Municipal purchases 1s. Document approval mechanism

The software product is designed to automate the procurement process for state and municipal needs in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs", carried out by state and municipal authorities, the main managers of budgetary funds, authorized bodies and specialized organizations.

"1C: State and municipal procurement 8" intended for use:

  • the main managers, managers and recipients of budgetary funds, acting as state (municipal) customers;
  • state and municipal authorities, authorized bodies performing the functions of placing an order;
  • specialized organizations - legal entities, which are involved by customers or authorized bodies to carry out the functions of placing an order.

Implementation of the software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" will allow optimizing and simplifying the process of preparing documents and making decisions at different stages of preparing and conducting tenders - both for the specialist preparing documentation for the tender, and for the commission, whose tasks include reviewing and evaluating applications from participants in placing an order.

The systematization of data in the form of structured documents and the repeated use of the information entered in the system will reduce the amount of operator workload and improve the quality of the documents being prepared. And this, in turn, will reduce the complexity of making changes to the finished documentation (competitive, auction, etc.).

Application of the program "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" will help to avoid mistakes at the stage of documentation formation and carry out order placement procedures taking into account all legal requirements.


Attention! To scale and expand the number of jobs, you can purchase additional licenses.

Description of functionality

Product Directory

AT "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" it provides for the formation of its own hierarchical reference book (classifier) ​​of goods, works and services "Products" with a description of the characteristics and consumer properties.

It is possible to keep records of purchased products in the context of the codes of the all-Russian classifiers OKP and OKDP, as well as in the context of the codes of the classifier "Nomenclature of products for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the reference book "Nomenclature"). The latter is being developed by the Ministry economic development Russian Federation.

These opportunities are due to the fact that currently customers, in accordance with the current legislation, have to use classifiers that are not coordinated with each other.

For example, maintaining a register of government contracts must be carried out in the context of the codes of the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKP), and the formation of consolidated forecasts of the volumes of products purchased for state and municipal needs - in the context of the codes of the classifier “Nomenclature of products for state and municipal needs”.

At the same time, the OKP classifier does not contain a list of works and services, and the classifier "Nomenclature of products for state and municipal needs" has not yet been approved.

Thus, the current classifiers are not enough to fully systematize the purchased products. The list of goods, the purchase of which can be made by holding an auction, is limited to certain codes of the all-Russian classifier of types economic activity, products and services (OKDP). Therefore, it is most effective to use both the OKP classifier and the OKDP classifier to classify products.

The use of classifiers for product identification is necessary for the formation of various forms of reporting in the context of certain groups and types of products. The product directory provides the ability to collect products by groups. In this case, the formation of groups is carried out by users independently.

For convenient work of the user with large volumes of input information, there are two modes for entering data on purchased products - directly in the "Products" directory, and when filling out system documents.

Because the program "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" several state and municipal customers can keep records of purchases of goods, works and services, it is possible to configure the visibility of the data of the "Products" directory for users. The data is restricted according to the institution to which the user of the system belongs.

For example, a user of a particular institution may have access to data entered by users of that institution only, or data entered by users of other institutions.

Implemented the ability to configure user rights to edit (moderate) the directory data.

Preparing and placing an order

Software "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" automates the main methods of placing an order for the purchase of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs:

  • through an open competition;
  • by holding an open auction;
  • by requesting quotations.

The system can reflect all stages of placing an order - from the creation of a commission (competitive, auction, quotation), to the formation of a package of documentation and publication in the media.

Information on ongoing purchases is entered into the system in a clearly structured form using electronic documents and recorded in the purchase log.

Consolidation of lots

To organize the efficient work of users, the system implements a mechanism that allows you to create lots of a competition or auction by combining several lots.
There are three options for combining lots:

  • Consolidation of lots with the same names - the consolidation of lots with the same names is carried out;
  • Merging similar lots - merging lots that have the same parameter values, for example, the presence of preferences or purchasing from small businesses, etc. The parameters by which the system searches for lots to merge are set by the user;
  • Merge selected lots - merges the lots selected by the user.

Combining products

When forming tender or auction lots by the customer or the authorized body, there may be a need to combine products. For example, when a competition is held on the basis of applications received by the main manager from institutions subordinate to him, containing products of the same name. To solve this problem, the system implements a mechanism for combining products.

Combining products of the same name is carried out within the framework of one lot of the competition (auction) and can take place

  • at the discretion of the user;
  • in automatic mode.

Combining products in automatic mode is carried out during the operation of combining lots in the case when the combined lot includes products of the same name. In this case, the user can refuse to perform the merge operation.

The system also provides for the possibility of moving products between the lots of the competition (auction). At the same time, when transferring products, the price of lots is automatically recalculated.
Mechanisms for combining and transferring products implemented in "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" will allow the state customer or authorized body to optimally form the subject of procurement.

Preparing a documentation package

All necessary documentation:

  • notice of the competition;
  • notice of the auction;
  • notification of a request for quotations;
  • tender documentation;
  • auction documentation.

can be generated in the system automatically based on the entered data. Documentation is generated using a reporting system in the form of separate files in the word-xml format, which can be saved in any desired format - .doc, .rtf, etc.

For each type of document - be it a notice or tender documentation, built-in templates are used. At the same time, templates are customizable, that is, the user can always determine the order in which information is displayed as he needs. The system automatically calculates the parameters for generating reports and offers the user the most optimal option.

Such a mechanism allows reducing the time for preparing high-quality documentation, since printed documents generated automatically do not require additional modification by the user.

Pre-selection and supplier selection

Software "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" automates the registration of applications submitted by participants in the placement of an order for participation in a tender, auction or request for quotations.

For each participant's application, you can enter all the necessary information - information about the participant, documents provided as part of the application, products offered with an indication of its functional characteristics and price, etc.

Registration of changes made to the applications of order placement participants, as well as registration of responses to applications is provided.
The system implements a mechanism for considering participants' applications for compliance with the established requirements. In particular, you can make a detailed review of the application for:

  • availability of required documents;
  • compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements;
  • Compliance of the terms of the contract, proposed by the participant and being the evaluation criteria, with the requirements of the customer.

The system implements a set of analytical reports, the data of which can be used by the commissions at the stages of consideration and evaluation of applications of order placement participants. For each participant's application, you can view preliminary decisions generated automatically by the system based on the entered data.

