What are the best radiator batteries? Which heating radiator is better to choose? Selection and calculation

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Repairs in older apartments often require a complete replacement of all heating radiators. Cast iron monsters of the Soviet period cannot last forever, and their efficiency leaves much to be desired. A logical question arises: which heating radiators are best for an apartment? The price of the product is not the only selection criterion. Here it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail - from the aesthetic component to practicality and economy.

The choice of heater determines the comfortable temperature in the house

Which heating radiators are better to install in an apartment: types, disadvantages and disadvantages

Heating devices are made of various materials, each of them reacts differently to pressure and temperature. So, types of heating batteries in an apartment:

Convector batteries made of steel

These are panels and between which metal plates are installed. The coolant circulates in the panels. It is believed that these devices have the highest heat transfer.

Such devices are very popular among owners of country houses. Steel heaters are produced in the Czech Republic, Italy, and Finland. They differ in the number of sections and metal ribs

The positive aspects of steel radiators:

  • good heat dissipation;
  • low energy intensity;
  • low inertia;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • reasonable price.

Disadvantages of steel batteries:

  • tendency to rust;
  • instability to water hammer.

It is the last minus that is a significant obstacle to installing a steel heater in a multi-story building. When deciding which heating radiators are best for an apartment, steel heaters should be considered last.

Cast iron batteries

These products are considered the cheapest and most durable.

Cast iron casting in modern or retro style is produced in England, France and Turkey.These radiators can withstand up to twelve bar pressure and coolant temperatures up to one hundred and ten degrees. Thus, they are not afraid of water hammer and boiling water in the heating system.

Advantages of cast iron heating systems:

  • half a century of service life;
  • resistance to temperature and pressure of central heating systems
  • long-term heat conservation, slow cooling.


  • heavy weight, which requires particularly strong fasteners;
  • long warm-up period;
  • a large amount of coolant used;
  • fragility.

Aluminum heaters

When solving the problem “How to choose heating radiators for an apartment with central heating,” unfortunately, products made from light and durable aluminum should be excluded from the list. These batteries have the best thermal conductivity and attractive exterior. But they are completely unsuitable for use in a centralized heating system due to their instability to water hammer.

Aluminum heaters are available in lithium and extrusion types and can withstand pressures of only 16 bar.

Therefore, if the apartment is equipped with its own boiler, it is difficult to find better radiators than these.


Disadvantages of aluminum heaters:

  • short service life - up to fifteen years;
  • weak convection;
  • chemical instability of the material;
  • inability to withstand water hammer.

Bimetallic products

At first glance, these batteries are very similar to aluminum ones. Their body is made of this light metal, and the interior consists of steel elements.

Bimetallic heaters are produced in Russia and Italy.On sale you can find pseudo-bimetallic products, additionally reinforced with steel verticals. They are less resistant to corrosion, but have increased heat transfer.

Advantages of bimetallic products:

  • high heat transfer;
  • resistance to water hammer;
  • ease of installation;
  • aesthetics.


  • high price.

Which radiators are better: aluminum or bimetallic?

There can only be one answer to this question: of course, bimetallic heaters are the best choice. They not only combine all the advantages of aluminum and steel products. These batteries are characterized by increased strength and resistance to water hammer, which often threatens central heating systems and is the main cause of numerous accidents in heating networks.

Helpful information! Bimetallic devices can withstand pressure up to twenty atmospheres!

Selection and calculation

So, how to choose heating batteries (radiators) for an apartment in an apartment building:

  • Devices must maintain a pressure of at least 15 atmospheres.
  • Heaters must withstand water hammer.
  • The design of the device must be resistant to corrosion and chemical attack.
  • The heat transfer performance of the device should be studied.

The aesthetics of the device is not the last selection criterion

  • Batteries may not last forever, but the longer they last, the better.

How to calculate the number of radiators

To calculate, you need to measure the area of ​​the room. This is a problem for a third grader: you need to multiply the width by the length. For example, a standard room 3x5 m = 15 sq. meters of area.

To heat an apartment located in central Russia, an average of 41 W of thermal energy per square meter is required. Multiply 15 by 41 and we get 615 W. For our own peace of mind, let's round the figure to 650.

Each modern battery has technical documentation indicating its thermal power. All that remains is to select the required number of sections. The proposed calculation option is very conditional and does not take into account the characteristics of a particular apartment. Therefore, we suggest using the calculator below.

What are the best heating radiators for an apartment: price of products and manufacturers

Despite the fact that the choice of heating devices on the domestic market is very wide, there are undoubted leaders among manufacturers who have earned an impeccable reputation:

  • Smart (China);
  • Kermi (Germany);
  • Purmo (Finland);
  • Rifar (Russia);
  • Royal (Italy);
  • Global (Italy).

To solve the problem of which heating radiators are best for an apartment, the price of the product is not decisive, but remains an important factor. Below are the most popular battery models.

Table 1. Overview of popular radiator models

ImageModelMaterialMounting typeHeat dissipation, WAverage price, rub.
Monolit 500 Rifarbimetallicwall1960 6890
STYLE 500 PLUS Globalbimetallicwall1140 6991
RS 500 Bimetal Sirabimetallicwall2010 8450
Thermo 500 Revolution Royalaluminumwall1448 3704
Alum 500 Rifaraluminumwall1464 3840
RAP Thermal 500aluminumwall1288 3120
22,500 FTV(FKV) Kermisteelwall1930 5332
22 500 Compact Purmosteelwall1470 4119
2180 Arboniasteelwall780 8132
500 STI Novacast ironwall1200 6470

One of the important links of any heating system is the radiator, installed in the heated room. This device is responsible for comfortable living conditions in an apartment or private house. Therefore, many consumers are wondering how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment. When solving this problem, it is necessary to take into account many nuances.

Radiator compatibility with heating system

The modern market offers a huge range of radiators for sale, including:

  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • bimetallic;
  • copper.

It is important to decide which battery will fit best into a particular heating system. It is important to take into account technical parameters, including:

  • heat transfer;
  • permissible coolant temperature;
  • inertia;
  • pressure.

For reference

When purchasing, consumers pay attention to the durability, cost and appearance of the heating device. It is important to consider which system the battery will be installed into. If we are talking about an apartment building, then the system is open, while individual houses are heated using closed systems. If the radiator performance does not correspond to the characteristics of the heating system, the device may fail as it will wear out quickly.

Selecting a battery based on technical parameters

If you are faced with the question of how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment, then remember: you should take into account the operational and technical characteristics of the device. Not every battery will be able to withstand operating conditions. If we are talking about a centralized heating system, then it will be characterized by:

  • poor quality coolant;
  • fluctuations in temperature and pressure.

The design temperature for an open single-pipe system in high-rise buildings is 105 °C, while the pressure is 10 atmospheres. These parameters sometimes turn out to be larger, which is especially true when the system is started after the end of the summer period. Such conditions lead to conditions that some heating devices are not designed for. Before choosing heating radiators for an apartment, it is important to find out what pressure and coolant temperature the device is designed for.

Selection by heat transfer

Another important factor is heat transfer. This characteristic affects the efficiency of air heating and depends on the material of construction. By choosing a steel device, you can get less heat transfer compared to aluminum batteries. As for copper, it is superior to cast iron in this matter. However, you should not rely only on this parameter.

What the reviews say

If you are at a crossroads and don’t know which radiator to choose for an apartment with a central heating system, first of all pay attention to what others say in their reviews about these systems.

For example, many are sure that when purchasing steel radiators, they acquire devices that are characterized by insignificant thickness and weight. These batteries are efficient and economical, have good heat dissipation and a small volume of water. According to consumers, they are inexpensive, but they let us down when it comes to pressure. Steel radiators will be able to withstand only 8 atmospheres, which means they are not suitable for apartments.

Aluminum batteries look attractive, they have a thermal power of 190 W, which pleases consumers. As buyers emphasize, hot water with harmful impurities and high acidity can eat batteries from the inside, since aluminum is too active. In addition, this material cannot cope with high pressure. Its average value is 16 atmospheres, but if a water hammer occurs, even a new aluminum radiator will fail.

If you have no idea how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment, then listen to the advice of those property owners who claim that it is worth paying attention to bimetallic models. This development is one of the latest in the field of heating devices. Aluminum and steel or copper are used in production. Such devices are ready to last 40 years or more. For a heating system installed in an apartment building, such devices are ideally suited. They can withstand 130 °C, and the operating pressure is stated at 50 atmospheres.

Having installed such devices, you can no longer be afraid of water hammer. Internal and external anti-corrosion primer makes the units durable and resistant to destruction. If you still can’t decide which radiators to choose for heating your apartment, then it’s worth purchasing bimetallic ones - they are lightweight, easy to install, transport and carry. However, not every consumer can, unfortunately, afford to buy such an expensive device. If you are offered something similar at an affordable price, you should not trust it, because the market is flooded with fakes. If you purchase a bimetallic product, you should pay attention to models from trusted brands, including:

  • Rifar.
  • Sira.
  • Global.

Cast iron radiators for apartments

Such heating radiators are ready to last more than 50 years. Some manufacturers urge you to forget about such batteries, but in vain. After all, such devices will behave properly when in contact with dirty water. This metal is chemically passive; it is not afraid of high acidity and the presence of chemical additives in the coolant. In addition, the abrasive will not be able to damage thick walls. This is why cast iron is perfect for an apartment heating system.

Such products retain heat for quite a long time; the residual heat retention rate is 30%. If we compare cast iron batteries with other radiators according to this criterion, then the former win. If you are wondering which radiators to choose for heating an apartment, then perhaps you should really pay special attention to cast iron ones, because they work on the principle of a radial method of heat distribution. It is much more efficient than convection.

Cast iron does not rust when the batteries need to be drained in the summer. This feature is a significant advantage. The heat transfer of such devices is quite high. During pressure drops that occur during central heating operation, cast iron behaves quite adequately. However, the material is not always able to withstand high-power water hammer - in this case, the fragility of the walls may fail.

The determining factor for choice is sometimes the cost, which is much lower in the case of the described models. However, cast iron radiators are heavy during installation. It is worth mentioning that the weight is due to the impressive thickness of the walls, which provides the necessary strength to the products. If you install cast iron radiators once, you can forget about replacing them for many years.

Conclusions regarding choosing a radiator for an apartment

In conclusion, we can conclude what to choose for the apartment. As practice shows, aluminum and steel models are not able to withstand the tests that accompany operation in the conditions of domestic heating systems. Such batteries are not able to withstand pressure and temperature changes. There are only cast iron and bimetallic appliances to choose from.

You can decide what to buy by assessing your budget, as well as the characteristics of the models. However, there are a few tips you can use. If you still don’t know which heating radiator is best to choose for your apartment, you should evaluate how old the house you live in is. If we are talking about “Khrushchev” buildings, then it is best to use cast iron products. For residents of high-rise buildings where the pressure is higher, it is recommended to purchase bimetallic radiators. If cast iron batteries were previously installed in the apartment, then you can choose either of the two options. However, those who are going to replace a battery made of another metal should purchase bimetallic models.

