Lera Kudryavtseva. Photos before and after plastic surgery, in youth, without makeup, age, figure parameters

In our traditional section, he talks about miraculous beauty injections and the very efficient way quickly lose a couple of kilograms, and also explains why you can’t drink tea immediately after eating.

- Valeria, you are 47 years old, and young girls can envy your figure. Do you do a lot of sports?

Of course, after all, this is youth. Yes, you can do plastic surgery by “tying” the skin at the back of the head. But a light gait, graceful posture, healthy joints - in general, everything that distinguishes the young - will not be given to you by any surgeon. I used to be fond of aerobics, and now I alternate yoga, which I mastered on my own, using video courses, with a set of exercises on a vibration platform simulator. I do either one or the other for at least an hour a day. Tours are no exception. After all, yoga can be practiced anywhere: to lay a mat and take a certain asana, you need only a couple of square meters of space. Of course, you won’t take my favorite simulator with you on the road, but it is available in the fitness centers of many hotels. I also try to walk more. In the summer we relax at our home in Switzerland, and I deliberately walk almost an hour to the nearest gym, although Yosya can take me there in five minutes by car.

- Many of our heroines claim that they may not weigh themselves for years. Like, your favorite jeans will immediately tell you whether you have lost weight or gained weight. Do you also use scales?

I use it and how! Without them, I go nowhere, even on trips I take with me. Although my weight doesn’t fluctuate much - as it was at the age of 18, 55 kilos, it is. And in order to lose weight, say, three kilograms, I have to make superhuman efforts, go on a hunger strike. But I can get better a little, for example, on vacation, when I allow too much in food. But if I see that I am approaching a critical point, I immediately take action.

“At least two or three times a week, I definitely work out for an hour on my favorite vibration platform simulator. Although my weight doesn’t fluctuate much - as it was at the age of 18, 55 kilograms, it is so ” Photo: Elena Sukhova

- And how do you lose weight?

During my life I have tried absolutely all diets from the Kremlin to Dukan. The latter is very effective when you urgently need to lose weight - the protein "dries" the figure, removes excess water. So, if I need to lose a couple of kilos in a short time, I refuse fruits that are high in sugar and switch to protein foods. Even if at 10 pm I eat 200 grams of meat or fish without a side dish - I'm losing weight! In addition, this system is good because you can safely go to a restaurant with friends and not sit there with a lean mine, counting calories, but eat like everyone else. And yet, any diet, especially mono, disrupts the usual balance in the body, knocks down the work gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, I rarely resort to protein, and I generally refused the rest. Previously, I could easily sit for a whole week only on buckwheat, rice or kefir, but now I can’t even think about it. My choice is moderate and proper nutrition. We have not fried anything for a long time and do not eat fatty meats: pork, 5% milk, 25% sour cream ... We have completely lost the habit of smoked meats. From meat, we prefer veal or chicken, which we cook on a grill, bake in a sleeve or stew. By the way, I like fish and seafood much more. In my opinion, there is nothing tastier than a juicy salmon steak. And no garnish is needed for it. I also “got hooked” on quinoa groats, in which there is a lot of protein, vitamins and trace elements. I use it both as a side dish and as a salad ingredient.

The famous actress and TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva was very lucky with her figure. With a height of 167 centimeters, her weight ranges from 49-50 kg.

At the same time, she can eat whatever her heart desires and not gain weight. As the TV presenter herself notes, classes in gyms, on simulators are not for her, Lera does not play sports at all. With a fairly active lifestyle, Lera Kudryavtseva eats rarely and in small portions, which makes it easy to maintain normal weight.

Growth- 167 cm

The weight- 50 kg

Since childhood, Lera was a rather thin girl and gorged herself very quickly. This habit of eating little, at most a light breakfast and a rather hearty dinner, has survived to this day. Three meals a day is too much for her.

TV presenter's favorite products: vegetables, fish. Although the TV presenter tries to eat right: she does not eat meat, eats cheese, more vegetables, but, with all this, she cannot deny herself sweets. Chocolates, pastries, cakes and various buns, with raisins, croissants with almond cream, are especially loved by her.