For the quantitative criteria for evaluating the bids of participants in the placement of an order, established in the tender documentation, the calculation of scores is performed by the system automatically.
Evaluation of applications of participants in the placement of an order according to non-numerical criteria is carried out by reflecting in the program the points given by members of the commission and experts for each criterion.

Places are assigned to the bids of order placement participants automatically.

To reflect in the system the procedure for conducting bidding in the form of an open auction, an automated auction board is intended. The scoreboard displays information about the announced price, the auction step, as well as data on the last and penultimate offers received from the auction participants. All bids made by auction participants are recorded in the system.

To reflect the results of the work of the commission, all types of protocols are implemented in the system:

  • Application Opening Protocol;
  • Protocol for consideration of applications;
  • Evaluation protocol.
  • Protocol for consideration of applications;
  • Auction protocol.

Quote request

  • Protocol of review and evaluation.

Protocols can be generated in printed form automatically. At the same time, they are formed as separate files in the word-xml format, which can be saved in any desired format - .doc, .rtf, etc.

For the formation of protocols, a mechanism of customizable templates is used, the set of which can be expanded based on the needs of users.

State system

in software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" the principles of pipeline processing are implemented and the system of document states is applied.

The state system is designed to be able to identify the stage - approval, approval, consideration, etc., at which this or that purchase is currently located (the corresponding electronic document).

The transition between states can be done in two modes:

  • by the user's decision - for example, at the stage of coordination and approval of tender documentation, publication of information about the purchase on the website, etc.;
  • automatically - during registration in the system of various protocols (opening of applications, consideration of applications, etc.) and their implementation.

The program features allow you to:

  • streamline the process of approval and approval of documents;
  • make a transition between states, both in automatic mode and by the user's decision;
  • control the correctness of filling in the document when the state changes;
  • bind operations performed with the document to certain states;
  • perform various actions when performing a transition between states;
  • configure the system of states to the requirements of users;
  • users of the system with administrator rights are provided with a mechanism for customizing the state system to the needs of a particular user.

Document control

To reduce the number of errors made during data entry, and associated with large amounts of input information and the complex structure of documents, the program implements a document control mechanism.

Control can be performed automatically (when document states change) or forcibly at the user's initiative. In the first case, the control procedure will be called when the state of the document changes (transition to another state).

To inform the user about cases when the system detects incorrectly entered data, the program includes a notification system.

So, if the user specified the terms of the procedure, exceeding the limits regulated by law, or did not fill in the required details of the document, a window with a list of errors will be displayed on the screen. At the same time, by clicking on the line containing the description of the error, you can go directly to the attribute of the document, when filling out which the error was made.

Loading classifiers

The program provides for downloading directories and classifiers:

  • budget classifiers (revenues, expenses, KOSGU sources of financing the budget deficit);
  • OKP (all-Russian classifier of products);
  • OKDP (all-Russian classifier of economic activities, products and services);
  • OKEI (all-Russian classifier of units of measurement);
  • classifier BIC (reference book of bank identification codes of settlement participants in the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • address classifiers of the Federal Tax Service.

Registration of contracts

It is planned to expand the functionality of the software solution "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" in terms of registration of contracts concluded on the basis of the results of tenders and the formation of a register of contracts.

Web portal

The product “1C: State and municipal procurement 8. Web-portal” is being prepared for release based on “1C-Bitrix: Site Management”, which allows publishing notices of tenders, documentation, evaluation protocols and other necessary information on the site in automatic mode.


  • bulletin board - a reflection of information about the ongoing procedures for placing an order (terms of carrying out, method of placing an order, subject of purchase, etc.);
  • the possibility of obtaining a package of tender documentation from the site (documentation about the auction, etc.);
  • entering information about state and municipal contracts concluded by customers as a result of the auction;
  • formation of a register of state and municipal contracts.

Additional functionality of the PRO version of the product

PROF version of the software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" is equipped with a wide range of additional functionality for use by large state and municipal customers, authorized bodies and specialized organizations:

  • a block for collecting applications from subordinate organizations for bidding, consisting of:
    • collection and registration of customer applications;
    • automatic formation of a consolidated application for the purchase of goods, works and services based on applications from several customers;
    • automatic formation of tender and auction lots based on customer applications.
  • block of state and municipal order planning and procurement plan formation;
  • automation of certain types of tenders - closed tender, purchase from a single supplier, request for quotations in order to provide humanitarian assistance or eliminate the consequences of emergencies.

Licensing features

Software "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" ensures the operation of the applied solution at one workstation at one point in time.

To work in multi-user mode, users must have 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses».

To work in client-server mode, users must have server licenses.

List of licenses

Name Price
1C: Enterprise 8 PROF. Client license for 1 workstation
6 300 rub. Buy
1C: Enterprise 8 PROF. Client license for 5 workplaces
21 600 rub.

The cost of the program 1C State and municipal purchases - 276,000 rubles.

When buying 1C State and municipal purchases today you will receive for free:

  • the first three months of free consultations on the program
  • installation and delivery

The procurement process for state and municipal needs is regulated by the current legislation. Participants are obliged to act in accordance with the established regulatory legal acts. To automate the process of publishing an order, the developers created the 1C: State and Municipal Procurement program. This solution helps to plan and execute the organization's procurement plan, control the amounts of concluded contracts, as well as monitor the savings in bidding, open and closed tenders, auctions, requests for quotations.

Advantages of the 1C program State and municipal procurement

This product supports various methods of placing orders, helps to simplify and optimize the work of specialists, experts and procurement participants. The software is equipped with a product classifier with the ability to enter information about the characteristics and properties of goods, works and services. Among the tasks that the product "1C: State and municipal procurement" helps to solve, it is worth noting:

  • procurement planning. Users can create a schedule for placing orders;
  • approval of applications. The program allows you to track in which department of the organization the application is currently in progress. Specialists can attach related documentation to it, for example, detailed terms of reference;
  • fast data loading and timely savings analysis Money. The user can control the balance of money following the results of the purchase, plan expenses within a specified time period;
  • reports. Specialists using the program have access to information on contracts concluded with various groupings and selections.

The program introduced the ability to work with one of the modes for entering information about purchased products. The first method is to use the "Products" directory. The second mode is filling in the documentation of the system. In addition to the noted features, users can set the rights to edit directory information.

