can be planted in a flower bed.

Propagation of flowers from bulbs

When growing calla lilies, children quickly grow on its bulb. If it is not replanted annually, young shoots will cover the entire surface of the soil, which will make it difficult to care for them. Transplanting plants from one such flowerpot will allow you to get enough planting material.

When extracting a tuber from the soil, it is necessary to carefully manually separate each baby with a kidney. It can be used when planting, both for open ground and for a pot. A slight delay in removing the bulbs leads to the fusion of the children and the mother tuber. Then the rhizome is simply broken into several parts.

Crushed coal is used to sprinkle the resulting wounds.

Propagation with seeds

For callas, reproduction is possible with the help of seeds. The presence of pollinating insects in the room is not always observed. Often, in order to obtain seed material, pollen from one flower to another is transferred manually with a brush.

Seeds do not need to be stored. Fresh - the best germination. After collecting, immediately wrap in a damp cloth and leave in a warm room. After two days, they will begin to hatch. The swollen seeds are sown in moist soil for growing seedlings.

To prevent rotting, do not water before germination.

To moisten the soil, the pan is filled with water, which will flow through the drainage holes. The dried top layer of soil is sprayed with a spray gun.

When the first sprouts appear, the pot is placed in a bright place and the temperature is maintained at + 22 ° C. Seedlings dive into separate flowerpots after two months, and plants are planted in a permanent place in a year.

Some flower growers do not practice picking, they sow 2 swollen seeds in glasses. Having chosen a strong one among the shoots that have appeared, it is left, and the other is thrown away or transplanted into another pot.

Young plants require watering as the soil dries out.

Diseases and pests

Callas at home are affected by aphids and spider mites. Soapy solution for application to the leaves will help get rid of pests. If this remedy does not work, insecticides are used for treatment.

High humidity provokes damage to the flower by fungal diseases in the form of:

  1. gray rot - the appearance of a grayish coating on flowers and leaves. Fungicides are used for processing;
  2. brown rot - drying out of leaves and peduncles. To eliminate, stop watering, add hydrogel to the soil, treat calla with fungicides;
  3. bacterial rot - darkening of the bases of leaves and peduncles with gradual wilting and yellowing of the ground part. The disease is practically not treated, the affected plants are destroyed;
  4. anthracnose - the appearance and gradual increase in brown spots on the leaves until a reddish circle with a light middle is formed. The affected parts are removed, the whole plant is treated with fungicides.

By fulfilling the basic conditions for keeping and caring for callas, the appearance of diseases and pests can be avoided.

For cut flower cultivation, it is more practical to carry out in a winter garden or greenhouse. And in an apartment or house, flowerpots with callas will become a great interior decoration that creates a good mood.

Callas are delicate, beautiful, elegant flowers that cannot but delight those around them with their unusual and sophisticated appearance. The culture is grown as indoor, as garden, and is also used to create a variety of bouquet compositions. Very often, the flower is used to create wedding bouquets, for which the culture is called the "wedding flower".

Which is correct: callas or feces? When writing, it should be borne in mind that the first option is correct, and the second is erroneous.

South Africa is considered the birthplace of a beautiful flower. The second name of the culture is zantedeschia. Calla is also called calla.

What does the plant look like?

calla (calla) has an unusual appearance. The height of the stem can reach 80 cm, but higher varieties are also found, for example, the Ethiopian calla can grow up to 150 cm. The inflorescence consists of two parts: a yellow cob and a bedspread. The spathe is a bract that has a funnel-shaped shape, it expands upwards, forming the so-called collar. The leaves are large (up to 30 cm long), basal. The color of the leaves is bright green, interspersed with white or silvery shades are possible. Many compare the leaves of the plant with arrowheads.

What do calla leaves look like in the photo?

Callas and cannes

Callas should not be confused with cannes. Despite the fact that their names are very similar, they are completely different cultures. Canna is a bright and ornamental plant from the Canna family of the same name. Calla belongs to the Aroid family.

