Metaphysical structure of the body. Worried about pain? Perhaps they have a metaphysical meaning Metaphysical body

Emotional blocking

On a metaphysical level, the skin represents a person's ability to value himself in the face of the world around him. Being a shell of the body, it reflects what a person thinks about himself. For someone who wants to know what he really thinks about himself, it is enough to describe his skin. Example: soft skin means I consider myself gentle. If the skin is dry, see also the article ICHTHYOSIS.

Any problem with the skin suggests that a person is ashamed of himself. He attaches too great importance what others think of him. He does not allow himself to be himself and is too willing to reject himself. Its internal integrity is easily broken even by weak external influences. Such a person is very sensitive to what is happening around him, too easily allows others to hurt him to the quick, and cannot love himself for who he is.

If a skin problem is accompanied by a discharge of pus, this indicates that some person or situation is so unpleasant for you that you are trying to get rid of them with the help of this disease.

A serious skin disease is a great way to distance yourself from people. The skin allows a person to come into contact with other people, it also allows him to isolate himself from people. A person may be so ashamed of himself that he refuses to enter into relationships with other people, using his skin disease as an excuse. He becomes untouchable. He would like to have a new skin, that is, to change completely.

When a person tries to get close to someone and encounters indifference or neglect, this causes him shame and resentment, which, in turn, can cause skin cancer.

If a skin disease causes a person to constantly itch, see also the article ITCH.

A disease that affects only the surface layer of the skin (for example, VITILIGO) indicates that a person is having a hard time with a breakup, separation, or termination of a relationship. He feels rejected. Such a person is always eager to save others, especially members of the opposite sex.

The affected part of the body represents the sphere of life in which one should look for the cause of the disease (example: the defeat of the face speaks of the fear of losing one's face). Purpose various parts bodies you can learn from this book.

mental blocking

Your skin is very visible to yourself and to others. The more serious the problem, the more you are worried about your attitude towards yourself. You have to change your ideas about yourself. To do this, you must list your positive qualities on a piece of paper and supplement this list with one new item every day. If you are having difficulty, seek help from those who know you well. Skin disease is an important signal that you must give yourself the right to be imperfect and not consider that you are worthless. You have the right, without guilt, to make a decision that will allow you to save your own skin, even if this decision will not please those you love. Your value lies in what is in your heart, in your unique individuality - and not in the events and things of the physical world.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true self, ask yourself the following questions:

Physical blocking

“What epithets best describe what I feel in my body at the moment?” The answer to this question will fully reflect your attitude towards the person or situation that provoked the problem.

Emotional blocking

“What does this disease prevent me from doing?” The answer to this question will allow you to determine which desires are blocked.

“What does this disease force me to do?” Start each answer to this question with a negative particle "not", and you will find out which desires are blocked.

As you know, nothing happens just like that, everything is a cause and effect, especially diseases that hint to a person that it is time to change something. It has been proven that in stressful situations, incl. accumulated - resentment, anger, disappointment and other fears in our body accumulate and the stress hormone cortisol . It promotes weight gain, increases blood pressure and blood sugar, which increases the risk of developing diabetes, among other ailments. Of course, cortisol is not the only hormone and influence on the system in stressful situations, but orthodox medicine either does not yet know about other details (in particular, about the effect on subtle bodies and chakras), or is simply silent for the sake of and. In addition, it has been proven that our DNA and molecules can be influenced by and.

I often receive letters from readers with questions about the metaphysical causes of certain diseases. Because I am not yet a walking encyclopedia, the easiest way is to google " symptom / disease(insert what you want) metaphysical reasons". I bring to the reader's attention a couple of samples about the causes of the most common ailments.

Cancer once again emphasizes that the categorical division into one's own / someone else's and excessive emotional involvement lead to purely detrimental consequences, primarily for the source of negativity. That is why now there is such an outbreak of oncological diseases, because people have forgotten how to live without egregors and outbursts of feelings. From the healer's testimony:

Deep resentment towards someone or something, when a person cannot forgive. A characteristic property of this offense is that a person "fixes" on it, he looks at life through the prism of this feeling, cannot tear himself away from it. I have worked and continue to work with women who have undergone surgery for breast tumors.