Choosing a battery for a private home

One of the important advantages of the heating system of a private house is low pressure, which is beneficial for radiators. Water hammer is practically excluded here, and if the technical conditions of water balance are met, the list of battery selection becomes quite extensive.

The cheapest radiators are sectional and they have fairly good heat transfer characteristics, fit perfectly into the interior and are compact. In terms of price, tubular radiators are more expensive than sectional and panel radiators. In terms of characteristics, they are approximately equal, and the premium is due to the sophisticated appearance.

Convenient for drying things, which is important for families with children. Now you know how to choose the right heating radiator for your apartment. But if you live in a house, then you should pay special attention to steel radiators, which are characterized by low oxidation from low-quality water, as well as light weight and convenient dimensions. The service life of such devices is quite long. But steel radiators also have disadvantages. They are expressed in a not very attractive design, the need for washing, and the requirement for constant fullness. The last recommendation is due to the fact that the inner walls will rust in the absence of water, and this can “kill” the radiator within just a few years.

Aluminum radiators for a private home

Aluminum radiators are quite common among consumers who live in private homes. The popularity of such devices is expressed in their high thermal power and modern design. The price depends on the manufacturer. The cheapest models are products of Russian suppliers. But it should be remembered that aluminum radiators are sensitive to fluid parameters. In addition, batteries have a fairly impressive thermal power, which can cause temperature changes in the room. Such devices are well suited for heating a private home. They will last a long time and will provide good heat transfer if the equipment is operated under special conditions.

Features of choosing bimetallic radiators

Quite often, modern consumers wonder how to choose the right bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment. Such devices are presented for sale in two varieties. The first is made on the basis of a steel frame, while the second has channels reinforced with steel.

Radiators with a steel frame are of higher quality. Their hot water does not come into contact with the aluminum alloy, which eliminates corrosion. Such products will not leak. When choosing a specific model, it is important to pay attention to its cost and weight. The heavier the battery, the more expensive it will be. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to choose bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment, then you should pay attention to the operating conditions. For an apartment in a multi-storey building with a central heating system, a radiator based on a steel frame is better suited. Now you know which bimetallic heating radiators to choose for your apartment. As for the frame recommendation, it is especially relevant for a heating system with old pipes.

How to choose an aluminum radiator

A higher cost will have to be paid for a die-cast aluminum radiator. All connections in this case are made by welding in an inert gas environment. The advantages of such devices are tightness, reliability and the possibility of modification. If you are faced with the question of how to choose an aluminum heating radiator for an apartment, then you should also pay attention to extrusion models. They cost less. Among their advantages are:

  • higher heat transfer;
  • smaller internal volume of one section;
  • low price;
  • less weight.

How to choose a cast iron radiator

Not all modern consumers know how to choose cast iron heating radiators for an apartment. Imported models are more durable and practical compared to domestically produced options. However, the cost of the latter is much lower. You can also compare these from the point of view of the year of manufacture. You can find used batteries on sale. They are cheaper, but sometimes require cleaning, which entails additional costs.

Instead of a conclusion: which company to prefer?

If you are concerned about the question of which company to choose heating radiators for your apartment, then you should pay attention, as already mentioned, to such suppliers as Rifar, Global, Sira.

One Rifar section will cost the consumer 400 rubles. As for Italian brands, batteries produced by them will be more expensive - here you will have to pay 500 rubles. You can decide on the spot, because companies produce sections with different thermal power, construction and design. Now you know which radiators to choose for heating your apartment. The reviews that we provided in the article should have helped you learn more about the heating devices existing on the market.

Anyone who is dissatisfied with the heating in their own home has a reasonable question: how will replacing the batteries affect the temperature? If you live in an old housing stock, then replacing heating appliances can radically change the situation. You just need to decide correctly for the apartment and by what criteria you should select them. This will be discussed in our material.

Is it worth giving up central heating and which radiator is better to choose for heating an apartment?

Before we talk about how to choose radiators for heating an apartment, let's look at the main point: which is better, central or heating?

This is not an idle question. These systems have different operating modes and specific operating conditions. The type of heating devices depends on the choice you make.

Previously there were no options. Apartment buildings have always had centralized heating. In modern new buildings, almost all developers offer an individual system that works or.

Let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems:

Central Autonomous
Stable temperature in the apartment throughout the heating season.You can adjust the temperature depending on the weather.
There is no need to invest in periodic repairs and maintenance of the system - all this is included in the cost of housing and communal services.The heating in the apartment can be turned on without waiting for the official start date of the heating season and turned off later or earlier, as necessary.
This method of heating a home is the most convenient and safest.You can adjust the temperature in each room separately.
The system is not dependent on interruptions and... Large boiler houses designed for apartment buildings have reserves to maintain operation in emergency situations.When using an autonomous heating system, you will significantly save your budget. In addition to reducing costs by regulating temperature, you can use the system for...
The prices for heating using a centralized method are quite high, in addition, the costs for “that guy” and unaccounted heat losses are also included in the service bill.To install autonomous heating in an apartment, a long approval process with numerous authorities will be required.
The heating is turned on and off on strictly defined dates, without taking into account weather conditions and the wishes of the apartment ownersInstalling the system will require capital investments; after installation, it is possible that it will have to be done throughout the entire apartment.
It will not be possible to regulate the temperature in the rooms and save on heating.Autonomous heating depends on an uninterrupted supply of electricity and gas.
The safety of your home depends on a housing and communal services locksmith. If he closes the tap untimely or too abruptly, the resulting water hammer will destroy the batteries and lead to property damage.A boiler in an apartment requires special safety measures. The system must be monitored and periodic maintenance performed.

Now that you have an idea of ​​the weak points of both heating systems, you can think about how to choose heating batteries for your apartment.

There is a practice-tested list of basic criteria for heating radiators. How to choose devices:

  1. Pay attention to the operating pressure indicated by the manufacturer in the product technical data sheet. Compare it with the performance of your centralized or autonomous system. For information: in a standard five-story building the average pressure is 6-8 atmospheres, in houses with 9-12 floors - up to 15 atmospheres.
  2. It is important to select devices that are resistant to possible water hammer. A harbinger of an accident can be humming and noise in pipes.
  3. The radiator material must be resistant to chemical attack, rust and mechanical damage.
  4. The heating device model should be selected according to the maximum coefficient. It is indicated in the technical documentation.
  5. Radiators differ in their service life. If you don’t want to spend extra money on replacing batteries, choose those. Which have a maximum warranty period.
  6. And the last but not least important factor is appearance. Select devices according to your size of window openings and arrangement.

Types of heating radiators for apartments and their features

Each type of heating radiator in an apartment has its own characteristics. They differ in material, design specifics and permitted pressure.

Table of main parameters:

Radiator material Warranty periods, years Permissible pH of the coolant Working pressure/pressure pressure/breaking pressure
Cast iron10 9 9/15/25
Steel1 9 12/9/18
Aluminum3-8 8 20/30/50
Bimetal3-10 9 35/57/75

These four main types of radiators are most in demand in apartment buildings. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Cast iron: weighty and durable

Cast iron batteries are at least one hundred and fifty years old, and rare exhibits can be used for their intended purpose today.

Advantages of cast iron radiators:

Advantage Description
Corrosion resistanceThe inner surface of the radiator is coated with oxide from contact with water, protecting the metal from contact with oxygen. To prevent such batteries from rusting on the outside, they can simply be painted.
Low requirements for coolantCast iron calmly tolerates the presence of sand particles in the coolant and does not become capricious due to the pH level. Thick walls, resistance to chemicals and high temperatures make it one of the most reliable materials.
Possibility of connection with other materialsCast iron batteries can be connected to steel and plastic pipes. The material perfectly withstands water hammer up to 25 atmospheres.
MaintainabilityFor cast iron batteries, sections can be replaced if necessary. These batteries can be cleaned from the inside and disassembled.
Long service lifeSuch radiators can last at least half a century, and with proper care – even more.

Cast iron models also have their disadvantages, which you should be aware of before making a choice:

Flaw Description
Slow heatingCast iron warms up very slowly, so it can take half an hour to an hour from the moment the heating is turned on until the temperature in the room normalizes. But it also cools down for a long time, retaining heat.
Low heat dissipationCompared to models made of steel or aluminum, the heat transfer of cast iron is one and a half times less.
Heavy weightEach section of such a battery weighs at least 6 kilograms. Plus the weight of the coolant is about another kilogram.
PriceThe prices of cast iron radiators are not the most affordable. The cost of a section starts from 500 rubles.

Opponents of cast iron batteries may argue that they are not the most aesthetically pleasing device. And by the way, they will be completely wrong, look at what masterpieces modern manufacturers offer; can they really be compared with primitive radiators made of aluminum and steel?

Steel: attractive, but unreliable

Now you can buy steel heating radiators in almost every household appliance store. Until recently, they were new to most buyers and when they appeared on the shelves they began to enjoy wild popularity. This is understandable: such batteries look weightless and neat, unlike the old cast-iron monsters that were in Soviet apartments.

The main advantages of steel batteries:

Advantage Description
Good thermal conductivitySteel panel heating radiators have thin walls, which allows them to warm up very quickly.
Long service lifeThe design of steel radiators is very primitive, due to this they can work for up to ten years, subject to careful care.
A light weightThe weight of steel tubular heating radiators is 3-4 kilograms. They are easy to install and can be connected to coolant pipes in several ways.
PriceThe price of steel models is low and affordable for most consumers with average incomes. The cost of one section is from 300 rubles.

Steel batteries cannot be expanded like cast iron ones. And this is not the only drawback of such devices:

Considering all the listed disadvantages, we can conclude that steel radiators are not suitable for central heating systems. They can only be used for autonomous heating in an apartment or private house of a couple of floors.

Aluminum: a heating revolution

Weightless aluminum batteries have excellent performance. They appeared relatively recently, in the sixties of the last century, and over the years they have proven themselves well. Before you decide which aluminum radiator to choose, study the characteristics of models from different manufacturers. They may differ in the level of heat transfer.

Average heat transfer rates of aluminum radiators, table:

Returning to the issue of using different types of batteries in apartments with autonomous and central heating, it should be noted that aluminum heating radiators do not occupy the last place in the rating. They have their advantages:

Advantage Description
High heat dissipationThe low inertia of aluminum results in excellent heat transfer characteristics. Aluminum batteries heat up very quickly.
Temperature adjustmentRadiators made of lightweight material are equipped with thermoregulation devices. This allows you to set different temperatures in the rooms.
Easy to install and transportAluminum is a lightweight material. Such batteries can even be hung on frame walls. Sections can be added and removed if necessary.
Variability of designAluminum batteries have a wide range of models; it is not difficult to choose a radiator that is suitable in size and design for your design.

At the same time, there is also a fly in the ointment in this ointment, which will not allow the use of aluminum appliances for central heating systems. So, the disadvantages:

Flaw Description
Need for constant pressureFor normal operation, aluminum radiators require a stable pressure of up to 10-12 atmospheres. Such conditions are difficult to maintain in a large central heating system.
Chemical sensitivityOxygen reacts chemically with aluminum. As a result, hydrogen is formed, which causes air locks and noise in the batteries.
Selectivity in installation materialsFittings made of brass, steel or copper should not be used for fastening. Contact with these metals leads to corrosive processes in the radiator and the formation of surface discharges. Such batteries must be grounded without fail.