They also differ externally. Cannes rather visually resemble or. In addition, cannes are usually grown in garden plots and rarely indoors. Canna has large flowers, which are collected in inflorescences in the form of brushes. Calla also has one flower at the top of the stem. Only the leaves of these crops are partly similar, but in callas they are more brilliant and bright. And in cannes they are larger, but not so saturated.

There is more than one houseplant that looks like a calla. Inexperienced flower growers often confuse these cultures. These include spathiphyllum and anthurium.

Anthurium- this is a house flower, similar to calla, only red. However, to date, varieties have been bred with other colors of the flowers of this culture. The plant is otherwise called "male happiness." And another plant spathiphyllum called "female happiness", so they are often grown with each other. Spathiphyllum flowers are mainly white in color, which even more resemble the Ethiopian calla.


Callas are considered a symbol of love and prosperity. No wonder the culture is very often used to create wedding bouquets. According to popular beliefs, culture has several magical properties:

  1. callas protect the house or apartment where they are located is protected from stressful and unpleasant situations;
  2. Plants symbolize peace and harmony. So, for example, calla will help in building relationships with a child if you put flowers in the nursery. In the matrimonial bedroom, calla is a welcome guest. From the plant comes sexual energy, passion and love;
  3. Callas have a positive effect on health. So, there is a belief that if you give a bouquet of callas to a sick person, he will soon recover.

Callas are often used to create wedding bouquets, as they symbolize family happiness and the well-being of future spouses. The presence of a flower in the bride's bouquet emphasizes the femininity and beauty of youth.

Also, culture is considered a talisman against the evil eye for young girls. And this applies not only to living plants, but also to images with them that are placed in the apartment.

Why are plants called as "flowers of death"?

Callas are often referred to as "flowers of death." But the point is not that these flowers attract death. In the West, it is customary to bring white flowers to the graves. And callas are very popular. In addition, they are grown in the cemetery.

In this regard, plants should not be given to elderly women, since such a bouquet hints at their imminent death. And in some European countries, for example in the UK, it is completely forbidden to give bouquets of white callas.


There are signs associated with the use and maintenance of these plants.

Callas are a symbol of happiness and prosperity, so plants help remove quarrels and conflicts in families. Plants can be given even in pairs - this will not be considered a sign of mourning.

Despite the custom in Europe to bring callas to funerals, the plants themselves are not a magnet for death and other misfortunes.

The plant grown in the room gives a charge of vivacity to the owners, and also calms the nerves. In addition, there is a belief that calla strengthens the immune system.


The family to which flowers belong is called Aroid. In Latin, the name sounds like Calle. The flower got its name thanks to Carl Linnaeus. South Africa is considered the birthplace of culture. The area of ​​distribution of culture is quite wide. The plant can also be found in the nature of Russia (the European part, Siberia and the Far East). The culture grows mainly on the banks of reservoirs and swamps.

This is a rhizomatous plant. The root system is highly branched. Basal leaves are long, pointed at the ends. They have a smooth, shiny surface. The length of the leaf is about 15 cm. The flower consists of an ear and a bract in the form of a bedspread. Culture height - up to 150 cm depending on the variety A. Culture blooms during the month from mid-May to mid-June or at other times, depending on the varietal variety.

What flowers go well with callas? Such plants can be classified,.


All callas are divided into:

  • White;
  • Colored.

White callas originated from the Ethiopian variety of culture. The flowers are white and large, and the size of the plant can reach 150 cm.

Colored callas have a wide variety of flower colors: pink, yellow, orange, red, purple, black, burgundy, green. Plant height rarely exceeds 70 cm.



Black calla Odessa in a pot will decorate the windowsill with its elegant, almost black flowers.

Dark calla lilies are exquisite and original plants, distinguished by an unusual, almost black color of flowers. Compositions with callas of dark and white colors are successful.

Callas of different colors in a vase.


Red Alert potted red callas stand out spectacularly with bright red flowers against a background of green foliage.


