Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank Dmitry Pankin. Lucky grandfather vladimir pankin


In 1981 he graduated from Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov with a degree in political economy.

In 1984-1987 he was a postgraduate student of his native university, received a PhD in Economics.

Fluent in English and French.

Labor activity

In 1981, he began teaching at the Leningrad Agricultural Institute, where he worked until August 1989.

In 1989 he worked as a senior lecturer at the Leningrad state institution Theater, Music and Cinematography named after N.K. Cherkasov.

In 1990, he took the position of head of a department in the Committee for Economic Reform of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council. In December 1991, he received a similar post at the International Center for Socio-Economic Research.

In 1992-1994, he was acting deputy head of department, deputy chairman of the financial committee of the main financial department of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council and deputy chairman of the financial committee of the St. Petersburg mayor's office.

In July 1994, he was appointed deputy chairman of the city hall's economics and finance committee. In December of the same year, Pankin left the post of deputy head of the committee and was elected chairman of the board of the St. Petersburg Bank for Reconstruction and Development (SPbRiR).

In August 1999, he headed the Department of the Russian open joint-stock company energy and electrification "UES of Russia". A year later, he returned to SPBRiR and again took the post of chairman of the board of a commercial bank.

In 2004, he began working at the Ministry of Finance of Russia, took the post of Deputy Director of the Department of International financial relations, public debt and public financial assets of Sergei Storchak. In November 2005 he headed this department.

In June 2005, he took the post of Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of Russia on the Board of the Interstate Bank. In January 2008, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Ministry of Finance.

In April 2008, as Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia, he was appointed Deputy Governor from the Russian Federation at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

On April 11, 2011, he was approved for the post of head of the Federal Service for financial markets RF (FFMS). Headed the FFMS until September 2013.

In February 2015, he was elected Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank. He held this post for two and a half years, in October 2017 it became known about his departure from the EDB. RIA Novosti reported that he could head one of the international financial structures.

In June 2018, the media reported that on July 16, 2018, he will lead the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) as president. BSTDB is an interstate organization, which includes the countries of the Black Sea region.

Awards and titles

In 2004, he was awarded the Minister's Commendation, and in 2007 awarded a medal Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree.


He enjoys tennis and skiing.

Family status

Married, has a daughter.

Pankin Dmitry Vladimirovich - Russian statesman, head of the Federal Service for Financial Markets.

Income, property

In 2011, he earned 7.6 million rubles.


  • Apartment - area 117.0 m2, Russia;
  • Apartment - area 55.0 m2, Russia;
  • Skoda Octavia car.



Graduated from school with in-depth study of the French language.

1981 - graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Leningrad state university(LGU) im. Zhdanov (specialty "Political Economy").

1987 - completed postgraduate studies at Leningrad State University.

Science degree

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

He defended his thesis on the topic "Public debt in the system of state monopoly capitalism."


After graduating from school until 1976, he worked at the Russian Diesel plant as a translator.

1981-1989 - taught at the Leningrad Agricultural Institute.

1989-1990 - worked as a senior lecturer at the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography named after N.K. Cherkasov.

Social and political activity

1990-1991 - Head of the Department of the Committee for Economic Reform of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

1991-1992 - Head of the Department of the International Center for Socio-Economic Research "Leontief Center" of the Leningrad City Hall.

1992-1994 - Acting Deputy Head of Department, Deputy Chairman of the Financial Committee of the Main Financial Department of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council; Deputy Chairman of the Financial Committee of the City Hall of St. Petersburg.

July - December 1994 - Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economics and Finance of the City Hall of St. Petersburg.

December 1994 - November 1999 - Chairman of the Board of CB "St. Petersburg Bank for Reconstruction and Development".

1999-2000 - Head of the Department of the Russian Open Joint Stock Company for Energy and Electrification of the UES of Russia (RAO "UES of Russia").

From August 2000 to June 2003 - Chairman of the Board of CB "St. Petersburg Bank for Reconstruction and Development".