There is only one conclusion from all this information: aluminum is an excellent material, but it is only suitable for an autonomous heating system. It is not suitable for the central one.

Bimetallic batteries: a compromise option

Such radiators are called bimetallic because of their special design, consisting of tubular steel and aluminum. Combining these two metals makes it possible to create devices that rival the strength and reliability of cast iron. This invention is already more than 60 years old, this time is quite enough to determine the operational features of the device. Main heat transfer characteristics of bimetallic heating radiators, table:

– these are monolithic panels without welded joints. And since there is no welding, there will be no leakage.

Advantages of bimetallic radiators:

Advantage Description
High pressure resistanceThe monolithic design allows bimetallic radiators to withstand pressure up to 75 atmospheres
Chemical resistanceThe insides of such radiators are treated with a compound that prevents water and oxygen from contacting the metal
High heat dissipationSuch batteries heat up quickly and dissipate heat well.
Possibility of thermoregulationModern models are equipped with special devices for temperature control, which allow you to quite accurately control the indoor climate.
Lightness and decent designBimetallic radiators are light and stylish. They are easy to install and fit into any interior.

It would seem that this is a simple answer to the question of which heating batteries are better for an apartment: bimetallic ones. Everything about them is wonderful, but there are a couple of significant drawbacks:

Thus, bimetallic devices are excellent for central heating systems. They are an example of modern technology and high efficiency.

Related article:

From the publication you will learn the scope of application of devices, their design, varieties, selection criteria, how to correctly calculate the number of sections, manufacturers and models, installation secrets.

How to determine the number of radiators for an apartment

To calculate the number of sections of heating radiators, you will need to know two basic quantities:

  • heat loss of the room (depending on the region, building materials used and the size of windows and doors);
  • power of one radiator section (indicated in the technical characteristics of the product).

For your information! The radiator data sheet usually indicates the maximum heat output of the device.

The easiest way is to calculate the number of battery sections by. To do this, you need to multiply the height, width and length of the room. The resulting value is the area. To determine the amount of heat for heating a room, you need to multiply the result obtained by the regional norm. For central Russia this is 80 W, for the north - 150, and for the south - 60.

But this will only be an approximate calculation, without taking into account the material of the walls. The resulting heat demand should be divided by the heat output of one section of the battery. As a result, you will receive the required number of sections. For the calculation, a table of heat transfer from heating radiators with average values ​​is useful:

You can take an even simpler route. Just take into account that one cast iron section heats 1.5 square meters, aluminum - 2, bimetallic - 1.8. If you have a room, say, 15 square meters, then draw a conclusion: you will need 10 sections of a cast-iron appliance, 8 of aluminum and bimetallic.

But remember, these are just approximate calculations.

Important! When choosing radiators, be sure to take into account the pressure level in the central heating radiators.

What are the best batteries for heating an apartment: prices and a dozen top manufacturers

The domestic market offers a wide range of modern heating batteries for apartments from a variety of manufacturers. We have selected for you the top three manufacturers in each segment. So, the rating of heating radiators for an apartment:

Aluminum radiators:

  • Global Radiators is an Italian company that occupies a leading position in Europe in sales of aluminum heating appliances. Global Radiatori products are adapted to Russian operating conditions and have a warranty of up to 10 years. The cost of radiators is from 480 rubles per section

  • Sira Industry- another Italian manufacturer that was at the forefront of the production of aluminum radiators. This company offers customers a wide range of models and budget models that are affordable to most buyers. Price per section – from 450 rubles

  • Nami– the products of this Hungarian company are particularly resistant to adverse operating conditions, and this is important for us. Nami devices are coated on the inside with a special compound that protects the metal from corrosion and chemical reactions. Section price – from 299 rubles

Bimetallic radiators:

  • Radena– and again Italy tops the list of the best. In addition to the fact that batteries from this manufacturer are suitable for Russian operating conditions, they are distinguished by an elegant external design suitable for any interior. Section price – from 548 rubles

  • Rifar– domestic products are famous for their excellent heat dissipation and the possibility of bottom connection of pipes. This connection looks much neater. The batteries will last at least a quarter of a century, and the cost of one section starts from 500 rubles

  • Oasis– the combination of German quality and affordable prices makes the products of this company very popular in Russia. The batteries can withstand pressure of 30 atmospheres, so they can be installed in houses with central heating. Section price – from 1000 rubles

Cast iron radiators:

  • Conner– the Russian company offers extremely reliable batteries created using the latest technologies. The decent quality of the products is confirmed by numerous international awards. The company's designers offer models for every taste. Section price – from 790 rubles

  • Guratec– the retro design of these German radiators will appeal to lovers of antiquity. These are real masterpieces that will decorate your apartment and serve faithfully for decades. Section price – from 6000 rubles

  • Demir Dokum– the Turkish manufacturer has extensive experience in the manufacture of such products. It offers six product lines for different interiors. The appearance and quality of the radiators are worthy of the highest praise. Section price – from 1250 rubles

Steel radiators:

  • Buderus– the oldest German company has more than 250 years of history. Today it also produces steel batteries with a stylish design and excellent performance characteristics. Section price – from 1100 rubles

  • Kermi– another German manufacturer with extensive experience. Batteries are produced only in Germany using the latest equipment. All products meet strict European quality standards. Section price – from 1050 rubles

  • Korado– a young Czech company quickly climbed to the podium thanks to the high quality of its products. The company's designers offer customers a rich range of colors and exquisite appearance of heating devices. Section price – from 1030 rubles

It’s up to you to decide which heating radiators are best installed in your apartment, but if you choose products from one of the listed companies, you definitely won’t go wrong.