Lera Kudryavtseva: photo motivation

She always has a kind of carbohydrate doping in her purse: a couple of favorite sweets. Since Lera Kudryavtseva has a thin bone, any extra kilogram is very noticeable, and already at a weight of 51 kg, the TV presenter begins to experience discomfort.

Lera Kudryavtseva is a popular Russian TV and radio host, winner of the TEFI award, multiple host of the Muz-TV Prize and the New Wave music festival. Particular attention of viewers was attracted by the author's program "Secret for a Million" on the NTV channel, where stars have to share the details of their personal lives for the sake of a cash prize.


Valeria Lvovna Kudryavtseva is from Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. The future celebrity was born on May 19, 1971 in the family of modest scientists Lev Nikolaevich and Alexandra Ivanovna Kudryavtsev.

Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming famous. The first step towards the dream was to enter the faculty of theater directing at the Cultural Education College of her hometown. Lera decided to continue her studies in the capital and entered GITIS, where she graduated from the acting department of the pop faculty.

TV career

Lera Kudryavtseva started her career with backup dancers and backing vocals with famous artists. Until 1995, Lera went on stage with Bogdan Titomir, Evgeny Osin, Igor Sarukhanov, and also with Svetlana Vladimirskaya.

On the way to glory, purposeful and beautiful girl supported by the influential actor Igor Vernik, who led her to try her hand at television. Lera successfully passed the casting for the Party Zone program on the TV-6 channel.

Young Lera Kudryavtseva in the program "Party Zone"

Now Kudryavtseva is sure that it is impossible to get into Russian show business "from the street" - connections and useful acquaintances are needed everywhere. However, the girl does not disclose the details of her hit on the air, in addition to the help of Igor Vernik. According to one version, Valeria was helped by her first husband, a musician of the once popular band "Tender May".

From the very first filming, Lera Kudryavtseva showed herself on the good side and established herself as a first-class presenter. Since 1995, Kudryavtseva has hosted such programs as "Party Zone" and "Muzoboz" on TV-6, as well as "Test of Fidelity" on Muz-TV and participated in the "Club of Ex-Wives" project on TNT. She became one of the multiple hosts of the musical shows "Song of the Year", "Muz-TV Prize" and "New Wave".

But the ambitious Lera decided not to forget about her acting education. As an actress, Kudryavtseva made her debut in 2004 in the TV series Streets broken lanterns. Cops 6". In 2006 and 2007, Lera took part in the filming of the continuation of the film about law enforcement officers: “Streets of Broken Lights. Cops 7" and "Cops 8" (2006, 2007).

In 2007, the film "On the Roof of the World" followed, and then - "The Best Movie" (2007), where Lera played a girl of easy virtue in the company of others socialites. In 2008, Lera became the heroine of three more films: Adventurers, Oh, Lucky Man and A Very Russian Detective.

Since 2009, Lera, together with Andrei Razygraev, has hosted the Cultural Exchange program on the TV Center TV channel. In 2011, the presenter starred in an erotic photo shoot for MAXIM magazine, which earned her the title of one of the "most desirable women" of the year.

In 2013, Kudryavtseva launched her own program on Muz-TV "Show with Lera Kudryavtseva", where Lera acted as a provocative interviewer for the guests of the show - celebrities of Russian show business.

Personal life of Lera Kudryavtseva

The first husband of Lera was the musician of the group "Tender May" Sergey Lenyuk, with whom they signed in 1990. At the age of 18, Kudryavtseva gave birth to his son Jean, whom she named after her favorite actor Jean-Claude Van Damme.

The marriage with Lenyuk lasted only two years - family happiness broke into life. The couple lived with their mother-in-law, which depressed Leroux. In addition to everyday troubles, the husband cheated on the girl with fans. At one point, Kudryavtseva's patience snapped, she took her son and left her husband. Lera was going through a breakup very hard - she fell into depression and became addicted to alcohol. However, the girl found the strength to return to normal life.

The second time Lera married businessman Matvey Morozov in 2004. The couple signed three months after they met. Both spouses worked hard and rarely crossed paths at home. However, this union also ended in divorce - 3 years later, when Matvey Morozov was imprisoned for fraud and illegal border crossing.

The TV presenter hid the details of her personal life with her second husband for a long time, and explained the constant absence of her other half by the fact that her husband goes on business trips abroad. According to investigators, the swindler deceived more than 660 people in the amount of 12 million rubles. As all the details of his business were revealed, Kudryavtseva filed for divorce.

"Alone with everyone" with Lera Kudryavtseva

In 2008, Lera Kudryavtseva found her happiness with Sergey Lazarev, who was not much older than her son. For 4 years, fans of the stars followed their union, which never ended in a wedding - in 2012, Lera and Sergey broke up, maintaining friendly relations.

In 2013, Kudryavtseva married hockey player Igor Makarov - many stars of domestic show business attended their magnificent wedding. The famous TV presenter admitted that she had finally met her happiness.

Lera Kudryavtseva now

Lera Kudryavtseva hosts her author's program "Secret for a Million" on the NTV channel, which is very popular with viewers. Participants of the show - well-known personalities - must go through a kind of lie detector from Kudryavtseva, answering questions about the most intimate or even shameful. The more "scary" the question, the higher the price for a sincere answer. In 2017, Anastasia Volochkova visited Kudryavtseva's program

When divorce proceedings begin for the stars, on the one hand, a golden time comes for law firms that represent the interests of this process, and on the other hand, celebrities begin a migraine period, because often hundreds of millions have to be divided. So the divorce of Brad Pitt and Jolie lasted a very decent time. After all, the couple could not share not only children, but also a large amount of real estate and money in bank accounts. According to rumors, even after divorcing, they still share something.

But the divorce of Nicolas Cage almost went bankrupt. Everything that was acquired over the years of his career turned out to be on the verge of division. no one knows yet. But most likely the last one will be taken away from the actor.

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So, if you are planning a divorce like the stars, then you will definitely need a divorce lawyer. To make an appointment, visit advokat-plus.com. Perhaps, thanks to the competent actions of a lawyer, you can avoid major losses in the upcoming process.


Russian singer and radio host of Georgian origin, former member of the "Star Factory" and performed 5 song hits "Vova-Plague", "London-Paris", "Time", "Absinthe Drops", "I'm with you" and "Moon"

Irakli's height is 177 cm

Russian musician, TV and radio host, actor, screenwriter, director and producer. Since 2007 - co-owner of the Gazgolder label. Since October 2019 - the owner of the SKA football club.

Bast's height is 181 cm

Yolka (real name Elizaveta Valdemarivna Ivantsiv) was born in 1982 in the city of Uzhgorod, in the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. She participated in school amateur performances, sang in the choir, studied in a vocal circle, first participated in the school, and then in the city KVN team. In 2001, at a festival in Moscow, the young singer was noticed by Vlad Valov, the famous SHEF, the father of Russian hip-hop and a successful producer.

Height Tree 162 cm

Soviet and Russian rock musician, poet, artist, singer, leader of the Mumiy Troll group. By education - an orientalist. Representative of Russia in the International Tiger Coalition. Honorary Citizen of Vladivostok, holder of the Order of Merit for Vladivostok, first degree. Grandson of the architect, Hero of Socialist Labor Vitaly Pavlovich Lagutenko.

Ilya Lagutenko's height is 168 cm

Russian singer, musician, member of the Roots group, which became the winner of the Star Factory musical project. Born: April 5, 1983 (age 36), Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

Height Alexey Kabanov 173 cm


Brandon Lee is a martial artist, actor, son of the legendary Bruce Lee, who tragically died on the set of the movie The Crow, which brought him posthumous fame. Brandon Bruce Lee was born on February 1, 1965 and became the first child in the family of the famous Chinese actor Bruce Lee and his wife Linda Emery. Brandon's childhood was spent mainly in Hong Kong. There he studied Cantonese and began to practice martial arts. From an early age, his father, Bruce, put a huge part of his son's upbringing into teaching him the skill of kung fu. He sought to convey to Brandon as much of his skills as possible, which for him were not just a sport or a way to protect, but a whole life philosophy. Despite his worldwide fame, his father's star status gave Brandon more trouble than happiness. It all started with the fact that he had to travel to school accompanied by security guards, because his family was afraid that his son might be kidnapped or harmed. Then, after the death of his father, Brandon Lee began to be perceived as the son of a great master, rather than a self-sufficient person and personality. Then Brandon became a difficult teenager, whose behavior forced his teachers to repeatedly raise the issue of expelling the actor from the academy of martial arts, where his mother arranged. Despite his reticence and some aggressiveness, which often made people shun him, Brandon grew up as a well-read and enthusiastic young man. He liked music, he was very good at playing the guitar and even wrote songs himself.

