Tired of poverty and beggarly pension. How we got out of poverty and changed our lives

If you grew up in a low-income family, then you immediately inherit several habits that will be very difficult for you to get rid of. Even if you improve your financial situation, these habits will bring you unnecessary stress, nerves, and will even “steal” your money. If you have not yet achieved prosperity, but are working hard in this direction, then you should also think about how to get rid of thinking. Because it is rather thinking that determines our material condition, and not vice versa, and by learning to think differently, we will form a favorable atmosphere for success.

« Until recently, I was very poor. For the first 18 years of my life I was a child and just couldn't do anything about it, the next 17 years I was still a child and didn't want to do anything about it. I do not complain and do not want to blame anyone, I chose my own path.

But some amazing things happened, one of which was getting a great job, and one day I found myself living the kind of life I thought a “normal” person should live. My bills were paid, the refrigerator was full of food, and in the courtyard there were two gilded statues of me naked.

But like anyone who has lived in poverty, I can tell you it changes a person. And these habits stay with you even when you no longer need to fight for a place in the sun.

Bad food habit

When you are poor

You buy food based on two principles:

1. How long does it keep

2. How cheap is it?

So you can only buy bad food. To save time and money you go to the store once a month or a week.

Vegetables are taken frozen, as they can be thrown into the freezer and not worry about their safety. Fruit in syrup is much cheaper than fresh fruit. Children do not know the taste of real food because they eat canned food too often.

In fact, half of all this food can be burned without regret.

But then one day you got rich

We have already said that children raised on canned food will not be able to understand the taste of real food. She will look wrong. This is a completely different bean, a different milk, and a completely different cheese. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Some people like to point at overweight poor citizens and exclaim: “Ha! It doesn't look like they're starving!" And they are unaware that it is low-quality food that provokes problems with being overweight.

If once you have money, you can afford to regularly buy fresh food and even have time to cook it, your taste buds will simply not accept this food. She'll have to get used to it.

At first, you will look at, say, asparagus in bewilderment: what is it? Is it to cook? Can it be eaten at all? Or is it for outdoor use?

There is a temptation to continue eating like this, it is more convenient and easier.

The habit of immediately spending "extra" money

When you are poor

Let's say you received some kind of bonus, or someone sent you some rather large amount as a gift, or you earned some money somewhere, in general, you had a large amount of money on hand for you. And you want to spend everything immediately. Let's update the kitchen set, or maybe buy a new TV, or finally replace the sofa ...

But if you leave this money, you can pay for an apartment within a few months. However, you will fall into a panic state: no, now, immediately, immediately! You have denied yourself everything for so long that you want to get everything at once, and not think about the future.

But then one day you got rich

Have you heard the story of someone who became a millionaire by unexpectedly winning money in the lottery, and then went bankrupt within a very short time? This is because they cannot get rid of this habit of poverty, from the idea that money is a perishable product and needs to be spent urgently.

Of course, impulsive spending still occurs, but when you get enough money, you can handle it wisely and leave some for unforeseen expenses. Let's say your car breaks down and you can send it in for repairs without borrowing money from your friends.

Those who have found financial well-being have to learn to get rid of the "money panic" and manage money in a new way.

This is such an interesting story, if from your youth you were a fairly wealthy person, then you and your capital are only growing, and if you are at zero all the time, then it would seem that you should be able to manage money, but in reality it turns out that this is not so.

The habit of compensating for savings with gifts

When you are poor

You are unlikely to receive many gifts, and those that you receive are rather mediocre, however, like those that you yourself give. Yes, and you generally spat on all these “wonderful and magical holidays”, and you don’t need any gifts. Another thing is with a child. Children love gifts and they are not mercantile, no, it is normal for a child to love gifts.

Dear parents, never discuss material problems in front of your children. Especially in the spirit: "Let's buy him this expensive car now, and then there will be nothing to eat!" Children worry, they begin to make sacrifices for the well-being of the family and feel guilty for those small material joys that sometimes fall to them.

When our financial situation improved a little, the children and I went to the store, and I suggested that they choose new bedspreads for their beds. Their old ones were already very worn and ugly. My eldest son looked around for a few seconds, and then said: “Thank you, dad! But I really don't need it." At that moment, it became obvious to me how children subtly feel the material problems of the family. They get nervous. They really don't have to worry about money though, because they can't help you anyway!

