NPF Sberbank - pension management from your personal account. When and how can I get pension savings - NPF "Sberbank"

A non-state pension fund is an organization that is not commercial and is engaged in social security for compulsory pension insurance. The activities of NPFs are regulated and controlled by the state. In the event of bankruptcy, the savings will be transferred to the PFR (Pension Fund of Russia).

Areas of activity of NPF Sberbank

The fund was established on March 17, 1995. Recognized leader in the field of OPS. The Fund has one founder and shareholder - this is PJSC Sberbank, which is at the same time its partner in the implementation of non-state provision services for pensioners. The bank owns 100% of the shares. The activities of the Foundation are carried out in several courses:

  • Compulsory pension insurance (OPS) is an activity for the formation of financial accounts of citizens by transferring the funded part of the pension.
  • Non-state pension provision (NPO) is an additional type of insurance for citizens. It is carried out by non-state funds on a voluntary basis.
  • Corporate pension plans - insurance based on contributions under labor or collective agreements.

Performance indicators

To date, the clientele of the NPF is more than 7 million people, which indicates its reliability, ability to guarantee good payments to pensioners. Main characteristics:

  • The exact number of insured citizens for the 1st quarter of 2019 is 6,828,399 people.
  • The assets of the non-state fund for the first quarter amounted to 598,748 million rubles, which is 17.5% more than at the end of 2017.
  • Pension savings - 539,574 million rubles, i.е. increased by 16.5% compared to the end of 2017.
  • Net income - 14,036 million rubles.

The exact data is contained on the website of NPF Sberbank.

The investment activity of the Fund involves the investment of citizens' money in securities: shares, deposits, bonds. As a result, savings are not just stored, but make a profit. Thus, the Non-State Pension Fund of Sberbank increases its profitability

In 2016 National rating agency gave it an AAA rating. Earlier in 2014, Expert RA, whose results are published by the reports of the Central Bank of Russia, also gave this non-state fund the highest level of strength (A ++).

How to transfer the funded part of the pension to Sberbank

Starting from 2014, the funded part of pensions has been frozen. All money goes to the insurance part. The amount that citizens have left in the FIU can be stored there further. Then it will depreciate over time due to inflation. If you transfer savings to the NPF of Sberbank, the money will grow from the percentage of annual investments. This can be done in different ways.

Online (client digital signature required):

  1. Open the main page of the official website of the NPF.
  2. Choose one of the individual plans.
  3. Check out this plan.
  4. Apply for a pension transfer.

NPF office:

  1. Come with a passport and SNILS.
  2. Choose the program that suits you.
  3. Set the schedule, amount of contributions, terms, amount of payments and other parameters.
  4. Sign the contract prepared by the employee.
  5. Send an application to the PFR for the transfer of the funded part to the NPF of Sberbank.

Bank branch:

  1. The instructions are the same as when visiting the office, only a bank employee will advise and draw up documents here.
  2. You can contact any branch of the bank.

Individual Retirement Plans

The non-state pension helps to generate additional income in order to receive higher payments in old age. NPF Sberbank offers to choose one of the individual plans for this:

  • "Universal" implies a free choice of schedule and amount of contributions. The size of the pension depends on the end savings.
  • "Guaranteed" allows you to choose the desired amount of future payments. Based on this, the contract indicates the schedule of payments, their amount.
  • "Complex" combines a funded pension transferred from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and a non-state pension.