Choosing suitable radiators is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. The type of heating system, technical characteristics of the products and the requirements of the premises should be taken into account.

When carrying out repair work, people are often faced with the task of replacing old batteries with modern, highly efficient analogues. Naturally, the question arises - what is the right way? choose the most efficient heating radiators, which of them is best to install in the apartment. The answer will depend on many components, the main of which are the area of ​​future heating, the type of intended device, its operating conditions, etc. Nowadays, the building materials market offers a wide range of heaters made from different raw materials and for different needs.

Central heating system: main characteristics

For apartment radiators there are special requirements, since they will become part of the central heating supply, which has its own specifics of operation. All such systems have similar operating conditions - the coolant is supplied through heating mains from a thermal power plant or boiler room to a multi-storey building, where, with the help of a pump and other equipment, it is distributed through internal pipelines that deliver it directly to the home.

The centralized heat supply system has its own underwater rocks and significant disadvantages:

  1. Fluctuations in temperature indicators (either rapid heating or cooling);
  2. Possibility of sudden pressure changes - water hammer;
  3. Low heat transfer coefficient to the batteries, as a result, insufficient heating of the rooms and uneven temperature of the latter (some are hot, others are cooler);
  4. Seasonal drainage of coolant from the system;
  5. Poor water quality - the presence of aggressive components, oxygen, sludge, hardness, acidity, etc.

All of the above, over time, leads to increased wear and tear of the equipment. And in a situation where water hammer occurs, the connections themselves batteries may begin to leak or even burst, bringing a lot of trouble. Also, due to a less-than-ideal coolant, which may, during circulation, carry plaque, particles of rust, lime and other debris, the channels and pipes of the radiators become clogged. The result of this will be shortfall in receipt of paid heat resources, as well as increased corrosion reactions inside the heaters, which significantly reduces their shelf life.

Important! To minimize all of these risks, you need to choose heating devices wisely.

Selection options

The main point on which worth paying attention, when selecting radiators is material, from which they are made. Different alloys will behave differently under the same operating conditions. At the moment the market is ready to offer four main types of heating equipment:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • steel;
  • bimetallic.

For each type of heater, the manufacturer prescribes its technical characteristics:

  • operating pressure;
  • maximum permissible pressure;
  • design feature (sectional, tubular or panel);
  • water volume;
  • recommended hardness and coolant temperature;
  • warranty period for the device.

Most of the products produced on the market made according to the requirements of EU countries, the quality of heating networks, which is many times superior to domestic ones. Therefore, be sure to take this fact into account when purchasing. For example, the pressure indicator in our centralized heating systems is 11-16 atmospheres for high-rise buildings and 5-10 atmospheres in standard 5-story Khrushchev buildings. The operating temperature of the supplied liquid ranges from 65-90 °C. When choosing heating equipment based on these data, You will protect yourself from possible emergency situations.

Video. Which radiators to choose

The main products on the market can be divided into several most popular categories:


This type of battery is primarily has a beautiful aesthetic appearance, correct and ergonomic shape, as well as excellent technical characteristics. They are quite compact and can be sold in separate sections. This is very convenient, since having made the correct calculations, you can choose the size that suits you. optimally heats your room. Aluminum radiators are available in different heights and can be placed in any convenient corner of the room. Standard operating pressure at which the heater is most efficiently transfers heat, is 6-12 atmospheres, the maximum permissible, with sudden jumps up to 25 atmospheres.

The advantages of such equipment include:

  • Great modern design;
  • Increased heat transfer coefficient, depending on the wall thickness, can be up to 200 W per section of standard size;
  • Light weight of the devices, which simplifies their installation, even with your own hands;
  • By choosing a set of elements, you can select the required size that meets your requirements;
  • Excellent powder coating to prevent damage.

The main thing disadvantage of such batteries, according to consumer reviews, is their ability to last operation only in closed cycle systems, with strict monitoring of the coolant hardness level. Such networks must be made from the same material as radiators, since aluminum, in contact with brass and copper parts, can start electrochemical reaction processes. Modern systems are recommended to be implemented using plastic pipes, and the heaters themselves are reliably grounded.

Important! Another phenomenon inherent in aluminum batteries ispossible unpleasant sounds . They can appear after the metal interacts with a liquid richly saturated with oxygen, resulting in the release of hydrogen. Because of this feature, everyone is recommendedThe radiator should be equipped with a Mayevsky tap.

Taking into account all of the above, we can say that heaters manufactured aluminum, despite a number of positive properties, in city apartments It's better not to mount it.

Video. What is the difference between aluminum radiators and bimetallic ones?


This type of equipment is made from an alloy of two metals - soft aluminum and hard steel. The design of such batteries assumes that their internal part, which is in contact with the coolant, made of steel, and the outer one aluminum. This universal solution allows the use of this type of heaters in systems with any (within reason) pressure and with different types of connections and main pipes.

Advantages of such products:

  • Increased wear resistance and resistance to corrosive reactions, regardless of the composition of the coolant;
  • Permissible pressure up to 35 atm;
  • Good external data;
  • Light weight and easy to attach;
  • Weak inertia - increased heating capacity, have excellent heat transfer performance;
  • Equipped with taps for adjusting the intensity of the coolant supply;
  • A stacked type of design that allows you to select a device of the required configuration.

Significant There are no disadvantages to such products, except perhaps a higher cost compared to competitors. But it is justified, first of all, by reliability and a longer service life. This type of radiator by popularity occupies leading positions in most ratings dedicated to heating devices.

Important! When installing such products,instructions must be followed from the manufacturer, and also adhere to technical distances from the wall, window sill and floor - at least 4 cm.

Cast iron

Good old cast iron is known to almost every resident of our country, due to its widespread use in the former USSR. Times change, and bulky, standard shape and painted with ordinary paint, batteries are becoming a thing of the past. In their place come modern analogues, made from the same cast iron, but manufactured using other technologies, according to new aesthetic requirements.

Cast iron batteries

Advantages of heating devices made of cast iron:

  • Can be used in any heating systems, with all types of pipe products;
  • Can work for a long time in centralized heat supply networks, with low quality coolant, the pH of which is in the maximum permissible range of 7-9;
  • The working pressure of the products is 7-10 atmospheres, maximum 18 atmospheres;
  • They have a sectional stackable design, which allows you to change the size to suit your needs.

Cast iron heaters have a number of undeniable advantages and unique qualities. The main thing is that they are practically not subject to corrosion. This is due to the fact that upon initial contact with water, a thin layer of insoluble black sediment forms on the alloy, which serves as an obstacle to the penetration of active oxygen contained in the water into the metal. Destruction of the structure of cast iron elements from the inside, of course, occurs, but extremely slowly. On the outside, they are coated with modern powder paint, specially designed to withstand large temperature changes. In such batteries, gas formation processes are insignificant, due to which there is no seething and there is no need to constantly bleed off air masses.

Against the backdrop of all the positive aspects, there are also negative ones - these are huge weight, leading to installation difficulties, and high inertia. Due to the latter, the heating of cast iron is quite slow, as is the cooling, so quick adjustment of the temperature of a room equipped with such heaters is impossible.

Steel or tubular

Batteries made from this material are universal and budget solution equip the heating system in a modern way. They are presented in the form of two plates, inside of which the coolant passes through steel tubes of a welded circuit. Radiators of this type have different sizes and a ribbed surface, providing excellent convection qualities and increased heat transfer. The metal has the same thermal conductivity coefficient as cast iron, although with some difference - its thickness is several times less than that of cast iron products. Due to this, they warm up much faster. This type of radiator is designed for operation at operating pressures up to 10 atmospheres.

Advantages of steel products:

  • Variety of shapes and modern design, allow you to place such batteries in any interior;
  • Long period of operation, subject to proper water treatment;
  • Can be used in systems with any type of pipes;
  • Relatively low cost and ease of installation.

An important nuance before purchasing steel radiators is their correct and competent calculation, due to the fact that they are sold in certain standard sizes and they cannot be built up like sectional ones.

Also, it is worth noting that in conditions of extremely high pressure surges, steel panels, may depressurize and leak. Therefore, their use in buildings with more than five floors is not recommended.

Tubular radiators are a type of steel radiators, only they differ from panel radiators in their special design. They come in a variety of shapes and designs. They have all the above-described characteristics of steel products.

How to calculate

There are certain standards by which you can calculate heat loss compensation premises and, accordingly, find out the required thermal power of the devices in order to compensate for losses and create comfortable conditions for people.

For the calculation itself, you can use the following formula:


where K is the number of sections, S is the estimated area of ​​heated square meters, Pc is the heat transfer power of one section of the battery (this value is indicated by the manufacturer in the product passport). Such the calculation is applicable for aluminum, bimetallic and cast iron heating devices.

For steel non-removable radiators of the steel type, it is customary to take the power value from the passport. The heater is selected at the rate of 100W per 1 m2. That is, if the area of ​​the room is, for example, 20 m2, then you will need a radiator with a power of 2 kW, or two panels of 1 kW each.

Thermal power of 1 battery section according to the passport, W Room area, m2
10 12 14 16 18 20 22
140 8 9 10 12 13 15 16
150 7 8 10 11 12 14 15
160 7 8 9 10 12 13 14
180 6 7 8 9 10 12 13
190 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
200 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Counting the number of sections


Sometimes the use of centralized heating is impossible for a number of reasons - it could be a break in the heating main, economic disadvantage, etc. In such a situation, many consumers pay attention to electric batteries. And not without reason, they a lot of advantages- they are easy to operate, economical, highly adjustable, both mechanically and remotely, and also have an acceptable cost. In many Western European countries, residents have long moved away from central heating systems in favor of individual electric heating networks. Today the market is represented variety of heating devices that use electricity, the most popular of which are fan heaters, oil and infrared radiators, as well as convectors.


Choosing new batteries for the apartment, don't save too much, since this could lead to big troubles in the future, in the form of a flood. Therefore, to the problem of selecting heating equipment of this type, approach with full responsibility, collect all the necessary information, consult with specialists. Buy products only from well-known and trusted brands that can reliably provide warmth to you and your loved ones.

Video. 10 mistakes when replacing radiators

Many people are forced to live in difficult climatic conditions. Not everyone can move to more suitable regions, so most of the time has to be spent in well-heated rooms. This suggests that heating systems should be as efficient as possible, and special devices for them should be aesthetically pleasing! So which heating batteries are better for an apartment, what are their prices? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

What to look for when choosing radiators?

Modern heating devices should be selected with extreme care, as they must serve their owners for a long time and reliably. The main selection criteria are:

System type. Today, 4 types of radiators are especially popular, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Cast iron models are characterized by low cost, excellent thermal conductivity, durability and the ability to retain heat even after the heating is turned off. Their disadvantages include slow heating, the need for frequent maintenance, fragility, consumption of large amounts of water and poor tolerance to water hammer. Aluminum systems have high heat transfer, compactness, reasonable cost and light weight, but they are subject to corrosion. Steel radiators heat up quickly and are liked by customers for their low inertia and maximum heat transfer, but the most significant disadvantage of this type is the formation of rust. Bimetallic models are very demanding on water quality, but at the same time they are light in weight and resistant to high pressure.