When you have to deny something to your children, you already feel terribly guilty, and as soon as you have extra money, you try to compensate for this.

But then one day you got rich

When you go shopping for holiday gifts, you will buy twice what a normal person would buy. And then you go out into the street, look at the packages, but this will not seem enough to you, and you will also drop into a nearby store to buy something else.

And then, having arrived home and laid out the gifts, you will think that this is it, and the next day you will go shopping again.

You are trying to make up for the days when you had to save. If you don't buy gifts, then you may have replaced all the furniture in the house, or bought designer clothes, or bought a car that even today's income could not afford. You seem to be laughing in the face of former poverty: “Hey! I saw! You are no more!”

But, be careful, it's easy to forget, and again be at the edge.

The habit of acting like an obsessive accountant

When you are poor

You always know exactly how much money you have in your wallet or bank account. You cannot say: “I have about 3 thousand rubles on my card.” You know that you have 2860 rubles on your card.

You need to know the exact numbers so that you can constantly calculate in your mind whether you can now buy this thing and still not owe rent payments, and make it to the next paycheck without debt.

Paying bills for water and electricity, you thoroughly calculate everything. This is similar to algebraic balancing act: “So, now I will pay 3540 rubles, then next month it will be possible to give 2350…”

But then one day you got rich

That wonderful time has come when you do not need to calculate everything to the nearest ruble. You find yourself in a magical land where you can easily round up the amount in your account, but you will still often check your bank card to find out EXACTLY how much money is on it.

You will not be able to get rid of this habit for a very long time and with the persistence of a maniac you will check your card. You are constantly under pressure and it exhausts you.

The habit of buying only what you need right now

When you are poor

You buy only what you really need, no more. If you buy 8 rolls of toilet paper instead of one, then in the end you will win in price, but one roll will last you a week. You seem to understand that by buying 8 rolls you will save, but on the other hand, you see two prices, one of which is 4 times more, and your hand does not rise to make such expenses at this particular moment.

So it is with clothes. Let's say in the summer you saw a wonderful winter jacket. You like it very much, and your last year's one is already quite worn out. In addition, due to seasonal factors, the jacket costs half its initial price. You perfectly understand that by the winter the same model will increase in price again, and it is much more profitable to buy it right now. However, even if you have some "extra" money, you won't be able to spend it right now. Winter is far away, why buy a warm jacket in the summer? ..

If your family has always been poor, then in childhood you most likely wore clothes for older brothers and sisters, or other relatives. Rarely did you go to the store to buy new things. And it became a holiday! But, of course, only what is absolutely necessary was bought. Most likely you were unfamiliar with the concept: “I want to buy these jeans simply because I like them. Even though I already have 2 pairs.”

But then one day you got rich

There is money, but the habit remains again. No, your children are dressed to the fullest, and you, of course, will not refuse them, if they just ask for something. But for yourself, you will always be sorry: these trousers seem to be nothing, why buy another one?

If you still came to the store with the purpose of buying, then the annoying mosquito will squeak in your head: “Hey! Well, why do you need this thing? Do you have few of them? Why these extra expenses? .. ”It is safe to say that you will leave the store without a purchase and in a disgusting mood. When your trousers become unusable, you will buy the first thing that comes to hand, and not at the best price.

And by the way, you will continue to buy 1 bottle of shampoo instead of a pack of 3.

Start fighting some of these habits now. It is clear that you will not be able to change everything at once due to both moral and material factors, but at least try to plan expenses based on the principles of economy, which are characteristic of more affluent people. You may soon find that you spend less money and become a more successful and confident person. Such people always attract success. And when prosperity comes to you, it will be easier for you to learn how to manage your wealth and you will not return again to where you started your journey.