Software Users

The program "1C: State and Municipal Procurement" is intended for use by authorities, commercial enterprises, for example, legal entities with which an agreement has been concluded to fulfill the obligations of placing orders, companies that are in the role of government customers, managers of budgetary funds.

Benefits of using

The program "1C: State and Municipal Procurement" helps to increase the speed of decision-making, generate statistics on orders, increase the labor intensity of work on the development and control of concluded contracts and procurement. Using this solution, specialists can work on government and commercial sites in full compliance with applicable law

The program "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" is designed to automate the process of placing an order and was developed in accordance with the regulations governing the procurement process for state and municipal needs.

The main document regulating the process of state and municipal procurement is the Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" and the Federal Law of 07/18/2011 N 223- Federal Law "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities".

or place an order


The program supports various ways placing an order.

With an increase in the volume of bidding, the complexity of work on the preparation, conduct, accounting and control of bidding and contracts being concluded increases significantly. The process of placing an order is complex and time-consuming, associated with a large document flow, so it is necessary to use information and analytical technologies for its implementation.

Automation of this process allows to increase the speed of decision-making by state and municipal customers and generate statistics on all ongoing purchases. Thus, the efficiency of state and municipal procurement is significantly increased.

The software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" includes the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8" and the application solution (configuration) "State and municipal procurement".


"1C: State and municipal procurement 8" provides automation of all stages of preparation and placement of an order for the purchase of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs.

The program is intended for use:

  • the main managers, managers and recipients of budgetary funds, acting as state (municipal) customers;
  • state and municipal authorities, authorized bodies performing the functions of placing an order;
  • specialized organizations - legal entities that are involved by customers or authorized bodies to carry out the functions of placing an order.

The implementation of the program will optimize and simplify the process of preparing documents and making decisions at different stages of preparing and conducting bidding - both for the specialist preparing the bidding documentation and for the commission, whose tasks include reviewing and evaluating applications from participants in placing an order.

The systematization of data in the form of structured documents and the repeated use of the information entered in the system will reduce the amount of operator workload and improve the quality of the documents being prepared. And this, in turn, will reduce the complexity of making changes to the finished documentation (competitive, auction, etc.).

The use of a software solution will help to avoid errors at the stage of documentation generation and carry out order placement procedures taking into account all legal requirements.



Product Directory

The system provides for the formation of its own hierarchical directory (classifier) ​​of goods, works and services "Products" with a description of the characteristics and consumer properties.

It is possible to keep records of purchased products in the context of the codes of the all-Russian classifiers OKP and OKDP, as well as in the context of the codes of the classifier "Nomenclature of products for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the reference book "Nomenclature"). The latter is being developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

These opportunities are due to the fact that currently customers, in accordance with the current legislation, have to use classifiers that are not coordinated with each other. For example, maintaining a register of government contracts must be carried out in the context of the codes of the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKP), and the formation of consolidated forecasts of the volumes of products purchased for state and municipal needs - in the context of the codes of the classifier “Nomenclature of products for state and municipal needs”. At the same time, the OKP classifier does not contain a list of works and services, and the classifier "Nomenclature of products for state and municipal needs" has not yet been approved. Thus, the current classifiers are not enough to fully systematize the purchased products. The list of goods that can be purchased through an auction is limited to certain codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP). Therefore, it is most effective to use both the OKP classifier and the OKDP classifier to classify products.

The use of classifiers for product identification is necessary for the formation of various forms of reporting in the context of certain groups and types of products. The product directory provides the ability to collect products by groups. In this case, the formation of groups is carried out by users independently.

For convenient work of the user with large volumes of input information, there are two modes for entering data on purchased products - directly in the "Products" directory, and when filling out system documents.

Since the program keeps records of the purchases of goods, works and services by several state and municipal customers, it is possible to configure the visibility of the data of the "Products" directory for users. The data is restricted according to the institution to which the user of the system belongs. For example, a user of a particular institution may have access to data entered by users of that institution only, or data entered by users of other institutions.

Implemented the ability to configure user rights to edit (moderate) the directory data.

Preparing and placing an order

Software product 1C: State and municipal procurement automates the main methods of placing an order for the purchase of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs:

  • through an open competition;
  • by holding an open auction;
  • by requesting quotations.

The system can reflect all stages of placing an order - from the creation of a commission (competitive, auction, quotation), to the formation of a package of documentation and publication in the media.

Information on ongoing purchases is entered into the system in a clearly structured form using electronic documents and recorded in the purchase log.

Consolidation of lots

To organize the efficient work of users, the system implements a mechanism that allows you to create lots of a competition or auction by combining several lots.

There are three options for combining lots:

  • Consolidation of lots with the same names - the consolidation of lots with the same names is carried out;
  • Merging similar lots - merging lots that have the same parameter values, for example, the presence of preferences or purchasing from small businesses, etc. The parameters by which the system searches for lots to merge are set by the user;
  • Merge selected lots - merges the lots selected by the user.

Combining products

When forming tender or auction lots by the customer or the authorized body, there may be a need to combine products. For example, when a competition is held on the basis of applications received by the main manager from institutions subordinate to him, containing products of the same name. To solve this problem, the system implements a mechanism for combining products.

Combining products of the same name is carried out within the framework of one lot of the competition (auction) and can occur:

  • at the discretion of the user;
  • in automatic mode.

Combining products in automatic mode is carried out during the operation of combining lots in the case when the combined lot includes products of the same name. In this case, the user can refuse to perform the merge operation.

The system also provides for the possibility of moving products between the lots of the competition (auction). At the same time, when transferring products, the price of lots is automatically recalculated.

The mechanisms for combining and transferring products implemented in the system will allow the state customer or authorized body to optimally form the subject of the purchase.

Preparing a documentation package

All necessary documentation:

  • notice of the competition;
  • notice of the auction;
  • notification of a request for quotations;
  • tender documentation;
  • auction documentation,

can be generated in the system automatically based on the entered data. Documentation is generated using a reporting system in the form of separate files in the word-xml format, which can be saved in any desired format - .doc, .rtf, etc.

For each type of document - be it a notice or tender documentation, built-in templates are used. At the same time, templates are customizable, that is, the user can always determine the order in which information is displayed as he needs. The system automatically calculates the parameters for generating reports and offers the user the most optimal option.

Such a mechanism allows reducing the time for preparing high-quality documentation, since printed documents generated automatically do not require additional modification by the user.

