Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Kirill compromising biography. Dossier: Mikhail Vasilyevich Nakonechny

(Nakonechny Mikhail Vasilyevich; born on May 15, 1961, village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodoki, Chusovsky District, Perm Region), Met. Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursky. From a working class family. In 1978 he graduated from high school. Oct 25 1980 Rector of the Holy Assumption cathedral Vladimir archim. Alexy (Kutepov; now Metropolitan of Tula and Ephraim) was tonsured a monk with the name Cyril in honor of St. Kirill Belozersky. Oct 26 Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal Serapion (Fadeev) ordained a deacon, May 6, 1981 - a priest. In 1986 he graduated from the correspondence department of the Moscow Sports School. From 26 Oct. From 1980 to May 6, 1981 he served in the Holy Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir. From May 6, 1981 to June 1, 1982, he was a cleric of the Holy Trinity Cathedral in the city of Alexandrov, Vladimir Region. From June 1, 1982 to March 28, 1984, rector of the St. Nicholas Church in the city of Kirzhach, dean of the churches of the Kirzhach district.

7 Apr. 1984 Archbishop Serapion in the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir elevated K. to the rank of archimandrite. From March 19, 1984 to June 10, 1987, rector of the Holy Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, secretary of the Archbishop of Vladimir and Suzdal, dean of the churches of the Vladimir district. From June 10, 1987 to July 7, 1989, rector of the Theodoro-Tiron Cathedral in Chisinau, secretary of the Metropolitan. Chisinau and Moldavian Serapion (Fadeeva), dean of the churches of the Chisinau region. Participant of the Local Jubilee Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1988 and the Local Councils of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1990 and 2009.

From 7 July 1989 to 9 Oct. 1995 Cleric of the Tula diocese, secretary of the Metropolitan Tula and Belevsky Serapion (Fadeev), dean of the churches of the Tula city district. From 9 Oct. 1995 to 1 Jan. 2000 Rector of St. Nicholas Church on Rzhavets in Tula. From March 15, 1999 to March 15, 2000 he was rector of the All Saints Cathedral in Tula. From 1 Oct. 1998 Rector of pastoral courses at the Tula EU (March 7, 2000 pastoral courses were transformed into the Tula DU, 6 Oct. 2001 - into the Tula DS, the rector of which K. was until 7 Oct. 2002).

Feb 26 1998 appointed to be Bishop of Bogoroditsky, vicar of the Tula diocese. On March 15, at the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo, he was consecrated as a bishop. The consecration was led by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'. On July 19, 2000, he was elected Bishop of Tula and Belevsky. Oct 7 2002 appointed Bishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov. 25 Feb. 2003 elevated to the rank of archbishop. Rector of the Yaroslavl Palace of Culture (2006-2007). During K.'s stay at the Yaroslavl cathedra in Tolgsky Yaroslavl in honor of the Entry into the Church of the Rev. Mother of God women. the miraculous Tolga Icon of the Mother of God was returned from the Yaroslavl Art Museum; opened Yaroslavl province. gymnasium them. St. Ignatia Brianchaninova (2003); a particle of the Robe of the Lord was returned to the Church from the storerooms of the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve, Avraamiyev Rostov was opened in honor of the Epiphany husband. mon-ry (2003), department of theology in the Yaroslavl state. pedagogical un-those them. K. D. Ushinsky (2004); the Yaroslavl DC began its work (2006); all the buildings of the Tolga wives. the monasteries were transferred to the ownership of the Church (2008); opened Yaroslavl in the name of Saints Athanasius and Cyril husband. mon-ry; resurrected Cathedral of St. Demetrius of Rostov in the Rostov Spaso-Jakovlevsky Dimitriev husband. mon-re, where the relics of the saint were transferred and placed in a silver shrine specially made for this day (2009); opened Rostov Petrovsky husband. monastery; the Assumption Cathedral in Yaroslavl was completed and consecrated; returned to Pereslavl-Zalessky in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker monastery ancient Korsun cross (2010). Since July 27, 2011 Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye. Oct 5 2011 appointed Rector of the Yekaterinburg Palace of Culture. The decision of the Holy Synod of 6 Oct. appointed head of the newly formed Yekaterinburg Metropolis. Oct 8 elevated to the rank of metropolitan. Dec. 2011 to March 2012 and May 2013 to Jan. 2014 temporarily ruled the Kamensk and Alapaevsk diocese.