I stutter, stuttering, you can probably say, spoiled my life that I had at that moment.
There was no girl, and in principle, I never really wanted to. I have friends who are obsessed with girls, I don’t understand this.
I had a girlfriend 1-2 but there was no serious relationship.
At school, no one teased me, since I was athletic, and no one insulted me or joked.
In college, I suffered for 1 month, after that I broke down on one kid who bullied me, beat him in front of classmates and a curator, after that no one peeped in my direction.
The problem is that I'm tired of living in poverty.
I live in a hostel, not in a school as everyone used to think. that there are only hostels for students, there are also family-type hostels.
Where out of 10 rooms on the floor, families live, in each room for 3-4 people. On the floor 1 bathroom shared toilet and shared kitchen.
Not only are bestial conditions, but poverty also exists. We live in a 4-room in one dorm room of 15 sq. for 20,000 rubles per month.
I eat somewhere for 4000 rubles a month, maybe even less.
My mother is depressed. a very closed person, like a pillar, you can’t talk to her about anything.
She doesn't want to work because she says
I have 8 years left until retirement.
we are supported by a drunken stepfather who got drunk a hundred times and her salary was taken by men from his work, then they borrowed money from his parents.
plus a son was born from him. in 4 rum we live in one room, and it is full of wardrobes that narrows the space to 10 sqm.
They didn't hire me wherever I went, I think they don't like my stuttering.
I mean, I didn't have any money. I recently earned a part-time job, 10,000 rubles, I want to stretch it out for 3 months.
No friends, no girlfriend, no job, just obsessive thoughts and obsessive feelings.
In principle, I think so, I don’t need a girl, and I don’t need friends. But extremely rarely, maybe once every 2-3 months, I get the feeling that I really want to be with someone, but it is so insignificant that the next day I already forget about it.
I'm tired of loneliness, but even more hatred for people.
when I see their skewed hari, looking in my direction, I want to puke.
I thought about suicide in January 2011, but I stopped thinking about my parents, how will they live after that?
so this is not my first day.
For 5 years, during this path, I went crazy specifically, there were isolated cases that I did not control myself, and hated everyone and everything.
But then it passed.
I took a test for schizophrenia, the norm was from 15 to 65, I scored 49.
They wrote to me that this is the norm, but also the fact that I am prone to stress and very tired of everything.
If I could, I would leave everyone I know for 2-3 months to rest.
I'm tired of poverty and loneliness, but at the same time I don't care what to do?
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Jisny Kok, age: 04/21/2016


It seems to me that you should not give up and continue looking for a job. For the first time, even a cleaner. Stuttering is even very cute. As a person who lived in poverty himself, I understand you, once I did. how you wanted to just evaporate. But I did not give up and continued to look for work, it was hard. Started as a cleaner. While working as a cleaner, she continued to look for a better job. Your loneliness is temporary, find friends in the social. Networks, even possible from another country. Mom is depressed because she is also sick. Go with her to a psychologist, and you are a plus, and your mother will help. You'll be fine, I'm sure.
I keep my fingers crossed for you. You can and will overcome everything. I will pray for you

Julia, age: 16/27.04.2016

Hello. External living conditions play a huge role in our state, but in addition to this, our internal state also plays an important role. And this very inner state can have a decisive influence on external factors. So in your case, the way to restore order within yourself will be very effective. If this is hatred, then you need to get rid of it by knocking out, say, in the gym or on the street doing shadow boxing or punching a pear in the gym, if you hate someone specific or a number of people, you can write letters of gratitude - how to do it. Thank you letters are best written by hand. Those. Write an example: Part 1 - you are so and so, you bastard because of you I suffer so much. Part 2 - but still I am grateful to you, I got stronger, became more confident in myself thanks to you Part 3 - the conclusion, even though you messed me up, all the same, our relationship had some important meaning for both of us. So, part 1 - what you hate, don't love; part 2 - what you are grateful for. Part 3 - conclusion. When freeing from hatred and negativity, it is always necessary to form an alternative to this within yourself. An alternative could be gratitude, kindness to people, some favorite pastime, i.e. something that will create in your life such a state of mind that you will not only not want to die, but will deeply love your life. To do this, form in yourself gratitude, hope, love, faith, peace. Look for different new ways to develop them, but of course everything is good in moderation. Music has a very healing power in our lives, think about what you are listening to, it may be worth replacing some hard rock or rap with more calm classical music or energizing chanson. The music that we listen to is not only able to reflect our attitude to the world, it is also able to correct, change our mood, it is able to create some new signals in our soul, music is the greatest source of energy, you just need to know how to use it correctly. All the best!

den777 , age: 04/25/2016

Hello! Now there are drugs for stuttering. Consult a doctor, chat on the forums about this problem, maybe they will give you good advice. And of course, look for a job, if you already took a drunk stepfather, then you have a good chance.