Magnificent varietal variety Captain Ventura with snow-white flowers in bouquets.


Spectacular Florex Gold with bright neon yellow flowers in a pot.


Photo of Captain Rosette flowers with pale pink bracts in bouquets.

Pale pink Samur growing in a basket.

Bouquets and container plantings often combine dark and light callas, including pink varieties. In this photo, the varieties Schwarzwalder and Captain Rosette.


Variety Black Star, grown in a street container, is distinguished by deep maroon bracts.


Captain Safari with bright orange flowers in bouquets.


Multicolored zantedeschia Picasso, lily and allium.

Zantedeschia Vermeer in a pot.

Blue and blue

Just note: there are no such varieties! In the photo below - either artificial flowers or painted.

Incredibly delicate bouquet composition of blue callas Wedgwood Blue.

A wedding bouquet of callas called Deep Blue.

Purple and lilac

Bright and spectacular bouquet of Calla lilies Purple Sensation.

Light purple callas in an Amethyst pot.

Garden and indoor

There are no significant differences in varieties of garden and indoor varieties. The cultivation is also identical. The only exception is the winter period. In winter, the culture cannot grow in the garden, it must be dug up and transferred to the room.

In indoor floriculture, the following varieties are often grown:

  • scrapbook;
  • Mango;
  • Amethyst;
  • Akela (Akela);
  • Cherry Kiss (Cherry Kiss);
  • Elegant Swan.

Some varieties are grown mainly in the garden. Among those:

  • Sunshine;
  • Treasury;
  • Flame;
  • And others.


There are several varieties of culture. These should include:

  • White Ethiopian (Calla aethiopica)- the most common type. Grown both indoors and in gardens. Differs in snow-white coloring of flowers. Height can reach 150 cm. There are also greenish flowers. The view is often used to create bouquets and decorate rooms for celebrations;
  • Elliot (C. Elliottiana)- a type of plant, distinguished by yellow flowers. Flowering is plentiful. The species prefers growing in sunny areas;
  • Remann (S. Rehmanii)- This is a low variety of calla. Height - no more than 50 cm. Colors: pink and red.

Also there is also marsh variety. In nature, it grows in the coastal areas of reservoirs, as well as in swampy areas. Often used in landscape design to decorate artificial ponds. The culture blooms from the end of spring for a month. Bracts are white. The plant grows quickly and easily. Poisonous.


Mango- This is a perennial varietal variety of culture. Leaves are smooth and large. Coloring - bright green with speckles of a silvery shade. On long peduncles are single flowers, which consist of a cob of yellow color and bedspreads. The coverlet is orange in color with a yellowish tinge. Flowering variety begins in July and ends in August. The variety is good for growing containers, pots, flower beds. Bouquets of callas Mango are also beautiful.

Red Alert is an effective variety. The height of the plant is not more than 60 cm. The flower cover is distinguished by a rich red color. The flowers are large, up to 12 cm in diameter. The height of the flower is about 10 cm. The leaves are large. The color of the leaf is bright green with silvery patches. Blooms all summer.

Crystal Blush (Crystall Blush)- this is a tender plant with a height of no more than 70 cm. Flowering is long - from mid-June to September. At the beginning of flowering, the bedspread has a snow-white color. Then a pale pink border appears. The leaves are dark green in color without inclusions. It has a very pleasant aroma reminiscent of vanilla. The variety is considered one of the most popular among white varieties.

Schwarzwalder- an incredibly effective variety. The cover has an almost black color with a burgundy tint. The height of the flower is about 10 cm. Flowering begins in mid-summer and ends in September. The leaves are large, bright green with large silver specks. The height of the culture does not exceed 60 cm. The variety is suitable for growing in pots, in garden plots, and is also good for creating bouquet compositions.

Cantor- another luxurious variety. The cover is black with a purple tint. The leaves are green in color with white dots. Flowering continues from July to early autumn. The height of the culture does not exceed 60 cm. The variety is usually used for growing in garden plots.

