Welcome to the online store of electrical equipment “Dom Elektrika”! Structured cabling system (SCS) - what is it? Installation of SCS: main functions and tasks.

Many modern Russian enterprises are actively implementing structured cabling systems as an element of modernization of digital infrastructure. SCS is considered by business participants as a tool for increasing the efficiency of production processes and the profitability of the enterprise. What are the specifics of such infrastructure solutions?

Definition of the term

What is a "structured cabling system" (SCS)? By this term, modern IT specialists understand the format of organizing the technological infrastructure of a corporation, which involves combining into a single system information services provided in various areas of the production process in the company.

Experts note that the interest of enterprises in building SCS as a key element of the company’s digital infrastructure can be traced not only in the largest Russian cities, but also in remote regions. This may indicate that firms, despite the high cost of solving the problems of building SCS, see in such systems an effective tool for increasing business efficiency. It can be noted that there is a fairly high degree of awareness of enterprise management about the benefits of SCS. Managers, as a rule, are well acquainted with the essence of such a powerful solution as a structured cabling system; they fully understand what it is.

Fiber optic technologies as a demand factor for SCS

Experts call the dynamic pace of distribution of fiber optic technologies a significant driver of growth in the SCS market. This communication standard has the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of enterprises. This will be facilitated, first of all, by the very high data transmission speed provided by optical fiber (several times higher than when using channels of previous generations).

If some time ago many doubted whether or not to introduce fiber optic lines (after all, the cost of building the appropriate infrastructure is much higher than when laying traditional channels), now passion for the new high-tech communications standard is becoming a sustainable trend among Russian enterprises. The corresponding dynamics are supported by the development of technologies for installing fiber-optic networks (in favor of reducing the cost of corresponding solutions), as well as by improving and reducing the price of equipment necessary for building

Accounting nuances

Some discussion in the business environment (in particular, in accounting communities) may be caused by the criteria for classifying SCS as one or another type, which is important from the point of view of correct accounting. The fact is that OKOF (the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets) does not include such an element as a structured cable system. This is not a problem if the corresponding type of infrastructure is classified as, for example, ordinary local networks. But, as we defined above, there can be a significant difference between them and SCS. Some experts believe that it would not be a legal mistake to classify SCS as ordinary LANs when implementing accounting procedures. In addition, several approaches to accounting for structured cabling systems are possible - as individual objects and as elements of the building structure. Both options are legally correct.

SCS and “smart buildings”

The concept of a “smart building” is another possible driver for the further proliferation of solutions such as structured cabling. What it is? “Smart building” is a collective name for technologies that involve the introduction of various digital components into the elements of corporate premises, and in some cases residential buildings, to significantly increase the comfort of people staying in them. In the case of corporations, it is to increase the efficiency of consumption of certain resources, for example, electricity.

Components of a “smart building” can be, for example, air conditioners, video cameras, and access control systems in various production areas operating under the control of automated software algorithms. The effectiveness of the concept under consideration directly depends on whether the company has a high-quality digital infrastructure at its disposal. In the case of using SCS, the corresponding criterion will be fully observed, and all the developments of IT specialists in the direction of the “smart building” concept can be implemented at optimal costs for the enterprise.

We are pleased to present you a wide range of electrical products, which include: electrical installation products; electrical installation products; lighting products. Here you can find almost everything you need when installing and maintaining electrical systems in various premises: residential, industrial or public buildings.

We are proud of our reputation as a reliable supplier and conscientious partner; our priorities always remain honesty and respect for the buyer. Constantly developing to improve our professional level, keeping up with the times, studying supply and demand in this segment, we cooperate with companies that have proven themselves in the global market: Legrand, Schneider Electric, ABB, IEK, Gauss. In partnership with these companies, we focus on ensuring that their products comply with modern requirements for safety, reliability and, most importantly, energy saving. We offer the purchase of sockets and switches, and many other electrical products to both individual buyers and professional builders.

The assortment of the Dom Elektrika online store includes classic models and fashionable new items, in particular, designer sockets and switches. With such interior details, the premises will look expensive and exclusive! Of course, the fashionable accent does not reduce the level of quality: we guarantee that you will purchase only truly high-quality products in our store; for example, stylish and reliable sockets. However, even if you do not want to purchase premium products, this does not mean that you are limited in choice. The arrangement of the premises should be aimed not only at standard functioning, but also at a feeling of comfort, a desire to be, as they say, “here and now.” Therefore, we are expanding our product line, filling it with a variety of colors, styles, shapes, sizes and materials.

The catalog of our online store "House Electric" is constantly updated. And you can always choose exactly the option that suits you best in terms of design, finances and technical characteristics. For your convenience, we create a detailed “presentation” of each product, so that the results of your search and purchase will be a pleasure! Electrics, frames, switches, mechanisms: everything that electrical installation products, electrical installation products, lighting products can “accommodate” are presented in our online store at the most affordable prices! As you can see, the price range is justified: traditional models correspond to budget items; designer sockets and switches are more expensive, because the frames for them are created from materials such as glass, porcelain, metal, wood and even leather. For the safety of rooms where there will be children, we offer sockets with special child protection. Let us emphasize: no matter what product you purchase in our online store, each of them is certified, has a guarantee, and meets international quality standards.

"House Electric" is a stable presence in the warehouse of a popular range of electrical goods and electrical equipment. Our online store is ready to sell the presented products wholesale or retail, for cash or non-cash payments, moreover, we have a system of discounts and bonuses. We will take an individual approach to resolving your issue, ensure timely order fulfillment and convenient delivery. All you need to do is choose and apply! Our specialists will expertly advise you on any issue, make professional calculations, and provide reliable information.

If you do not find the product you are interested in in our store, contact us and we will find a solution to this problem.

"Dom Elektrika" is a truly reliable partner who acts in your interests!

We received an order for the installation of SCS systems in several branches of the Bank of Moscow. They had a need for installation of SCS, electrical networks, as well as systems lighting and conditioning.

Thus, we received a complex order. Changing the electrical system and installing all the necessary equipment is a very correct approach. We also agreed that the customer will receive the entire package of technical and executive documentation for the work performed, as well as a certificate confirming the results of testing the already installed network.

Most of the premises in the bank building are office, therefore, along with good electrical network capacity and SCS networks, the result of the work had to have an aesthetically good appearance. SCS network And air conditioners it was necessary to fit harmoniously into the interior of all the bank’s premises.

All work was planned to be completed in two months.

For installation of SCS We used optical fiber as the “skeleton”. For network installation boxes, fiber optic cable, twisted pair and other components and equipment were required to organize SCS. We purchased it from dealer networks of companies Legrand And Hyperline. Their products are of decent quality. In addition, timeliness and efficiency of deliveries are guaranteed, and in case of large volumes of purchases, delivery of all purchased equipment directly to the sites where installation work will be carried out.

Parallel installation of SCS network the power cable was laid, electricians to provide all workplaces in the Bank with 220V electricity. Naturally, the building already had an electrical network before the work began, but it was both physically and morally outdated. Therefore, it was also necessary to dismantle the old cables.

As part of all the work, an air conditioning system was installed. After analyzing the situation, it turned out that it was necessary to install 30 air conditioners. We recommended to the customer Daikin air conditioners as best meeting the customer's needs. They were purchased along with the necessary cables and blocks.

Cooling units air conditioners we installed it on the roof and sealed the cable entries. Directly air conditioners assembled to a project written for a given customer.

Within installation of SCS system it was necessary to arrange a separate room for Data center(data processing center). Here there is equipment for processing and storing the information necessary for the institution, and other engineering tools that ensure their operation. This is actually a server room, which must have uninterrupted support for its vital functions, equipment in it, as well as an excellent security system that protects the data center from any unwanted intrusions, physical and virtual.

Life support system for Data center includes ventilation, air conditioning, fire extinguishing system, access control, video surveillance, as well as SCS system. The “cyberbrain” includes resource servers, as well as application and information presentation servers. Information Security Data center is provided with appropriate software: anti-virus protection, spam filter, intrusion protection system. To transmit high-frequency signals they used coaxial cable.

To create a data center, we equipped the room. The necessary equipment was purchased from the company’s dealer Legrand, which we trust. The customer agreed with us.

Our professionals successfully completed all the tasks assigned to them. All work was completed on time and tested in the presence of the customer, who was satisfied with everything.

As was agreed at the beginning, all technical and engineering documentation regarding electrical networks, installation of SCS, Data center and air conditioning systems were transferred to the management of the Bank of Moscow.

"A good reputation is more important

than a clean shirt.

The shirt can be washed

but never reputation."

Alfred Nobel.

Today it is simply impossible to imagine a company, institution, educational institution or public entertainment complex without computer communications. A structured cabling system (SCS) is a complex structure, the performance of which determines the effective operation of any enterprise or organization. The basis of the information structure of the enterprise, which brings together information services (local telephone and computer networks, security, etc.) into a single system, is a structured cabling system (SCS) - a hierarchical cabling system of buildings, divided into subsystems. This system consists of optical and copper cables, connecting panels, cross-panels, cable connectors, information sockets, and auxiliary equipment. All elements are integrated into a single system, which is operated according to certain rules.

"Electrosvyaz" offers computer network installation services:

  • visit of a specialist to draw up technical specifications (technical specifications) for the construction and installation of local networks/telecommunication networks, depending on the characteristics of a particular facility (warehouse, office, etc.). A preliminary assessment of costs and selection of the optimal method of transmitting information (cable computer networks or wireless);

  • design of telecommunications or computer networks;

  • selection of the optimal information transmission medium, taking into account the characteristics of the object and possible financial costs;

  • modernization, reconstruction or scaling of existing telecommunications or computer networks;

  • installation of local networks/telecommunication networks;

  • testing and diagnostics of local computer networks;

  • setting up servers and network equipment;

  • programming various telecommunications equipment;

We carry out all work in accordance with SNiP for the installation of cable networks, as well as in accordance with international standards for the creation and installation of SCS. In our work we use modern and professional installation equipment and tools.

We offer not only an assessment of the work, but also the supply, installation, installation of SCS, configuration and further support of communications and equipment (active network equipment, servers, software, telecommunications equipment).

SCS installation services (in the office, warehouse, enterprise).

A structured cabling system is a multifunctional data transmission medium that unites user workstations and equipment into a common network. SCS can integrate computer and telephone networks, video surveillance and security systems and other equipment in the building.

The creation of structured cabling networks is carried out with the expectation of long-term operation, while in the future there is no need to lay new cables if the requirements for the communication system change.

The construction principle of the SCS is modular, which allows you to quickly diagnose and eliminate faults, as well as reduce the number of personnel servicing the system.

Our specialists carry out the design and installation of local computer networks in customer offices, the creation and installation of SCS, as well as testing and certification of systems.

Installation of SCS at a reasonable cost.

Calculation of the cost of assembling structured cabling networks should be discussed directly with the participation of the Customer, taking into account all the individual characteristics of the Customer’s premises and facilities, as well as the requirements for the installed system. If small structured cable networks are required, it is possible to announce their approximate cost, which is expressed in the price of connecting one workplace to a new communication.

  • Price cabling system 1 workplace approximately RUR 3,000.
  • Price cable system for 1 workplace (plus electrician) approximately 6,000 rubles.
  • Consultations Free
  • Calculation of the cost of work Free
  • Calculation of the cost of necessary materials Free
  • Selection of all necessary materials and equipment Free

If the required number of ports is more than two hundred, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate project. Calculation of the cost of installation of SCS includes the total cost of equipment, materials, as well as the price of installation and commissioning work.

Calculation of the cost of installation of SCS includes the total cost of equipment, materials, as well as the price of installation and commissioning work.

Necessary work for installation of SCS

When starting the installation of structured cabling systems, it is necessary to provide for all the nuances and the final cost of laying the cable system. If you do not yet know what work needs to be planned, contact design specialists.

You must understand that installation will require work on laying cables, installing sockets and additional peripheral equipment, so it is worth planning renovation of premises at your enterprise so that installation work fits seamlessly into the environment. If this is not possible, then our specialists know how to lay the cable without spoiling the appearance of the premises.

Installation of SCS involves performing a number of preparatory and construction work on laying cables and network equipment into the building.

  • Laying a horizontal subsystem of cables that will connect workstations located on the same level.
  • Integration of the cable system of each floor into the backbone subsystem of the building.
  • Laying the backbone subsystem of a building complex, if the Customer needs to connect several branches.

Mounting a horizontal subsystem includes laying electrical cables. We will need to install trays where cables for various purposes will be placed, therefore, even at the design stage, we can provide for the reconstruction of the suspended ceiling, risers, and technical rooms necessary to connect the rooms and floors of the building.

Price list for installation of SCS

SCS and telephony:
SCS design negotiable
Laying telephone cable (1m) 10
Laying coaxial cable (per 1 m) 30
Laying electrical cables in boxes 60
Cable laying from 5 to 25 pairs (per 1 m) 50
Cable laying from 26 to 100 pairs (per 1 m) 80
Cable laying in a box (1m) 30
Cable laying in a pipe (1m) 50
Cable laying on ties (1m) 60
Cable laying outside the building (1m) 80
Cable laying above a false ceiling (1m) 70
Cable laying under the raised floor (1m) 40
Laying cables in an interfloor channel (1m) 90
Cable suspension (1 m) 70
Cable tracing (reel unwinding, marking, length measurements, stretching, cutting) (1m) 10
Cable harnessing (1m) 10
Installation of cabinets and crossbars on the wall (1 pc.) 600
Installation of a patch panel in a cabinet (rack) 300
Crossing (1 port) 65
RJ-11 socket connection (1 pc.) 50
Installation of an RJ-11 socket on a wall made of lightweight materials (1 pc.) 65
Installation of RJ-11 socket on concrete and brick walls (1 pc.) 100
Installation of a socket in a box (RJ-11) (1 pc.) 90
Installation of a socket box in a hollow wall (1 pc.) 120
Installation of a socket box in a brick wall (1 pc.) 180
Installation of a socket in a box for hollow and solid walls (RJ-11) (1 pc.) 80
RJ-11 connector crimp (1 pc.) 50
Marking of sockets and ports (1 socket, 1 cross-over port, 1 connector) 10
Removing and disconnecting the socket 50
Installation of mini PBX (1 pc.) 1300
Programming mini PBX (for 1 number) 300
Connection testing (1 port) 65
Testing electrical connections (1 electrical outlet) 30
Installation of a power outlet in a box for hollow and solid walls 50
Installation of an electrical outlet in a box 80
Switch connection 65
Installing the power panel in a cabinet (rack) 300
Installation and connection of a junction box into a wall made of lightweight materials 100
Installation and connection of a junction box in a brick or concrete wall 230
Installation of a socket box in a wall made of lightweight materials 130
Installation of a socket box in a brick or concrete wall 180
Installation and connection of an electrical outlet 100
Installation and assembly of electrical panel 650
Installing a lighting lamp 1000
Fastening self-adhesive boxes (1m) 40
Fastening thin boxes to a wall made of lightweight materials (1m) 80
Fastening thin boxes to concrete and brick walls (1m) 150
Fastening thick boxes to a wall made of lightweight materials (1m) 130
Fastening thick boxes to concrete and brick walls (1m) 170
Fastening thick metal boxes to a wall made of lightweight materials (1m) 160
Fastening thick metal boxes to concrete and brick walls (1m) 200
Dismantling and assembling installed boxes (1 m) 20
Installation of metal trays 100 x 60 above a false ceiling (1m) 230
Mounting mounting (1 pc.) 130
Fastening a PVC pipe behind a false ceiling (1m) 50
Laying PVC pipe inside hollow walls (1m) 50
Fastening PVC pipe to ties (1m) 65
Installation of screeds on walls made of lightweight materials (1 pc.) 40
Installation of screeds on walls made of brick or concrete outside the building (1 pc.) 65
Installation of ties over a false ceiling (1 pc.) 80
Drilling walls (partitions) up to 300 mm, with an 8mm drill (1 hole) 200
Drilling walls (brick, concrete) up to 300 mm, with a 10 mm drill (1 hole) 600
Punching walls over 300mm, with a drill over 16mm (1 hole) 1000
Punching a 500mm interfloor channel using a 20mm drill (1 hole) 1300
Dismantling and installation of false ceilings (1m) 100
Dismantling and installation (assembly) of a raised floor (1m) 65
Surcharge for wall thicknesses over 300 mm +30%
Surcharge when laying in corrugated hose (1m) +50%
Allowance for working from ladders at a height of up to 3 m +20%
Extra charge when working from ladders at a height of more than 3 m +30%