Irina, age: 28 / 27.04.2016

Hello! Reading your post, I did not see either a schizophrenic or a psychopath, but I saw a fighter! Despite your stuttering, which I consider to be your feature, not a defect, you finished school, played sports, graduated from college, go looking for a job, and not sitting at home ... Yes, of course, you live in cramped conditions with your parents and brother and you are tired of everything, but you don’t drink with your stepfather, you didn’t sink to the bottom (after all, this is the very last), you are patient - these are all very valuable qualities in a person! I don’t know your attitude to the Church, but try to look for fellowship with believers... True believers bring warmth, support, help, God’s love, they help many in need at the church, there are youth fellowships, try to find such fellowship, I hope it will be for you a way out of your hopelessness, loneliness! And remember: we are never alone, because our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ is with us and He takes care of us every moment, we just don’t realize it ... I wish you to find a way out and real happiness! God bless, N.

natagabriel, age: 35 / 04/27/2016

We need to move, for sure! Then it will be easier to restore peace of mind. Rent a room in an apartment without owners. So mostly young people, students shoot. But for this, of course, first you need to find a more or less stable job. Set a goal for yourself and take action. Don't think about people, about hatred, about past problems. Think how well and calmly you will live alone.

Svetlana, age: 30 / 04/27/2016

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The site vitamarg.com has compiled a list of ten reasons that can lead a person to poverty. And, as you know, “it’s better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick,” so those who are tired of being poor and poor are invited to read and think about themselves, about the world around them, about the economy and, of course, about our power.

Feeling sorry for yourself.

Indeed, very often a person is not poor because he really cannot earn money, but because he simply does not want to earn money, while constantly feeling sorry for himself and clearly underestimating his capabilities. Such self-pity is very often mixed with the desire to drink and "cry in the vest." At the same time, even if a person is offered a real way to change his life and achieve success, he no longer wants to do anything, since the habit of feeling sorry for himself is at the subconscious level, it is hard for him to stop feeling sorry for himself.


The Americans once made a funny comedy with Eddie Murphy, where in order to inherit a billion, one had to spend one hundred million in a very short time. For all the comedy of the situation, the essence of the film very correctly points to the essence of money. A person cannot become rich until he understands that money is created to be spent and spent, and not to make a cult out of it. But, unfortunately, greed is a terrible disease. She still has a girlfriend stingy. I had to meet people in my life who, because of their greed, live very poorly and at the same time do not want to do anything to change it. They do not want to invest in their education, their career, they do not even want to invest money in a bank for a deposit, but they constantly complain about poverty. And where will the money be if a person simply does not understand what money is and what it means to live richly.

Doing things you hate.

It is difficult to succeed in business if the person does not like the work, or going to work is torture for him. Most often, this is an unskilled specialist who does not know how to do anything, and constantly regrets himself that he was so unlucky in life. Unfortunately, there are often cases when a person deliberately chooses a profession incorrectly. He does not want to, or does not know how to critically evaluate his abilities, acts according to the principle “like everyone else”, and in the end he torments himself and those who work next to him. There is nothing worse than working with a person who does not know how to do anything and does not want to learn anything.

Measuring success with money.

Very often I heard the remark: "If I had a lot of money, that's when ...". And at the same time, it is clear that this dreamer does not understand that money is secondary in relation to a person. Your hands and head, that's really the wealth of any person, and not a bundle of money. If a person makes a career, or develops his business, does not dream of wealth and does not count other people's money, then the money will come into his hands. But a person who does nothing in his career or business and only dreams of a bag of money will never become rich. In life, it's not money that makes a career, it's a career that makes money. Maybe it has already happened, but in my life I have met many people who "made themselves." In fact, only thanks to their skill and knowledge, they achieved high success in business and career growth. What is the career of my friend worth, who, being a simple girl from an ordinary Ukrainian village, has grown to the position of deputy chairman of the board of a large bank. Or a simple guy from Pryluky, who owns a large food business in Ukraine. Here success is their own.

Spending more money than you can afford.

Classic example. Two young people decided to get married, while their families are the most ordinary families where they live not richly, one might even say poor, as they are forced to live from “paycheck to paycheck”. But, as soon as it comes to a wedding, where do these arrogance and boasting come from to “splurge”. As a result, the families of the newlyweds get into debt, spend their last savings only so that the neighbors on the bench near the entrance can gossip about how much and who drank, and who fought with whom. And this doesn't just apply to weddings. No one likes to "show off" as much as poor people. And although it looks ridiculous and naive, they just don't notice it.