Odessa- perennial, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. This is a fairly large variety. Its height can reach 100 cm. The flowers are large - up to 15 cm in height. The cover of the flower has a dark cherry color with a black tint. The leaves are large, dark green, shiny without inclusions. The variety is grown to improve garden plots.

Black Star (Black Star)- another varietal variety of almost black callas. The flowers are large (up to 10 cm in diameter) and are distinguished by a maroon, almost black coverlet of an elegant funnel-shaped shape. The leaves are long, dark green with white spots. On the leaves, a thin border of burgundy shade is clearly visible. This perennial garden is grown mainly in garden plots. Plant height can reach 70 cm. Flowering begins in mid-summer and lasts for a month.

Hot Shot- a popular variety of colored callas. The height of the plant does not exceed 60 cm. The inflorescence is represented by a yellow cob wrapped in a blanket that has a peach color. The leaves are large with white dots. The variety can be used for indoor and outdoor cultivation.

Garnet Glow- a very bright variety with a height of no more than 60 cm. The goblet-shaped flower has a height of about 10 cm. The color of the bedspread is bright pink. The variety blooms throughout the summer. It is grown mainly in garden plots.

Black Eyed Beauty- perennial tuberous variety. The height of the plant does not exceed 60 cm. The leaves are long and large. Leaf color is dark green with white spots. Remarkable coloring of the bract-spread. The bedspread itself has a cream or vanilla color, and inside it is distinguished by a black eye. The variety blooms from mid-July to the end of August. It is grown mainly in open ground.

Florex Gold (Florex Gold)- a bright and spectacular variety of callas. Plant height - no more than 60 cm. Distinctive flower color - bright yellow. The leaves are large, have a dark green color with silvery patches. The variety is grown both in a pot at home and in the open field.

Sunshine- another bright yellow calla. Height is not more than 50 cm. The bedspreads of flowers stand out in bright lemon, as if in neon color. The variety blooms from mid-summer to late August. When blooming, the bedspreads have a greenish tint. Sunshine will become a bright decoration of the garden plot.

Captain Safari- This is a perennial plant up to 70 cm high. Up to 10 large and bright flowers open on one bush. The bract in the form of a funnel has a yellow-orange color. The variety pleases with flowering throughout the summer period. It is grown mainly in open ground.

Samur (Samur)- This is a perennial culture with a height of not more than 55 cm. The leaves are long, bright green. The bracts are pale pink in color. The variety blooms in July and blooms until September. The root system is represented by tubers. Samur is used for growing in the garden, and is also suitable for creating bouquets.

Majestic Red (Majestic Red)- bright garden calla up to 60 cm high. Arrow-shaped leaves have a bright green color with white patches. Spectacular large calla flowers. The cover has a rich red color. The variety will decorate any corner of the garden.

Vermeer- a charming variety of culture. Differs in the original color of the flower. The cover has a snow-white color, and on its inner side there is a large purple spot. Flowering is long - from mid-June to September. The leaves are green with white dots.

Chameleon (Cameleon)- It's a perennial. The height of the culture is no more than 60 cm. The leaves are bright green with numerous silvery specks. On peduncles are large single flowers. The bright yellow cob is covered with a pale yellow with a pink tint funnel-shaped bedspread.

Captain Promice- a spectacular perennial variety of garden callas. The plant grows up to 65 cm. The flower has a dark purple color with a black tint. Flowering continues throughout the summer season. The variety is grown mainly in open ground.

Captain Romance- a plant up to 100 cm high. The leaves are dark green with a few white specks. Bright pink flowers rise against a background of green foliage. The variety can be used for growing in the garden and at home, as well as for making bouquets.

Red Sox- a varietal variety of calla lilies with a height of not more than 50 cm. The leaves are dark green with white patches. The bract is funnel-shaped, bright red with a slight orange tinge. The flowering of the plant begins in mid-summer and lasts until the end of September.

Captain Reno- another exquisite variety of calla. The plant is compact, its height does not exceed 60 cm. The flowers of the variety are spectacular. The cover is dark purple in color. The flowers are magnificent against dark green foliage with silvery flecks.