Pre-selection and supplier selection

The program "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" automates the registration of applications submitted by participants in the placement of an order for participation in a tender, auction or request for quotations.

For each participant's application, you can enter all the necessary information - information about the participant, documents provided as part of the application, products offered with an indication of its functional characteristics and price, etc.

Registration of changes made to the applications of order placement participants, as well as registration of responses to applications is provided.

The system implements a mechanism for considering participants' applications for compliance with the established requirements. In particular, you can make a detailed review of the application for:

  • availability of required documents;
  • compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements;
  • Compliance of the terms of the contract, proposed by the participant and being the evaluation criteria, with the requirements of the customer.

The system implements a set of analytical reports, the data of which can be used by the commissions at the stages of consideration and evaluation of applications of order placement participants. For each participant's application, you can view preliminary decisions generated automatically by the system based on the entered data.

For the quantitative criteria for evaluating the bids of participants in the placement of an order, established in the tender documentation, the calculation of scores is performed by the system automatically.

Evaluation of applications of participants in the placement of an order according to non-numerical criteria is carried out by reflecting in the program the points given by members of the commission and experts for each criterion.

Places are assigned to the bids of order placement participants automatically.

To reflect in the system the procedure for conducting bidding in the form of an open auction, an automated auction board is intended. The scoreboard displays information about the announced price, the auction step, as well as data on the last and penultimate offers received from the auction participants. All bids made by auction participants are recorded in the system.

To reflect the results of the work of the commission, all types of protocols are implemented in the system:


  • Application Opening Protocol;
  • Protocol for consideration of applications;
  • Evaluation protocol.


  • Protocol for consideration of applications;
  • Auction protocol.

Quote request

  • Protocol of review and evaluation.

Protocols can be generated in printed form automatically. At the same time, they are formed as separate files in the word-xml format, which can be saved in any desired format - .doc, .rtf, etc.

For the formation of protocols, a mechanism of customizable templates is used, the set of which can be expanded based on the needs of users.

State system

The software product implements the principles of pipeline processing and uses a system of document states.

The state system is designed to be able to identify the stage - approval, approval, consideration, etc., at which this or that purchase is currently located (the corresponding electronic document).

The transition between states can be done in two modes:

  • By the decision of the user - for example, at the stage of coordination and approval of tender documentation, publication of information about the purchase on the website, etc.;
  • Automatically - when registering various protocols in the system (opening applications, considering applications, etc.) and conducting them; The program features allow you to:
  • streamline the process of approval and approval of documents;
  • Transition between states, both automatically and by the user's decision;
  • To control the correctness of filling out the document when the state changes;
  • Bind operations performed with the document to certain states;
  • Perform various actions when performing a transition between states;
  • Customize the system of states according to the requirements of users;
  • Users of the system with administrator rights are provided with a mechanism for customizing the state system to the needs of a particular user.

Document control

To reduce the number of errors made during data entry, and associated with large amounts of input information and the complex structure of documents, the program implements a document control mechanism.

Control can be performed automatically (when document states change) or forcibly at the user's initiative. In the first case, the control procedure will be called when the state of the document changes (transition to another state).

To inform the user about cases when the system detects incorrectly entered data, the program includes a notification system. So, if the user specified the terms of the procedure, exceeding the limits regulated by law, or did not fill in the required details of the document, a window with a list of errors will be displayed on the screen. At the same time, by clicking on the line containing the description of the error, you can go directly to the attribute of the document, when filling out which the error was made.

Loading classifiers

The program provides for downloading directories and classifiers:

  • budget classifiers (revenues, expenses, KOSGU sources of financing the budget deficit);
  • OKP (all-Russian classifier of products);
  • OKDP (all-Russian classifier of economic activities, products and services);
  • OKEI (all-Russian classifier of units of measurement);
  • classifier BIC (reference book of bank identification codes of settlement participants in the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • address classifiers of the Federal Tax Service.

Registration of contracts

It is planned to expand the functionality in terms of registration of contracts concluded on the basis of the results of the auction, and the formation of a register of contracts.

Web portal

The solution “1C: State and municipal procurement 8. Web-portal” based on “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” is being prepared for release, which allows publishing notices of tenders, documentation, evaluation protocols and other necessary information on the site in automatic mode.


  • bulletin board - a reflection of information about the ongoing procedures for placing an order (terms of carrying out, method of placing an order, subject of purchase, etc.);
  • the possibility of obtaining a package of tender documentation from the site (documentation about the auction, etc.);
  • entering information about state and municipal contracts concluded by customers as a result of the auction;
  • formation of a register of state and municipal contracts.

Additional functionality of the PRO version of the product

PROF version of the software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" is equipped with a wide range of additional functionality for use by large state and municipal customers, authorized bodies and specialized organizations:

  • Block for collecting applications from subordinate organizations for bidding, consisting of:
    • Collection and registration of customer applications;
    • Automatic formation of a consolidated application for the purchase of goods, works and services based on applications from several customers;
    • Automatic generation of tender and auction lots based on the customer's requests.
  • Block of state and municipal order planning and procurement plan formation;
  • Automation of certain types of bidding - closed tender, purchase from a single supplier, request for quotations in order to provide humanitarian assistance or eliminate the consequences of emergencies.

Designed for use:

  • the main managers, managers and recipients of budgetary funds, acting as state (municipal) customers;
  • state and municipal authorities, authorized bodies performing the functions of placing an order;
  • specialized organizations - legal entities that are involved by customers or authorized bodies to carry out the functions of placing an order.

Implementation of the software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" will allow optimizing and simplifying the process of preparing documents and making decisions at different stages of preparing and conducting tenders - both for the specialist preparing tender documentation and for the commission, whose tasks include reviewing and evaluating applications from participants in placing an order.

The systematization of data in the form of structured documents and the repeated use of the information entered in the system will reduce the amount of operator workload and improve the quality of the documents being prepared. And this, in turn, will reduce the complexity of making changes to the finished documentation (competitive, auction, etc.).

Application of the program "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" will help to avoid mistakes at the stage of documentation formation and carry out order placement procedures taking into account all legal requirements.

Description of functionality

Product Directory

AT "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" it provides for the formation of its own hierarchical reference book (classifier) ​​of goods, works and services "Products" with a description of the characteristics and consumer properties.

It is possible to keep records of purchased products in the context of the codes of the all-Russian classifiers OKP and OKDP, as well as in the context of the codes of the classifier "Nomenclature of products for state and municipal needs" (hereinafter referred to as the reference book "Nomenclature"). The latter is being developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

These opportunities are due to the fact that currently customers, in accordance with the current legislation, have to use classifiers that are not coordinated with each other.

For example, maintaining a register of government contracts must be carried out in the context of the codes of the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKP), and the formation of consolidated forecasts of the volume of products purchased for state and municipal needs - in the context of the codes of the classifier "Nomenclature of products for state and municipal needs".

At the same time, the OKP classifier does not contain a list of works and services, and the classifier "Nomenclature of products for state and municipal needs" has not yet been approved.

Thus, the current classifiers are not enough to fully systematize the purchased products. The list of goods that can be purchased through an auction is limited to certain codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP). Therefore, it is most effective to use both the OKP classifier and the OKDP classifier to classify products.

The use of classifiers for product identification is necessary for the formation of various forms of reporting in the context of certain groups and types of products. The product directory provides the ability to collect products by groups. In this case, the formation of groups is carried out by users independently.

For convenient work of the user with large volumes of input information, there are two modes for entering data on purchased products - directly in the "Products" directory, and when filling out system documents.

Because the program "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" several state and municipal customers can keep records of purchases of goods, works and services, it is possible to configure the visibility of the data of the "Products" directory for users. The data is restricted according to the institution to which the user of the system belongs.

For example, a user of a particular institution may have access to data entered by users of that institution only, or data entered by users of other institutions.

Implemented the ability to configure user rights to edit (moderate) the directory data.

Preparing and placing an order

Software "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" automates the main methods of placing an order for the purchase of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs:

  • through an open competition;
  • by holding an open auction;
  • by requesting quotations.

The system can reflect all stages of placing an order - from the creation of a commission (competitive, auction, quotation), to the formation of a documentation package and publication in the media.

Information on ongoing purchases is entered into the system in a clearly structured form using electronic documents and recorded in the purchase log.

Consolidation of lots

To organize the efficient work of users, the system implements a mechanism that allows you to create lots of a competition or auction by combining several lots.
There are three options for combining lots:

  • Consolidation of the same-named lots – the consolidation of the lots with the same names is carried out;
  • Consolidation of similar lots — the consolidation of lots that have the same parameter values, for example, the presence of preferences or purchase from small businesses, etc., is performed. The parameters by which the system searches for lots to combine are set by the user;
  • Merge selected lots — merges the lots selected by the user.

Combining products

When forming tender or auction lots by the customer or the authorized body, there may be a need to combine products. For example, when a competition is held on the basis of applications received by the main manager from institutions subordinate to him, containing products of the same name. To solve this problem, the system implements a mechanism for combining products.

Combining products of the same name is carried out within the framework of one lot of the competition (auction) and can take place

  • at the discretion of the user;
  • in automatic mode.

Combining products in automatic mode is carried out during the operation of combining lots in the case when the combined lot includes products of the same name. In this case, the user can refuse to perform the merge operation.

The system also provides for the possibility of moving products between the lots of the competition (auction). At the same time, when transferring products, the price of lots is automatically recalculated.
Mechanisms for combining and transferring products implemented in "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" will allow the state customer or authorized body to optimally form the subject of procurement.

Preparing a documentation package

All necessary documentation:

  • notice of the competition;
  • notice of the auction;
  • notification of a request for quotations;
  • tender documentation;
  • auction documentation.

can be generated in the system automatically based on the entered data. Documentation is generated using the reporting system in the form of separate files in the word-xml format, which can be saved in any desired format - .doc, .rtf, etc.

For each type of document, be it a notice or tender documentation, built-in templates are used. At the same time, templates are customizable, that is, the user can always determine the order in which information is displayed as he needs. The system automatically calculates the parameters for generating reports and offers the user the most optimal option.

Such a mechanism allows reducing the time for preparing high-quality documentation, since printed documents generated automatically do not require additional modification by the user.

Pre-selection and supplier selection

Software "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" automates the registration of applications submitted by participants in the placement of an order for participation in a tender, auction or request for quotations.

For each application of the participant, you can enter all the necessary information - information about the participant, documents provided as part of the application, products offered with an indication of its functional characteristics and price, etc.

Registration of changes made to the applications of order placement participants, as well as registration of responses to applications is provided.
The system implements a mechanism for considering participants' applications for compliance with the established requirements. In particular, you can make a detailed review of the application for:

  • availability of required documents;
  • compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements;
  • Compliance of the terms of the contract, proposed by the participant and being the evaluation criteria, with the requirements of the customer.

The system implements a set of analytical reports, the data of which can be used by the commissions at the stages of consideration and evaluation of applications of order placement participants. For each participant's application, you can view preliminary decisions generated automatically by the system based on the entered data.

For the quantitative criteria for evaluating the bids of participants in the placement of an order, established in the tender documentation, the calculation of scores is performed by the system automatically.
Evaluation of applications of participants in the placement of an order according to non-numerical criteria is carried out by reflecting in the program the points given by members of the commission and experts for each criterion.

Places are assigned to the bids of order placement participants automatically.

To reflect in the system the procedure for conducting bidding in the form of an open auction, an automated auction board is intended. The scoreboard displays information about the announced price, the auction step, as well as data on the last and penultimate offers received from the auction participants. All bids made by auction participants are recorded in the system.

To reflect the results of the work of the commission, all types of protocols are implemented in the system:

  • Application Opening Protocol;
  • Protocol for consideration of applications;
  • Evaluation protocol.
  • Protocol for consideration of applications;
  • Auction protocol.

Quote request

  • Protocol of review and evaluation.

Protocols can be generated in printed form automatically. At the same time, they are formed as separate files in the word-xml format, which can be saved in any desired format - .doc, .rtf, etc.

For the formation of protocols, a mechanism of customizable templates is used, the set of which can be expanded based on the needs of users.

State system

in software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" the principles of pipeline processing are implemented and the system of document states is applied.

The state system is designed to be able to identify the stage - approval, approval, consideration, etc., at which this or that purchase is currently located (the corresponding electronic document).

The transition between states can be done in two modes:

  • by the user's decision - for example, at the stage of coordination and approval of tender documentation, publication of information about the purchase on the website, etc.;
  • automatically - when registering various protocols in the system (opening applications, considering applications, etc.) and conducting them.

The program features allow you to:

  • streamline the process of approval and approval of documents;
  • make a transition between states, both in automatic mode and by the user's decision;
  • control the correctness of filling in the document when the state changes;
  • bind operations performed with the document to certain states;
  • perform various actions when performing a transition between states;
  • configure the system of states to the requirements of users;
  • users of the system with administrator rights are provided with a mechanism for customizing the state system to the needs of a particular user.

Document control

To reduce the number of errors made during data entry, and associated with large amounts of input information and the complex structure of documents, the program implements a document control mechanism.

Control can be performed automatically (when document states change) or forcibly at the user's initiative. In the first case, the control procedure will be called when the state of the document changes (transition to another state).

To inform the user about cases when the system detects incorrectly entered data, the program includes a notification system.

So, if the user specified the terms of the procedure, exceeding the limits regulated by law, or did not fill in the required details of the document, a window with a list of errors will be displayed on the screen. At the same time, by clicking on the line containing the description of the error, you can go directly to the attribute of the document, when filling out which the error was made.

Loading classifiers

The program provides for downloading directories and classifiers:

  • budget classifiers (revenues, expenses, KOSGU sources of financing the budget deficit);
  • OKP (all-Russian classifier of products);
  • OKDP (all-Russian classifier of economic activities, products and services);
  • OKEI (all-Russian classifier of units of measurement);
  • classifier BIC (reference book of bank identification codes of settlement participants in the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • address classifiers of the Federal Tax Service.

Registration of contracts

It is planned to expand the functionality of the software solution "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" in terms of registration of contracts concluded on the basis of the results of tenders and the formation of a register of contracts.

Web portal

The product “1C: State and municipal procurement 8. Web-portal” is being prepared for release based on “1C-Bitrix: Site Management”, which allows publishing notices of tenders, documentation, evaluation protocols and other necessary information on the site in automatic mode.


  • bulletin board - a reflection of information about the ongoing procedures for placing an order (terms of implementation, method of placing an order, subject of purchase, etc.);
  • the possibility of obtaining a package of tender documentation from the site (documentation about the auction, etc.);
  • entering information about state and municipal contracts concluded by customers as a result of the auction;
  • formation of a register of state and municipal contracts.


Attention! To scale and expand the number of jobs, you can purchase additional licenses.

With an increase in the volume of ongoing purchases, the labor intensity of work on their preparation and implementation, accounting, and control of concluded contracts and agreements increases significantly. The procurement process is complex and time-consuming, associated with a large document flow, so it is necessary to use information and analytical technologies for its implementation.

Automation of this process will increase the speed of decision-making by customers and generate statistics on all ongoing purchases. Thus, the efficiency of procurement is greatly improved.

For information support of the procurement management process, 1C has developed the following software products (hereinafter referred to as PP):

Software products are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the following federal laws:

1.; Federal Law No. 44-FZ of 05.04.2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”;

2.; Federal Law No. 223-FZ of July 18, 2011 “On Procurement of Goods, Works and Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities”.

The main difference between the PP “Purchases. The addition to "1C: Accounting of a public institution 8" from the software package "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" does not consist in a radical reduction in the set of functions, but in their simplified implementation and the availability of new functionality (for example, the presence of monitoring the execution of contracts).

1C: State and municipal procurement 8

The software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" includes the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8" and the application solution (configuration) "State and municipal procurement".


The software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" provides automation of all stages of preparation and conduct of the procurement process.

The program is intended for use:

  • state and municipal institutions of various levels, the procurement activities of which are regulated by Federal Law No. 44-FZ:
    • the main managers, managers and recipients of budgetary funds, acting as state (municipal) customers;
    • state and municipal authorities, authorized bodies performing the functions of planning and conducting the procurement of goods, works and services;
    • specialized organizations - legal entities that are involved by customers or authorized bodies to perform the functions of determining suppliers (executors, contractors);
  • organizations and institutions whose procurement activities are regulated by Federal Law No. 223-FZ (state and municipal unitary enterprises, autonomous institutions, state corporations, etc.)

The introduction of the software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" will optimize and simplify the process of preparing documents and making decisions at different stages of preparing and conducting procurement - both for a specialist preparing procurement documentation and for a commission whose task is to review and evaluation of bids of procurement participants.

The systematization of data in the form of structured documents and the repeated use of the information entered in the system will reduce the amount of operator workload and improve the quality of the documents being prepared. And this, in turn, will reduce the complexity of making changes to the finished documentation (competitive, auction, etc.).

The use of the program "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" will help to avoid mistakes at the stage of procurement planning, publication of notices and procurement documentation and will allow the procedures for determining suppliers (contractors, performers) taking into account all legal requirements.

Features of the implementation of a software product from customers whose procurement activities are regulated by Federal Law No. 223-FZ

Federal Law No. 223-FZ gives each organization the right to make purchases by any means, provided that the procedure for such purchases is enshrined in the Procurement Regulations of the organization. Procurement regulations vary greatly, both in the range of procurement methods and in the order in which they are carried out.

It is very important to understand that all the nuances of the procurement process of organizations subject to 223-FZ should be taken into account in standard solution impossible. Accordingly, the implementation will require the active participation of partners in terms of finalizing the system for the specifics of each client.


Purchasing Methods Setting Mechanism

An organization carrying out procurement activities within the framework of 223-FZ has the right to provide in the Procurement Regulations its own methods for determining suppliers. To enable flexible customization of procurement methods, a constructor has been implemented in the configuration that allows you to:

  • Customize the content of the descriptive part of the purchase
  • Determine the list of standard and specific requirements for procurement participants
  • Establish criteria and sub-criteria for evaluation of proposals and the procedure for their calculation
  • Highlight the stages of the procurement, provided for by the Procurement Regulations
  • Set up printable documents

Product Directory

The system provides for the formation of its own hierarchical directory (classifier) ​​of goods, works and services "Products" with a description of the characteristics and consumer properties.

You can keep records of purchased products in the context of:

  • OKVED 2 (all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity).

The use of classifiers for product identification is necessary for the formation of various forms of reporting in the context of certain groups and types of products. The product directory provides the ability to collect products by groups. In this case, the formation of groups is carried out by users independently.

For convenient work of the user with large volumes of input information, there are two modes for entering data on purchased products - directly in the "Products" directory, and when filling out system documents.