Unfortunately, MMM and other swindlers will always have clients. Very often one hears conversations that a deposit in a bank at 20% is a robbery, but THERE they promise 20% per day - this is very good. The desire to get rich quickly and do nothing very often makes poor people even poorer. At the same time, they continue to believe in the justice of MMM, and for some reason they believe that there are eccentrics in the world who want to make them rich. I knew a man who gradually lost money in Mercury, then in the Spektr trust, and then in JSC Slid (there was such a pyramid), and every time he wanted to get rich.


This is what you can often read in the comments, in various blogs, especially those devoted to economics. There is an opinion that these whiners are only engaged in whining and whining, how bad it is for them to live, how everyone offends them, and that everything is just bad and bad. It is not surprising that people who complain so much about everything and everything most often really live very poorly and strive for poverty, and at the same time they do not even notice how ridiculous and naive their complaints and reproaches about how badly they live. Because it is impossible to change life for the better if you constantly only whine and do nothing.

Comparing yourself to others.

Jealousy is a terrible feeling. Some Ukrainians just jump out of their pants when they scold Ukrainian oligarchs. At the same time, they obviously forget to ask themselves an elementary question: “What did you do to become an oligarch?” Envy is easy, but more often than not, this envy interferes with both career and business. The people do not like envious people and try to stay away from them. Therefore, it is the envious people who most often occupy the lowest positions and their business simply burns out.

Measuring wealth with money.

It's only naive people who think it's hard to make a million. It’s easy to make money, but it’s really hard to save and increase. Any work is hard and is associated with successes and failures. Therefore, the richer a person is, the more he has to work in order not to lose his wealth. This is really difficult work, which is incomprehensible to many, and maybe therefore, they always like to talk about what and how much this or that person has, but at the same time they forget to say how much effort you need to put in to have this wealth. You don't have to be rich to have a million. Each person evaluates his needs in a rich life in his own way. You can live a full and prosperous life and not envy the oligarchs. But it is very difficult to secure a prosperous life for yourself, if only you constantly feel sorry for yourself, whine, envy the oligarchs and wait for manna from heaven.

Isolate yourself from your own family.

It is a fact. There is no normal family, no normal life. A person cannot make a successful career or business if there is no family support. As they say, your family is everything. Many people achieved success, largely due to the support of the family, and many destroyed and destroyed everything when they left the family. A man without a normal family is a lone wolf who finds it hard to hunt in this stone jungle.


Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Surely you constantly think that you work not less, but even more than others, but still money disappears from your wallet at supersonic speed. Perhaps you even think that you are not capable, such is your fate. It is these thoughts that block financial flows. Your subconscious simply does not allow you to become a wealthy person.

Stop being mean. Greed and stinginess are the main characteristics of a poor person. Greedy people buy low-quality things just because they have a big discount. They strive to save everywhere and on everything. Reasonable savings is not bad, but it is always worth remembering that the miser pays twice. Try to buy only the things that you really need, choosing the highest quality products.

Stop doing what you don't love. If you don't like your job, change it. There is nothing worse when a person day after day comes to a hated office, communicates with uninteresting people, eats tasteless but supposedly healthy food, reads a boring but fashionable novel. Not life, but a series of continuous ordeals! Do not be afraid to change something in your life. Find positive moments, concentrate on them, and gradually begin to get rid of unloved things and deeds.

Don't measure your happiness with money. It is unlikely that any specific amount of money will help you get out of a difficult financial situation. Most likely, these funds will be quickly and thoughtlessly spent, and you will return to where you started. It doesn't take much to be happy. It is not necessary to “celebrate” payday with your family in a cafe, you can go outside and make a real war with snowballs or make a snowman. You will not spend a penny, and the children will remember the frosty sunny day spent with their parents for a long time to come.

Don't spend money on things you can't afford. For example, you wanted to buy a TV for the kitchen. A wealthy person will allocate the necessary amount from his income so that he does not have to eat only pasta until the end of the month. The poor - will take a loan, acquire the desired thing, and then for six months or a year he will pay the bank both its cost and interest on the loan.

Try using the 10 percent principle. From each salary or bonus, give a tenth of the money to those who need it more. It doesn't have to be charitable donations to monasteries or orphanages (although if you feel like helping, do so). You can give this 10 percent to your parents or invest in your education. Another 10 percent must be set aside. But not for a "rainy day", as poor people do, to the bank, at interest. In a year or two, you will already have a fairly solid amount on your account that you can spend on vacation, new furniture - in general, on what you have long dreamed of, but could not afford.