Amethyst- a common variety, often grown indoors. The height of the culture does not exceed 70 cm. The bract-veil has a rich purple color. The leaves are long, large, bright green.

Black Forest- This is a spectacular varietal variety of calla with maroon bracts. The height of the culture is about 55 cm. The leaves are dark green with numerous white dots. The variety is grown both indoors and in the garden. Flowering lasts throughout the season.

Calla Albomaculata (Albomaculata)- a popular variety. Height is not more than 60 cm. The flowers are goblet, large. The bract has a snow-white color. The leaves are long dark green with white dots. The variety is mainly grown in open ground.

Captain Rosette- a delicate variety with a height of no more than 40 cm. The bract-veil has a pale pink color with a soft overflow to white. The leaves are bright green with occasional specks. The variety is used for planting indoors and outdoors.

Lavender Jam- a low bush (no more than 40 cm) with large basal leaves of bright green color. The flowers are pink-purple in color. The variety is usually grown in garden plots in flower beds and flower beds, as well as in containers.

Treasure- a common bright variety of calla. Grows up to 60 cm in height. The bract in the form of a bedspread is distinguished by an orange-red color. The flowers look great, towering over dark green large leaves with rare white dots. The variety is grown in open ground and indoors.

Evening- spectacular Russian variety. These are perennial low plants (height no more than 40 cm) with large, bright green leaves with frequent white speckles. Calla flowers look exquisite - dark purple with tints of black. Grown indoors in pots, as well as outdoors in the garden.

Picasso- a fairly tall bush (can grow up to 100 cm) with long, arrow-shaped leaves of bright green color. On the stem there is a single flower with a snow-white bract-spread. Inside it, around a bright yellow cob, is a dark purple spot. Picasso blooms in mid-summer and blooms until the end of September.

Cameo (Cameo)- a plant whose height does not exceed 60 cm. The bracts are distinguished by a rich orange color with yellowish tints. The foliage is dark green with numerous white spots. The variety is used for planting in pots, in flower beds, as well as for making bouquet compositions.

Flame- a brightly colored calla no more than 55 cm high. Above the dark green leaves with numerous white dots, goblet flowers-cobs rise, surrounded by an elegant veil. It is yellow on the inside, and orange on the outside with tints of yellow.

Mint Julip (Mint Julip)- a very effective varietal variety of calla. The height does not exceed 70 cm. The leaves are dark green. Above them rise elegant large flowers of snow-white color. Buds before blooming have a greenish tint. The variety is grown in pots indoors and outdoors.

Passion Fruit- a popular elegant variety. It grows up to no more than 50 cm. The flowers are solitary, large. The bedspread has a bright apricot color with a red-orange coating. Foliage is dark green with silvery spots.

Captain Ventura- an exquisite variety of calla. Against the background of dark green shiny foliage, snow-white, large flowers are magnificent. The height of the stems is no more than 60 cm. There are rare white specks on the leaves. The variety blooms from July until the end of September. During this period, up to 9 flowers open.

Elegant Swan- effective common variety. Mostly grown on window sills. The stem has a height of no more than 70 cm. The leaves are long, large, painted bright green. There are rare white spots on the leaf. The flowers are large, white.

Rare varieties of calla lilies could be called blue and blue, if they existed at all in nature. In general, in addition to shades of the sky and the sea, the entire range of shades is covered by modern varieties of calla lilies. There are even green ones, in the photo below a variety with a two-tone color Green Goddes (Green Goddess).

Black varieties should also be classified as rare, but they are loved by flower growers for the rare and original color of the bracts, and they are generally easy to find in modern stores.

Common varieties are white and colored (pink, orange). Yellows, purples and reds are also popular, but more in horticulture than indoors. The most common are Ethiopian callas.

How to grow callas - on video

Recently, the flower is not considered so capricious. The video below, from the Garden World channel, is about how to grow calla lilies in a pot.