Conditions of individual plans of NPF Sberbank:

Name of indicator

Individual. plan "Universal"

Individual. plan "Guaranteed"

Individual. plan "Complex"

The amount of the down payment

From 1.5 thousand rubles

Equivalent to further deductions

From 1 thousand rubles

The amount of subsequent contributions per individual. retirement account

Based on the desired pension, a specific amount is fixed in the contract

Periodicity of contributions and payment schedule

The client chooses

Discussed in advance and specified in the contract

The client chooses

Period of payment of pension savings

5 years and above

From 10 years (fixed by contract)

5 years and above

Return on investment (for the client)

9.04% per year of the accumulated amount

9.04% from NGOs and 9.4% from the funded part of the CAP

Registration in the NPF Sberbank system

To open a Personal Account on the website of this non-state fund, you need a valid OPS agreement and a pension account. You can register by filling out the following form:

  1. On the NPF website, click on the "Personal Account" button, then "Register".
  2. Enter your email address, create a password. Enter last name, first name, patronymic. Choose a security question, write the answer.
  3. Enter phone number, date of birth. Maintain passport data and SNILS. Choose consent or disagreement to the processing of personal data, receiving information materials by email. Write the code from the picture, go to the next page.
  4. Confirm registration by email.

How to manage savings through your Personal Account

You can manage your savings in your personal online office. To access it, take the following steps:

  1. Open email (if you have not completed registration).
  2. Log in using the link in the email.
  3. The Personal Account of NPF Sberbank will open automatically
  4. From now on, you can enter through the "Personal Account" button on the main page of the NPF website.
  5. When logging in, you must specify the username (email) and password that you created during registration.

With the help of such a service, it is much easier to use the services of a non-state fund, since it saves time, because you do not need to go anywhere. In the Personal Account there will be a client profile, which can be filled in with additional information, incl. upload your photo.

The service provides the following features:

  • receive information about the transfer of savings;
  • follow the history of these enrollments;
  • find out their full amount;
  • pay pension contributions;
  • use the auto payment service;
  • submit applications, monitor their implementation;
  • monitor the status of applications and contracts;
  • receive as a client new offers from the Fund;
  • connect the mobile version of the service to your smartphone.

Payment of a funded pension by the Non-State Pension Fund of Sberbank

Citizens who have reached retirement age, i.е. after the FIU assigned an insurance pension. Moreover, this can be done ahead of schedule - to receive a lump sum payment (if the amount is not higher than 5% of the legal labor pension) or urgently - to receive monthly or quarterly any amount of your choice (the minimum period is 120 months). The order of payments is chosen by the pensioner himself:

  1. receive cash at the Russian Post;
  2. through a current account in any bank;
  3. through a social card.

You need to fill out and submit an application in the form required by Sberbank, sign it yourself. Samples can be found in the Personal Account of the Foundation. After the death of a pensioner, the funded part of his pension can be received by relatives and heirs, which is one of the main advantages of the non-state fund of Sberbank.


With the advent of the new millennium, serious changes took place in Russia, one of which was the introduction of a law on compulsory pension insurance, which obliges all able-bodied citizens to register in the system. As deductions are made, the future pension of a Russian is formed, however, when applying a 6% tariff, attention must be paid to the choice of a management company.

Today, one of the leaders in the OPS market is NPF Sberbank. It offers its customers several tariff plans, among which each citizen will be able to choose the most optimal for himself. Thanks to partnerships with SAPF, persons who have opted for the accumulative insurance option of deductions have the legal right to transfer their savings to Sberbank, actually investing them.

One of the issues of interest to almost every modern Russian is the possibility of obtaining pension savings and the features of this procedure. Further, we will try to explain all the nuances in as much detail as possible, protecting you from possible errors.

When can I get my pension savings?

The current legislation obliges NPF Sberbank to pay pension savings, if the applicant has appropriate grounds. Cash can be disbursed monthly or as a lump sum payment. As for the list of circumstances that allow you to receive the funded part of the pension, these include:

  • The citizen has reached retirement age or terminated his labor activity ahead of schedule;
  • The applicant is a recipient of a disability allowance, is in a privileged category, or may qualify for other financial assistance from the state.

When calculating the amount of the pension, the amount of investment income for the entire period of the agreement between the bank and the individual is taken into account. You can get information about the amount of savings in several ways:

  • By registering on the official portal of NPF Sberbank;
  • Paying a visit to one of the bank branches;
  • By visiting the main office of this organization.