Use a list system. Hang two sheets of paper on the refrigerator and attach a handle. All family members should write down on the first sheet what is urgently needed: the shampoo is over, the school is collecting money for an excursion, you need to buy a couple of light bulbs for the chandelier. In a week, you will get a very specific list, based on which you will plan your expenses, giving up unnecessary, spontaneous and unnecessary purchases. The second sheet is long-term plans. It also needs to be compiled gradually and with the whole family. For example, a daughter wants to sign up for yoga courses, dad needs winter tires for the car, mom needs a new frying pan or a mobile phone. When you have accumulated a sufficient amount of money (of those same 10 percent set aside every month), you will need to prioritize and there will be a real opportunity to satisfy the desires of all members of your family.

Don't compare yourself to others. Some people are quite content with a domestic car, while others fundamentally drive only foreign cars, others lead a healthy lifestyle and walk part of the way to work. Everyone makes their own choice. And this does not mean that someone is right and someone is not. You have your own interesting and happy path in life. So walk along it and smile more often, as all rich and successful people do.

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If you:
- an inhabitant of basements who does not have a permanent home;
- a resident of a cardboard box, who buys himself a dinner for alms and oversees several nearby garbage cans;
- just live on one salary, then this instruction is for you.


At first, you will have to radically change all your ideas about values, money (most people think money is dirty, pure evil, and successful people are scoundrels who stole their capital) and so on. After all, it was they who led you to the situation in which you find yourself.
At the start, people have equal opportunities, but some become prosperous people, while others lead a half-starved existence all their lives. To change these representations, you will need to find and dissect them.

The second stage is getting rid of those who pull you to the bottom. Whiners, lazy people, always complaining, just losers should be banished from your life. Back in the 16th century, there was a phrase that the king is played by his entourage.

At the third stage, you will have to come up with / find yourself goals (motivation). You will be surprised when you start thinking about your goals. Condition: the goals should be only your own, only for personal use, and not “such and such a car, because the wife will be comfortable in it.”

The next stage is the search for funds to make money and achieve your goals (money cannot be a goal). There are many ways to earn money. In short, they can be divided into 4 groups - work for someone (“for an uncle”), freelance, investing and living on interest, your own business.

Choose only the work that you really like. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it. After all, people who earn big money do it for one reason only - they like to earn big money.

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And they began to wonder what to do to get out of it? To begin with, it is helpful to understand the cause of poverty. Calculating the budget The first thing to do in order to get a clear picture of getting out of poverty is to calculate the current budget. It is necessary in order to understand what expenses you can afford. To do this, add up all possible sources of income for the month.

Useful advice

To get out of poverty, it is not enough just to “do something” or “work somewhere”. This is just the right path to poverty and further into poverty! To become rich, you need to follow a set of rules, and adhere to a number of principles. Money comes to you through other people. Chat, make connections and acquaintances. A poor environment almost always pulls you into poverty.

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The vast majority of people want to live beautifully. Not to exist from an advance payment to a salary, but to have your own housing and personal transport, dress beautifully, eat deliciously and relax abroad. However, not everyone can afford it. How to get out of poverty?


A person becomes poor when his income exceeds his expenses. Therefore, after the next payday, make up the things that you need to buy. It will include rent, food expenses, public transport. Perhaps you would like to purchase something for yourself - put it on the list. Be sure to set aside some amount for the "day" - in case you get sick or need to leave urgently. Now calculate how much money you will spend on planned expenses. If you fit into your salary - excellent, no - cross out a new blouse.

However, I want to not just live within my means, I also want to. Your income depends on the boss, so he is the first person you should contact with your problem. If he raises your salary - excellent, you have achieved your goal, and if for the tenth time he promises to think about this issue, feel free to look for a new job - you will not achieve anything in the old one.

When looking for a new job, adequately assess your value as an employee. If you are a former student, accept the fact that you will have to work in a low-paying job for a couple of years, but you will gain invaluable experience. If you are an experienced specialist, appreciate your work.

A rich person is not only the one who earns well, but also the one who spends little. Of course, you should not deny yourself the joys, but think about whether all your expenses bring you pleasure, whether you can refuse something. For example, if you are used to buying yourself a chocolate bar after work, try to give up this habit and endure half an hour before going home. Thanks to such a trifle in a month, you will save a decent amount that you can spend on more important purchases.