Price. Water heating devices are considered the cheapest, so when purchasing them you can save a good amount of money. Foreign goods, of course, will cost more than domestic ones, but some of them will last much longer. Cast iron and aluminum radiators cost on average 350 rubles per section, bimetallic ones - about 600 rubles per section, and steel ones in a complete set will cost 2-12 thousand rubles.

Heat dissipation. Non-sectional radiators (steel) have a total heat output of 1200 to 1600 W. As for this criterion for one section, in cast iron it is 100-160 W, in aluminum - 82-212 W, and in bimetallic - 150-180 W.

What are the best heating batteries for an apartment? Prices in 2019? Rating.

The best models of cast iron radiators. TOP 5

Despite the active promotion of modern heating devices, cast iron radiators are still popular and have their customers. People like them for their durability, as well as resistance to fairly high temperatures. In addition, most of them are not too expensive, so choosing a cast iron battery will always be the right choice.

The best cast iron radiators include:

In first place it is worth placing a model that has a magnificent design copied from the French battery. It will definitely appeal to lovers of rarities. In addition to its stylish appearance, it has other advantages: thermal power of 725 W, the amount of water in the section is up to 2.1 liters, and the presence of 5 sections.

This wonderful device, designed in a classic style, operates with a power of 420 W and has as many as 6 sections. This model can be connected both from the side and from the bottom, which makes it easy to use. The distance between the axles is 500 mm, which is one of the main points that buyers pay attention to.

The heat exchanger at a favorable price has a power that can reach 1.2 kW. The battery is connected to the side. Its operating pressure is 15 Bars, and the permissible temperature is 150 degrees.

4. MZOO MS-140M-05

An excellent battery with 7 sections is liked by customers for its high quality and, of course, durability. Many people call it indestructible, which is not at all surprising. This model can serve its owners for a long time, despite any obstacles.

One of the main advantages of the radiator is its design, which allows you to place the battery in any interior. In addition, it has convenient dimensions and a heat flow of 150 W. The volume of one section is 0.90 l.

Read also: Solid fuel boiler for heating a private house, which one is better to choose?

The best aluminum models

Heating systems that heat up fairly quickly and release heat are known to all customers. They are light in weight, so installation on drywall will not be a problem. In addition, they are distinguished by a modern and memorable design, thanks to which the radiators can be easily used in any interior.

The highest quality aluminum models are:

The Italian battery takes first place in many ratings. It can heat a room well, the area of ​​which is 40 m2. At the same time, this model generates a heat transfer equal to 180 W per section.

A good domestic radiator has excellent heat output of 250 W per section, which is why it is gaining popularity at a rapid pace.

The German-made panel radiator operates at a power of 5.8 kW. It can only be used with a central heating system.

The model with a maximum operating temperature of 135 degrees pleases its owners with a heat output of 183 W per section, as well as good heating of a room with an area of ​​25.6 sq.m.

The device, produced by injection molding, has an interesting design, a good volume of coolant and the possibility of lateral connection.

Read also: G gas boilers for heating a private house: how to choose. Rating of the best 2018

The best steel radiators

Steel models have virtually no disadvantages. They are great for placing in an apartment. Such radiators heat up quickly, have an acceptable cost and are neutral to the chemical composition of the coolant.

The best steel radiators are:

The German-made model very often comes first. It has excellent thermal output of 5790 W. It is also worth noting its convenient fastening and good resistance to fairly strong pressure drops, which often occur in centralized heating systems.

Another German product worthy of the attention of all buyers. It differs from its competitors by the presence of safety edges. Thanks to this design, the battery can easily be placed in an apartment where small children are constantly running around. The thermal power of this model is 2014 W, but the number of sections is only 3.

A decent tubular model is very reliable. It, of course, is quite expensive, but this is explained by a number of advantages: heat output of 3900 W, the possibility of high-quality heating of an area of ​​40 square meters, as well as ease of operation. Some customers also comment positively on the beautiful enamel finish.


The battery, which arrived in our stores from Finland, has a wall mount, a good side coolant wire and an acceptable price. Power (maximum) is 5572 W.

5. KZTO Harmony 2-500-12

The remarkable steel radiator is famous for its thermal power of 2160 W, 12 sections, and the possibility of side or diagonal connection.

The best bimetallic models

Bimetallic heating batteries can be called truly universal and high-quality. They are made of aluminum on the outside and steel on the inside, which is where the name comes from. These models are easy to install and are durable and lightweight. They are resistant to any pressure, heat up quickly and last more than 20 years.

1. SIRA RS 500

The high-quality Italian model is a profitable, reliable and efficient device for heating an apartment. The working pressure reaches 40 Bar, and the resistance to thermal fluid is expressed in a good indicator - from 7.5 to 8.5.

2. Royal Thermo PianoForte 500

The radiator can have from 4 to 14 sections. It is decorated in a stylish and modern design. The manufacturer has included here a unique Power Shift technology, thanks to which it is possible to increase heat transfer. This model is distinguished by the possibility of both floor and wall mounting, which pleases all buyers.

Experts call the main distinguishing feature of a radiator a fairly high operating pressure. It is 100 Bar and can significantly reduce the risk of premature battery failure. The model has a beautiful design and requires only 210 ml of water per section to operate normally. The disadvantages of the model include not very good sound insulation and a fairly high percentage of defects.

4. Global STYLE PLUS 500

  • The best economical electric heaters of the new generation. TOP 12 rating.