Regardless of which option you prefer, when visiting the bank in person, be sure to have SNILS and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you.

Ways to receive pension savings

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways to receive the funded part of the pension:

  • The whole amount at once. This method involves a one-time withdrawal of pension savings from the account. Disabled people, disabled people who have lost their breadwinner, Russians whose work experience has not reached the minimum can apply for such a payment. The recipient can also be an heir, provided that the account holder died before the payment was made;
  • Equal shares throughout life (monthly). Appointed if the amount of pension savings exceeds 5% of the insurance part;
  • For 10 years (monthly). Appointed subject to the recipient reaching retirement age. Among other things, the account must contain deductions made by the employing company, investment income, maternity capital, and voluntary contributions from the applicant.

Where to apply?

To date, there are three ways to apply for pension savings:

  • Personally bring papers to one of the bank branches;
  • Send documents by registered mail with notification, having previously certified all copies by a notary;
  • Send to the email address of NPF Sberbank.

Such applications are considered within 7-30 days. In particular, if we are talking about the payment of savings in installments, then the decision is made no later than 10 days from the date of submission. As for the lump-sum payment, its consideration can take up to 30 days. After approval of the application, a financial payment is made. You can also get money in several ways:

  • at the post office;
  • To a bank account;
  • With home delivery (requires payment of courier services).

Subject to the above nuances, there will be no difficulties in obtaining pension savings. The main thing is to inquire in advance about the list of documents required for processing the payment and take care of the preparation of papers.

NPF of Sberbank was established by Sberbank of Russia in 1995. One of the largest banking institutions in the country is not only the founder and sole shareholder of the fund, but also its partner in promoting pension services in the Russian Federation. A perpetual license was issued by NPF in 2009.

About the fund

The successful work of the Sberbank pension fund is confirmed by numerous awards. According to the results of the previous year, the organization became the owner of the Grand Prix of the Financial Elite of Russia award and received the Brand No. 1 award in the corresponding category.

The benefits of the fund are:

  • High level of customer confidence.
  • Leading positions in the field of OPS.
  • A large number of attracted customers.
  • Long-term work in the market.

In the field of NGOs, the Sberbank fund occupies a stable position, pursuing a balanced investment strategy.

Foundation website

The official website of NPF Sberbank says that the organization provides services for:

  • the formation of a funded pension within the framework of the OPS;
  • receiving additional income at retirement age under individual NGO plans;
  • corporate service.

The investment strategy of the pension fund from Sberbank is aimed at achieving optimal indicators in terms of stability and profitability, as well as the safety of pension assets by investing only in reliable instruments. Data on such activities are regularly published on the website of NPF Sberbank.

Useful information! The work of the structure is regulated by supervisory organizations, including a specialized depository.

On the official website of the Sberbank pension fund there is information about:

  • transferring the funded pension;
  • registration of non-state pension payments;
  • indicators of investment activity;
  • terms of the contract.

The fund provides an opportunity to pay contributions bank card. The approximate amount of the pension can be calculated on a special calculator.

Line of individual plans

JSC NPF Sberbank offers three types of individual plans:

  • Universal with a flexible schedule of payment of contributions from 500 rubles.
  • Guaranteed with a fixed schedule and the amount of contributions in accordance with the contract.
  • Comprehensive, combining funded and state pensions.

You can choose and arrange a suitable plan directly on the site.

Important! The amount and period of payment of contributions is determined by the client of the NPF. The increase in savings occurs annually due to investment income. To return 13% of investments, you can use the social deduction.

Cooperation with NPF

Under the OPS, 22% of the salary of each employee is transferred to the FIU. At the same time, 16% are considered the insurance part, 6% - the funded part. The first is subject to state indexation, the second is increased by income from investments. The funded part can be transferred to the NPF of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The Fund will direct the funds to the management company, which will invest them in one of the economic sectors. The fund's client will receive social benefits in the form of dividends. Cooperation with such a non-governmental organization makes it possible to ensure a decent level of payments after retirement.

How to conclude an agreement

The following can conclude an OPS agreement with the NPF of Sberbank:

  • Pensioners - to transfer the funded share of the pension from the PFR to a non-state structure.
  • Working Russians - to receive a non-state pension in the future.
  • Companies-employers - to increase the prestige and motivation of employees.

To transfer money to the NPF, you should contact the organization's office or one of the branches of Sberbank, presenting your passport and SNILS.

Important! To move funds from the FIU, a personal visit to the state fund is not required.

Features of termination of contracts

If necessary, everyone can terminate the contract with the NPF of Sberbank, but only once during the calendar year. The accumulative share can be transferred to another fund. By submitting a respective application, the client of the fund is not obliged to explain his decision. In the application, you need to indicate where the amount remaining on the account should be transferred.

Good to know! If the funds are planned to be transferred to the FIU, it is enough to submit an application to this organization. The contract with NPF Sberbank in this case will be terminated automatically.

When terminating a contract, there are a few things to keep in mind. Investment income can be received for the part of the reporting year that preceded the application.

Funds can be transferred to a bank account, but the transaction costs are paid by the client. The contract can only be terminated if 13% of the tax applicable to income from investing pension savings is paid. When transferring funds to another NPF, you will not have to pay tax.

Profitability and reliability

The profitability of NPFs of Sberbank for 2017 on OPS was equal to 8.34%, on NPO - 8.16%. This level is three times higher than inflation. The cumulative return on OPS reached 115.7%. More than 8.3 million people have already entrusted their savings to the fund. The average annual return for 2009-2016 was 7.3%. In the crisis year of 2011, the indicator was zero.

Ratings reliability of NPF Sberbank are assigned by leading agencies. RA "Expert" assesses the level of reliability as exceptionally high (rating "A ++", the maximum indicator), NRA also confirmed the rating of the fund at the maximum level "AAA".

Contact Information

The necessary information and answers to questions that have arisen regarding the work of NPFs can be obtained by calling the hotline 8 800 555 00 41. The office is located in Moscow on the street. Shabolovka, 31g, entrance 4, floor 3, on Saturday and Sunday it does not work. Email address - [email protected]

Client's personal account

You can check the status of your account using personal account. For registration, you will need to have an GPT agreement, open an account and consent to the processing of personal data. An e-mail address, phone number and other personal data, including SNILS, are entered into special fields. A link to go to your personal account is sent to the address specified during registration.

Since 2001, the law on compulsory pension insurance (OPS) has been in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, every able-bodied citizen of the country, in the prescribed manner, goes through the registration procedure in the OPS system.

When registering, persons are invited to choose a pension rate at which deductions will be made and future benefits will be formed. The 0% tariff includes only the insurance indexed part. The 6% tariff includes insurance and savings.

The accumulative part goes to the formation of an investment portfolio. The final amount of pension payments will depend on its success. The employee must choose a management company, to which he subsequently entrusts the accumulative capital.

The market for organizations providing investor services for the period of 2020 is very extensive. It is represented by both private institutions and organizations cooperating with the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). One of them is NPF Sberbank.

About NPF

Non-state pension fund "Sberbank" is the official partner of the PFR and a subsidiary of PJSC "Sberbank".

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It exists on the market of management companies since 2007 and has managed to establish itself as a steadily developing organization. For the period from 2007 to 2020, NPF Sberbank became the leader in the pension insurance market.

Today, the holders of investment packages of this company are more than 7 million people. The main advantages of the fund include reliable partners and flexible conditions for the design of individual pension plans.

Today the company offers the following pension plans:

  • "Universal";
  • "Guaranteed";
  • "Complex".

"Universal" is distinguished by an arbitrary schedule and size of deductions. The minimum contribution rate is 500 rubles.

The "guaranteed" package has a fixed schedule and deduction rate. The minimum contribution rate is determined by the desired pension amount.

"Complex" implies the transfer of the funded part of the pension to the NFP "Sberbank" and the formation of an individual investment package.

Program conditions

After concluding an agreement with a depositor, the NPF notifies his employer of decision. On a monthly basis, the insurer transfers 6% of the total amount of insurance premiums to the employee's ILS.

The account holder also has the right to participate in the formation of a future pension. When applying for a “Complex” tariff, a citizen can choose the amount, period and regularity of payments. The initial payment is 1000 rubles.

The minimum amount of subsequent deductions cannot be less than 500 rubles, and the duration of payments - less than 5 years.

Sberbank accrues up to 10% of the amount of money capital to the client's individual account every 5 years.

At the request of the client, the fund returns him 13% of each deduction. In this case, the amount of the contribution does not change. So, for example, when deducting 500 rubles, the client can withdraw 65 rubles.

A funded pension is not considered jointly acquired property and its funds are not taken into account when dividing property in a divorce proceeding.

The investor has the right to transfer the capital by inheritance, or withdraw it in the form of a single payment upon receipt of the pension right.

Depositors registered under the "Complex" tariff have the right to withdraw funds to the PFP or another management company on the following conditions:

How to translate

The procedure for transferring to NPF Sberbank includes several stages. The applicant must:

  1. Visit the nearest branch of the bank, or the center of the NFP "Sberbank".
  2. Examine the proposed contract, apply for a transfer from the FIU to the NFP. Indicate passport data, SNILS in the form.
  3. After notification of the readiness of documents, the client must appear to sign it.
  4. Wait for the transfer of the funded part to the NFP.
  5. Track the status of the payment through your personal account on the official website of the company.

In the personal account, clients can control the account, the state of the investment portfolio, and make a number of monetary transactions.

If necessary, the depositor has the right to withdraw the funded pension from the management of Sberbank back to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, leave savings in the state fund, or transfer to another management company.

The applicant will be able to do this after 5 years from the date of the deposit in case of general circulation, or after 1 year in case of early circulation. In the second case, the citizen loses the right to receive investment interest.

What documents are needed

To transfer the funded pension to a non-state pension fund, the applicant must provide the company's employees with an identity card and SNILS.

A passport or a residence permit can serve as proof of identity. Additional certificates from the FIU and documents from the place of work are not required.

How to view the amount of savings

You can control the state of the pension account both remotely (through the depositor's online account) and in person at any branch of the bank / office of the NPF.

When transferring Money in Sberbank, a citizen is assigned a personal account in the electronic system of the fund, where he can view and replenish the funded pension.

When applying in person to the fund, the depositor must have an identity card, an agreement with the bank and SNILS with him. To obtain an extract from an individual personal account (ILS), he will need to draw up an application of the established form.

The procedure includes several steps:

  • fill out the form "Application for current maintenance";
  • indicate in it the address to which the account statement will be sent;
  • transfer paper along with documents to a bank employee;
  • receive an information letter after 3 working days.

It is worth noting that in addition to the employer's mandatory contributions to the ILS in Sberbank, the depositor's personal savings can also be transferred.

The contributed funds will also be distributed at the discretion of the fund between various stock exchange shares and projects and participate in the formation of a citizen's funded pension.

How to get the funded part of the pension in Sberbank

The accumulative part is included in old-age insurance payments and cannot be paid to the depositor ahead of schedule.

A citizen will be able to receive funds only after reaching retirement age:

A month before the right to retire, the applicant applies to NPF "Sberbank" with an application for the appointment of an indefinite benefit.

Pros and cons

The benefits of cooperation with Sberbank include:

  • relative reliability (the fund has a long history, maximum safety and popularity rating);
  • high level of investment accruals (NPF cooperates only with proven joint-stock companies and organizations, the company's specialists invest their clients' funds in safe and profitable projects);
  • availability of a special license for fund activities;
  • state deposit insurance;
  • providing a personal account and the ability to monitor the status of the ILS online.

Among the risks of cooperation with this FIU are:

  • multi-stage procedure for receiving funds;
  • delays in payments (2-3 months);
  • the risk of a decrease in profitability in the event of a decrease in the value of assets.

The funded part of the pension transferred to Sberbank will be protected by the PFR pension insurance program.

Cash will be saved and multiplied. The fund operates a cashback program, according to which clients can withdraw up to 13% from each contribution.

Video: NPF rating 2020

In view of the fact that today all citizens of Russia have the right to independently choose a non-state pension fund, there are often cases of their transfer - one of the most pressing issues in this case: how to transfer to the NPF of Sberbank from another NPF. Therefore, it is necessary to consider not only this procedure, but also the points most closely related to it.

Transfer from NPF to NPF Sberbank

NPF of Sberbank is one of the market leaders and offers its customers favorable savings conditions. In addition, the company is distinguished by its reliability and security, which will allow you to securely store your own savings accounts. It is because of these reasons that many Russian citizens seek to transfer to the fund of this company.

To complete this procedure, you will need to contact the NPF of Sberbank directly, where, if you have your passport and SNILS with you, fill out an application for the transition. Then you need to go to the FIU and register the drawn up agreement to receive the code.

After that, you need to call the hotline, go through the telephone registration procedure and tell the operator the code received from the Pension Fund of Russia. Now the contract is considered valid and enters into force.

On a note. It should also be noted that Sberbank offers customers even without transferring to its fund to use some services. For example, to independently make voluntary contributions to accumulate a pension account.

But it should be noted that this method is still less effective than a full-fledged transition to an NPF (even with equal amounts of deductions).

The procedure for transferring the funded part of the pension to the new fund in 2018

To transfer the funds available in the savings account to a new non-state pension fund, you must complete the following steps:

  • Decide on a new NPF. At the same time, it is best to find out as much information about him and the conditions offered by him (all the necessary data can be found on the official website of the PFR).
  • Fill out the transfer form to a new fund (there are two types: urgent and early - in the first case, the funds will be transferred at the end of the contract with the previous organization, in the second, the procedure will occur immediately after its registration).
  • Apply in an existing fund to transfer funds to a new company. In this case, there are two scenarios for the development of events: if the client manages to submit this application before March 1 of the current year, then the savings will have time to transfer to the account in the new NPF in April of the same year; otherwise, he will need to complete the documentation process by December 31 of the current year in order for the funds to be transferred at the beginning of the next year.
  • Application review process. In this case, two scenarios are possible: a positive or a negative decision. Further entry into the register and transfer of the accumulated amount to a new account depends on it.

Transfer of an organization to another NPF

Organizations like individuals, also have savings accounts, which ideally should generate income. But not every management understands the importance of the correct process for the transition of their company to a new NPF. An incorrectly performed procedure not only promises a loss of profit, but because of this, additional losses can be incurred.

Important! It is best to transfer the organization no earlier than five years of the validity of its existing contract with the NPF, and do this at the end of the reporting year in order to retain all profits.

Advantages and disadvantages of moving from one fund to another

Of course, changing the fund entails both advantages and disadvantages.

Of the positive aspects stands out:

  • the possibility of increasing the profitability of the account;
  • receiving additional services from the new fund;
  • direct impact on the formation of their own insurance pension;
  • protection of the process by law - no probability of loss of funds.

The negatives include:

  • the possibility of losing income in the event of an incorrect (and / or untimely) transition to a new NPF;
  • inability to influence the fund's decision to approve or reject the transition.

On a note. Thus, the benefits of changing the fund are very significant, but only if the procedure is correctly performed.

Is it worth transferring pension savings to NPF Sberbank in 2018

According to analytical data, the profitability of savings of Sberbank NPF clients by the end of 2018 will increase by 0.5% compared to the same period in 2017.

Therefore, it is quite profitable to transfer your funds to depositors this year. But it is important not to lose the yield from the previous fund. To avoid this, clarify all points related to making a profit in the old organization.

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