Brandon Lee's height is 183 cm

TV star Lera Kudryavtseva is the owner of a chiseled figure, over which years have no power. Although Lera has long turned forty, her usual weight is 50 kg with a height of 167 cm. Kudryavtseva has never significantly gained weight. The blooming appearance of the famous blonde gave rise to many rumors about her magical diet. The star's participation in the Eat and Lose Weight program also added fuel to the fire. But Lera herself denies all gossip.

The secret of harmony

According to Kudryavtseva, her graceful forms are the merit of good heredity. A star by nature light bone and a very fast metabolism. With such a predisposition, it is easy to maintain a small weight even in adulthood. Fashion for fitness bypassed the leading side. In a recent interview, Kudryavtseva admitted that she goes to the gym 2-3 times a year. What helps Lera to stay so slim?

First of all, a busy day. Filming, trips, social events - there is simply not enough time in this schedule for good nutrition. Often, Kudryavtseva eats 1-2 times a day, restoring her strength with coffee. The host “heals” nerves by smoking. quit bad habit Lera is not given huge loads and stresses. As you know, nicotine dulls the work of taste buds and discourages appetite. However, cigarettes are a dangerous way to lose weight, because they cause more harm to health than the most strict diets.

The diet of Lera Kudryavtseva

Nutrition leading far from the ideal advice of nutritionists. Kudryavtseva rarely eats breakfast and can do without lunch. If the presenter manages to find time for a meal in her work schedule, she goes to a restaurant where she orders small portions of her favorite food. Nevertheless, Lera cannot deny herself a hearty dinner. In the evenings, the star even eats desserts - she loves sweets in any form. The same is true with cheese, a rather high-calorie product.

But Lera is indifferent to fast food, canned food and sausages, rarely eats meat and fish. For several years, the presenter adhered to a vegetarian diet. Lera grew up in Kazakhstan and is a fan of Soviet cuisine. She prefers vinaigrette, mashed potatoes, salads with mayonnaise to exquisite overseas dishes. But fruits rarely appear on the table of the presenter.

Kudryavtseva neglects physical activity and the gym

Sample daily menu

  • Breakfast: a glass of black and fruit tea.
  • Lunch: black bread with cheese and butter / scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
  • Dinner: cookies, soup or salad. Lera often skips this meal.
  • Dinner: potatoes, meat or fish dishes, sweets.

From the point of view of specialists, Kudryavtseva's nutrition system is fundamentally wrong. The main meals for any diet are a hearty breakfast and a balanced lunch. Dinner is best made light, but eating before bedtime is completely prohibited. It is worth noting that in the favorite dishes of the host there are few vitamins and useful trace elements. Lera's menu is unlikely to help lose weight, but it can harm the body.

The star revised her attitude to nutrition when she became the host of the Eat and Lose Weight program. TV show participants got rid of excess weight, preparing ordinary dishes with the replacement of components with less high-calorie ones. But Kudryavtseva fails to follow their example: she has too little time to spend on cooking.

The only diet that Lera used is based on apples and cottage cheese

Cottage cheese-apple diet Kudryavtseva

In an interview, Lera says that she recovered greatly only once - after childbirth. Then the future star gained 18 kg. Rumor has it that the young mother sat on bread, green apples and low-fat cottage cheese for several months - and the extra pounds quickly melted away. Kudryavtseva herself says that constant care for the child and housework helped her regain her former shape.

Daily diet of curd-apple diet

  • Breakfast: two loaves and two apples.
  • Snack: 100 grams of cottage cheese with apples.
  • Dinner: two sandwiches of cottage cheese and bread.
  • Afternoon snack: Apple.
  • Dinner: 200 grams of cottage cheese.

This diet is very simple and brings excellent results. With a small set of products, the diet is rich in nutrients. Cottage cheese contains calcium, bread - carbohydrates, and apples - a lot of vitamins. You can diversify dishes by adding greens or pieces of fruit to the cottage cheese. Of course, you should not sit on such a diet for weeks, but you can use it as a menu for a fasting day.