Since the program can keep records of purchases of goods, works and services of several customers, it is possible to configure the visibility of the data of the "Products" directory for users. The data is restricted according to the institution to which the user of the system belongs. For example, a user of a particular institution may have access to data entered by users of that institution only, or data entered by users of other institutions.

Implemented the ability to configure user rights to edit (moderate) the directory data.

Procurement planning and formation of a procurement plan, procurement schedule

The software product has a procurement planning block that provides the user with the following options:

  • collection of planned requests from departments or subordinate institutions
  • automatic generation of a procurement plan based on planned requests
  • automatic generation of a procurement schedule based on the procurement plan
  • automatic generation of purchases based on the lines of the procurement schedule
  • formation of analytical reports that allow to evaluate the percentage of execution of the procurement plan and concluded contracts, as well as the savings received as a result of the procurement procedures.

Procurement preparation and execution

The software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" automates the main methods of procurement regulated federal law No. 44-FZ, such as:

  • contest
    • open/closed competition;
    • open/closed competition with limited participation;
    • open/closed two-stage competition;
    • open/closed two-stage competition with limited participation.
  • auction;
  • open auction in electronic form;
  • request for quotations;
  • request for proposals;
  • preliminary selection;
  • purchase from a single supplier.

The system can reflect all stages of the preparation and implementation of the procedure for determining the supplier (executor, contractor) - from the creation of a commission (competitive, auction, quotation), to the formation of a package of documentation and publication of information on procurement on the official website of the EIS.

Information on ongoing purchases is entered into the system in a clearly structured form using electronic documents and recorded in the purchase log.

Preparing a documentation package

All necessary documentation:

  • notice of the competition;
  • invitation to participate in the auction;
  • notice of an open auction in electronic form;
  • notification of a request for quotations;
  • notice of the request for proposals;
  • notice of the preliminary selection;
  • notice of the purchase from a single supplier;
  • tender documentation;
  • auction documentation;
  • documentation of an open auction in electronic form;
  • documentation on the request for proposals

It can be generated automatically in the system based on the entered data. Documentation is generated using the reporting system in the form of separate files in docx format.

For each type of document - be it a notice or a procurement document - built-in templates are used. At the same time, templates are customizable, that is, the user can always determine the order in which information is displayed as he needs. The system automatically calculates the parameters for generating reports and offers the user the most optimal option.

Such a mechanism allows reducing the time for preparing high-quality documentation, since printed documents generated automatically do not require additional modification by the user.

Registration, consideration and evaluation of participants' applications

The software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" automates the registration of applications submitted by procurement participants to participate in a tender, auction, request for proposals or request for quotations.

For each participant's application, you can enter all the necessary information - information about the participant, documents provided as part of the application, products offered with an indication of its functional characteristics and price, etc.

Registration of changes made to the bids of procurement participants, as well as registration of responses to bids is provided.

The system implements a mechanism for considering participants' applications for compliance with the established requirements. In particular, you can make a detailed review of the application for:

  • availability of required documents;
  • compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements;
  • Compliance of the terms of the contract, proposed by the participant and being the evaluation criteria, with the requirements of the customer.

The system implements a set of analytical reports, the data of which can be used by commissions at the stages of consideration and evaluation of applications from procurement participants. For each participant's application, you can view preliminary decisions generated automatically by the system based on the entered data.

For the quantitative criteria for evaluating the bids of procurement participants established in the tender documentation, the calculation of scoring is performed by the system automatically.

Evaluation of applications of procurement participants according to non-numerical criteria is carried out by reflecting in the program the points given by members of the commission and experts for each criterion (criterion indicator).

Places are assigned to the bids of procurement participants automatically.

An automated auction board is designed to reflect the procedure for conducting a face-to-face auction in the system. The scoreboard displays information about the announced price, the auction step, as well as data on the last and penultimate offers received from the auction participants. All bids made by auction participants are recorded in the system.

To reflect the results of the work of the commission, the system implemented different kinds protocols.

Protocols can be generated in printed form automatically. At the same time, they are formed as separate files in docx format.

For the formation of protocols, a mechanism of customizable templates is used, the set of which can be expanded based on the needs of users.

Registration of contracts

The program provides for the registration of primary information about contracts concluded as a result of procurement, information about changing the contract, as well as information about the execution of the contract (stage of the contract) and information about the termination of the contract.


For operational monitoring of the implementation of the procurement plan, the software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" implements reports that allow you to evaluate the percentage of the plan for the following stages:

  • Implementation of the schedule at the procurement stage;
  • Implementation of the schedule at the stage of concluding contracts.

Exchange with the Unified Information System in the field of procurement within the framework of 44-FZ (

  • procurement plan;
  • schedule;
  • purchase notices;
  • information about contracts;
  • procurement plan;
  • schedule;
  • notices;
  • register numbers of notices;
  • final protocols;
  • information about contracts;
  • information about the execution (termination) of contracts.

Exchange with the Unified Information System in the field of procurement within the framework of 223-FZ (

Uploading to the site is supported:

  • procurement plan;
  • notices;
  • information about contracts;
  • information about the execution (termination) of contracts;
  • contract reporting.
  • procurement plan;
  • notices;
  • register numbers of notices;
  • protocols;
  • register numbers of protocols;
  • final protocols;
  • information about contracts;

Document approval mechanism

The software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" implements the principles of pipeline processing and uses the document approval mechanism, which is represented by:

  • a state system that allows consistent approval of documents by the Customer's divisions in the presence of a clear scheme of sighting;
  • routes for approving individual documents, necessary for detailing the procedure for approving specific documents, in the absence of a rigidly established scheme of approval.

State system

The state system is designed to be able to identify the stage - approval, approval, consideration, etc., at which this or that document is currently located.

The transition between states can be done in two modes:

  • by the user's decision - for example, at the stage of coordination and approval of tender documentation, publication of information about the purchase on the website, etc.;
  • automatically - upon registration in the system of various protocols (opening of applications, consideration of applications, etc.) and their approval;

The program features allow you to:

  • streamline the process of approval and approval of documents;
  • Transition between states, both automatically and by the user's decision;
  • To control the correctness of filling out the document when the state changes;
  • Bind operations performed with the document to certain states;
  • Perform various actions when performing a transition between states;
  • Customize the system of states according to the requirements of users;
  • Users of the system with administrator rights are provided with a mechanism for customizing the state system to the needs of a particular user.