I can highlight some personality traits characteristic of such patients. The way such women interact with the world is quite tough. They put everything on the shelves: "good-bad", "noble-mean", "fair-unfair". In everything, categorical assessments prevail. Halftones are practically absent. People who, from their point of view, act dishonorably, dishonorably or unfairly, are subject to global denial.

By the way, the division into friend / foe also leads to an increase in the level. For a complete understanding of the influence of emotions on the entropy of consciousness (and health), read.

One of the most comprehensive works in the field of determining the metaphysical causes of diseases and their self-healing through simple work on yourself was done by Liz Bourbeau in her book Your body says "Love yourself!" . I strongly advise you to read or at least compare your symptoms, especially to people of age (I often advise the book to parents of wards who live in the "old way")


Physical blocking

Cancer is both a change in the cell as such and a failure in the mechanism of reproduction of a certain group of cells. In order to more accurately determine what cancer signals, you should analyze the functions of the part of the body that it struck.

Emotional blocking

This disease occurs in a person who experienced a serious psychological trauma in childhood and carried all his negative emotions in himself all his life. To psychological trauma that can cause serious illness, include: the trauma of the rejected, the trauma of the abandoned, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. Some people experienced not one, but several of these traumas in childhood.

As a rule, cancer suffers from a person who wants to live in love and harmony with his loved ones so much that he suppresses anger, resentment or hatred towards one of the parents for too long. Many are also angry with God for what they have experienced. At the same time, they forbid themselves to show these negative feelings; the latter, meanwhile, accumulate and intensify whenever an event reminds of an old psychological trauma. And the day comes when a person reaches his emotional limit - everything seems to explode in him, and then cancer begins. Cancer can occur both during a period of emotional stress and after conflict resolution.

mental blocking

If you are suffering from cancer, you need to realize that you suffered greatly as a child and that now you must allow yourself to be ordinary person, that is, give yourself the right to be angry with your parents. The main reason for your problems is that you experience your psychological trauma (suffering) alone. Perhaps you hope sooner or later to free yourself from this suffering. But the most important need of your soul and your heart is to find true love. The ideal way to do this is to forgive those you hate.

Keep in mind that forgiveness is not just about getting rid of feelings of anger or resentment. The most difficult thing for a cancer patient is to forgive himself for having evil thoughts or for seeking revenge, even if not fully conscious. Forgive your inner child who silently suffers and has already experienced rage and resentment alone. Stop thinking that being angry at someone means being angry. Anger is a common human feeling. I suggest that you go through all the stages of forgiveness described at the end of this book.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true self, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. The answers to these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

Reading posts:


Physical blocking


Physical blocking

This description refers to those who are ill with PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION. For those who suffer from temporary emotional depression caused by adverse life circumstances or some unpleasant event, it is better to refer to the articles AGORAPHOBIA, ANXIETY or ANXIETY.
The main symptoms of depression are: loss of interest in daily activities, feelings of despair or depression, accompanied by fatigue or loss of energy, inability to concentrate, indifference, isolation, constant thinking about the same thing. As a rule, a person suffering from depression does not want to be helped, and believes that everything is fine with him, but others should change. He does not sleep well, even if he takes sleeping pills. He doesn't talk much and tends to avoid people. He may even want to commit suicide. Depression is often confused with OCCUPATIONAL EXHAUSTMENT. To clarify the differences between these two disorders, see the article WASTE.

Emotional blocking

Depression is a defense against pressure pressing, especially emotional. A person resorts to this remedy when he feels that he is no longer able to withstand emotional stress. My long-term observations show that people who are in a bad relationship with a parent of the opposite sex are more susceptible to depression. This explains the fact that a person who is in a state of depression tends to blame the spouse for everything. This is one of the varieties of psychological transference. For example, a man suffering from depression treats his wife the way he would like to, but does not dare to treat his mother. By refusing to accept help, he continues to feed the anger or hatred he felt towards the parent of the opposite sex and sinks into his pain.

mental blocking

Since a person in a state of depression usually does not want to help himself and does not ask for help from others, only those who live next to him can bring him out of this state. If one of your friends or relatives suffers from depression, I advise you to deal with this person firmly and decisively. Tell him that no one can help him unless he helps himself.
The most important thing for him is to realize that depression is caused by mental suffering suffered in childhood or adolescence. He refuses to be who he is. The most common psychological block is the feeling of being rejected or the fear of being rejected. A person suffering from depression should think about the fact that even if he was rejected in childhood or adolescence, this does not mean at all that his parents did not love him. Most likely, the parent who rejected him also at one time was rejected by father or mother. The first step in getting rid of depression is to feel compassion for this parent and try to understand him.

If a depressed person has suicidal thoughts, something has most likely died in him to make room for something new, but he perceives this dead part of himself as his whole personality as a whole.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

In order to understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true I ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. The answers to these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

I emphasize that many human diseases are also the result of energy blockages and entities, including demonic ones (uncontrollable depression, anger, aggression).

Examples from my practice:

What doctors often mistake for a cancerous growth on the skin, as several sessions have shown, is a consequence of the presence of a snake-like entity that has laid its eggs in this place. It is mainly found in the armpits, sometimes on the legs.

Headaches and migraines are often caused by implants and blocked upper chakras. Gray dust or slime is also common. Gray mist can also block energy flows in the head, causing pain.

The joints hurt as a result of the penetration of a substance into them, which is usually seen by the wards as dark dust or fog (in some cases this is a gray fog, but not in all)

The liver does not necessarily hurt as a result of alcohol, but may be soaked or encased in gray-green mucus. The same applies to all other internal organs.

Also, many ailments are the cause of multiple medicines, vaccinations, and foodstuffs that the system* stuffs us with as part of multidimensional gain. For example bread:

The main thing - do not forget that all these things happen as lessons, and our thoughts form our reality, and the less negative we radiate, the less we get involved in various social brawls and allow ourselves rudeness, anger, envy, greed and pettiness, the less We attract both physical and psychological ailments. Non-involvement in the games of duality is one of the most important factors in maintaining one's own health, and healthy indifference has never bothered anyone)

Physical blocking

Venereal diseases are sexually transmitted.

Emotional blocking

Since any venereal disease causes shame in the patient, its main cause is false modesty, unconsciously manifested in the sexual sphere. Venereal disease indicates that one part of the patient's personality seeks sexual relations, and the other wants to prevent this. Afraid of falling under someone's influence, he does not give himself the right to love sex and, perhaps, even depend on it in some way. In addition, he doubts that he has chosen the right sexual partner.

mental blocking

It is interesting to note that the number of venereal diseases is growing every year, despite all the successes of medicine in the fight against them. Any of these diseases reminds you that you have a wrong attitude towards sex. You have to express your sexuality the way you want. Remember that your body belongs only to you and that you do not have to report to anyone.

VEINS (problems)

WEIGHT (problems)



THYMUS (problems)

The thymus gland, or thymus, is located in the lower part of the neck and is central authority immune system. See the article HEART (problems) and the explanation below.

The thymus gland connects the physical body of a person with his heart chakra (energy center). Violation of the functions of this gland speaks of blocked energy, of stagnation in the heart. It is interesting to note that this gland reaches its maximum size by the age of two, and then begins to decrease. In most adults, it is almost completely atrophied. Corresponding to this atrophy is undoubtedly the increasing atrophy of our ability to love ourselves with age.

If the thymus gland did not atrophy, this would significantly increase our immunity to various diseases (for example, to AIDS); and I am sure that within a few generations, scientists will notice that this gland has ceased to atrophy in many adults. "Immunity" means "protection", "shelter"; thus, a problem with immunity suggests that a person does not love himself enough and hides only behind everyday worries. A person's immunity will be strengthened when he again begins to love himself with unconditional love - as all the great teachers of the past centuries taught us to do.


Physical blocking

A virus is a microorganism that can only be seen with a microscope. Viruses are one of the smallest living beings and the most primitive among them. Their size allows them to be and penetrate literally everywhere, but they can only multiply inside living cells.

Emotional blocking

If a person falls ill with a viral disease, this indicates that he has succumbed to some thought form that he himself created and which prevents him from being himself. In order for the disease to penetrate the emotional and mental bodies, cracks must form in them. These cracks actually form when a person experiences anger or hatred. Thus, a viral illness is almost always a sign of resentment or hatred. In order to find out with which area of ​​the patient's life these negative emotions are associated, one should find out the purpose of the affected part of the body.


Vitiligo is depigmentation of the skin. It is characterized by the appearance on the skin of white spots of various shapes and sizes, and the skin remains quite healthy. See article

Physical ailments prevent a huge number of people from living a normal life, and often we turn to traditional medicine to understand what exactly we are dealing with. But by doing this, we lose touch with the ancient wisdom that says that physical pain is just a manifestation of the fact that not everything is in order metaphysically.

One way or another, when something hurts, you should not immediately reach for the pills. The problem is much deeper. Our physical body sends messages from the metaphysical being where energy and spirituality are concentrated. But we often misunderstand these messages and do not even try to get to the bottom of the truth. Unfortunately, this is the way of modern medicine.

The traditional approach to treatment suggests that pain should be treated with medication or surgery. This means that we simply distract the pain receptors in the body, or simply cut off the damaged organ. Such a solution can be valuable in critical situations, but often the pain must become unbearable for us to realize that disharmony is present.

Psychologists who specialize in the trauma of depression say that chronic pain cannot be caused by trauma alone. It also appears as a result of stress and emotional problems. Very often, the function of physical pain is a warning that a person has to do more emotional work on himself.

There are various energy levels related to the holistic healing of a person in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual terms. If you are suffering from any of the types of pain described below, these general observations will serve as a guide to help you heal. You will expand your awareness beyond own life in order to further understand how this disharmony is reflected in the world around you, whether it be a family, a circle of friends, a country or the Universe.


A general headache indicates a distance from the truth in one form or another. Chinese medicine assumes that the type of headache you are experiencing is sending you a specific message.




This is the center of communication, self-expression of feelings and truth. A sore throat is a sign that you are unable to express your true self. When we hide from reality and do not talk about it, it creates pressure in the throat, which leads to soreness.


Chinese medicine regards the front of the body as the Yin side. The chest nourishes our connection to the breath of life. Pain in the chest area is seen as a denial of the mother and women's duty.

Solar plexus

It will mark self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem. Pain in this area indicates conflicts in your life. By focusing on anger, the negative ego hinders your confidence.


This body represents the "digestion" of change: new ideas and ways of doing things. Metaphysics suggests that we process new concepts in a similar way to how we digest food. We swallow an idea, break it down and absorb what we need. Just as food is good for health, so we must "nourish" our metaphysical state every day. Stomach pain is a sign of fear, fear of the new and inability to accept new experiences.

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Metaphysics - (Greek meta ta physica - literally: after physics) - a philosophical doctrine of the primary foundations of any being or the essence of the world.

Metaphysics of health - “Traditional medicine recognizes that at least 75% of all diseases are psychosomatic, that is, they have both physical and mental or emotional causes.

The metaphysical component of the disease is the factors operating outside the physical level.

When our body begins to speak to us in the language of disease, illness, and other physical problems, it wants us to become aware of and change the way we think or act.” (Liz Burbo "Your body says: love yourself!)

Loads on human organs and systems

Our program does not include standard diagnostics and we do not mean to carry out with you medical measures of either a traditional or non-traditional nature. We can help you figure out which organs and systems are currently most actively involved in your life when:

Activation of your will;

Solving certain situations;

Overcoming psychological problems;

Due to the way you solve your tasks, certain organs and systems experience the greatest load, and "take the hit."

If you have a genetic predisposition to diseases of these organs and systems of the body or already have specific diseases, then these loads can provoke the development of a new disease or exacerbation of existing diseases. By removing or at least relaxing the load, you can significantly help your body or even completely remove the cause of your illness.

Several ways to prevent stress.

Charging water with color vibrations

Technique "Charging water with color vibrations"

Water perfectly perceives, stores and transmits information, this has been proven by numerous scientific experiments.

Pour a glass (crystal) transparent glass to the top with clean transparent water, better than spring water, but it can also be filtered.

Put on a lighted (preferably sunlight) place on a stand of the color you need for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Water will "perceive" save and give you the energy-information vibration of the color you need.

"Colored water should be drunk slowly, in small sips.






Has a tonic effect

Eliminates congestion

Energizes the entire body




Has an antidepressant effect

Increases mental and physical performance

Relieves fatigue

Beneficial effect on the digestive system

High blood pressure

strong arousal


Harmonizes underweight or overweight

Promotes detoxification

Increases immunity

Positively affects the nervous system, interhemispheric relations

Sleep disturbance

General arousal



Emotion stabilization


Strengthening the immune system

There are no direct contraindications, but it is not advisable to use in case of neoplasms; use turquoise


Metabolic disease


Slag removal

Severe depression


Pain-relieving body and soul

Sleep improvement

Provides support when trying to break bad habits

Fatigue mental and physical



Decreases the activity of the nervous system

Favorably affects headaches, concussions, any inflammatory processes


depressive states

Candle color

To harmonize the psycho-emotional state and adapt to situations, we offer you a well-known method.

Buy a candle in the color you want. Melting, it will saturate the space with its vibrations.

Sit in a quiet place and light a candle, taking precautions, chosen for your task or mood.

It is desirable that no one disturbs you.

Contemplate the candle flame and let thoughts flow freely. Don't stress, let the colored energy of the candle do its thing.

When the candle burns out and goes out on its own, do not rush to get up. Sit for a few more minutes and remember the properties of this color.





A symbol of love, health and goal achievement, passion and sexual energy, vitality.


A symbol of joy and success. Attracts people and other things.


Teaches to see the fulfillment of desires.


For growth and achievement. Stimulates energy, abundance and wealth.


Awakens faith in life processes. The symbol of life.


For spiritual understanding. Awakens natural receptivity, intuition. To get fast money.


Awakens success, exaltation and the achievement of spiritual values.


Symbol of love and success.


Promotes understanding. Stimulates the activity of dreams.


Clears space and thoughts from negativity.

Aroma oils and color

Aromatization of air has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, on the respiratory organs, disinfects the room and purifies the air of harmful impurities, and has a healing effect on the entire body. Aromas can not only improve well-being, but also cure colds, headaches and other ailments.






sandalwood, clove

Fruity, spicy earthy scent


Mandarin tree, cinnamon tree

Fruity, spicy, fresh


Citronella, lemongrass

Fruity, lemony, forest aroma


Rosemary, Scottish Pine

Fresh, herbal wood scent


Juniper, myrtle, lily of the valley

Sweet, wood scent


Lily of the valley, blue chamomile

Sweet smell of the forest


Violet, lavender



pink geranium

Floral and sweet


Balsam, mint

Floral, fruity, forest fragrance


Sesame, California laurel, laurel

Healing, warm, stimulating

Nutrition: foods and trace elements

Color is one of the properties of food, just like smell, texture and taste. Due to their color, food excites our appetite and stimulates salivation. Moreover, often we instinctively choose the food whose properties we associate with its color. For example, we eat oranges as a tonic, and meat to restore energy levels when we are tired or have been doing physical labor for a long time.





Tomatoes, red berries, plums, apples, radishes, cherries, raspberries, red and cayenne peppers, watermelon, beets, red beans, lean meats, red wine.

They cleanse the body, stimulate digestion and metabolism, provide a good mood and increase efficiency.


Apricots, carrots, mangoes, oranges, nectarines, melon, pumpkin, tangerines, dates, sea buckthorn.

Stimulates digestion and breakdown of harmful substances that enter the body from environment create a good mood.


Bananas, eggs, figs, persimmons, corn, lemons, mustard, olive oil, peaches, cherry plums, squash, papaya.

Remove toxins from the body, improve metabolism and burn fat.


Avocado, beans, broccoli, spinach, sorrel, zucchini, lettuce, green vegetables, peas, herbs, kiwi, cucumbers, pears, rhubarb, seaweed, green bell pepper, green apples.


They reduce the level of acidity, normalize the acid-base balance, provide balance and harmonization at the physical and emotional level.

Blue color reduces appetite.


Blue grapes, blue plums, blueberries.

The blue color carries psychologically a sense of stability, restraint, peace.


Red beet juice, poppy, blueberries, black elderberry, dark grapes, eggplant, red cabbage, blackberries, black currants.

Relieve tension, calm nerves, provide healthy sleep.


Shrimp, pink grapes, pink radish.

Harmonizes, improves mood


Products are yellow and orange.


Fennel, asparagus, white cabbage, potatoes, onion, garlic, coconut pulp, rice, milk, cottage cheese, champignons, white wine, egg white.

Removes water from the body and gives the skin freshness.