Everything happens in life: prosperity, and poverty, and joy, and sorrow. But every person needs to remember that there is always a way out. And if trouble happened, then it is either like a well-deserved punishment, or like a bitter, but experience.

Often even people say: "If there were no happiness, but misfortune helped." But what to do, how to get out of poverty if it knocked on your door?

Peace, only peace!

Do not despair. Believe me, tears, depression, anger at the whole wide world will not help the cause. Common sense, a sober outlook on life should be present not only in unpleasant circumstances, but also at any moment.

Take a notebook or notepad, an ordinary A4 sheet and a calculator. Consider who and how much money you owe. What to Do Plan everything in writing. The calculator will help you calculate how much you can save on purchases and what is the probability that you will soon pay off the loan or How to get out of poverty, we will tell further.

Constant lack of money or debt

Do you know what Christians usually do when trouble strikes? They pray to God to help in everything. They believe that the Lord so reminds of himself, gives people the opportunity to come to their senses, stop wasting their lives in vain.

The crisis in the country or in the world is not the reason for your poverty. You create this environment yourself. It's time to sit down and think about what you've done in the last period. What could lead to debts and lack of money?

Learning to save

Think about whether you are wasting money? Do you smoke? Do you like to drink? You know that alcohol and tobacco kill the body, give up bad habits in favor of the budget or repayment of debts.

How to get out of poverty for a woman? Why are we talking about her? Because she likes to use cosmetics, perfumes, bath accessories, buy new outfits. You can live with a beautiful appearance and without these attributes, simply and tastefully.

Do not buy extra toys, chocolates and chips for children. Not only is this harmful products that destroy the body, so they are also not cheap.

Buy only everything you need and at the lowest price, at a promotion or at a discount. Or maybe choose a cheaper alternative. Don't go after advertising brands, for example, Blend-a-Honey paste, of course, costs almost 10 times more than New Pearls or Forest Balsam.

Debts on a loan or other payments

Everyone who has experienced late payments knows that it is almost impossible to hide, and it is impossible to ignore warnings. Penalty (fine for delay) is getting bigger and bigger every day. Most banks charge penalties as a percentage rather than a fixed cost. There may then be litigation, up to the confiscation of property.

How to get out of poverty in this case? Use all the funds you have to pay off the loan. It is better to walk to work for a month and not smoke, but you will quickly pay off your debts.

Is it worth borrowing from relatives and neighbors?

You should not ask for a loan from neighbors, colleagues, relatives, if you are not sure that you will repay it soon. But it's worth trying. Just promise that you will return as soon as possible. Don't name specific dates.

How to get out of poverty, debts thanks to the help of others? Be sure to write down who took the money and how much. Do not spend the amount that appears on things that you can buy later.

Ways to earn extra income

Nowadays, there are many options on how to get out of poverty. The methods are presented below:

  • overtime or part-time work at the main job;
  • turn a hobby into a job;
  • freelance;
  • tutoring;
  • caring or looking after a child, an elderly person, pets.

If you are good at sewing or knitting, then you can do needlework for sale.

How to get out of debt and poverty with the help of freelancing? think about what you do well when working on a computer? Write texts or edit photos? There are many ways to make money online these days.

If you, for example, are well versed in cars, then you can recommend yourself through relatives, friends, colleagues as an experienced craftsman.

Even if you know almost nothing, it's time to learn something. Maybe you will discover a talent for a particular activity.

Prevention of poverty and debt

So we figured out how to get out of poverty and debt. If you do not have such a crisis, then it will be useful to do prevention. What is it? Let's list:

  • Do not take loans at all, because you never predict what might happen tomorrow. You can, of course, take out insurance on a loan, but you also have to pay for it, and a lot.
  • Buy things and products as needed.
  • if the journey takes less than 3-4 kilometers. So save on expensive public transport and gasoline for your personal car.
  • Buy goods where it is cheaper. If there are periodic promotions, then do not rush to buy a thing at an inflated price. Wait for the discount.
  • Learn to save extra money from your salary in a secluded place so that there is no temptation to get money.
  • Get a job if possible.

May you always have extra money. You can arrange them in different envelopes, piggy banks, niches under the carpet.

If you learn to act deliberately every time, then you will not have to face debt. Unfortunately, no one is immune from poverty, you can only minimize it, and save yourself from debt once and for all.