The state system is well suited to reflect the process of interaction between institutions, main managers, financial and authorized bodies. Good for reflecting a process in a small organization, i.e. where the chain of command is fixed and set up once upon implementation. But there are organizations in which one purchase must go through some specialists, and the other through others, and the recruitment of these persons is actually determined at the start of the approval. For this purpose, the routes for coordinating documents are intended.

Routes for approval of individual documents

The coordination route is an ordered set of interconnected stages. The implemented mechanism allows you to fully configure the route in enterprise mode. At the same time, the route settings are in no way related to the specifics of the documents themselves. The route can be configured in such a way that some stages will be performed sequentially, and some in parallel. For each document in the system, a typical route is configured, which can be changed during the approval process.

For users participating in the approval process, the most simple and convenient interface for working with documents, whether protocols or procurement documents, has been developed. The form displays a list of only those documents that this employee (user) needs to approve. Directly from this form, the user can open the document, approve or reject the document. After approval/rejection, the document will disappear from the list.

If the organization still has to work with documents in paper form in parallel, and it is required to see at what stage the approval of the document is, and also to assess who is delaying the process, then for such purposes the system records the date and time when the employee started the approval, and the date and the time the employee made the decision.

Document control

To reduce the number of errors made during data entry, and associated with large amounts of input information and the complex structure of documents, the program implements a document control mechanism.

Control can be performed automatically (when document states change) or forcibly at the user's initiative. In the first case, the control procedure will be called when the state of the document changes (transition to another state).

To inform the user about cases when the system detects incorrectly entered data, the program includes a notification system. So, if the user specified the terms of the procedure, exceeding the limits regulated by law, or did not fill in the required details of the document, a window with a list of errors will be displayed on the screen. At the same time, by clicking on the line containing the description of the error, you can go directly to the attribute of the document, when filling out which the error was made.

The program provides for downloading directories and classifiers:

  • budget classifiers (revenues, expenses, KOSGU, sources of financing the budget deficit);
  • OKPD 2 (all-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity);
  • OKVED 2 (all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity);
  • OKEI (all-Russian classifier of units of measurement);
  • classifier BIC (reference book of bank identification codes of settlement participants in the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • address classifiers of the Federal Tax Service.

PROF version of the software product

"PROF" version of the software product involves project implementation with the participation of developers.

Acquisition of a software product

The conditions and procedure for purchasing the software product "1C: State and municipal procurement 8" are indicated in Newsletter No.23223 .

To purchase the PRO version of the software product, please contact [email protected] .

Procurement. Addition to "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8".

Software product “Purchasing. Addition to "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8" is not independent, for its operation it is necessary to have an established standard configuration.

Updates to the Purchasing add-on and standard solution objects » are carried out independently. Updating Solution Objects

  • Collection of applications for the procurement plan from departments;
  • Automatic formation of a procurement plan in a structured form based on planned requests;
  • Collection of applications for the procurement schedule from departments, including based on the data of the approved procurement plan;
  • Automatic formation of a schedule in a structured form based on planned requests;
  • Automatic formation of purchases, contracts (in case of purchases from a single supplier) based on the data of the procurement schedule;
  • A set of analytical reports to assess the implementation of the procurement schedule, concluded contracts, as well as savings obtained as a result of procurement procedures.


  • Publication of information about the procurement on the Official website of the EIS;
  • Formation of the results of purchases;
  • Accounting for receipts and returns of funds provided by procurement participants as security for bids and execution of contracts;
  • A set of reports for analyzing the movement of funds provided as collateral;
  • Automatic formation of a contract based on the results of procurement.

Monitoring the execution of contracts (agreements)

  • Preparation of information on concluded contracts;
  • Maintaining schedules for fulfillment and payment of obligations;
  • Accounting and coordination of execution documents;
  • Registration and approval of invoices issued by suppliers (executors)
  • Formation of payment documents on the basis of execution documents and invoices;
  • A set of analytical reports for obtaining operational information about the process of contract execution.

The program provides input and storage of the following information about the contract:

  • general information - date of conclusion and contract number;
  • customer and recipient of products;
  • counterparty;
  • subject of the contract (name of the supplied products), indicating the quantity, cost and delivery time;
  • stages of contract execution;
  • sources of financing of the contract (in the context of budget classification);
  • payment terms (payment schedule);
  • payment procedure (correlation between the terms of delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of contract services and payment schedule);

The formation of information about the contract involves a detailed description of the products supplied by the contractor, that is, the user indicates information about the name of the products supplied, the quantity, cost and delivery time of goods, works, services.

To track the execution of contracts, the program implements a mechanism for registering execution documents under concluded contracts. The data is filled in automatically based on the data of the contract selected by the user. The display of information for the user about the name and quantity of products that have not yet been delivered under the contract is provided. The user, in turn, has the opportunity to select from the provided list of products not delivered under the contract, those positions that the contractor indicates in the execution document.

The program provides for the registration of invoices for payment for goods supplied (work performed, services rendered) issued by suppliers. Using the built-in mechanism, based on these invoices, you can prepare documents for payment (payment order, application for cash flow).

Exchange with the official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement within the framework of 44-FZ (

    • procurement plan;
    • schedule;
    • purchase notices;
    • information about concluded contracts;
    • information about the execution / termination of contracts.
    • procurement plan;
    • registry numbers, item numbers, dates of publication of the items of the procurement plan;
    • schedule;
    • registry numbers, position numbers, dates of publication of the positions of the schedule;
    • notices;
    • register numbers of notices;
    • final protocols;
    • information about contracts;
    • register numbers of information about contracts;
    • information about the execution of contracts.

Exchange with the official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement within the framework of 223-FZ (

  • Uploading to the site is supported:
    • procurement plan;
    • notices;
    • information about concluded contracts;
    • information about the execution / termination of contracts;
    • information about subcontracts;
    • contract reporting.
  • Website download supported
    • procurement plan;
    • registry numbers of the procurement plan;
    • internal identifiers of the procurement plan;
    • notices;
    • register numbers of notices;
    • internal notification identifiers;
    • final protocols;
    • information about contracts;
    • register numbers of information about contracts;
    • internal identifiers of information about contracts;
    • information about the execution (termination) of contracts.

Acquisition of a software product

The conditions and procedure for acquiring the software product "Purchases. Supplement to" 1C: Accounting of a state institution 8 "are indicated in