Awarded with the Order of St. book. Vladimir 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree, the Order of St. blgv. book. Daniel 2nd degree, Order of St. Sergius 2nd degree, Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, 2nd class, Order of Ap. and Evangelist Mark of the Alexandrian Orthodox Church, the order of schmch. John (Pommer) 1st degree of the Latvian Orthodox Church, state. Orders of Friendship and Honor; has public awards.

On July 15, 2013, the Throne was consecrated in the name of St. Royal Passion-Bearers, installed at the place of their murder.

Lit.: Definitions Synod // ZhMP. 1998. No. 4. S. 14; Naming and consecration Archim. Cyril (Nakonechny) in ep. Bogoroditsky // Ibid. No. 5. S. 15-20; Conversation with Archbishop Yaroslavsky and Rostov Kirill // Yaroslavsky EV. 2004. May/June. pp. 18-21.

E x-g General Director of the Kyiv Communal Association of Green Construction and Operation of Green Spaces of the city “Kyivzelenstroy” (from July 2016 to May 2018).

Place of birth, education

From 1999 to 2004, he studied at the Academy of the State Tax Service of Ukraine with a degree in jurisprudence, from which he graduated with honors, having received the qualification of a lawyer and the rank of junior lieutenant.

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Family status

According to the latest data, Mikhail Nakonechny is married to Ekaterina Nakonechnaya (born 1985), with whom he has a daughter, Christina (born 2015).


Mikhail Nakonechny began his career in 2004 as Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the Motor Transport Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications, where he worked until 2005.

From 2005 to 2006 - director of LLC.

From 2006 to 2007 - head of the legal department of Delight LLC and Kvadrat LLC.

In 2007 - head of the registration department of the legal department of Stoik-Plus LLC.

Since April 2016 - Deputy General Director of KO "Kyivzelenstroy".

Since August 1, 2016, Mikhail Nakonechny, according to the official biography posted on the website of the Kyivzelenstroy CO, was listed as the general director of this enterprise. On the same day, he , was presented to the labor collective. By the way, in the public domain it was possible to find only on the appointment of Nakonechny Acting General Director of KO "Kyivzelenstroy", which was signed by the head of the Kyiv City State Administration Vitaliy Klitschko on July 13, 2016.

April 27, 2018 Mikhail Nakonechny from the post of CEOCO "Kyivzelenstroy"voluntarily (but against the backdrop of numerous criminal proceedings opened against officials KO "Kyivzelenstroy"). Vitali Klitschko entrusted the performance of the duties of the general director to Nakonechny's deputy, Natalia Belousova.

Connections, schemes

So, Nakonechny was an assistant to Pilipishin at a time when the latter was a people's deputy of the VI convocation (2007-2008) and was a member of the leadership of the People's Party and the Lytvyn Bloc in parliament. Also, Nakonechny headed the cell of the Pilipishin NGO "Kyiv first of all" in the metropolitan microdistrict Lukyanovka. And in December 2013, at the repeat elections to the Verkhovna Rada, he was Pilipishin's confidant in single-mandate constituency No. 223.

It was also rumored that in the elections to the Kyiv City Council in 2015, Mikhail Nakonechny held one of the top managerial posts at the headquarters of Sergei Dumchev's Rukh for Reforms, which, in fact, did not prevent him from collaborating with his ideological political enemy, the Petro Poroshenko Bloc party. Solidarity". By the way, he worked “on two fronts” together with Mila Tyzhnenko, who at Rukh was responsible for media content and harsh “rinsing” of Klitschko in the media, and later became Prokopiv’s adviser.

He expanded his ties with the politician Nakonechny in July 2016, having worked in the by-elections to the Verkhovna Rada in Dnipro (then still in Dnepropetrovsk) at the headquarters of volunteer candidate Tatyana Rychkova. As a result, Rychkova became a people's deputy.