Since June 2004 - Deputy Director of the Department of International Financial Relations, Public Debt and Public Financial Assets Russian Federation.

Since November 2005 - Director of the Department of International Financial Relations, Public Debt and Public Financial Assets of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

January 2008 - Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

April 2008 - Deputy Governor from the Russian Federation at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Since April 2011 - Head of the Federal Service for Financial Markets of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Pankin: about the problems of the stock exchange in Russia

Awards, titles, diplomas

2004 - received the Gratitude of the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

2007 - awarded the medal "For Services to the Fatherland" II degree.

2011 - awarded the Order of Friendship.


He enjoys tennis and skiing.

Official blog:

Family status

Married, has a daughter.


  1. Information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature, submitted by federal state civil servants of the FFMS of Russia for 2011
  2. Dmitry Vladimirovich Pankin. Curriculum vitae
  3. Pankin Dmitry Vladimirovich. Head of the Federal Service for Financial Markets
  4. Pankin, Dmitry. Head of the Federal Service for Financial Markets of the Russian Federation
  5. About the author (Official blog of the head of the Federal Financial Markets Service)
  6. VIP births

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dmitry Vladimirovich Pankin

Thumbnail creation error: File not found

Speech at the WBU conference June 30, 2011
Religion: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Birth: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Leningrad, USSR
Death: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
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Education: Higher
Academic degree: PhD in Economics
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Dmitry Vladimirovich Pankin(born 1957) - Russian statesman and financier, former Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, former head of the Federal Service for Financial Markets. Since February 6, 2015, he has been appointed Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.


In June 2004, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Department of International Financial Relations, Public Debt and Public Financial Assets of the Ministry of Finance, and in November 2005 he headed this department.

In January 2008, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin. Thus, he became Kudrin's fifth deputy: shortly before this appointment, Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov signed a special government decree on this occasion. It stated “that the official in this position will coordinate matters and provide guidance and organization for the development of public policy and legal regulation in the field of public debt, management of state financial assets and the Stabilization Fund, as well as the decision general issues international activities Ministry of Finance. In this post, Pankin was supposed to replace his immediate supervisor - Sergei Storchak was arrested in November 2007 on suspicion of financial fraud, but formally retained his position in the Ministry of Finance.

On February 25, 2015, he was relieved of his post as Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation; on February 6, 2015, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB).

Member of the EUSP Board of Trustees.

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  • Pankin, Dmitry - article in Lentapedia. year 2012.


An excerpt characterizing Pankin, Dmitry Vladimirovich

– What are you doing here? And why did you come here? I couldn't stop.
We help when needed. I don't remember where they came from, I wasn't there. I just watched how you are now ... This is my house.
The little girl suddenly became very sad. And I wanted to somehow help her, but, to my great regret, while it was still beyond my small powers...
"You really want to go home, don't you?" I asked carefully.
Wei nodded. Suddenly, her fragile figure flashed brightly... and I was left alone - the "star" girl disappeared. It was very, very dishonest!.. She couldn't just pick up and leave!!! This should not have happened!.. A real resentment of a child raged in me, who was suddenly taken away from his most beloved toy... But Veya was not a toy, and, to be honest, I should have been grateful to her already for the fact that she actually came to me. But in my “suffering” soul at that moment, a real “emotional storm” crushed the remaining grains of logic, and a complete confusion reigned in my head ... Therefore, there could be no talk of any “logical” thinking at the moment, and I, “killed grief” of her terrible loss, completely “plunged” into the ocean of “black despair”, thinking that my “star” guest would never return to me again ... I wanted to ask her so much more! And she suddenly took it and disappeared ... And then suddenly I felt very ashamed ... If everyone asked her as much as I wanted to ask, she, what good, would not have time to live! .. This thought somehow calmed me down. I just had to accept with gratitude all the wonderful things that she managed to show me (even if I still didn’t understand everything), and not grumble at fate for the insufficiency of the desired “ready-made”, instead of simply moving my lazy “convolutions” and find the answers to my own questions. I remembered Stella's grandmother and thought that she was absolutely right when she spoke about the dangers of receiving something for free, because nothing can be worse than a person who is used to taking everything all the time. Moreover, no matter how much he takes, he will never get the joy that he himself has achieved something, and he will never experience a feeling of unique satisfaction from having created something himself.
I sat alone for a long time, slowly “chewing” the food for thought given to me, thinking with gratitude about the amazing purple-eyed “star” girl. And she smiled, knowing that now I wouldn’t stop for anything until I found out what kind of friends I don’t know, and what kind of dream they should wake me up from ... Then I couldn’t even imagine that no matter how hard I try, and no matter how hard I try, it will only happen after many, many years, and my “friends” will really wake me up ... Only this will not be at all what I could ever talk about even guess...
But then everything seemed childishly possible to me, and with all my unburned ardor and “iron” perseverance, I decided to try ...
As much as I wanted to listen to the reasonable voice of logic, my naughty brain believed that, despite the fact that Veya apparently knew exactly what she was talking about, I would still achieve my goal and find those people before I was promised (or creatures) that were supposed to help me get rid of some kind of my incomprehensible “bear hibernation”. At first, I decided to try again to go beyond the Earth, and see who would come to me there ... Naturally, it was impossible to think of anything more stupid, but since I stubbornly believed that I would achieve something, I had to do it again plunge into new, perhaps even very dangerous "experiments" ...
For some reason, my kind Stella almost stopped “walking” at that time, and, it is not clear why, she “moped” in her colorful world, not wanting to reveal to me the real reason for her sadness. But I somehow managed to persuade her this time to go “walk” with me, interested in the danger of the adventure I was planning, and also in the fact that I alone was still a little afraid to try such “far-reaching” experiments.
I warned my grandmother that I was going to try something “very serious”, to which she only calmly nodded her head and wished good luck (!) ... Of course, this angered me to the core, but deciding not to show her resentment, and pouting like a Christmas turkey, I swore to myself that no matter what it cost me, something would happen today!... And of course, it happened... just not quite what I expected.
Stella was already waiting for me, ready for "the most terrible feats", and we, together and collectively, rushed "beyond" ...
This time it turned out much easier for me, maybe because it was not the first time, or maybe also because the same purple crystal was “discovered” ... I was taken out of the mental level of the Earth like a bullet, and it was then that I realized that I overdid it a little ... Stella, according to general agreement, was waiting at the “line” to insure me if she saw that something went wrong ... But “wrong” went from the very beginning, and where I was at the moment, she, to my great Unfortunately, she could no longer reach me.
The black, ominous space that I dreamed about for so many years, and which now frightened me with its wild, unique silence, was breathing around in the cold of the night ... I was completely alone, without the reliable protection of my "star friends", and without the warm support of my faithful girlfriend Stella ... And, despite the fact that I saw all this not for the first time, I suddenly felt quite small and alone in this unfamiliar world around me of distant stars, which here looked not at all as friendly and familiar as from the Earth, and little by little a petty, cowardly squeaking from undisguised horror panic began to seize me ... But since I was still very, very stubborn as a little man, I decided that there was nothing to become limp, and began to look around, where is it all - still got me...
I hung in a black, almost physically tangible void, and only sometimes some “shooting stars” flickered around, leaving dazzling tails for a moment. And right there, like, very close by, such a dear and familiar Earth flickered with a blue glow. But, to my great regret, it only seemed close, but in fact it was very, very far ... And I suddenly wanted to go back!!! to return home, where everything was so familiar and familiar (to warm grandmother's pies and favorite books!), And not to hang frozen in some kind of black, cold "worldlessness", not knowing how to get out of all this, and, moreover, preferably without any - or "terrifying and irreparable" consequences... I tried to imagine the only thing that first came to mind - the violet-eyed girl Wei. For some reason it did not work - she did not appear. Then I tried to unfold its crystal ... And then, everything around me sparkled, shone and swirled in a frenzied whirlpool of some unprecedented matters, I felt as if I was sharply, like a big vacuum cleaner, drawn somewhere, and immediately in front of me “turned around ” in all its glory, the already familiar, mysterious and beautiful world of Weiyin .... As I realized too late - the key to which was my open purple crystal ...

Father and daughter of ex-Deputy Minister of Finance cashing in on government orders

Daughter and father of the former Deputy Minister of Finance, and now the Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) Dmitry Pankin, turned out to be the owners of billions of assets in St. Petersburg. Among them are an audit firm, a building contractor, firms specializing in earthworks and equipment rental, and others.

The largest of the assets is the St. Petersburg company A-Proekt, whose billion-dollar turnover is formed mainly due to state orders for road repairs and infrastructure construction. The other day, with a scandal, she received another state contract for 271 million rubles: Smolny signed a contract with the company, ignoring the claims of the antimonopoly service.

However, the company reported that Dmitry Pankin never took part in its activities. He himself conveyed the same thing through the EDB press service. According to Dmitry Pankin, his father Vladimir Pankin is in charge of managing the company. By the way, the year of birth of Dmitry Pankin's father is 1928, a successful entrepreneur under 90 years old.

[Vedomosti, March 30, 2011, Candidate Kudrin: Pankin was born in Leningrad, where he graduated from the university (major in political economy). In the mid 90s. was deputy Kudrin in the Economics and Finance Committee City Hall of St. Petersburg. He was in good standing with the leadership, already at that time he was familiar with Putin, recalls a colleague of Pankin and Kudrin from the mayor's office. Then for five years he headed the St. Petersburg Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and in 2004 he joined the Ministry of Finance as deputy director of the department of international financial relations, public debt and state financial assets. A year and a half later, Pankin headed the department, and in 2008 he became deputy minister in charge of the international bloc. - Inset]

State order in English

Elena Arkhangelskaya

Dmitry Pankin's daughter Elena Arkhangelskaya and his father Vladimir Pankin became successful businessmen when Dmitry Pankin worked in the civil service, in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In January 2008, he was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Finance, and in February, his father, through two legal entities, received 100% of the shares of the A-project company. Then the ownership structure changed several times.

Today, the company is owned in half by Vladimir Pankin and Elena Arkhangelskaya (through the St. Petersburg company "Stroyinvest-SPb", which specializes in accounting and auditing). Vladimir Pankin is under 90 years old. Elena Arkhangelskaya lives in London and works for Deutsche Bank. By the way, in 2014 she bought an apartment there for 1.1 million pounds (an extract from the UK real estate register is at the disposal of the editors). The A-Project company of Dmitry Pankin's relatives is a major St. Petersburg contractor that builds roads and infrastructure in the city and the region. The company's annual turnover reaches 2.5 billion rubles a year. In her portfolio of work on the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter, at the Complex treatment facilities Petersburg, at the plant for deep oil refining in Kirishi and much more. The company has its own fleet of vehicles - more than 40 units.

Stable victories

AT last years A-Project's portfolio of government orders was constantly expanding. In 2013, the company completed work worth 2.5 billion rubles, according to its official website. In 2015, the company received government orders for more than 600 million rubles, according to the SPARK system. And the other day, with a scandal, she won the next competition for a state order for the repair of roads in the Admiralteisky, Vasileostrovsky and Kirovsky districts in 2016, worth 271 million rubles.

It is noteworthy that the victory in this competition was awarded to A-Project, despite the fact that the day before the anti-monopolists (UFAS for St. Petersburg) suspended the competition and demanded amendments to the documentation. However, the customer - the Committee for the Development of Transport Infrastructure (CTTI) - referred to the fact that he had not received official documents from the OFAS for St. Petersburg.

Noteworthy is the fact that the only rival of "A-Project" in this competition was the company "Orion Plus". The remaining firms did not qualify for the final. "Orion Plus", in turn, won five more competitions for similar works in other parts of the city. In two of them - in the tender for the repair of the Krasnoselsky and Petrodvortsovoy districts for 226 million rubles and in the tender for the repair of the Kolpinsky and Pushkinsky districts for 264 million rubles - the only rival of Orion Plus was none other than A-Project.

Now the main object of the "A-Project" is the construction of a section of the Obvodny Canal embankment. There, the company works as a subcontractor for Mostostroy No. 6, which could not withstand the crisis and is close to bankruptcy. Because of this, work on the Obvodny Canal worth 4.5 billion rubles was frozen in 2015. However, Smolny found an opportunity to support the company: he persuaded the Globex bank to give Mostostroy No. 6 more money - a loan of 500 million rubles, and the A-Project subcontractor was able to continue work.

close people

The business interests of Dmitry Pankin's family are not limited to A-Project. Thus, the interest of the Pankin family may also extend to the small St. Petersburg design and construction group Stroyengineering. It is headed by the general director of "A-Project" Alexey Gudym, ex-employee of the tax police. In 2012, he was detained by the Federal Security Service of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region while transferring a bribe, allegedly in the interests of the Financial Management Agency.

Then this company belonged to Vladimir Pankin and also worked on government orders, but then accumulated debts and went bankrupt. Together with it, the subsidiary St. Petersburg Leasing Company went bankrupt.

But the top managers of both firms remained close to Dmitry Pankin's family and built a successful career. So, Olga Glukhova, who was the general director of the Financial Management Agency, became the managing director of the EDB, where Dmitry Pankin is the chairman of the board. Viktor Silkin, who was the general director of the St. Petersburg Leasing Company, is now successfully developing the Superwave group of companies. In 2015, one of the group's companies became an EDB contractor, and before that, in 2011-2012, it received orders from the Federal Financial Markets Service of the Russian Federation, which was headed by Dmitry Pankin during these years. The family of Dmitry Pankin also has business assets abroad. His relatives own three development firms in Bulgaria - Niya, BG Fortis and Rikedom, as well as the London company Sky Terrace Limited. The firms do not conduct active business activities, they are registered at legal addresses along with dozens of other companies. All that we managed to find out is that the Sky Terrace Limited account is opened with the Latvian bank ABLV and is regularly used, but it is not known for what purposes. The editors sent a question about the work of these companies to Dmitry Pankin through the EDB press service, but there was no answer to this question. Aleksey Gudym, general director of A-Project, replied that he did not have any data on the personal business of the company's co-owners. He also noted that for the entire period of work under government contracts, there were no claims from customers, counterparties, law enforcement and other regulatory authorities against A-Project.

According to the investigation, on May 18, a bank employee, acting in the interests of the Financial Management Agency LLC, offered a bribe to the head of the on-site inspections department No. 2 of the Federal Tax Service No. 11 in St. The amount of remuneration for reducing the amount of income tax due, revealed during the audit of compliance with the requirements of tax legislation (two million rubles), was exactly half.

The next meeting took place on May 23. Gudym, according to the GSU, handed over a bribe in the amount of 500 thousand rubles, after which he was detained by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Currently, the issue of choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention and charging him with is being decided. [...]

Yandex knows a little more about Aleksey Gudym. So, the criminal chronicles of the St. Petersburg media of 2004-2006 reported on a criminal case in which, along with the name of Gudym (at the time of the crime, which was discussed in the case, he served in the tax police of the Central District), the name of the current chief anti-raider was found - Badri Shengelia. As journalists wrote at the time, the tax police organized an inspection of CJSC TTS, the company's property was arrested, confiscated and transferred for storage. Then the seized property was first taken to the warehouse of OAO "Petrokholod", and then transferred to the custody of LLC "Katran", to which it allegedly belonged. After that, traces of the equipment were lost, as a result of which the TTS company and one of its founders suffered damage of more than 11 million rubles. The investigation accused Shengelia of ideological leadership and the development of a cunning plan, but the evidence base of the prosecutor's office did not convince the court, and he was outright acquitted. But Gudym was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment on probation with a probationary period of 3 years. This conviction has now been expunged. - Inset]

Irina Pankratova