According to the conclusions of the auditors, it committed violations for 10.31 million hryvnias, and, it seems, at least 25 million hryvnias were stolen on the overstatement of purchase prices. However, it would, of course, be wrong to place all responsibility for this on Mikhail Nakonechny.

Probably, the lion's share of the blame for financial violations lies with his predecessors: who headed this enterprise and his first deputy, Yevgeny Kuguk, who, after Simonov's dismissal, from May 4, 2016, acted as the general director of the communal association.

Despite the fact that as of December 2016, Nakonechny was not seen in any scandals, the principle of selecting contractors and suppliers by Kyivzelenstroy continued to raise questions. So, for example, in September 2016, a communal association. And in November 2016, public utilities, who, moreover, are not at all affordable for a subsidized organization.

Purchase in 2017 by KO "Kyivzelenstroy" also aroused genuine public interest.

On October 24, 2017, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) issued an order on violation of the requirements of the law regarding ethical behavior, prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest to the Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko. The document obligated Klitschko to carry out against the general director of the Kyivzelenstroy CO. It was about the fact that Nakonechny, while holding the position of general director of the Kyivzelenstroy CO, violated the requirements of Part 1 of Art. 36 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Prevention of Corruption", namely - did not transfer the enterprises belonging to him and corporate rights -LLC "Kyiv Candle Factory" in control of another person.

In December 2017, it became known thatthe police are investigating budgetary funds by the management of KO "Kyivzelenstroy". It was about the fact that in 2016-2017. tenders held by this KO were won by the "necessary firms", after which the budgetary funds were divided between the organizers of the scam, and work in the capital's parks and squares was subsequently carried out by the employees of the "Kyivzelenstroy" itself and the district KP UZN controlled by it.

Also, the investigation revealed a number of large purchases of the communal association, which were carried out at inflated prices or even fictitiously. For example, Kievzelenstroy managed to purchase vacuum machines for garbage collection , and Vernadsky Boulevard And this is by no means a complete list of criminal proceedings opened against officials of the Kyivzelenstroy CO.

It is possible that the reason for the dismissalMikhail Nakonechny in May 2018 from the position of General Director of KO“Kyivzelenstroy” was the desire of Vitaliy Klitschko to cover up the city authorities from the impending scandal. At the same time, the reason for Nakonechny's resignation was fatigue from the “mess” that was happening in the communal association, which he could not influence.


According to the Youcontrol analytical system, Mikhail Nakonechny previously was .

Predecessor: Mikhey (Kharkharov) Successor: Panteleimon (Dolganov) July 19 - October 7 Predecessor: Serapion (Fadeev) Successor: Alexy (Kutepov) March 15 - July 19 Election: February 26, 1998 Predecessor: vicariate established Successor: vicariate abolished Academic degree: Name at birth: Mikhail Vasilyevich Nakonechny Birth: May 15(1961-05-15 ) (58 years old)
village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodoki, Perm region Death: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Buried: ((#property:p119)) Dynasty: ((#property:p53)) Taking holy orders: May 6, 1981 Acceptance of monasticism: October 25, 1980 Episcopal consecration: March 15, 1998 Autograph: Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Awards:
Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree Template:Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, 2nd class Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov II degree Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir III degree (ROC)

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Metropolitan Kirill(in the world Mikhail Vasilyevich Nakonechny; genus. May 15, the village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodoki, Chusovsky district, Perm region) - bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church; Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye, head of the Yekaterinburg Metropolis. Member of the Local Councils of 1988, and years.


He was also the rector of the newly opened Yaroslavl Theological Seminary: in -2007 and, again, from July 27, 2009 to October 5, 2011.

Participation in politics


Being a member of the Bishops' and Local Councils at the end of January 2009, he got into some media reports after his car was stolen in Moscow on January 27, 2009 (Toyota Land Cruiser Prado worth 1.5 million rubles); the same monastic name as Metropolitan Kirill (Gundyaev) caused confusion in some media reports.


  • Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir of three degrees
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (twice)
  • Order of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree
  • Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov I and II degrees
  • Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, II degree
  • Order of the Holy Apostle Mark of the Alexandrian Orthodox Church
  • Gold medal of the Russian Peace Foundation Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]]
  • Gold medal of the Yaroslavl diocese of the MP ROC [[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]]
  • State Order of Honor (December 2010)

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  1. JMP. 1998, No. 4, p. 14.
  2. . //
  3. . //
  4. , Journal No. 120. //
  5. . //
  6. . Russian Newsweek (February 2, 2009). Retrieved February 12, 2009. .
  7. NEWSru January 27, 2009.
  8. . New news (January 28, 2009). - The election of the patriarch was accompanied by increased security measures, pickets and gossip in the media. Retrieved January 29, 2009. .
  9. . TVNZ. 13.01.2011.


Predecessor: Mikhey (Kharkharov) Successor: Panteleimon (Dolganov) July 19 - October 7 Predecessor: Serapion (Fadeev) Successor: Alexy (Kutepov) March 15 - July 19 Election: February 26, 1998 Predecessor: vicariate established Successor: vicariate abolished Name at birth: Mikhail Vasilyevich Nakonechny Birth: May 15(1961-05-15 ) (58 years old)
village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodoki, Perm region Taking holy orders: May 6, 1981 Acceptance of monasticism: October 25, 1980 Episcopal consecration: March 15, 1998 Awards:

Metropolitan Kirill(in the world Mikhail Vasilyevich Nakonechny; genus. May 15, the village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodoki, Chusovsky district, Perm region) - bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church; Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye, head of the Yekaterinburg Metropolis. Member of the Local Councils of 1988, and years.


From 1984 to 1995 he was the secretary of Archbishop Serapion and moved with him through the dioceses.

He was also the rector of the newly opened Yaroslavl Theological Seminary: in -2007 and, again, from July 27, 2009 to October 5, 2011.

Participation in politics


Being a member of the Bishops' and Local Councils at the end of January 2009, he got into some media reports after his car was stolen in Moscow on January 27, 2009 (Toyota Land Cruiser Prado worth 1.5 million rubles); the same monastic name as Metropolitan Kirill (Gundyaev) caused confusion in some media reports.


  • Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir of three degrees
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (twice)
  • Order of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree
  • Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov I and II degrees
  • Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, II degree
  • Order of the Holy Apostle Mark of the Alexandrian Orthodox Church
  • Gold medal of the Russian Peace Foundation
  • Gold medal of the Yaroslavl diocese of the MP ROC
  • State Order of Honor (December 2010)

Write a review on the article "Kirill (Nakonechny)"


  1. JMP. 1998, No. 4, p. 14.
  2. . //
  3. . //
  4. , Journal No. 120. //
  5. . //
  6. . Russian Newsweek (February 2, 2009). Retrieved February 12, 2009. .
  7. NEWSru January 27, 2009.
  8. . New news (January 28, 2009). - The election of the patriarch was accompanied by increased security measures, pickets and gossip in the media. Retrieved January 29, 2009. .
  9. . TVNZ. 13.01.2011.


  • // Patriarchy.Ru
  • Online Russian Orthodoxy
Date of Birth: May 15, 1961 A country: Russia Biography:

Born on May 15, 1961 in the village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodki, Chusovsky District, Perm Region, in a working-class family.

In 1978 he graduated from high school.

On October 25, 1980, the rector of the Holy Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir, Archimandrite Alexy (Kutepov, now -) was tonsured a monk with the name Cyril.

On October 26, 1980, he was ordained a hierodeacon by Archbishop Serapion (Fadeev) of Vladimir and Suzdal; on May 6, 1981, he was ordained a hieromonk.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 27, 2011 () he was appointed His Grace of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 5-6, 2011 () he was appointed head of the newly formed. Also, by the decision of the Synod (magazine No. 120), he was relieved of the post of rector of the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary and appointed rector of the Yekaterinburg Theological Seminary.


1986 - Moscow Theological Seminary.

Diocese: Yekaterinburg Diocese (Ruling Bishop) Place of work: Yekaterinburg Metropolis (Head of the Metropolis) Awards: